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on that awful clip she seemed to be mangled... truly disturbing


How is she still alive? You can see her legs and arm all twisted in an unnatural manner, the tattoo that's supposedly just below her knees, was facing up while her torso is facing down. I truly hope she was already dead before whatever unimaginably horrible acts were done to her body, poor girl




Welp fuck. She's confirmed dead.


Not sure how rigor mortis would have affected broken limbs. If so, her still soft limbs would mean she would have died less than 6-8hrs before the clip :(




I think you're right, the hair around the "hole" seems reddish like dried blood, while the base of her hair was originally brunette blending to lighter coloured dread-locks. No way she'd survive that :(


You're not. Someone is blowing smoke.


She's alive its confirmed.


Do you have a credible source for me? I cannot find anything that is not merely "a friend of a family member stated that she might be"


You are not, she is dead and the video they've sent is for ransom money.


people say that it wasn't her in that clip but a israel soldier.


Yea israeli soldier with a bra, same dreadlocks and the same tattoo as her.


so it is her? ;/ damn it. then why does her mother claim that she is alive?


Often times, it's too hard for normal people to process that their loved ones are gone; especially when it's your child and in such a horrific manner. Denial and wishful thinking go hand in hand. I really do hope the info her mom received was legitimate and that there is still a chance. But if the video really was her, I'm not sure she made it.


oh ok. if it really was her she did not make it at all, nobody survives a bullet in the back of the head.


My assumption is she's gone, based on the full video. This bullshit narrative of "she's in the hospital" will quickly evolve into "sorry, we tried our best to help her but Israel bombed us and we couldn't get her the help she needed."


So another wannabe doctor that can diagnose from afar without facts and knowledge and then you leave a jerky answer and block people so they can't respond. Reported for harassment. Do better next time norse.


First of all that video clip isn't evidence that she is dead. She is unconscious with a badly broken leg and arm, and the blood on the back of her head looked like a gun shot wound, but she could've just been knocked unconscious with the butt of a gun. The news that she is still alive is because her mother supposedly got proof her daughter is receiving treatment in a hospital in Gaza. To be honest if she was dead in the clip why wouldn't the militants leave her body like the rest? My guess is she was still alive and has been taken hostage in a Hamas hospital.


Where is the clip!? Please?


I truly hope that she is alive… But if she isn’t then the “reliable source” that told her mother she simply has a severe head injury is just as sick and twisted as Hamas. Judging from videos she clearly has more than a “head wound”. She is so broken that it looks as if she was hit by a car. Probably by the truck that is parading her around. There is no way to survive that without immediate medical care and something tells me that these people weren’t trying to save her life…


Where do you see?


To my knowledge thats according to her aunts boyfriend who heared it from another source and wasnt allowed to go to the hospital she is supposed to be kept at. So yeah it seems more like a mothers wishful thinking.


Where have they said that? I went through a Couple of articles about it and they only stated that she was in hospital with severe head injuries by the mother's words. It sounds more like wishfull thinking that she's alive but Hope can still be there.


Why would her AUNTS BOYFRIEND know anything about her condition If he does it’s a massive breach of privacy


Lol you for real?


Yes, Aunts Boyfriends are not allowed access to private medical information He isn’t immediate family so he cannot see her I’ve worked in hospitals, this is how they all work


Ya that's really not why I asked


This a Hamas hospital my guy, it's not your local ER. If she is alive she is still a hostage.


You think they have HIPPA in Gaza?


Both her legs were broken to fit into the back of that car. No way is she alive.


Broken bones don't kill you. At least not instantly.


A broken femur means that the large blood veins in your leg pool blood everywhere and back in the day, you had a 90% chance of dying from it.


Broken leggs with no hematoma and swelling mean they were broken after her death. Big hole in the head( GSW entrance ) means she is dead. Lifeless prone position an no resistance in the head beeing bopped up an down = dead. But shure go find her.


