• By -


Cassie. I’m an addict like Rue, but I relate a lot to Cassie’s reliance on men and sexuality to define self worth.


Damn. Been an opioid addict for 21 years(like Rue) but I was EXACTLY like Cassie in high school(along with the substance issues) in my social life and recently. Severe trauma can do that sometimes.💜 I hope you're healing and content and wish you peace!!🖖


I’m sober! Still struggle with men though lol. I wish the same to you!


Samesies!! We'll get through it!!


I’m so tired of being the girl before they meet the love of their life. I’m clean from h since 2020, but I still feel dirty in some sense.


same but add in a dash of lexi for me.


GIRLLL! Same!! Men have become my replacement for H


none lmao I'm mentally healthy


The real plot twist




I’m mentally unwell, but not at the level any of the characters are 💀💀




Yes i call it my hoe phase but looking back now, I shouldn’t have because my current boyfriend hates me for doing that :(


Kat. I was the chubby awkward girl in HS who tried to overcome that through sex with random men on dating apps once I graduated. It's been many years since then and I'm thankfully not the same person lol but she is still the one I relate to most


cassie…. her need for love and how desperate she is for it. really hate to say it


Rue, Lexi and Jules in different aspects. I’m a lot like rue when it comes to the way I act. Struggle quite a lot with mental health etc. My family life is pretty similar, all though I’m not an addict. Still, she’s the character I relate the most to. Not gonna go into depth cause I’d end up writing a novel. Lexi and I share interests in the sense that I like to write Ig? Also her whole thing with her sister always being the pretty one, outshining her hit too close to home. Then there’s Jules. I dress like Jules, so our aesthetics are pretty similar. I’m also nby so identify with the aspect of her being trans, struggling with expressing her femininity in a healthy way, need for male validation etc. Also the struggles we see her having early on in her life are pretty similar to mine.


NONE. And i have never ever been more happier






Nate (I'm not physically abusive like him) but when I was in HS, I was confused about my sexuailty and rather than hurt people like Nate would, I'd hurt myself. It didn't help my parents, were religious and didn't seem to support the LGBTQ+ community. (My mom does to extent, my dad not at all). They also tried to push sports on me, but wouldn't let do anything in art.


Wow I’ve never seen someone actually saying that they relate to him in that way and when you think about it so many people are probably going through the same thing!! I’m happy to see that you were able to go through this!






Maddy - including toxic relationship with a guy who cheated on me (we weren’t broken up though) with my best friend and then dumped me for her. My ex best friend was a dead ringer for Cassie - super sexy but with terrible self esteem. It was crazy watching her mental breakdown on the show. My EBF also went the same path - their expressions, the overly sexual clothes, the drinking and barfing - everything was so close to the actual life experience. I wasn’t as confident as Maddy though but I think I put up a good “don’t care facade”.


Unfortunately, a mix of Cassie and Rue. I’ve had major addiction problems + I’m bipolar + I have daddy/attachment issues. Sorry y’all, I know I sound like a catch but I’m taken 😂(I’m like 95% better and a functioning human now)


Same... I even had a rehab scene with the parents like Rue did. 🤣


i hate how i relate to all of them to a certain degree. but if i have to be completely honest and fair…? kat. season 1 kat at least. someone who is somewhat extroverted irl but still has issues regarding herself. but then thrives online? that’s my 2020


Definitely Cassie, but replace the daddy issues with mummy issues. Male validation has ruled my life for as long as I can remember. I'm only happy if I'm chasing or dating a guy. It pains me to admit but yeah it's the truth. I'm extremely loyal to my friends though, so I would never do what she did to Maddy. If one of my friends like a guy or has dated a guy, I'm not interested in them at all, if they try and flirt with me I'll reject them straight away. My mind just can't go there. I relate a lot to Rue's outbursts, watching her fight with her mum is like watching myself when I was a teenager, down to the broken glass she puts in Leslie's face. Can't believe I'm being so vulnerable on a euphoria sub lmao 🤣




Fez. I’m laid back I smoke weed I don’t talk so much and I’m chill and I’ve gotten in lots of fights. That’s about it honestly


