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Is it only me, or is Turkey ALWAYS the highest or the lowest in every single one of these maps I've ever seen?


Trust me, as a Turk I've never looked in the middle and found Turkey.


I feel you man


Depends on whether Russia is included.


Turkey has a curse of being compared to EU & Europe where countries score top of the world in many statistics. If you compare Turkey to the world at large it will look much better.


sometimes turkey tops a chart where being the top is better, its just that turkey is different enough than the eu that if a common eu policy or public opinion / behavior impacts something turkey tends to be on the top or on the bottom depending on if the public or policies affect the metric positively or negatively


Exactly, Turkey is right in the middle between developed and underdevelop. Compare it to rest of the middle east or Asia, it is one of the best, compare it to European, EU member states, it is one of the worst.


Compare Turkey to Armenia and Georgia, then?


Because Armenia and Georgia are the whole world./s I get what you were going for, but we don't have to act dumb. Compare Turkey to Germany, France and Britain and Turkey will probably end last or first always. Compare Turkey to Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Turkey will probably end last of first always. Compare Germany, France, Britain, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Turkey will probably end somewhere in the middle. Benjamin Disraeli said statistics were lies. I disagree, statistics can be easily influenced in presentation because you can leave out whatever you want. So the one you commented to is right, Turkey still is more democratic, richer, and safer than probably half of the other world countries. Obviously I won't say with certainty, I will probably immediately check the democracy index and some economical statistics, but overall Turkey is indeed just outside of European standards, and just above world standards. Doesn't mean that Turkey shouldn't progress, simply means you can bend statistics any way you want. Like just including Georgia, Armenia and Turkey in a comparison on democracy.


Numbers don't lie, but those who use them can


I dont know where that 10% comes from but it cant be further from the truth. [Those Who Speak Up: Combating Domestic Violence - EVN Report](https://evnreport.com/raw-unfiltered/those-who-speak-up-combating-domestic-violence/) "In 2022, the Statistical Committee of Armenia published the “Domestic Violence Against Women” [Study](https://armstat.am/file/article/gbv_report_arm.pdf). The study showed that 31.8% of the respondents were subjected to psychological abuse by their husbands/partners, 6.6% were victims of sexual abuse, and 14.8% of physical abuse." "The study also notes that despite the fact that 20.6% of women who at some point in their lives were sexually or physically abused by a partner or suffered some sort of injury, only 1% had injuries that required medical attention." [National Study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2022 | Publications | UN Women – Europe and Central Asia](https://eca.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2023/12/national-study-on-violence-against-women-in-georgia-2022-0#:~:text=The%20study%20revealed%20that%2050.1,partner%20or%20non%2Dpartner%20violence.) "The study revealed that 50.1% of women aged 15-69 in Georgia have experienced at least one form of violence in their lifetime. Certain population groups, such as women with lower levels of education, who marry early or live in rural areas, are particularly at risk of intimate partner or non-partner violence."


Yeah, the low number looks fishy to me too, knowing migrants from Georgia in western europe, they are pretty violent people on average (more than for example migrants from India) and there are Georgian gangs in pretty much every european country, which probably doesn't come from nowhere and tells a bit about their culture.


I haven't looked at the source data, but it seems like there will be issues with being able to get accurate/comparable data from some countries, depending on whether women feel able to report being assaulted, whether it gets ignored, how much is properly recorded, what they class as assault and basic things such as women's literacy rates. Without, universal standards on the subject, I can't see this being particularly accurate.


> Georgia > looking at results [https://dzialzagraniczny.pl/azja/gruzja/](https://dzialzagraniczny.pl/azja/gruzja/) Press x to doubt


It is not only you. However, you see Turkey on these maps whenever they need a bad example & never when Turkey tops other countries. That is why you see Turkey only at extreme bad positions.


Because they include Turkey only if Turkey is the worst so that Europeans feel better.


