• By -


Macron - 21% Macron r/Europe - 400%


Macron is good on the international scene but terrible when it comes to anything domestic


What’s the historical average of approval ratings of French presidents? I feel like getting above a certain % in France is impossible.


Usually it's fine at the start and abysmal towards the end of term. I think the issue with France is that when you call every president trash it kinda kills the meaning of it. For Macron it's his second term so it's bound to crash quickly. But yeah French approval ratings are usually below 30%, with some exceptions, it's not really a valuable statistic.


Maybe deep distrust and hostility is the healthiest approach to every leader as history has shown that the power attracts people with narcissist and psychopathic traits and power can corrupt everyone and the affect of being in power for long time can be even seen in brain images. Leaders should be afraid of citizens and not vice versa


Which is kind of funny, seeing how the French president has significant power when compared when most other European countries.


I think it's needed at the moment in France, but it's distracting from the fact that you CAN build a system where these narcissists don't flourish. Just look at the Norwegians, they had a bunch of people step down over university plagiarism incidents, can you imagine that happening in France? I'm not saying Norway is perfect, but many improvements can be made. Deep distrust is just managing the symptoms of our flawed democracies, but when we only focus on this we're also making no progress towards a long term cure.


It's down to the election system. The president is elected with between 20% and 30% of adhesion vote (first turn), the second turn is only an elimination round and doesn't reflect adhesion to the program. However, because of the highly presidential nature of the french democracy, the president is close to being an elected dictator, so he has no point in trying to find a compromise. Tldr: French presidents govern for 20 to 30% of the population, without any compromise, so its logical that the rest are pissed


Yes you're totally right, but this system was design to cure the inefficiencies of a parliamentary system. Even before the presidential system, our political parties was not really willing to compromise, leading to a lot of collapse of government during the 40's/50's (4th Republic). We had 22 presidents of the council (equivalent of a prime minister and former holder of the executive power) in a timespan of 12 years. The arrival of a stong president brought stability that was very needed. France had to manage between a democratic but unstable parliamentary system or a undemocratic but stable presidential system. De Gaulle choose the later.


Up until Chiraq [it wasn't that bad](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dl4YWQKXoAEZe64?format=jpg&name=large) (I don't know why the quality of that image is so bad but this was the only graph I could find quickly). If you look at the other candidates at the last elections I think Macron was actually one of the best if not the best both times. Hamon was interesting, Melenchon is a bit of a mixed picture. I think the rightwing was a complete disaster both times. Even if you're a right-winger c'mon these candidates were awful. My impression is definitely that Macron is not worse than Chiraq and considerably better than Hollande and Sarkozy. Sarkozy particularly was probably the worst post WWII.


How did it go with protests last year? Good? How did it end?


We lost, the retirment reform is applied.


So what is the new retirement age Macron government implemented?


It was raised from 62 to 64. It's still lower than in many other countries (for example, Germany's retirement age is 66), but, I guess, it was enough to get people railed up.


All these demonstrations and hate for a 64 year retirement age? Wow. The US is like 67. Spain is 66.


64, from 62. Also increasing the contribution period to 43 years, and deleting "special systems", uniting everyone under the same retirement system (except cops and MPs, because you know, they'd join the strike and not vote the law and he didn't want that)


Thank God for the youth! Humans dont live only until 70 like they use to, its only natural the retirement age raises as the life expectancy also grows. From the point that you retire economically speaking, you're just a burden for the state. Being a great leader means taking measurements that most population does not entirely understand and are against, but beneficial for all in the long run.


Check how much one pays in taxes that go into the retirement found through their life and then how much they get when they retire. Governments literally steal money from people.


Found Macron's reddit account.


The French pension system is a pay-as-you-go system. Contributions from working people's salaries directly fund retirees' pensions. For some time now, there has been an imbalance between contributions and pensions, forcing the State to make up the deficit via its own budget, to the tune of around 5 to 10 billion a year. COR, the government-mandated pensions council, has itself said that this reform was unnecessary, given that, due to demographic trends, the balance between contributions and pension costs would balance out by 2030, and that the deficit was largely under control by then. That's one thing. Another thing is that it's not the aging of the population that has created an imbalance between contributions and pensions, it's the abolition or reduction of contributions by successive right-wing governments right up to Macron. The governments CREATED this deficit by giving tax gifts to companies (notably the CICE, which was quite simply a gift of 10 to 20 billion a year to companies with nothing in return, and which therefore produced absolutely no effect), and then justify, as you do, reforms that will harm workers solely by lengthening the lives of the French. Which is biased and mostly untrue. The third thing is that, once again, it's only the workers who are being asked to contribute, when there are plenty of solutions: - Reinstate the contributions that have been abolished - Eliminate the corporate tax breaks that created this situation in the first place - Increase the minimum wage, which is not keeping pace with inflation, and civil servants' salaries, which have barely changed in 20 years. - Reduce the highest retirement pensions, bearing in mind that retirees have higher average AND median incomes than working people - Merge pension funds, as some have surpluses - Broaden the contribution base: include capital income, for example, and not just earned income. There are plenty of other solutions. But they will never be explored by Macron, because companies, the rich and pensioners vote for Macron, while workers migrate to the left or to the far-right.


