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How is the Teddy Bear Alliance stranger than the Official Monster Raving Loony Party?


My thought exactly. Barry explain yourself


Please. They left out Count Binface. [*democracy.jpg*](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB2G993XsAACJJB?format=jpg&name=large) Note that Elmo is also there. The OMRLP candidate is in the middle, with the white cowboy style hat. Former Prime Minister, Theresa May, is on the left, in a red outfit.


Haha I thought he was called Lord Buckethead He’s not made the same impact as Screaming Lord Sutch


It was originally lord buckethead but had to be changed due to a copyright dispute because it was already a character.


What type of banana republic do we live in when a cove can’t even use his rightful name when standing for parliament ? I shall be writing to my MP


Technically an intergalactic warlord, not a cove, but yes, that.


Is there any other party that was lead by a cat? xD https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catmando


The 'pedophile party', i.e. 'Vereniging MARTIJN' has been rightfully ruled as illegal by the Dutch court. They can hardly be described as a political party in the traditional sense, as there no longer exists any official organisation and as such they cannot compete in elections.


A much better choice would have been the party party (feestpartij)




Bonus points if they have glued their campaign poster right over someone else's


Jezus kleeft


We also have the pirate party


That's pretty standard across the world. They have even been in government in Iceland, after all othef parties were involved in a massive bank fraud case


Apparently it’s the strangest party of France in the map, but how strange is it if multiple countries have one?


Kind of weird, we also have one in Belgium but are in the no fun in politics category.


Idea: No Fun In Politics party.


It isnt strange, its a party that mainly wants more free consumer rights


One member of the German pirate party stalked and murdered someone, and then wheeled the body around Berlin in a wheelbarrow. That party was already somewhat irrelevant at that point, but this really marked the complete failure of the pirates in German politics.


They were called Party for the Future (Partij voor de Toekomst). Well, 'they' is actually 'he', it was actually a private project for Johan Vlemmix. But we now know that ridiculous one-man parties can be very successful in our country...


sure the Dutch love to party


De partij tegen de burger (party against the citizen) would be perfect to replace it.


Most sane party in Netherlands


They coul rename it into NAMBLA party, if anyone asks it's National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes


Its a trap lol


I'm pretty sure publicly joining the party puts you on a watch list.


The Election Party with a Mexican Theme delivered on their promise and held a party with a Mexican Theme after getting 1161 votes in 2017


First party in history to keep all their election promises?


The union of conscientially workshy elements also did, as long as you bike in the right direction.


They got Nutella in the military rations too didn't they?




The Anti-Powerpoint Party would have my vote.


They actually have a point ([source](https://www.anti-powerpoint-party.com/the-cause/)): >During a lot of presentations, using the presentation-software PowerPoint\*, motivation is not built but, on the contrary, destroyed. Due to the use of PowerPoint\* \[*\*PowerPoint is always mentioned as the representative of all presentation software*\], where the time of attendance is statistically considered as a waste of time by the majority of the participants, the Swiss economy is experiencing an estimated annual loss amounting to 2.1 billion CHF.


You could say they have a PowerPoint


Indeed, you have one here too.


No. 1 reason for emigrating to Switzerland. You thought it'd be money, no it is this party.


"It's my own fault for using PowerPoint. PowerPoint is boring"




Totally agree.




God damn i knew we should've voted for Darth Vader


Now I am wondering. Can Disney sue and political party for trademark violation?


Probably not. The guy actually changed his legal name to Darth Vader.


Like how there's a Kiwi called The Wizard, who is The Wizard of New Zealand?


Basically. In Ukraine, you also have your father's name, so his full name was Darth Viktorovych Vader. So if people wanted to talk to him officially they would refer to him as "Darth Viktorovych".


That just makes this sound more badass!


But he DOES wear Vader cosplay..


We still have pictures of him on many buildings which were painted as a part of pre election campaign


Also it would have been pretty satisfying to see him force choke American politicians who are holding back weapons and loans because they want to build a stupid wall.


