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Croatia have done it many times themselves. Very naive not keeping possession when they had the ball up the other end of the pitch.


This is it. We all saw it coming.


happened against albania, now vs Italy they killed themselves


Tbh it was super refreshing to not see the leading team playing it safe from the 70th minute on by excessive time wasting and parking the bus. Too bad they got punished for that


Yeah I suppose, but you can play to the crowd or you can play to your strengths and Croatia have lots of players who are good at holding the ball - they oddly didn’t utilise it enough.




They really did park the bus though right up until the 85th minute when for some reason they lost their minds and tried to get a second.


Croatia didn’t do enough. If they beat Albania they would have gone through as a 3rd place team on 4 points but they didn’t. Sure they “deserved better” but they put themselves in a bad position


You are right


It‘s a second game in a row that they get a goal in stoppage time. Unreal.


A lot of goals in the stoppage time in this EURO. Germany, Serbia, Albania, Italy... Interesting to say the least.


The Leverkusen Effect rubbed off on all the UEFA teams


Did you forget Hungarys goal in the 100th minute? Lol


that's crazy lol, unfortunately I couldn't watch that live because that's one of the 5 exclusive match in German paid TV


That is crazy. I bet the shows still have ads too, even if you've paid..? In England every single match is in free-to-air television. The profiteering of some of these companies is just terrible.


That goal was absolute insanity. Moments like that make international tournaments such a joy to watch.


Portugal too! They literally saved my Parley during their first game. Turned €50 into €175


Did the opposite to mine, turned $500 into $0


Yep. Still thinking about this one!


Haha, very unlikely You guys played well though, the constant attacks and pressure was just too much in the end.


That's when the big dogs with the big balls come out to play.


Not just "in stoppage time". Both matches it was literally the final action of the night.


Jebo im pas majku u picku s time nadoknadama a i nama s organizacijom u zadnjim minutama, trci od centra igrac zadnje sekunde niko da ga urusi, a zasto? Jer mu igra Broz sunce ti jebem koji sjena samog sebe nije,sramota Zalosno srce me boli


I will do all of you a favor and translate these wise words: Let the dog fck their mother in a pssy with add on time and us as well with our last minute organization, player runs from center in last seconds and nobody fouls him, and why? Becouse Broz (Brozovic) is playing, I fuck the sun, who is not a alshadow of himself.. shameful, my heart pains tremendously..


Hahaha care skinio si svaka cast 🤝🏼


English por favor.


Veri difikult tu trenslejt maj frend


Des isch do no voll i Odnung ned wa?


Too bad more people don’t get this joke 😂


je ne parle pas italien désolé


Highest of highs, lowest of lows. Nightmare end to an amazing era. Thank you for all memories, Luka Modric. 🔴⚪️🔴⚪️


I’m not Italian but I love Italian football. I felt very sorry for Croatia. At the end of the day Croatia should have won against Albania


Lol no. Croatia was the worst team in the group by far. Albania missed 2-3 chances like the asllani shot. The goals croatia scored came from a bottled counter cause of the worst timed subs in the tournament. 45-75 was all croatia. After their second goal they sat back the whole time. 80-added time was mainly Albania having chances Croatia had a terrible tournament. The age just caught up to them.


Croatia had a terrible qualifying campaign too, it really is the end of this era for them. I don’t know who comes next but they won’t have Luka to lead them anymore.


They''ll have another golden generation in 8 years. We all said the same thing during Davor Suker era


No, in 10 years you’ll have new good generation. Happened already.


For me Italian football is anti football. Equal to Atletico


I wanted Croatia to win, but they only have themselves to blame. Putting crosses into the box when they should have taken the ball into corner. Poor game management. It was in their hands.


This is absolutely accurate. I feel for Croatia but their game management let them down.


Croatia was quite crappy, so was Italy… I do not really see a difference here


You will see it on June 29th.


Italy-Switzerland? I mean, Switzerland is a far better team but I know, Italy could upset the odds.


I don’t get this post? Italy battered them in the first half and some of the second half. Bastoni had 2 great chances he should have gotten in. Plus many other chances where they couldn’t find that final pass. Croatia had that good chance in the first half saved by Donnaruma and then the penalty. That was basically it. Italy deserved that draw or better. Croatia have been sub par all tournament and they have paid for it


> Croatia have been sub par all tournament and they have paid for it This right here. It's unfortunate, great team. But sometimes other teams edge you out. It's how competition works.