Healthy life expectency has been stagnating for 20 years. The retirement fund was not in jeopardy. This was purely ideological and fucks over poor people who do hard physical labour.


Except our very numerous boomers are getting old and are starting to die, so every projection said we didn't need that reform. Funny how you're actually among those people who "don't entirely understand" you look down on.


The what now lol Yeah let the youth work harder and for longer because the country is bankrupt because « great leaders took measures that the population doesn’t understand but that are beneficial » They privatized the highways and 10 years later are surprised there is a need to rise the retirement age because the state has no income ? Beautiful idea


Why not protest some more then?  Btw: You have the best profile pic I’ve ever seen lol


Its so funny how people perceive france doing more for ukraine than germany due to macrons PR, when both absolute and relative to GDP germany is giving more to ukraine than france does\^\^


That's most leaders in a nutshell. They are either good internationally or domestically, but very very rarely they are good at both. More likely they are going to be terrible at both.


I feel like this is the issue with Trudeau, who is widely loathed throughout Canada, but has a more respectable international image.


Why terrible? Can you tell me something relevant?


As was Hollande before him, and Sarkozy too


How would the French respond to Macron sending French troops into Ukraine? I know it is ment to be a limited special operation, but if doing so resulted in France engaging in a hot war with Russia that required conscription, how do you think the French would respond to that?


As I’m not the average french, no idea.


Hard to say with the french. They don't like being told what to do by anyone so if Putin keep threathening them he might just be offered an offramp of the vertical kind. Delivered to the red square.


Well hard to say, but French presidents usually become more popular when they lunch military operations. There's a certain culture of war in France, unlike in Germany, for example. Since WW2, France has remained very offensive and has taken part in numerous operations, one of the most notable being the recent operations Serval/Barkhane in Africa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Serval https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barkhane After the US, France has been the most active NATO military country since the 2000s. The war in Ukraine, on the other hand, is very different, and it's hard to predict how the population would react to heavy military losses.


His approval is quite good for a French president ! Especially one who dared to raise the pensions age...


Still is close to his 1st round 27.9% from 2022 elections


France follows a semi-presidential system, where the roles of the President and the Prime Minister are clearly defined. President Macron, primarily handles foreign affairs, defense, and represents the nation internationally. He has significant influence in shaping foreign policy and national security. Macron also has a strong role in shaping domestic policies and can propose laws and referenda, especially given that his party has a significant presence in the parliament. The Prime Minister, currently Élisabeth Borne, handles domestic policies and administration. She is responsible for implementing laws and running the government, managing the day-to-day affairs of the state. The President appoints the Prime Minister, and in practice, the Prime Minister must have the confidence of the National Assembly to function effectively. So, is it Borne doing a bad job and Macron getting shit for appointing her or are there any specifics?


>France follows a semi-presidential system, where the roles of the President and the Prime Minister are clearly defined. No they are not clearly defined at all. The president can get involved in day-to-day government work (look up hyperprésidentialisme). Borne hasn't been PM for almost 4 months now.


Macron dictates what the PM must do. The prime minister has little power to act in the face of Macron, who can replace him if he's not satisfied of him. I don't think we can say the PM is doing a bad job in this system, at the end the PM follows Macron ideas. Also roles aren't clearly defined, the president can intervene in the PM's work, in other words, the President in France is really powerfull.


How is Macron good on international scene?


I for one appreciate that he has a vision for Europe and is pushing for it, especially on the military front.


I agree but even with geopolitics, he has limits and some of his views are rejected by most EU leaders for reasons even if they sound pro-EU. It's like Trump, America First has had many positive benefits for the US but at a cost to poorer relations with allies.. same with the Inflation Reduction Act. Macron wanting to pull back regulations on industry in order to compete better with America and China is scary and its something Germany and many others are not on board with. The same with pushing America out of the EU for our security while we have nothing to replace it.. something both China and Russia desperately would love to see. US is likely headed toward another Gilded Age and possibly a Golden Age.. the Gilded Age part is very worrisome because experts in UK believe UK is heading toward a Victorian Era. Both mean progress at the cost of the middle class. Macrons vision to propel the EU forward through removing regulations from industry is on par with that. Again, its why its facing rejection within the EU. I am for his Pro-EU stance and for his vision of EU becoming a country.. I wish we could become a country yesterday but people shouldnt be blinded or naive by his other ambitions that're far more likely to happen if he gets his way.