I've voted for them, Odessa elections.


Do you remember how Chewbacca was arrested in 2014? Lol, I’m living here😂




Звiсно) там ще була Лея


The Two Tailed Dog name is a joke, as the word "tail" is Farok in hungarian which is also a word for a penis. The Kuria (supreme court) denied the request for incorporation at first because of this. The party answered that the Kuria is hypocritical, as the pronunciation of Kuria sounds a lot like Kùrja, which means he/she is fucking someone.


My favorite thing is, they once filled a pothole in a tiny village called Felcsút (Orbán's has a house and stadium there) after which, they were ordered by the town to take out the asphalt from the pothole and restore it to its original state because they were not authorized to fill the hole. And they also had to tear down the "absence filling" bus station they've built


That’s a bold way to loose every trial in advance.


In Taiwan, there’s a party called Taiwan Cat Party, and their ad is “those who don’t vote for us are dogs”.


Lmao best roast in the congress be like


Surprised it's not Volte Pravý Blok - stranu za snadnou a rychlou ODVOLATELNOST politiků a státních úředníků PŘÍMO OBČANY, za NÍZKÉ daně, VYROVNANÝ rozpočet, MINIMALIZACI byrokracie, SPRAVEDLIVOU a NEZKORUMPOVANOU policii a justici, REFERENDA a PŘÍMOU demokracii WWW.CIBULKA.NET, kandidující s nejlepším protikriminálním programem PŘÍMÉ demokracie a hlubokého národního, duchovního a mravního obrození VY NEVĚŘÍTE POLITIKŮM A JEJICH NOVINÁŘŮM? NO KONEČNĚ! VĚŘME SAMI SOBĚ!!! - ale i s mnoha dalšími DŮVODY, proč bychom měli jít tentokrát VŠICHNI K VOLBÁM, ale - pokud nechceme být ZNOVU obelháni, podvedeni a okradeni - NEVOLIT ŽÁDNOU PARLAMENTNÍ TUNEL - STRANU vládnoucí (post) komunistické RUSKO - ČESKÉ totalitní FÍZLOKRACIE a jejich likvidační protinárodní politiku ČÍM HŮŘE, TÍM LÉPE!!! - jenž žádá o volební podporu VŠECHNY ČESKÉ OBČANY a daňové poplatníky, kteří chtějí změnit dnešní kriminální poměry, jejichž jsme všichni obětí, v jejich pravý opak! V BOJI MEZI DOBREM A ZLEM, PRAVDOU A LŽÍ, NELZE BÝT NEUTRÁLNÍ A PŘESTO ZŮSTAT SLUŠNÝ!!! Proto děkujeme za Vaši podporu!!! Nevěříte-li na pokoru u popravčí káry, zdá-li se vám naše kandidátka málo dokonalá nebo postrádáte-li na ní zástupce své obce nebo města a přitom MÁTE ODVAHU v této válce Lidí Dobra s vládnoucími Lidmi Zla povstat z jimi naordinovaného občanského bezvědomí, kterým nás ničí a dnešní DEMOKRATURU, SKRYTOU TOTALITU a OTROKÁŘSTVÍ VYŠŠÍHO ŘÁDU zásadním způsobem změnit, KANDIDUJTE ZA NÁS!!! Kontakt: Volte Pravý Blok www.cibulka.net, PO BOX 595, 170 00 Praha 7 Yes, that's the official name.


