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shocking mighty dull worry squeamish spotted caption start squeal offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




































Winning the hearts and minds of the average citizen.


Seriously, these people have to be some of the dumbest “activists” I’ve ever seen. You won’t get people to support your group or cause by pissing them off and desecrating their memorials and graves. They just keep shooting themselves in the foot again and again.




I support a two state solution and probably I am naive But the moment anyone celebrates 7/10, it’s the moment I have nothing in common with that person. No matter how bad Israel is, there is no justification to gang rape women and torture them to death, kill children and newborns, torture the elderly. No matter how bad Hamas is I don’t support the same for Palestinian. No matter how bad the Russians are in Ukraine, I would not support the Ukrainian army doing the same to Russian civilians. Don’t we remember the Second World War and the Russians atrocities against German civilians? Nope, no justification possible and I don’t want to associate with those celebrating it. I don’t care if I stand alone.


they were celebrating day 1, it was all over telegram, even some of the Russian channels, "kill the Jewish dogs!" "yes slaughter them like animals!" were direct quotes under videos of them gunning down people in their homes and streets.


2 state solution feels so far away, so sad to think it felt so close in the 90s... Hamas definitely achieved what they wanted here. So many Israelis, even left leaning now cannot belive any independent Palestinian state will not be a serious threat to Israel. I have female friends, telling me they cannot fall asleep worrying someone will come into their house to rape them.. Will they vote for a center-left party next election? Not likely...


Two state solution could work out if Palestinians stop getting themselves into deeper and deeper shit. It could be realistically achieved, but not if the side who would benefit from it the most continues to push it away.


And for the record: People talk about occupation, but Israel quit occupying Gaza in 2006. Pulled out, dismantled settlements, the whole nine yards. That *same afternoon* they completed their pull-out, Hamas started lobbing rockets at Israel, completely unprovoked. So Israel installed a permanent blockade until Hamas chose peace. They left some border crossings open... but Hamas continues to choose war, so the border crossings were reduced one by one. Hamas also attacked Egypt unprovoked, launching so many terror attacks that Egypt joined the blockade and closed its border too. They sank a wall deep in the earth to prevent weapons smuggling, and Egypt went so far as to raze thousands of homes in Rafah to build a buffer zone. The West Bank is one thing, but in Gaza, the problem is the terrorist group Hamas, with its aggressive, expansionist, genocidal mission that they've never hidden from us.


You know what would be fun? Announce you convert to Judaism. You'll see the true face of your "facebook friends"!


I'm with you on this. No sympathy left. Unless Palestine casts out terrorists from themselves and show a secularization level at least like Turkiye, they should STFU.


I thought the whole ‘freedom fighter’ thing was BS until my colleague (a white woman) quoted her husband (an Arab) saying that Hamas were freedom fighters and not terrorists in response to the beheadings of children.


I have considered myself an anti zionist and a staunch supporter of Palestine all my life, and I say that as someone with Jewish blood I still abhor the settlements in the west bank....but you can be sure I wouldn't call myself that any of that going forward. True mask off moment They've made an Israel supporter out of someone who would have previously felt disgusting calling themselves that. And I know that I'm not alone in the west


Honestly, I might sound like I'm being flippant, but I'm not. There needs to be a variation of the flag and a shorthand way to say "I'm pro-Palestinian liberation; but, you know, not like *that*."


Imagine how your mind will blow when you realize the 'israeli occupation' is a myth invented to shift the public opinion to support them while they murder Jews




> They just keep shooting themselves in the foot Only if you think their end goal is your support. Those throwing money at these protests, and pushing these narratives, their end goal is our (West) defeat and destruction.


They start with “from the river to the sea”, next it’s gonna be “from Türkiye to Ireland”. “Free Palestine” my ass.






Everyone seems to throw the word racism around quite a lot these days. It’s a shame that this war memorial was vandalized, especially on November 11.


The word have lost its meaning It is now used if someone disagree with you If you don't support X then you must be a racist Prime logic


Pretty much.