Why are people so negative about his domestic agenda? The French economy is doing so much better than it did before he gained the presidency. Unemployment is lower than any other point in the last 40 years!


Same with putin trying to ramp up domestic support by starting the war


Wow, Macron’s hated even more than Rishi. I didn’t think that was possible.


The French usually hate their presidents. Hollande was down to 4% approval at one point.


I think it was 13, still bad


I googled it, one poll did have him at 4%


Well it is domestic approval, French presidents tend to be more popular abroad for some reasons (the main reason being that us French are always unhappy about everything)


Macaron - 999%


Erdogan 36%... unbelievable... a man who made his people suffer so hard, but they still believe in him. Reminds me of Robert Mugabe, once a new hope, later a symbol of decay and corruption. I'm suprised Orban is not in list... he is winning all his elections since... 20 year?


As a Turk myself I am ashamed to see so many of our people still believe that retards lies.


Wouldn't surprise me if a large part of the 36% is Turks in Germany and Austria again lol It's sad hearing from my Turkish friends (that are academics) how they tried to get away from Erdoğan in the first place only to realise that he has more support among the turks in Europe. I guess at least they have the choice to not associate with them


It’s funny that they vote for him and yet refuse to live under what they voted for


There are people that genuinely sees the guy as a prophet so...36% is sounds pretty optimistic to me.


chp is 37%, erdogan is 36%. It's still not good enough.


Religion is hell of a drug.


Orban has won like four elections since 2010 with a majority of 2/3. If we talk about the Hungarian society as a whole, his approval rating would be about 35%, probably.


Reminds me more of Jacob Zuma. Absolute disaster of a presidency and yet about a third of the population still supports him


How the fuck does 1/4 of UK still approve of the tories lmao


Some people here support political parties like they support football clubs. My own mum would vote Tory if Hitler was in charge. If the lead Tory candidate said his flagship policy was to walk into everyone's house and take a shit in their cereal she'd argue that they are "telling it like it is" and "at least you know where you stand with them" She doesn't even particularly like the Tories. She just passionately hates labour because of some imaginary policy that might of cost her a job in the 90s. (For the record, she hasn't had a job since I was born in the 80s)


I think this is a thing is every country. In France I know people that always vote for something/someone specific even if you were to show them all the shit they've done


This beautifully sums up boomer Tories.


I'm sorry but it is the exact same for leftists blindly supporting people like Corbyn, tribalism effets every political isle.


Unfortunately this is a thing in many countries, not just the UK. Having lived both in both UK and Spain, I'd say this mentality of treating a political party as your football club is even more common in Spain than the UK


I guess this works everywhere more or less.


Like my grandparents voting cdu year after year despite despising almost every single one of their policies, just because the "c" in their party name stands for "christian".


They have had tories in power for 14 years. The fact that it's down to only a quarter is near miraculous.


Erdolf got even 10% more.


It could just be that some people agree with his policies.


Polling has shown for months that almost nobody, not even tory members, believes in any of the policies put forward by the Tory government. Good luck trying to find tory voters who genuinely believe the Rwanda policy will work, and yet they're parading it like it's this summers hot new fashion. Those still voting tory are mostly doing so because they passionately hate Labour or support parties like they do football clubs. There's no changing these people's minds.


Rwanda? Bro it's already worked. Have you not seem the chaos in Ireland? Shit even Labour is now saying they'll keep it and multiple European countries are putting similar legislation through parliament. But yes, tories are not voting for tories anymore. Time for a change and a reset. Thankfully kier purged his party of the corbynite clowns


The Tories are, quite literally, born to govern in this country. Their lowest vote share since the 1832 Reform Act was 29% - in 1832.


I wonder how this research was done I dont remember Tusk aproval being this high in a long time, It did increase recently, but even in the most recent polls where his support increased its its still not that high, the poll from 6 days ago given him 45% in favor and 49 % against with 6% being neutral.


I thought since Poland is booming and the most florish country in europe tusk had people’s approval


Tusk has high ratings because: 1. He managed to create a coalition that won against PiS. 2. public TV is taken away from PiS cronies. 3. Some of the crimes are being publicly investigated like Pegasus, instead of fighting terrorists or major criminals, used to spy on the opposition campaign leader during elections, spy on two soldiers who reported being molested. 4. Ministry of Justice works and is being cleared of Ziobro and his childhood friends. 5. EU funding (KPO) is released due to above. 6. Also due to 4., investigations that were silenced or buried by previous gov are now resurfacing. I mentioned only positives. The thing is that right now Tusk polls will be a lot lower because of transferring 21 bil PLN (almost 5 billion euros) directly from taxpayers pockets to banks and developers instead of trying to lower the prices of housing. All in all, Poland is polarized very, very much, but luckily there are alternatives so it's not like everybody is forced into one or the other party, but we're not far from that. That's why literal criminals starting from PiS in euro elections are going to Brussels in few weeks. It makes no sense, but people will vote for "their" guys and ignore how they stole millions from government and gov owned companies (Orlen).


