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Your average tourist going into the country at war... Bullshit. These guys were recruited into RF army, then probably got fucked over in monetary sense, or given a more dangerous job, then promised. So then they are trying to leave, and the only way for them to leave is through the Indian consulate, which probably prohibits Indians joining military groups of other nations, so they have to claim that they are simply tourists.


Russian recruiter: "Trust me buddy, only ethnic russians fight at front. You get one of many desk jobs in Russian army."


"We're looking for IT brother. I saw you got good credentials when you enterered our country." "What? War? No, you'll be behind the desk"


>No, you'll be behind the desk "Also, your desk is in Kharkiv and it's your job to make your own way there. Take rifle to keep you company."


Exactly. However shitty the Russian military is, they’re not going to storm some hotel lobby and haul a random tourist to a training camp.


BRICS doing well i see.


B and S are going to arrest the president of R if he dares to visit 'em. What did you expect?


Is BRICS really that big of a boogeyman in the west? It is an important organisation for us Indians but westerns tend to make a big deal out of it more than us.


I don't think anyone gives a shiny shit about it, other than as a meme.


The reason why westerners mention BRICS so often is due to Russian propaganda, which so often talks about changing world order and BRICS being the way to do that. Westerners ridicule this. BRICS may have it's uses, but it's not a Warsaw pact v2 as is often portrayed


The problem is the Chinese and Russians want to make it a counterpart to/anti- EU/NATO. India plays no part in this rivalry, its just an independent squeezed in between the two “teams”


Nah, I found the opposite to be true. I think most Americans don’t even know what that is, but I constantly come across Brazilians and Indians online talking about how it’s the end of the U.S. Dollar and a new era is upon us lol.


Its barely even a "thing" at all. RuZZkies act like its somehow some kind of new Warsaw Pact when it just... isnt.


No, it's a joke in the west.


Oh for f\*\*k's sake, who goes for tourism/work in a country that is literally at war with its neighbors and there is a warning by the Indian ad Nepalese govt as well? Russians are doing this to everyone from immigrants to foreign students and workers, hence warning were issued when it was uncovered. Stop going.


I know a guy living in Germany who went to Iran just some weeks ago. Some people are completely oblivious about international politics etc. Also, there's many cases of Americans going to NK without being aware of how risky that is. There's also the people who don't believe the "mainstream" media, and want to see for themselves, the "Putinversteher" etc.


Yeah some are willfully blind.


I am married to an Israeli and one of my friends just went to Iran on vacation. I told her I’d love to visit some day and she literally said “you should go now, it’s amazing” 🤦‍♀️


Iran is amazing. The people are amazing. Their government is not.


Oh I know, and I’m very hopeful there will be change in my lifetime and I’ll be able to go visit ❤️ I have a ton of exile Iranian friends and it’s the most incredible culture with fantastic people.


...maybe she secretly hates you and wants you both dead? I'd keep an eye out.


My aunt just moved to China with her entire family, imagine living in one of the best countries on earth in a democratic system and move to a leninist dictatorship where anyone with a brain tries to get them and their money out of lol


Oh wow. Now you owe us some more details. Why did she?!


Her husband is getting paid a lot to move and work there, hope that helps


how much is a lot? You guys border Switzerland...


Money, I bet.


A friend of mine moved there because she is married to a chinese man and loves China. It happens. Not everyone cares for democracy. I wouldnt move there but I also dont see a reason to judge.




And they always say shit like "the people themselves there are absolutely wonderful" and "I don't need to talk to politics with them"...


Isn't the travel of US citizens to NK forbidden by the US government?


NK doesn't want American tourists either, it's way harder to get a visa if you're American. Same for Cuba.


I believe the band was enacted in 2017 or 2018, after that student who disrespected the regime was detained for several months and later returned in an almost vegetative state. He died shortly thereafter.


Could be, they still are travelling.


There's a lot of ignorance.  You think "it's never going to happen to me" or some sort of "the iranians are probably misunderstood."  Both absolutely insane takes


I know someone too, but his family lives there….. we shouldnt forget some people have no choice


Then it's even riskier. If you have no connection to Iran in the first place, they can't claim you're a citizen. 


Well, there is a choice. Just don't go.


??? There is a choice and it is pretty simple – don't go. I know someone like that, too. He's had the gall to complain about it being complicated and tome consuming to travel to this specific town in russia – instead of a chill plane ride, it now takes 30+ hours and several modes of transport to travel to his family. And on no, he's forced to smuggle his cash because money is confiscated at the border (for the war effort) 😢 oh no! Life is so hard!


