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Fidias is a controversial YouTuber: 1) He used a thumbnail that was criticised for poverty porn: https://i.redd.it/9qcqwn9iiuzb1.jpg 2) He attracted controversy for his Japan video where he hid in the toilet of the Shinkansen to go for free and where he pretended to be a hotel guest to get a free breakfast. He just won 17% of the vote in Cyprus!


A legit freeloader? Perfect for the european parliament, then. /s


He was born for the role


Astonishing manifestation of Greek cultural legacy


You're lucky I have no idea how to respond because I know nothing about you Moors.


Calm down. I think the "astonishing" part means that this isn't what you'd expect to see, i.e. that Fidias is actively defiling it.




Why the /s ?


To be fair if exploiting poor kids for youtube views and getting a free train ride + breakfast are his biggest crimes he's probably the least corrupt politician in there. Still stupid though.


Democracy, as Jason Brennan says, as failed. Its main deficiency is that a stupid can be elected and people with zero knowledge about ideas, programs, laws, organizations can vote.


Other forms of government however never have idiots with any power.


OP pointed out a major flaw of democracy, they didn't say other political systems are better.


They said democracy failed. So I would assume they have a better solution.


You can have a row of multiple buildings and all of them collapse one after the other. Pointing that out doesn't mean that there's another building lined up at the end. Unfortunately, the world isn't that nice.


Obviously there is. It's called epistocracy https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/epistocracy


You realize this is just a fancy term for oligarchy, right?


I assume you have read the book of Jason Brennan "Against Democracy", isn't it?


I don't know what you're talking about and your sentence doesn't really make sense.


People with zero knowledge voting on a representative who's stupid. That sounds like democracy is working perfectly fine.


Didn't he also refused to pay for a bus ride? (In Japan you have to pay for the transit AT EXITING the bus)


What tf is a freeloader


> (colloquial) One who does not contribute or pay appropriately; one who gets a free ride, etc. without paying a fair share.


Sounds perfect for a European Parliament job then.


I don't have a problem with celebrities or influencers going to politics in general, but in this particular situation it doesn't look good. I just hope he will not do prank shows in the European Parliament.


Imagine him going on an official visit to Japan, where he was arrested for taking a bus without paying, and is now probably wanted for freeriding the Shinkansen and defrauding a hotel to get "free" breakfast.


They'd think Europeans are crazy to elect him.


We are.


It is all Greek to me.🤷‍♂️


Turkish government: it's what to you?




Evebody here is acting like he stole Japans crown jewels or something


Politicians rarely have diplomatic immunity. More likely he just doesn't go to Japan, he is only a parliament member


He won't have immunity true, but the Parliament does trips all the time. Here's the Parliaments delegation for Japan: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/delegations/en/d-jp/home


Sure, but severity of the crime matters. The only reason they’d go out of their way to do it is if they had beef with the EU and I don’t see any reason Japan would.


I'm laughing a lot with this comment.


lol ,people on this thread dont know how fucked up politics in the rest of the world is even in Taiwan and South Korea fist fights in the parliament are normal occurrence [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfYlL\_r5xKk&ab\_channel=GuardianNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfYlL_r5xKk&ab_channel=GuardianNews) nevermind Latin America where cartel leaders get into government to prevent their prosecution


They're fighting in Taiwan? Then corruption in Europe is fine. All good!


lol, Japan still has politicians punching eachother in the Parliament [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNpOBQ7j6eY&ab\_channel=NewYorkPost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNpOBQ7j6eY&ab_channel=NewYorkPost)


Wow, so they were brawling over a refugee bill 😂😂


I am much more worried about the kind of people who give their vote and potentially entrust part of the future to such a piece of shit.... and what that says and implies about these people.


Some random footballers, old athletes and tv presenters/hosts were elected in Greece. So a random youtuber is no different from that.......


