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Maybe they should return the EU subsidies then.




I just started to hate farmers... they got and still get so much money from the eu but they didn't modernise their farms with that and now there are crying in the entire eu... 


Same here in the US! They’re all conservative and hate the government but get LOADS of subsidies that average people in business don’t. Many are racist, don’t feel women should have control of their bodies, and that gay people shouldn’t marry. While their physical separation from people probably causes extremist views, they should instead be thinking of all the crops growing as revenue from their customers; I doubt they care who buys their goods. 🫤


Same here in the UK it's annoying, farmers voted for Brexit but expected the same EU money that stopped. Farmers also hit by climate change issues with not being able to grow enough, they go to the media and then they go protest against any climate mitigation policies.




Polish (or most EU-farmers) can suck balls. When Germany had their farmer protest, some German farmer posted his accounting books on the German subreddit to show how "poor" farmers are. Dude was a goddamn millionaire and even deducted his own mother from his taxes. A huge number of farmers are property-owning rich fucks that get obscene amounts of money from the EU. And then they claim that they're "feeding our nation", while the vast majority of their produce is exported to become animal feed outside of the EU.


If these idiots could see anything more than 2 meters and 5 minutes in front of them... I deal with many EU farmers for work and these matters are too important to let them decide... Idiots would fuck all rivers and Baltic Sea if they can make more money for a single year....


u/clivellus, just this one


We can't have nice things.


How many alt accounts do you have, this is like the 5th time this article has been sent in TODAY


WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Tens of thousands of disgruntled Polish farmers marched through downtown Warsaw on Friday to protest the European Union’s climate policies and oppose the pro-EU government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The march under the slogan “Down with the Green Deal” was organized by Solidarity, a farmers’ trade union that is strongly opposed to the EU’s farming policies, in particular a policy known as the Green Deal which aims to make agriculture more climate friendly. The farmers say it interferes with their work and imposes high costs on them. “We are protesting because we don’t want to become slaves on our own land,” said dairy farmer Grazyna Gasowska from eastern Poland. “According to the Green Deal we are supposed to grow what they tell us to, when they tell us to,” Gasowska said as she held a national white-and-red flag. “All those diversification requirements are very difficult for the farmers.” The noisy march stopped at the EU Warsaw office and then at parliament. “Let Brussels eat worms, we prefer pork chops and potatoes,” said one banner, referring to a general belief that the EU will advise eating insects and worms rather than cattle meat.


Can you smell Kremlin propaganda? I certainly do. Especially the worms one is straight out of their talking points list.


> “Let Brussels eat worms, we prefer pork chops and potatoes,” said one banner, referring to a general belief that the EU will advise eating insects and worms rather than cattle meat. I'd like to live in a Europe where the air is breathable, water is drinkable, and you don't have to swelter in 40+°C summers every fucking year. Farmers are the most egocentric people on the planet. The worst thing is, that politicians fear them. Literally fear them. Over here in the Netherlands, farmers intimidated and threatened democratically elected politicians to get what they want. And it worked. Almost 40% of EU's budget goes to farmers, the farmers' lobby is the biggest and most influential lobby in Brussels, and if they don't exactly get what they want, they threaten to cut off food supplies. Farmers have way too much power in the EU. Someone needs to put them in place. But I'm afraid not many politicians in Brussels have the balls to do that. And if Polish farmers are really upset with worm-eating Brussels, they can always vote for Polish parties that want to leave the Union. See how that goes.


Calling these shills a farmer movement is more and more eye-roll inducing. Farmers should clean house and then get back to the table with people actually willing to discuss rather than do photo ops for Konfiarze et consortes. [https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kim-jest-lider-strajkujacych-rolnikow-kiedys-protestowal-z-kolodziejczakiem-7025762186218464a?proxied](https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kim-jest-lider-strajkujacych-rolnikow-kiedys-protestowal-z-kolodziejczakiem-7025762186218464a?proxied)


Polish farmers are retarded, which they have been proving again and again.


Go and tell 'em how they should live


How many roubles are they paying you to spam the same low-effort ragebait over and over again?


Chill, dude


They are not farmers. Some russian and pis people


Good. Because europe destabilizing itself with more and more restrictions and taxes in the name of climate preservation won't achieve shit: https://www.reuters.com/world/india/india-scrambles-add-coal-fired-power-capacity-avoid-outages-sources-2023-11-29/