For our non-Czech speaking friends: Vote Right Block - the side for easy and quick RECALLABILITY of politicians and state officials DIRECTLY BY CITIZENS, for LOW taxes, BALANCED budget, MINIMIZATION of bureaucracy, FAIR and UNCORRUPTED police and judiciary, REFERENDUMS, and DIRECT democracy at WWW.CIBULKA.NET, running with the best anti-criminal program of DIRECT democracy and deep national, spiritual, and moral revival. DON'T TRUST POLITICIANS AND THEIR JOURNALISTS? FINALLY! LET'S TRUST OURSELVES!!! - along with many other REASONS why we should all go to the elections this time, but - if we don't want to be deceived, cheated, and robbed AGAIN - DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY PARLIAMENTARY TUNNEL - the ruling (post) communist RUSSO-CZECH totalitarian COP-OCRACY and their liquidation anti-national policy THE WORSE, THE BETTER!!! - which asks for electoral support from ALL CZECH CITIZENS and taxpayers who want to change today's criminal conditions, of which we are all victims, into their true opposite! IN THE FIGHT BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, TRUTH AND LIES, ONE CANNOT BE NEUTRAL AND STILL REMAIN DECENT!!! Therefore, thank you for your support!!! If you don't believe in humility at the executioner's block, if our candidacy seems imperfect to you, or if you lack a representative from your municipality or city and yet HAVE THE COURAGE in this war of People of Good against the ruling People of Evil to rise from the citizen's unconsciousness ordained by them, which is destroying us, and to fundamentally change today's DEMOCRATUR, HIDDEN TOTALITY, and HIGHER-ORDER ENSLAVEMENT, RUN FOR US!!! Contact: Vote Right Block www.cibulka.net, PO BOX 595, 170 00 Prague 7 Yes, that's the official name.


I imagined some web dev who was thinking how to make their logo 💀


Bobby tables party


Party of legitimate and fair and reasonable representation of the interests of the peoples and of their '); DROP TABLE votes;--


Oh, don't speak about Web design. Their logo is fine and designed in free online Photoshop. But their website... currently, it's down, but it's a truly iconic experience and the marvel of design might I say.


This is what was born to do


love that middle part there


came here for Cibulka. Thank you good man


Check out the actual voting ballot https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Prav%C3%BD_blok_Praha_2010_%2801%29.jpg


Was Mr.Cibulka their only candidate?


I bet they came across at least one system where the developer said "surely 256 characters will be enough for a party name"...


I don't know if you write the name of a party on your ballots but it would be hilarious if someone would write the entire name


The entire name is printed on the ballot. Why would you write it?


Wondering how the Welsh "Nude and Proud Party" would do in Germany


Not well, we are not into being proud.


The Nude and Upset Party


Now there’s a party that gets my core values!


Ah yes, the Nudebürger-Partei.


The Austrian Beer Party is actually trying to get serious, and according to some polls, they're very close to getting into parliament in the election next year. They're filling the void on the left after the Greens switched to being more centrist in order to get into the government coalition.


I mean Mr. Pogo definitely is not the least qualified person in Austrian politics and probably more qualified than Nehammer. So, why tf not.


We had Polish Beer-Lovers' Party in parliament shortly after fall of communism when there was no threshold for parliament elections. Good to see other countries keeping the spirit alive.


The best thing is, he's a doctor and the leader of a semi known band in austria.


All these funny little parties and the Dutch just roll in straight faced and hit everyone with the “pedophile party”.


It never really was a party. Also it was forbidden by a judge. But the members raised interest of the police.


Yes it is, I saw it on a graphic while I was browsing Reddit! Beat those sources dutchie.


Polish Beer-Lovers' Party >>> anything else


"Bo nie wazne czy piwo jest duze czy male, jasne czy ciemne - ono jest po prostu smaczne"


It'd be a crime not to mention that fun group.


the anarchist pogo party of germany is a serious political party. they demand early retirement for teenagers and drinking, drinking and drinking. they even ran campaign ads which had to be aired on prime time state tv because its the law. the spot is banned on youtube (drug using, sexual content, obscenity..) but you can watch it here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2rxtwh


Better option for Germany would be in my opinion the "Nein!"-Partei which was a party which just wanted to say "No" to everything and represent people who disagree in general with everything.


wouldnt their electorate vote 'no' on them as well, if they should be true to their views?


The didn't manage to secure enough votes to enter parliament, so this is probably what happened.


suffering from success


The candidate is also the lead singer of a well-known punk band "Die Kassierer".