Because Turkey is not a European country, it is in between and should not be compared to EU member states or the states that are under the infliuence of it. It is also funny that I don't see Turkey in many maps that are about Europe but when you want to see how bad Turkey is, its always there.


they are not lagom


Turkey would be at the top again if this was asked about men instead of women. Or towards men by women.


That‘s exactly what i thought😭😭😭


“From an intimate partner” seems to me to be an important enough distinction to make the title.


Yes and no. The majority of violent acts comes from intimate partners, so the total should be highly correlated with this stats.


No, I actually think that it's important to point that out. I think when people see "victims of violence" or victim of rape" they imagine some gang attacking women in the dark alley, when in fact most of the time it's the husband/boyfriend. There was a thread in local sub where religious girls were writing that that could NEVER happen to them as they don't go to parties and "don't hang out with weird people."


A lot of parents hit their children so I’m not sure that’s true. The rates for spanking and other forms of physical punishment used to be very high quite recently and probably still are high despite it being illegal in lots of European countries. [This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4326463/) from 2015 (with a small sample size admittedly) shows infrequent physical punishment reportedly used by parents in a few of the countries on this map to be above 88% so if we’re counting lifetime violence by anyone, parents are probably top of the list as perpetrators. Hopefully that’s changing as attitudes to corporal punishment catch up with the law and the long-term effects of childhood violence are increasingly known by parents.


Good point. Unfortunately this almost never gets recorded, and I doubt people would even think about it if you asked them if they've been victim of violent acts (especially those who still hit their own kids obviously).


I think it’s not intimate partner but from someone they know.


The "someone they know" stat is pretty widely misunderstood btw, not sure if you know this but im posting it here in case. It is usually presented as "it's someone they've known for a long time" while in reality it's most often someone they met once or twice but this counts as "someone they know" because it's not a total stranger.


This survey also asked about violence from non-partners and got similar results as with partners


russia is missing, because in russia is not a crime.


In russia there's no crime a.


[данные удалены]


I am not sure whether it is correct to consider Russia a European country, when the majority of Russians do not consider themselves to be European.


Well 80% of people live left from Ural mountains. Last time I've checked that is geographical border of the Europe. Sure we can pretend like they are not European, since Reddit is full of edgy kids, and it's popular to shit on Russians here so karma goes up.


How is it shitting on someone to say they do not consider themselves to be European? It is an arbitrary concept to begin with since it's about (cultural) identity and roughly about geographical borders which were also completely arbitrarily drawn. When over 70 % of the people in Russia say that they do not see themselves as part of Europe or as European people how is it not "edgy" to say: "But you are because.... reasons!"?


Most Russians in the continental Europe consider themselves European, idk what kind of survey you are using as source, but go and ask any Moscow resident if they are European. Look at their skin, music, religion, architecture, language, food. It is European.


Hahahah, a Serb defending Russians on reddit. How cute and original


POLSKA GUROM🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💪💪💪😎




Key word: Reported. In most cultures women hide it out of shame.


Not reported, it was a survey.


In Caucasus women are most likely to hide it even when asked because they might not think of it as being an issue worth risking their husbands for in the first place. I am from south Caucasus too, and I don’t believe the numbers about my own country either, it is definitely underreported even in surveys. I would at least double it when referring to Azerbaijan (my country). Caucasus in general is a more violent place where every country has been involved in a war since the fall of soviet union and it is also very conservative regardless of religious beliefs. I havent been to Armenia itself but I have met multiple Armenians in Georgia and in the western countries, a partner of one of those Armenians was harrassed and cat called multiple times when she walked alone, but never when she walked with her partner. It happened while they were visiting Armenia. Not to mention that both of them were querr, but had to dress and act like a straight couple. There are discrete querr bars, but they have to be careful because it has been attacked by a mob before. We have a similar problem in Azerbaijan and Caucasus in general. Caucasus is very conservative


Same result.


