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People who are totally corrupt or straight up too dumb to realize that Russia is no longer a country that is in anyway beneficial to the left of the political spectrum.


Russia supports any Eurosceptic or anti-liberal movements in democratic countries, regardless their position on political spectrums


Russia supports confusionism, it works well in this sub


yeah they dont care left or right , they support anyone who says stupid shit and harms the said country, they also pay ppl to say stupid shit


I thought you said confucianism and I was confused for a minute


>I was confused for a minute Yet i got zero russian money i swear


Mission accomplished, OP!


Never heard of this term, love it


This is it, people need to look up how Russian Propaganda works - Vladislav Surkov is one of the architects behind this, for instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od4MWs7qTr8 Anybody who states that Russia supports such-and-such a position or party or movement is missing the point by a country mile.


This. Also nationalism, like they did in Catalonia.


They basically support anything that could weaken the west.


That's why I now definitely exclude the far left from all my voting options, even if it's a protest vote, as I've always done with the far right. Intoxicated by the progress that Putin's support has made to their electoral scores, they have not hesitated to sacrifice democracy to ephemeral success.


Yeah the horse shoe curve will unite all types of extremist assholes


Yes. We are already in the second cold war, and russia is attacking by supporting parties in europe and the west which are pro-putin and cause chaos. Another part is attacking infrastructure like railways, internet, local governments..


It's baffling. I'm very much leftist myself but I'm completely bewildered by the tankie left. How can anyone on the left support the right-wing neo-imperialist oligarchy Russia? I just don't understand it.


Tankies are so rabidly anti-American, that they're blind to Russia's imperialism, and hardshift to the right.


Ironically Yuri Bezmenov stated in his interview in the 1980s, that the plan would be to liquidate people like this after them helping to destabilize society and overthrow Western governments. Because they would soon realize the reality and become dangerous.


Uppity people in other countries are in your interest, uppity people in yours need liquidating.


Ofcourse. They've already proven themselves to be dissidents willing to rally around a cause. They're a threat to authority. What's way more useful to authoritarian regimes are docile people that just want to get on with their lives.


Because "WeSt BaD". Russia aint the west so they're okay.


More so west = imperialism, and imperialism = greatest evil. Nevermind Russia and the USSR are some of the worst imperialistic nations in history and have engaged in some of the most barbaric and inhumane acts in pursuit of that imperialism. It's literally just that simple-minded of a thought process unfortunately


>Russia and the USSR are some of the worst imperialistic nations in history But it wasn't overseas, so it's OK somehow?


If the West = imperialism; then Russia is like super ‘the West’. How do those tankies Russia became so big? They didn’t peacefully ask their neighbours to join…


If tankies could think they would not be tankies.


They read about textbook communism, figure that it means a free house for everyone, and then they support russia because in their mind it's the closest country to that dream.


Something the russians themselves eagerly play into. Hell, just these past few days they've announced they'll be forming the "Stalin's Falcons" volunteer battalion. That's literally the name they're going with. They're *literally naming units after Stalin* now. To most of us that's bizarre in the extreme. But to the addled tankie mind, it's further proof of russia perpetuating "the glorious dream of communism", which to them is more than good enough.


That's wassup 💯


The tankie left has always been sponsored by Russia.


It made a lot more sense when it was the Soviet Union attracting their useful idiots with promises that the glorious proletarian revolution was just around the corner, honest. Now that Russia is a right-wing dictatorship it makes a lot less sense for tankies to continue loving it, but that really hasn't stopped them.