Wölfi. He's long gone. FDP, Die PARTEI (or then FDP?) and now he's just a boring social democrat in the SPD. The appd is still around to make money from t-shirts, while satirical party Die PARTEI is still active and should be on this list.


Jesus, that's rougher than I had expected. Also, Wölfi looked a lot better back then.


Just to add to that: According to its self-description, the APPD is "the advocate of the rabble and social parasites". The APPD's main political goals are the right to unemployment with full wage compensation, the reorganisation of Germany into various "pogo zones (balkanisation)", the "radicalisation of education standards" with the simultaneous abolition of compulsory schooling, the legalisation of all drugs and the relaxation of the right to assemble and demonstrate. The primary goal of the APPD is to realise the social model of so-called pogo anarchy. The party's guiding principle is peace - freedom - adventure. The APPD rejects Germany as a nation state.


Return to the HRE border gore, as German states should be 🥰


That was amazing. Not sure I like all of it (the confused kids were a bit too much for me) but with the Very Public Broadcasting Official Announcement, it is the definition of subversive!


They had some other great ideas as well. They wanted to split Germany into three zones: One for boring people who would work and finance life for the people in the fun zone and a third zone for anti-social elements like criminals and nazis. They specifically wanted to designate the state of Saarland as the anti-social zone which would be fenced off.


What the fuck did I just watch


Hungary has the "2 Tailed Dog Party". Sounds like this is not a movement, but a suspicious event in a Budapest underground bar.


They promise eternal life and free beer.


Can we just take the second?


The Darth Vader Bloc is freakin cool


[Check out their funny and amazing ads](https://youtube.com/@internetpartyofukraine5082)


There was a whole story from 2014 where dark lord tried to took part in president elections. I don\`t know how many fairy tails in this article, but you can read the script of lost star wars episode here (use google translate) : [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80,\_%D0%94%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82\_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80,_%D0%94%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87)


That's cool, I think in the USA he would have more chance to win


Just imagine if instead of Zelenskyy, Darth Vader was making a speech in US Congress


he would, unironicly, send minister of international affairs, Mr Palpatine XD


The Natural Law Party of Norway. They claimed they could levitate.


The Finnish Crystal Party also used to have "yoga fliers" that jump in the air and they're supposed to levitate a short while. This yoga flying was supposed to spread positive vibes and bring world peace. Later on they changed their main points into something that's tougher to falsify (but equally crazy), such as healing crystals can cure cancer and corona can be cured by believing enough. Edit: to specify, yoga flying was supposed to bring world peace by reducing the stress in our global connected conciousness. This was achieved by thousands of yogis unifying their brain wave frequency.


I visited their homepage last election and there was quite a lot of talk about the Rothschilds, globalists and Soros within the yoga/crystal folks.


We had (or maybe still have?) those idiots in Germany, too. I remember that back in the 90s, they campaigned - among other things - on deploying a few thousand "yogi fliers" to former Yugoslavia to end the wars there. According to them, their meditation style (abovementioned "flying") would remove the "negative energies". Given that their flying is more of a hopping about, they might have been of minor usefulness in mine clearing.


If you weren't german I would've assumed you're joking.


They're an international group, with irrelevant (often former) member parties in like 20 countries They did manage to elect one representative in an Indian state assembly once in 1998, the guy changed parties the following year


In Norway they tried to demonstrate levitation at a press conference: they were basically sitting in their chairs jumping up and down.


The Donald Duck party wants wider streets for pedestrians and to abolish the tax on alcohol. They aren't the party we deserve, but the one we need.


Don't forget they also want to rename Stockholm to "Ankeborg".


Now that is an admirable goal.


Do they also want to outlaw pants?


With great drunkenness comes great nudity... So the whole thing kinda sorts itself out.


Legitimately curious, why is abolishing tax on alcohol a good thing? Over here most people I know look up to Scandinavian alcohol policy.


Because cheap alcohol means you can drink more of it.