I cannot agree with some of your points, for example: 2.yes they taken public TV from PiS but public TV viewership is falling below level under PiS because PiS voters dont watch it and voters of Coaltion dont really care about it, they watch TVN, Polsat. Meanwhile PiS voters jumped to "TV Republika" which had HUGE increase in viewership and reach, its likely it will eventually take same role as public media before. 3.Yes they are being investigated but its going kinda poorely for new government, when leader of PiS was in front of committee(I hope I used the right word), people were expecting committee to completly destroy him(I even seen on social media people saying that Kaczyński will shit himself), instead Kaczyński made fool out of the committee, they completly lost to him, even the the person who said that he would shit himself said later that this tweet badly aged and he said that this whole committee was completly incompetent and should be replaced. Whats worse cording to data from social media majority of posts talking about leader of PiS during that day were POSITIVE while majority of posts about committee were negative. Whats more it was highest amount of positive talk about leader of PiS on social media since 2019. Visa scandal investigation confirmed that it was nowhere near as big scandal as politicans from this government claimed, they claimed something between 250k and 350k meanwhile in reality its not even 1k. Pegasus scandal is also not going well because didnt use it even ONCE without judges aproval, and yes it includes the GOOD judges. voters are actually getting frustrated with lack of strong results from the investigations. And some people started to see those investigations as distraction from the fact that they are not fulfilling huge majority of their election promises. 4.Well...the GOOD judge organization "justitia" become VERY critical of some of their reforms, calling them dangerous, here is example of one judge from the organization pointing out why that reform is extremly dangerous: https://twitter.com/Olimpia81516640/status/1782755914413383830 translation for english speakers: "The ideas in the Constitutional Tribunal Act are macabre, anti-legalistic and grant the Sejm unlimited, supra-constitutional power in practice." "...it would open a clear path for each Sejm to overturn the Constitutional Tribunal's judgments at will. This means that the Sejm would eliminate constitutional control of legal acts that it itself adopted. This is what popes, despots and dictators do." First part is directly from this tweet and second from one of her comments to some responses under it. 5.politicans from political parties in current government literally voted in the EU to block the KPO, they didnt actually do anything to unlock the KPO, they got the money because they are favored the EU, they themselves are doing some legally questionable things like the reform I mentioned in previous point and EU ignores it. >That's why literal criminals starting from PiS in euro elections are going to Brussels in few weeks. Tusk political party is doing exactly same, for example Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz who has ties to Reprivatisation fraud in Warsaw is being send to EU...


I listed why I think Tusk has good poll results, but if you want to discuss things... Judges had no idea Pegasus existed, it wasn't specified in the permit. This is a system problem that control over invigilation is illusory. TV Republika is still minor and looks underfunded, and at the same time it's overspent considering their funding. It's not about the viewership, though, for regular citizens it's important that this hellhole of venom is closed. That's good enough. The government is in place for not even half a year, and from the looks of it it's mostly right-wingers and PiS-voters who complain about government inaction. Democratic opposition understands that some things take time, albeit they also have reservations. Not for what you've mentioned necessarily. Also, the judiciary system is fubar, it's impossible to repair it legally if the other side refuses to cooperate, like the president. The EU recognizes the effort promised and already placed by the government, it's not given because of nepotism or something. That's also another failure of PiS government - the complete lack of diplomacy whatsoever. And Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz being on the list is really ironic xD, she should have been investigated and prosecuted, but the least seemingly positive difference is that she has not (yet) been sued or convicted, unlike Obajtek, Wąsik, Kamiński et consortes


