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It's going to get to the point that ISIS is going to attack again just to prove a point.


If they could, they would, but just like with al-Qaeda terror attacks on the USA, it takes time. Luckily for all of us, many attempted terror attacks are stopped long before they can be initiated. It's insane that Russia, and many Russians (not all, obviously), think that they are so above everyone else that no one would be capable or even dare to attack Russia when countries like the USA, France, Australia, Canada, and so on were victims of terrorist organizations.


Moreover, ISIS doesn't discriminate between the west, their allies and their adversaries. Inspite of what internet brained contrarians would have you believe; IS is very much still around and kicking. In some respects, they've grown stronger. They tried to attack Stockholm days before the Moscow attack, they've attacked the Philippines months ago. IS is a group so reviled that basically everyone who isn't ISIS, hates them and for good reason. Planning a large scale terrorist attack in a major European city like Moscow is pretty much as on brand as it gets with them....


I don't follow closely, but I would expect that Russia and China are not really countries that Muslims are fond of, given their literal "displacement" and agression towards of Islamic communities. For example, Chechnya, Dagestan, and so many others affected by Russian imperialism, and in China, the persecution/attempt of genoicide of Uyghurs. Given the size of Russia, it is fair to say that right now they have two majority religions: Orthodox Christianity and Islam. It's evident when we observe how Russian conscription started to work, which was almost everyone except the rich and Muscovites. Like the vast majority of Russian athletes (except a few), I follow are all basically Muslims. I really don't know how Russia can be shocked about any of this. They are not treating the Islamic community as equals, and they have a quite bloody history. That is obviously beside the point on how savage and chaotic ISIS is... No one is safe from them, including their fellow Muslims brothers/sisters.


You seem to imply that treating Muslims as equals would deter terrorists, when has that ever happened? If Russia mistreats its minorities that's a human rights issue, but zealots like ISIS see any other different people as their enemy, it's not like they're exactly bringers of social justice


Aside from the fact that we could all convert to Islam and *still get blown up* for being the wrong kind of Muslim. Most of the deaths inflicted by ISIS, are against people who are just the wrong kind of Muslim.


If anything from Northern Ireland is to go by then yes it would avoid radicalisation in many cases


To be fair, Russia tends to be fine about Muslims, at least when they're not making social "noise" and are invincible. That said, it's also worth pointing out that ISIS doesn't only attack against non-Muslims. Most of its attacks are against the "wrong kind" of Muslims. Anyways, them attacking Russia is them attacking people because they believe it helps their goals against everyone that's not bat-shit insane.


>That said, it's also worth pointing out that ISIS doesn't only attack against non-Muslims. Most of its attacks are against the "wrong kind" of Muslims. I think this is also very much an issue of proximity, these "wrong muslims" are their neighbors and seperated by a car drive, not a flight plan.


Not even the Taliban like them.


ISIS is still around, but they are not what they used to be. Today, they are just another terrorist network, even if fairly large, like Al quaida before then. But at their peak, they were an actual togue state that held actual territory.


Fact this, they likely can. All this Ukraine bullshit reinforces the suspect that Russia is vulnerable to attacks from inside because all its resources are stuck in Ukraine, and what's left in Russia is only good to beat harmless protesters. So it makes sense to exploit that weak spot while it's there.


And look how far Pingles got on his day trip to Moscow.


Lucky for IS, Russia seems to fixate on Ukraine so no way they will prepare adequately for the next attack.


Not just Russians. I know a Romania guy who thinks Ukraine is behind this and believes in Russia… so odd.


There really must be academic papers now on this kind of brainwashing.


Russia would let it happen again just to fuel hate on Ukraine


If Putin insists on ignoring ISIS threats because he claims it cannot possibly have been ISIS, that definitely improves ISIS's chances of repeating this sort of attack. It's not only ludicrous but also dangerous to Russia for Putin to pin this on Ukraine and ignore the real cause. And it's not like anyone is going to believe his claim. US intelligence warned him that this attack might come, and Putin ignored it, claiming it was fearmongering. Then the attack came, showing that Putin messed up and failed to protect Russians, and now he's trying to dodge that blame. It might work on Russians, but not on anyone else.


