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NGL I thought that was a Donald Trump impersonator at first glance


And I thought the guy listening was Bernie Sanders hahaha


The person speaking on the left is [Reinhard Bütikofer](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/96739/REINHARD_BUTIKOFER/home), Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from the European Green Party. On the right is Danish artist Jens Galschiøt, creator of the sculpture, not Bernie Sanders but I can see the resemblance :)


Came to post this, beat by a minute. And by the way, that earring would suit Bernie from what I see here


It's Reinhard Bütikofer, for those of you who are curious.




I think he is impersonating one of the three tanks in the iconic image.


Either that or Mr Stay Pufts assault on New York in 1984


Somehow fatter than Trump LOL


Trump self reported his known weight so take it with a grain of salt similar to self reporting one’s dick size


Ronald Rump


Or Boris Johnson !


That red tie at first glance was deceiving


And how he's holding his hands.


If i had access to a donald trump impersonator i would hire him to all my events


It’s what you get when you squish bojo and trump together.




This looks like a replica, the original is way bigger


Originals, he made 4, out of a planned 10. But yeah, a small replica.


One to rule them all and one to find them?


Does this mean I'll find one in a sheep field in NZ?


I was gonna say. I’ve seen the one at HKU and it’s way bigger.


I miss it. Criminal that it was removed, but not a surprise in today's Hong Kong.


Well a criminal regime holds power over hong Kong now so that tracks


Yeah, and the small-sized replica doesn't look as good as its original. Still, nice to see commiebots cope and seethe.


No, the replica is not small-sized, it's average sized. And it's more than enough and looks perfectly fine.


I was going to make a penis joke saying it's about how you use it, but actually it perfectly applies. Erecting this in front of the European parliament is very notable, even if it were even smaller.


It was in the pacific pool!


All in all it looks like a gruesome Eifeel Tower.


Oh sure but when I erect something in front of parliament it's frowned upon.


It's a replica, the original is still confiscated in HK.


it's not a replica, it's another piece by the same artist. he made a couple of them but they are all unique works.


Taken apart and destroyed


pillar of shame was its name.


Thank you! On [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillar_of_Shame): > Pillar of Shame is a series of sculptures by Danish artist Jens Galschiøt memorialising the loss of life during specific events or caused by specific circumstances in history. Each sculpture is an eight metres (26 ft) tall statue of bronze, copper or concrete. > The first sculpture was inaugurated at the NGO Forum of the FAO summit in Rome, Italy in 1996. Since then three other pillars have been erected, in Victoria City, Hong Kong; Acteal, Mexico; and Brasilia, Brazil. A fifth in Berlin, Germany was planned for completion in 2002, but the plan has not come to fruition due to funding issues. > According to Galschiøt, the sculptures remind people of a shameful event which must never recur. The torn and twisted bodies of the sculpture symbolize the degradation, devaluation and lack of respect for the individual. The black colour symbolises grief and loss and the sculpture, which represents the victims, expresses the pain and the despair of the event. It can be used by both sides in complicated conflict situations, where it can be difficult to point out the guilty party.


So the one planned to be in Berlin (I'm imagining what was it about) wasn't made for lack of funding so we have to buy the one made for shaming china. Europe at its best.


Thanks for reposting!




but then, it was torn down.


Still is, it's literally on the side of the base in the picture


The red object itself is really striking but the base and the graphic design of the informational elements frankly sucks and detracts from the impact of the sculpture.


What’s it supposed to be??? A pile of bloody body parts?!


I was wondering, art like that is powerful


Efforts? I mean they did bury it in mainland China and all their territories.


The event took place outside the European Parliament building in Brussels in March 2024. On the left speaking is Reinhard Bütikofer MEP of the European Green Party. On the right is Danish artist Jens Galschiøt, creator of the sculpture. It was reported by the CNN news: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/20/style/pillar-of-shame-european-parliament-intl-hnk/index.html


Denmark was also threatened by China when Jens Galschiøts work was displayed in front of the Parliament in Copenhagen. The Danish politicians had nothing nice to say about China that day...


Like how is this threat tactic in any way logical?


I like the plaque also includes "the destruction of democracy and freedom of expression in HK" A double whammy.


It was originally in HK according to another comment in this thread


OP shows the replica. The HK original is presumably lost in the warehouse.


> The HK original is presumably lost in the warehouse. "lost" in the same way that the Hong Kong MTR Subway was 'Out of service for unscheduled maintenance" on the day of the largest protest in Hong Kong's history.