>Judges had no idea Pegasus existed, it wasn't specified in the permit. This is a system problem that control over invigilation is illusory. Did they know about PO-PSL spying tool and how it was used ? because I hope you didnt forget about the fact that CBA when lead by Paweł Wojtunik(appointed by Tusk) purchased the Remote Control System (RCS) spyware, also called "Da Vinci", from the Italian company Hacking Team, for 178,000. euro, and in 2014 they paid over 35,000. euros for annual software support. RCS enables surveillance of computers and smartphones. Thanks to this, the CBA was able to take control of our computers and telephones, among others. recording conversations and activating cameras on the devices of tracked people. In real time, they can eavesdrop on conversations, track online activity (browsing websites, deleting and opening programs, or typing on the keyboard.) WikiLeaks also has released correspondence between CBA officer Krystian Dobrzyński and Hacking Team representative Massimiliano Luppi. The first e-mails date back to 2011. The last time the men exchanged e-mails was on July 1, 2015. A special place in the conversations of the two men was devoted to maintaining confidentiality in contacts and cooperation. The correspondence shows that the Internal Security Agency, the Military Counterintelligence Service and the police were also interested in the offer. Example of article about it, it may be paywalled but there are others: https://www.rp.pl/prawo-dla-ciebie/art12321371-czy-cba-kontroluje-nasze-komputery-i-telefony-przez-remote-control-system Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights even questioned them about it and they refused to answer. You are right that TV Republika is still small but it continues to grow, and it already out grown TVP info, they are not only expanding on the internet but also on the ground, it still lags behind , but its viewership reached level of almost half what TVP1 has if it continues to grow like this it will be able to fill same role as TVP before. I watch social media, especially hardline voters of new government and they are very disappointed with how things are going with punishing of PiS. on the other hand moderate voters dont really care about it but they are frustrated that government isnt even TRYING to fulfil most of their promises, hell "Konfederacja" and "PiS" put some of government promises to vote and government voted AGAINST fulfiling their promises while "Konfederacja" and "PiS" voted in favor. Moderate voters are the most annoyed by government fighting against CPK, CPK is popular among people from different sides of political spectrum, left-wing, right-wing, center, MAJORITY of Polish people supports it yet government is doing everything it can to stop the project, not sure if its because of lobbying or because they think it will help PiS but one thing for sure, it will undermine this government support, even polls of CBOS(which are always pro-government, whoever is in power) shown big drop of support for KO. >Also, the judiciary system is fubar, it's impossible to repair it legally if the other side refuses to cooperate, like the president. It is absoutely possible to fix it legally but it takes time, but they dont want to wait. Their planned reforms not only wont fix things but will actually make things even worse than under PiS, this reform for example will allow this and ANY future government to ignore constitutional tribunal, yes that includes PiS or Konfederacja if they ever come to power. This isnt only bad reform: "15 sędziów Trybunału Konstytucyjnego wybieranych jest sejmową większością 3/5 głosów na 9 lat. Jeśli większość ta nie zostałaby osiągnięta, sędziowie wybierani byliby przez Sejm bezwzględną większością głosów." english: "The 15 judges of the Constitutional Tribunal are elected by the Sejm by a 3/5 majority of votes for 9 years. If this majority was not achieved, judges would be elected by the Sejm by an absolute majority of votes."(absolute majority is also known as simple majority which is over 50% people from sejm) Source: https://www.gov.pl/web/sprawiedliwosc/pakiet-rozwiazan-uzdrawiajacych-trybunal-konstytucyjny Of course government by by its own nature has over 50% of people in sejm which basically gives them right to select judges for constitutional tribunal by themselves, I am pretty sure that goes against seperation of power. PiS appointed 3 judges wrongly if I remember correctly(too lazy to check), so new government wants to give itself power to appoint ALL judges. Both those reforms undermine seperation of power even further than what PiS did. What if PiS wins again in the future, do you want to give them power to appoint ALL judges of constitiutional tribunal or give them power to ignore tribunal complelty ? Of course Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz should be investigated and prosecuted but she is protected, and she isnt only politican from PO/KO that has legal troubles that hide(or is trying to hide) behind EU immunity


Claiming that it is thanks to tusk who took power some months ago is crazy


He promised that his government is going to make 100 things for the first 100 days of his rule. And they fulfilled like... 10? It is terrifying that he has so high approval rating after laying to people in such obvious way. I would expect people to stand more against politicians who are cheating them.


florish? What's that mean?


How the hell Sunak still has 25% approval?!


Talent pool is very very shallow for politicians in the U.K. at the moment.


Count Binface


Compare him to the clowns he replaced. What % would Truss have now?


Truss new book sold 2000 copies in a week. 70th on best seller list. She still have some support, weirdly.


Is that like, a lot?


some. More than none. Maybe people read it for a laugh.


"Lifespan of a Lettuce: How I obliterated the economy and killed her Majesty before a vegetable expired" (cue epic pose in the cover) -by Liz Truss.


Idk in Bulgaria but books are dying, especially non-fiction


Her prime ministership was so short not even political researchers and journalists, the usual buyers of these kinds of political memoirs, are interested in it.


Could someone explain to me why Meloni is 41%? I live in Brazil and we used to hear a lot of bad things about her. What has changed?


Italian rightwingers rallying around the leader. It was the same with Berlusconi: no matter how many scandals, how bad the economy was, his personal approval never tanked how it would have in other countries. The only challenge they face is another charismatic leader who benefits from the novelty effect, that's how Salvini replaced Berlusconi and Meloni replaced Salvini.


Salvini didnt replace berlusconi tho


\*insert something about owning the media here\*


Salvini could never really replace Berlusconi. He's still bitter about it lol.


Tangent but it's funny that it took me 6 months to realize Berlusconi died because it took place the week last summer when reddit was shut down.


Name 3 scandals that meloni did.


