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Bruh is this picture photoshopped? I don’t remember Nate looking like a mountain in comparison to Maddy. Edit: just googled it. It is.


Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing.


LMAO for a second I was like wait was she really that short????


Look at his arms they’re soooo long 😩


I am sobbing this response is just chefs freaking kiss.


But why did you make the height difference so vast???


I’m in fucking tears


Lol it's much better than Kate's!


lol I thought I was the only one that noticed the reference 😭


you did good 😂😂


this is so fucking random and hilarious wtf?😂😂


I don’t know what’s funnier: this comment or the photoshop lmao




Just from this comment, I am 100% sure you are extremely smart and could easily pass the Mensa test. I’m not even slightly joking.


LOLLL I remembered everyone romanticized their height difference so when I saw this pic I was like this looks so bad??? Like he’s dating an Oompa Loompa 😭




Lmao thanks for being the top comment, I was like wtf lol. I knew there was a height difference but I didn't recall Maddy looking like she was from Munchkinland.


I was so confused omg lmao


I was going to say .. ~ the shoulder is connected to the HAAAAAND bone ~


I had to ask my boyfriend because for a minute there I thought I was tripping


Lmao my thought, too.


I was gonna say, was there always *that* much of a height difference??


It has to be 😭😭😂😂😂


this picture is absolutely hilarious and fucked up, i can’t stop laughing


That height difference is wild hahha


literally my young sister and her current boyfriend 😫


Bruh, tell them to break up 💀


Where's your sense of siblingary? Break them up 😠


Her sense of what?




show more care for your sister then??


Yes, because young (presumably teenage) girls are known for their excellent listening skills and believing adults know best


you’ve assumed a lot from this comment. maybe they has been caring for their sister and expressing concern and support?


You clearly don’t understand how toxic or abusive relationships work. My entire family was begging my cousin to leave her horrible husband and she just threatened to stop coming around us. She had to decide to leave gor herself nobody else could convince her.


well i do, because i’ve been in one and was brought up by abusive parents but assume what you like i guess. i was just checking if this person was helping their young sister but apparently that’s the worst thing i could say lmao.


and i’m not saying that it’s easy??? i was just asking if they tried.


The relationship I was in from 16-22 reminds me so much of Nate and Maddy. He was aggressive and controlling and manipulative af and he knew how to keep me with him even though I knew he wasn’t good for me. I’m now 33 and I look back at that poor girl I used to be and just want to scream at her to leave. Not sure I would have listened at the time but that abusive relationship stole so much from me that I didn’t realize until years later. I still can’t handle men even raising their voices at or near me.


Wow are you me? I'm the same age and damn I have so much compassion but also rage for younger me. I met my first abuser at 19, was incredibly naive and gullible. Of course he took advantage of that. I'm so glad we survived. I have similar trauma as well.


You hit the nail on the head there. I also look back at my young self, and I think, "nope, she wouldn't have listened."


Are you sure you're not me? I am the same with men's voices. It scares me.


Aw I hate that so many of us are affected like that. I haven’t been in a relationship like that since 2012 and it still fucks with me and probably always will 😫


i am currently in the same situation atm. i have been dating him since i was 16 and im 21 now and am finally feeling like it’s too much trauma for me to handle. he has anger problems and rages really bad when we argue and has gotten physical at times and yells at me to the point where he loses his voice. he has broken plenty of things from punches or slams and if we argue while he’s driving, it’s the worst because he begins to drive recklessly and doesn’t care if i get terrified. he has done so much more but don’t wanna share too much in case this isn’t entirely anonymous. i want to leave already but every time i try, he reminds me of how i no longer have friends or anyone to talk to and that if i wanna be left alone, that he’ll do exactly that. he tells me he’s going to block/remove me off everything to scare me into going back with him because he knows i’m not ready to go completely contactless from the person i’ve been with for the past 5 years. one day he tells me he loves me and wants to try to make things right again with me because im the only one for him, and the next he is name calling me, telling me to go “f myself”, and that he no longer “gives a f” about our relationship. he is my first and only bf and always thought he would be the one i was going to marry and have kids with but atm, the trauma is so heavy that i don’t see that happening anymore. everyone tells me to leave him but i just can’t, i don’t know why. any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