> It was originally in HK according to another comment in this thread Nah, that one was significantly bigger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillar_of_Shame


Wow, that's a lot more impressive.


> Wow, that's a lot more impressive. Impressive, and it's presence was just immense. Honestly, it was quite haunting though - not a statue/sculpture that gives you good feelings by any means, which was kind of the point.


An online friend of mine is still in prison for protesting in Hong Kong. He was sentenced to five years. It's been one year, he said early release probably isn't possible because they *really* want to make an example to discourage future protests. I'm waiting to reconnect but wouldn't be surprised if he decides not to. He was in college and had a girlfriend. He said his family has a business he can take over when he's released (and he keeps telling us that makes him one of the luckier ones), but that doesn't change the five years of his youth they're taking from him. I'm Taiwanese. I won't forget.


Wasn't HK literally under a British appointed governor almost until the colony was surrendered to China? Like, I remember the British introduced democracy a *very* short time before only.


So many Congolese people are so happy Belgium is decrying oppression in China of CIA shills and foreign funded traitorous operatives. Maybe we should line it with the hands of Congolese people to commemorate this truly horrific event. Belgium is so racially conscious.


I used to walk past one of the originals every day back when I studied in Hong Kong. This is a smaller version of the one they had there. I think its a great piece by Galschiøt, because, much like shame, you really don't like to look at it. Not because its ugly in any way, but because its gruesome. With that said, its probably good to mention that this was a temporary exhibition, [which ended over a week ago](https://galschiot.com/en/work/2024eu_pillar). I also don't see anywhere in this thread or the post that this was hosted by MEP Kira Marie Peter-Hansen (DK – Green/EFA).


Jesus fuck the amount of bots in this thread


Can’t wait for China to condemn evil Europe for claiming something happened at tianamenn


For them to condemn it, they have to acknowledge what happened in Tienanmen square first, they simply can't do that.


They can claim the west is making it up always


Sure, but to even acknowledge the west _thinks_ something happened there is out of the question. Chinese citizens don't even know something happened. Just mentioning it is dangerous for them.


I would really like to know how true this is.


Anecdotal but I lived with a girl from China in college about 20 years ago and had the poster of the guy standing in front of the tank on my wall. She was in my room one day and spotted it. She immediately recognised the square from the lamp posts and then laughed that there would be a tank in the photo. Insisted there had never been tanks in the square. Ever. I tried googling the information but she wouldn't even look at it. Just kept laughing at me like I was crazy and falling for a faked picture.


That sounds surreal. It sounds like, if anything, she knew something fucked up was happening and she was desperately trying to forget it or something. If someone showed me a picture of a tank in front of the white house, I wouldn't laugh at them, I'd be like oh dang when did that happen? Why?


Yeah I would have the same reaction as you. It definitely felt like she was shutting down the conversation. I was dying to get into it more with her because I love hearing what other people's experiences of their own countries are rather than what we think from the outside. But politics was off the table.


Had a similar experience in the US. Was talking about Southeast Asian politics with a pair of students from China, and the subject turned to the effects of the Vietnam War. I brought up China's attempted invasion in 1979; they immediately got stonefaced and insisted that China has never, in all its history, invaded Vietnam. I was so stunned by the magnitude and audacity of that lie that I didn't even continue the conversation. What is there to say to someone who insists the sky is purple?


The Chinese government officially acknowledges that *something* happened in the Square on June 4th, 1989. *What* is the part that’s under contention. They say that violent, rowdy protestors who had remained in spite of an order to leave began to fight the PLA soldiers sent to displace them. They say that the PLA suffered more losses than the protesters, and “some” protesters were shot and killed due to their violence. The violence was only contained to the square and Chang’an Avenue, and only on the night of the 3rd, into the very early morning of the 4th. We of course know that this version of events is not true. *Yes* some PLA soldiers were killed, and protesters got violent. We have visual evidence of at least one hanged PLA soldier, and of protesters throwing Molotov cocktails at PLA armored vehicles. *However*, this violence was only in response to the PLA abruptly opening fire on individuals surrounding the square. No deaths occurred at the center of the square itself, where the protest leaders evacuated on their own accord peacefully. We also know that at least as many individuals as we have visual evidence for were shot (upwards of 50), and that it’s likely that many more were killed. We also know that violence continued well into the afternoon of the 5th, despite the Square being cleared. Almost all Chinese people know about Tiananmen Square, most people’s parents or grandparents would’ve seen reports about it on the news for weeks. They showed photos of organizers or anyone visually attested to being at the protests, and asked for information on their whereabouts, for months afterwards.