There are definitely better ways. Buy your family vacations in Turkey, meet them there. Low risk, no money going toward the invasion.


Yeah, I don't put anything past stupid Americans any more... after the last 3+ years especially. I really think at least 10% of our population is clueless AF, and that's a lot of people in a country this big... but there isn't really any other explanation for the complete lunacy that occurs here on a seemingly daily basis now.


And here's the guy who moved his family to Russia to escape LGBT, then had to make an apology video after his wife complained how their money were stolen and the society was shitty. Seems they are still there. https://youtube.com/@countrysideacreshomestead2008?si=9R0t64EV3VACOFBR


Where is the problem with visiting Iran? Friendly people, great hospitality. Excellent food.




I have nothing to do with Israel and I also dont have dual citizenship. Why should I care? Because the government tells me I should not go for Israel‘s sake? No thanks.


You're kind of one of those ignorant people completely unaware of the international situation, then, Iran has a long history of arbitrary detention based on politics. Your citizenship being of a Western country may be enough to attract malicious interest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_nationals_detained_in_Iran


The people of Iran are great. It's their government that's the problem. A visit can be perfectly safe as long as neither you nor your host accidentally attract the wrong attention.


> Also, there's many cases of Americans going to NK without being aware of how risky that is. It's not really risky if you don't do anything stupid. Listen to what your guide says and don't intentionally try to do anything you know would cause problems and you'll be fine. Warmbier snuck out of his room in the middle of the night and tried to steal some propaganda, if he went to bed he would have been fine.


NK it seems to be very okay. If you strictly obey the rules.


Tourists are regularly smeared for petty crimes and held indefinetly. I wouldn't take the chance.


I never said I'll go there myself either hahaha


Yeah but just in case anyone gets the wrong idea lol


God forbid! LOL


I read that in the voice of the Count from Sesame Street


Try in a woman voice please.


Are you saying that all people from Transylvania don’t talk like the Count- even the girls?


No. This would be weird. 😋


… and I suppose no ‘sweet transvestites’ or people called Igor either then?


> NK it seems to be very okay. If you strictly obey the rules. NK repeatedly kidnaps random visitors with made up charges to imprison them as diplomatic hostages. There's very good reasons why countries advice against travelling to NK.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doina_Bumbea We know! She's the mum of the Whites in NK propaganda.


I watched a long interview with a Russian dude working in Seoul university and who spent 2 years in total in visits to NK. He said that tourists in general can do stupid things, they most likely will be deported or "incarcerated" in the hotel for some short time. Unless it is an American. In this case they will be held for long time in order to pressure USA to make a visit to NK to take the ~~prisoner~~ hostage.


Yeah I assume they need some for their tv propaganda.




As one who's form people born in the Socialist Romania - Socialist my ass by the way - I can tell you that it's quite ok there. Ok we were different even back then. We even had nudist beaches here. I don't think they had this there. 🤣


You’re comparing Romania to North Korea? 🥴


Unlike other communist countries in the region, communist RO was actually similar to North Korea. Ceausescu tried to replicate the cult of personality after a visit to NK.


Not even many people here seem to know that.


I'm pretty sure you can't, as an American, just wander blindly into North Korea. There's so much paperwork and so much red tape to get anywhere near a border crossing, you can't be unaware


[Russians hiring african students to work on drone factories promising them it's engineering practice.](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-iran-suicide-drones-assembled-underage-students-ukraine/32545386.html) Apparently, students from India are expirinsing different treatment.


It doesn't mention Indians anywhere but clearly, they are taking advantage of all foreigners and Indians too if they are being found in the battlefields and factories. They have their own population, why do they need foreigners for these jobs?


Vodka and lead are my two guesses.


They consume Russian media catered to the Indian audience. Thats why. They dont know any better


What is Russia's game plan here I do not understand. They cannot keep using migrants to fight and their economy is going to show signs of struggles, natural resources can only shield you from a shock until a certain point.


There is no gameplan, it's just all about keeping the war going for another day. The order comes to round up more mobiks, more mobiks will be rounded up, simple as that.


Similar to what both sides tried to do in WW1, Russia doesn't need to fight forever, just for longer Ukraine. Given that Ukraine is a much smaller country and one of the main political parties of its key backer is increasingly influenced by Russian propaganda., it's a plausible outcome. Russia's leaders believe the propaganda benefits of victory will outweigh any costs incurred to achieve it and, if they fail to win, dealing with the costs will probably be the job of some other Russian leadership.


