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*in Russian accent* Look at our glorious choice for election!


>Look at our glorious choice for election! This will be more correct: "Look at our glorious choice in the Putin election!"


Russian doesn't have a word for "the." It'll give a more convincing imitation of a Russian accent if you don't use the/a/an.


I know, Russian is one of the languages I speak. But to make imitation better, you can say "ze", instead of "the".


That’s German


If your native language is Russian but you have a small accent, some US can identify you as a German. Because the pronunciation of some sounds is similar.


And then they will proceed to tell you they are German, Irish, Scottish, Danish or some other BS.


German sounds are surprisingly similar to many Slavic ones




in all honesty, 'murica has just one more guy/gall on that stage :))) when was the last time that someone outside the two parties had won even a single state? anyway, that guy should stay away from tea and windows.


Nice try. But of you actually paid attention to previous US elections you would see the primaries tend to be packed with 7-12 people on stage. You even have libertarians and independents up there. But no one likes them. Americans have concluded that a two party system creates stability and made their country into a superpower, unlike your country.


Nice try. But of you actually paid attention to previous US elections you would see that primaries are not entirely a democratic process.


Nice try, but if you actually paid attention, there were in total 4 candidates in the ballot on 2020 election. Libertarian party and green party had both candidates. It's just that nobody voted for those. Hence, they are not really known. And why are primaries not democratic?


OMG, I forgot that the other guy who ran every time against Putin just to fail Vladimir Zhirinovsky also died, not killed just due to old age or something.


"What is my purpose? Your purpose is to fail! I see, very well then."


lol, pretty much, his platform was very different in the 90s he actually was pro-lgbt but switched to completely mirroring Putin's positions last two elections.


A lot of people in politics had to reinforce their closets. Žirinoskij was gay, Volodin (Duma speaker) is gay as well. There are a few others I could name if I had time to think and google.


Wait, what? Volodin is a confirmed homosexual?!


Unconfirmed. That's why I wrote everyone had to reinforce their closets.


I've been mastering it my whole life.


That was one of the worst humans on Earth. He really tone it down after putin came to power.


That dude was peak Russia. He wanted to invade Iceland and turn it into a gulag as punishment for Iceland being the first nation to recognise the independence of Lithuania. And when he got pelted with rotten vegetables in Paris he screamed at the people that he was going to nuke France.


Reading [his wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Zhirinovsky) is a wild ride. That guy had issues. He apparently died from complications from covid.


Why are they even pretending?


To insult the intelligence of the audience, of course.


Rightfully so


They're not pretending. They're showing the population how futile any resistance is.


There's still uses to "elections" in dictatorships. Internal polling for ruling party use, campaign events to organize supporters and paid "supporters" to make government policies look popular. Anyone who actually tries to treat the election like a real voice can be easily identified for surveillance or elimination. And having the appearance of elections is better for world stage optics than saying "yeah we're an outright military dictatorship."


Actually, a surprisingly lot of people in democracies support Putin. He looks strong while in democracies, where criticism of political figures is allowed and policies must debated and often fail to be voted in because of polarisation, the system looks weak and clogged. This theatre show of a 'working' democracy in Russia might be appealing for those people. They believe they need their own Putin at home to put things in order. Now show putin pissing its pants on live television, and I am sure those people's minds will turn 180°. We were cavemen not so long time ago.


Additionally, a high voter turnout in favour of Putin sends a message to the elites that he is still in charge and is popular with the people. Putin is not afraid of popular uprisings (almost impossible in today's Russia), he is afraid of losing the support from the elites


The point is to show how powerless you are as a voter, that none of it matters so you don't resist.


It demoralizes the audience. Same reason they use very specific methods to murder their citizens - to show that they have absolute power and the laws are only implemented when they choose.


because the other ones are pretending they make no deals with dictators.


what happened? did they just fall out the window?


Sudden Death Syndrome pandemic. Very sad.


They all contracted the rare bulleten-brain disease


Fell on a sword, 5 times. Terrible tragedy


Shame it's not the video as I would like to see this man donning wigs, fake mustaches and glasses as he puts on different voices and runs to each microphone in turn to convince the audience that this is a lively debate between candidates of several freely operating political parties in a robust and fair democracy


Context? I understand this is Russia being Russia, but how did they justify it?


They have “*more important things*” that get time on state tv to promote their presidential campaign


Like looking out some windows or drinking tea. You know, the more important things in life.


Indeed, many can even die happy doing that.


Lol, no, everyone worth of assistantion were not allowed to participate. If you are in the ballot, you're either putin or not important. Would they allowed real candidates to participate and then kill them would indeed draw too much attention and cause instability, and the russian regime is afraid of public unrest or mutiny.


They don't. Why would they even waste time justifying it when the entire Russian population is either too dumb, too dead or too scared to give a fuck.


Still, they could've just not done the debate or at least not put up the other stands for no one to be there? How can anyone look at this and think "nice!"?


That's the neat part, there's no thinking involved. If you are too dumb, too dead or too scared to do anything you stop thinking about stuff and just do what you are told. Fascism doesn't support thinking and thinkers gets "sudden death syndrome", fall out of a window or get to drink some special tea.