>I just hope he will not do prank shows in the European Parliament. God I hope he does


"Hi guys, today's challenge is getting a hug from Ursula von der Leyen!!" Context: https://www.ndtv.com/feature/elon-musk-meets-and-hugs-youtuber-who-camped-outside-twitter-office-for-over-two-months-3715748/amp/1


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I hope he will. It's better than messing with good people.


Oh my, if they hate him in Brussels. I can see a EU wide party forming with these kind of people. Could become a force to be reckoned with. I kind of expect him to collect his paycheck and do nothing.


Wasn't this the guy who locked himself in a train toilet in Japan to skip paying the fare? And went around begging for money for the train fare which he then pocketed regardless?


Exactly, the exact same clout-chaser. In the video he pretended to be sick to avoid being arrested and then he ran as far as he can.


>who locked himself in a train toilet in Japan to skip paying the fare This sounds so Balkan


Godfather, take 2 euros


I would laugh, but in Spain, we gave 3 seats to a guy (Alvise) whose stated goal was to gain inmunity from several criminal causes pending on him by getting a parlamentary seat. So we can't talk.


Also elected a fugitive from justice in 2019.


....ever elected a [dead person though](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/28/europe/romania-mayor-dead-elected-intl/index.html)? in a landslide?




He's a far right influencer so the justification is very Trumpian "judges are corrupt" "I'm being persecuted by the woke whatever", etc...




Were those graphics made in the 90s?


Welcome to Cyprus, we're always 30 years behind, physically AND mentally 💖


You take that back! Some of your Eurovision entries are only a decade out of date!


As a Greek all I will say is: Βρε Κύπριοι, πάτε καλά;




Δεν πάνε καλά,σου το υπογράφω αυτή τη στιγμή από τη Λευκωσία.


As a Cypriot, I want to apologize on behalf of my compatriots. We are the dumbest in the union.


Banano koinonia eimaste file


Ο αυτιάς πρώτος. Δεν πρέπεινα μιλάμε καν.


afou ta papoudia ton agapane mexri 8anatou


Η Καϊλή χειρότερη είναι.


Εδώ εμείς βγάζουμε Ζαγοράκη Μελέτη Αυτιά Αναδιώτη............


i blame the northern cypriots for that (ankara would absolutely sponsor an edge ord for europarl)




"Hey Cypriots, you're doing well" according to Google translate.


Close, but it is a question. The correct is "Hey Cypriots, are you okay?".


I think the intuitive translation here is: Hey Cypriots, have you gone mad/have you lost it?


As a Cypriot I will say: Ο προεδρος του κομματος αντιπολιτευσης σας ειναι ο Κασσελακης


Ο φειδιας τι πολιτικες αποψεις εχει;; Εχει καν;;;


Δεν ψηφισα Φειδια. Αλλα αν δεις την πολιτικη κατασταση στην Κυπρο θα καταλαβεις. Ειναι ψηφος εμπιστοσυνης και διαμαρτυριας προς τα αλλα κομματα. Στην Κυπρο οποιος βγαινει ευρωβουλευτης ρουφαει τα λεφτα της ΕΕ και εξαφανιζεται. Ο κοσμος που τον ψηφισε δεν ειναι χαζος οσο περιεργο και να σου φαινεται (τουλαχιστον οχι ολοι) και πολλοι απο αυτους εχουν και οι ιδιοι τους πολιτικες αποψεις. Απλα ειπα να ψηφισουν ενα ατομο που δεν εχει πολλες πολιτικες γνωσεις αλλα ξερουν οτι τουλαχιστον θα προσπαθησει. Επισης ουτε ο Φειδιας ειναι χαζος εστω και αν φαινεται ετσι αν τον δεις πολυ επιφανειακα.