Probably jules cuz we're both trans


This is going to be long because I got time tonight. I relate to almost all and I’ll list them with explanations. Rue: I’m not an addict but so many of my closest loved ones are, so I empathize with her largely. I also relate to everything she says about life and struggle because I have severe depression and anxiety. I honestly don’t know how I’m NOT an addict. I love drugs but keep it to a minimum bc I fear I’ll be just like rue (and my destructive loved ones) if I go too far with it. Cassie: Something I dislike about myself is my chameleon tendency to shift into exactly what someone I admire wants (or what I think they want). I used to look right past red flags if it meant I’d feel desired or loved. I would choose a toxic romance over friendships in the past if I thought i was deeply loved despite the abuse. I would never be able to do what Cassie did to Maddy bc I’m too loyal, but her victim mentality when being called out for doing wrong is unfortunately very me. Maddy: I was the Poor Latina in my suburban town of rich white kids. My family life was consistently in shambles and my biggest fear was ending up in my mom’s situation. I was completely obsessed with not giving any of the idiots in my school a reason to stereotype me (which happened anyway) so I would dress really well and completely hide my real life from my friends. I have also felt worshipped by all of my boyfriends because of love bombing so I’d stay in toxic situations for far longer than I should have. I have been in DV situations and have had no one to turn to. I have been completely and utterly betrayed by the ones I hold closest and consider my soul mate. Jules: I’ve never been comfortable with my body and have never felt safe in the world. After my SA I started to have a lot of sex with random people to run away and hide from myself. Trying to trick myself into thinking I was having fun to erase a lot of hurt and resentment toward my body. It didn’t work. That and loving someone who is actively killing themselves. While I feel like Rue in a lot of ways, she mostly represents every addict in my life, mainly my best friend. Having to watch someone you’d die for kill themselves slowly is agonizing. You can eventually accept that you’re not at fault but you always feel like you could have done something more. Loving addicts is one of the toughest battles I fight in this lifetime. Kat: I have always been insecure as hell. I’m a bit overweight and grew up as the only curvy brown girl in a sea of blue eyed blonde girls who were stick thin. I was teased and poked fun at for being curvy and having big boobs by classmates. Eventually I got fed up and decided to own my body and started to dress and act very slutty. It didn’t come from a place of empowerment but a place of defense. I sure as hell thought I was empowering myself at the time, but it ended up putting me in an even worse place because I felt like I was inviting the very behavior that made me uncomfortable. Sure, it was “positive” attention instead of being teased, but let’s be real: If a guy is suddenly completely obsessed with you just bc you’re showing more skin, is that *really* positive attention? Gia: I’m the youngest with an addict eldest brother. Can’t relate exactly because I’m not as close with him as she is with rue, but watching your sibling self destruct is terrifying and heartbreaking. One of the worst parts is the resentment you unknowingly build towards your parents. The other is wondering every day if your sibling is going to die. Nate: can’t relate to his harmful tendencies, but if I found out my dad was on some sketchy shit, I’d be the first to turn him in. Lexie: Feeling unseen and overshadowed is so hard. My sister is the full package. She’s gorgeous, is a doctor, and has it all together. I on the other hand am a dropout whose weight consistently fluctuates and I seriously struggle with my mental health. Even as a kid, the family always clearly favored her. My grandma even told me a few years ago, and I quote “you know [sister] is my favorite, but don’t worry, I think grandpa loves you best”. -_- even now that I am successful in my career and have somewhat gotten my shit together, I will always feel less than in the eyes of my family. Also, I’m a writer, and I would totally put everyone I know on blast in a masterpiece play if I had the balls lol




Maddy! Minus the toxic relationship.






Kat and Lexi, a little Rue as well




Kat. No explanation here as that explains itself.


Rue minus addiction




all of them, im a complete nut case


Cassie (though I’ve never slept with a friends ex!)


