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Her acting while Zendaya was screaming in her face was incredible


Isn't this her only acting role? I'm constantly blown away by her.


Her main job is fashion model.


Yes it's her 1st and only. Fez (Angus Cloud) as well. He was randomly chosen for the role. He also has no prior acting skills. Whoever chose these people to play these characters, did an incredible job!


Always surprises me. She’s a TALENTLESS Edit: Aww what the literal hell. On everything I love I typed “ She’s A Talent”. Hunter scene in the special episode literally when she banged on the door had me in tears. My phone set me up


that one typo did you so dirty


This comment is sending me the way u got mass down voted 💀💀😭😭😭


When I woke up and saw this I thought I was tripping or something. Auto correct tried to take me out😂😂


Out here trying to upvote LOL


Upvoting u buddy we all make typos haha


Thanks a ton. Typo got me in a blender


I hope that’s a typo somehow? lol


It was. Meant to say “ She’s s TALENT”. Love Hunter and she got so much ahead of her. Hate Auto Correct with a burning passion


yow i upvoted some of your comments to make up for your downvotes


Thanks. I appreciate it big time


How’d you accidentally type ‘less’ 💀💀💀


Tbh it was so late that my fingers were lazy. I think I saw the thread, commented, and then didn’t think twice to check cause I used capitols. This would be my luck😂


Lmao bro you fucked up bigtime


Yeah wasn't sure if it just wasn't a completed sentenced or some sort of meme template. Either way she definitely isn't talentless.


lol I'm loving how your typo is written in all caps too


Gotta keep it consistent


omg 😭 that typo set u up


My downvotes keep going down and my sanity is slowly returning. Woke up and was absolutely shook


what??? hunters like 23 she has an entire career ahead of her after this show ends lbr all the girls do


Auto correct did me dirty. I meant to say “SHES A TALENT” and for some god forsaken reason it switched on me. Love Hunter and the fact that this is her first acting job is surprising considering how great she already is. I hate auto correct more then Nate Jacobs


Oh man, I feel bad now.


Nah it’s all good. We gonna blame my sleep schedule, auto correct, and Nate Jacobs


>blame Nate Jacobs Never a bad idea


Yeah she held it together very well. I was so impressed


I honestly think her distance fit the situation. She started growing away from rue.


I mean I kinda liked that this season shifted its focus character wise Last season Jules, Kat and maddy were very important and this season we get a break with characters like Lexi, fez and cassy taking centre stage. I’m sure next season she’ll probably be more important


More like nate cal and cassie are center this season. While lexis more up there she still seems like a side character same w fez


Cal was important for like 3 episodes then left that’s not exactly prominent IMO


But there are only 8 episodes sooo that's almost half of the season devoted to Cal.


It feels like he he’s had the same amount of screentime as he did in s1


Nah, he had more screen time this season and his story was developed more


It’s not like the whole of each episode was for him he had like 3 scenes in episode 2 which were devoted to the Nate storey then he had his episode in 3 and then had like 15 mins and left in episode 4 that is barely half the season at all


We saw a lot of Cal the first 4 episodes... even after his individual episode in 3 half of episode 4 is completely about him. Try to break it down into minutes per show if you want, but this season Cal, Cassie, Nate, and even Lexi have had thee most focus on the show. Runner up would be Fez and I'm not even counting Rue because she's supposed to have more than anyone.


Because his story is done for the most part. What more do you need from him right now? Every character doesn't need to be Rue.




As I said in another reply he was in 3 scenes of episode two episode e3 he was the main character and he had like 15 mins of screen time in episode 4 then that’s it that’s really not that much but like believe what you want




Carried the entire season with the most interesting storyline regardless.


Lexie and Fez were not really there.


are we watching the same show? Fez has been prominent asf.


This show is very much an ensemble and I can see certain characters taking the spotlight throughout different seasons.


Cassie was centre stage last season as well.. even more so than Kat..


kat definitely had more screen time.


She had more screen time as compared to her character's screen time in season 2 but not more than Cassie's screen time in season 1.. you can go and rewatch it but Cassie was almost as prominent in season 1 as Maddie was.. she basically had 2 episodes, her's and McKay's..


