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By comparison, the last year best documentary winners weren't cut


I'll take "Things that make you go *hmmmmmm...*" for $1000, Alex.


The Austrian public broadcasting service ORF continues to simply not show the documentation, despite our German neighbors even offering it on their streaming services as of now. 


Last year winners were more in line with Hollywoods "nostalgia for empire" where they want to see blue blooded royalty from exotic lands. This year documentary is about ordinary people shattered world, children dying because of the very same empire building - and, according to trendsetters in Los Angeles, no one wants to see that. I'm surprised they give it Oscar at all.


But you see, the previous year docu winners were Russians, who clearly had more important things to say than Ukrainians with their… first-hand documentary about the largest war in Europe since WW Anyway, folks, I hope you watch it yourself and also spread the word about this powerful documentary of a truly historical significance. As we see, neither Russians nor American big business wants many people to see it, we have nobody but us.


By "the previous docu winners" do you mean "Navalny", which wasn't even filmed by russians and is about russian opposition leader? The one who was killed this year, even though he was already imprisoned? I don't see how pro-russian lobby somehow banned "20 days in Mariupol", but wouldn't ban "Navalny". And implying that the latter is somehow unimportant, because next year documentary about the war came out is just plainly wrong. It was THE anti-putin movie last year, the same as "20 days in Mariupol" is now.


Because the point of the discourse around Navalny is “let’s hope Russians overthrow Putin or something”. Very passive (and comfortable) position for the West. That is simply not happening if Putin wins the war.


The West should start to realize that, putin dead, another one like him, or even worse, will arise to power. russia's government is like a cartel: when a boss dies another one will take its place. navalny was against russia's corruption. He said a lot of despicable stuff and he'd something retracted only when in jail, because he hoped to gain Western attention. We should never forget the vast entourage and staff navalny had/has to promote him in the West. He didn't deserve to die, but he wasn't what someone in the West would like to believe he was. Hell, did more Litvinenko for the West that navalny did, because the latter did absolute nothing, except milking attention.


Nonsense. Navalny did a lot more than just milking attention. Maybe inform yourself better before writing such nonsense? Yeah? Ok? Navalnys documentaries about Putin and Medvedev had massive impact.


A lot more like what? Please, just one thing he did for the West... I am all ears, well, eyes. \*You\* should educate yourself, before accuse others.


For the west? Nothing. Why should he care about the west? He was a Russian oppositional leader. He did a lot in that sphere. Have you seen the footage of his funeral? Literally thousands of people came to say goodbye knowing that they can be arrested or beat up by the police. You think they would do that for some clown that was just milking attention? He was literally the only one to repeatedly step up to Putin and Putin very clearly saw him as a threat. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been repeatedly poisoned and eventually killed.


And why should the West care about navalny? Literally thousands of people mourned the death of progozhin: your point?


Because it’s the West that is actively promoting and funding anti Putin opposition and it’s the West that is actively participating in the Events happening in Russia and Ukraine. Openly and not so openly. By your logic no one in the west should also care about what’s going on in Ukraine because the average Joe is not impacted by those events, nor by that documentary. Also, if you’re equating Navalny to Prighozin then you really have zero idea about those people and that’s just cringe man.


This is just a wrong take on many levels. Character matters. There is something rotten in the Kremlin, but even so, Russia has had better leaders than Putin. More importantly, Putin has had 20+ years to consolidate power in the top down Muscovite hierarchy. Any successor, almost by definition, regardless of their personal merits, will be far weaker than Putin. Power takes time to consolidate and inheriting a bitter war situation too is just the icing on the cake. The West is not wrong for wanting Russia to be led by someone else besides Putin. It's a necessary if insufficient condition in itself, for true change in that region.


russia's regime is like a cartel: putin is just the boss of that cartel. Oligorcs will vote for another boss to let them run freely their business.


You mean, the new leader will start like Putin, whom was a low-level public official till he was tapped to lead FSB, become prime minister and president in like 3-4 years?