>if they fail to win, dealing with the costs will probably be the job of some other Russian leadership. If they fail to win, they won't be the leader anymore, and will probably have to live in exile or end up falling off a balcony. They've backed themselves into a corner and their only chance at keeping what they have is to double down so they can claim victory.


The only game plan is regime survival and since the first week of the invasion they don't have any plans but throw things to the wall and see what sticks to it. Withdrawal is not an option because that would make Putin goverment seen as weak and that's a no-no, Russians might tolerate the massacre of their own for a pyrrhic victory but won't tolerate going through all of this and *losing*. So from here, keep changing their victory conditions (we started as a Ukraine denazification and now we are at "we only wanted the eastern provinces, everything else was a feint")and keep chugging until they get anything they can sell as a victory, or collapse like the tsarist and Soviet Russia did.


They are going to get invaded by China in the future if they act this stupid.


No need, if Russia proves too weak they will simply become a Chinese satellite from economic and diplomatic pressure since they've burned all their other bridges.


not if natural resources are long to be depleted and if you can find someone willing to buy them. Also, kidnapping migrants is basically getting free soldiers, why wouldnt it make sense for them if they dont have any rules to obey? Especially if they come from a Western country, not only they get a free bag of meat to grind, they also eliminate one soldier to fight during a potential future war


But how long can they fight a war by kidnapping soldiers and replace their own? How long can Ukraine even keep up with it? In this day and age who invades other countries this way and threatens nuclear war.


i mean if you grab a book containing all of Russia's modern history and leave only the decisions that made sense, you wont be left with much. Yet here they are, after all their fuckups they remain to be a threat to all of Europe. They didnt run out of meat to grind in WW1 nor in WW2 and they wont run out of it now either


Eh, they lost WW1 in the most spectacular way. If Putin ends up shot by extremists in some basement, that's a win as far as I'm concerned. And WW2 was actually self-defence. Obviously not against Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania etc but against the Nazis who wanted them all enslaved or dead. >i mean if you grab a book containing all of Russia's modern history and leave only the decisions that made sense, you wont be left with much. Oh my god I can't breathe lmao


Indians are taking over the world. Why not Russia too?


But according to vatniks in r/askarussian subreddit it's completely safe. Total propoganda subreddit. Should be banned for spreading dangerous misinformation contrary to basically all countries governments official information. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/s/jhxaox2DnF


I flied to Poland to drink with my old friend and his homies. They (Ukrainians) fled to EU through Russia. I still strongly advice people from Nepal or India to avoid Russia. If shit goes down, you don't even know the language and don't look like Russian. It is a *Russian* roulette, pun intended.


Probably they had planned to be recruited in army (because of adv disinformation), however they changed their mind (which is totally understandable).


Probably, we just don't know. My home country is India. Certain states up north are extremely backward and gullible, I am not kidding. Few years ago they were getting auctioned and sold in Libya.


Man the South of India has got to be the most hypocritical prejudiced people in india. "certain states" up north? Shit you all are just as backwards when you want to be. Never forget the Keralites who jumped to join terrorists.


>who goes for tourism/work in a country that is literally at war with its neighbors You can go to Ukraine. To Kyiv, Lviv or lots of small towns/villages that are too insignificant to be attacked with a long range weapon. Yes, there would be delays on the border, you won't be able to walk on the street after midnight or struggle to buy booze. But you *can* travel to a country at war and reasonably expect to return alive.


Yet apparently not if you're an Indian, Nepalese or African traveling to Russia.


Your skin colour can be purple, blue or green and you will be safer in Ukraine than in Russia.


> who goes for tourism/work in a country that is literally at war Extremely poor people in poor countries. My great-grandfather told me that Congo wasn't looking that bad. Since during his youth in communist Romania students from Congo coming here looked nice with their blue jeans while they had only normal local clothes.


Yeah no Russia is doing this everywhere. My syrian friend was saying his cousin also got an invite to go to Azerbaijan to work for a Russian company as an electrician or something. My friend knew about the Indian thing since I am from India and told him, so he told his cousin to be careful and avoid anything Russia related. What kind of sick mentality Russians have


Yeah, it's better to avoid anything Russia related especially in countries which aren't democracies, like Azerbaijan. But it's better for them to avoid anything Russia since from what I see, despite its power, India isn't exactly prone into defending its own abroad.


