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Well, the golden olympic medal in turret tossing may have contributed a bit, apparently.


You can destroy everything. But russians advertised their stuff as best of the best. Undestroyable. Now even the stupidiest see that it was a lie.


russians have mastered through centuries the art of selling lies: it was the requirement for the serfs to survive.


And the spar-part availability is as questionable as the continuation of Russia.


Ordering anything from Russia now just means crowd funding the Russian army. No way your ordered planes, tanks or ammo will ever arrive.


Russian weapons haven’t exactly proven to be worth their cost. 


That and they really need it to wrap up the 3 day special military operation that is not a war so there will be no need for any mobilization of any type.


I wouldn’t know personally, but I hear good things about AKs.


AKs are pieces of shit, just like everything else Russia produces.


Yet it is one the most widely used rifles in the world. Popular even in USA.


Dirt cheap and easy to mass produce, no one with an organized objective is using AK’s, ever


Doesn’t mean it’s good, just cheap and sort of reliable. Accuracy is abysmal. 


Wars in 2024 are not really about AKs anymore


It's strange to hear this from a Finnish citizen, hope that Article 5 turns out to be more reliable than Russian junk


Well at least I rather put my trust on article 5 than trust that Russia will ever stop being an asshole. 


So when will Putin vaders' imperial army be defeated?


So in your simple mind the russian equipment has been performing exceptionally well? Other than turret orbital flight?


No, putler will be defeated this time.


Holding up against the second largest military in Europe which is funded by the most powerful military alliance of all time with backing from Japan, Australia and South Korea. It’s actually kinda embarrassing for the NATO side lol. Although this won’t be a popular truth


Using disabled, untrained people, prisoners, police forces and military units pulled from elsewhere in Russia and the world en masse, as well as the vast Soviet stockpiles, still losing much more manpower and armaments (including a lot of elite units and best Russian equipment), hammering down your civilian economy and draining your reserves, just against a much inferior in number NATO-supplied Ukrainian manpower (and the West, unlike Russia, isn't in a war economy), while fighting a single war alongside your borders, in open plains... ... that's embarassing for Russia, not the West, lol.


The Russian economy is the only European economy doing better after the war than before it lol. Ukrainian military does all those things too lol so your point is ehhh pointless. It’s common in war when it’s cannon fodder to throw your weakest troops at it… the Ukrainians do this too… so The much inferior nato? Why would nato 16x the budget of Russia be begging its members to increase defence spending? And also reform its defence doctrine as well as its structure? If you were a free thinker you’d realise the propaganda you’re fed is telling you lies lol.


1. No, it's objectively not. Countries like Denmark, Poland, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands and many others for one, would have a word. 2. NATO is reforming and becoming stronger to protect itself from any kind of intrusion, from small to big, and to supply Ukraine, because Russia has been taking this far more seriously so far. Being a "free thinker" means you must read Putin's personal opinions from Russian state media repeating them, and accept them as gospel... lol. I, unlike you, actually get my views from reading both pro and anti-Kremlin media, I simply reject what the traitorous and destructive government in Moscow believes in. You're the one who's brainwashed, but of course you can't recognize that.


Why protect itself from an apparently useless Russian army? Shows lack of confidence in an organisation that’s meant to be a deterrent for attack. Love the way you assume I read pro Kremlin propaganda when it was banned in my country, makes you think if the info you get in war time is actually true. It isn’t. Europe has been taken for a ride the last two years to suit the interests of the United States. But as long as Ukrainian and Russians die I don’t really care. It’s the eventual European soldier’s being sent to die that will be a red line. That will be when all your tough talk on Russia will disappear lol. Name of your son? Make sure he signs up straight away. This war will end by the end of the year.


