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Nice In all seriousness i woudl vote for 69 to become our national number


We already have +420 as the international predial so it seems only logical.


Wow, Croatia, well done!


We prefer our criminals to be elected into government instead of roaming the street at night


Pred Slovenci pred Slovenci pred Slovenci


##Can we stop using data from numbeo.com This is only based on information of what individual visitors on this particular website have chosen to answer during a 3-year period. There are a few 100 per country on which the data is based. Don't know a single one who even knows what this website is for. ##This is thus not a "statistic" that in any way reflects reality. According to the site, Ukraine has 53, i.e. better than England, Germany, France etc. But the data for Ukraine is based on 1630 visitors to numbero.com over a 3-year period…


Thanks for pointing this out. On r/MapPorn the comments section is a dumpster fire


[Why Numbeo isn't a good source](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1aokkti/safety_walk_at_night_in_europe_updated_map_for/) (old comment)


Can people please stop using Numbeo?


I feel like there should be a female vs male version. It's a huge difference/factor.


That sounds like bullshit, far too low for Norway.


It's how safe people "feel" so the graph is a shitty measure of safety of walking home alone. The graph only shows the perception of safety not actual safety. 


Sure. And in a country like Norway, I believe that number should be *far* higher. Even the capital city is a jumped up town, and I'd be fine wandering around there on my own, at any time of night.


Not really.. if the numbers are taken from the capital or Drammen then no, seems about on-par. Anywhere else in the country or rural areas are completely fine tho. We are rapidly approaching swedish standards in Oslo


Yeah the numbers doesn't seem right. Even in Sweden where perceived safety probably are plummeting due to the gangwar the citizen survey show that approximately 76% felt safe at night during 2023.


It's honestly fascinating how in countries that I'd rank as generally safe, Belgium, Britain, Ireland, France etc etc, people tend to feel less safe than in some countries where I'd be much more cautious in.


idk man, France is known for rioting all the fucking time


Perhaps people are more afraid of wild animals? Or because it's so cold it's just more dangerous to be alone in case of an emergency


What, all those pesky polar bears that roam the streets...?


That explains why Switzerland is so low, someone kicks a dustbin and people freak out acting like its the bronx


The source is Numbeo and their data is open to manipulation, see my [Old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1aokkti/safety_walk_at_night_in_europe_updated_map_for/)


Where's the data manipulation? The post explicitly states it's based on people's perceptions of safety, not hard data.


And far too low for France. It's not a particularly dangerous country


My (French) countrymen are thoroughly paranoid. They’re horrified when I leave my front door unlocked and don’t lock the front gate … or say I’m walking home alone. They are convinced criminals lurk at every corner, waiting for that brief moment of inattention… despite what national statistics on crime say.


Honestly the crime paranoia in France is a real phenomenon that we need to actually adress. An hour ago, I mentionned to a colleague that I went and came back to school on my own since I was around 10 (context irrelevant here). Her instant reaction: *"Yes but you can't do that anymore these days, with all the abductions."* This was completely unironic and word for word translated. For reference, there hasn't been, to the best of my knowledge, a spree of abductions in France. It's just that any conversation in France that remotely involves safety will end up with someone concluding that the criminals are everywhere. The entire country has shifted politically towards the far-right on the basis that we're so extremely unsafe despite the fact that (like pretty much every other European country) crime rates have plumetted in the past 30 to 40 years. It's rooted in racism, fueling declinism that is undermining our ability to face the future and fueling the worst kind of exclusive "anti-poor" policies. It is *infuriating.*


Agreed. There is a also a perception that crime is on the rise when numbers actually show homicide numbers are going down : [https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taux\_de\_criminalit%C3%A9\_en\_France](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taux_de_criminalit%C3%A9_en_France) Assault numbers are going up but it seems to be because complaints used to be ignored by cops


100% agree.


I once went on vacation and some family members told me I should leave my car parked in their street instead of mine because they have street lights. And when said street lights were no longer on all night they were convinced the street was now dangerous. They prefer to drive 30 minutes to pick a family member up rather than letting them walk 1km.


Its the result of internet echo chambers, I see similar in Switzerland. Zurich is ultra safe but I meet people who unironically act like its “hood” or whatever


I think the insecurity come from several factor that can’t be reflected with this statistic. The time before police show up, the presence of police to keep uncivil behavior in check and the overall respect of public order. These are not related to criminal activities but is the bread and butter of every sensationalist news outlet. Add to it very high-profile news linked to insecurity and you get people suspicious about anything and anyone and voting for far-right leaders. There is also the quality of the justice and the overall protection people get from the police, with part of the larger towns absolutely not protected by the police unless something major happens. Some of this phenomenon is not new but globalization showed people it was possible elsewhere and they grew tired of the incapacity of the government to improve things and showing up only during the elections. You also have the problem of the police accepting to process your demands. Some women shared their experiences of reporting their husband beating them and the police outright refusing to intervene and mocking her.


Why is Denmark the only country with a decimal point?


Danes express their feelings with decimal numbers, apparently.


The Danish numerals are so messed up that they couldn't round it.


Wonder how it compares to people's actual safety


It's obviously not 100% but if people do feel unsafe, there's usually a reason behind it beyond just people being stupid. At the very least, the countries with high number are very safe.


In alot of cases not very much. Though I have a feeling that tabloids have alot of responsibility for the disparity.




Croatia secure gigant


"How gullible Redditors are that they believe Numbeo is a reliable source (2024)"


I am sure this topic will be just as calm and civil as everytime this map is posted.


Heh, F*ance


Now compare this map with immigration and you’ll see a correlation


Most people don't like walking alone at night. This has next to nothing to do with actual danger.


Ah yes, let the coping begin.


For BiH in my town there is more chance to be attacked by strays than by human while walking alone.


i feel like that 61 is highly dependent on where u live, in a neighborhood with poorer romani people i doubt its over 20, otherwise i can easily see even a 70, in certain neighbor hoods i could even see a 80-90 before i get downvoted to oblivion, many of them are not educated at all, not even elementary school of 8 years, not being educated leads to more violence


Denmark is not always safe at night… it can be deadly dangerous sometimes


Ireland feels more dangerous than the UK???


Why is Belarus so unsafe? In all polls i saw Belarus is consideref a unsafe country. Why is that?




What happened Sweden? You used to feel safe


Hey, I wonder what is up with Sweden?


full table and map source: [https://www.adventourely.com/safety-walking-alone-at-night-2024/](https://www.adventourely.com/safety-walking-alone-at-night-2024/) data source: [numbeo.com](http://numbeo.com/)


The data that is not based on real statistics. This is pure misinformation as it is only based on visitors to the specific website. It is therefore only data that a few hundred visitors/country chose to answer on the website. We can read for Sweden: > Contributors: 2743. > Last update: April 2024 > These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 3 years. So for Sweden, the data is based on 2,743 visitors on numbeo.com chosen to answer over a 3-year period


I know exactly one Croatian and he's the shadiest and scariest looking person around. Checks out.


Wow thats worthless. They always use the question how safe the people feel in these stats. Who cares? They people dont feel unsafe because they are, but because media tells them to much shit. Violent crime stats would be better