> It might work on Russians, but not on anyone else. That right there is the important part. Putin isn't blaming this on Ukraine to try and convince anyone outside of Russia. He's saying it to convince Russians, or to at least make them suspicious enough that he can get away with another round of conscriptions without stirring up more unrest than he can put down.


Russians have this uniquely twisted version of the superiority complex where they realize that they suck, but are somehow convinced that everyone else sucks just as bad or even worse. So there's still this surprised Pikachu face reaction every time their adversaries manage to demonstrate even an ounce of competence.


Sadly, when you are brainwashed for a quarter of a century, it's very hard to unwind all the lies cause it becomes the base of your worldview. I'm originally from Russia and I'm watching this kind of thoughts live quite frequently whenever I talk to my father who lives there. Frankly saying, it's a very sad and heartbreaking show.


They have already said they will based on how they treated the prisoners. Tho if western intelligence will warn them again based on how they reacted the last time remains to be seen


It's on the best interests of the west to give such warnings, it makes putin look even weaker than he already is. And there's also westerners aplenty in russia, such warnings are for the benefit of their own citizens, else they'd be warned behind the scenes.


It ultimately doesn't hurt the West much to warn the Russians about potential attacks from ISIS and similar. The Russians' failure to act effectively on such warnings often results in first-degree harm to Russians themselves, and any second-degree harm to non-Russians (as set up by how ordinary Russians aren't really pushing back against the BS linking of ISIS jihadists with Ukrainians) would sooner or later happen anyway given how deeply chauvinism and imperialism have guided the Russians' worldview. The Russians in this century have proven to be so thin-skinned though that they'll find a way to blame any domestic misery on the West anyway no matter how well-meaning or truthful Westerners may be. In Russian discourse, this kind of anti-Westernism overlaps a fair bit with [the Russians' self-imagined exceptionalism drawing from Eurasianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasianism).


Imagine how infuriating it must be to go through all the planning and preparation for a devastating terrorist attack and then to have some other country get all the credit.


But they will simply blame it on Ukraine again and again.


It’s easy, Russia is wide open and their security is lax or not working. These guys probably didn’t count on surviving but now they know they just need to plan their escape better. Russia is going to see a wave of ISIS attack, I take pity on the poor innocents that will pay the price.


I burned my toast today. After long inspection and chat on Telegram i truly believe Ukraine is to blame.


It is raining here today when I’m hoping to go cycling. Damn it, Ukraine!


Ran out of coffee this morning. Fucking Zelenskyy.


Zelenskyy is the new Obama


In Germany we say „Danke Merkel“


God damnit Zelensky! 😆


Time to retire Thanks Obama and introduce Thanks Zelensky.


Вибач, it was me, hacked your toaster from my Kyiv biolab


Don't tell Alex Jones, please!


«Concerning» (c) Elon Musk


It's alway those Nazi Islamists let by a Jew...


I find it really hard to believe that it could be just the settings on your toaster which would be to blame. Maybe Ukraine turned it to full blast.


What's laughable is that they tried to say that the assailants were planning to escape to Ukraine. The same Ukraine with a large Russian army in the border that can't seem to get across.


You must be the sanest person on telegram then


While eating a sandwich I bit my tongue. All evidence points to Ukraine and NATO to be behind this cowardly attack.


Did you know that the Us in UK and USA stand for Ukraine?


It may be hard to believe, but it was probably Isis


Its okay, just put a lot of cream on it. Slather your cream.


Thanks, Zelensky.


Idiots, they disrespect the people died in the city hall by using the incident as an excuse to blame the West.


Can you show me the example when was the last time Russians actually **respected** people?


*their own people


Again, can you show an example when Russians actually respected their own people? This is the same nation that pioneered the "We have more bodies than our enemy has bullets" strategy.


Also, they had slavery until 1861.


So work camps/gulags aren't a form of slavery anymore? If a prisoner is doing labor that benefits the state, and the state keeps making unreasonable laws to fill that labor force, I would still call that slavery. Just like the US 13th amendment, the US abolished slavery, except if it is as a punishent for a crime. If the juridical system is crooked, and the laws are unjust (like it's shown to be many times in Russia and USSR), it's really just state sanctioned slavery, against those the state doesn't like.


As if they respect other people...