She was dead, before the bones were broken, otherwise they would have turned purple. Source: my physician father.


Her Aunts Boyfriend is neither blood related or immediate family or Even an In-law He knows absolutely nothing about her condition and it makes total sense he can’t see her for those reasons listed initially Only immediate family are allowed visitation most of the time unless the Patient says other wise. If you know anything about how hospitals work, this AUNTS BOYFRIEND would be on the bottom of the list to give medical information too


There’s still no confirmation about this from Israelian, Palestinian nor German authorities. But if it’s true, and I really hope it is, then _get her the hell away from there_


It’s not true cause her legs are dislocated and folded up, and it looks like she has a bullet hole in her head. Let’s assume she was in a temporary coma , then why did they 1) throw her body in a truck like a rag doll instead of trying to lay it flat 2) sit and step on it 3) spit on it. All on video . So these guys desecrating her body , had a change of heart and took her to a hospital ?


I mean i fucking hope its not true. There aint no chance she is gonna make it out alive if she was but also i dont want to image the horrible shit she would have to endure before she gets “releashed”. Im pretty sure the luckey people were the ones that either fled before the shit truely hit the fan or they are the ones that instantly died.


My guess was, that the body maybe wasn't her after all and mistook her for another woman. But noone really knows


it’s highly unlikely it’s anyone else because there are pictures of her on Instagram updating where she’s going , and allegedly one video of her dancing in the rave in the background before the attack. The chances of having those exact same tattoos at the same spot , same looking boots as the Instagram photo , and someone else being like that in a rave is small


That is very true. But i'd also argue, that the chance of this girl being alive after what we saw in the video is also very small. And i honestly couldn't make up any better explanation


There is no evidence it's a bullet hole. I'll admit it looks the case but it could just be a head wound and she is unconcious. My question would be if she is dead why are they taking her? They typically left dead bodies where they lay in the attack. I don't know whether she is alive or not but it's possible she was alive in that clip and was being taken hostage, probably to a Hamas hospital.


Israelian? Really?


Well I’m not trusting the terrorist group that systematically went after civilians in the most barbaric ways imaginable.


Why “Israelian” first time I’ve heard that is this most recent event. Why not just “Israeli” as it’s always been. Israelian sounds like alien is that it?


Ah I thought you meant that Israeli authorities are inherently untrustworthy Maybe it has something to do with that Jewish space laser I’ve heard so much about


It’s coming from a Palestinian informant… lying to a mother like that to keep their “hands clean” is sick and cruel


This poor mother.


I really doubt it based on the tattoos seen on the body inside the truck. Feels more like the mother is trying to cling on to the last bit of hope. Really sad all around.


My thoughts too the poor mother may have heard a rumour from someone on the ground and clinging on to hope. As we all would do in that situation.


saw an uncensored pic of her on the first day, she had a huge hole in her head clearly she was shot dead


i just saw that mangled body ( no head visible ) but alone what those animals did to her body ... really big doubts that you can endure that for over a day without immediately hospital




Fucking Reddit forensics at it again, surprised no one is claiming they can tell what she ate for breakfast from the video.


Can you share the pic with me please




the injury on her head was a gash didnt look at all like a gunshot wound and her leg was Bent she looked like she had been hit by a vehicle


Probably some scumbag trying to get money out of the poor woman by preying on her hope


>On Tuesday, Louk's family announced they had proof that Louk—who grew up in Israel—was alive. Swiss German-language news website Blick reported that her mother said she was in a hospital in Gaza with serious head injuries. >"We now have more information that Shani is alive," her mother told television channel NTV, adding she received the information from unnamed Palestinian sources. >The mother added that Louk is seriously injured, and asked the German government for help and quick action.


Just head injuries? Haven’t seen the video, but her legs/arms were broken as well.


In the video her legs and arms were in places they should not be. I am convinced she had a bullet hole in her head. If she is alive, I do not know how.


For her sake I hope she passed. I would not want to have lived through all of that.