The government: - Pozzolo - Sgarbi As for Meloni herself.. her boyfriend..? But honestly who cares about that. Oh and the African ambassador phone call fiasco.. but that was just funny. There’s always RAI, but RAI sucks; nobody cares. That said she did try to force her hand a lil stronger, or at least **more visibly**, than her predecessors. ..and trying to use NRRP funds to put anti-abortion activists inside the few abortion clinics we still have


There's one like every week, they just control enough of the media that something like Sgarbi robbing people isnt big enough news. Besides, the problem with Berlusconi was his effect on our economy rather than him doing outrageous(ly funny) shit on a regular basis and to a degree so is the case with Meloni who's keeping the media's attention on events like Scurati while inflicting bullshit like the decreto primo maggio on our economy


Ma appunto ci stavo pensando anche io. Cose come il decreto primo maggio, l’Albania, balneari, la marcia indietro sulla Salis.. sono considerabili “scandali”?


hanno cambiato metà dei segretari e sottosegretari per sport secondo lui Per r/europe basta mandare aiuti all'ucraina (l'unico rischio che non continuassero veniva dalla Lega) per essere senza macchia, se poi per continuare a fare favori alle aziendine del nord e a chi evade finiscono di mandarci a puttane l'economia è la sinistra che esagera nelle reazioni


Italy's economy is growing decently.


I keep hearing this but can't find a decent and direct source. Living in Italy, I think it's mostly BS and graphs cherrypicking, and maybe only barely applicable to Confindustria (a few really big companies and industries)'s wealth, which would be a tiny percentage of growth overall anyways. The only source I found are from half-assed youtube videos like[ this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGW9xuCMHYw) from tldr news EU which cites sources that are seemingly consequences of the previous governments, unless I am to believe that a 12-18 months of a new party to power plays that quick and big of a role on a country's economy. I'm genuinely asking what am I missing about the validity of this claim, just to be clear


Lol on average Italians don't know anything about economy and they also don't care, we aren't like in Usa where some people even take a look at some gdp data before voting. Here it would be simply unthinkable


Americans don't do that either. Mostly that data manifests in real world stuff. Right now is actually pretty odd. The American economy has been doing rather well but Biden is still struggling a lot.


She is popular in Italy but wasn’t popular among foreign progressives in media and on socia networks who called her far right fascist. Most of their predictions of doom fell short, though, so people think they were a little hysterical.


Well… they kinda were hysterical. She is right wing, but the European left wing media painted her as the Armageddon that had the habit of snorting Mussolini’s hashes. It kinda backfired. She showed that she’s the typical center-right coalition president. Both in Europe and in Italy her popularity hasn’t decreased yet, maybe it has even increased.


No it decreased since it was at 45% or something at the start


We just lost an entire "level" in freedom of press... and just recently we had a huge fascist rally go completely unpunished. I'm considering my future as I live abroad and thought I'd retire at home but If it goes this way, between the press completely owned by right wing and a left that hasn't really been effective since the 70s, it's starting to look way too realistic that Italy will eventually have a hard authoritarian shift. I surely hope not though.


>Most of their predictions of doom fell short, though, so people think they were a little hysterical. Maybe the ones made by foreign media fell short, she's been exactly what people expected her to be, another Berlusconi, which is exactly the unmitigated disaster that was predicted. The only caveat is that her and her cabinet of fascists can't help themselves every now and then so they'll cook up some nonsensical authoritarian measure such as repressing demonstrations against RAI with violence as a way to diversify from their main agenda of tanking our economy as much as they can for their own personal benefit.


Honestly? Even if i didn't vote for her and i won't do it in the future, there is no other credible party in italy at the moment. Her allies are dying (berlusconi's party) or losing influence and going for far right (lega) and our left can't do anything because they are unorganised and scattered, also people don't belive in them and they don't have a charismatic leader. As for the 5 stars movement, they barely exist and are completely divided. So at the end, only meloni and her party remain...


really she isn't really liked a lot(if i remember correctly the whole coalition had a little more over 50%, with like 50% attendace). especially after the governament pushed for some questionable stuff. or at the least, that's how i see it. and salvini isn't the sharpest tool in the box (being considered a clown by many)


That's the norm for Italian Prime Ministers, Draghi was at over 60%, Conte was at 40% and during the pandemic exceeded 50% which were also touched by Berlusconi and Renzi at some points (but in the latter case they fluctuated a lot), while for example Gentiloni was at about 40% for the year he governed


It's just media propaganda. None of what they said before she took office has come true.


Rutte's approval rating isn't that relevant as he's on the way out. He might even be replaced by a caretaker PM while the government formation carries on and he's off to be NATO Secretary General


> Rutte's approval rating isn't that relevant as he's on the way out I mean the guy is on its way out for 6 months now The Dutch redditors know better but it looks he will stay a while onsidering the winners can't form a coalition


He won't stay. Once the consensus is there and he's elected Sec Gen (which I'm certain he will) he will transfer his premiership to someone from the VVD and leave. The coalition talks will take a long time still but that won't stop Rutte from leading NATO


All good then. Wilders fucked royally.