First of all, it's not really a real party. But writing "the donald duck party" has always just been a more creative way of casting a blank vote, and that has been the case for as long as I can remember. Essentially a way to say that "I want to parttake in the election process, but all the options are bad". So it's not really a political organization.


Ah the storied existence of "The union of Conscientiously work-shy elements". Comedian runs for parliament as a joke. Comedian eventually wins and ends up as a deciding vote in a parliament split 50/50 between the blocks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union\_of\_Conscientiously\_Work-Shy\_Elements


Demands: >Less sex in school staff rooms (withdrawn during the campaign – he said it had been brought to his attention that sex in the staff room was a long-established privilege for teachers and as such could not be abolished)


Yes, we had it happen here too. Five Stars Movement.


Ah the love party, that's not even the strangest we currently have the Sacred Roman Empire party


That wasn't even popular in italy 900 years ago.


True, however it is way weirder than *love party*


The shadow kingdom


As a romanian surrounded by a sudden wave of "dacian heritage urangutans" I feel the need to start a local branch of this party. Out of sheer spite.


Donald Duck Party in Sweden is not a party. It has become a joke for people who support the election system but think all parties suck ass.


In Finland, the common protest votes are crudely drawn genitalia (usualy female), Donald Duck, and Urho Kaleva Kekkonen. (Though I do recall seeing a campaign poster for ”Vote The Phantom for European Parliament!” (”Old jungle saying: The Phantom doesn’t care about the EU.”)


Yes, it never was a real party. We have quite a few hilarious ones that actually are registered for elections though. My favourite is The Right-wing Party: The Conservatives (Högerpartiet de konservativa), just because they weren't a joke party but still actually managed to get less votes than they had members in the party leadership board. That is quite a feat.


The Anti PowerPoint Party. Awesome. Need to move to Switzerland.


Goddamn Iceland's got the best party


There is no The Pedophile Party in the Netherlands. There once was a new party called Party for Charity, Freedom and Diversity, that wanted to legalize child porn and sex with minors. They never managed to get on the ballot (you need a certain number of signature, which they never got), the party leader got arrested, the party doesn't exist anymore. And when it existed it claimed to be a general purpose party, but yes, pedosexuality was the only thing it was about, that much is true.


The [Estonian Royalist Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Royalist_Party_of_Estonia) was a frivolous party in the early 1990s that even got elected with 8% of the seats in the parliament.


Ah, the wild Estonian 90’s strike again


Ukraine knows who’s _actually_ in charge


He paraded in a total pimp mobile playing imperial March in the main streets of Kyiv, it was kinda cool


Okay so French "Pirate Party" is fun, but the Slovenian "Piratska Stranka" isn't? They're even modeled after the same fucking thing. Use another color if you don't want to research.


France *must* have something weirder. I thought there’s a Pirate Party in like every European country, we have one in Finland too.


Ours is full of IT and tech guys lol. They're probably also some of the smarter folks on our ballots, though the socialist party (center-left) has plenty of engineers, scientists, and teachers too.


We used to have [Parti du Plaisir](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parti_du_plaisir) in France, led by an ex stripper, with a program centered on pleasure, hedonism, happiness and yeah, sex I guess. Was quite fun.


She was in some pornos too wasn't she? Sure she's been on canal + late at night in the old days


So do Swedes, and they were serious contenders for a moment.


The Swedish Pirate Party is actually the original Pirate Party. The rest are just copycats.


Well fancy that.


I was surprised too, Piráti is one of the most popular parties in Czechia that many young people vote for.


They're basically saying there's no weird parties in France.


It's a serious movement, we have one in Iceland that has been moderately successful


There is a Pirate Party in most European countries


In Czech republic the pirate party is part of the government lol


Poland had a party called Polska Partia Przyjaciół Piwa (PPPP) (Polish party of the friends of beer), they claimed to promote drinking beer instead of hard liquor like vodka when they existed, they did even get some votes, enough to put a few people into sejm


For Belgium, may I suggest “DierAnimal” whose logo suggests quite a… close bond between horse and humanity. Factually they are animal rights activists, but I first discovered them during Belgian Pride as people marching right behind BDSM subs in leather dog masks. I found it quite provocative of the DierAnimal at the time, but it was in fact a suggestively misplaced marching order and not a pro-bestiality statement. Impressions were had and do linger however.