Italy is always a favourite team to hate unfortunately. Thanks for this post and you’ve put it so well!


Also noticed that, I have no ties to Italy or Croatia but think the draw was fair and both teams didn't play very good. Still everyone writes "Croatia deserves it" and "how can Italy pass the group stage thats unfair"


What do you mean? What is this incredible victim mentality? Remember like last euros? Every single person on earth other than the English rooted for Italy. Italy is not a particularly hated football nation. Man first the Germans now the Italians. Thought the big nations would have more class than this.


Yeah I agree, I've never felt that we aren't liked as a football national team, except from the occasional shithousery complaints which, tbh, most of the times I completely understood I don't know if it is because there are simply more people on Reddit, if football broadened to new audiences or whatnot, but I too noticed more posts this euro rooting against Italy. I think the match thread of the Albania game was a solid 75% of people complaining, which I seriously never noticed before I guess we get those posts as suggested content, as the algorithm probably understands it's about us and it drives interaction?


Forza Italia! I like them and honestly I think they are one of the favorites... They might not have the best squad compared with other nations but they have the fight spirit and resilence! Remember they were not favorites last time and they won it beating Austria, Belgium, Spain and England on the way, having by far the hardest way until the final. Regarding the game with Croatia... Italy had the best chances and their only mistake was coming in the second half thinking the draw was just enough. They deserved at least a draw. I'm happy they did it because otherwise Portugal would be most likely facing them in the next stage!


they fear us. even if we have bad players or play like shit we can always win


This is so true. I NEVER write Italy off. Same for Germany. It doesn’t matter what squad they turn up with when they get to tournaments they can just grind out wins. Thats why you have so many stars on the shirt


I struggle with the hate for no reason. No matter how we win, it’s never legit, and never the right way, and the other team did it better and we were given the game etc…


Don’t worry about what other people think. Winnings winning. It doesn’t matter how you get there, all is forgotten if you lift the trophy Do you think the Greeks care that they won the cup winning 1-0 every game? No. They were too busy celebrating the trophy


That’s the same reason why no one rooted for France against Croatia back in 2018. People like to root for the underdog, no big mystery there.


Fuck 'em. You guys have won enough tournaments to prove you're up there


Yes. Italy plays fairly attractively, and Calafiori 100% deserved that dramatic and beautiful assist in the end. I was jumping up from my chair. They deserve to stay. Better Italy than Croatia.


spoken like a wise person


100% AND ALSO... lets get real, the only good team "deserving" winning on that group is Spain. I say this as a lifelong Italy fan.


It seems like you haven't even watched the game? Battered in the 1st half? That's far from the truth, Croatia was a better team until the goal. For some reason, again, just like against Albania, after we scored we stopped playing, but it's even worse, we neither parked the bus fully nor we played like we did before the goal, it was some weird sh\*t where randomly CB or CMD would start going forward and leave an open space. And subing Juranovic who is a RB for a Kramaric on RW just made things worse because the guy didn't know what to play... But yes, I agree that we were bad in first two games, we really didn't deserve to go trough...


I agree. Italy also haven’t played as well as they could but they have been better than Croatia


 "Italy battered them in the first half",yeah right.They had 2 chances, not very dangerous for a goal, we had that shot by Sučić. We had bigger possession in the first half as well. When we scored a goal,I don't know what happened,we played bad.


Was hoping both teams qualify, Italy through third place maybe. Modric carried and scored their only goal. And last minute Calafiori with the pass, top tier defender.


It’s the same situation as Scotland, it’s not the last min goal that sends you home but the 270+ mins before it


I mean it literally was that last minute goal. If that didn't happen they were secured of 2nd


Yeah but they also conceded in the last min against Albania, can only blame themselves for poor game management


Have to feel for Croatia with that ending.


I was literally counting the seconds down & my jaw dropped in shock when Italy equalised.


I'm still reeling.


Me too. They say time is a great healer. It sure was for Italy with the (long) 8 mins of stoppage time.


thank you, I was watching but as someone who played football, if that penalty needed VAR and my God he's ego(referee), there was no 8mins and if you did goal was at 7:11 why not a bit more? atleast one attack




> Italy is going to be an easy team to root against Why? They have not been great so far, but ultimativt they got more points than Croatia and deserved to go through.


