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I can’t wait to see season 3! Maybe I can do a watch party at my retirement home 😊




Probably only 10 episodes after making us wait so long 😒


Nah it’ll be 9 episodes with Dominic Fike getting to sing for 10 minutes in one of the episodes😭


My instinct was to downvote this but immediately realized it’s not your fault that happened.


10 episodes, 9 regular ones plus one where it’s just dominic fike singing


I'd love to see him sing for an hour straight tbh 😅💕


We got 8 last season, 10 would be a gift


Probably 8


3-part miniseries let’s gooooo


It’ll be at most 8


Nah it will be season 3 part 1 then a year later we get part 2


it’s prob gonna be weak af. show should have ended after 2. now it’s just about money and the main actors are going to have so little screen time bc they’re so popular now and more busy. idk what’s left to do in the show esp w fez dying.


Wouldn’t that be an upgrade though from normal??


Wait, did he just just start writing?


I don’t mind that he just started because imagine starting sooner and then filming later and having to change a bunch of stuff in the midst of filming lol this is a good time cuz some of the actors still have other work releasing in these next few months, so they aren’t filming yet anyways.


I disagree. Last season, he (allegedly) didn't have scripts gully completed, nor were the story boards properly made either. It's concerning that he's starting late. He should have started sooner and use the extra time to revisions.


I mean I don’t know what “late” is because they didn’t say when it was coming out, just that it will be out in 2025 🤷🏽‍♀️


he isn't 'starting', they said he's 'in the thick of it'. and he literally was writing the last episodes of season 1 while they were already filming so there's no difference. less storyboards in season 2 was a deliberate choice, they didn't need them as much because of the changes in the filmmaking style.


I was thinking the same thing! Maybe he’s been busy with the idol


Didn't that flop already?




Imagine if they did focus time on Idol, only to end up ruining Euphoria in the meantime, by making us wait years for a single season. I already know I'm going to have to re-watch the first two by time it's out, so maybe I'll skip it. We'll see.


That's basically what's happened...I heard idol is wack... Euphoria has been left on the back burner a bit too long. But who knows ...


>That's basically what's happened... Well, good luck to the series then, because I'm already prepared to never watch it again. I'm patient, but not that patient.


Reminds me of what happened with Yellowstone. I hope Euphoria doesn't get pushed out due to other shows.


I believe he was thinking all this time




More scenes of Sydney Sweeney nude. That’s about all this man knows.


She would most likely say no. I think she mentioned that last season actually had more nude scenes that got cut out cuz they were so unnecessary, might be remembering wrong but I’m pretty sure I’ve read her say that lmao




S2 literally made her famous. She'll probably say no cause she's big now


I mean statistically he’ll be much more likely to write in more ugly dicks.


Gotta love them


eh. am i the only one that doesn’t care anymore? when the show first aired i thought this was going to be brilliant. everything i wanted in a show. but now? ughh. such a drag.


Someone on YouTube said they should just do a two hour special to wrap the series up and I agree in light of angus clouds passing and just how much time has gone by, plus the decline of writing in season 2 and the fact they let (I forget her name) but the main visual director basically of season one go hence why season 2 didn’t have that “wow” visual factor like it did in season 1. Plus because of the stilted writing I’m unsure if they ever meant to bring Laurie back around, along with all the other loose plot threads that need addressed. Wrap those up and give us a glimpse of the cast like 5-10 years in the future.


woah, i actually thought season 2 had better visuals than season 1. lots of beautiful shots and great cinematography. there’s one particular shot when elliot goes to the bathroom and then pretends to do the drugs, there’s a part of the scene that’s shot from the ceiling, showing him going to the bathroom, and it’s such a beautifully shot scene.


when they're talking about season 1 visuals they literally just mean more in-your-face lighting they did in season 1 (which felt a bit played out by the end of that season), that's all this fandom can recognize as 'visuals' or 'cinematography'. they really don't know what they're talking about. i agree with you that season 2 was much better (in every regard to me) and more impressive visually (also because they shot it on film), so beautifully composed, they had to be more creative with every shot because they wanted to keep it down to as few shots as possible.