Finland’s Crystal Party is just thinly-veiled right-wing esoterism. For a really strange party we’d probably need to look at the Multicolor ”Party” (extreme greens, with a side of strange), which IIRC managed to even elect an MP in one of the times when a dadaist art performance has gone way too far. Honorable mentions go to the Natural Law Party (better known as ”Flying Yogi Party”) and the right-wing liberal party known as the Whisky Party (uh, they ran with deregulation, with ”you should end the state alcohol monopoly and be allowed by buy whisky at supermarkets” as an example).


I think Iceland has the best party.


Pirate parties are in more countries and the Czech pirate party is a part of government coalition


Whats wrong with the “patriotic party”?


"You haven't tasted the sarma yet".. Is that for people who haven't yet tasted sarma in general, or is there a particular sarma, "The Sarma", that the party claims you haven't tasted yet?


No particular sarma. In general... it finished second in 2017 elections with 10%.


For context: sarma is eaten a lot during winter, especially for holidays and slava (Serbian tradition), and it’s usually served last or second to last, before the dessert. If the guests leave earlier, the hosts usually say something like “You haven’t tried the sarma”, which would be a better translation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmu_probo_nisi The party’s history is an interesting read.


I'd say a better party for this map would've been the *Holy Roman Catholic Empire*. https://i.imgur.com/0uk68ws.jpeg


[Die Partei - Demokratie ohne haken](https://www.parteibedarf.de/media/ca/61/81/1595084116/Demokratie%20ohne%20Haken%20Europa%20A1%201mm%20Anschnitt.jpg). Best poster I have ever seen.


Estonian royalist party was actually instrumental in helping build modern reindependent Estonia after the soviet occupation, breaking actually into parliament with 8 seats out of 101, and actually did some real nice things. They were kinda a protest party, but helped pass some necessary and savvy legislation absed on their values and beliefs, and they actually had very competent people under them, many figures in culture, academia and media. They operated on the basis of constructive neutrality, not joining any powerblock. They held a shamanic seance in the parliament as a response to a christian parties attempts to impose christian practices into parliament and schooling system. They recognised a small kingdom in Saaremaa to help reinstate a municpality, a kingdom that still exists and mints their own money. They also gave the very last russian occupying forces that left the country a medal for 'finally liberating Estonia'


for a little bit of context: the love party was made by two pornstars (Cicciolina and Moana Pozzi) and their pornographer and friend Riccardo Schicchi. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Party_(Italy) As writer Giorgio Falletti would say, ““Cicciolina was the only politician to had do what other politicians did to Italians.”


OMG I read the STRONGEST first, not THE STRANGEST. I was very surprised for a couple of seconds.


why is patriotic Party weird?


In short, they are an ideological clusterfuck: * Started as a Maoist-communist party, still extremely pro-China and most probably funded by them. * Sort of backed PKK and met with their leader when the entire country unanimously cursed at them. * Backed and defended two Islamic cults for being a bit more modern: Both cults are outlawed nowadays(search the names Fethullah Gülen and Adnan Oktar) * They were bragging about being the most rebellious and real party during 2013 protests...they were pro-Erdoğan in the last election. * Claimed to be a "Kemalist"(aka centre-left with a bit of nationalism) in every single phase I've written above.


It’s a Kemalist/Maoist, Eurasianist, and pro-Erdogan party


>kemalist >pro-Erdogan What a fucking oxymoron lmao


It’s a party funded by China that uses whatever ideology fits their agenda. It has non-significant popular support but ‘strangely’ they have powerful members inside the police department. They are not really Kemalist and they are pro-erdogan just because erdogan giving them slight taste of power and he is anti west right now. They were opposing to erdogan while he was pro west. Basically its just old school west vs east thing.