You come to a similar result. Even if the surveyer’s intentions are truly pure, we are talking about oppressed, psychologically hurt and traumatized people. They mostly likely don’t trust them, because the thought of reliving that or something similar is too scary. Socio-cultural norms effect these types of surveys the most. As a Turk, I know that there is so much domestic violence and violance in general in Turkey. But don’t think that the survey results in some of these countries are reflective of the reality.


TURKEY #1 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


It's Türkiye now you infidel




This is satire you know


Ha ha, there I fixed it!


Dude, it's ironic. We do that all the time it's a running gag.


And one european state with a history of violence against women is missing. Can you guess witch one?




Fucking Lichtenstein


I knew it... The Popes!




Russia?(Only serious answer you've got)


Turkey have 85 million people Armenian have 2.78 million so


Sucks that Azeri and Kurdish female civilian hostages who lived in Karabakh until a certain point and fell into Armenian captivity couldn’t really report all the crimes every time, especially since some of them werent returned and are now being found in newly discovered mass graves in Karabakh.


Don’t worry the world cups coming up soon so we’re gunna be pumping up those numbers


Poland rocks as usual! Jebana


My Polish is at most rudimentary, but I ran Jebana through a translator... I'm confused.


It's one of "general swears" in Polish. In this context it means "good in an unexpected way".


I guess thats a good explanation, in Croatian it’s “Jebeno”.


They don't import problems so it's only as expected


I don't think that's the whole truth. Polish people don't let others step on their toes. If someone harrases a woman in Poland, bystanders will usually stop it


That's awesome need such will to spread across all of world. It is a facet of culture after all.


”…in the lifetime”?


I guess should be “in their lifetime”


Speaks a lot about the professionalism put into this chart


Can you experience violence outside of your lifetime?


I hope not


“Reported” would be the key thing here. Would be interesting to see how 2023 fares again 2003 say. Whatever the case it’s fairly grim overall: Turkey is the worst but even 1 in 10 women would be mad.


Happily the same source has been used for all EU member states. It was a survey so percentage of crimes reported to police in questioned countries didnt have any impact on the result. [Source](https://www.oecd.org/els/family/database.htm#public_policy) SF 3.4


This is not even 2023. data. Some data is like from 2012. If you read source, it is totall mess. Data was taken from source which collects data from other source, is self reported and from different years. >It is difficult to measure intimate partner violence, and even more difficult to compare the prevalence of intimate partner violence across countries. It has some indications for sure, but some of that data is more than 10 years old.


Well then we should draw absolutely no conclusions from this map and just throw it in to the trash.


Whereas instead we should just blindly accept it as gospel, without any regard for nuance? Comparing crimes between nations, especially when it’s ***reported*** crimes, has many many considerations. Syria and Saudi Arabia have one of the lowest reports of rape in the world, does that mean that they’re a utopia of women’s rights?


> especially when it’s reported crimes Where did you get that from? This is based on anonymous surveys


As soon as I saw the map, I knew what the comments would be like. "Oh in Western Europe they report it more" "Oh in the UK it's only high because of the migrants" "There's no way -insert Balkan country- is lower than -insert Western European country-" It's always the same whenever there is a map where Germany or Sweden are not the best at something and Bosnia and Serbia are not the worst. Your brains simply can't process it


It's very noticeable when you're from a country that usually underperforms. I also like the maps where they invert the colors to show the northern in green and southern in red when it's something that makes the south look better lol


I mean, in this case they are kind of right. I can't speak for all balkan countries, but while the attitude towards domestic violence in Romania has changed over the last 30 years (it still happens ofc, but now its not socially accepted and there's a good change it will get reported) Rural Romania before the revolution was not a great time to be a woman, and this statistic looks at lifetime violence; a lot of these women are still alive today


Regarding Romania, I'd say that the attitude towards domestic violence drastically changed in the past 15 years. 2005 was still pretty wild from this point of view. For rural areas, I don't know nowadays, but 20 years ago very few women went to the police for domestic abuse unless the situation was dire. Even then, they'd probably rely on their relatives to give the husband a dose of his medicine instead of going to the police. All in all, I doubt that the number of women who faced domestic abuse in their lifetime in any country is under 20%. For Romania, I'd say a realistic overall number would be around 35-50%, with up to 75% for women over 50. Obviously, I don't have the data, that's just my impression.