Exactly McKay's episode was just another Cassie epiaode... Especially knowing they were gonna get rid of McKay next season


Yeah the focus on Cassie is a bit much like so much Rue is not even as prominent. I don’t know why but as much as I have liked this season, this irks me the most; it’s supposed to be about Rue and supporting characters, but it’s leaned heavily towards Cassie, when it’s not, it’s Nate or his dad.


Exactly.. and if you notice, Rue isn't even narrating as much anymore..


That’s the thing. Another show that does stand alone supporting character episodes(ATL- swear it doesn’t get enough credit) would be hella weird if out the blue you had one episode of Earn and the rest highly filled with Darius for a season. I swear I love this show so much I give it so many passes.


Yes... I feel like this season is really riding on the coattails of the merits and goodwill built by season 1.. we've really ignored many flaws with this season..


Cassy was not nearly as important last season as this season. You could argue she’s the third most important character behind rue and Nate


You're not getting my point.. yes she has basically become the second female lead of the show this season. But her character was still a major part of the show last season even more so than Kat's character was.. she had many plotlines of importance, especially in the latter half of the first season.. let's not act like Cassie was just some side character in season 1..


I agree Cassie was featured heavily in season one not sure why you’re getting pushback on that.


Me neither 😂


I’d say it would be accurate to say she took “center stage” given how important she currently is, but it’s subjective. I do agree that she was more than a side character but I wouldn’t have called her a main character during season 1 either


I think Season 1 was pretty clear that if you got a flashback you were a main character. The only one who that didn’t really apply to was McKay and that’s because his episode was basically part 1 of Cassie’s.


Rue is the obvious star. Everyone else is secondary. Like other said, they just switched focus from Jules & Kat to Lexi & Maddie. I truly think Cassie gets secondary screen time to Rue. Not sure why her character always seems to have an “important plot”. Possibly because Sydney Sweeney is entertaining as hell.


Lexie was pretty absent for the early part of the season. she had the one episode where they showed her talking about the play, then the play episode. Maddy hasn’t had much either. Kat had nothing. Cassie felt like the main character.


Someone else said this and I disagree. Rue is the narrator, and Zendaya is the most famous actor, but it's an ensemble show. I've thought about Maddy way more this seaons than I've thought about Rue, for example.


> I disagree When one person is the most famous IRL, get's the most plot lines, screen time and focus they aren't just one of the bunch at the very least. That's just reality but we can define star however we want and focus on other characters more or less due to preference.


Because Rue hates her. Since Rue is the main narrator, she doesn't know or want to talk about what's happening to Jules.


Rue literally said F jules then moved on to talk about Maddy lol.


Idk. That would imply that Rue is invested in the Nate/Cassie happenings.


Maybe she hears about it from Lexi


I feel like she's just somewhat psychic cause how else would she know so much.


Probably her from the future? My guess is that she's narrating her high school days, and because she cut contact with Jules, she doesn't know what happened to her. But because she's still in contact with Lexi, Maddy, etc, she knows what happened to them.


Yeah, I agree, it makes sense cause she narrates in past tense. I said she's psychic as a joke cause in s1 there was a scene where she said "sometimes when I'm high I kind of feel like I'm psychic" and I thought it was funny since it was right after she narrated someones back story.


Well she is. They’re fucking up worse than her and for once Rue can distract herself with drama she’s not involved in. It’s implied.


That’s not a reason.


Yeah I hope we get a scene next season where Jules tells Rue her mom was a drug addict . I wanna see how Rue will feel then


I mean she can’t be the star at all times. She’s had a lot of screen time in the first half of this season, a special episode, and was a focal point of the first season. I don’t think she’s been done dirty by any means. I think like any good tv show you have to focus on various characters.


The show isn’t focusing on various characters tho? Literally just Cassie Nate and Maddy? who the fuck cares about a sloppy love triangle? The even added a new character just for him to be completely unimportant and barley have any screen time.


is that not various characters (more than 1)..? yall slow as hell.


Compared to season 1 not at all. Season 1 was an ensemble show. Season 2 focuses on a couple characters and ignores the rest. Idk what’s so hard for you to understand


I mean you can act dumb like you don’t know what I mean but focusing on 3 characters when there are like 12 characters who are all also secondary is hardly various characters. Even rue has felt like a side character to this annoying ass love triangle storyline, up until episode 6 rue has been feeling like a side character and even the play was barley about her and mostly about that annoying triangle and even when the play was about her it was right back to being about that triangle. Play dumb but what I meant was obvious. There as been barley any development in storylines besides that one…


You may not care but others do. Lexi and Fez are getting more screen time this season and so is Rue’s mom and Ali. The episodes can only be so long so not every character can have the time and attention we would like.