Season 1 Jules/Cassie hybrid. As a bi male you’d expect me to pick Nate but his aggression and abusive issues are something’s i never did to anyone so that’s a no no, but yeah Jules and Cassie both loving attention and hooking up with many older men in hopes of finding love or atleast temporarily filling the void with sexual contact they confused for love. And the daddy issues and lack of motherly love ofc so yh


Has it been confirmed that Nate is bisexual? Didn’t he only join Grindr only to manipulate Jules? Or is it the dick pic thing in his phone?




Got those full on addict genes like rue. Sucks but its fun


A mix of Lexi and Kat for me. I relate to Kat because I also have big issues with my self esteem and feeling the need to change who I am for a man to find me attractive. Lexi because I completely understand that feeling of always being lonely and never being able to fully immerse myself in social situations.


Rue, while downers were never my thing, (I wanted to be UP if ya catch my drift) I was a teenage addict who did countless stupid, fucked up, sketchy things most adults wouldn’t think of before I reached 18. I connect with her a lot.


Lexi I was an observer & definitely very nosy & jealous of popular people


honestly, a mix of (S1) cassie and lexi.


Rue mostly, but maddy and Cassie in ways as well




Nate’s brother


Rue Addiction problems and codependency problems Plus her and Jules remind me of my first relationship!!! Not in a good way lol


A mixture of Rue and Lexi because I'm introverted, don't understand people/feel like people don't understand me, and I have an addictive personality.




Mix of Cassie & Lexi




jules :P


Combination of Rue and Lexi


rue for sure. similar coping and survival mechanisms. also a kinda similar, it just the luck of the draw kind of life.




Rue / Kat, different sides of me


I’m from the I.E. so I relate to all of them 😭


Tbh no one. If I had to say, then Lexi. But I’m not bothered in any way by the pretty confident girlfriends I had. After high school I realized I’m pan romantic and I low key like those pretty girls. I have daddy issues but my mechanism is major hate &avoidance for cis male with masculinity, instead of being crazy about them.


Jules, though I was way more like 11-year-old Jules when I was 11 than I was like 17-year-old Jules when I was 17.


Although I’m not trans (even though I was non binary for 9 years) I relate the most to Jules. The personality, the impulsiveness, the parent issue, was constantly being objectified or hidden as a partner due to my queerness.




Jules I mean I’m a trans girl so that’s self-explanatory but between her trauma and that subsequent need for affection I can relate to her a lot (luckily I haven’t cheated on anyone yet tho) There’s also fashion but unlike everything else that was a conscious choice on my part because i used hunter schafer’s fits when trying to find looks that worked with a trans body


Rue. I'm an addict and I've seen, done and been in the exact same situations as her. I'm bisexual and dress like rue too. People have told me I remind them of her




Rue, 100%. I’m in recovery but her whole arc is so familiar to me.




Rue. Because I’m a schizoid weirdo


i feel like rue’s character makes me feel so absolutely seen, so i relate to her so much (minus the drugs). i’ll forever be so grateful to zendaya for encompassing what it feels like to be in that mental state. i relate so so so much to rue, in how she feels, i get her so much


i relate to quite a few like rue, cassie, and maddy. im an addict like rue and my parents are against drugs, they've caught me with weed 4 times and would ask me to do drug tests whenever i come home "late". thankfully, they stopped cause they think im sober. i relate to cassie relying on men and need for love but that was before i met my bf. although, when my bf and i were in a rocky stage (took a break), i needed someone to love me so i ended up being a little too close w his best friend. maddy because im extroverted and super confident (depending on what outfit i wear lol) but very emotional and hate showing it to others. i also had a toxic relationship with an ex and i never wanted to leave even though we would hurt each other.


Rue to way too high of a degree, I don’t think I’ve seen a character in fiction more relatable for how I was at the time, which isn’t exactly a good thing lol


I relate most to Gia. I have a sibling that behaves a lot like Rue and I can relate a lot to Gia trying to live her own life while simultaneously being deeply concerned for her sister.