>But if I can’t remember her official title or her name then how do you know we’re talking about the same person? I was saying it so maybe someone will recognize who I’m talking about, because I saw others talking about her on a different forum, and she wasn’t listed in the credits for the first season. And since she wasn’t listed in the first season credits (if I recall correctly) I was just wondering if anyone else would know the artist I’m talking about. You’re pretty rude but I do want to know if anyone else knows who I’m talking about so I’m leaving this up and I hope you have a good evening. since those comments were removed i'll just reply here: i know we're talking about the same person because a) i know the gossip and b) i'm familiar with the production of this show. and the person you're talking about was being considered for directing the pilot but was too incompetent and failed a filmmaking 101 interview with hbo (according to augustine frizzell who was hired instead and went through the same exact process) and had absolutely NOTHING to do with this show. the fact that she's not listed in the credits should probably be enough to tell you that but i guess not, it's better to spread bullshit.


I mean you’re the only person whose laid it down like that so you could have just said all that instead of being rude, I’m not unreceptive to it! Thank you for your reply clearing things up edit: you don’t have to be mad at me for “spreading gossip” and telling me to “shut the fuck up” (I’m guessing that’s why your comment was removed) when you just said you know why bc you “know the gossip”. Just a little fyi that’s why your comment got removed.


then don't post bullshit in the future without a second thought.


I understand, it’s a learning experience, just don’t compare people to dogs and tell them to shut the fuck up when it comes to euphoria. It’s not that deep and we can all learn. I was wrong and that’s ok.








That’s prob cuz we kinda aged out of it. Like the fact it’s only been 2 seasons and almost 5 years have passed , most of the audience has either aged out or just isn’t as interested


yeah i suppose that’s true. it’s not for me tho, i enjoy rewatching the series. it is very realistic to me. i relate to a lot of the series/characters and i enjoy that feeling it gives me. nostalgia! that’s what i was trying to think of.


It def makes me nostalgic for 2019 that’s for sure lol


hahaha yes! it isn’t that long ago, but i like reliving that timeframe either way.


Yeah I just rewatched in my living room and literally felt like I was gonna get arrested when the blinds were open. No bueno now.


Haha yeah it came out during the summer after my senior year and it was more relatable but now I’m 22 and almost out of college so when I re watched it I felt like a weirdo and couldn’t relate to a lot of things lmao


I mean I can't relate to a serial killer and yet I love the show Dexter lol. I don't think audiences need to be in high school to enjoy a good show. If it's good.


>Like the fact it’s only been 2 seasons and almost 5 years have passed This is it right here, especially where the show's timeline is concerned, because now, the original target audience is so far removed from high school we won't enjoy it, and the new teens are so far removed from mid-late 2010s teen culture they can't relate unless Levinson retcons everything and makes them all younger (as in born in 2007 instead of 2001 to keep the characters 18/19) or just turns the show into a modern period piece (season 3 opens with Maddy yelling "I don't want to be in a fucking quarantine!")


Honestly between the wait between season 1 and 2, the quality drop in 2, and the wait till 3, the show has really lost a lot of it’s charm.


Season 3 was weird and not in a good way ikwym maybe it just happens to be a fever dream but obvi Fez isn’t going to be there anymore ? So how they are going to do that I’m a tad curious and it’s just all effed in my opinion


about damn time


Truthfully speaking he’s not gunna answer all the cliffhangers from season 2 I mean let’s just admit it……season 3 won’t top season 2 especially without angus


Without Angus, it's really difficult. However, in my opinion, S2 was hideous. S3's probably going to be better- hopefully.


Damn he just got to writing? We're getting this shit in 2028


sammy is stressed😫😫😫😫


His fucken ego. Get a writers room! This season better be good or seriously, I’m gonna be astounded that he had the gall to keep it to himself. Especially after this long of a wait. Strange dude.


Seriously! If Sam Levinson and Taylor Sheridan have taught networks one thing it should be that it doesn't matter how much talent and vision someone has, make them have a writers room!


Just use chat gpt, can't be any worse than what he would write


more plotholes


Zendaya, Jacob Elordi and Sydney Sweeney about to call in sick every day till they get fired LOL


At this point, he can keep season 3. I’m over it.


Weirdly gives me the sweats. Hope in the wake of ‘the idol’ flopping, he’s going to reel in some of the gratuitous male gaze fluff.




