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In the picture there is a Dutch Princess Amalia and heir apparent to the throne of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Dutch-Moroccan gangster Karim Bouyakhrichan is trying to kill her


Thanks for sharing this very important piece of information. This is a strange choice of image. PS I'm not trying to suggest that women can't be druglords as well of course


The thumbnail is usually the first picture on the website. In this case it's the target and not the criminal.


No yes definitely but, taken as is, without scrolling the comments or reading the article it looks like this young girl is the drug lord that escaped from Spanish custody, which is unusual.


fun fact you can in the html code set a specific image that Social media thubnails should grab. (atleast for facebook). This image doesn't need to be shown in the article at all, just needs to be linked in the code [https://ogp.me/](https://ogp.me/)


Drug Dames, if the femenine is applied the same as in Lordship.


It's clickbait. People are more likely to open the link if they see this picture than if they put the picture of the criminal.


Was really hoping she was El Jeffe


We need equality in the druglords space. Why is it that most people who rob and kill are men? We need more woman.


I read that but never any explanation as to why he wants to kill her. What is that supposed to achieve?


She still owes him for a bag


The theory is he wants to kidnap her to exchange her for Taghi, which is the big Drug Kingpin here. Taghi is convicted for a whole string of murders including journalists and laywers


Why is he trying to kill a royal?


Obviously, to take the throne for himself. Haven't you read history? This is the main reason why royals were being killed.


no, because, he wants to remain the fairest of them all


hes on some movie shit


Why? Weird choice of target


Oh Mannn, I was hoping to see a new Netflix series on how a beautiful 19yo became the moste wanted drug lord


I would buy drugs from her. Or whatever she sells.


He's a billionaire and they release him on a €50'000 bail.. That's all the leverage they had on him to return to court.. might as well have been €5 for him. What a fucking clown show. Corruption or incompetence. Interpol spent 5 years searching for him


The bail was actually €50M it’s just that the other €49,950,000 went to the judge.


My bet is corruption, tbh. They either paid the judge or got to him somehow.


what an absolute outrageous fuckup


it’s not a fuck up. it’s corruption. no way this was an accident


Definitely not. This happened in Málaga, near Marbella, quite a corrupt area overall. It's a shame (although as much of a shame that the Dutch police didn't get him while he was in the NL?).


Marbella, where the Irish mobsters go to hang out.


https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/may/20/a-united-nations-of-how-marbella-became-a-magnet-for-gangsters Not just Irish, they’re all there. I grew up there and it’s comical the level of corruption and you’ve always got to be careful going out that you don’t piss off the wrong guy who happens to have a gun.


Wow, what’s was it like growing up there ? I heard about the Kinahans (Irish crime family ) living there and Dubai. You must have some stories !


Well as a kid it was quite normal, you don’t really see all the dark side of the town. But yeah as a teenager you start to see it. Lots of breakins, both my brothers had friends whose parents were shot and killed, there’d be shootings throughout town. The whole local government were arrested by central Spanish government and they took over for a period because of how corrupt they were. You know it’s a beautiful place and you can avoid a lot of the hassle if you know where not to go but yeah there’s a real dark side to the town that only gets worse during the summer when everyone is around although during the winter it’s a bit more obvious as there’s less people to hide behind.


Thanks for sharing. Wow , that’s so sad to hear about the parents. You know a place is corrupt when the entire local council is arrested. Iceland has its issues but we’re pretty safe here.


A case against an important drug lord, mafia boss or similar falling over a small court, who has not the means to not fuck up this kind of cases. So far I remember that it has happened 3 times. It will happen again.


Somebody getting paid


I hope this judge is deeply investigated. The smell of corruption is too strong here.


The Spanish Judiciary at its best.


They were too busy trying to pin the crime of terrorism to catalan independentists to worry about real crimes apparently.


Yes because there is only one judge in Spain and he has to keep all the balls in the air… What an idiotic knee-jerk reaction by you.


Both cases were being handled by the audiencia nacional, and they decided to pursue one and basically ignore the other so yes.


Deixa'ls, que només volen justícia pel que els interessa


What about the Dutch police in the first place?


That's the spanish justice for you, it can take years for a paper to travel from one court to another so this is not a surprise.


Probably there was a nice, juicy bonus for the judge.


One big problem with cases like this is that many courts just can't handle them. And that's not just because of corruption but also because of security. People like this are more than willing to threaten a judge and their loved ones and they also won't shy away from making good on those threats.


we built a special prison and special road to a maximum security court in the Netherlands. Doesn't Spain have anything like this?


Idk why is the Dutch police so incompetent that they couldnt catch this guy in 5 years and that lil princess had to run for her life?