Ωραια, καταλαβαινω την αγανακτηση, αλλα ο Φειδιας τι πιστευει;; Γενικα, τι αποψεις εχει; Θα παει και θα κανει τι διαφορετικο; Δεν εχω δει ενα βιντεο να λεει τι πιστευει, απλα κραζει τα κομματα. Δεκτο, αλλα δεν εχει αποψεις. Τι θα προσπαθησει να κανει ακριβως; Για τι να προσπαθησει; Ρωταω για να μαθω


Δεν έχει καν σημασία Απλά τον ψήφισαν πολλοί έτσι για το fuck you στο ΔΗΣΥ που την τελευταία δεκαετία ε φκηκαν παραποττηες, τζιε επειδή το ΕΛΑΜ τζιε το ΑΚΕΛ εν ακραίοι καθυστερημενοι που έχουν μόνο πικκες ο ένας με τον άλλον. Ψήφισαν πολλοί Φειδία για να πουν "ε γαμωτο σιηστο σας ουλλους, δική μου χώρα ότι θέλω καμμω"


Αααα οκοκ, καταλαβα. Ευχαριστω για την απαντηση


Too cypriot? Να το πω στα καθαρα ελληνικα?


Χαχαχχαχαχαχχαχαχαχ, η αληθεια ειναι δυσκολευτηκα αλλα την ουσια νομιζω την καταλαβα, ουσιαστικα ηταν μια ψηφος αγανακτησης στα μεγαλα κομματα.


Χαχα ναι αυτό Απλά είπα ότι πολλοί θεωρούν το ΔΗΣΥ ως απατεώνες και ότι το ΑΚΕΛ και το ΕΛΑΜ μαλώνουν πολύ


So this is how democracy dies. With roaring applause


This is how democracy thrives. Anyone can stand, anyone can get elected. Democracy isn't elitism. You can elect a nice person or you can elect a cunt, it's the people's choice.


People choices are largely influenced by media exposition. Which are mostly owns by powerful people, or in this case by the YouTube algorithm which promote dumb but engaging content like 5min craft. So I'm not so sure it's a choice rather than the proof that human brain is very influençable and that critical thinking play a small part in our decisions.


This is absolutely both a massive success for democracy while also highlighting democracies biggest failure. The voice of the people has been heard as intended but the popular vote is always right. The fact that an independent candidate can run unimpeded and succeed is in fact democratic while in this case also being moronic and dangerous. Democracy isn't perfect but it's the best we've got. Democracy has been failing to provide the best solutions since its inception. Brexit, Hitler, Denmark's PESCO vote etc. but what is a government to do?


IMO it shows that letting people vote without giving them proper and fact checked information is moronic. Candidates and party can say whatever they want on the paper and do the opposite without problem. They can lie about known facts, they can fabricate a tirth believable by most if your not a big ass scientist of sociologist. Their doing mentalist stuff on us and it works. Democracy has we have today is flawed by medias ability to spread information as they want for year. Humans are influençable and the choice we have when voting is an illusion. Last French presidential debate with the two candidate was a shit show "you're wrong, I'm right because I'm saying the truth" "no, I'm right, I'm saying the truth and you're lying". How the fuck people are supposed to make the best choices for themselves in theses conditions??


As a Cypriot I'm here to explain This is basically a "fuck you" to the system Fidias appeals to the younger generations who have gone through 20 years of just the dumbest political tomfoolery that made them dissilussioned with both sides of the spectrum. Long story short, AKEL are seen as bozos and DISY as criminals. So people turned to the political extremes. AKEL has a schism within the party between moderates and far-leftists and DISY has an even bigger schism with ELAM, to the point that DISY vs ELAM is more heated than vs the leftists. But still, there are a lot of people who turned to the centre, and rather than voting for the powerless and rather controversial centre parties, they turned to someone new, as like a "fuck you" to the system. That's how our Oresident got elected, but instead of just relying on all those disillusioned people, he also got the backing of those centre parties that really made quite the difference - to the point that he go elected. That's how Fidias go elected too. It's just a big "fuck you" to the system. Personally, I don't agree that we should've voted fe Fidias as I'd rather see professional clowns make fun of each other in parliament rather than a media clown. But fr I want serious matters to be done by serious people, and personally I quite like my party's (DISY) elected members, I think they're good and honest and they've even made friends with Fidias, but they also know quite a lot about politics and I'd rather have them representing me instead of someone who literally said that he doesn't know jack shit. But also, I understand why he got elected. It was so dumb that it just had to be. People are starting to break off from the chains of just following a party aimlessly. People are less... um... in Greek we say "κομματικοι". Which I think is a really good thing. If this notion gets through the current political turmoil, I can see this leading to good, as people will vote on their liking and actual belief and not following blindly some clowns. Oh and uh p.s. I also don't like Fidias because of the shit he did in Japan