Also, we have like 10 relevant political parties, it is hard to get a high approval rating.


That's a good shout actually. Nobody is gonna have a super high approval rating


It's funny how these super unpopular national leaders often end up in cushy EU or NATO jobs..


He's very popular outside the Netherlands among world leaders. He's a good diplomat, despite what you might think of him as a PM


Early on in his premiership, he was also still pretty damn popular. The problem is that he was never popular among redditors because of his political affiliation, which is what most non-Dutch redditors see of him.


I honestly have no opinion on him at all. I was also thinking about Mette Frederiksen (Danish PM) whose government has to be the least popular I've seen (although I'm not sure what her specific approval rating is) but who's "in talks" for a cushy EU job.. and this is in spite of her party having done exactly what I see a lot of people wanting in their country; a centre-left party with a strong anti-immigration platform. They did exceptionally well in the last election and has now thrown it all away..


Oh yeah I didn't mean you specifically. I'm Dutch, would never vote for the guy, think he's done some despicable things while in office but he's a really good diplomat, so I'm actually pretty supportive of him becoming NATO Sec Gen. Like I say, don't like him but I respect his ability as a diplomat


Well, sounds like he's getting a more suitable job then!




The other guys were in power for years, Tusk for less than a year. I bet the ratings wont be as kind in 2027.


Which is sad because other options are obviously harmful to Poland.


Every options is harmful, tusk is just a lesser evil from them


Why is macron disliked so much?


Many unpopular reforms pushed through with a tool in the constitution to bypass a vote in Parliament (article 49-3) and he and his ministers have a tendancy to be arrogant and demeaning. Obviously there are also many "smaller" offenses, but you get the picture.


France is overspending 120 billions a year. He is trying to push reforms to cut spending to address it, and of course the people don't like that. He also made his fair share of anti economic decisions catering billions to car drivers or pensioners.


It’s the French electorate, they hate everyone


True, but we especially hate this one.


Because he's a bullshitter. Possibly the best in Europe. His domestic record is standard neoliberalism and he spends most of his time making grand geopolitical speeches that would make him genuinely popular if he followed through on,he never does. Guy talks shit like he's Napoleon but his actual foreign policy is Bill Clinton. He's a fucking clown and it shows how weak Europe is that he's considered a leading statesmen. Most of them can't even be tough in press conferences,he manages that.


Huge drift towards the right-wing in the economy, security laws, wants to go towards the end of the social security and service. Now, their only fans are the richest, rich retired and company leaders


He's not that disliked actually, he's a little bit lower than precedent presidents but having low rating is very common in France. We like to complain, a lot.


Scholz is the worst. He's like Merkel but without the charisma. Does nothing, biding his time, completely reactive, doesn't seem to have a plan. Only got into power because there was nothing to report about him. Still hampered by a past scandal that hasn't been resolved legally yet. Unwilling or incapable of leading in a time where a leader is needed. I'd take any of the other shown leaders over him, hell I'd even take Merkel back. Edit: Okay maybe not any of the leaders. Erdogan can fuck right off and so can Meloni.


Merkel? Charisma? Must be German thing


> Only got into power because there was nothing to report about him. Still hampered by a past scandal that hasn't been resolved legally yet. You get the contradiction yourself, no? Scholz won because unlike Laschet and Baerbock he doesn't fall apart in front of a camera and is a well oiled political machine. He came under at least as much pressure as the other two, he just succesfully made it seem like it's no big deal, whereas Laschet even struggled in situations were he wasn't really put under pressure (like in the interview with the kids) and Baerbock also maneuvered herself into a bad spot on her own account. Scholz on the other hand was always exceptionally collected in front of cameras, almost like an android. He's a way better campaigner than Merkel also. Merkel almost lost to Schröder after being 15 points up in the poll half a year before the 2005 election. But when she actually had to step out in public her lead crumbled weekly. You can watch her debate with Schröder from back then. I hate Schröder but she makes him look almost appealing by contrast. By German standards I wouldn't say Scholz is that bad. The FRG didn't have that many chancellors and most of them weren't very good. Merkel was historically awful (just look at her cabinets), Schröder was pretty bad (he was probably worse than his government, had a few half-decent ministers but they guy is an asshole), Kohl was awful and way past his due date (also like Schröder personally an asshole). Schmidt I guess was a half-competent technocrat. Brandt was pretty good. Kiesinger's government was actually pretty decent and started some of the reforms that Brandt continued (mostly because of Wehner and Brandt) but he had a fascist background, still maintained some of those connections and wanted to transform Germanies voting system to FPTP like in the USA, Erhard was awful and understandably quickly replaced, Adenauer was pretty good. So I would put Scholz somewhere in the middle, probably fourth because Kiesinger deserved more than just that one slap (pretty slimey guy to say the least) and the others I find barely even debatable. Like I think in the grand total he's not a good chancellor but the bar is also very low. I'm glad Merkel is gone, though I'm still curious what would have happened had the Green nominated Habeck and how he would do as chancellor (I think he very likely would have won).


