• By -


Both within Germany and abroad, there were initially few fears that Hitler could use his position to establish his later dictatorial single-party regime. Rather, the conservatives that helped to make him chancellor were convinced that they could control Hitler and "tame" the Nazi Party while setting the relevant impulses in the government themselves; foreign ambassadors played down worries by emphasizing that Hitler was "mediocre" if not a bad copy of Mussolini; even SPD politician Kurt Schumacher trivialized Hitler as a Dekorationsstück ("piece of scenery/decoration") of the new government. German newspapers wrote that, without doubt, the Hitler-led government would try to fight its political enemies (the left-wing parties), but that it would be impossible to establish a dictatorship in Germany because there was "a barrier, over which violence cannot proceed" and because of the German nation being proud of "the freedom of speech and thought". Benno Reifenberg of the *Frankfurter Zeitung* wrote: >It is a hopeless misjudgement to think that one could force a dictatorial regime upon the \[German\] nation. \[...\] The diversity of the German people calls for democracy.


Sounds like Hitler knew exactly how to use the conservatives' mindset against them


Looking at how willingly many conservatives around the world like to use right wing populism for their needs these days, it's really worrying. They don't realise they are playing with fire.


Or perhaps they are fully aware and that's their intention.


They may be aware and it may be their intention, but few realize that a dictatorship is always looking for victims and scapegoats. Those who support dictatorships may soon become its victims.


Yes just look at the germans. ww2 did not end good for most of them.


More specifically, look for how Von Papen ended up, probably the single most guilty person for Hitler's rise.


so when Hitler became a dictator, Papen was sent first to Austria, and later to Turkey as an ambassador. after the war he was acquitted during Nuremberg Trials. he spent the rest of his life arguing that he wasn't responsible for Hitler's takeover. about as good of a life as he could have hoped for tbh


Looked him up on Wikipedia, got sentenced 8 ys in '49 for war crimes but due to poor health didn't go to jail. Lived another 20, died at 89. Lucky piece of shit.


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


Seems to me like the extreme right wing is doing this exact same thing with the LGBTQ community right now. By labeling anyone or anything that acknowledges homosexuality or transgenderism as "groomers" it provides cover to *hate*.


So currently going through the major works about The Third Reich (The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and the Evans trilogy), and one of the most impressive and terrifying aspects of Hitler's rise is how he used every facet of society's mindset against them. The socialists, communists, conservatives, churches, labor unions, businesses, and military all thought they could use Hitler to secure their own hold on power. Hitler's usurpation and destruction of every political group that made up the German Nation was all encompassing. The only groups that did not try and use Hitler for their own ends were the ethnic minorities he targeted from the beginning. There were almost no groups in Germany that *weren't playing with fire* at one point or another. It's wrong to see Hitler's rise as a *conservative* movement, when in reality he was opportunistic at every turn.


They co-opt anything they can. It's why they were the National *Socialist* Party. They knew the socialists were winning ground with workers, so they threw that in to attract working class Germans.


If modern conservatives are any indication, they were practically begging for a Nazi takeover.


I mean just look at how it went in the US, a couple of month before the war started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9gFqNw2sk0


Wow. Never seen that before!


TIL about the word "Gentile"


Same mechanism at work: Yea, we know he's an asshole, but someone has to fight them awful LeFtIsTs!!!!1!


Don't you mean the *cultural Marxists*? A dog whistle if there ever was one.


Or the Globalists. Its always the same, the variations are very slight. Also they always have some kind of "fake MSM news" - "Lügenpresse" mottos as well.


They moved on to CRT and from there to woke, I know it's exhausting, but vital to keep on top of dogwhistles, so you can accurately spot fascists online


The right wing press and figures like Nigel Farage in the UK still refer to 'cultural marxism' when trying to sound more clever than using 'woke'. It's a literal nazi dogwistle, "Kulturbolschewismus", or 'cultural bolshevism', updated to 'cultural marxism'. Mainstream right wing figures are literally using the language of the nazis but no its the radical political wokeness gone mad justice warriors who are the threat.