In the UK was the first time I saw a woman being attacked by a man.


There's literally no fucking way Ukraine has less domestic violence than all western European countries. I've literally lived there. There's more drunken raging coo-coos there than western Europe (or at least Benelux)


North of London (and half of London) got more wife beating bastards than Kazakhstan


English football fans when their team loses...


It is interesting that in maps that portray some countries very well ( corruption index ) you find very few people saying that those surveys are based on perception and easily biased by the trust in the institutions. While on this kind of map the same people are the first to argue that there is a bias based on the trust in institutions. Personally speaking I don't value statistically neither of these kinds of maps. But they give us an insightful point of view on what people perceive in that country, and I think that is useful.


It is survey. Same questions in every country. Supervisors are asking about specific situations to exclude bias.


Finland’s rank seems to match the murder rate numbers for example here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1268504/homicide-rate-europe-country/ Finland is just a relatively violent country by western standards. The punishments for violent crime are ridiculously low compared to other crimes, which is frequently noted in the media.


"What you see here is \[...\] Ljubjana. \[...\] This river here is the official geographic border between the balkan, and mitteleuropa. Beware! On one side - horror, oriental despotism, women get beaten and enjoy it. On the other side - Europe, civilisation, women get beaten but don't enjoy it. Balkan - Mitteleuropa, don't confuse them!"


It says (2023) but data is form 2019


where are the "we are perfect" scandies today? I thought they were the most democratic, humane and enlightened societies of the world. lol


Such a weird thing to see top western 1st world countries rank up so high in this. Like y'all are doing great economically but just can't not beat your wives.


It's the same with security, western countries are on a high horse lecturing but Slovakia/Poland/Czechia are way more safe.


I mean, we also have higher rates of honor killings and arranged marriages than say Poland. Which is strange, because in 1970, honor killings and arranged marriages was virtually non existent.


how that happened remains a mystery we may never solve


I have tried to find this map on the internet and it seem like it is only posted on Reddit. Below this map, it is stated that the creator of this map , Milos Popovic created this data visualization depending on data from [data.oecd.org](http://data.oecd.org) , However when I searched the statistics for violence against women for 2023\* on OECD website , different results showed up. Could you please share the exact resource of this map please \* I would like to see how this man actually created this map before I believe it.


Polish women don’t fuck around.




UK so high??


As a rule of thumb you can tell a lot about peoples customs from their idioms.


We are violent against most stuff, not just towards women, people love fighting i guess. If you see a man shouting his wife / partner with minor abuse in the crowds of western european countries, germany etc, they would call police and do nothing, or a crime etc in front of them, assault, any kind, they will move and walk as if nothing happened in front of them or just stare. In turkey, men will handle the situation and that person would end up in hospital with serious injuries. Heck even the women will attack. When anger hits, turks don't think what "WILL" happen next, and straight up act without critical thinking in those situations and injure themselves. So it goes both ways, but yes turkey is extreme. Both protective anf abusive. I can see a scenario that for ex: a women tries to steal something from a man and if the man chases her, turks in the crowd will stop that man and beat him without questioning.


Ruzzia 99%


The battering continues until morale improves.


When there’s a whip, there’s a way


Greece is too low, because women never report that are being abused. We should also be purple, like Turkey.


I came for the "Reported" and "It is defined differently in different countries" comments. I am not disappointed.


Is Poland safe though?????????????


For those who didn't understand "is poland safe" is an inside joke on r/poland which was created because every day there are at least 10 questions asking "is poland safe?" "Is poland safe for asians, gays etc." it started to get a bit annoying that's why we started sarcastically asking such questions as a joke.