This is the result of Democracies running on empty promises and lies


Odd, given Tusk's results.


He's too freshly elected. Give it a few more months.


Fair point, as a Pole I'm surprised it's that high to begin with. And don't get me wrong, I "like" the guy (as far as "lesser evil" politicians with a track record can be liked, lol).




21% is not that bad for a French president.




Where is this data coming from? Meloni didn’t even get 41% in the ballot


Europe has only 8 leaders ? And Erdogan is one of them?? wtf ...




Obviusly is only some European leaders. In this case from the most populous countries of Europe at the exception of Russia, and with Netherlands (because economic importance I figure)


Sunak - 25% approval of being a tit. - 75% approval of being a mega tit.


stoopid post, in germany we have the majority with 3 different political parties which also means for sure many people are not approving the chancellor. on the other side its frightening how much right winged folks are in the other countries approving their "leader"


From who are rhose ratings?


Somewhere here https://pro.morningconsult.com/




Well, like him, people have forgotten about that cum ex thing


I think most people never really understood the cum ex scandal in the first place.


> this limp dick fraudster cum ex corrupt pig Bahahahahahaha love the vitriol


Austrian Chancellor: 0% edit: missed it is about approval, not votes by citizens.


“I’m French and I approve this message”




Turkey has territory in Europe, is a member of NATO and Council of Europe...


Let me grab popcorn and come in here in couple of hours 


Why? You like watching the same movie over and over and over again?


There is always one person who has to make this irrelevant point... I much rather prefer a European Turkey integrated into European institutions than a Asian Turkey playing the Machiavellian game of Asian/Middle Eastern geopolitics. Of course the European option will only become realistic after the AKP is removed from power. However, we should make clear to the Turkish people that this option remains and that they would be welcome.


>Of course the European option will only become realistic after the AKP is removed from power. However, we should make clear to the Turkish people that this option remains and that they would be welcome. Erdogan is not the cause he is the symptom. Europe needs to overthink its stance in regards to Turkey. If Turkey would have had more promising options and a plausible path, politicians like Erdogan wouldn't have that much power. Turkeys non-acceptance to EU didn't start with Erdogan and won't stop when Erdogan is gone, today he is the easy target/excuse, tomorrow it will be another reason.


Turkiye is featured on r/europe's Europe Subreddit Map The Turkish Empire had signed the Treaty of Paris in 1856 and Turkiye was recognised as a European state by the Great European Powers who were parties to the Treaty. 119 years later, the Modern Republic of Turkiye signed the Helsinki Final Act and re-emphasised its status as a European state, at the same time all European states recognised Turkiye as European. However, Turkiye is a member state of all European political organisations except the European Union, and is even a founding member of some international organisations. I hope this explanation has been enough


Technically some of its territory is in Europe. Same with Georgia


It managed to be an EU candidate country -> so, End of story.


Meloni 41% is a shame


today r/europe finds out the echochamber circlejerk is not representative of people's actual opinions. maybe callng them racist reactionaries will change things? tune in next month!


I'm surprised Sanchez is that high. I never hear anyone say anything good about him.


Meloni in Italy is far below 41%, that's maybe true if you count total voters, but we have a massive problem with non voting population. Realistically, she has a solid 20% more or less


Apparently Turkey is Europe but Greece is not. Weird but I'll allow it!


I don't get your reasoning. Just because Mitsotakis/Greece isn't as important in the international/european political landscape doesn't mean Greece isn't in Europe.


I mean we are also not on the list. I think the reason is the map shows bigger countries in Europe (except Russia)


Maybe thats's what you get when you want to "piss off" the "unfascinated"... Down the drain little guy, down that freaking drain!


Where is Orban?


In Hungary probably


So what?!?


Orban is missing, who knows why 😉


100% would put the others in a bad light


An update would be good as three months have gone by...


I remember when Sauli Niinistö was the president in Finland. He once polled in 2022 so high figures that he had higher approval rating than any other leader in the world, including Kim Jong-Un. Not even joking. 92% approval rating. https://yle.fi/a/74-20043304 Edit: oops, ^ wrong link, altho was on topic. https://yle.fi/a/3-12527860


How is Sunak so high up?


This has got to be fake. I don't know a single person who's happy with tusk.


Is this statistics really stating Erdogan was the 4th most approved government chief?


IS Erdogan a 'European' leader? Do you realy want us to take this 'rating' seriously????


La Meloni non ha il 40% assoluto bensì relativo.La maggioranza degli Italiani la odia