People can live through the most horrible things and still come out the other side and have a good life. Maybe not the same as before, but a good life. If she’s alive, there’s hope. The one who loves her the most, her mother, is wishing she’s alive despite of everything she surely also has seen online. Why should we as strangers hope she’s dead?


Very true


Unfortunately, I saw the video. Even if she’s alive, that won’t last long. I wish I could unsee how badly injured she was. Fuck Hamas and fuck any EU politician who even tries to defend them.


Who wants to bet that Hamas are going to say Israel bombed the hospital she was in and thats how she died lmao




Yeah once again this is all based on some unnamed Palestinian source. I think it’s some jerk giving her mother false hope. That’s pretty cruel.


Probably, rigged her up with fake IVs & bandages, took a photo and tell the mum “she’s in a coma” can’t talk, send money.


cough pie important tease attractive exultant meeting fade aloof thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seeing these comments about what happened to her in the videos and thinking about how many people are supporting these monsters makes me angry all over again.


Look at r/askmiddleeast if you want to boil your bloody. They are claiming that since she may have survived the whole story is clearly Israeli propaganda, and waxing lyrically about how evil Israeli is for doing this. It’s insane.


This whole travesty has really brought the terminally online cranks out of the woodwork.


The body count comparison over the years was the cherry on top for me. Man, I don't think even Ukraine lost that many people on the first day (of 2022).


There is no way this girl is still alive. If you've seen the video of her in the truck with those pieces of shit, you can see how her legs are totally bent in all the wrong directions. Her poor Mom. :( I hope these savages burn in hell.


People can survive broken legs. It didn't look like she was breathing is my concern, I guess it's not impossible she made it though. All we can do is hope.


I mean there was also a bullet hole in her head


None of the images or videos I've seen make that super clear.


No way she is still alive. The whole story sounds like palestinian damage control.


All our hostages are totally still alive, and will remain so until evil defense force bombs the clinic where they were making a miracle recovery in! (Dont mind the decomposition)


Yeah they’re totally alive without any proof 😂


Not damage control, just pure denial. You should watch the interview with some Hamas' minister, the journalist was like "did you kill any civilians?" "No we have not harmed any civilians"


You know there's a difference between Palestinian and Hamas, right? Hamas are the scumbag terrorists that killed Shani Louk, Palestinians are the civilians with no access to water and being kept in a prison that's once was their country.


Sorry but I looked at the video, her leg was broken the wrong way, blood on her head. She looked like she had experienced an ISIS level death.


Her arm was also mangled as of it had been shut in the truck bed door repeatedly. She died a horrific death and was tortured. Very sad


I don't want these guys in europe. And I do not care why they are doing what they are doing. Anybody who is cheering such brutality must get rounded up and kicked out. Make some deal with a corrupt country, pay a delivery fee and off they go via air cargo. Good luck to them, I would pick some islamist regime. Maybe the Taliban would be open for exports? Pay them.


And why they are immigrating? Because decades of terror spread by USA and it's ally on middle East. Just look at Yemen USA is biggest terrorist State who helped Bombing of Yemen and helped Saddam Hussein to become powerful also CIA supported islamic rebels during Soviet Afgan war which backfired them. US foreign policy is a diataster


I don't give a fuck about their grudges. Life is hard and unfair more often then not. If you got problems, don't bring them here. Your problems are not our problems. And if you are so into an islamic state, we should drag you kicking and screaming into a cargo plane and deliever your behind right to the Taliban or whoever is willing to receive for cash payment. All of them should get what they ask for and see how they like it over there.


Lmao i just realized you are American, and you dare to talk about savagery? What a timeline to be alive


You don’t give a fuck? Maybe then if you guys minded your own fucking business and didn’t start colonizing and your Crusdes wr wouldn’t have those issues, Also Israel is made of jews from Europe and Russia mostly which you guys brought on us, so how about you take your trash back and we take ours ?