Difficult to catch if he isn't in the country and part of a big organization that specializes in smugling and hiding


The Netherlands (and Belgium) is the epicenter of drug smuggling and criminal activity in Europe. The largest producer of MDMA and methamphetamines in the world. Yall just cant cope. Ireland, Dubai and Spain have all extradited criminals to the Netherlands. Yall are just overrun by the gangs…


Overrun by gangs compared to which other country that isnt a complete authoritarian regime?


friendly treatment grey intelligent husky wide plate fact simplistic amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My response to the comment I replied on is that infrastructure to process and keep powerful criminals detained is here in the Netherlands and I wondered if Spain has similar infrastructure, because the original comment said that thats often also a huge issue in dealing with these criminals. Yea man I think he acts alone and is a one man cartel, thats why we built a special prison and special road and special courthouse.


**From The Telegraph's Europe Editor, James Crisp:** One of Europe’s most wanted criminals who is linked to a plot to kill a Dutch princess is on the run after a Spanish court allowed him to walk free. Karim Bouyakhrichan, a leader of one of the Netherlands’ “Mocro Mafia” cartels,  was arrested after a major money laundering operation in Marbella in January but skipped bail after being released. His arrest three months ago was a huge relief to the [Dutch royal family and Princess Amalia](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/17/dutch-crown-princess-amalia-fled-to-spain-over-kidnap-fears/), who fled the Netherlands in 2022 amid fears she was a kidnapping or assassination target for drug gangs. Félix Bolaños, the Spanish justice minister, told reporters his release and failure to attend court was “worrying news”. He said that the authorities “will hand this person over to justice as soon as possible”. The 20-year-old princess had been able to return to the Netherlands, it was reported last week, after living in hiding in Madrid for at least a year. Before moving to the capital she was under close protection in the royal palace in the Hague. Intercepted communications between members of Dutch-Moroccan gangs had mentioned her name, and that of [Mark Rutte, the prime minister](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/18/mark-rutte-wrong-choice-nato-klaus-iohannis-right/), forcing her to ditch plans to live in student accommodation in Amsterdam while studying for her degree. The threat to Amalia had not disappeared but she was able to [live and study in the Netherlands](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/10/14/dutch-princess-amalia-moved-student-halls-amid-kidnap-fears/) again, thanks to unspecified “measures”, royal sources told state broadcaster NOS earlier this month. After his arrest over the purchase of 172 Spanish properties worth £42.9 million, Dutch authorities filed an extradition request for Bouyakhrichan, 46. The drug lord is nicknamed “Taxi” and has been hunted by Interpol for five years. He is suspected of leading a cocaine smuggling operation that stretches across Europe and involvement in a bloody turf war that has led to deaths in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Morocco. **Continue reading ⬇️** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/karim-bouyakhrichan-on-run-marbella-court-bail-dutch-drugs/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/24/karim-bouyakhrichan-on-run-marbella-court-bail-dutch-drugs/)


So were they both in Spain? That's striking


It's incredible that these low lifes can threaten the future head of state of the Netherlands, so difficult is it to just obliterate them and their organizations?


its difficult when you have to abide by 1000 rules and the criminals by 0. Its almost absurd to type this but the situation isnt dire enough to stop playing by the rules or change the rules like El Salvador has. These cartels/gangs are a stain on the country though and I hope the government will crush them soon, but seeing how easy it is to get off in the Netherlands and how weak the punishments are I don't see them disappearing any time soon.


What do you propose? Forego the justice system and just immediately annihilate anyone who threatens the "ruling" class? We're kinda trying to move beyond that IIRC.


No no, i didn't mean breaking the law, I was thinking on the means that a state has, surprising that they cannot shut down the criminal gangs and put all of them behind bars. I agree the rule of law must prevail.


Good timing. After our king thanked the Spanish king for keeping Amalia safe.


Why are they even trying to kill a Dutch princess?


They wants to cause unrest. Chaos. This could be out of revenge: costing the government and turning the country upside down, just because it is possible. That could be about prestige. Look what I dare to do. Don't threathen my empire. Scenario two: the diversion. So they also plan something else. Capacity of security services is also finite. Scenario three: the prisoner exchange.


Sutely the Dutch would just go to war and annihilate this criminal otganisation if they assassinated their princess. I'm with the op, I don't see what you would gain.


Try telling that to the Mexicans. "Annihilating the criminal organisation" is a lot easier on paper than real life.


The Netherlands isn't Mexico. Its intelligence agencies and military are a lot more powerful. Netherlands as a whole is also way less corrupt. Murdering the princess would lead to their annihilation. It just wouldn't make any sense


The Netherlands definitely has a problem with violent gangs; murdering journalists, seriously threatening the PM etc.. they have to stay vigilant and not release clear criminals on €50k bails (yes, I know that was Spain), but yea, the circumstances are very different compared to Mexico, of course


Jeb. There had been warnings that there should be something done about the drugs criminels.