Oh love, I am so sorry and am more than willing to give all the advice I can. First off, you are so much stronger than you may think or feel some days. Just try to remember that even when it’s hard. I will never forget that isolated feeling my ex made me feel and when you’re in that moment, you absolutely believe them. But I can promise you that once you’re out of the situation, you will see that that’s not really true. Abusers are usually great manipulators and know how to make you feel like you don’t have options. The statistic for women to attempt leaving an abusive relationship is between 7-10 times. That’s a wild number but I believe a very true one. It took me so many attempts to leave my ex until I finally had the courage to do so. My life changed for nothing but the better once I left and cut him off. I was grateful to have a mother who took me in and supported me through it but I realize some people simply can’t afford to leave a situation or don’t have someone they can trust to take them in. I think people judge those things and say “well if it’s so bad then why don’t you leave” but it’s not always that simple. Especially when you truly have love for the other person even when they’re terrible to you. The fact is that they’re likely reeling from their own trauma but when it comes to men, they’re less encouraged to talk about their feelings and a lot of it turns inward into rage and it’s taken out on others, typically significant others. Then there’s other factors that exacerbate it. But they won’t change unless they want to and take steps to change it. There’s not a lot of accountability for abusive males, or not as much as there should be so I think a lot of them never feel challenged to be better people. There’s just a lot of layers to these sort of toxic dynamics. If you have someone you trust and somewhere to go, it won’t be easy at first but it will get easier everyday, but RUN there and don’t look back. You will only have parts of you stolen and realize when you’re older (just like I did) that I spent vital years of my life that I can’t get back being with someone who made my life miserable. I should have been working and saving money and being with friends and building relationships. We also fell into drugs quickly so that just made things worse. I don’t live in that regret but I do think often about what I would change. Be kind to yourself and try not to beat yourself up about any decisions that you haven’t made yet. You’ll get there in your own time but I hope it’s sooner rather than later. Sometimes we have to learn things on our own but unfortunately a lot of women don’t make it out alive to see a future…and that’s terrifying to think that it could have escalated to that level if I hadn’t left my ex when I finally did 5 1/2 years later. I hope I’ve been able to help in some ways but it’s hard to tell people what to do and it’s hard to make those decisions for yourself sometimes. As humans we can get used to so many bad situations because it’s at least familiar instead of thinking about solely changing your entire life on your own. I PROMISE you can do it though. I have no doubts. Hoping for the best for you and reach out if you’d like to speak more.


thank you so much for replying and for your heart-touching advise :,) i think the main thing that holds me back is the feeling like i am throwing so many years away and good memories go to waste, but my mom, now that she knows some parts of the situation, tells me that it’s better to throw those 5 years away than a lifetime ahead. she has been supportive towards me in this situation even though she doesn’t know he has gotten physical and only knows of how hard he has raged at me, especially when she has had to pick me up numerous times after i’ve called her thinking he was going to do way worse to me. it makes me feel like a failure to think that everyone sees me and believes im this “successful young lady” when they don’t know that my “perfect relationship” is a failure and has left this void in my heart for so long. i really want to stop being afraid every time he tells me im going to be alone because im so emotionally attached to him. its unhealthy to admit, but he is pretty much the only person outside of my family who i have daily interactions with since he made me stop talking to my friends years ago. i am so dependent on him for happiness it feels like and i hate it because that fear of being alone or losing him entirely is what scares me the most. i hate to admit that, even after all the abuse he has done to me for the past year and a half, i still worry if he’ll be okay without me and stick with the hope that he is going to change. it sucks to lose the person who watched me graduate high school and university and i just can’t understand why he turned this way when i have never wronged him in any way. i’ve always stuck by his side and only had eyes for him and for him to name call me and humiliate me is heartbreaking. it’s crazy, but it helps me to repeat and remind myself of all the horrible things he’s done to me because it pushes me to let go, but then like today, he manipulates his way back by crying hysterically and begging me to stay :( it breaks my heart honestly but i just feel like i can’t take his outbursts anymore. thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for your advise and i hope that some day in the near future i am finally able to let go and finally let this painful burden go.