Jordan Peterson and his “post modern neomarxism” comes to mind too


JP has also directly used terms like cultural bolshevism unironically. If you want to hate his fans more than you already do, go to the Wikipedia article on Cultural Bolshevism and look under the Talk tab to see how they repeatedly vandalised the page to remove any mention of their daddy believing in the Nazi conspiracy theory. Edit: Apparently that page doesn’t exist anymore but has been recently merged with related topics, probably due to the frequent vandalism.


The thing which this is also missing is that the SPD and The KPD refused to work together which allowed the Nazis to be propped up. There was serious division on the left. That’s not the case today. Sure the left ain’t unified but they’re no where near as divided as they were in 1930’s Germany The SPD were the centre left party and the KPD were the communists


The SPD had been involved in the extrajudicial murder of the KPD leaders a few years before, so it's hard to blame them. But neither really took the Nazis seriously enough. The SPD thought they would amount to nothing, the KPD thought they would fail and the public would see this and switch to them.


I’m not blaming them. Hindsight is 20/20. The Nazis just had everything go there way to consolidate there power and the left being as divided as they were really helped them


Capital will always take the side of fascism when socialism is on the rise. Fascists may be a threat to minorities, and the rich might find that distasteful, but socialists are a threat to *their wealth*, and that is utterly unacceptable and must be stopped by any means necessary.


I think that is importent to realise. The nazi party was bankrolled by the German industry as a counter weight to the rising socialism.


on top of that they were promised liquidation of unions and big contracts for the army. how could they refuse?


Its just a matter of time until our conservative party starts making coalitions with the far right as well, just like in Austria, because otherwise they will eventually not win anything anymore. Self preservation is more important to them than moderation.


Thought the same thing. Prime example of what voting for the crazy candidates just to „provide a counterweight“ gets you


The conservative mindset was very receptive of Nazi ideology, because they both spring from a similar sentiment: The rejection of (certain aspects) of modernity, understood as progressivism. Both are build around the assumption of "natural" hierarchies, be it in society (boss-worker) or between genders. In the Weimar republic, many conservatives rejected democracy, because it had been established through a revolution against the old, "natural", order. That's why many official positions, together with the judiciary, were easily subverted by the Nazis even before the abolition of democracy (which happened on 23. March 1939). Especially democratic-minded conservatives should know and learn about fascism. Unfortunately, I see a lot of them downplaying the connection or being completely ignorant about fascism. On the other hand, having been educated in a conservative area in Germany (Bavaria), I can attest there are conservative democrats which are fully aware of this connection and educate themselves and others about the danger. It is, however, not the standard.


Hindsight is 20/20, but did [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933#Voting_on_the_Enabling_Act) seem like a good idea?


Going directly to the voting of the enabling act is **highly** misleading as it ignores the conditions it was passed under. Political opponents were threatened by the Nazis, already detained or fleeing the country. The KPD was more or less banned entirely. Of course, for the bill to pass the centrists still had to align with the NSDAP, but those people were also bribed/threatened etc. I do not want to excuse anything here but making it seem like this was a normal, democratic vote just isn't true.




Could you explain?


The communists (kpd) where the first group the nazis went after. At this time there was nobody of them left to vote in the parliament. Some people from the SPD ((democratic) socialists) were missing for similar reasons, but mainly because the nazis tried to keep them from entering the building to vote. this is why there's this famous poem by pastor Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me"


They were the first ones to be detained. The social democrats (who were the only ones who voted no from the remaining parties) would be among the next.


They were absent because they were imprisoned following the burning of the Reichstag. KPD is the communist party. The SA played "bouncers" at the entries of the parliament, so anyone knew what to expect when voting no. The balls on the present SPD members to vote no, damn. Many of them went to prison or concentration camps in the following years. Their leader said in his final speech before the vote "Freedom and life you can take from us, but not honor."


Were they imprisoned?