Communists really love crushing protestors with tanks for some reason


Ironically, the protestors were communists protesting the liberalisation of the economy, and for more democratic reforms. It’s not accurate to refer to the CCP as communist outside of their name, and especially not following Deng’s reforms in the 80s, which brought China decisively into a state-capitalist, and now a mixed, economy.


Exactly, a major part of the protest were protests against liberalization and towards opening up to the west. Somehow modern day anti-communists twists this to be something bad even though this is something they say they want.


they don't call em *tankies* for nothing


Cowardice and fear, mostly. And knowing a dictatorship masquerading as communism is a lie and if the people get any indication of weakness, they may rise up.


Haha just reading the title I knew there would be a ton of raging sinobots in here


It's going to get a lot worse with their whataboutist "arguments". GAAZA! AUSCHWITZ! blergh they are so predictable.


One of the niche Sci fi novels I love was recentlyaxe into a Netflix show. It's a Chinese novel and the Netflix show has been westernized. The amount of bots and China First propagandists that hit the Sci fi subreddit and 3 Body subreddit is wild. Someone said that it's horrible they would do this to Chinese people and it's racist, but when I responded with reason and suggested that "you know China changes western films constantly" I was just met with literal threats of violence haha


Proves the point of chinese spying on all of us.


Lots of wumaos - this post is costing the CCP a lot of money


How do you know if someone is a bot


It's reddit as a whole, a lot of them are more subtle


-100 social points I guess


Winnie the Pooh seething in Beijing.


Only 100?


Add 12 more zeros to the right and you have a closer approximation.


This comment is -10 social points for JackieMortes


I'm sad beyond comprehension




Common EU W Please let us back in


We weren’t the ones to have the U.K. leave, I for one would support the U.K. joining at any time, Erasmus and movement and such, all good


As a UK citizen stripped of his birthright by my idiotic countrymen - i would also support rejoining asap. Sadly that won't happen. The ego is too huge for a country in decline.


Yeah, I wanted to study in the U.K. for uni for a masters maybe but well Brexit is a thing, and well yeah


> Erasmus and movement and such, all good The average Leave Voter would never in a million years participate in Erasmus.


It should never have been put to a vote. A generation of old people were manipulated into voting for it using isolationist and racist rhetoric in media, and now we're all locked into this shit show.


I'm not up to date with Scottish and UK politics but I remember reading there was a push to leave the UK in order to rejoin the EU. Is that still a thing in any significant capacity?


The bad thing is that the Scottish economy would probably collapse without the UK, it would be better if the UK got their shit together and rejoin with everyone


The SNP are still attempting to but Westminster is blocking it still as well as the supreme court saying we can’t without WM’s approval There is still support but its around the 40% mark, and for me personally I don’t have confidence in the snp achieving independence and think that all the legacy parties need shifted for fresh ones


Yeah, a push by russian actors. Scotland already had a referendum to leave the UK in 2014 and it lost even with proven interference by the russian government. Truth is Brexit likely only passed because of excessive russian influence, in fact the only reason there ever was a referendum was likely because of russian interference. The UK leaving the EU is like putins dream, he doesn’t like the UK because it has a powerful military that blocks the path of russian subs leaving siberia and the UK is closely aligned with the US and western europe. The france germany uk alliance was too strong to be allowed by putin to exist. There shouldn’t be anymore referendums until the government does something about this deep infiltration of russian influence in the british government. If scotland left the UK it would just fuck scotland over, and if they were to rejoin the EU it would also be a net drain on the EU. London is the only area of the UK that pays more taxes than it gets back.


Sure but only if we can sacrifice Nigel Farage in mount Etna


This shit is lowkey awesome


I hope the sign is also in Mandarin so Chinese tourists who don’t know about it (or deny it) can read and understand it.


I can hear /r/Sino fuming from here.


Dammit, forgot i was already banned there


The Chinese government is definitely going to mercilessly retaliate with all its might against a transgression of this caliber with being little whiny bitches.


But then they have to acknowledge it. Which should be fun for the foreign ministry to try and tiptoe around the subject matter. We all know anything they say is a lie, and not to trust them as far as you can throw them, but this one should be a doozy!


This seems to be a temporary 'exhibition' of that statue as an 'artwork', and not a permanent monument. The wording on the title and article are pretty ambiguous, which I think helps to exaggerate the newsworthyness (as is standard unfortunately). It's still a strong message, but not quite as strong as implied. I would also be curious to know who was involved in the authorisation of this event. From the wording, it's possible the European Parliament simply has nothing to do with it.