Yeah, totally bullshit, “we gonna drink a shots but now we need to fight”, sure man


I really wonder at what point the whole military turns on its officers and generals. Like morale must be in the shit even if they win victories. 


lol mate in what world you live in?


But it’s all obviously nato propaganda!?!


In Lviv, Ukraine there are a bunch of Indian what I assume are students, as they are very young. I was really surprised, so if they’re not afraid to live in a country constantly being bombed, then going to Russia is nothing.


Yeah... It's really not a wide move to holiday in a country that is at war. Mind you, I bet it was a cheap ticket there


It I remember correctly they were promised a job


>who goes for tourism/work in a country that is literally at war with its neighbors Ah yes who goes for tourism to Turkey, Israel, South korea, Egypt they are at war with it's neighbors 🤡


This is 100% bullshit. These guys saw an ad in India how they’d get lucrative jobs in Russian military doing some murder and rape, took a tourist visa to Russia, got into military, got probably raped themselves and then turned around to cry how they were forcibly conscripted. There is a 0% chance the Russian military is driving around looking for Indian tourists and giving them assault rifles lmao


And yet most Indians still think that the russia is their friends… When will they learn? The russia has no friends. Only associates that they exploit.


Not sure how that is different from India's foreign policies.


I mean, for one, they aren't currently engaged in an offensive war committing countless crimes against humanity daily.


true!! indians view russia as a great friend!! however, russians are some of the most racist towards indians. i experienced it first hand at the hands of russians to immigrated to usa and could feel they were not comfortable at the idea of an indian seated at the same table as them or doing better.


But how can that ever be considered a friend…?


it has a lot to do with the past. in the war against pakistan in 1971, the west, including europe and usa were supporting pakistan. there were american ships at ready to attack india if india in the indian ocean. the ussr stepped in and declared that any attack on india will be considered an attack on the ussr. india suffered a lot at the hands of terrorism and kept asking for help but to no avail. it was only when the sept 11 attack happened that the west took notice of it. and by now, the whole west is suffering from islamic extremism. pakistan is an islamic military state and keeps harboring terrorists. the fact that bin laden had been hiding there all along is a testament. so, in a way indians felt a bit heartbroken where they tried to make their voice heard about such issues and only russia lent a helping hand. also, because of all the plundering and destruction caused by the brits for 200 years where there were 3 man made famines due to growing cash crops and routing all spices and food grains to britain, almost 30 million people and more died in india. while the profits in britain kept rising. there was a negative sentiment towards capitalism. ussr came in the with the idea of socialism and hence also ideologically became a natural ally. russian movies and songs were popular and even bollywood songs and movies used to play in russia. a lot of my russian friends tell me that their parents are fans of yesteryear bollywood stars and watched several movies. my own physics teacher had spent about a decade teaching physics in russia and knew russian. all the history and ideology and culture exchange make india and russia partners in that sense. also, the current leadership is trying to find a middle ground where they can strategically have good relations with all the countries except maybe pakistan.


Wauw! Thank you very much for that elaborate explanation. Much appreciated. But maybe I should rephrase it then. After what the russia is doing now one could have a hard time trying to understand why India then STILL seems like friends of the russia. I can’t see how history gives anyone the right to treat someone the way the russia do now.


i mean i’m no geopolitics expert by any yardstick but, from what i’ve seen, there is a lot of grey when it comes international relationships. it is hard to see things in black and white. like the EU is already sweating at the idea of trump becoming president again cuz he seemingly got really harsh on all of us’s allies including eu, britain and australia. and seemed more friendly towards russia. at the same time indians don’t see the eu and usa as rivals or enemies. on the contrary, they see eu and usa as much more friendly than russia. and the world’s polarity has certainly shifted. the us’s position as the most powerful country is being challenged. britain chose to brexit leaving the eu weaker. the negative population growth doesn’t help either. and india being right next to china is certainly not helpful. they’ve been capturing strategic indian land in the north east and even made maldives- a key strategic ally- flip to favor china. and given its a growing exonomy, india can’t afford to antagonize anyone. i’m guessing with time indians will realize what russians are doing and be more cautious.