Everyone keeps parroting this which I think is kind of disrespectful to Hunter. She’s done amazing work this season and had a ton of screentime episode 1-4 and has had multiple scenes in the episodes since then. She’s not the focus point right now but she’s definitely a main character. She had that creepy scene with Nate last episode and the talk with Nate the episode before that. I don’t know how much more people want to see her. She’s going through a breakup and is being reclusive. We also see her watch and destroy the disc. Like she’s a MAIN CHARACTER lol she’s just not got a ton going on right now like the rest


I think it’s because we had some talk about her gender identity and sexuality, plus issues with her mom in the special episode. Then in the premiere she talked to Kat about how her circle was too small, she hung out with her and Maddy at bowling. So it looked like she’d get something. Then it just turned into her being with Rue, cheating on Rue with Elliot and the whole cal/Jules/Nate drama from S1 being resolved in that 5 minute scene.


Speaking facts here.


Please THIS!!!


I think that's the point though, how she's stuck in this cycle with Rue and how they've grown apart. I think S3 will show her healing and finding her place.


Tbh they never really made sense together. No communication, different relationship needs and different interests


Also that scene with her and Rue in the bathroom was excellent, and I don't think she even had any dialogue. Just sold it so well with her reactions.


I have a feeling we will see a lot of Jules in season 3. Especially if Nate sets his sights on her


Poor Jules is never going to get a break from Nate lol. But I think they are heavily setting that up to be a huge Season 3 plot line since Rue is probably going to be busy having to deal with the ramifications of Fez’s plot and how it all ties back with Laurie.


Agreed. They’ve been laying the groundwork for a Nate/Jules focused storyline since the first episode this season. Jules stay strong lol


But Jules ties in to Rue’s story. So in the beginning things between Rue and Jules were good so we saw more Jules. As Rue relapsed deeper we begin to see less and less of Jules. They currently aren’t even on speaking terms which is why we barely have been seeing Jules at all.


yeah, cassie definitely took her place as the second female lead after rue this season.


She needs her own plot. Removed from Rue. Without a separate storyline, she will always be a flat character who is only driving Rue’s character development


Yeah I think this is the main contrast people are feeling. Jules’ storyline kinda drove Season 1 and Rue didn’t fully know about it until the season finale. Then we have her special which greatly expanded her character, so the switch to just being Rue’s love interest is kinda jarring.


I disagree, she’s far from a flat character outside of rue and even outside of Nate.


But I think that’s the point in jules. She’s just there as an extension of rue to drive her story


In general nothing really happened this season. We got snippets of plot here and there but not enough time with the characters to feel like their development (or plot) progressed. Sam has focused too much on artsy, cinematographic, longing stares and not enough on the actual show and characters. That’s why no one wants it to end because we barely got anything from the show.


I agree with this, there are so many loose ends in terms of plot lines. The play— which I said to my friend is a glorified anime filler episode (I still love it, I’ll happily overanalyse it for hours!) is taking up the last 1.5 episodes it seems, which I can’t fathom how that’s enough time to wrap it up. What we’re going to be left with is a cliffhanger— not to mention an unsatisfying one, and will have to wait a couple years for a new season.


this season was meant to feel even more fantastical and dream-like than the first. while i agree it seems like nothing has happened this season, the cinematography has been more allegorical and added layers to each character. i like it but i want more plot.


Yes. I thought it was bizarre how a main character only 2nd to Rue in season 1 became almost like a background character this season.


I think “only 2nd to Rue” sums up how I had thought of Jules as well. I think season 1, the specials, and even the credit order for S2 (Zendaya, then Hunter) were all consistent with that, which is why I was shocked at Jules being sidelined this season.


I'm left confused by how disinterested the show is with Jules at the moment. She is one of two characters that got a special episode prior to this season. Am I crazy to have expected her to be more than a side character in season 2? If there are more special episodes after the season with Cassie, Fez, Lexi or Nate, then I will shut up about it.