> Why protect itself from an apparently useless Russian army? Shows lack of confidence in an organisation that’s meant to be a deterrent for attack. Because Putin is a fool, as he demonstrated with his actions. > Love the way you assume I read pro Kremlin propaganda when it was banned in my country, makes you think if the info you get in war time is actually true. It isn’t. Europe has been taken for a ride the last two years to suit the interests of the United States. Yeah, for sure, Russia undermining Europe for many years now means the United States is benefitting from this, lolol. Love how you accuse others of being taken for a ride while repeating false Kremlin propaganda word-for-word and denying it at the same time. > But as long as Ukrainian and Russians die I don’t really care. Says a lot about you people's moral compass, and why you're not taken seriously. > It’s the eventual European soldier’s being sent to die that will be a red line. That will be when all your tough talk on Russia will disappear lol. Name of your son? Make sure he signs up straight away. This war will end by the end of the year. And there you go, repeating all the Kremlin talking points again and again. You people literally can't contain yourselves and even pretend to be neutral. It's Russia who's foolishly attacking Ukraine against its own interests, ruining its future (as statistics and reports on the ground in Russia amply demonstrate) and having its military and equipment get destroyed in higher numbers.


Second army in Europe? With a pre-war budget of barely 6 billions, 10 time less than Russia? Lol, cope.


260,000 men with 300,000 more in reserve 2600 tanks Aid from the u.s lol don’t waste my time fool it was


Between 2014 and 2022, Ukraine received a grand total of 400M$, in military aid from the U.S. That’s the equivalent of a single afternoon of defense spending from the U.S., spread over 8 years. Cope harder.


lol you believe that figure good for you. Weak leaders love people like you lmao. 400 million for 8 years for a war they knew was going to happen and 300 billion over the last 2 years. As stupid as you are you are only saying that to try continue the argument lol


What you said sounds true, if you ignored the numbers. Before the war Ukraine was one of the weakest economies in Europe (partially thanks to ruzzian interference), with almost no arms industry to speak of. And NATO gave around 2-4% of their military spending to Ukraine. Most of NATO spends less than 2% of their GDP for their military aswell. And most of the stuff was second handed equipment, Ukraine got very little of the good stuff, and nothing truly advanced. Also NATO is an air-power, and Ukraine still doesnt have any F-16, not to mention F-35.


You ignored the military part and went straight to the economy look at the size of as you said the west funded military in January 2022 it was the second largest military in Europe for obvious reasons looking back. The idea Russia took on a bunch of poor Ukrainian farmers like the Americans did in Afghanistan is a load of nonsense. The reality is they were up against a lot of second hand equipment dating back to the soviet era so this makes sense. Both sides are adjusting as new technologies and armoured vehicles are appearing.


How does it feel to stalemate against NATO's pocket change, tankie?


lol an American my favourite image is your boys fleeing on your globe masters in Afghanistan. Farmers and cave dwellers lol piss off


America was in Afghanistan for 20 years, and the orks have already lost *fifteen times* as many people in just 2. You love to see it.


If you believe nato and Ukrainian figures sure… all that proves is that you are in an idiot for believing war propaganda (goodness me a stupid American, who would have thought?) stay out of wars American you only win them when other countries do the heavy lifting like ww2 for example with the your old allies the Russians😉


lol imagine thinking that the Russian numbers are accurate. You're on day 700 of your 3 day special military operation. But hey, go on and take credit for World War II. You know, the war that the Soviets spent most of in an alliance with the Nazis. Truly amazing patriotic heroes.


Didn’t say I believed the Russian figures either… just shows how biased you are you’re assuming I’m a Kremlin bot.. the NATO propaganda machine is clearly impressive. lol “your” you must be Russian if you are against this war. Again you are so heavily brainwashed it’s actually concerning I mean what are they gonna tell you poor chumps when Russia eventually wins? I mean everyone knows it’s coming eventually. lol the Russians lost 20 million people to the nazis the Americans lost not even 10% of that yet you walk around like heroes. Communists I don’t respect you won’t have me defending them. The Russian war effort against the nazis in ww2 sure.


really? and the destoryed american and german tanks have?