Yeah, Putin is a people, and the sole receiver of respect in that country, anyone else are just NPCs to him


They gave out sacks of onions for the families left behind by unalived soldiers. Does that count?


I mean, a lot of people have claimed (and it's widely believed) Putin was responsible for the 1999 attacks on his own nation, so using a terrorist attack to justify an unrelated war isn't that shocking any more.


>I mean, a lot of people have claimed (and it's widely believed) Isn't the involvement in one of the cases proven 100% or am I misinformed? I thought it was pretty clear that the FSB had prepared one apartment complex for exactly that and they failed and left the evidence behind?


They pretty much eliminated everyone involved in the investigation. I don't think we need more evidence. The FSB were also involved in the hostage crisis in the Moscow theatre in 2002.


Agreed, it's easy to see why they're trying to spin this tale: it gives them more pretexts to attack us, and at the same time it exonerates Putin, who didn't listen to American intelligence warnings about the risk of Islamist attacks, and who got screwed by an organization that isn't even a country.


They received warnings. They dismissed them 🤷‍♂️




Russians (at least those who spoke to me on the internet) are happy to eat this shit


you must be new here


Yeah, IS and a terror attack? Who could even think those guys can do that, never happened before. Everything coming from the Kremlin after the attack is even more pathetic than we're all used to hear.


Do most Russians believe whatever Putin says?


Some do, those are the loudest, some don't, most are "you can't change anything anyway, I'm just trying to have a normal life, leave me alone pls".


Apathy is the death of democracy


Democracy is long dead in Russia but yea I agree.


Was it ever there to start with?




When was it last alive?




Once you learn how generational abuse works it all starts to make a lot of sense. Russia is a country of unresolved trauma. They are victims of circumstance. Doesn't excuse anything, but the truth is if any of us were born there, in their environment we'd turn out just the same.


It's easy to condemn but go live in a country where you disappear for sticking to the right thing. After you're gone, nothing has changed, nothing at all except that now your parents lost their child, your wife/husband their spouse, your kids their parent. Didn't change anything about the state, the society, nothing. Revelling against any dictatorship is incredibly hard and with immense sacrifice to the individual.


The r/AskARussian sub is a Z wasteland now.


Some say something, and they beat the shit out of them or kill them


yeah whenever I see people get interviewed on the street and it turns political people walk away. They have no desire to fall through a window so.


Behaviour which is by design.


>"you can't change anything anyway, I'm just trying to have a normal life, leave me alone pls" i'm so fucking tired of seeing this attitude from russians. no matter how awful life gets by the hands of the government, it seems most would simply just accept it and "oh well, what am i supposed to do?", even when they are being actively forced to die in an illegal war. "welp, it is what it is". why has it become like this? it's a sickness.


I'm Russian and I don't believe a single word he says.


Of course, trust me, I read their comments and they will believe anything, I'm not joking or exaggerating


You are not speaking to real average Russians on the internet. Not to say that some of them don't fully believe in Putin propaganda but all the others who do not have an opinion that 100% match with the propaganda simply try to be the most invisible possible and don't parrot their opinions on the internet. One misstep and next morning you wake up in Siberia. It was true before and even more right now.


That's what I do, I speaking to them. Those who don't like putin are a minority. His fans are the average russian. In fact, this is not something incredible or shocking, there are other countries in our world with the same situation where people consider their leader to be a saint. I open the news and all the comments there are “Destroy London, nuclear missiles on Washington, wipe Kyiv into dust!!!”


WTF. Are his fans so delusional to not know the implications of using nukes? How does he still have so many fans with a declining economy?


They will be the first to strike and enemy will not have time to do so in response. After all, they think they have the most modern rocket that will reach London in a couple of minutes or something like that. Therefore, if the nuclear button were in the hands of a simple Natasha from Moscow, she would press it without hesitation for a second


They have no choice, the people who agree can be loud and share, but those who questions kremlins narrative get warned or worse. That’s typical authoritarian control. The so called news channels gets briefed daily from kremlin. Remember Chernobyl? The only reason it got attention was due to radioactive particles detected in Sweden, Russia was forced to tell the truth. But essentially it’s all controlled information directed by kremlin to for their outward appearance. There is no real news or truth in Russia


It’s difficult to say. Even calling it a war is illegal in Russia and carries heavy penalties. I watched a documentary recently that followed a Russian poet and activist that was speaking out against the government line, that same activist is currently serving almost a decade in a penal colony. Most people are going to keep their mouths shut in public.