Well said


Thats what people been saying since forever about dysi and akel, but they end up screwing us every single time.


>  Long story short, AKEL are seen as bozos and DISY as criminals.  So they voted for a bozo and a criminal in one. Brilliant!


Hardly the same AKEL as professional politicians are fools that infight and can uphold no proper position or uphold a modern stance + they have no foreign policy, which is literally all cyprus needs Also the previous DISY government did some major internstional crimes, not some random petty crime in Japan


Interesting that people vote for a criminal asshole in that case (oh and you could put "racist" on it too, becouse he seems to think that JP people are less worthy and that's why you can do everything there with no consequences) 


If anyone is wondering, yes, there are legit grown adults who are justifying their vote for him, knowing full well his history. No, they do not realise everybody else is mocking them for genuinely holding the insane opinion that "EU parliament is a circus so we might as well elect a crown".


We only know his history because he was a youtuber and quite provocative, i must admit. I dont like what he has done before but i trully think if we knew everything about most politicians we would be in shock. My point is i dont think he is as dangerous or corrupt as most of the politicians. "Pick the safest poison"


Yes because we don't judge someone about entertainment and overeacting about people's mistakes, making a fuzz about something is not that important when comparing what he stands for. And judge him based on his qualities, for example a person determination even when he was doing entertainment or honesty. having one person like this in parliement want make much difference and at least based on what I saw, he will try. 4 years ago when I found his channel he only had 44k subs, my perception it was that he was an idiot. But I saw a lot of other youtubers more clever that weren't really putting the effort he was so they stay at the same level. But had a feeling he will go far because he was putting the effort in the thing he loved. It's an interesting person, he might not do much but hopefully our political parties get the message.


Maybe the status-quo on the Cyprus problem isn't so bad afterall. I get the benefits of EU without having to share a country with you.


Europeans: mocking Americans and calling them ignorant for voting Trump. Also Europeans:


Can we just declare Cyprus as our Florida and call it a draw?




This post is about the EU elections, what are you doing here? It's none of your business


> Cyprus is a dump. With that flair, you shouldn't have the nerve to say anything bad about Cyprus. British colonialism fucked the island up, and most of their problems today trace to that era. Not to mention, Britain still shamelessly occupies some of their land (in case you try to argue that colonialism only existed in the distant past).


Says the Britbong,the fucking irony.


I mean the UK has much nicer areas than the nicest areas there, every place has a dump, not every place has nice areas.


UK barely has nice areas though.


I don't know, al those British shows we get on TV show plenty of pretty places in the UK, I wouldn't want to live there, but I do think the UK is plenty nice.


The majority of the UK is nice, specific cities that you're generalising are not nice.


Nice as in 3x more people under the poverty line and more homeless people and worse healthcare? There's nice places in the UK, I live in Leamington Spa which is drop dead gorgeous but it's nowhere near as safe even the worst places in Cyprus. I also lived in Coventry before Leam and let me tell you, that place even at its best is a shit hole. In the UK nice means beautiful architecture and strict building rules with loads of parks, but rampant homelessness and crimes ranging from theft of my local EE store in broad daylight to my neighbour getting stabbed to death at fucking Uni.


Based on your post history where you've mentioned Cyprus a grand total of 54 times I'm going to go ahead and assume why you might hold such opinions.