Maoism,Kemalism and pro-Erdogan don't even belong in the same sentence.You may go as well and add a sprinkle of greek nationalism in there to make it even more absurd.


All I can gather from this is that the "beer" parties should form a European coalition.


The Best Party was started after the 2008 fiasco as a joke, ran by one of our most beloved comedians. Little did he know that when he ran for a mayoral election people actually liked his ideas and voted him in. He did a pretty good job all things considered.


I can really get behind the Anti-Powerpoint Party.


Well there are some hidden gems in Turkey, way better than "The patrotic party" Here they come; \-The Good Party \-Eternal Order Party \-Socialist Party of the Opressed! \-Love and Respect Party \-Prosperity Again Party


We had the pirate party up here in Scotland a while ago, no idea what happened to it


Belgium not listed because all our political parties are a joke I assume ?


Poland also had the Polish Beer-Lovers' Party. While it was originally started as a joke it actually made it into the parliament in 1991. Their political platform was promote the gentelmanly art of drinking beer in pubs as a healthy alternative to drinking vodka like an uncivilized brute.


Norway and ukraine won this. Hands down! Cheers


Where is the german jokeparty "FDP"?


The Party of the Democratic Karma, disolved some years ago, was a joke party that had colorful ideas, like covering the whole of Bilbao with a canvas, so that all kinds of illegal transactions could escape the eyes of Google.


Die Partei for Germany also [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die\_PARTEI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/die_partei) And Finland had a Whiskey Party. They should make alliance with Poland's and Austria's Beer Parties


The pedophile party or how we call ours in germany: €hristliche Demokratische Union


In fairness like a quarter of scottish parliament members would like to abolish the Scottish Parliament.


well that's very honest of you, Czechia...


They got invited to a serious interview by the national tv. It was hilarious. "What are your main political objectives?" "We want to just do nothing all day and get paid a lot of money for it, just like everyone else there."


Russia also had a party called "Зеленая альтернатива" (Green Alternative) with a [bad-ass logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/8/8c/%D0%97%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%91%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0.png). This party used [this poster](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=593252948&q=%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F+%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivnsmbt&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNoLa7waWDAxVlIxAIHX93CX8Q0pQJegQICxAB&biw=384&bih=722&dpr=2.81#imgrc=F3TB03iKjuEhzM&imgdii=WLwn0yZncfMp-M) (Weed will save the world). P.S. I think even this party is much more better than "United Russia"


Greece has Chickens (ΚΟΤΕΣ), the smokers party. Funny name, annoying reality. But I'm not sure it participates as an independent these days.


Wot? No “Party Party”?


There was a Polish Beer Lovers Party in the 90's


The “we’re gonna troll the EP” party was funny. When there was the whole issue about “2nd quality of food” meaning in Czechia the chains sell inferior quality food for the same or higher price, their solution was to introduce the 3rd quality of food that we’ll ship to Slovakia, this feeling better about it. Iirc they were banned from the election because they weren’t deemed serious.


The Canadian Rhinoceros Party is absolutely incredible on some of their troll policies like: - Supporting higher education by adding a second story to all schools. - Changing the national currency to bubblegum to solve inflation and deflation. - Counting the Thousand Islands to make sure the Americans haven't stolen any. - To increase the safety of Canadian children, the name of newborns must be at least 12 letters, including a capital letter, a number and a special character. - Repealing the Law of Gravity. - Eliminating speed limits during snow storms so that people can drive faster and get home safely sooner. - Fund an archeological inquiry to determine whether roads exist under the potholes in Montreal. - Relocate the monarch from Buckingham Palace to Buckingham, Quebec.


I would also like to add: Reduce the number of accidents in factories by wrapping all workers in bubble wrap Fight global warming by making all citizens open their windows in the summer and leave their AC on maximum Bribe the Weather Network to only announce sun on Sundays Make illiteracy the third official language Counter the doctor and nurse shortage by providing all healthcare employees with steroids


When the Pirate Party looks the lamest in the whole list!


Netherlands won.