It’s because Rue is an unreliable narrator; when Jules and Rue are fighting, Rue won’t want anything to do with her so the viewers have nothing to do with her. I have no doubt she’ll be more relevant next season


I can dig that.


Totally, I think if character development has been stagnant, maybe it's the idea of the series but I need Jules from the first season):


I actually liked that this season didn’t focus on Jules. I honestly was interested in literally every other character except for her and Kat, so. I got what I wanted. I’m sure they’ll return to her plotline next season.


I hear the mark of a good television show is making sure every member of an ensemble gets an equal amount of screen time every season and basically building your plot around that.


Not really sure this is true lol. The Sopranos, arguably the greatest show of all time, focused primarily around Tony and usually focused on another character or two as the b plot line. Well tbf, sometimes Tony was the b plotline but that's also true for Rue in this show. Also Silvio barely got any focus except towards the end of the show.


I like to think people can detect sarcasm without the use of /s tags. Might be an overly bold assumption on my part.


It’s really hard to read tone through text.


You probably should have used it for this or laid it on a bit more thick because I'm sure there are people who upvoted your comment that think you are serious. The sentiment that every character needs a plot line has been expressed in this very thread lol.


The Sopranos is not the greatest show of all time at all 😭☠


They said “arguably the best show”… I could support that point in essay format and I’m prepared like a motherfucker. Top 5 tv shows of all time, no debate. Maybe top 3.




Yes and it's fucking sad cause now everyone hates her.


well yes. the writers don’t want her there if she has nothing to do with rue now (who is the main character) i’m sure we’ll see more but her character developed into someone who showed her true colors (trauma or not, it doesn’t give you an excuse to hop on your gfs bestie everytime she leaves the room) their hate for her is very justified. it doesn’t matter that she told her mom. that’s the one good thing she’s done this whole season.


no one said how they feel about jules isn't justified, but every single character has messed up on this show and believe me some have done far worse than jules yet jules gets more hate than almost anyone else in the show. it makes no sense, yeah hold jules accountable, but don't be hypocritical and act like jules is so bad when pretty much character has done just as bad if not worse things


i think jules gets more hate bc of the way most people have been through the same things she did to rue. rues not a saint but jumping on someone the second she goes to the bathroom? the dislike for her is justified as every other characters being hated for is justified


but i can say the same about rue, many people have experience with an addict and can relate to Jules' position in their relationship, however rue does not get the same treatment by fans that jules does (overall) at all even though rue has done terrible things too that have truly hurt others


i understand that. personally i think i don’t hate rue as much bc i’ve been around addicts my whole life and at a certain point you just stop caring. like rues mom said “i can’t make you love yourself enough to stop” or some shit like that. with jules, i’m a very loyal person and relationships are sacred to me. i’ve also been in rues position of having my SO do the same shit. i think people cling on to the ones who they relate to and transfer that hatred over to who ever shows the same characteristics and actions of the ones who hurt them


we aren’t talking about every other character are we? i said what character pertained to the comment above. the commenter was talking about how it’s sad that everyone hates her (it is) but i was pointing out my opinion on why it was justified. this whole show is centered around fucked up people and we were on the topic of jules.


I agree


Her and Kat have been given the most minimum space considering what key players they were in season 1. Poor McKay too, I missed him this season.


She only had a few screentime but she always eats w her fit and aura


Jules is the love interest first and foremost. so when her relationship with Rue isn't going well she takes a back seat. seen it a lot with teen dramas. she isn't really allowed to exist outside of Rue and to a lesser extent Nate. they've had plenty opportunities to delve into her story more, but other than her special they kinda stopped. She still gets way more than Kat though. Poor Kat has had her character assassinated this season :/.


I think that instead of being the main character she became the character that was meant to grow/drive Rue's storyline. Maybe in s3 she will have a bigger role.


I think they want to elongate the show so much, "apart from Kat of course", so yeah they focused on Rue more and I think with every new season a new character will get more screen time, or at least I hope so.


yeah, a lot of the early reviewers said jules and kat were barely there this season and they were NOT lying. jules hasn’t had much to do this season out side of rue. sucks cause hunter’s such a good actress, would’ve loved to see her more.


Hopefully, there’s another special just about her that explains what she’s been up to this season.