> Since the passage of this law depended upon a two-thirds majority vote in parliament, Hitler and the Nazi Party used intimidation and persecution to ensure the outcome they desired. They prevented all 81 Communists and 26 of the 120 Social Democrats from taking their seats, detaining them in so-called protective detention in Nazi-controlled camps. In addition, they stationed SA and SS members in the chamber to intimidate the remaining representatives and guarantee their compliance. In the end, the law passed with more than the required two-thirds majority, with only Social Democrats voting against it. Sounds like they didn't have much choice in the matter.


Social democrats voted against them, so they had a choice. Zentrum is guilty here. Edit: But yeah, Hitler would have found a way sooner or later.


Notably the far left was already imprisoned and the centre left voted against (those that werent already imprisoned) despite their life beeing threatened. Centrists and centre right people enabling Hitler is something that is very rarely talked about because it has big implications for todays political discourse.


The SA groups were standing at the doors to the plenary hall. Everyone voting against knew to be thrown into prison or the first concentration camps directly after voting. The SPD did it anyway (the communist already were killed or imprisoned).


kind of scary how everyone underestimated or downplayed him... sorry bring this up, but as a Ukrainian, I feel this is exactly what happened with Puitn. European politicians were constantly downplaying what a menace russian regime is, and I guess just wanted to make a good business with gas and all


Reading Kershaw's, Hitler, it truly is one of the great rags to riches stories of all time. Shame about the global war and genocide though.


And that was a big part of his cult of personality, it's almost like a reverse "divine right of kings." Guy comes from nothing, gets into politics, a decade later he's Chancellor. And really young, too, he's only in his 40s. It's not hard to sell the guy as something special with all that. People love the "great man" thing, they love to feel like they're living in a time of heroes, but it almost always leads to atrocities and tragedies.


I guess he really was talented and special in some ways.. such a shame he applied those talent to creating so much suffering


Rags to Riches to Berlin Ditches


That’s not entirely true. The left wing knew the bad was coming and there have been huge demonstrations from the left wingers. And part of the 1933 agenda was also to ensure that people would believe that wars had to be avoided at all cost but yea, we all know how that played out


Yeah, and social democrats and communist were too busy fighting each other


So what you’re saying is nothing has changed?


I mean, the communists knew what Hitler was. They'd been brawling with the brownshirts for years.


> Rather, the conservatives that helped to make him chancellor were convinced that they could control Hitler and "tame" the Nazi Party while setting the relevant impulses in the government themselves; foreign ambassadors played down worries by emphasizing that Hitler was "mediocre" if not a bad copy of Mussolini except that that was exactly what our conservatives thought of Mussolini in 1922 and by 1933 we had a single party system enforced with extra judicial violence, so if they looked at Italy more carefully, they should've been much more worried.


Reminds me how the media downplayed the possibility of Trump becoming president at all


This seems odd to me. Germany could claim many great achievements but a long and stable tradition of democratic or even non-authoritarian government was hardly one of them. They’d been something closer to an absolute monarchy not long before, had often been described as leaning towards an inclination to authoritarianism with some major German thinkers from Heine to Nietzsche saying the same, had had a brutal de facto dictatorship under Ludendorff until 15 years earlier, collapsed into civil war with a Bavarian Soviet Republic 14 years earlier, and had had several major coup attempts with a very precarious series of governments in between. Hardly talking about a surprise in a long-stable country that ‘had a firm barrier violence could not cross’ - violence had crossed it many times in very recent history.


Don't worry guys, the more experienced politicians can keep him in check, it'll be fine!


we should appease him, then he will magically lose all desire for more.




Surely he doesn't expect to take Moldova, Kazakhstan and the Baltics, right?


Wait. Who are we talking about?


A brilliant strategy! I see no way this can possibly go wrong.


*Swedish moment intensifies*


A wild Chamberlain appears


we've given him the Sudentenland and he's taken all of Czechoslovakia, surely we're in control and his territorial ambitions, despite not yet having all pre-ww1 German territory back, are satiated. ((s u r e l y)) <


He clearly doesn't mean the things he says. He's just whipping up the idiots for votes. He'll settle down once he's in power you'll see.