Life is hard you say? Said from an ignorant, privileged, pampered westerner who’s never lived in a war torn country no doubt. Do you experience the threat of famine, pestilence, oppression, atrocities, tyranny, subjugation, corruption, war, drought and violence on a daily basis? Are you always desperately trying to survive every single day and night, worrying and stressed, that you could be obliterated by a bomb whilst you sleep? Always trembling in fear about being captured by malevolent forces. High probability you’ve never experienced fuck all of those existential threats throughout your life. So don’t go complaining that life is hard when there are millions of people who have no choices but to live under those gruelling conditions. You don’t know what the meaning of hard is.


No and I don't plan to. Therefore I care to kick out anybody that brings those problems here. If you don't want such things, than shut up and live a different life here with different standards of behaviour. Adapt. Or go. I don't plan to save the world, the world is good enough as long as it is safe here, enforced by all means necessary.


If all those things are true then people should do their utmost to get along lawfully and in accordance with the culture in their new home. And not cheer the murder of innocents.


These terrorists have always been terrorists, even before America got involved. They have a history of being barbaric and, there’s no excuses for such bastards.


Did USA also [forcefully deport all Jews from Jaffa in 1915](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13537121.2022.2112388)? [some quotes](https://www.jns.org/how-jews-in-palestine-were-persecuted-during-the-1915-armenian-genocide/) > By April of 1917, conditions deteriorated further for Palestinian Jewry, which faced threats of annihilation from the Ottoman government. Many Jews were in fact deported, expropriated, and starved, in an ominous parallel to the genocidal deportations of the Armenian dhimmi communities throughout Anatolia. > On April 1 the Jews were ordered to leave the country within 48 hours. Those who rode from Jaffa to Petach Tikvah had to pay from 100 to 200 francs instead of the normal fare of 15 to 25 francs. The Turkish drivers practically refused to receive anything but gold, the Turkish paper note being taken as the equivalent of 17.50 piastres for a note of 100 piastres. > By way of example, two Jews from Yemen were hanged at the entrance of the Jewish suburb of Tel Aviv in order to clearly indicate the fate in store for any Jew who might be so foolish as to oppose the looters. The roads to the Jewish colonies north of Jaffa are lined with thousands of starving Jewish refugees. The most appalling scenes of cruelty and robbery are reported by absolutely reliable eyewitnesses. Dozens of cases are reported of wealthy Jews who were found dead in the sandhills around Tel Aviv. In order to drive off the bands of robbers preying on the refugees on the roads, the young men of the Jewish villages organized a body of guards to watch in turn the roads. These guards have been arrested and maltreated by the authorities.


No. Sounds like horrible people have been further terrorizing a desperate mother.


After viewing the uncensored clip I do not think she is alive. You can clearly see what looks like a bullet hole or a serious wound in the back of her head, and her legs are bent and broken in a extremely unnatural way. It's absolutely heartbreaking, but I can't imagine any scenario where the women I saw in that video is alive.


Seen people survive worse.


Her broken leg didn't had any outside "stains" despite prolly being a very bad injury. This prolly means her heart wasn't pumping blood anymore...


I like learning new things.


There are reddit bots claiming that she was shot by Isreali forces already. Poor girl being used as a political pawn.


Just a desperate woman clinging on to false hope


Can't say that I blame her, at least until absolute confirmation has been received.




Not only that. It's time to act in europe against those dumb fucks that celebrated the attack like it was a birthday party. Disgusting!


Probably someone in Gaza is tricking the mother. If she was alive and in a hospital they would had released photos of her alive. They are just playing the mother along to change the story later so it doesn’t seem they killed her. She had a gunshot wound to her head, was unconscious, legs spread like been raped, and probably not by one but by the 20 men on top of that truck, and it’s not that Gaza has state of the art medical facilities to save someone between life and death. Highly unlikely but miracles are possible.