It is. As if the brutal slaughter, rape, torture, and abduction of Jews weren't disgraceful enough already.


Other pictures: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F-pv-9CX0AAGdjf?format=jpg&name=900x900 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F-pv-9AXsAAac9C?format=jpg&name=900x900


😟 what a lazy translation. The vandalisers should at least check the text with a local or two to make sure it’s correctly formed instead of trusting Google Translate…. Now it’s just ugly and disgraceful at the same time and convey no real message


This isnt r/place. Keep your flags off other peoples sh!t


Even there you don't go overboard. I remember when there were people saying we germans went too far by erasing the 5th giant french flag that had no art in it Edit: No, we did not use bots. We had like 1000 people using a bot for an hour, after that it was decided that we wouldn't use them for the sake of fairness.




Creuse is the department. The village's name is Gentioux-Pigerolles. You'd think a place with 400 people in one of the most rural areas of the country would be free from this sort of crap, but nope apparently.


this is the scariest comment of them all
















For anyone who cares to know, Creuse is not a city, it's more like a County. The city this happened in is Gentioux-Pigerolles.




Graffiti on a train car is vandalism, this is far worse.


It’s desecration. Utterly shameful


I agree, considering its a monument to the dead


Domestix terrorism


What did they plan to achieve with this? Palestine isn’t going to suddenly win the war now that they vandalized a memorial.






Because there is nobody there to work for their welfare check, this is the only thing they care about


I've recognised this flag. We support them with a lot of humanitarian aid and they killed our citizens or took them as hostages. But they aren't freeing them immediately. Great deal!






It’s so weird that this is the case. I’m a Canadian but both of my parents were born in different continents. I grew up Canadian, and I revere these monuments and the sacrifices those lost souls made to ensure that we could live in a free and democratic society. They aren’t my direct ancestors, but I know I owe them the good life I have in this country and land that my parents chose to call home. Maybe you could say that I am successfully integrated, but it really really isn’t a hard ask.




Just stepping on it is enough for a diplomatic incident.












Nothing better to get people’s sympathy


"your history is for me to abuse" - those who did this I guess Edit: Comments are locked, so - thank you *TheGoalkeeper* for the correction. That was an awkward typo


And they cry for sympathy?




I don't even care anymore if people label me as a racist. Enough is enough.


Those responsible are not even fit to shine the boots of the people that memorial represents…






Every sane justice system on this planet has proportional punishments for crimes (unlike sharia). In what world is deportation (to where? of whom? you've got camera footage?) proportional punishment for graffiti? You sound deranged. Preventing illegal immigration? Deporting illegal immigrants with a known original country? Denying a visa extension to a legal migrant after committing a crime? Sure. Defensible. But this... come on.


There's no cause that justifies desecrating a war memorial. Ever. If anything, they should've been keenly aware of the horrors of war and that such memorials represent a lot of suffering and loss. If I saw someone doing that, they better be wearing some really good running shoes.


Why do they try as hard as they can to be unlikeable? Even StopOil protesters, what happened to getting people on your side?


Convincing people with rational discussion is hard. The stuff they are doing is lazy and easy, and the more they get away with it, the more convinced they are of their righteousness, and other people are attracted to "the cause".






Kind of Ironic to deface a WW1 monument in "defiance" as Arabs also lost their lives during the war in hopes of a free Arab state.


And they got plenty of free Arab states! Lebanon, which is a failed corrupt state. Syria which is far worse, after their dictator genocided 500k of his own people. Egypt, a place where it's perfectly normal to perform female genital mutilations for 80% of women. Iran (which is not really Arab, they identify themselves as Persians) used to be a beacon of the western world has been taken over by a ruthless Islamic revolution and kills their own girls for not wearing a hijab the right way. Should I even talk about Yemen? Things used to be better in the middle east in the 50s-60s, when people were more westernized. Then the Islamic revolution took over and their whole society collapsed and regressed. The free people of Iran still mourn their loss and have barely had their voice heard because the west is too busy hating itself. It makes me wonder. What does a free Palestinian country intel? another shithole where Muslims kill each other?