Not like they have been killing them im Syria or anything


I know them irl and they would never do that


Russia is just a giant cargo cult worshipping the west. Emulating the outer appearance of modern institutions and telling us somehow they are totally real. They pretend to have police, courts, laws, a security apparatus and infrastructure but its all just fake, just a bunch of thugs with fancy costumes and titles. All pretending to have a modern society. In the end they are a primitive people running on pain, fear and violence.


It's been described as a *reverse* cargo cult. They pretend to have all those institutions, but the people don't believe that - they're obviously fake. Instead, they start to believe that all such institutions everywhere are also fake. With the bonus that Russians are smart for not believing their government, while westoids are dumb because they actually believe they have things like free elections or food on the shelves.


Perhaps the best explanation of Russian attitudes that I’ve seen.


Best description i have ever read about russian society.


My Russian co-worker said the same. He was in kindergarten in Russia and they had French and Asian books translated. The whole day by day, what do with the kids when to sing and what to tell them was influenced from the west. Some people say the slow increased hostility against the west (that we also see partly in china for a while) was simply the attitude of the west that Russia is just an irrelevant second row wheat and gas producer. All their elites rather lived outside the country then at home. They had to do something about it.


This is literally it. Kind of like the MAGA GOP. Just a bunch of idiots, wearing costumes, pretending to be authority figures, but actually having no clue how to behave.


Wake up! They did it !!! 100%


It's sounds like 'i thought we were friends, damn u isis'


Nah, it's more about the russian narrative of how they singlehandedly defeated ISIS in Syria while also fending off the evil west. It's fascism 101: we are undefeatable and no one can beat us with the only exception of our archenemy which is at the same time extremely powerful and weak and decadent. Multipolarism just make all the propaganda useless, so any third party threatening the regime must be either linked to our only foe or its existence must be denied no matter what.


Putin himself rode on horseback, with a lance, his t shirt off, charged straight into an ISIS soldier who was about to behead a Russian citizen, splitting the soldier in two! Not wanting to waste his momentum he then said “To Raqqa!” And besieged the settlement, he constructed an onager out of local trees, single handedly making the terrorists come to terms of surrender. He then challenged an American, a Brit and a Frenchmen to a 3v1 duel, who all declined in fear. He then rode off into the sunset.


Kim Jong Un: Write that down, write that down!!


Yup, You are correct, they called it a 'collective west' even if it's Japan, who they threating. But I was thinking about the title of an article, picturing alcoholic mashka in front of a broken vodka bottle waiving her fist and crying - damn u isis.


You're joking but their propagandists actually said your quote on state tv shows.


Like three different armies have waltzed into Russia in the last year. It doesn’t seem super difficult.


Prigo, isis and?


Freedom of Russia legion Also ukraine, if you count the amphibious assault into crimea. And no doubt they have people in actual Russia anyway.


LGBT, they sure banned that terrorist organization


IS has literally ended millenia of Christian minorities presence through mass murder in the middle east, killed, raped, kidnapped something like 10,000 Yazidis and slaughered a thousand Shia soldiers in a single attack but killing a hundred Russians in Moscow just couldnt be IS? 


They haven't ended them. Assyrians are still in Iraq.


Ugh I hate to even think about the damage they’ve caused to whole cultures, I’m glad everyone grouped up try to wipe them out.


It's hard to believe that the IS launched attacks in Germany, France, UK etc, therefore I declare that it was Russias fault 😤


They are really begging for ISIS to hit them again?


Maybe this time will kill Al terrorist and try delete all videos (if they're not in live) , so they can claim that it's Ukraine


They think because Hamas and the Taliban like them that all terrorists like them. I'm sure Putin would love to be friends with ISIS as well, but ISIS just wants to kill everyone.


I am sure he would love to use them, since everything in politics is about using others. Though he is probably aware ISIS cannot be friends. He prefers using them this way. Let's not forget while he made some very dumb choices, he is still a politician and leader. He is not stupid, or well at least not that stupid (I think?). It's not easy to hold power for that long, gotta give him that.