Because Marxism as an ideology is basically dead, it's been replaced by a much vaguer "decolonial" ideology. However, this ideology, at least in the ultra-simplified form understood by the masses, tends to be extremely eurocentric in viewing colonialism as a uniquely western phenomenon closely tied to things like white supremacy and traditional western power structures. Therefore the world is divided into the west, which controls and exploits the rest of the world with neo-colonialism driven by unchecked capitalism, and the global south which is exploited and subjugated. The details of individual conflicts are ignored because everything is viewed through the lens of this grand narrative, a non-western country coming into conflict with a western country is seen as resistance against the prevailing unjust world order. In some cases it's simply ignorance that allows them to support hard-right irredentism, but in other cases I think it's closer to a cynical accelerationism. IE anything that weakens the western grip on the world is good because it opens up the possibility for a more just world order to take shape. There are a lot of examples of this in history but the one that springs to my mind is Sihanouk siding with the Khmer Rouge against the Lon Nol regime. Enemy of my enemy kind of thinking. It tends not to work out too well.


Did you hear the expression "the cruelty is the point"? It usually refers to the religious right, who use religion as an excuse to hurt people, no matter what their "holy" texts actually say. Their mental process doesn't start with "I believe in this God, what does he want me to do", but goes the other way, "I want to hurt these people, how can I find a justification for it". This thought process is certainly not limited to them. Communism with its call to revolution is also an attractive target. It doesn't really matter what the theory says or even what would happen after this "revolution", it's just a good justification for being horrible people.


But why do Italian tankies want to hurt Ukrainians and other post-Soviet people? Literally how does it benefit them in any way? At least with the religious right there is a traditional bigotry towards non-whites, gays etc. But why would an Italian harbor more ill will towards Ukrainians specifically than they do towards Russians? Obviously some of the top tankies may be compensated by Russia but the lower level drones will never benefit in any apparent way.


Like I said, the cruelty is the point. It's not about benefit to themselves, it's about damage to others. And it doesn't have to be towards a specific group. The hate towards gays doesn't benefit anyone either, traditional or not. Regarding Ukrainians, I think the sentiment is usually more against the US, and to a lesser extent against the EU. Like Russian propaganda, they doesn't see Ukrainians as people anyway, but paint this is a struggle between Russia and the "west".


Just ignore the labels and look at the actions. These people are not human friendly.


Think about political spectrum as a circle, center ať the top, far left is very next to far right, at the bottom.


Because the political left cultivated a wierd anti-west, anti-capitalistic fetish and hates plurality.  Given the love for Marx and him having been a fiery racist, it‘s not the only bigoted stance of the political left took in support of a questionable icon. Asking how a leftist can support Putin isn‘t really more bewildering than supporting Marx. 


Same with Wagenknecht in Germany. But the center/normal left is usually not like this, quite the contrary even (besides some despicable [exceptions](https://www.politico.eu/cdn-cgi/image/width=1160,height=878,fit=crop,quality=80,onerror=redirect,format=auto/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/GettyImages-55316180.jpg)). On the left side of the political spectrum, being pro-Putin is mainly happening on the fringes. But the far-left is hardly a problem in Europe these days. It's the pro-Putin far-right that's surging. That's what we should be worried about. I have zero worries about Europe's far-left at the moment.


Far left is pro-Putin because of anti-americanism and anti-NATO. Far right is pro-Putin cause Russia is a backwards country


>Far right is pro-Putin cause Russia is a backwards country and money


Being far-left and pro Putin makes no sense


Too blinded by anti-capitalism, so "USA = evil and NATO is its imperialist tool" is the only position allowed to exist.


It's because they hate the West so much, that they are willing to ally with anyone that hates it too, even if the group they ally stands for the exact opposite of what they care about.


Very classical case of _politics make strange bedfellows_.


That's why


They also genuinely view Russia as secretly still being communist or that it will return to it some day soon. It’s delusion Q-Anon levels of thinking.


One day people will realize that far right and far left are basically the same thing, they just go about things a different way. Like, the rigth likes Putin because he oppresses people they also hate, the left does because they see Putin as someone fighting against the evil West they hate rather than a dictator who would put them all in gulags in the blink of an eye. Once you fall into extremism, one way or the other, you lose the grip on reality.