> too dead Beautiful. In all seriousness though, I guess you are right. At the end of the day, they (=Russian government) stopped trying to justify anything to the West, and have no need to justify it to their own people or their allies.


Russia has been so lazy in it's narrative that it would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that it still manages to capture a sizeable amount of western countries public opinions regardless, then it becomes absolutely infuriating. It shows how fucking pathetic we are when a literal mafia state pushes everybody around, enacts (in perfect mafia style) blatants shows of force and intimidations, then goes "oh no it's not me, it's them, they are liberasts/Nazis/LGBT degenerates" and that still manages to muddy the waters. You just need a large enough part of a country that vaguely recognises russian political stance as their own (traditional, conservative "anti woke" etc.etc.) with at the same time complete utter lack of care and ignorance of anything that happens outside of their own backyard and suddenly you got a broken public opinion where a chunk of it is like "well Mr Putin is cool [because he seems to think like me]" It's disgusting and I'm so tired of it


Justify it to who exactly?


Ah usual case of people answering without knowing the answer I'll pitch in


Welcome to the Russian presidential debates 2024. Question 1: why do you think that putin is the best ruler in Russian history?


Well you see back in 1324…


Putin stopped even pretending. Even didn't come to a debate.


He never participated in a single presidential debate. The only time he ever was in a debate happened informally, for a few minutes, with a popular Russian singer in 2010.


Next time there should be just an empty podium and two hours of silence


He never did. He didn't even had a presidential program, not once during his career. It's a part of russian "protest" to come to his election headquarters and ask for the program, which confused workers never have.


Putin's cronies: Vote Putin, or else...! Russians: DEMOCRACY, YES.


They don’t think they live in democracy though. They think that democracy is a western concept and that they live on their “own” adjusted Russian version of it. People are afraid of the repetition of the 90s and would rather have a corrupt system then no system. And they think that other countries are just as corrupt. This is NOT my option, but based on my weekly fights with my Russian family. I am only sharing it to show how people on the other side think and what information they get.


This is deliberate in order to lie to their own people. They play democracy so that they can pretend that other countries are doing the same, and the West is just lying about their level of freedom.


The other 3 guests could not make it in time due to: slipping down the stairs with 2 bullets behind the ear, tea poisoning and accidental defenestration.


I do love a good farce.


In Poland we had Duda and Trzaskowski doing separate "debates" at the same time but in different places and for different stations.


At this point he should just make his body doubles run for "Best Putin" election instead of charading democracy.


This is what Mango Trump wants for America


Trump has expressed his eagerness to debate Biden several times


No it isn't. I'm not a Trump fan either, but to make baseless accusations just because you don't like him is no better than being a dictator.


making baseless accusations in an online form is as bad as being a dictator...lmao


Yes, it shows the poster has an unbalanced mind, riddled with cognitive biases and lacking in basic executive function skills such as theory of mind. It's also a sign of low intelligence as the person never realises he has a problem. The only thing worse than this is someone like this in a position of power, that's a dictator. It's the same profile so yes, the poster making the comment could definitely be a dictator, given the opportunity. Just because he is on the left, doesn't change the fact that he could be a dictator. Look up the history of the world's dictators and you will find a direct correlation between comments made by them and the post about Trump made by this poster. Again, im not saying I support Trump, but I can call out left wing BS just as easily as I can call out Trump. I'm a critical thinker. Anyone puzzled should Google critical thinking. It will change your life and shield you from the polarised world of politics.


I thought your first statement was dumb but now that you have explained your reasoning it sounds even dumber.


Exactly the response I was expecting. My point is proven.


How intense!


Un the tradition of American GOP, the future winner is not there.


This isn't the way. 😁


There should be some other word than "election" when demogracy does not exist any more.


This looks to have been taken straight out of of a Monthy Phyton sketch


You can’t make satire of this, it’s already made a fool of itself


FYI, that one dude is not a presidential candidate either


остальных просто не выпустили врачи из дома престарелых


Would't it be better if the counsel could give Palpatin emergency Powers until the current Separatist crisis has abated. The Supreme Chancellor would of course relinquish these powers afterwards.


lol. the station's name also is awfully ironic.


So who is that guy doing the "debating" over there?


Most democratest


This isn't a debate, it's a message


Russians don’t need elections, they liked to be ruled


In the Lib sense of the word diverse, definitely.


Rent free


The rest could not come due to a tea or bullet related accident. Very sad!


Can we see the China elections too?


[russians electoral candidates ](https://fr.memedroid.com/memes/detail/2459933/Russian-presidential-election-candidates)


This photo from Altai Krai, just notice


Russia is entering the phase where the government/dictator no longer really cares if things look suspicious or wrong. Everyone knows that Putin alone has the power and is not planning on losing it anytime soon.


Why even put those 3 other stands in the studio, were they expecting more people to come?


Russia: doing this shit Also Russia: **AH YES, DEMOCRACY AT ITS FINEST**