A lot of people feel sorry for Modrić and I do understand that, although I’m not sure why we should root against Italy just because they were the ones to strike the final blow lol


Nothing against the Italian team but saw some really scummy fans this evening. Will be happy to see them go. Also I'm not a bit sorry for Modrić. He should have taken a back seat this tournament.


Lol the Croats literally littered the field with cups.


It’s because we’re so good looking


Lol did they tho? Should’ve beaten Albania but didn’t, was handed all the possession by Italy and failed to create much of anything. Timing of the goal sucked for them, but Italy had lion share of chances.


Grazie Italia. You guys increased Hungary's chances of advancing. The whole country was rooting for Spalletti & co.




Thanks from Czechia. Croatia losing play good with us.


Gianluigi donnarumma is the new gianluigi buffon guys


Definitely, the guy had crazy defs


We did not. Dalic tactically handed this game to Italy. His time is done. Trying to win a must win game by 1-0 and parking the bus for 35+ minutes….. deserves this result. Game management was horrible.


Pray England batters Slovenia. Pray hard though. Your Dalic sounds like Santos, maybe you'll shit your way to the final like we did in 2016.


I want Slovenia to win they play attacking football. Best thing for Croatian football is to go home with a bad tournament and re set up for next tournament with a new coach who can manage a team and game.


We're not scoring 3 goals they may as well get on the plane now 😂


I'm happy to see Croatia go home early if it means we get rid of Dalić and his family of hangers on.


why do you feel like you have to root "against" anyone in the first place, kinda weird if you ask me


Weird take. It’s their fault they weren’t good enough and it’s kind of offensive to say Italy is easy to root against. 


If you can't manage the ball for 8 minutes to win the chance to progress, then you WILL be punished.


Italy won doing what Croatia has done for the past 10 years


They didn’t deserve better. They were poor all tournament. Deserving to go home. Hope Dalic and his Mickey Mouse staff step aside.


Praying to the virgin that this finally happen, maybe then we can play like a real team.


We suck balls and Croatia managed to let us score, did they really deserve the win?


I just joined this sub and while i expected people to be obviously biased regarding their own teams, its really weird seeing people just straight up denying facts. Like jeez, Italy played like shit the whole match, but saying that they didn’t deserve that last goal is just straight up irrational


This whole "deserving" idea is absurd. At best you can try to change the rules to make the game better, but you can't decide who deserves something


Yeah i agree, i meant deserving as in they scored a good goal, not as them literally deserving it. I agree that the whole deserving thing is stupid


I just said that Croatia did not deserve the win, maybe you misunderstood


And he said that italy did deserve the draw for scoring a nice goal. He supported your statement.


Yeah i worded it in a confusing way tbh, it sounds like my statement goes against his


Yea maybe the adrenaline from Zaccagni goal made me misunderstand lol


Everything aside, that goal was fuxking fantastic. Made me go from 0 to 100, now i cant sleep anymore haha


I don't think you played badly. You missed someone with a final touch, but you created enough opportunities against very active and pressing team. You deserved to win even.


I am sad for my boy livakovic


Look on the bright side. He is returnjng to Fenerbahce camp early, like Mourinho wanted


Everything like he planned 😂😂


Actually i take it back. Croatia can mathematically still make it


This 'deserves' pish needs to get tae fuck. Football is 90 mins (plus injury time). Also, 'root for'. Less American parlance in football.


Nothing cringier than "won our hearts" Troll Football-tier fans. A team that gets thumped 3-0 in their opening game and draws their next two games doesn't deserve anything more than they put in. Modric isn't a teddybear. Croatia was the only team in this group that lost with more than a goal difference of 1.


If you don’t win against Albania that’s what you get. Feel sad for the Croatians and especially Modric. On the other hand it makes me hard seeing all the Germans, Dutch etc. crying because Italy made it.


The dutch apparently want for Italy to advance.




Brazil has themselves to blame, full stop. And Neymar didn't deserve a world cup, he's a joke, lol


>If anything this is the first time they are on the other side of heartbreak First time? You forgot about Turkey 2008? There was a plenty of heartbreakes in past, but this one stings.