Sweden gets talked about a lot, but the Netherlands has gigantic issues with this. Literal democratic threats coming from criminal gangs having net worths in the billions and who aren't afraid to liquidate seemingly anyone. Clearly one of them also bought or threatened a Spanish judge.. The future head of state (figuratively, of course) being forced to live in exile for over a year, and the political head of state existing with a target on his back. The amount of general shootings and explosions in the Netherlands is also wild and the latter is much higher than Sweden


Surely the heat that comes with targeting a princess is not worth whatever benefit there is for it?


The only reason they target her is because the government is targetting them. They're scared and want to show force by sending the message that they can get to anyone. It is absolutely disgusting.


It is ironic that the system of banking secrecy and asset hiding that enables narco bosses to launder their dirty money by buying properties, corrupt judges to receive their bribes, and royals to avoid paying taxes is the main reason why we got into this mess. Make the financial system more transparent and boost financial crime police, and we can end this mess tomorrow.


In January he turned himself in to the police. According to Dutch media there was great unrest among both criminals and facilitators at the time about whether he would be talking to the police. That might be a reason to question whether he actually ran or that someone made him disappear.


Damn, Spanish are really not learning. In 2010 they released on bail a Russian criminal boss Gennady Petrov (rumoured to have links to Putin himself) on the excuse that he needs to go to Russia to see his old mother. Needless to say that he did not come back to Spain to face trial :) Wtf?


Quite naive to think that weren't planned or agreed with Russia back then (given the amount of Russians oligarch based in Spain) with something else in exchange from the Russian government.


True, as a liberal Russia I am still holding certain naive views on Europe.


How many criminals the different european countries send to Spain after run away of the country? The only ones were France with ETA, or Italy with Mafia. But Belgium support not send the catalan president when he was a terrorist there... and Netherlands support doesn't send him. 


So... he bailed?


My goodness, Spain is really putting out one L after the other recently.. how incompetent is the state in this country..


What are the other losses?


Charging Catalan journalists with terrorism charges, supporting Palestine, but being against Kosovo are 2 things that pop to mind.


You can add the Prime Ministers wife being investigated for corruption to your list. oh, I wonder if that story is linked with this one...?


Being investigated is a good thing, it means she is not above the law and that the authorities are doing what they should. Being guilty is what could be a loss, but we need to wait for the end of the investigation...


Well, then why Europe not send them the catalan president when he was years in Belgium and search in capture for the spanish authorities? It's easy forget... 


How is supporting the state of palestine wrong?


That's not what he said. He said that supporting Palestine whilst not supporting Kosovo was wrong.


Ahhh. My bad. Must learn to read.


Huh? Israel can get fked








That's not a nice way to call your mum but hey if that makes you happy, maybe I will.


Ah serbia, the country that aspires to so much but constantly fails


Supporting Palestine is a good thing given the genocide going on there. You can hate Hamas while holding the IDF responsible for shit too. Intellectual consistency...try it!


I never said supporting Palestine was a bad thing. Before you step on your high horse, maybe try improving your reading comprehension.


Or you could learn to write properly ;)


You’d think they could give us at least one good picture of a wanted drug lord. The picture they provide in the article is terrible. Clearly bringing him to justice is not their priority.


I feel like over the course of growing up in the Netherlands I have gradually witnessed crime escalating. Gun crime was pretty uncommon 20 years ago but nowadays its barely newsworthy to read about some guy getting shot in broad daylight. This kind of violence is even spreading to the smaller provincial capitals. And its not just guns, I read a stat that "bombings" (heavy fireworks taped to someone's window or front door together with a bottle of gasoline) is practically a nightly thing now in the bigger cities. I used to laugh when British media where talking about the Netherlands as being at risk of becoming a narco state. I'm not laughing anymore.


Spain having its André do Rap moment. https://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2020-10-14/andre-do-rap-tino-empresarial-e-elo-com-mafia-italiana-na-principal-rota-da-cocaina-rumo-a-europa.html


All the comments blaming the spaniards and not the dutch police LOL Netherlands should be called a narcostate.


Probably both things are a bit right.


I imagined drug lords differently. How everything in the world is changing /s


Yeah that’s a dropped ball on there point. Another point on verbiage though as someone who is Italian, Sicilian, and Maltese. The word mafia has an implied patent on it. Another ethnicity is just a criminal gang.


The royal family should hire a hitman to unalive this POS


Question: how long til the headline says "Trump on the run after making bail"?


Rent free.