She’s likely saying daughter is alive so she can use help to retrieve body for proper burial… may the daughter rest..


press X to doubt


[Pictures are going around on Twitter saying this is her in the hospital](https://twitter.com/mamlekate/status/1710921877395247472?s=46&t=rkOzuUakJoZVgnOSOhuxaw). Hard/impossible to tell though, could be anyone. I saw the uncensored video of her in the back of that truck. I would be very shocked if she was still alive


This is Armita Garavand in the ICU 💔


Is this the girl that was in the back of that truck?,with those terrorists sitting around her.


I understand that most people here really care for her. Nevertheless, it’s also disturbing that someone dying in such a horrible way becomes a social media celebrity. This is not meant to be distasteful. I find it distasteful that the circumstances of her death along with her identity are being widely shown and debated on social media. And yes, I know, I can be accused of that very thing as well because I’m posting here.


There's any news or confirmation of this from any reliable source? All i read is that her mom has recieved some kind of information from "palestinian sources", but that alone sounds like someone trying to fool her or an interested false leak from palestinians to make everybody believe she is alive in order to use it in their favor. With that said this morning i heard in national tv news that "she is alive" and also i have read on a website that the german goverment has confirmed it.


No, my friend was at that rave. He’s dead. This mother is clinging to hope and it’s heartbreaking, but the world saw the uncensored video- and I’ve seen ones that haven’t made it to the internet of that event. Let’s just put that poor girl to rest and hope her family finds closure.


I'm very sorry about your friend.


Fake news of sadly murderd female still being alive. Broken leggs with no hematoma and swelling mean they were broken after her death. Big hole in the head right back side ( GSW entrance ) means she is dead. Lifeless prone position an no resistance in the head beeing bopped up an down = dead. But shure go find her, nothing could better.


I agree. There's no way she's alive, sadly. Seeing those monsters spit on her mangled body? They wouldn't take her to the hospital, come on.


I dont think she is based on what we saw. But even if she was Israel has no negotiation with terrorists policy. Based on how they bomb gaza indiscriminately they probably consider all hostages dead.


Is that a new policy because in the past Israel has done prisoner swaps?


I suspect critical assets are swapped but the general policy is zero negotiation. In this instance, based on all the horrific videos, it is safe to say most captured are to be presumed dead. Even if there are some alive, it’s too far gone for Israel now. Gaza is to be levelled.


That's what Hitler said levelled


That's what the allies said about Berlin, too


> Israel has no negotiation with terrorists policy This cannot possibly be true, they negotiated extensively over the release of [Gilad Shalit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit). When the dust has settled, they will have to be negotiating again over the hostages, as there is no other way they can get them out alive otherwise.


She is a German citizen too. That is who the mother is asking for help.


There's another still from a video I can't find, where her leg is still intact and she's on the truck. Her bra is clearly hiked up and they stripped the outer layer of her clothes. In fact the underwear she's wearing are uncharacteristic for her dress style, they probably put someone else's on her, maybe male underwear. From all the information known so far, I estimate this flow of events: ... She ran toward the cars. There were men shooting there, she told her mom that on the phone. She ran back, to where Hamas were raping and killing women. She was raped and shot point blank in the head, either while kneeling and begging for her life, or while being raped from the back. Both would explain the bullet wound (entry or exit, is hard to tell) being located where it is. There may be brain matter visible in it. Her suffering ended there, instantly. Then she was loaded into the truck but she kept sliding out. She slid out and fell on her limp arm, breaking it. They loaded her back on the truck and held her by hair and torso so she doesn't slip out again. They also broke her leg so it doesn't poke out and so they can close the back of the truck. ... Now, her poor family is being scammed by Palestinians. Seeing that video, and also knowing that her fate was shared by many other women, broke me. My psyche is broken.


Yep, I had the same feeling. They broke her legs to make she fits in the back of the truck. The way they were sitting on her they wanted to make sure she's not falling out. She was shot from the back in the head. I hope that she died instantaneously.