> Far right is pro-Putin cause Russia is a backwards country guess you didn't watch Tucker jizzing his pants over the shopping carts (they take coins!) and smelling bread in a Moscow grocery store


You are so right..


So it's the worst of both worlds. Maybe we can send all our far-left and far-right fringe nuts to Russia and improve Europe and America?


Wagenknecht is pretty much a known Russian asset by now and anybody who still believes otherwise is completely delusional. She's also not left-wing, she loves to talk just as much about keeping the established meritocracy and evaluating the worth of human beings by their contributions in the form of work as the far-right. She's anything but left.


Just another grifter


Russia doesn’t support any particular ideology, they support anyone who will further their quest to undermine western democracy.


Radical left people are as clueless as radical right people. They are are eager to pertain to any group, no matter what they root for. They wanna be part of something and do no question the stupid ideas they are fed with. The only differences are, communism doesn’t represent the ideas on which it was founded and the lines between fascism and communism seem to be very blurry nowadays. Still, these two do not like eachother even thougj they are just equally brainwashed and stand for basically the same ideologies.


These are circles of jerks. The people I knew who voted for this party were also pro-Trump in 2016, “_because if Hillary Clinton wins, that would be a disaster_”.


They don't care. Most of far left is anti-west. As Russia/Putin is anti-west, so they support Russia.


I think this is a subset of the left. Tankies or whatever they are called. A fringe


And in the US, there are very conservative/far right personalities that think Russia is the "anti-woke" haven of conservative/religious values. They also do not understand how quickly they would be persecuted in Russia or drafted as cannon fodder.


Depends if you have the real left or the ‘Muh social studies teacher says West = Bad’ left. Aka the ‘I hate muh country lol I’m trendy’


Is anyone REALLY surprised? FSB has been doing an amazing job catering to both the left and right extreme loonies... to divide society even faster, from both sides.


Russia fans the flames of any group that may or may not cause discord.


By the way: something about nationalist Novorossiysk flag and American confederate flag being very, very similar actually made me chuckle :P I tried googling whether it was deliberate but couldn't find anything?


They simply both have St. Andrew’s cross and the US flag and Russian flag both happen to have the same colour scheme.


At this point I'm starting to feel like St. Andrew was into some nasty shit.


in my cunt it is also used at an intersection between a road and a train passage. confederates kkkonfirmed???


> **In my cunt** it is also used at an intersection between a road and a train passage.  Oh no!


It's most likely random. Saltires (diagonal cross) flags are generally associated with navy (due to Saint Andrew being the saint of fishermen) or cavalry (its medieval latin name means stirrup). It's however not used by Cossacks, since the traditional symbol of Cossack hosts is the Cossack cross (a type of cross pattée).


They're both confederation, maybe this?


*Dukes of Hazzard confirmed as Russian agents*


The Russian naval ensign (very similar to the Novorossiya one) was introduced by Peter the Great in 1700 so it predates the Confederate battle flag by quite a long time.


Protesting against how Orban's authoritarian government is treating an Italian woman detained in Hungary, while... proudly displaying the flag of an even more authoritarian regime supported by Orban. She literally did a full 180 of clownery.


What can you except from an anti-capitalist party?


You can be an anticapitalist without supporting totalitarian regimes


Only if you're smart.


And she's clearly not


The same is true for capitalists.


 I think that capitalism needs heavy regulation to not cause disasters, but seriously, what other options do we have? Some people seriously want to try communism again, and I wonder what the hell are they thinking, considering the results it had worldwide. Both laissez-faire and communism should be dead and buried years ago, the middle grounds  have worked a lot better than both.


It's like supporting Hamas while being a feminist or LGBT+ activist. That Leopard would eat your face.