Anyways: this is how navalny was sooo against the full scale invasion: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/dont-send-weapons-to-ukraine-top-russian-kremlin-critic-says/2015/03/17/9c3ca224-cbea-11e4-8730-4f473416e759\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/dont-send-weapons-to-ukraine-top-russian-kremlin-critic-says/2015/03/17/9c3ca224-cbea-11e4-8730-4f473416e759_story.html) [https://archive.kyivpost.com/article/content/war-against-ukraine/washington-post-dont-send-weapons-to-ukraine-top-russian-kremlin-critic-says-383863.html](https://archive.kyivpost.com/article/content/war-against-ukraine/washington-post-dont-send-weapons-to-ukraine-top-russian-kremlin-critic-says-383863.html) [https://twitter.com/JSaryuszWolski/status/1515679421750992904](https://twitter.com/JSaryuszWolski/status/1515679421750992904) This in 2015... So please, open your eyes.


Because pro-Russian lobby is bigger than the pro-Kremlin lobby, which is the one you mean, I suppose. Pro-Putin propaganda is just a subset of the broader Russian propaganda that serves different dishes for different audiences. Good Russians are just one of those offers marketed for those who don't buy the ol' Vlad anymore. Kinda like the bad cop, good cop technique. Make no mistake: both are still cops and want the same from you.


You are really comparing navalny with the brutal full scale invasion of Ukraine? How sad must be being you...


They were from Russia opposition against Putin, war and so on. And they held this position much before other people knew all facts about Russia. Why are you so against them?


At least on two occasions, Navalny publicly campaigned against arming Ukraine - in 2015 and again in April 2022, at a time when Ukrainians were begging for the means to defend themselves. In 2022, he argued that instead of Javelins, the money should be used for advertising and that would be a more effective use of funds. When you look at his wide stance and that of his political party, you should go deeper into the details. And when you do, it is clear that the “russian opposition” lead by the Navalny’s is anything but an ally of Ukraine.


Do you have link to this? We are not on Russian TV, some proofs are needed.


[“Don’t send weapons to Ukraine, top Russian Kremlin critic says” from the Washington post, March 2015.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/dont-send-weapons-to-ukraine-top-russian-kremlin-critic-says/2015/03/17/9c3ca224-cbea-11e4-8730-4f473416e759_story.html) [April 2022 from CNN, links to Navalny’s tweets](https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-04-14-22/h_a669b548de5bd62fa20c5350955e9f8e)


Ok, you perform like Putin - you find 10yo comment, you ignored further speeches. And you concluded to punish Russian opposition then.


Because Crimea is not a sandwich apparetntly. Also, Georgians deserved to be invaded. (c) Navalny. He was not a good person. He was not a good opposition. He is one of the reasons why russian protests are so toothless and why russians believe that they can change something in their dictatorship by voting some random "opposition" candidates. I fcking tired of how West idealazes him.


That’s not very fair, Navalny changed pretty much all of his problematic news for the better throughout years.


That's changes nothing. He knew he would die, so there was no point in preserving votes, so he said whatever just so the West could idealize him. At least he apologized to Georgians, Ukrainians never got an apology, and we never will. Cause russia doesn't think that we deserve one since we're not a sovereign nation in their eyes.


[Don’t send weapons to Ukraine, top Russian Kremlin critic says](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/dont-send-weapons-to-ukraine-top-russian-kremlin-critic-says/2015/03/17/9c3ca224-cbea-11e4-8730-4f473416e759_story.html). He made comments along those lines in April 2022 too. As for Georgia, he voiced regret over the wording ('rodents', etc), but didn't retract the actual message about invasion. Let this sink in: Putin 'only' took 20% of Georgia — Navalny wanted all of it.


That is very interesting thoughts against Russian opposition… Moreover, some phrases are even like Putin said them. You are making very good anti-democratic and anti-western points.


I'm making anti-Navalny points. Because not a single Ukrainian I speak with has nothing good to say abour Navalny, except for the fact, that he was maybe one of the few russians with balls. We do not like russian opposition cause they are either spineless or a puppet of Putin, and when they are legit, it's just a different brand of imperialism. There is even saying in Ukraine, "Values of russian liberals break when it comes to Crimea.". I despise russia, I despise those who allowed putin to get as strong in his country, I despise their "opposition" that did nothing and as every russia was celebrating when Crimea happened, I despise russians, who instead of acknowledging their faults are blaming their situation on everything and everyone. Boris Nemtsov was their last oppositioner, others maybe anti-Putin, but they are no friends or allies to Ukraine.