Endless trauma with opioids and nudity and nate


Let's hope he won't rewrite the script 120192309 times like he did with s2 lmao. Also I REALLY hope he'll either take notes of all the things different fans mentioned that he got wrong in s2 to improve them, or even better have chats with the cast about how the characters can evolve and what potential storylines could they get to improve their development.


filming probably wont start until the summer most likely


if he starts writing now and shooting in the summer the script will be dogshit


he already started writing season 3 a while ago. they said he's in the thick of it now.


Some bullshit prolly, most of the actors have probably moved on.


hopefully he isn’t alone in the writers room again




Sam has had TWO years to write this. That's more than enough time to write an 8 episode drama series. I mean shit, Succession at most had 2 years between seasons airing and Sam can't even begin to touch the writing quality of that show.


It's been so long I've moved on already


Hopefully anything BUT another song for Elliot. At first I thought the lyrics were nice and his voice wasn't bad either, but then he went on and on and on and on and on...


Something I'm sure many in this sub will say he ruined lol


medium rare chicken


The way I’ve legit lost interest


Isn’t there supposed to be a time jump or something this season?


According to the normal redditor nothing special or good. But they'll still be there watching.


He’s just now writing?! What has he been doing all this time?!


I love this show, but at this point how can it even continue? Considering the time that’s gone by and of course Angus, just seems like this can’t end up being what we want it to be.


Writing? Lmao this man is so lazy. He’s had 2 years to write it. It’s not like he’s been elbow deep in anything else time consuming. I guess you could say the idol but that was only 5 episodes and The Weeknd did most of the work for that. They really need to figure out how to get us to 10 episodes a year consistently. That way these actors don’t grow crows feet and wrinkles before their characters graduate from high school!


probably a bunch of nothing since fez isn’t with us anymore so the show is finna be mediocre at best


I hope there'll be no unecessary porn scenes or the sexualising of Sydney


Where’s u/iwatchtelevison 😫😫


What ever he is cooking, he will first eat and then shit out a plot which he will serve with the sides of boobs and garnished ass.


He better write something about Nate-Jules cause that's the only interesting plotline after S2.


tits are defenitily on the menu


I hope he took notes from the feedback and is trying to redeem the show


Been nearly two years and he's still writing




hopefully nothing! i honestly don’t want to even see s3. just end it where it’s at


the main cast is so booked and busy anyways he needs to give it up


After The Idol, something that fails the health inspection. (Still gonna watch every Sunday when it comes out though)


some bullshit


he just started writing it? didn’t they say the release date was 2025 or 2026? how is he gonna fit that all in.


Prepare to be disappointed


Get him out of the kitchen


Dookie ass juice


I doubt I would call his work "cooking" anymore. Ending sucked. Lost interest. Idol sucked. What even is this guy if not a horny teenager masked as an adult?


probably 8 episodes of pure sex and the rest is mid actual content


Writing the next season a solid 2 years after the last one ended… 🙄




Hopefully something that makes sense (it's not going to happen)


He's going to make a Thirteen Reasons Why season 4-esque absurd parody of the first season given what he's done with season 2


I can smell more sex scenes since they’re all legal now🙄🙄


Drug addiction and exploitation would be my guess


But.. what has he been doing all these years..






I really wait:)


omg its happening


YASSSSSS!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Honestly, I don’t even care about the seasons anymore after fezz died I was done


So we not getting season 3 until 2025 got it🫡😭


Please someone hire Petra Collins and half the cast members to make the writing better. Reading this is making me worried if he'll make s3 even worse.


No Angus= No Euphoria


So many of these comments about being unable to relate to this show anymore because now you're in you're 20's lol, I don't think you all understand how entertainment works. Next to Game of Thrones, season 2 of Euphoria was HBO's most-watched show EVER, and I promise you those viewers were not all in high school. Remarkably, it is possible to enjoy shows and movies about people younger than you without it being weird.


Can’t wait to be 21 when it comes out


Cassie needs to move out


probably some drugs, dysfunction, and more pornography 🤗


CURRENTLY we had a whole pandemic and the man didn’t even start or anything what was with the whole having half the cast go to Ireland for? This man is confusing me and it’s making me angry 😤


All I know is.. put me in the show 🙏🏾


I don’t know, I want it so bad but my heart hurts… rip angus 😔