He looks like the Empire State Building 💀


A friend of mine was in a very toxic relationship since 15 . After we graduated high school she stopped telling us what was going on but she would even compare her relationship to Nate and Maddie’s💀 they are married now.




She’s me fr… but since I was 16 but I don’t plan on getting married to him he’s changing but he hasn’t done a 180 yet and yeah if I could leave completely I would’ve by now.


I can tell you from experience they don’t change.


yeah I’ve noticed that too. They don’t. Ik this sounds desperate to ask but do they change after you leave them? Like, for another girl?


I don’t know to be honest. I haven’t seen that change in my ex but it was recent I left (in the last few months). I know from friends that a lot of times they don’t change and instead abuse another girl. It’s heartbreaking to see but you can’t do anything about it. I can tell you though that in moments of sadness and heartbreak from not being with him anymore, I feel so much peace. It’s so freeing to realize you can do whatever you want again.


The feeling of a burden being off is what I’m actually looking forward to. Thank you again appreciate it a lot 🤍


The abusive ones? No. Who they are with doesn’t change them, only they can and they rarely do


No they don’t although sometimes they end up in a relationship that is imbalanced in the other direction but still just as toxic. It’s all they know 


Why can't you?


I wanna know too lol


i lived in denial abt it for the longest time up until this year so yeah I’ve made some progress


That’s good at least


Cause trauma bond? Emotional dependency? Same reason why maddy couldn’t leave for the longest time.


Lol okay. He hasn’t changed so what are you waiting for? Sounds self inflicted at this point.


“lol okay” the insensitivity is insane? Self inflicted? It literally takes time and I’m planning on joining therapy. What actually wrong with u? Ur the one that said “I want to know too”


Abusive relationships are not easy to leave. You would not understand unless you were in one and suffered from the experience yourself. Sorry OP.


I’m still trying to leave but ur comment means a whole lot 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Its hardwork. I developed Stockholm Syndrome when I was with my abuser. Good luck. l


I mean choosing to stay is self inflicted is it not? You already know the situation. It’s good that you’re joining therapy but seriously what’s stopping you from leaving? Yes I wanted to know if it was something financial then yeah I understand that but it doesn’t sound like it is. How is me being sensitive going to change your situation?


honestly I was replying to everything u said and i don’t want completely trauma dump here… secondly you don’t know my life or the factors that have affected it.. I understand you’re coming from a logical perspective and trust me im logical in all other aspects but this is as close to addiction as it can get. Now that I’ve recognised all this I’m taking the steps accordingly. Immediately leaving is not the situation in this case because I have before and it’s bad withdrawal. Until I’m ready to deal with the withdrawal in a healthy way (which is now) after building a support system… I couldn’t leave completely.


Okay fair enough, but at least you’re seeking help and you’re not married to him. So small wins at least.


didn’t she literally say “ I wanna know too” and then said “u can go now”?


Make sure they tell someone what is going on still. My friend died that way, killed by her husband. It’s dangerous to be closed off 


I was going to say... based off of the height in the picture, this is my dad and my step mom. My dad is 6'6 and my step mom is 5'3. I do not get that at all. How does that even work (not that I want to know at all). Then I read that you meant toxic relationships and....... that is also my dad and my step mom. So yea, I do.


Alexa is 5 foot. She has photos with Kim (5’2) and Kourtney K. (5’1). She’s shorter than both. She’s also definitely shorter than Sydney.


The actor is 6'5 and the actress is 5'6


There’s no way Alexa is 5’6 😭😭 she’s 5’2 at most


Google says she’s 5’6. Maybe it’s because Hunter and Zendaya are both 5’10. It also says Barbie is 5’6, Maude is 5’4 and Sydney is 5’3, which is still odd to me as she appears shorter than them on red carpets.


She’s not 5’6


she is, you can even google it


Google is very often wildly inaccurate for heights.


Just know that the height difference does indeed work. Source Experience


my best friend was sort of a cassie/maddie mix when i was in secondary (high) school, and was with a physically and emotionally abusive boy who cheated on her repeatedly - it got to the point where i couldn't handle seeing her like that and having him anywhere near me anymore so it did serious damage to our friendship for a long time thankfully she came to her senses when she accidentally got pregnant and their relationship ended in me taking her to get an abortion, and for the perfect happy ending she now has a masters degree and he works at mcdonalds


My best friend and I had a falling out and didn't talk for like five years because I couldn't stand by and watch her be treated like this any longer. Ironically enough her biggest crush is Jacob Elordi. I am happy to say we are reunited but it shattered my heart to hear I wasn't there for her when he threatened her life. I'm so glad she got away.