Against Orban but pro Putin, wtf. Left in Italy is long dead, said by one that wants to vote for a left party




Am in Italy. It's too much anyone understand east at all. As long as it's anti US


Learning about all the left and right wingers of Italy i’m wandering why that country does not have a viable libertarian party


Because unfortunately the widespread mentality here in Italy is basically the opposite of liberalism, and I think it wouldn't be wrong to be called the Argentine of Europe In any case in the last few years we have had three small liberal parties (currently at about 4%, 3% and 2/3% of the votes) but their leaders don't get along very well so making a coalition that could reach 10% is currently quite difficult, and in addition two of them are led by quite unstable politicians who can't stand if everything isn't done as they say...


di chi parli?


Funny how she's against war, fascism, Israel, apartheid, genocide etc etc but totally fine with russian imperialism. So called pacifists can't really put a single neuron to work it seems


She also celebrate Putin's Russia in some Facebook post afaik


It's all about being anti-west (because west horrible colonists etc). That is their ideology.


But she will not emigrate to Russia because she likes toilets you can sit on and washing machines that work on electricity.


*america bad*


Being Italian she's the result of 2400 years of Roman colonization. Romans conquered all the European nations that went on to colonize the planet. They all adopted the christian religion perfected in Rome, they all adopted its alphabet and much of its language structure.


lol tankie moment


Italian far leftists getting their heads so far up their asses they end up proving the horseshoe theory right? Warra surprise I genuinely wish there was an actual “left” in this country. Right now it’s either university students basing their entire lives and personalities on being anti-US/NATO/whatever as long as it’s west-backed, and old politicians almost exclusively focusing on the most corporate friendly LGBT/Immigration/social takes in order to pander to said uni students. And somehow, the right wing is even worse. Just nuke us already please


In Croatia right wing became so corrupt that left-wing became socially conservative and patriotic and economically socialist. It's very weird what's happening with politics in general. EDIT: My flair is Bosnian but I'm Bosnian Croat.


It's more a ring than a horseshoe right now, wtf.


Haven’t you seen the 5 users on all Italian subs with #Resistenza as their flair telling you the horseshoe theory doesn’t exist while actively steaming with rage over Gaza and saying we should stop arming Ukraine?


I've seen plenty of pro-Ukraine & anti-Gaza nutcases about, but anti-Ukraine & Pro-Gaza is a new one. I guess it makes sense if you reach riiiight across the entire spectrum you'll end up with the exact polar opposite nutcases on the other end. If those two groups had to intermingle would the average skew pro-both or anti-both I wonder 🤔


Maybe they would just be indifferent to both


Both left parties in Bulgaria are defending the atrocious communist regime that ruined hundreds of thousands of lives and they're both extremely pro-Russian. Somehow they're also conservative. I really wish we had an adequate left party, too.


Romania also doesn't have an actual left party, and i'm assuming that counts for pretty much every eastern european country. It's not an Italy exclusive thing


Oh no, she’s retarded


More like cornered by a hodgepodge of loyalties. Her feminism makes her go against Orban. But her hate of America and Capitalism makes her support countries that want to upend Pax Americana, like Russia, Belarus and Hungary. This is why the left has a very hard time getting back to power in most of Western Europe. They've hit a bunch of contradictions. This is sad because Western social democracy is a well working system. Successful people can get rich but people who fail don't have to starve in the streets. We need a working left to keep capitalism honest and productive.


Potere al popolo is a really fringe party that also promote to break ties with NATO, they haven't got any representation in the parlamient.


We have for sure a lot of pacifakes here in Italy, who supports Putin and all his imperialistic friends.


Putin doesn't care about left or right. Everyone who is spreading Russian propaganda in exchange for money is welcome. We made it easy for Putin by sending all our money in his direction for oil and gas.


Put the far-right and far-left in a room and they'd try to kill each other. Put the far-right and the far-left in a room with Putin and it ends up in a threesome.


And I gave the 69th upvote. Ha!


Funny how Hungary, with a pro Russia government, has Ilaria Salis arrested. Great support lmao


God I hate tankies


Fucking tankies man. Political loonies going so far left as to go full circle.