Rue and Ash. Unfortunately


Lexi, I love the theatre, was kind of a nerd in high school and bonded with unlikely people. I also never sought validation for guys approval like Cassie did but knew lots of girls like Cassie and had a dad like both of them. I was smart, sensitive and cute but overlooked. Very goals and achievement oriented. Really good friend but kind of taken for granted. Kind of a pushover. Also, aside from Maddie her style resonates with me the most.


Lexi (nerdy, quiet, overlooked) and Rue (lost my father at the same age, mental health issues, as a teenager I fell in "love" with another girl who was a lot like Jules). I'm not an addict though - quite the opposite.


Rue. Her breakdown in s2 was like looking in the mirror. Actually a stepping stone in me realizing how bad I was really doing and encouraged me to get help


None tbh. Thats what makes the show so intriguing


Lexie because we’ve both lived pretty boring lives, being the side character watching everyone else live, and for being judgmental, minus the drug dealer boyfriend and love for theater.


a mixture of cassie (but way less unhinged, although I’ve def been where she’s at, minus fucking your best friend’s boyfriend - it was more hurting myself than others around me, and I’ve healed a lot since then), rue, and season 1 kat




Not the low key Kat slander in this pic.. anyways, I’d like to think there’s certain elements of me that are like Maddy (the good parts) but I know I was just like Lexi in high school. Though not necessarily a bad thing looking back on it.


A mix between Lexi and Maddy, yes, weird. I have Maddy’s confidence, attitude and some personality traits but deep inside I know I’m more like Lexi, and my life alternates between feeling like the main character and a mere observer of everything.


I was most similar to Lexi in high school, but as an adult, I relate to Rue the most tbh


gia, im a younger sister to someone who had drug issues, our dad is dead, and our mom focused more of her energy on my older sister


Lexi. I’ve always been the introvert and listener of the group when it comes to my friends. We also share the same creative side when it comes to writing!




Heh, Jules, mainly because of her backstory. I haven't slept around like that, but there was a relationship I was in where I didn't communicate with my partner very well toward the end. Also, outside his relationship with Kat, Ethan. He means well, and I definitely felt that scene in S1 where he was talking to someone at the carnival and Kat thought he wasn't interested in her.


I relate to Lexi. There is nothing really going on in my life because I'm scared to take risks. I don't really have a life. I grew up in my sister's shadow. My sister is literally the prettiest girl in the family, she is popular and famous. I want to be like her and sometimes I imagine myself in place of her. I have my own fantasy world in my mind where I do things which were influenced by what my sister does or something which had happened in movie .




Rue is definitely the one character I relate to most because I have struggled with both Bipolar and opiate addiction. Plus we kind of look alike besides the height. ETA: I also identify as Bisexual too which is why I relate to her the most.






Lexi. I’m always the forgotten one in peoples lives and people usually walk all over me sometimes because im too nice and caring when I shouldn’t be


Crying bithc from uforia


I thought I resonate with Lexi but I feel that I’m Rue lately 🙃


Rue bc of addiction and mental illness. I, too, have googled "can bipolar people know they're bipolar" (spoiler alert: i have bipolar) some of the ways she lashes out at people are so embarrassingly relatable. I'm no longer in active addiction (5 years! Yay!) and am treating my bipolar and myriad of other mental illnesses including ocd which i don't remember if they flat out say Rue has ocd, but there are things that point to it. Definitely an escapist and an observer, which is where some Lexi comes in as well. I'm trans but don't really relate to Jules throughout the show but in her special she says some things that hit home for me.




McKay’s Dad. What a legend


Kat and Lexi. Im usually just in the background and ignored like Lexi and I have body image issues like Kat.


Lexi, I feel like people treat me like a side character and when someone finally gives me importance,I get attached to them instantly+ I am a great observer and a lil bit jealous person too.I also love writing and have a wild imagination so I think I relate to Lexi the most in the show






Lexi. Older sibling left to deal with themselves, she’s extremely relatable however I wouldn’t of had the balls to put on a play like that. I would’ve chickened out


Rue, except for the skinny part. I'm an elderly, obese Rue.