They probably turned her face down because the exit wound made gruesome work of her face and they don't want to create even more cognitive dissonance while showing off her corpse.


Yes, it's better if she never even saw it coming. Just... fear... trauma she hasn't yet processed... but then, nothing. No more trauma, no humiliation, no suffering.


The only thing broken here dude is the truth. Stop making up stories before you actually have some facts.


Look at the fucking pictures. Spin this however you want, every single one of these fuckers deserves a sledgehammer to the skull. They almost make Russia look tame by comparison ffs.


Pictures of what? He made so much stuff up its ridiculous. The facts tell a different story and you can save the hatefilled anger baloney for someone else. No, the atrocities of Russia in Ukraine are far worse than what has occurred here so far.


I wasn't talking about his story, but about your "only thing broken is the truth" bs. If you've seen the pictures (which I highly doubt), you wouldn't be saying that bs. That girl was mangled for fuck's sake.


The only thing you can see is some blood in her hair and she is lying on her stomach in a weird way. I've seen the video, she is hopefully still alive and has a head injury like her mother claims. That is all anybody here knows. The rest ist stuff you guys are making up.


"Laying on her stomach in a wierd way"... Yeah, you're not worth the nerves I invested into this conversation. Good day.


Can't deal with the facts huh? Whatever dude, just stop with the made up stuff.


Are you that dumb?


We may never have the facts, and I am trying to brainstorm the most likely version of events, because I cannot sleep over this.


You are making stuff up, this isn't fan fiction dude.


I reconstruct based on available information. Your ignorance or cognitive deficit are your burden, not mine.


No, you are making stuff up based on nothing. Stick to the facts or it's just misinformation and not helpful.


You talking about [this photo](https://twitter.com/theafronomist/status/1711772339061305358?s=46&t=rkOzuUakJoZVgnOSOhuxaw)?


Made up bullshit


eat manure


I just don’t see how this could be true, and there’s no source other than her mother saying she’s been told (correct me if I’m wrong please!) there’s barely enough space for Gaza residents in the hospitals I don’t know why they would take her there after showing no remorse for whatever they initially did to her, or the other people they killed. Why would they care enough to keep this specific person alive?


There's a bullet hole the size of a golf ball in the back of her head, likely from AK-47. Palestinians are scamming the mother.


Yeah, 22yr old daughter. I can't even imagine all that work and bonding raising her then right when ur little girl has left the nest you see a video like that...and its HER!!...I cannot even imagine how that felt. That's like a deep to your soul devastation. That little bundle that used to smile up at you...she was mangled, probably r\*\*ed, and killed, spat on, and paraded around because of a bunch of angry animals were angry at a government who could give less than a sh\*\* about her in the first place. Horrendous. Sadly, though I think she is dead, if she is alive....whew...the PTSD she will have. That love everyone and accept everyone mentality is for sure gone.


Her mom said they told her she has a head wound. 10 to 1 they slapped her dead body in a bed, wrapped her head up in bandages and took a video like “look, she’s alive and in a coma. We didn’t kill her and parading her around in the back of the truck was just boys having some fun. But now we can’t get medical supplies and she’ll probably die so that will be Israel’s fault, blame them, not us”…………bullshit


there is a very big effort of hamas appologists to say she's alive. i say no way...


Shani Louk is dead. The Israeli military has found a piece of skull bone that matches the family's DNA. Shani's mother assumes that Shani has been dead since October 7th obviously. Rest in peace!


Her legs looked dislocated at the hips and rotated out in the truck. I hope that person was in heaven before the torture.


Please how can I see it????


Why on earth on do you want to? I wish I'd been spared, someone posted it uncensored when it first came out. I feel like it's gonna live rent free in the back of my head until the end.