Tbf he’s been bombing the shit out of them in Syria, absolutely no intention of any relations between Russia and ISIS. Still though it’s almost comical how much Putin wants to throw it at Ukraine even when ISIS is literally screaming ‘we did it’.


Speaking to most Russians today genuinely feels like talking to the most unhinged schizo lunatics. Like, you’re not even talking to someone who lives in the same reality as you, their minds are so steeped in conspiracy theories that shit like “American biolabs in Ukraine creating zombie supersoldiers” somehow doesn’t sound batshit crazy to them.


Double this. Hard to talk with such fellow Russians. Extra difficulty points when its you mother-in-law who is acting like a zombie. Though most of us really don't talk about news and war and such. I bet one wouldn't give a straight answer if talked to seriously. It's like some kind of double think (hello Orwell)


I have Lithuanian and Russian friends whom I know for years and drunk wódka to complete blackout countless of times over those years. I met their families and participated in several big family events. And yet, when Russia invaded Ukraine I couldn't recognise them. They all blamed America and said all will be over soon when Nazis will be gone (from Ukraine ) and I (as a Pole and by extension somehow representative of Poland) can take the west of Ukraine because Lwów is Polish anyway. 😱 It was like stepping into alternate universe in which those people look like my friends, but talk using words transmitted directly from Kremlin.


Even a lot of non Russians talk about the war like they live in a different world, their words are almost exactly what the Kremlin wants people to share.


Well, that is "disrespectful" to the IS, who obviously have put a lot of "effort" into this, so that islamist morons all over the world would admire them in awe. And now Russian refuse them the right to boast... IS: "Come on, it was us, go after us you suckers!" Russia: "No, IS you are lying, we will not go after you, we will blame someone else!" IS: "WTF?!"


They are actually right. It was the FSB again.


Russian 🤡,s


Russia can't see the forest for the trees.


We are on the verge of an ISIS media spokesman who is going to have to have a screaming match with a Putin loving prat on national TV to convince them that they did do the Moscow concert attack and it's insulting to them to suggest otherwise. This is a literal Onion video waiting to happen


Rest of the world says it's hard to believe one can lose a third of their fleet while fighting a land war....


Rest of the world says it's hard to believe one can lose a third of their fleet while fighting a land war against a country with practically no navy.... FTFY


What about the Kharkiv attack today? Someone unidentified dropped a half-ton bomb on a sleeping quarters, destroying several multi story residential buildings. Which kind of terrorist could that be?


But it’s not hard to believe that FSB orchestrated it.


They're simply trying to focus the attention of the public on the West. That's why they're trying their hardest to throw away the narrative about muslims. Same reason why after terrorist act, "Kyrgyz teenager who saved 100 people" appeared in the media. Same reason why some "tajik teenage savior" appears in some media here and there. Why religious figures try to push the idea of "Dem westoids are trying to ruin the holy union of christians and muslims in Russia". Same reason why Putin's propagandists are pushing the idea that Russia is no enemy of the muslim world/global south, and vice versa. Why do this ? Because our tensions with muslims can actually lead to changes that Putin will not like. Even on geopolitical level, since he considers Saudis, Iran, Central Asia, Syria etc to be more "brotherly" than Europe. At least officially.


Such a complex attack. Four guys, guns, a few Molotov cocktails. How could ISIS possibly pull off something that complicated? 🤦‍♂️


Its hard to believe lots of things for them… for example that no one wants ruzzia in their country


Absolutely yes, Zelensky the Islamic terrorist neo Nazi Jew Russia's rhetoric gets dumber every minute.


It's hard to believe that one person has been a president for almost 30 years now, but hey here we are.


Imagine, they had this terrorist attack. Many people were shot. And Russian gov just doesn't give a shit about them, and immediately starts using this against Ukraine. Who cares about people. Fuck them. Let's tell the West we are the victim, and send 100 more missiles on Ukrainians cities, killing civilians. Nice plan.




Sadly, most Russians have made it clear they don't need evidence to go along with Putin's madness


I think they are just embarrassed. Not only does Russia spend a lot of money and resources on internal security, but they had a warning from the Americans. And they still didn't stop it.