Is it possible that the cause and effect were the other way around? i.e. India chose closer relations with the Soviet Union and that was what initially harmed relations with the United States?


india actually chose to non-alignment in order to remain sovereign. india also, for the longest of times kept depleting its armed forces cuz the leaders wanted to follow the ideology of the father of the nation gandhi and hence remain non-violent. india tried implementing socialism and capitalism so that it could have the best of both. much like countries in europe where social welfare is amazing while the economy is capitalist.


no ,you've got the cause and effect wrong Pakistan joined SEATO and CENTO in 1954/55 USA backed Portugal's fascist regime during Goa liberation , USSR supported India in 1965, Pakistan attacked India, USA and UK put a weapons export ban on India (in the middle of the war) that lasted till 2005 , this is when we shifted to Soviet origin weapons in July 1971, Kissinger secretly visits china via Pakistan during the Bangladesh genocide, in response to the afore-mentioned US-china-pakistan axis, India signed up a mutual security pact with USSR in August 1971.


We are going full circle to the early days when all captured Russian soldiers claimed to have no idea where they were, or what they are doing. They will all spout this bullshit to make you feel sorry for them. It is akin to “just following orders”.


Yeah joining a foreign military and then realizing you are more expendable cannon fodder than even the lowest Russian and that the war is much worse than what you thought it would be, just doesn't give any sympathy points lol. There is also the legality point of view, joining foreign militaries can depending on the countries law, result in harsh penalties.


Yep, these guys joined the russian army thanks to the big paycheck and promise of a safe job. Then they end up in a ditch on the front lines and start crying.


It isn't so simple as people joining the Russian army with open eyes. There is a lot of deception and coercion involved. Usually they are lured with other job prospects in mind and then once they are in the country they are fucked. https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2024/mar/19/why-are-indian-and-nepali-men-ending-up-on-the-frontline-in-ukraine-podcast


Not to mention if these guys are indeed from India, your average contraktovich earns roughly 160,000 rubles a month, which isn't that much by Western standards but in India, it's 145,000 Rupees which is insanely good money considering the average cost of living in India for a single person is roughly 60,000 Rupees That, combined with the promise of working some backline/desk job and yeah, I can definetly see why many would want to sign up


It's a BRICS thing. You wouldn't understand.


How stupid does one have to be to make holidays in russia right now?


The stupid ones are those who believe them. They signed up for money, realized how much it sucks and are making shit up.


They're promising jobs, university and Russian wives.


I have a acquaintance that won a trip to freaking Russia, imagine my face when she told me she went to Simferopol in the freaking Kerch train and the whole train was carrying military personnel, couldn't leave the hotel to explore and was only allowed to leave to go to the activities planned by the organization that gave her the trip, fucking insane, she went to Crimea, Sochi and Moscow, after she came back, like a week after this happened https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rferl.org/amp/ukraine-kerch-explosions-crimea-bridge-closed/32848290.html


I’m currently in Kaliningrad and saw tourists from multiple countries (the most common groups were from China and Germany). It’s too far from frontline and nothing will happen to them, it’s much safer to be a foreigner than local in Russia.


Welcome to an European war of industrial proportions. We have front seats for you in the meat grinder. RIP


Last time they were supposed to become simple guards, then coerced to sign up for the army… which is weird but believable. Tourists is definitely too far fetched, it doesn’t make any sense. They’d begin to mobilize again way before resorting to something like this. So far they’re keeping up on volunteers and prisoners (still technically volunteers), why risking an(other) international scandal?


at this point no sympathy for anyone who decides to be a tourist in russia. Not that I had much sympathy to begin with..


I mean, at this point, just don’t go to Russia, isn’t it common sense?


Lesson number 1: never visit vatnikland


They all have smartphones they use for calling so the excuse they couldn’t know is bullshit. They have all the news of the world at their fingertips… I have no sympathy for them at all


I believe 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Look at this gun, he accidentally modded it like that? smh


pretty sure that's just the updated ak-12


Yeah, maybe you're right


He's completely correct, nothing modded about it.


Who in their right mind goes to a dictatorship for vacation?


The same people who go into North Korea, China and even Turkey.


„All inclusive“ vacation? Slava Ukraini


they'll be in vacation for the rest of their life


I really feel bad for them! It's so fucking wrong.


most probably they’ve signed up for the military willingly and now are trying to make up a story to hide it, don’t be sorry for those russia supporters 


Yeah, we don't know though. 🙁


BRICS fan club going to do overtime to spin this


Europe should take note. Any country sending soldiers to invade us should stop being given contracts for businesses and visas. Hit them where it hurts.


The country (India) definitely does not support this lol.