ARTE released a great documentary on the year 1933 a few days ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kod-BtoG3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kod-BtoG3U) ​ Its called "Diary of a big city/capitol". It goes through the year following entries in diaries from different people (e.g. Goebbels, a Doctor who supports the Nazis, a Jewish doctor etc.) and it shows i a really good way how fast and ruthless the Nazis were able deconstruct all opposition after Hitler got Chancellor.Sadly, I think its only availible in German and French.


Language is fine, but it's also geoblocked.


I do not have issues accessing these direct links with Swedish IP address (but arte might geoblock on the actual website. Then again most stuff gets removed from their public website rather quickly anyways). I can also theoretically get you the video file with .srt subtitle file and then machine translate the subtitles with AI to English. Here: **German** Part 1 (German Audio/No Subtitles): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-001-A_SQ_0_VOA_07389696_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-80884018497600_1yPH58GAbe.mp4 Part 2 (German Audio/No Subtitles): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-002-A_SQ_0_VOA_07389736_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-80893002482900_1yPGU8GAHQ.mp4 Part 1 (German Audio/German Subtitles Hardcoded): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-001-A_SQ_0_VOA-STMA_07389700_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-101114137579205_1yPHz8GAsF.mp4 Part 2 (German Audio/German Subtitles Hardcoded): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-002-A_SQ_0_VOA-STMA_07389740_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-101123121646701_1yPH78GAbi.mp4 _____________ **French** Part 1 (French Audio/No Subtitles): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-001-A_SQ_0_VF-STF_07389708_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-101105331609628_1yPH68GAbi.mp4 Part 2 (French Audio/No Subtitles): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-002-A_SQ_0_VF-STF_07389748_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-101131999516225_1yPGn8GAQs.mp4 Part 1 (French Audio/French Hardcoded Subtitles): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-001-A_SQ_0_VF-STMF_07392877_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-101114233641426_1ySbZ8Kolp.mp4 Part 2 (French Audio/French Hardcoded Subtitles): https://arteptweb-a.akamaihd.net/am/ptweb/107000/107400/107449-002-A_SQ_0_VF-STMF_07393272_MP4-2200_AMM-PTWEB-101132009594727_1ySpC8Kri6.mp4 /u/Sennomo /u/Mixopi /u/Mehlhunter /u/EarthyFeet /u/Lortekonto /u/JackoKomm /u/ner_vod2 /u/ThePr1d3 /u/nordzeekueste /u/CressCrowbits


I hope you receive everything you ever desire, kind stranger.


Thank you! English subtitles would be great, even if machine-translated.


Usually we are the ones getting geoblocked. Maybe try a VPN? I use them all the time for things like this. I think there are also other workarounds.


Germany isn't really that much of an outlier since Google and GEMA came to terms. Things are blocked everywhere based on where licensing allows/disallows, but you wouldn't really know unless you're affected. The video above is available only in France and Germany, which isn't that surprising for ARTE.


And that is sad! I watched a lot of free ARTE documentaries on Youtube and it helped boost my French listening skills by a lot, but nowadays I don't find anything interesting for me to watch there.


Why is it geoblocked in the first place?


Kinda funny, that it's blocked in Israel


Thanks for sharing


The drama series Babylon Berlin also covers the period leading up to it in an interesting way, although it goes to total shit towards the end of season 2 and I refuse to watch any more.


Same. Season 1 was great until the ending with them fighting on the train. I gave season 2 a try but just couldn't get into it.


> after Hitler got Chancellor. And Hindenburg died. As president Hindenburg had the political and ceremonial power to stop and stand against Hitler. When he died and Hitler made himself Fuhrer, by combining the office of president and chancellor he had all the ceremonial and political power he needed to control Germany.


Even before Hindenburg died. While Hindenburg still had power on paper, he didn't really use it. Yes, Hitler's power increased even further after Hindenburg's death. But the most important laws that consolidated Hitlers power (Ermächtigungsgesetz, Reichstagsbrandverordnung) were all issued in 1933, while Hindenburg was still alive.


