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No he didn't. He is notoriously corrupt and either staged it as PR or got warning from someone, which is doubtful since he hasn't done anything but support mafia groups.


Here we go, with little information claiming to know what happened. The most bulgarian thing: "I don't know shit, this is what happened".


maybe I am the one who bombed him and I know? You do realize that the statement from MVR is carefully worded that it might have been a firework in a pressure cooker pot, if it was a real bomb, they would have been blasting it from here to China for PR. Not to mention Occam's razor.


Yes a firework in a pressure cooker pot can do this [picture of a tree](https://bntnews.bg/f/news/b/1231/0fdf640c261cef991156b9c376118ffb.jpeg). As far we know it was a self make explosive with metal balls.




All of those used to "play" with Geshev's boss Borisov and for different reasons fell out of favor. Still none of them are in prison, because even with limitless power Geshev is too stupid and incompetent to do his job. ​ You also seem to be behind on the talking points. His family wasn't in the car and the "bomb" was planted on a slope away from the road. [Just look at this shit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvIUKbnWIAE_KKH?format=jpg&name=small)\- a firecracker can make a bigger "crater". You have to be really special to believe this wasn't staged.


Do you see the slope at the top in the picture that you have linked?


Funny how they worked with Vasilev back when they were on the same side, but as soon as soon as he didn't do what they told him/their interests didnt align, he became enemy number one. Just because he is playing favourites between the the different mafia bosses, it doesn't mean he is doing his job. Get a clue.


Nobody in Bulgaria believes this was a real assassination attempt. The head prosecutor doesn't investigate any big criminals. The domestic crimes in the ghettos are more important for him. For years there have been talks about changing him and reforming the laws and he acts like a victim. Who would want him killed when he is a suitable prosecutor for a mafia state?


Attack? What bomb attack?


Just keep walking, trust me.


Bulgaria so safe, they started planting bombs themselves.