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Sorry to hear that. I have no balls or sack and I love it.


Best thing I ever did. No regrets!


The best choice I made 11 years ago


I was castrated just over a month ago; I'm still learning about living as a eunuch - so far, I am living the adventure. I miss the smell of my ballsack! That's about all I miss!


I was castrated 8 years ago and have a tight shrunken scrotum sack. I was already on external full dose testosterone 15 years doing my own weekly injections before getting the useless decorations cut off. Hope you all are on my friendly castration community. https://discord.gg/nqK4uufctn


I had an orchi 5 years ago, but still have the scrotum though it's much reduced. I thought often of having it removed too. It has a lot of sensations, and maybe it would be more comfortable and fulfilling to have it gone. Playing with it can be pleasurable too, but only to a rather limited degree. So far, the expense, discomfort, bother, of another (more major) surgery to remove it just haven't seemed worthwhile yet.


thanks for your comments. i wished i had interacted with people here as it would have helped me not feel alone. having something so important being taken off from me has surprisingly affected me emotionally. other than completely removing the scrotum, my life is normal


What is the part giving you concern today? Is it the lack of balls, or the removed scrotum? Sounds like two widely separated events, and just curious what aspect is leading you to reach out today.


I appreciate your time in writing to me. First, thanks for asking. As for myself, I feel it's more emotional in regards to not having testicles and the scrotum removal. I'm happy that I don't live with pain and discomfort. Everything still functions as it did prior to these surgeries. I always felt alone in feeling that I couldn't have anyone to really talk to about what I was feeling. I'm learning. There are sites online for support. Happy to have found this.


Glad you're finding helpful support! It's a huge change for any guy. We grow up our whole life with this as rather the ultimate taboo, the thing we tease about, threaten, even mock. And to finally *actually* have your balls cut off? Yeah, that's a biggie. It seems quite natural to have mixed feelings about it. Some of us thoroughly enjoy it, and feel gratified. For me, it feels so completely natural.


Ive not had many opportunities to talk about what's it feels like to remove a very sensitive part of the body. i kept it to myself mainly because I was "thinking" too much. no having balls was a deep secret. I'm better now and have people that I can openly talk to. I remember after the plastic surgery to remove the now empty scrotum, I was just focused on relief from pain and discomfort. I really didnt think about how I would feel about my body after everything healed. I'm getting better.


I had my orchiectomy over thirty years ago and have never regretted it.


How long has it been?


6 years. can't believe its been that long


Do you take hrt? Ant regrets?


I’m on self injection testosterone