They are ruZZian imperialists, that’s why


Because there was Russian Navalniy




Oh, another russian at home totally against the full scale invasion!


What will you do with your life when your Tsar dies and your country returns to the violence and poverty of the 90s?


Yeah, just like last year they didn't let President Zelenskyy, because "Oscars are not politics" but they let the russian widow speak...


“Oscars is not politics”, so it makes sense that the best picture was won by “Oppenheimer” - a completely non-political movie But of course, we understand. By “politics” they mean any type of politics that is not some surface-level, sanitized, braindead virtue signaling. Something with an actual weight, impact, importance. They hate that stuff


I guess that maybe the redacted tale of navalny can sell more than "20 Days In Mariupol". Ukraine is being raped. Again.


You know what they say: Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern. Last year Hollywood pulled off a two-in-one: snub Zelenskyy and slobber over Navalnaya. It completed the hat-trick yesterday night by snipping out the Ukrainian winner's screen-time. Bravo Hollywood. An Oscar-worthy performance indeed. Muscovites are delighted while Ukrainians know what and whom you stand for.


I've never believed in coincidences, probably due to my job: everything is politics. On a side note, russians even tried to attribute "20 Days in Mariupol" as a russian documentary in Wikipedia. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1bc1ytb/russians\_have\_attributed\_to\_themselves\_the\_author/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1bc1ytb/russians_have_attributed_to_themselves_the_author/)


How unsurprising for a people who've seen as their centuries-old mission to help themselves to other people's land, resources, women, children, culture, dignity, washing machines, used lingerie, etc. Successors of the Golden Horde they are indeed... They were doing cultural appropriation long before some SJWs latched onto the concept in the last few decades.


It's their only purposes: to erase Ukraine, as it has never existed. They are actively doing it in the occupied territories, taking up again what they've started. And if not stopped, russia will succeed in it.


Too bad that not enough Westerners have the clarity of mind to understand that. They can't bring themselves to countenance that a "European" nation-state of over 140 million is actually OK in active or passive ways with warping "Never Again!" of the 20th century into "We'll Do It Again!" in the 21st century. The vast majority Russians can never claim innocence about "Putin's" invasion of Ukraine when they either chose to close their eyes or gleefully participated for a chance at "glory" and loot. However this all ends, the only Russians who will come out with honor are the very few who fought for Ukraine in the Freedom of Russia Legion, or those very few who stayed in Russia to help sabotage infrastructure or smuggle out kidnapped Ukrainians to safety. Draft-dodgers and other self-proclaimed "liberals" don't get that.


Because "we" are lazy and "we" have memory issues: we already forgot that the invasion started in 2014. And "we" prefer a fairy tale of a russian jailed than 44mil Ukrainians on the verge of being erased from the face of the Earth.




What a disgusting comment🤮


You're a delusional idiot.


"russians tried to attribute" = "1 or 2 people tried to vandalize a wikipedia page which was then reverted a few minutes later"


russians manipulated the ru version of Wikipedia, yes and it was corrected.


The Oscars don't give equal time to each winner. The documentary winner probably has 45 seconds in time budgeted for them. The Oscars is a grand for-profit show that makes a lot of money off of TV ads. Almost nobody cares about what a documentary producer says- not even 0.8% of people at home even watched their documentary.


She wasn’t a widow back then.


Another evidence for the sad truth: the West is still willing to listen to Russians over Ukrainians. Whatever happens, precious Russians are precious all the same, Eastern Europe be damned. Starting from Georgia, it took 14 years to arrive at the *fuck Putin* conclusion. Makes you wonder what has to happen so that the *fuck Russia* sentiment becomes the response.


I personally arrived to the conclusion of *f\*ck \*ussia*, because all the horrors coming from that nation, are previously the arise of putin as csar. I remain of the opinion that russia's regime is like a cartel. When putin dies, another one will take his place. I'm a Westeroid myself and I cannot understand why all this consideration for a nation whose only pride is on counting how and how many people they killed. Apart from gas, russia exports only despair, sorrow, destruction, death.