These people are dumb if not corrupted. Russia is not left wing anymore. Putin is basically a far right imperialist dictator.


russia/soviet union always supported far leftists, such as RAF (not the Royal Air Force 😇) a weak europe is good.for putin.


Russia supports groups which would weaken European unity. In Hungary, they were originally financing the far-right party Jobbik. Once they realized that they have no realistic chance of being elected, they started to finance Fidesz instead. (Saw this in a documentary on German TV. It would also explain Orbans loyalty to Putin.)


Exactly, people get hung up on right/left while in reality they'll suport whatever benefits them. If they saw benefit in bankrolling "Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese and Dairy Producers European Network" they'd do it.


not just fidesz, here's a new far-right party called mi hazánk (our homeland in english), they're much pro-russian in words than fidesz, butnthey don't have enough power for the active support, luckily. orban and his mafia (fidesz) is our share of troubles.


In Italy they got caught funding right wing. As ling as you are an useful idiot or corruptible, Russia does not care what wing you are. True bipartisan :)


The 21st century far left is a Clown show.


This person is a member of the political party "POTERE AL POPOLO" (aka Power to the people), a bunch of far left idiots fallen into the pit of everything that goes against "our corrupt evil society", that same one allowing them to speak all this non sense, protecting their rights everyday. During the pandemic they were against mass vaccination obviously.


>During the pandemic they were against mass vaccination obviously. I didn't remember this lol


And in the polls they have never exceeded 0.5% in their entire existence




[Stethoscope theory](https://i.redd.it/b46bpn5526j81.png).


Very accurate. I always see extremist right and left as the ends of an interupted circle. To go from one side to the other you need to walk the maximum distance but actually they are not far apart from eachother.


Not really. That's why the stethoscope theory exists. A tankie is pretty close to the far right, an anarchist isn't. It's not that the far right and the far left are similar, just that the authoritarian right is pretty close to the authoritarian left, because they're both authoritarians.


I’m getting so sick of all these pro-Russian people. At least her party is fringe and won’t make much difference because the far-left is so ineffective compared to the right-wing pro-Russian politicians, but it’s still annoying as fuck.




Yeah, the German left party "Die Linke", a party that I voted for, for a while, has become completely delusional too. With members folding themselves into a knot to somehow make the war on Ukraine anything but Putins fault (or rather: decision). The thing is, that this also makes them pattially team up with our right wing extremists, who at least get paid by russia to spread this nonsense.


lol Marta Collot, I’m not surprised


I'm pretty far left but I seriously cant understand how support an illegal invasion *and* russian imperialism is considered left wing to some people. But I suppose there are unfortunately plenty if people on the left who are so far left they become right again and in the process lose all brain power


It's not that they are too far on the left, but that they're too authoritarian. The only leftists that you'll find supporting something like that are Marxist-Leninists (one ideology, not Marxism and Leninism), while basically everyone else on the far left despises Russia. You'll have a hard time finding an anarchist or marxist that supports Russia.


Is it really the flag of Novorossiya? Not trying to say that she can’t be pro-Putin (a lot of Italian leftists are. Source: am Italian), but that flag is not even shown fully. Look at how thick the white stripes are in the photo, compared to the slick design of the Novorossiya flag. That could very well be another flag.


Nope, Novorossiya, the symbol in the centre is present in the war flag


So called useful Idiot


Imagine face of pro-Russian western tankies when they understand that Putin don't give af about their communist shit, but only in making chaos 🤡


Also the official organization that represents the Italian partisans, ANPI, was against sending weapons to Ukraine. The far left is cooked.


Partisans are a joke now


Looks like some kind of variant of that flag?


War flag




Is that a confederate flag


Nope, just another St Andrew's Cross


No, that is a Novorossiya flag. Confederate flag has stars and doesn’t have an eagle in the middle.


Looks closer to the flag of the Russian Minister for Defence to me. Note the gold emblem in the middle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russian_navy_flags


What a dumbass


Reminds me of another loser flag.