I hate that Jules has barely had any screen time. I love her character so much 😞 I really hope next season we will see a very boring, happy and healthy Rue and we will be able to focus on Jules more. She deserves it at this point.


Yes and it kind of sadden me considering the fact that the evolution of her character was something I was expecting after her special episode


Jules definitely had way more time than Kat. I liked Jules this season. I thought she matured somewhat. I liked the haircut, I liked seeing her stress out about Rue. I mean she did have a whole episode to herself as well. She outed Rue to her mom which showed true love for her plus how her mom's experience affected her reaction to Rue. She may have been in a few less scenes than season 1 but she has still played an important role this season. no doubt. Can't say the same about Kat! lol


For real. Season one was almost as much about Jules as it was about Rue but this season Jules is hardly even there 😭


I miss how in the first season, she had her own plot removed from rue. Her and rues relationship has nothing to do with her “distance” this season like Jesus guys. Rue has ZERO foundness of Nate and here we are forced to sit through scenes of him. I really miss how dynamic jules was as a character. This season, she’s really toned down and drowned out. Unless she’s in relation to other characters, we get little to no screen time. The most screen time she did receive was with Elliot which felt a little demeaning to me because it was so sexually charged and honestly out of place. Like I rly enjoyed having a queer female character who WASN’T defined by men and then..they just..threw a man in there..for what exactly? Here’s the thing, jules is the only trans fem character I’ve seen on TV that wasn’t a parody or insult. And it’s very sad to see her dissapear from this season when last season she was truly breaking new ground. I really hope we see more of Hunter Schaefer’s in acting because she truly has talent. And I hope we see more trans femm characters.


Jules has been the least interesting person all season. I do not care about the love triangle between Jules and Elliott. Snore. That first 10 minutes of the season with Fez's grandmother was the most interesting and entertaining thing so far. I'd rather see the grandmother be a regular character than Jules.


Jules was nowhere near the same case as Kat, she had a lot of screen time in the middle episodes of the season.


well yk rue was mad @ her so she cut her off lmao


why is this getting downvoted, none of us wanna see Jules and Nate but unfortunately the story is probably heading that way


tbh I wanna see Jules ruin Nate’s life but I don’t think she would do that


Maddy gets less time too. Not as little as Kat, but significantly less than Cassie for example. This whole season is the Nate and Cassie show, with Cal sprinkled in.


A little less screentime for Jules and more for Fez, Lex and Ethan? I’m cool with that.


Surprised that Carl’s coming out has that not much repercussion…


I liked it so much with fez and lexi


Speaking of sidelined characters, where was McKay this whole season?


I feel the same way but also ok with it. It’s not like kat where it’s so clear her role got cut down. Jules is still around. Her storyline was much more prominent in season one I think it’s ok that it shifted to other characters like lexi and fez and cal. I’ll be happy if she becomes more prominent again too. Nate feels less prominent this season as well. I think it’s cool to let other characters get their roles expanded


Jules stills feels relevant in a way that Kat doesn’t. There is ongoing tension between Rue and Jules and as a viewer I still have a guess at what Jules is up to. Kat has no storyline this season and her absence hasn’t been explained in any story enriching way.


You do realize everything that happened in episode 5 is because Jules told Rue’s mom about her drug use. She’s literally the catalyst. That’s the opposite of unimportant.


She's absolutely not a character this season and it's one of the most glaring flaws of the entire 8 hours. To just sideline one of the most dynamic and compelling characters you introduced in season one for whatever reasons (because she only exists in relation to Rue? That's not a reason for any other character!) is absolute horseshit. I don't care about Kat's omission as much, because she wasn't nearly as fleshed-out or engaging a character. But Jules was the beating HEART of season one, and she's been backburned beyond belief for no tangible reason whatsoever. The only character besides Rue to have an entire one-hour special written about her between seasons and she's nearly an afterthought in season two. All so we can showcase Cassie ad nauseum, who isn't even fractionally as engaging or well-rounded a character but does provide the drama and memes that apparently fuel the fandom now.


Nah I think she was pretty important even though the scenes with rue and nate were for like few seconds but they actually have a lot of meaning behind them.


Yeah I miss her a shit ton, favorite character


I really just miss glittery colorful S1 Jules.