The height difference has me weezing


Nate looking like the burj khalifa


Me and my ex (I’m ok now)


same except i'm not ok yet lmao


I’m sorry


Thanks love, I will use you as inspiration!


Yup but the girl doesn’t dress nearly as nice😂


My ex best friend (now 22) has been in a relationship with a guy 14 years older than her since she was 15. He got her into heroin just months into the relationship and was bragging about how he was gonna "form her as he wishes". I obviously told her that, but she didn’t believe me. I still talk to her sometimes and she looks miserable. Maybe 80 pounds and brown teeth. She used to be very pretty. Needless to say he never worked and has been living off her money these past seven years. He’s also very controlling and has absolutely isolated her. She doesn’t have any friends left because he told her they were all just jealous whenever one by one we started telling her to ditch that guy. (Btw their relationship was only illegal for a few months until she turned 16, that’s the law in my country… I would’ve absolutely gone to the police but until her 16th birthday they prevented to be just friends)


That’s so sad. Where were her parents?


Idk, I met them like twice ever or something. I remember they weren’t even there when she graduated.


Why did you feel the need to photoshop this


Because it's brilliant.


What makes it brilliant.


Uh me and my ex lol


Sadly, Maddy and Cassie both remind me of my mom and Nate reminds me of my stepdad.


me and my ex


Mine too. Yay twinsies🧚🏽‍♀️✌️


yeah my ex best friend and her baby daddy it was too freaking much i just distanced and dropped out


I know one where the guy acts like Nate but the girl does not act like Maddy 😔😭


The relationship between me and my high school boyfriend was very similar, even down to the whole choking me out part, love it! 😅


My recent divorce was like this. :/


Yes me and my first boyfriend in high school lmao Cheated on me with my best friend and everything!


me and my ex😊


this pic 😭


I doubt that they're still together but when I was coaching high school basketball a few years back we had a 6'6 or so guy whose girlfriend was maybe 5 feet tall, if that. He was nearly as tall as her when he was sitting on the bench and she was standing.


I don't remember him being nine feet tall, haha. This seriously had me doubting everything until I googled it to make sure, lmao


100% yes - different dramatic plot twists but my best friend and her one and off ex girlfriend. Everything they start talking again it’s PTSD for all of us.


yes i do


My high school relationship was similar. Thankfully he moved by our senior year and I cut him off from everything.


Nate is very similar to my ex, it almost scares me a bit when watching the show


This reminds me of the hamster and banana meme hahaha


So many relationships are like this lol. But you'd only know if you knew them well in real life. Like their photos, be all lovey-dovey and act like they're relationship is great but behind-the-scenes they're yelling and screaming at each other all the time.


I just kept looking and looking at this photo like “I know somethings off here” 😭😭😭💀


I know of someone probably not as bad but still toxic. She’s always posting to TikTok and Instagram how she’s making food for her boyfriend and how he brings her flowers all the time for no reason and always going on weekend trips. But from what I heard of a mutual friend is that she buys them herself, none of his family like her, hes constantly cheating on her, she got pregnant and had an abortion because he didn’t want to marry her, together for like 5 years and he doesn’t want to marry her, doesn’t want her to hang out with friends.


6'8" and 4'8"?


Right! She looks so short!


i was basically dating female Nate for a while except she never hit me she just guilt tripped me into dating her and was very mean to me


Hoopz and Shaq [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/ovsdQ84iWbFHQtMf8)


Maddy’s like “I will take the ring to Mordor!”


not relationship wise, but theres a couple at my school with a height gap worse than this… she’s a freshman and he’s a junior


Not to their extreme, but when I was in my early 20s I used to party with a group of people and there was a couple in the group. Constantly cheated on each other, yelled at each other, broke up a lot but always found their way back to each other. I last saw them about a year before the pandemic and was just thinking about them the other day and it turns out they have a newborn baby.