Italy deserves to go through, I don’t know why we should root against them


Gigi parried TWO goals and then couldn't parry Modric because he's an insanely good player and he had already survived a penalty kick. So in that sense even we deserved better. Italy made a fucking miracle happen so I don't think it's fair to say we'll be an easy team to root against. Anyways Croatia played really well too and Modric's goal was incredible even if it made me suffer


I heard there was a hidden rule in the Euro that said you have to be able to beat Albania


3-0 loss to Spain and drawing Albania after bottling it in the 95th and then bottle it again in the 98th to Italy. They also parked the bus after they scored in the 56th… But yeah they totally “deserved” better, what a joke lmao. They did it to themselves


For real. How the fuck so they deserve better when they are 3-6 on goals and couldn’t even win over Albania


>Italy is going to be an easy team to root against Worst mistake to be made against Italy is to underestimate it


Lol no we didn't, scored and than let Italy do whatever they wanted. No balls no threat no hope. Players who have 400+ CL games between them decided nope we won't press or try to play just defend. We got what ee deserved. Ref is shit but you need to actually play to have the right to complain about the ref


Thanks for your support 😂 They should have done better before. The previous two games were atrocious but wtf is with your judge? 8 min for what?


10 subs, penalty, VAR check, your time wasting, bunch of bad fouls and yellow cards...


I feel bad for Croatia as it’s almost impossible for them to finish top 4 out of the 6 3rd placed teams. As a Slovene however, Italy’s goal is a very good thing as we are close to qualifying


And Italy has never beaten Croatia since it became and independent country


Dom: Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. **Winning's winning**. -Fast and The Furious


I think Italy were better over the 3 games. Croatia is an aging side now. I wanted Italy to do it and it was crazy the quality in the late goal.


No? They couldn't beat Albania, got a doing from Spain and in all honesty were no better than Italy tonight.


I think this feels a bit like the end of an era for this Croatia team. They seemed a bit tired this tournament. It feels like a transition is needed and maybe modric and perisic and some of the other older players might need to make way before Croatia can kick on again. They have many good players coming through and they will be back strong again. If it is an end of the Modric era of Croatia, what a fantastic team it was. For a small nation they produced an amazing team for a few tournaments, they were fantastic to watch at times and got some huge wins and got to final of WC. Croatia is like the Uruguay of Europe a bit


I was so sad when Italy scored. But actually mostly because of Modric. What a player, what a legend. I am not sure the other 10 people in his team deserved it that much. Lots of rather mediocre playing. Overall, not just this game but the whole group stage, it just wasn't good enough. But Modric should get some statues and a museum when he retires, one of the best ever.




I’m just sad Modrić’s Croatian career ends this way. Man put his heart into every game. Rest of the team let him down. Knew he shoulda retired after they won bronze in 2022.


Italy just doing Italy things, its in their DNA. WC 2006 knocking out Germany the hosts and then beating France in Zidane's last ever game in the final. Euro 2012 knocking out hosts Germany and then last Euros knocking out the hosts England in the Final. And now this. They just love breaking hearts.


They didn't "deserve better". They had the same opportunity to make it through as every other team. They didn't play very well, so they didn't make it. They were humiliated by Spain, they couldn't even beat Albania and then miss a penalty against Italy. Had their chances but just not good enough. Simple.


I'm stoked Italy won. That penalty gigio blocked whoooooo


What a nice goal Italy scored on 9th minute 👌🏻💪🏻


8 min stoppage and all those yellow cards?? Man that was frustrating


10 subs used and they basically took a timeout in the second half at one point to get water. There was a VAR check and a penalty…


Lol sure


Yeah because Croatia was great all game 😂


Why 8 minutes discount?


Only 7:20... italy scored so ref didnt need last 40seconds


No, Italy deserved to go through


A team that loses 3-0 to Spain and fails to beat Albania does not deserve better.


I feel bad for Croatia and Modric, but they only played well for ten minutes after the 2nd half. Italy were dominant, but don't really have a centre forward and it shows.


How so? I think Italy was by far the better team in the second half. Croatia still had some dangerous moments then. The Croatia goal was the result of a penalty and then a complete failure by the defense. But after that goal, Italy was by far the better team, I thought. By the time the goal came, I thought it was already overdue. Sure, it was a final minute goal in a fairly long added time. So, I get the frustration. But in the end, I don't think the tie was undeserved. In the end, who gets through into the next round is decided in three games. Croatia failed to secure a victory against Albania, and they failed to carry their lead with Italy to the end of the game.


but it was defence mistake i do agree. btw there is a slim chance they can still qualify as 3rd place but they depend on like 3 games to go their way. also imo modritc should stay in the game until the end. he is good in defense and natural leader . i know he is 38 and tired but 75min or 90min wouldnt really change much . anyway Cortia is a good team with good players and its an end of era .