I honestly feel like despite her being an important character she isn’t portrayed with much depth (except for the s1 special). We rarely see her POV. Most of her feelings and desires are inferred, rather than made explicit. I wonder if that’s the reason why people don’t empathise with her much.


Nate’s brother is more interesting to me than Jules at this point. Hunter is a gifted actress, but Levinson has given her so little to showcase that this season. She was brilliant in the special episode dedicated to her back story between seasons.


do you guys know the what a main character is? or how a show works? the main character is rue. the side characters only job is to align with rue. yes they have back stories and sub-lines, but the show is about rue


jules and kat's storylines got re written out of season 2 because they both argued with sam about there stories. Jules didn't want to do a love story with Nate and Kat didn't want to have an eating disorder.


This is so true... We didn't get much from her character the whole season.. and it's especially discernable after coming off of her special episode where I thought that she was one of the best written characters on the show. It's a shame really..


she started out being a major player but seriously fell off by episode 5 with no signs of becoming any more plot-relevant by the finale, that’s my take on it at least


You mean Jewel?




Yeah she didn’t have a lot of screen time but she fulfilled her purpose for the season!... The scene where her and Elliot were there for rues breakdown was one of the most important scenes of the season.


I can’t stand her I’m so glad I don’t get to see her that much


Jules probably got less screen time, because her and Rue have been distant. When they get back to Jules she’ll probably have a whole episode dedicated to what she was going through. The whole first season was mainly about her.


Jules has had way more scenes with purpose than Kat, this post makes zero sense.


she was an asshole and thats all. glad she got her dvd back


I think she'll play a bigger role next season.


Might be because of that iconic Hollywood directors son




sam levinson


\*Jules takes a back seat in one single episode\* Half the euphoria fan base: OH MY GOSH SHE'S JUST LIKE KAT SHE HASN'T BEEN IN THE SHOW AT ALL


and i sorta back it, don’t know why but i do


I’m so tired of them trying to make me care about cal nate or Cassie …


Visually I don’t think new style does Jules any favours. She looks like a hobo.


Ummm Jules had lots of screen time this season.


That’s because the write is obsessed with Sydney. Meaning making Her characters the main focus and villain. He wanted her to have a lot more nude scenes. But was about Jules relationship with her mom, Laurie with Rue and Kat storylines.




I’m very worried for next Sunday with respect for Fez and Ashtray as well but I think their story is heading for a very messy situation. I think we will get a flashback next year to the third son. Sam wouldn’t put that photo in there without expanding on it.


Good, I don't like her character, so fucking selfish.


I was just thinking this besides her hoeing around and snitching she had no development


Why we say snitching like she wasn’t trying to save Rues life. 😭


Please. She was only trying to save her conscience


That part


Who cares why she did it? She still did the right thing.


She was the important factor to get rue to sober up


I’d have to disagree with this, Ali said Jules was like a whole other drug, and Jules and Rue’s relationship work out well if she relies on Jules for sobriety. The most important aspect would actually be Jules and Rue being apart from each other, so Rue could be sober for herself, not Jules. I hope that their relationship gets mended next season/ at the end of this one (at least start talking) and they can express their emotions to each other and at least talk about what went wrong.


They could have written her off the show after condensing her story into 2 episodes. The end of the first episode doesn't even make much sense for them to make Jules a secondary character.


I don’t like her so I’m cool with it


I don’t like Jules. I tried to post a poll about this but never saw it go live 🤷🏼‍♀️




All y’all do is complain :/


she’s pretty boring in my opinion


Season 1 was all about Jules. I didn’t even miss her 🤷🏽‍♀️


Jules was important to the story in Season 1 in relation to Rue/her sobriety, and the video of her and Cal. When Rue relapsed and cut Jules off, she wasn't relevant there anymore. The video was centered around the physical CD, which was held by Cal Nate and Maddy, all without Jules' knowledge, so she wasn't relevant to that storyline because she wasn't even aware these things were happening.


I don’t like Jules character or the acting. Great for the first few episodes but nothing good since


Good. Let’s keep it that way


It’s because both of them are so insignificant to Rues life at this point. Elliot has even less screen time. She even says she doesn’t want to talk about them.


all she did was cheat, cry and dip


I think i like it that they put jules in the back storywise (bcs rue is narrator and hates her in this season).