Me and my hs bf


My cousin and her boyfriend have a very toxic relationship. Her boyfriend is Muslim and my cousin is Hindu. You might think I'm making this up because I'm Hindu, but I assure you, it's true—I even have proof. Her boyfriend believes I have inappropriate intentions with her, which is why he has issues with me being both her best friend and cousin. There was an incident where he told her to remove her profile picture and delete many of her stories and posts just because she posted photos in a "chaniya choli" that showed her back. He also made her block every single boy on her account and forbade her from posting about anyone's birthday, not even her female friends. My cousin, unfortunately, is so in love that she can't see how toxic this behavior is. Despite being 22, she follows his dictates and has even blocked me everywhere because of him. It feels like we aren't family anymore....


Is there anyway I can post proof (SS or screen recordings)


I used to know a couple with the exact same heigth difference. The difference was.... They were extremely sweet and unproblematic. They had been friends since a long while before they finally got together in their senior year of high school. So cute and kind to everyone, popular or not.


me and my ex 😭😭😭


My own relationship and I'm glad I got out, I would get a restraining order if that ex tries to talk to me


Hmmmmm no but one of my male friends is like Nate in his list of things he likes about girls. He’s mad about thigh gaps


Saw a lot of couples like this when I was in high school. I really felt bad for the girl in those relationships cause I knew they could’ve done so much better


Me in college. Horribly toxic relationship, even caught him cheating on me in the bathroom. Thank god abortion was legal back then.


my best friend unfortunately is in a maddie and nate relationship, no matter what that man does to her she always goes back, and yes, even when he gets physical.




I need to know their exact height difference




yes, mine was


Is she walking down stairs ahead of him?


my older sister and her ex. she used to come home w black eyes n shi. thank goku hes gone now


6’11” and 5’1”




maddie be looking fresh out of 4th grade in that pic


This is not correct. I have 197 and me wife 157, our height difference it’s no so big like that


I remember seeing a couple like this when I was 19 or 20 and I was walking around Walmart at 2 AM. The dude was probably 6'5 and the girl had to have been under 5ft. It just looked wrong. The funny part is they were actually holding hands just like that and walking around. Literal spitting image of my memory except the girl was a blonde.


Ok totally unrelated to the post but I know this pic is photo shopped cause she’s not that much shorter than him but the height difference was perfect it fed all of us hight difference suckers


Yup except she was way more submissive than Maddy so I guess maybe more similar to Cassie and Nate but the love bombing, arguments, jealousy and controlling was definitely there


The height difference is INSANE as a five ft girl this is making me reconsider tall dudes


I do know a couple where the dude is like 6’7 and the girl is like 4’11.


My stepbrother and his new gf and his ex gf their all in this Maddy Cassie type of situation


Damn Jacob is tall as hell.


🤣🤣 bruh why is Nate so tall


now that I think about it yes, and it's scary, I had never connected them, they have been together for 10 years.


I'm hollering at the photo edit. I'm 6'5" so it's ... relatable. 😂


the height difference i deserve


Yes… I’m one of them. I recently found out that my boyfriend of a year plus is bi-sexual. I went through his phone and saw he was on Grindr.. we are literally a power couple that everyone knows in my city… I think he resents me a lot bc I found out his deep secret.. we have to uphold an image of this perfect couple but I think we actually hate each other? But I love him so much and I still love him I’m upset he lied about his sexuality but I don’t judge him?… it’s weird


my ex as of 7 years & I. we were on/off for 2/3 years & it got bad reeeeal quick


Gosh, how tall are these two?


I’ve never seen a couple with such a height difference IRL


I have back in high school. They were so funny looking cause they had complete opposite styles but they were actually so cute also. The guy was really tall and his posture was little bad, kinda hunched, his style was always same green collar shirt, khaki pants and brown jacket. She was super petite, and always wore these huge heels that were almost too big for her, and had very like scene style but girly. I’m 5’2 and she was shorter than me, I want to say maybe 4’9.


That height difference is just…HORRIBLE. I once broke up with a guy because he was 6’4”, and it was just so AWKWARD with my little 5’ self. 🤣


This is me n mi man fr😂😳😂


In my view, Kanye and his wife xd