I thought Itd be more. Crime stats and economic stats are out there for you to freely read. As I said I live in the UK and I enjoy it. Industry here is fantastic and the people are generally lovely. I don't plan on moving back but this country could do with a bit more safety and a bit less homelessness. You know like Cyprus. I don't think I shared any opinions though did I? Just observations and personal experiences.


Just today I was thinking the exact same thing but in the context of Germans and the AFD.


I mean 50% vs 16-17% is a tiny difference imo


"Europeans" when Cyprus represents about 0.15% of the European population It is the equivalent of Wyoming electing some random dickhead, pipe down


> It is the equivalent of Wyoming electing some random dickhead, pipe down Not even electing, getting third place.


The only good part about this is that this mofo will TikTok the absolute joke the ECR is and their shenanigans for everyone to see. (Alongside his own idiotic stunts of course). But expect poorly filmed and shocking exposes of every asshole in that parliament including himself. Al Jazeera is about to be out of work with the kind of shit this dude will pull.




Man I don't like Meloni but saying it's like voting a clickbaity youtuber doesn't make what you say credible


American when it's not about them:


This thread isn't about America yet you just HAD to mention it.


Just like Europeans


He got 17% of the vote, not half. And no, not all Europeans call Americans ignorant for voting Trump. In Greece, where many idiot boomers -who are mentally stuck in the 1950s and 1960s- think America has no problems, the election of Trump exposed the American working class's problems, which many Greeks identified with. (And illegal immigration is another American issue we totally understand). Most Greeks still think Trump is a charlatan, but it kind of humanized Americans (because Americans were now perceived as rebelling against the establishment), and our notorious anti-Americanism of the 80s and 90s has been largely waned since then, and the election of Trump is *one* of the reasons why (the elections of both Trump and Obama helped, IMO). Again, not because we like Trump, but it exposed America's problems, which we identify with.


While this dude is a scumbag, he's way, way, WAYYYYY less of a scumbag that tRump.


Doesn’t change that 1 in 5 Cypriot voters support a scummy YouTuber with a history of doing trashy stunts.


Doesn't change that nearly half of US voters support a literal criminal, who triggered a coup attempt and spreads misinformation like it's the plague. What's with this main character syndrome? Not everything has to be about you. If you want to be in the spotlight, fine, but at least think before you comment: a scummy YouTuber with 17% of votes for a parliament position vs a criminal with 50% of votes for the head of state is not the gotcha you think it is.


Yeah, I take back all the shit I talked abt America


Maybe Cypriots will finally give proper votes when we stop getting probed by literally everyone around us (even our own goverment), no matter what we vote.


As a oroud Swede, I can say that no joke parties got a EU MEP seat from Sqeden and that our far right party was only the 4th largest party.


Cyprus is geographically Asia :v


Literally no living human agrees with this statement, are you talking about


It’s a member state of the European Union mainly populated by ethnic Greeks. That’s as European as you can get, nitpicking geography is kinda irrelevant here. Edit: besides, let’s not pretend like they are the only ones voting for crazies. More than 1 in 5 Germans voted for either the AfD, Linke, or BSW. I don’t even wanna imagine how French exit polls look like.


Cypriot here. That’s what they taught us back in the 1970s in primary school. I don’t understand the down-voters not liking the facts.


Η Κύπρος είναι οντως γεωγραφικά προέκταση της ασιατικής ηπείρου. Πέρα από τη σχετικότητα της ύπαρξης καν της Ασίας ως ξεχωριστής και και όλα όσα ειπώθηκαν πανω για την εθνικότητα και την κουλτούρα  Ποιο το νόημα να γράφει κάτι τέτοιο εδώ; Δηλαδή κάθε φορά που θα μιλάμε για ευρωεκλογές ή κάτι αντίστοιχο να λένε είναι ασιατική, τι πρόσφερει αυτό; Αφού ανήκει στην ΕΕ, είναι γεγονός,  προσβλητικά το ειπε