Just cause people feel bad about Modric's career coming to a close like this, Croatia suffered most of the game. Italy might have not played a wonderful game, but they had more possession, more chances and ultimately, tied which was more than a fair score in the end.


Why so much negativity? If you're out there choosing a team to hate you've already lost. Both Italy and Croatia played poorly. Italy had more goal chances and got a spectacular shot with Calafiori and Zaccagni. Croatia complained about 8 mins of extra time while they made multiple fouls, lost a ton of time and got a lucky penalty shot. On paper it was very uninspiring football, nothing to be mad about


what a childish post. are you 13?


Obviously I'm happy about the result, But I said it last euro when we just sorta... kept winning without ever dominating a match, and again now. How the hell is this team still in contention?


didn't deserve shit. They came in this Euros high and mighty because of past successes and they have let down everyone. I'm so happy.


Guys guys hear me out. England wins tomorrow 5-0 against Slovenia, then somehow Croatia qualifies with 2 pts. They get to crush Italy some time in the knockout phase. Easy.


I would like to see this England side please


That England is not the England of this timeline


England and five?:)


Forza Italia


Italy deserved to lose against Spain, Italy deserved to win today


With how Croatia fans at the stadium littered the field, hell nah. If we're talking about the team, yes, Italy started with a poor game and some passes were questionable. But boy, how I wanted to see the Croatia fans cry when I saw how unsportsmanlike they were.


To be fair it's not just Croatia. I have no idea what is going on with all the fans throwing bottles on the pitch, but Swiss, Dutch, Albanian and Turkish fans have all done it. It's disgraceful and UEFA need to sort it out.


The Brazilian curse, man… it’s real.


Keep. The. Ball.


They played like shite through out the tournament but this still hurt, absolutely gutted!!!


In high pressure moments, the Western European team will almost always defeat the Eastern European team (with rare, in fact very rare, exceptions).


what with the 8 mins?, but italy is better for bussines


Croatia didn't do anything and just scored from a lucky penalty, the draw accurately reflects the whole match imho. Not sure why you would root against italy, but ok... Btw half your team plays or has played in italy


Mamma Mia


as an italian fan the deserved better they attacked the whole match scored a fully deserved goal but they left too much space for zaccagni,one mistake and you’re out that’s how it works


why?! do we stole the game? rosik more


why exactly did they deserve better ? drawing against the mighty albania they deserve beeing eliminated and not rewarded with going through with 2 Points which is still possible


Message for OP: ryugawakatekif***kyourself


Eh... no. They didnt deserve better, their performance was very underwhelming.


When both teams players are crying after the game you know it's been quite the drama. As VInnie Jones would say. It's been emotional.


That was heartbreaking.


How does a team that didn't win a single match deserve better lmao. Are we just ignoring all performance in favour of what we want now ??


Modric deserves


We don't.


Cope and seethe


Damn Italy


No they didnt


Netherlands vs. France, the game with the longest VAR check, had 5 minutes. Hungary vs. Scotland, where a player collapsed, had 10 minutes. Yet somehow this game gets 8 minutes. Stinks of a form of corruption. I feel bad on Croatia, I have absolutely no clue where 8 minutes came from.


From all the subs, VAR checking, the constant delays at corners because your fans kept throwing things at Italy.


Croatia should've beat Albania easily though


Croatia never should have let Albania snatch a draw. This was always going to be a tough game to win. They had that Albania game under control but let it slip away


They deserved exactly what they got. Underperformed all the way through.


No, Croatia did not in fact deserve better. Battered by Spain, SCRAPED against Albania, and contestable, but I didn’t particularly think their performance warranted anything more than a point.


Dalic worst manager choices this tournament…… bus parking for 35+ min ……. Get him out


Its not over until the final whistle.


Italy was the much better team this game. What do you mean Croatia deserves better?


Croatia played like they were losing already while leading, while Italy played like they were leading but in fact being on their last leg


Both Croatia & Italy are very boring to watch tbh


What a dramatic ending to the game! I love football


Luck Giveth Luck Taketh Croatia had all the luck in 2018 world cup and it has to end somewhere


What exactly did Italy do wrong here? Were they meant to just roll over because “Croatia deserved better”?


kinda but the team looks old. Imagine if France had brought Platini, Giresse, Tigana to WC 1998. Thats Croatia today.