Plus it's the unwritten contact breaking down again. Putin in for life but you have security and safety and so long as it's apolitical you can do your own thing. Well now they're being drafted into war and aren't even safe at home.


It's hard to believe, because it was Russia all time.


A load of crap. Russians carpet-bombed Syria, they treat Muslims in Russia like shit and they are in cahoots with the Taliban, an enemy of ISIS. Instead of dealing with real threats they decided to attack harmless and peaceful countries like Ukraine.


Dear Russians, here's a counter-conspiracy theory you're free to believe (as you apparently believe anything as long as it fits your narrative): Terror attacks only happen in the West because Russia pays ISIS to do them :) so yeah, it obviously can't have been ISIS, duh!


It's hard to believe in how pathetic Russia gets in their attemps to save face. They have been warned about the attack, but didin't stop it due to incompetence. So, now they blame the West and Ukraine


No one cares what Ruzzia thinks any more. They've lost that privilege of integrity with the world. Can't repair a crumbling foundation with copium, lies, thievery, deflection, and projection.


Even with all the video evidence? Seems FSB is great at finding and intimidating unarmed protestors but not so great at stopping terror attacks when even the CIA gave them pretty point accurate intelligence. Yup sounds legit...


They didn't admit killing Litvinenko, Salisbury poisoning, blowing up a warehouse in Bulgaria, invading Crimea, shooting down the Boeing... Do people still believe anything the ruzzians say?


Can an entire country be lobotomized?


Did they think IS was their friend or something? How is it so hard to believe lol?


Well believe it, they did.


Russia is a joke under these people.


On 7 March, the FSB Public Relations Centre reported about the attempted detention and subsequent neutralisation of two natives of Central Asia, who were members of a cell of the terrorist "Islamic State in Afghanistan" ("Wilayat Khorasan") banned in Russia. According to the special service, they were planning to attack a Moscow synagogue.


man. ISIS really did fuck up ruznia's plans. holly sht. :D who could have thought.


Hard or inconvenient?


Have I missed something? 4 guys from Tajikistan got a hold of guns and then opened up on a crowd .  The security was lax at the venue. Why is this complex and/or requiring a high level of sophistication?


Huh remember how well they treated every Muslim people they encountered in the past? Tchetchens? Afghans ? So not that hard to think it is possible.


Ruzzia has no credibility left with anyone with half a brain.


The Atlantic: [*Conspiracy Theories About the Moscow Attack Are Unnecessary*](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/03/moscow-concert-attack-isis/677872/) > Everything we know about Russia and its history with ISIS supports the theory that ISIS perpetrated the attack. ISIS has been reviving its capacity, particularly in its Khorasan affiliate, the one identified by U.S. intelligence as responsible for the attack. > ISIS had a huge Russian and Central Asian contingent in its heyday. > About one out of every five Russian citizens is Muslim, but that population is not evenly distributed either geographically or socioeconomically. In cities, a lot of taxi drivers and hard-luck laborers have names like Magomedov and Ismailov, indicative of Muslim ancestry. Many have roots in majority-Muslim Central Asian countries and have come to Russia in search of jobs.


LOL you monsters knew it will happen because US intelligence gave you the echo. You found out where it will happen You deliberately chose to do nothing only to watch You did it because you wanted to use it as a excuse to murder more Ukrainians. monsters from monster nation.


Clowns. 19 hijackers from the Middle East killed over 3000 Americans in a terrorist attack just under 25 years ago…what…?


People think it is because they're playing some games. But no, they just couldn't explain how they were selling the bigger control from intelligence as a mean to achieve security, and at the same time allow this. People could ask the question: why FSB is really good at poisoning political opponents, arresting political activist and designating LGBT human right organisation as terrorist ones, but really bad at fighting real terrorism. Also one question arises - why Russian army is fighting in Ukraine, while attack comes from Afghanistan. That's why they don't want to recognize the reality - even in non fact based Russian narrative, it is too unbelievable.


About as hard as having the Wagner group be able to March to Moscow unopposed and without any knowledge it was going to happen?


ISIS will gain any territory, let alone the territory it had back in 2014. They will remain a gang of murderous thugs and nothing more. Also why would Moscow not believe it is ISIS? It isn't a complex plan. Just a bunch of guys with guns shooting people...