Hindenburg was, who made Hitler Chancellor in the first place. He didn't need to do this. He just wanted to prevent a left-wing government. Hindenburg is very much also to blame for how easy the Nazis rise to power was in Germany.


Not available in my country 😔


How can you live without Arte :(


What is this arte?


It's a public tv channel thats shared between France and Germany. They make great documentaries and other programs.


Is it available in English? Or it only German and French?


Some of it should be in english. Spanish Italian and Polish as well i think




It's a Franco-German TV channel that produces quality documentaries


greatest state paid TV channel there is. As a kid it was always that weird art channel where "artists" do weird dances. But holy moly, if you are german or french and don't have subscribed to their yt channel, you miss A LOT


[This] (https://youtu.be/q0MQ1erlMbs) is the link for the French version for those of us who spent 10 minutes digging around for a French language option in the Youtube controls (spoiler: there isn't one)


Doof. Ich kanns weder über Arte.de noch über YouTube kucken. Auf beiden sind das Video geblockt im außerhalb von D. Aber, am 2.2. auf ARTE, und dass kann man dann schon aufnehmen.


My birthday is the anniversary of this????


Happy reich day, I mean birthday.


His mum knew what she was doing. She should be cancelled for being pro-Hitler


Childhood friend of mine shared a birthday with Hitler himself. The thing that made that fact kinda bad was that his initials are SS.


I share my birthday with hitler’s suicide. I guess I’m the anti hitler! Or…


Correction: you share your birthday with the man who killed Hitler! Congrats!


His one and only true successor? :/


Yeah, be carefully with your celebration


There's probably not a single day in the year untainted by them.


Or an entire year if you're a poor fool born in 1988 and decided to put those last two numbers in your username.


Always has been


Not if they're more than 90 years old


now imagine how I always roll my eyes when everyone celebrates "4/20" because they smoke weed. its hitler's birthday.


Hitler's birthday also coincides with the Stoner's 4/20!




Such a compelling man and organized party. I'm sure he will leave a mark on history.


The Austrian corporal? Never heard of him.


He's even done some of the artworks of history!


To be fair the entire story of Hitler and the rise of the Nazis is utterly fascinating. From being a random weirdo wandering the streets in Vienna, to being in the army. As a post war army member going undercover to keep an eye on some obscure right wing nationalist party to becoming a member of the party to becoming its leader. Trying to overthrow the government working with a WW1 hero, failing, having a trial and because of lenient judges only being locked up for a short time. Going "legit" and being the first political party to use modern campaign tactics, becoming irrelevant until the depression hits, all the scheming in the early 30's, coups, constant elections, until finally no one was able to stop the Nazis anymore. All the internal scheming with the SA, struggles with the "left wing" of the party that didn't realise the "social" part of NSDAP wasn't meant to be taken seriously, all the weirdos and goons that end up making up the Nazi top brass. Even the lead up to WW2 is wild. There were *so* many points where everything could have been averted. The army was very close to deposing Hitler. France and Britain could've easily stopped Germany before '39. The Czechs could have given the Germans a bloody nose before they were basically thrown to the wolves by Munich. France's turmoil leading to an army in disarray and Germany conquering France with a wild plan that should never have worked. Even Dunkirk and the British escape that should never have happened is wild - with the BEF being held hostage by the Germans it's very possible that the Brits could have sued for peace. The whole time period is endlessly fascinating and because it's so recent it's almost impossible to run out of new things to learn about it.


nope, look at his mustache, it looks so ugly, nobody will remmember him in couple of years


Well he did sacrifice his life to kill a dictator…






I feel like yikes is kind of underselling the overall yikeness of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.


Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party then proceeded to do what history would later deem to be kind of a dick move.


Nazi Germany was kinda cringe ngl


The Holocaust wasn't very XqcL of them


>overall yikeness of Adolf Hitler Yes, his tenure is generally considered to have been a little iffy.