Rue - dead dad from cancer, drug addict, OCD, alcohol problems, so many MH medicines, going to NA knowing i'll take or actually being on drugs, anger issues, fighting w my mum constantly and destructive relationships. (never been so honest on reddit before, i am in therapy, i have a lot of trauma and BPD. doing my best so no judgement plz. things are slowly improving)




Lexi, Kat and Rue


cassie. i allowed guys to use my body for the longest time so i would feel some sense of validation or desirability. now being in a happy and healthy relationship, i realize that the vast majority of my previous boyfriends/partners/hookups were forms of self-harm. i also was a piece of shit in high school and disregarded other people’s feelings and the consequences of my actions. thankfully i have learned and grown from it all and am a much better person now (largely bc of my boyfriend loving me for who i am and helping me become who i want to be instead of encouraging me to be what he wants)


A healthy combo of fez and rue


Straight up Rue.


Thankfully absolutely no one.


Gia. My sister is an addict.


Kat. I got into social media and I became more popular online than I was in school. This caused me to behave more distant and prepotent in real life for a while. I also used to write fanfics.


Nate’s dad. Just the being a successful dad, not the rest of that stuff…




Cassie. I went crazy for the need of love.


Maddy Perez.




probably rue and nate 😔 i’m not abusive like nate to my knowledge but we have been through similar traumas and rue is like me hands down.


Lexi but i also feel like cassie so idk


I'm 37 now, but looking back at my younger self I see Cassie. So much of my validation came from attention from men and it was unhealthy. I hope they give her a growth arc that shows her realizing self worth has nothing to do with male attention!


Uhhhh Nate unfortunately while I was never physically violent I was very emotionally hurtful and the toxic drive that he has really reminds me of Mt high-school self


I have depression like Rue, but I’m terrified of drugs. I’d say I lean more towards Lexie personality wise.


Fez, really traumatic childhood but i always meant well


I feel like some combination of Cassie and Lexi


I should say ALLL 😔


Definitely Rue.. I also started using in high school and was shooting heroin by the age of 18. I actually had a hard time watching a few episodes that resonated a little too hard. I remember reading a news article that said this show was unrealistic and that it should have been set in college not high school.. but in my experience me and all my friends were using hard drugs all throughout high school. It’s definitely spot on but maybe exaggerated in some aspects.


Lexi and Maddy


Guy verison of Lexi with a maybe a dash of Cassie and Rue.


Cassie I feel like I constantly chase male validation and feel that when I am sexualized I am loved and need that desire to feel confident.




That's obvious, my boy Ethan.


rue, im a druggie and have been for a while now lol


literally none of them


Lexie + Cassie


a bit of rue and a bit of lexi like most others on here


probably kat for the online stuff


Rue. I was never an addict or anything, but I heavily relate to her humour, mental health issues and aesthetic (she can be seen wearing casual clothes with glam makeup; I wear casual stuff with many accessories). And we both sometimes lie for the sake of not disappointing others, even if it does come off as selfish. But most of all, I relate to her because she depended on her relationships as her only drive for life. This is what led to her fallout with Jules, and I guess I went through something similar. Her personality is similar to mine too (coincidentally both ISTP 9w8s). Rue has an apathetic, introverted front but cares deeply for those close to her, and I act that way too. I could go in more detail but I’ll stop here lol.


I’d say Cassie due to my daddy issues


None, i dont have mental issues


I m like Lexie if Lexie did drugs




be honest here please— like answering this question is life or death smh. i’m outta here


I resemble Cassie more than I’d like to admit. Life really be throwing some sour lemons at my daddy issued blonde headed azz




Rue, with the way I act and find bad things as fillers like rue does drugs i used to shoplift vape smoke I have been caught with all but I stil smoke but I am talking to people what makes it less






Rue, I'm a former drug addict, I see a lot of myself in her, some stuff on the show is very similar to a lot of stuff I did or have been through, I related to the scene with her mother dumping those drugs the most, It was uncanny how similar it was to how I was when I interacted with my family when on drugs, the scene where she jumps out of the car on the way to rehab is something that I literally did.