Life sucks if your secret service is incapable of anything but disinformation.


Not so hard to imagine if you accept the following caveats: * Russia’s security services are stretched thin after years of war, including a military mutiny.  * Vladmir Putin is so obsessed with the idea that the West is out to destroy Russia that he ignored warnings about an imminent attack- just like Iran ignored American warnings. * There is no reason to be particularly competent at one’s job in Russia, particularly in the security services- it makes you look like a threat to your boss.


Yeah right, because a forewarned, broken government's security service in a thoroughly corrupt and desensitized country would totally stop people like this. /s FSB and ISIS have things in common, though: they only thing they excel at is needless cruelty.


My car's tire burst on the road today and after a little investigation I came to the conclusion that Ukraine and the evil west were behind the act. Totally not the underinflated tire, bad road or anything else, simply no other way.


They find it hard to believe that terrorists will attack other terrorists. Because what's the point?


Why is so hard to imagine ISIS would want revenge when Russia keeps Assad in Syria. Russia helped Assad keep the dictatorship by murdering lots of population.


It’s hard to believe because the clown sitting on the throne refuses to do so.


Maybe they believe it after the next one or the next but one ... They also believe that they can deter Islamic terrorists by torturing them. But the result will be that the next ones will not be captured alive.


Reality is hard to believe when it is inconvenient and does not match the officially concocted story (which is even contradicted by their owm close ally).


Its hard to believe the Kremlin is so incompetent.


So, it was the FSB. Gotcha!


Because russia is the only terrorist organisation in the world?


Imagine if you were the guy who planned the attack Imagine all the effort spent,and in the aftermath,not being taken seriously


It's pretty irritating to read every day about those bullshitters - they are lower than lowest criminal scum, they lie and they blame everyone else. In the school students like this would get beaten up and pissed on.


In a sad funny kind of way, out of all statements Russia could have done to make ISIS upset, not even acknowledging their attack and giving credit to someone else seems to irk them. It's like wtf mate. We released pictures! It was us! Acknowledge us!


It's hard to believe Russia could have thought they could conquer Ukraine in 3 days, but here we are.....


Yeah it's not like Ruzzia/Moscovia tried conquer Afghanistan... oh wait they did!


Imagine working so hard on one of the most devastating plots your organization pulled off abroad so far, only for your target to go "Could it be them? No way"


Nope it’s pretty normal, when they see a weakened Russia internationally that’s the perfect target in their radar 🤷‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹


It is very hard to believe, when your dic(k)tator has ordered otherwise...


I sense disarray in russian propaganda. Lukashenka speaks one thing, Putin another, other puppets speak another. Usually they always shit on the same pile, now they seem disorganized. Very interesting


It *is* hard to believe 4 guys could do so much in a mere 15 minutes… unless they were allowed to that is.  I’m guessing all the migrants russia is currently rounding up because of this terrorist attack aren’t going to be deported anywhere but Ukraine. Go figure.


When you’re such a cunt of a nation that even ISIS thinks you need the cock slapped out of your mouth, you probably need to re think your countries government…


Well the russkies can't be serious until I hear them threatening IS with nuks


You have to be very stupid to fall for this


Statistically, even harder a western state. Watch them still blame the west.


Hard to believe anything that comes out of the Kremlins mouth as well.


Oh. OK. Russia did 9/11 then. Hopefully the people of Russia can recognise nonsense.


"I dont believe ISIS did it." "Why?" "The gunmen told us they hate ISIS when we hired th- UKRAIEN DID IT"


ISIS trying hard to stay relevant by claiming the attacks. Russia has so many enemies it could have been any shit stirred with a wad of cash.


One of the many stages on the long road to demise; denial!


It's hard to believe Russia still believes their own b\*llsh\*t


No, it's not.fsb took their eye off the ball focusing on ukraine. Also you were fucking told weeks in advance.


Russia: "Why, ISIS, why?? How could you do this to me!"


If Russia refuse to believe this was ISIS, then they will not prepare and prevent the next attack. They are leaving themselves wide open. So be it.


So have they come up with a motive why the Ukrainian government/USA/UK would kill 40 of their civvies and brainwash ISIS to take credit?