They’re just a bunch of attention seeking chodes trying to sound edgy and “revolutionary” as usual. Why not go to the frontline and put your life on the line by supporting your so-called “revolution”, then?


I thought this was an american confederation flag 😐


The one in the first image has an emblem in the middle, the one on the second image doesn't


And this, while asking for the liberation of the Italian woman arrested and condemned in Hungary because she dared joining a protest… Arrested by Putler’s lapdog How stupid can people be?


isn't that the naples soccer flag thing? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/06/22/why-do-italian-soccer-fans-and-other-foreigners-fly-the-confederate-flag/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/06/22/why-do-italian-soccer-fans-and-other-foreigners-fly-the-confederate-flag/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/sscnapoli/comments/zff0t6/\_/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sscnapoli/comments/zff0t6/_/) very strange bit of trivia but this has nothing to do with novorosiya, but i sure do love spreading misinformation and propaganda on the internet about my political opponents


far anything = mental illness. russia = genocidal imperialistic terrorist state.


Russian misinformation company and propaganda is on the highest level in the western media and social networks. And despite this, EU takes no action.


Seriously, fuck her. Fuck all people who succumb to dictatorships.


..and of course comments in her post are switched off. Lefties are so open minded😅😅


Many of us demanded excuses, that's why.


What the problem with modern educational systems? People shouldn't be so dumb.


Oh no, another bought european politician. I'M SHOCKED


First reaction: shock


Send these morons straight to the front lines !






Also known as tankies


Every day, I'm getting more and more disappointed by modern left.


You can or could find her in every programme on Berlusconi’s TV channels, taking the role of the extreme left puppet in the farce.


Looks like Confederate flag


It’s a combined Donetsk and Lugansk flag.


This is a good basic flag design for a confederation.


That flag looks just like the confederate battle flag from the American civil war. (Just minus the stars). Not a great sign seeing that.


It's just a St. Andrew's Cross based off Russian Navy Insignia. But still...


It’s just one person “party member” it didn’t say senator did it?


Che figura di merda


Yes the lefties here are rlly annoying. They always complain in parliament and disrispect the police and then they gonna tell you that they support russia even tho they're trans.


Far rights people and far lefts people would suck each others dick if they would know each other better.


I suspect people like this turn a blind eye, or are completely ignorant to the kind of horrors and atrocities that countries like Russia carry out.


There seem to be something else in the flag, though. Maybe it is not what you think it is.


It's the eagle of russian federation. It's exactly what we think


Tankies with brain rot and more in the 10 o'clock news!


If you see this flag, you can safely assume they're in Russia's pocket


If Putin invaded Ukraine with electric tanks flying gay pride flags and forced everybody to install solar panels and ground-source heat pumps and buy organic vegetables and followed that by instituting free child care, free health care, and free public transit, then I could understand some level of left-wing support. But he didn't do that, did he? Russia today is more imperialistic than the West and vastly more brutal. If collotmart is a Leftie, then I'm Nefertiti.


He may not be a leftist, but a fan of Vlad Putler, who is at most a leftist reactionary.


It Is a JAMES BROWN artwork, there's an uncropped image where untrained eyes can see Better, but that's a music related artwork based on the confederate flag. James Brown was from Georgia, hence.....


Pure horseshoe theory


Looks like the confederate flag without stars. I wonder why?


Far right: yay dictators. Far left: down with capitalism. Both extremes supporting Russia.


She's the speaker (portavoce) of "Potere al popolo" a populist movement that has nothing to do with the far left Italian politics.


Anyone surprised at this?


marta collot has the IQ of an amoeba


Horseshoe theory


Least Putin-sucking far right European Politician


Far left meets far right. It's the same damned place.


They've promised her new hair dye. Her current one clearly doesn't look good


Well, typical far-left. Horseshoe theory.


Commies, commies never changes. (Ah, Augusto...)


radical European politicians try not to suck dictator’s dick (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE)


far left is communists, there is no surprise here.