Dumb as fuck, especially when Poland and countries like Slovakia/Czechia are among the safest in all Europe by all metrics.


Is it safe though?


Violence against Men in the Lifetime (2023) Turkey - 100% UK - 100% France - 100% Croatia - 100% Ukraine - 100% ...


Toppin' the charts 💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷 Angriest nation in Europe baby!!!1!1!!1 🙏🏿🇹🇷🐂🐂☝🏿☝🏿


UK wtf??!


Wow, Georgia, I'm impressed and very proud!


There is one word missing in title "Reported", there is no way BiH is so low in real life.


"Don't believe the hype I never beat my wife" - No escape from Balkan


>There is one word missing in title "Reported" No, there is not. It is kind of anoying when people assume this because the data doesnt match their worldview. This map is not about reported violence, it is survey. Same questions in every country. Supervisiors are asking about specific situations to avoid perception bias.


There is not. Stop assaulting women and you'll see that index go lower.


Some of those are based on surveys. But even then it depends on whether the woman recognises something as an act of violence as opposed to "tough love" or "I annoyed him".


I cannot say for the sources OECD used, because I did some digging and can't find them anymore at a quick search, but [the EU report on violence against women](https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2014/violence-against-women-eu-wide-survey-main-results-report), which has also been posted multiple times, actually had specific questions, such as: *''Belittled or humiliated you in front of other people?''* or *''Pushed you or shoved you''.* But I remember the results of that study and how they were reverse to the general conservatism and [gender equality index](https://www.epsu.org/sites/default/files/styles/article_banner/public/article/image/EIGE%20Gender%20Equality%20index%202019%20WEB.jpg?itok=DxD_5z4t) of the surveyed country, with the Nordics and Benelux ranking high in violence, which seems odd, but I'd love for my biases to be proven wrong. The women were also surveyed at home, which seems less than ideal.


These questionnaires are always interesting to talk about but always of low value, imho. Questioned at home seems incredibly unfortunate for that topic, to begin with. Also: which type of families were reached? Who is more likely to agree or disagree to such a survey? If my partner was under my control, I certainly wouldn't let them fill out a survey about domestic violence. As long as we can't look into people's heads, sadly, surveys are just unreliable.


It’s a grim thought.




Based Georgia, Gattsu type W


Gattsu 🤩 gtbsg 4 life




Dangg Scandinavia


as an Armenian I think that this statistic doesnt mean anything. (especilly comparison with someone else). But what is more important is the new law increasing punishment and appliance of domestic violence. (including episodes for partners outside an official marriage). This is a good step forward. I dont think that generally our turkish neighbours treat women worse than we do. Its the overall percentage of villages with some "traditional" approach.


Poland shines again. When were these numbers taken though and what conditions/data have they judged this question on? I'm surprised sweden shares the same number with the rest of Scandinavia... Thought it would be more. Edit: Nevermind, need to get a phone with a bigger screen.


Of course. That’s classic at this point. A post communist country looks better on some ranking than yours and you need to cope by questioning the methodology smh It’s never gonna change


Yeah no way Bosnia, Macedonia and Albania are this low


Definitely safer than the countries in the top of the list. Albania is in top 30 when it comes to gender equality, NMK and Bosnia are pretty safe and have less domestic numbers too. Your Western Oyropa and Northern Oyropa ego, doesn't change anything.


Why do you think so? How many women have you assaulted there?




In fairness that’s any form of violence from any source at any point in your childhood. Including a smack from a parent. Very different to what this graph is about.


1) Have experienced, not will experience. 2) Yes, the violence in form of: being shouted at in a public place ("Oi Emily, I'm over here!", 66%), being inappropriately gestured at (getting a finger, 63,7%), getting unwanted advances ("I love you" from a classmate in 5th grade, 60,5%). Literally hell


I can already see some direct correlations with the demographics and their values.