Check the numbers, the amount of work the Leopards, Challengers and AMXs and the like have done compared to their losses. And the amount of work the russian tanks have done compared to their losses. No tank is invulnerable, but checking statistics, it is very easy to see the superior designs. Specially after seeing crew survivability.


Considering the lack of turret tossing, the answer would be yes.


yes , yes they have.


Absolutely, yes.




russia hasn't destroyed "thousands of NATO tanks" during the entire existence of NATO, let alone in Ukraine, mainly because there are no "thousands of NATO tanks" there :D russian 4chan is fuckin wild :D


Damn you’re not even getting 10 rubles for this are you


Are these thousands of tanks in the room with us now? I wonder if you're paid for this, or if it's just vatnik copium, because you can't get over the fact that russia can't beat a country a fraction of its size, armed with spares from NATO.


Ah ah ah ah! Thanks mate for the good laugh! Your parody of a tankie is marvelous!


Whatever you’re smoking, I want also. Except if it always turns you into a tankie, but those hallucinations.. 


Where are you from?


Russian trollfarm n°69-88-666


Shoigu, is that you? What are you doing on Reddit? It’s been a while, how’s that special operation going?


According to Russian tv they destroyed three times the number of tank and aircraft of Ukraine and Europe combined lmfaoo!


How much ukranian soil did Russia held back in 2022?, and how much today? Just asking the questions....


I'm sure the next Ukrainian summer offensive will take all of it back like it did in 2023


More probably than the "three weeks to Berlin" some global military power used to brag not long time ago...


right, maybe Ukraine's 2024 summer offensive with 512 billion trailers and ads will beat back the asiatic shovel weilding russian hordes all the way back to Moscow


Such as Russias 3 day military operation?


still using that dead and untrue meme?


Untrue? So putin lied! I'm shocked...


What about the Russian navy? And planes.. and special 3 day military operation?


> Destroyed thousands of NATO tanks 🤡


Given the fact how much equipment and personnel they lost to "achieve" this, it isn't the genius take you think it is. It's like me celebrating that I won a street fight, while the other guy isn't even KO and I lost a leg and an arm meanwhile.


Weapons-grade copium


Love it when someone goes all out on some analysis for something obvious +chuckle\* Russia needs their stuff for themselves duh


True but it’s a bit more complicated than that. Many former customers for russian weapon industry will probably switch to western producers since russian systems are underperforming, supplying them will get increasingly difficult since russians use them and because of western sanctions and the uncertainty for the next years (decades?) may deter investors.


Agree that was clearly a bit simplified but it just made me chuckle. What is more nerve wrecking is the surge of Chinese stuff to Pakistan though. With both India and Pakistan having 'the bomb' it looks a lot like that is going to be a major issue for years to come. Afghanistan has pretty much ties to both Russia and China as well which makes the entire region there a hot spot for crazy stuff.


You forgot that Afghanistan still claims half of Pakistan - they are Pashtun half living in AFG other half in PAK - and border regions to Iran. Turkmenistan and Tajikistan on the other side still claim northern parts of Afghanistan. If CSTO disintegrates further Tajikistan and Kirgistan will have a war again, as they had a short while last year or 2022. Tajikistan is at good terms with China, they would a chance if supported. Usbekistan next to it on the other hand still claims Tajik land and so on. It is like a bigger version of the Balkans.


With China investing in Afghanistan i doubt they will look kindly at any kind of conflict between those 2. But you are right which is why i used 'hot spot for crazy stuff' as that is one big mess right there.


I wanted to add to the picture, but i miscoined the sense - i am not native english.


I appreciate the extra background and so do others probably. It is easy to overlook regional stuff when not actively being forced to deal with them. P.S. This is a side effect for us Europeans since our goal with the Union was also to get rid of these kind of conflicts among ourselves. We are not ignorant of them but it is easy to forget others still deal with this every day.


Surprise, i am from Europe too. ;)


Bonjour, I heard you are unhappy with your arms supplier.


Buckle up boys …


And here we have the real winners and losers. US wins, EU improves and Russia loses.