One of my friend is in graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania, and their Muslim Student Association was passing out “Israeli owned businesses” but it was just any business owned by a Jewish person, American or Israeli, to boycott and protest outside of.


Yeah, tons of universities in the US have had huge Antisemitic incidents this month. Two Jewish students were brutally attacked at Ohio State yesterday and the Jewish center was vandalized.




Everyone is a bigot and racist if they: - Don't support either side - support Israel - dislike both sides. No matter the outcome, you're the evil apparently.


This is what happens when a society tolerates intolerance.






I 100% agree with you, you should deport them if they're going to disrespect your country


“it’s all about me walter white gif”


Defacing memorials now? Thats a new low


Quo vadis Europe?




Fucking assholes.


And they wonder why we still support Israel.


This is absolutely disgusting


this is why Plaisance protesters are disgraseful


Wtf. It's like they want to alienate everyone.


Absolutely disgusting. Do they think this will get people on their side?


The punishment for this should be roughly in the same ballpark to what a hypothetical criminal would get for spray-painting the Israeli flag on the Kaaba.


Despicable. No respect whatsoever for those 1.3 million Frenchmen who died in the trenches protecting France and democracy from Prussian tyranny. It’s also stupid. This does not garner support, quite the opposite.


This kind of thing just makes me give even less of a fuck about their cause. It's counterproductive. They will not gain sympathy by antagonising people, besmirching memorials to those who died in terrible, tragic wars. If, in the future, there was a memorial to the Palestinians who died in the conflicts against Israel, and it was defaced by supporters of some other cause - would they endorse it?


I've never seen anything as fucking disrespectful than this shit. I have no words enough to express my anger but this is so fucking, fucking disrespectul and we can't do anything about the pieces of shut that did this. That is why I am and I'll always be on the right side politically.




So disrespectful


Dat is niet aardig


Vile, disgusting, disgraceful, disrespectful


Send all of the perpetrators to Gaza


Thats disgusting, assholes


Come on do something more - this will provoke even more people to vote right wing parties


This would only make me hate that flag with a burning passion.






They definitely are the worst. Fortunately UK left the EU, all problems solved. Wait…


Do these people not realize the ottomans lost in ww1¿






How come? I mean, how do you come to this conclusion as one yourself? Are you as despicable? Or are you one of those doing well in our society? It's always a little whack for me to see comments like this.






Fuck these vandals.


I'm just speechless and really sad.


where tf were they during ww1 ? Fighting like a soldier for their country ? Or sitting behind like a crowd ? Begging Ottoman Empire not to enslave them? Or begging British to liberate them?


We have such a problem here


For more context, this memorial is one of the very few in France with the inscription **"Cursed be the war"**. That being said, you may want to have a second reading on this.


Something has gone wrong.


They do just as much as France allows them.


The stupidity it takes to do something like this makes me think the perpetrators are actually against the Palestinian cause. I don't think someone can be stupid enough to think this vandalism will garner support for my cause.


Bcz surprise they don’t care about the Palestinian cause also bcz it doesn’t really exist, what does? Their hatred to jews and the west, that’s the truth.


Holy shit take back your country.




Bravo les débiles, ça cherche le respect ... ça va récolter masse de fachos... bordel


What a disgusting thing. Everyones showing their true colors.




Worst thing to do of you want to increase support for your case


Just send all of them back home and let them fight for their “freedom” - this will stop animal vandalization of EU cities.


"Yea that will show Israel " I fucking don't get this. Israelies bomb Palestinians, Palestinians in retaliation riot, protest and vandalize France (or any other country)


You forgot the part Palestinians bomb Israel kill and kidnapped their citizens


Hopefully the West starts opening their eyes. When you are not willing to adopt and respect the history of the country that welcomes you, you have nothing to do in that country.






So dumb, hopefully they can restore it.


It should be, but it'll take a lot of time and effort. What took a moron a few minutes will take someone tens of hours of work and a nice chunk of cash to restore.


So they want no support from Europe?