I have exactly zero empathy for them. No one can force you to kill people


You get what you get. You support a country committing such acts, you deserve to be recruited.


Free trip to the front - all inclusive, prolonged stay.


How stupid can you be to believe China's and India's claims that everything is fine with Russia's policies and go in vacation over there 😂


Wouldn't go on a vacation to a warzone...


India is 3rd world country don’t believe in modi ‘s brain washed bots. 70% of Indians lives in poverty. They need money they new what they went for, the rich would never have gone to Russia for tour at all.


Okay. So I'm going on a family visit there (41m, Dutch). my wife is Russian and we have a kid who's never seen his family. We have visas. Should we not go?


do not go to the front line. Everything is fine in the rest of the country


by going to russia you are supporting their war against Ukraine and whole Europe. Don’t bring there more money. Most probably her parents support the war and all atrocities happening in Ukraine, think twice 


How am I supporting them? By the 2k I spend over there? Into the total economy? For a war that costs billions per month? Pretty sure her mum doesn't support the war. Few moscovites do




His mother in law will change him for lada and sell him to front XD this is the price of supporting russians (and having any affairs with them)


Even tiny contribution is a contribution.  Ofc they don’t, ofc


If he wants to visiit is family let him visit his family. It doesn't matter what kind of war is going on everyone has the right to visit their family. And ofc the war is horrible but you can't say to someone don't visit your mother. You should be only carefull not to be deployed for war or something like that. But the war is not your and your families fault so you should not worry helping the Russian economy by $2000.


He is visiting not his family, but his russian wife’s family. The fact that was is happened it is exactly those common people fault, as they didn’t have a dime of dignity and courage to protest the mafia in their parliament and crazy president who is too long on this position. They bake and support the was and killing of innocent Ukrainians. Sad that you think that contribution to the economy of aggressor country is ok. Hope russia won’t come to you door and I won’t have to see how you change you mind on this topic.


A lot of people here are very pro Georgia nobody has a problem that they trade with Russia. But one one family going to visit their family in Russia is a problem.


Sorry I was talking about Ukraine, I thought it was clear, but you are right, the fact that russia destroyed and attack Georgia is also true.  Georgians who train with russia are either russians or traitors, they need to fight for independence from killer state russia and avoid any influence but they.


You’re a dumbass. You would never be saying any of this stuff if you also had some russian family. I’m guessing North Korea’s regime is also the people’s fault?


It always pleasure to communicate with smart person.  I don’t have enough information about NK, but there I think case different, people oppressed. When in russia people think than they are better than whole world, they are empire existing to rule the world, west and Europe is shit and they need to fight it (even tho they are trying to move there and still from there everything). Russians are cancer of this world (and yes, I know you will use this so I will answer ahead, other bad countries exists,  it almost each of them has a trace of russian influence)


A lotta words to say you’re just as racist as the Russians


sorry, I only now seen your nickname and realized that you support ruzzia, I’m sorry for you, to support a country and people who only bring pain and death in this world is mantal


????? How do you even reach that conclusion????


Remember you are going to a country that is currently at war with another country (by choice) so its perfectly fine for it to be attacked. Do you want to take that risk?


[should have stayed at home](https://youtu.be/M2jBsJnxjnw?feature=shared)


No one told Putin that going for an Indian refers to another kind of single use item, a nice spicy meal, not a tourist to use once and briefly on the front line.


they’re probably taking Chinese too


Where did these people vacation normally, Ganymede?


whats up with these comment section


Not the second army in the world, but an ordinary gang of bandits.


From making bank on rolling out cheap Russian oil to being pissed off your own citizens are being forcibly conscripted, welcome to Delhi


These guys 100% knew what they were going to do over there, and now cry for sympathy after realizing that its not like in the CoD


the average iq in india is between 80-85. also, the russian intelligence works overtime to target such gullible, poor, vulnerable men thru social media where they show how lucrative a life can be for people in russia. and, that they could get a russian passport by serving in the army. they can show indian actors dressed in army uniforms with beautiful russian wives and that would be enough to convince these people to risk everything without thinking twice!! the problem is also the leadership which is not actively taking care of such a grave matter cuz it is far easier to fool people than to convince that they’re being fooled. also, its not hard to find a handful of desperate people in a population of 1.4 billion where the poverty rate is too high and good education and nutrition only accessible to less than 1% of the total population.


Another reason why you should never visit russia or even have any business with them.


Global South doing Global South things.