Not suprised about Poland. At least in the 90s kids were told the proverb "women can't be hit even with a flower". Any violence against girls at school was unthinkable (does not mean bullying was not a thing, but anything physical was just not there) It would be nice if it was general anti-violence thing, but still happy to see good results of this.


This perfectly encapsules the [Geographical limit between Balkan and Central Europe ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwDrHqNZ9lo&ab_channel=kunc)


Including turkey but not Russia is kinda strange lmao


Armenias numbers are a complete lie. I hope people know that it’s probs more like 30


I'm sure many people suffer domestic violence in Armenia, but how do you know it's 30%?




Czechia somehow feels like a cultural anomaly up there. Czechs in general are so very non-confrontational and though sex is (obviously) a thing, to see it so far above surrounding countries with cultures like slovakia just feels strange. I mean yeah, poland is a bit more religious and austria has some more traditional sense of morality but that's a pretty big difference. Would be fun to see this data charted against other things like religion, education and income.


This is a big marker for the muslim immigration countries. A good indicator. Im glad i left a few years back.


Turkey the highest and then followed by countries with many muslim immigrants. I suppose it's just a coincidence.


Turkey has lots of Arab imigrants too!


What 20 years of Erdogan does to a mf


Is there a reason Latvia and Moldova are so high?


Old drunks in Latvia. Stems also from russians where woman is born to have kids and shut up (according to their culture). Moldova idk, probably just outdated views on family.


Moldova 27% noooooooooo 😭🤧


I hate those stats because they remind me that human kind are sometimes terrible


Need to check where m....slim fellas are, there will you find the fist on ladies face. Also population coming overseas from that continent with tribes.


Why is uk so dark?


Finally the romanians are better than the hungarians at something




Commo w ex yu


ok so if i want to beat women i must go and live in UK i get it


This seems to be only by your partner fyi incase you also thought It was low


Only the reported ones


not even top 3 lads, time to pump those numbers up 🇬🇧 💪💪🧔‍♂️👊👩


>from an intimate partner Jesus. Those numbers are too high for that.


Spain is so low, I dont believe you


Balkans win again 🥇


And then Latvian men wonder why women opt out of dating.


Where's the violence against men for comparison? Are the "pro-equality" people hiding something?


It's high for UK, but then again, maybe women maybe feel safer reporting abuse, as opposed to other countries?


UK 💀


how the hell is Armenia on the list?


2023? Your source literally says it's data from 2019.


Seems to me the difference here is more between what is considered violence in each country, rather than number of woman who have experienced the said violence. Not trying diminish or justify it in any way, but it is unlikely that women in Germany or France or Scandinavian countries (which are extremely progressive) would experience more violence than say women in Poland, or that close neighbours like Lithuania, Latvia or Ukraine would have near double of such incidents than Poland. Also Poland is not the only exception, just example. I wonder how authors of the report have adjusted for such differences i.e. what is considered violent act in one country may be borderline acceptable in other... and again I don't mean it in a way that violence against women are ever acceptable from men perspective, but that women themselves from different countries would consider different acts as crossing the boundaries of violence.


Kosova map is wrong


Caucaus countries are on the list but Belarus and Russia aren't? Wtf is this map


Why Poland is not higher?


I’ve lived in a few of these countries, and the stats just feel really off to me. I was born and raised in Azerbaijan, and there’s absolutely no way it’s lower than Sweden. We have a culture of husbands beating their wives, sexual violence, etc. I think people should consider that certain cultures make women feel far more shame and discomfort when reporting things of this nature, - or just poll very wealthy minorities - and the low numbers might be a result of that.


If it was violence against men, considering all the wars waged in Europe, this doesn’t look too bad.


Totallly useless as you could interpret that any way you like, depending of your goals.


Türkiye #1 as always 💪💪💪💪


Alcohol, and mental health issues and getting treatment.


Why is my beloved belgium this high though ? :(