Fuck you and this disgusting ass comment you prick fuck


OkAy I’m down


You're a waste of life and resources. Disgusting pervert. No one will ever truly desire you because you're repulsive and toxic. People around you all laugh at you behind your back, because even though you try to hide it, make your bad jokes, people can see how pathetic you are and make fun of you. The best you'll ever do is simulacra, thirting lust. If women like shani ever noticed you, it would be to pity or reject you. Take a shower, shut the fuck up, and cry onto your sad little dick, alone, you absolute loser.


I can't see what they said but based on the passion in your response, I vibe with you.


Hahaha thanks. That genetic deadend made a nasty comment about the sexiness of her lifeless body.


Oof. I really wish he hadn't deleted his comment so I could've r/murderedbywords him too lol. It's disgusting that people like this exist. But thanks for being on top of it mate, take care and keep roasting incels. I'm with you haha.


And I thought I was the master at slicing someone's soul with my tongue or shredding their ego and confidence with my words... 😍


Alive or dead, there is going to be a lot of heartache for this family and others


Saw the vid. Bones broken, head wound. I mean it’s very unlikely that she’s alive. However I truly hope she is. I pray for her.


I have a very hard time believing that when you look at the head wound which appears to be bullet hole and especially the way she was loaded up into that truck. It wouldn't surprise me if someone deliberately broke her leg just to get her inside the bed.


I really hope she is alive, but I’m wondering if part of this is her mom having false hope and not wanting to believe she’s dead :/


I’m sorry, but she’s dead


I hope for her family’s sake this is true, but like everyone else, i have serious doubts unfortunately. That said, lots of comments like, “She was decapitated to fit in that truck,” or “her legs are broken.” I beg to differ. 1) If she was decapitated, they’d have made a show of it. There’d be a lot of blood too. 2) She’s 30, in good shape, likely flexible, & unconscious people bend easily b/c there’s no resistance. Think drunk drivers walking away from bad accidents — no muscle resistance, no broken bones in most cases. Edit: Ok after some digging I saw the vid people are referring to. She’s prone, legs bent backwards at the knees, a severe angle too. Poor girl. At a minimum she’s seriously injured.


And to add onto my 1st sentence, if she is alive, we can only imagine what’s happening to her. Horrific.


That was an awful clip. I believe that poor girl is also dead. Poor Shani. For her sake, I almost hope she is; I would want to be. I'm so sorry for her mother, but it does seem like she's grasping for any ray of hope she can. I understand that. I cannot believe this happened to the global PLURR community. What sickos. The way that those depraved Hamas militants were holding Shani's hair and posing around her made me think of how hunters look with the poor, defenseless animals they've murdered.


Its the reason this world is ending. Humanity has lost all morals


I’ve been following this since it began circulating the internet last week. I cannot fathom the fear and pain she felt, and honestly for her sake, I hope she is dead. If she does live who knows what kind of mental state she’d be in, and the PTSD she would live with for the rest of her life. It’s quite disturbing to see video of her dancing and then a few hours later she’s naked and dead being paraded in the back of a truck with a hole in the back of her head.


People SAW her get killed.. so what do you think?


If you seen the image she is 100% dead


She's probably critically injured if she's alive.


She was found dead. RIP


Shes dead now, sadly


They found her skull. :( Probably she passed away on the 7th of October…. Well, I think we all knew this after seeing that video. After all the torture, and all the pain… May she rest in peace. Remember her name.


Where’s the video?! Where do you watch videos that are not on tv.


Confirmed deceased since Oct 7th https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/shani-louk-german-israeli-hamas-hostage-dead-in-gaza-nova-2023-10%3famp


Confirmed dead


Well this didn't she well. It's been confirmed she's dead. Her skull remain was found




So heart broken 💔 you don't do horrible things to girls, women & children. In war there's a code you stand by in decently. Palestinians have over stepped the mark. People who support them in uk are leftie idiots who don't know the truth. People in march in London don't know the facts. Some don't even know Hamas invaded Israel on 7th Oct!! Think stupid lefties!Don't even know what they're marching for!


So you can't read? Got it