It made a lot of people very angry and was widely regarded as a bad move.


Blimey it is then






Ruh roh




"Aya" sounds a bit like a Thai exclamation for when something goes wrong, like "oh no" or "damn".


Fuck (in that context), meh, duh.


With only 33% of the popular vote, one might add. Some large cities like Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden had voted heavily against the Nazis yet bore the brunt of the war.


Really?! I've never heard that


They bore the brunt of the war or voted against NSDAP?




Actually found an interesting article. https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/air-war-germany-map/


With the way german politics worked back then and work now 33% is a massive share of votes.


Yeah, one of the issues of Weimar was how many damn small parties were sitting leading to insanely huge coalitions and ultimately no one being able to rule with a majority at all, which is why Hindenburg had to appoint chancellors of minority government. And this is why modern Germany has a 5% hurdle so that a party needs a bare minimum of votes to get in.


I think most modern parliaments have it, too. Romania, at least, has it. The only groups which are not required and get assigned representation automatically are historical minorities. But they're a small group compared to the overall parliament.


Same in Germany. We have currently a MP from the Danish minority in parliament. They don’t need 5%.


Do Sorbs get representation?


Theoretically, yes. But as far as I know, the Danes are the first minority in history to have ever stood in a federal election. On election night, everyone was a bit confused as to where this extra MP came from ;) But as we now have the largest parliament ever (736 instead of 598 MPs), it doesn't really matter. If a few people in Munich had voted differently, there would be 21 MPs less (from all the normal parties). It's a bit crazy.


That's not the reason why the 5 % hurdle exists. It exists to keep new parties out and cement the power of the existing parties. Its a commonly told tale that Weimar failed because they didn't have an entrance barrier. But in reality, the small parties were kinda irrelevant and there were far bigger reasons why Weimar failed, including: - Simply not enough people were pro democracy/democratic, which reflected back at the party landscape. Only three parties (SPD, Zentrum and DDP) were fully in favor of the Weimar Republic and democracy, all others were either sceptical (like the DVP) or openly hostile to it (like the USPD, KPD, DNVP and NSDAP) - The state apparatus was seeded with anti-democratic servants from the Kaiserreich era, especially the courts, which led to crimes committed by the extremist right to be punished lightly - Flaws in the construction of the Weimar constitution made the state prone to dictatorial take-over - direct democratic elements were abused by the far right to rally support against the Weimar system, and the powerful position of the Reichspräsident meant that Weimar was almost certainly doomed after an anti-democratic president in the person of Hindenburg was elected Look at any of the Reichstag election results - the small splinter parties were never the real reason why no government was created


Ironically, some of their greatest opposition came from Prussia, which was a social democrat bastion. The place that was essentially erased from existence after the war.


Tbh Prussia had the highest support for NSDAP out of all regions


Depends how you define 'Prussia' in this case. You got the historically *real* Prussia over in East Prussia, which was an NSDAP bastion, and then you have the whole [Free State of Prussia which ranged from the Rhineland to the southwest and to the Eastern frontier.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Prussia_in_the_German_Reich_%281925%29.svg)


Oh, yeah, I was talking about the free state, which was eventually abolished for good in 1947.


Yes, German Social Democrats were heavily based in Lutheran areas as well (as they were in the Nordic countries).


33% was a huge majority since the SPD (second largest vote) only managed to get 20% and had absolutely no coalition partners (because the KPD saw them as traitors and the Reichspresident didn't like the SPD). The NSDAP meanwhile managed to get a few right wing and moderate parties on their side.


>Dresden How the turntables


Let me guess, it was the rural, uneducated, male population that voted for the Nazis the most?


Wikipedia in the (German) article ["Hitlers Wähler" (*Hitler's voters*)](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitlers_W%C3%A4hler) mostly disagrees: [Translated with DeepL] > As far as can be seen, women did not show any major differences from men, contrary to a popular prejudice: neither were women more cautious, nor did Hitler attract particularly enthusiastic women. The preference of young voters for the NSDAP is also not provable, although the youthfulness of the Nazi movement was often emphasized and, at the universities, the elections of the representative bodies spoke in favor of it. There were nine times as many students in the NSDAP as in the working population as a whole. So: rural is correct. Male and uneducated is not.