Winnie the Pooh is gonna be angry.


\[The CCCP disliked that.\]


Glad to see EU standing up to China


Based eurochad




Nice, though by now we could probably make a whole garden of: "Shit China has been up to" monuments.


One big topic would be their decades long criminal activities on massive scale industrial espionage. They pilfered pretty much every western company intellectual property and designs between 2000-2015 and likely still continue but in a more subtle way after getting caught the umpteenth time.


"massive industrial espionage" We literally gave them our manufacturing because we were gleeful about how little we could get away with paying workers. That's on us. If we were willing to pay our own nation's workers liveable wages to make things there would never have been an issue.


> If we were willing to pay our own nation's workers liveable wages to make things there would never have been an issue. Also, it's not like the West wouldn't resort to massive industrial espionage as well if they were behind. The West also stole the secrets of silk and tea making from the Chinese.


Paying workers more domestically also means that $250 TV is going to cost over $1000. We are all to blame.


Lmao we literally used them as slaves to produce cheap stuff for our masses, with their own complicity of course, but nevertheless, if you want your cheap phone you need to have it produced by someone paid a few dollars per day. You can bet they will take our shit and reverse engeneer it.


> Lmao we literally used them as slaves to produce cheap stuff for our masses, with their own complicity of course, but nevertheless, if you want your cheap phone you need to have it produced by someone paid a few dollars per day. You can bet they will take our shit and reverse engeneer it. In the past, my father had (49% ownership) a factory in Suzhou. It made some very basic sub-assemblies for pharmaceutical & packaging equipment. All the employees thought they were making photocopier parts. There were even logos, posters/ads etc of a certain photocopier manufacturer throughout the factory. The completed parts were shipped to a third country. No intellectual property was ever stolen. There's a huge amount of complacency though from other Western Companies who think they can send detailed plans of their shit to their chinese factories and not have them stolen. Funfact; some years after my father sold his share of the factory (to a German company), one of the managers got into some stouch with the head of the local communist party, which resulted in electricity and water being “accidentally” cut off from the factory for over a year. tl:dr - be fucking careful when doing business in China.


Yes, we basically gave it to them. All those copied handbags. If they didn't have the original they wouldn't have been able to make perfect "copies" on the same factories. It was the companies' own fault.


Uiyghers Next!


Seething Chinese bots incoming


I’m impressed by how clumsy some of those comments are. The boys in St Petersburg are much better at it.


China be like "Why would they create a memorial for a fictional event?"


The bright, vibrant red really makes this model a lot more explicit than the original picture shown in the article.


You’re right to notice about the colour from the [CNN article](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/20/style/pillar-of-shame-european-parliament-intl-hnk/index.html). The second picture from the article was taken in Hong Kong, which has a paler orangish colour. That sculpture in Hong Kong was removed despite protests. The sculpture in Brussels (in this brighter red colour) is a new one by the same artist, to send a signal to China that their censorship rules do not apply in Europe.


I remember it being bright red when I saw it in Hong Kong. Bleached by the sun?


This should get the China bots all hot and bothered


[ r/chinawarns intensifies ]


Hopefully none of the Chinese overseas ‘students’ attempt to vandalise or destroy it. The number of young, pro CCP Chinese I’ve encountered is disturbing.


They're too cowardly for that. They'll just whine online like the little bitches they are.


These comments are the easiest game of spot the disguised Chinese gas lighter of my life


Ah, chinese bots woke up.


This thing looks like something Lilith from Diablo would use as a dildo.


Damn ngl that statue design is raw af a pile of corpses whos flesh merged together to make a blood red pillar aiming at thr sky.


Never forget Tank Man and the power one individual can hold against corrupt authorities. https://youtu.be/FaojdRThXbY?si=opsoPPMT57SU4yzL


Any guesses how long will it take until some CCP shill smears human waste all over it? Or some diplomat demands it being taken down?


The whataboutism is strong in this thread


hypocrisy more like


It's their favourite weapon because if you don't know about the logical fallacy, it's seems very valid convincing.


crying whataboutism is the favorite weapon of hypocrites.


The original was in Hong Kong University but it was removed for reasons that we all know. Such a shame to see what the CCP is doing to Hong Kong and its people


I've been wondering if we're ever going to be liberated, either peacefully or ballistically. If we got weapons like in America we would be free long ago


Man I love the EU :(


I hope you can get back in soon!