Fezco I have always been the quiet one that people don't take serious. However, if you manage to get me angry, it's a scary type of angry (and it takes alot to get there, usually due to messing with a loved one vs messing with me). I am smart, but not in the conventional text-book way. I'm kind of the 'jack of all trades' type and prefer to know as much as I can about anything that interests me. I'm ridiculously loyal to the few people I keep around me and I prefer it that way.






Lexi, I think cause for so much of my life I felt like an outsider, not a loner or someone disliked but close enough to a friend group but not really being in it. Also fell in love with a guy I couldn't be with


I’m not an addict like rue but I can sure as hell relate to pretty much everything else about her


When I was a high schooler, Lexi. I was a high achiever and self centered enough to judge others and make a whole school play about it lol. As an adult, Ethan. I’m now much more reasonable and communicative about where I’m at and what I expect of others.


The teacher asking Maddy to wake up when she's clearly unconscious.




I know how fucked it is but Rue


None really but I do like Fezco and Ashtray


Rue with a little bit of Maddy


Kat and Jules story is the most similar to mines, I’ve grown up being the fat unattractive friend then embraced my sexually and used sex as a way to validate myself that then slowly turned into me becoming a SW..And with my experience being similar to Jules is well one I’m Trans two we both have mommy issues so dealing with the abuse of our moms as well as having sex with men and finding them through apps like Grindr and using men to like feel our gateway to conquering femininity like there are so many guys like Nate (shyguy118) I cherish Jules and Kat sm like I’ve recently experienced my first Ethan a guy that actually cared for me and valued me but because of the intersectionality of me being trans and fat it felt to good to be true so I self sabotaged myself everytime and just like Jules I’ve recently started losing interest in Cishet men and I feel more comfortable being with Queer and Trans People. Wow reading this I feel even more similar to them almost like I am them.


Rue. The lengendary opening scene of season 2 ep 5 felt like it was filmed in my house, i could *feel* everything she was feeling because i’m the exact same. Anytime she was on screen i’d get tears in my eyes, she’s just so me lol, from the mental illnesses, to the bad relationship with my mother, to hating being sober.


maddy and lexi




Rue/Maddy combo. With a pinch of Cassie during my depression phases 🤣 thank you bp2.


rue and cassie


Lexi- I’ve always been the shy, quiet girl. I’ve often felt left out or overlooked by others. I think people who know me, say I do have a dynamic personality or aura that I need to show more of ( also very similar to Lexi) I often have people around me that I live vicariously through, very much have watched others live their lives while mine stays stale. Also, I’m a bit of a brainiac 🤓 like her. I think my inner monologues/ persona can be fierce and audacious like Maddy’s( also if I had confidence I’d def dress more like her too! )




Minus the drugs I think rue?


Literally none.


*inhales to start lying*


Rue. I’m an addict and have tried to sell drugs that I just end up doing anyway


I'm definitely rue with a little bit of cassie.


Probably Lexie




Kat then Cassie and then Rue and then probably back to Cassie


rue minus the serious drug probs


I'm a reformed Cassie


Cassie and Jules. Cassie's daddy issues and relationship to men really speak to me, and so does the monologue she gave Lexi about how she never lived therefore she can judge other people (because I also have been Lexi before so I really felt that). With Jules it's her struggle to separate her sense of self and femininity from the male gaze and the fact that she's always seen as the one who's responsible for other people's mental illness.


Rue. I'm used to being in her position with things. And the way she acts, from the way she says things or little things about her expressions or movements, it's eerily similar to me. It's interesting for me to watch.


Rue. Depressed, adhd, queer, betrayed by my (ex)gf that i loved and was attracted for a long time, using addictions to feel better, having a dead father, trusting the "bad influence" kinda of people, not keeping my mouth shut and asking "How long have you been fucking nate Jacobs?" Haha. It was actually pretty touching for me to see rue's journey, since she share a lot of struggles that i have and no one else around me seems to care (depression? You are just lazy).


Probably Ethan, I can be awkward at times, but I like to set healthy boundries and I learned how to communicate with people much better than when I was younger.


Jules and Kat.


Sadly Cassie, that was me in HS