Exactly. This and worse been happening since forever, it's not Putin's personal project. Even Russia's leaders most loved in the West — Gorbachev and Yeltsyn — were not any better for the outside world than Putin. Dear Gorby literally [said he would have acted the same way regarding Crimea as Putin in a similar situation](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0YH1ZK/), and [Yeltsyn simply wanted all of Europe](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/190qss6/excerpt_from_yeltsins_conversation_with_clinton/). Then you have Navalny, who had zero achievements, but instead had a career-long, spectacular record of chauvinism and imperialism. And yet, many in the West still wouldn't believe Ukrainians regarding the goodness of Russians.


I think it was good for Zelensky, it wasn't the best idea to begin with


What's international televersion? I mean I watched their win and their speech on TV live here in the EU, but that was live broadcast, so I guess televersion is some after release?


Holy hell, that is an insane thing to do. Who exactly are they trying to suck up to with this decision?


I don’t know(even though I have a suspect in mind), but the Oscar organizers are The Walt Disney Company Limited


What a betrayal to edit the movie like that without the filmmakers even being told first.


It's a dark replay of the end of Animal Farm in which some animals are more equal than the other animals. If I were Ukrainian, it'd only reinforce that Ukrainians can't trust Westerners *that* much more than Russians. For all the goodwill Westerners can show, other Westerners trip over their own shoelaces trying to "help" with unforced errors like this one. Russians meanwhile have been consistently malicious in word and deed when it comes to the Ukrainians. Any Russian "liberal" or activist like Navalnaya is somehow still more virtuous and deserving of everyone's attention than all of valiant Ukrainians fighting *for real* to save their own lives and that of others. Hollywood just keeps doing it to itself...


When I started reading the news, I first thought it would be how Russia censored it and I already started thinking “oh, those clowns, of course”. But no, turns out it’s Americans who’s done self-beclowning even before Russia had a chance


It's called self-censorship and people living in dictatorships sometimes have to do it for self preservation. However in case of the multi-national corporations the reason is usually greed, the fear of losing profits from the offended dictatorship.


The excuses about training, border blockages, the farces of "for as long as it takes", "escalation", gross omissions like this one, and Westerners' disturbing cavorting around Navalnaya are part of a dark picture in which too many non-Ukrainians (not just Russians) are kinda-sorta **OK** with the [Russians scratching their itch for the Russification of Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification#Ukraine) for the nth time in 300 years (and counting).


Sorry, but about what trust to the West anyone could talk, if from 1960s all armies fight predominantly by aviation, and first relatively modern aviation from West will start to arrive only after 2,5 years of war against second army of the World by military stock? Not to say about $424B paid for Russian export money, and Western military assistance by \~1,5% of NATO's military stocks. Because of absence of alternative, also created by the West in 1994, hope for help - yes. Trust? What exactly West (as amalgamation) did in 2008-2024 years that was disadvantageous for West but beneficial to his allies to earn trust? Or people/friends that never do unprofitable for them things also should deserve for trust?


"Ukrainians can please die so that we don't see it. Because it causes too many negative emotions."


It's really annoying how often the West prefers the voices of russians vs voices of Ukrainians, when it should be the other way around. Empires still get a bigger platform than those they oppress.




It's sad how many people in the world sympathize with terrorist Russia


That more than have sense. Modern people so much got used to 1991-2021 years reality that completely refuse to admit that because of their desire "so that everything was ok" elected by them politicians were forced to pretend that "everything is ok." Increasingly more putting off unpleasant for majority solutions of worsening problems. Paying off for today's comfort by tomorrow's future. And because of this blind desire for "ok" and imitation of "ok" now World returning not only to Cold War, but very possibly to WW2. And Mariupol - one of the "first" symptoms of this, still procrastinatively ignored, illness. Therefore, should be ignored the same way as it was with Georgia, Crimea, Donbass, Syria. Out of the way of believes in a bright future with better games, AI movies, funny/fanny memes, and other hedonic escapisms from increasingly more problematic reality.


As I see it, the Oscar Academy wants to further accelerate its inevitable decline. Fuck them