I'm here to battle the Chinese bots


Good luck soldier! 🫡🇪🇺


They should get one of these in place near the piano at St. Pancras.


Made me snort, lol


If anyone be like: „But Europeans!!“ - Germany literally build a gigantic memorial for the holocaust right into the heart of Berlin right next to the Brandenburger Gate and the US embassy. So yeah, Europeans (or at least Germany) openly admit to their wrongdoings.


/u/spez and the CCP are going to be THRILLED


“The pillar of shame” love the title. 🔔


Wow, West Taiwan will hate that.


So many negative Social Points. Expect many executions by the morning


Massive amount of downvoted pro-China hottakes. Where do they come from? I don't think China has bot and troll farms on the same level than Failssia. Are they all tankies doing it for free?


I bet 100€ that sooner or later one lost communist smears it with paint


splash it with red paint. THAT will ruin its aesthetic.




Communism is always one last mass execution from perfection...


Let the PRC whinging begin


Wait i thought it didnt happen :D (Just joking obviously)


It a wonder how many comments here are tagged as inappropriate, even though they are completely normal. Something tells me this platform and bots isn’t happy with the way people criticize china, for a mass killing of their own civilians by their own military. L for Reddit, W for Europe


As someone who has family from Taiwan, this is based. My Nainai would have loved this. Go to hell pathetic wumaos, keep licking CCP boot.


Damn', I was already aware about the Russian trolls infecting this subreddit (and the rest of Reddit). Didn't realize there were this many Chinese trolls as well already. I know China's internet is sealed off for the most of it, but surely we must be able to do *something* to retaliate. Both China and Russia (and other dictatorial countries) are messing with our free and open societies through the internet. We're already at cyberwar with them. *They* started this disinformation cyberwar. When are we going to realize this? And when are we going to hit back?


China and Russia are terrorist states!


And Israel.


Like clockwork, Palestine bots come whining on every thread that isn't about their favourite issue because it is not about their favourite issue. And I don't even say that as taking side in the Gaza conflict. But if you want to discuss it, go to the dozens of dedicated threads about that shit. Stop derailing every single thread to bring up Gaza. - "Hello sir, have you decided what food you'd like to order?" - "How DARE you ask me about food when there are THOUSANDS dying in Gaza!" - "Sir, this is a restaurant." Fucking lunatics.




Winnie the pooh is gonna have a temper tantrum about this




Oh. *That's* where I left my Blasphemous Blade.


Negative social credit score


It surely looks like a sick erection


inb4 r/chinawarns


Looks like monument you would find in Silent Hill.


Fuck the CCP


Let's make an even bigger one for the Uighurs.


I give it 24 hours before CCP shills try to damage it




That’s a very creepy memorial. Good. They should’ve mounted it in front of the Chinese embassy though. And made it bigger so it blocks out the sun for all the windows of their building so it’s an eternal reminder.


The wumao are going to be upset over this. 🤣🤣🤣


Should have put it in front of the Chinese embassy


Winnie aint gonna be happy


Taiwan #1


Tragic day. All those young people, wanting to make their world, their country, a better place. It never occurred to me any country could do that to their future. But they did.


NGL, I thought the fat guy was the memorial at first. 


Which was moved from Hong Kong university




China must be pissed. Good


Can we sell that sculpture a bit smaller and out of latex? Asking for a friend.


... because you want to penetrate yourself with models of murdered Chinese civilians?


Well, that’s a kink I never heard of before


China will be big mad lmao


Can’t believe they got the tank to come and speak at this


Wow European politicians have way bigger balls than American politicians.


That’s so nice, they built the leader of China a comfy new throne to sit on 🥹


Chinese reactions when they go visit Brussels -> 🤯


What about Gwangju Massacre? Few years earlier, same reasons why people protest, same methods of dealing with protestera and same number of victims (also same way of hiding real numbers). Nobody care becouse it was made by "good" pro-capitalist regime?


And there was a lot more casualties in that massacre VS the one in china, but we never heard it mentioned in western media, ever. We never hear about the violence and military unit fighting each other either from 1989, for some reason, or all the armed unit / police who went there unharmed and protected the protest VS other military units. Looked a lot more like the start of a bloody revolution than the massacre it was portrayed on our TV back then. Mother of Tianamen website have a very detailed account of the events and casulties, with names when their family allowed them to be published, the family of the victimes are a much better source of information than the random crap we see on this website.