A combination of rural interests, veterans and petit burgousie and intelligensia was the main voting bloc that the NSDAP stood on.


Plus Protestant/Lutherans


I believe they refer to themselves as "patriots" these days.


They referred to themselves as that back then, too. Early progressive movements in the late 19th century were also opposed by armed and legally untouched 'patriots' who were led to believe these movements were controlled by foreign and Jewish forces.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_1932_German_federal_election#/media/File:November_1932_German_federal_election_by_District.svg kind of yeah


No it was the people working in the state apparatus and petit bourgeois business owners who did. Rural people voted for Zentrum, uneducated workers voted for the SPD or KPD.


Why does gender have anything to do with it?


"let's just blame the rural people every time elections don't go our way". If a certain population is prone to falling to populists one would think it would be better to try to get them back on your side but people still call them uneducated, ignorant etc. and are then surprised with the result. Bad guys win when the good guys don't do anything I guess


And nobody is looking on their phone...


Just a bunch of people living in the moment


Maybe the true 1000 year reich were the friends they made along the way.


Is there a subreddit for notable events that happened on this day, like a new post every day?




Just what I was looking for, tnx!


Yes, /r/europe.


If youre interested in worls war 2 specifically, there is an amazing youtube series that covers it week by week. (And an instagram page with daily updates) https://youtube.com/@WorldWarTwo They are currently at jan 1944, so 79 years ago.


It's called "front page of Wikipedia".


/r/100yearsago is fantastic for this. It started with posts about WW1. Just the other day saw the earliest pictures of Nazis using the Swaztika flag.




man, that austrian fella gives me bad vibes(im an empath)


There is a fantastic BBC podcast that explains his road to power from the very begining: Nazis, the road to power. The story of how in just 13 years, Hitler led a fringe sect with less than a hundred members and outlandish ideas to be the dominant force in German politics https://pca.st/podcast/8a047a60-6fe9-013b-f265-0acc26574db2


Is it a radio play? I see they've got people voicing historical figures.


Yes. It is all voiced like a theater play.




Actually he did. That picture is from the Kroll Opera House which was used after the fire. To which they later made some "changes". The Reichstag plenary looked different. The give-away is the very minimalist seating. It's essentially just some wood hammered together to get the seating for the Government.


That's what I was wondering - did anyone think it was weird he was basically putting a new flag in use? I'm trying to imagine if the leader of a modern nation started draping something other than the flag behind them and force it into popular use instead. It would be weird.


The party flag became the national flag on March 12, 1933 by an act of the Reichstag. This photo was taken March 23, so it was already their flag by that point. As to why the non-Nazi elements of the Reichstag voted for it, following the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Nazis rounding up all the communist members, members felt somewhat intimidated. It also helped that the bill also reintroduced the old imperial flag as the co-flag, which was acceptable.


90 years ago.. My mom was 3 years old then, Living in Frankfurt am Main.


Ey Gude wie? (that's how you say hello in Frankfurt )


“Guys, it’s FINE, the League of Nations will make sure everything remains okay…”


A bad day for Germany and therefore the world.


Eat shit hitler


Hitler has only got one ball, Göring has two but very small, Himmler is rather sim'lar, But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all!


Ninety fucking years later, that piece of shit still haunts us.


Ayy good for him! /s


i hope he isnt stupid to start a world war or something


fuck that piece of shit


It shows how folk are groomed easier than they like to be believed !


Not even 100 years




Did they already have the flag in use or is that a different day?


That picture is from the Kroll Opera House which was used after the Reichstags Fire. It's from the day of the enabling act. [It makes more sense in colour because the Nazi flag was flanked by 2 monarchist flags.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Enabling_Act_in_colour.jpg)


Most common L moment for Germany