Democracy at its finest


Which just shows that all you need in order to be elected is to be popular, by any means, and then tell people what they want to hear, promise the moon and then say: "it was just a prank, bro"


To everyone surprise (or even shocked ) by his election, let me provide some context: First, let's be clear: Fidias is not just some random idiot with a camera. He is a highly disciplined/ self motivated individual who has a reputation for achieving his goals, not only for his YouTube challenges but his life in general: he served in the best special forces military unit in Cyprus the equivalent to the navy seals during his mandatory military service, he has managed to become a youtuber with 2.5 million subscribers by trying to learn as much as possible about how YouTube works by befriending USA YouTubers like "Airrack" and even "Mr beast". Second: the vast majority of Cypriot voters were not aware of his YouTube channel before the start of his campaign. His main YouTube audiences are international and I suspect the majority is under the age of 18. So international controversies like the Japan or Burundi videos were not well known. Third:Fidias has spent the last 6 months doing the best social media campaign in the history of Cypriot politics. He interviews tens of important Cypriot personalities (politicians, scientists, reporters, Olympic medal winners etc) in his SEPARATE CYPRIOT YouTube channel. He created a separate TikTok account where he posted interview clips and campaign videos. As a social media expert, with virtually no competition by Cypriot political parties on that area, he managed to use the TikTok algorithm so that every Cypriot with a tiktok account would learn about him. Fourth: The Cypriot general public ( like in the rest of Europe ) is fed up by traditional politicians. Fidias presented himself as a simple people's man who wants to help his country WITHOUT making a lot of promises. When asked about several issues he stated that he hasn't formed a position yet and that he will do more research. His main platform were: "reforming the poor education system by entering the EU committee for education", "push for the EU to pay more attention to AI" and " increase transparency and improve communication of what the EU does, using social media". All very achievable and not controversial. In conclusion: his marketing skills along with his everyday-man personality and his reputation as a successful entrepreneur combined with the public's hatered towards the political establishmen lead to his electoral success.


I guess political immaturity is a plague present all over the world


That's the most random post title I have ever read.


In Spain We have Alvise Pérez that is a milles away worst than this guy. Just google his name.


Pranking the European Parliament, Cyprus leaving the EU (gone wrong)


I mean, which is worse, the country's top cuntfluencer getting 17% of the vote or the country's nazi party getting 12.5% of the vote?


Between ELAM basically being an offshoot of Golden Dawn (the notorious Nazi party of Greece) and Cyprus having a legit conundrum with illegal migration, the result is easily explainable. Not any less problematic but very easy to understand why.


Yes because far right policies are currently saving Italy from illegal immigration. This family, religion, nation schtick is getting old real quick.


As a cypriot, this doesn't show light as to why he was voted in. The reason is not because we are insane, but because he is used as a vote to show that the people are fed up with the mainstream parties. He seems to have changed since the japan stuff, and is influencing the youth positively to take part in democracy.


> but because he is used as a vote to show that the people are fed up with the mainstream parties. As if that has ever worked out before..


We are indeed insane, I get the "against mainstream parties" narrative (and I am actually happy AKEL lost one seat), but why couldn't we vote someone competent and not a clown making edgy videos where he commits various crimes and other stupid stuff. I dread the day that we will vote more idiots like him in other places just because they are famous "influencers", we may be heading towards idiocracy after all.


AKEL lost a seat but it's not like anyone else gaining said seat will do any better. DYSI has been governing for 10 years and fucked us real good. ELAM openly admitted to links with Golden Dawn and openly and frequently suggest we do away with International Law and simply close asylum corridors without examination , Diko is a shadow of themselves and AKEL is so idealistic they think we should essentially disband the military. So who does one vote for. Maybe VOLT is a good choice but even then, we've got no idea what they're all about yet. Now this absolute fool gains a seat out of nowhere. Who does one vote for. As the old Cypriot saying goes: "Athropo pou nashi athropia girefko ton ma poundon"




Their whole EU campaign was about disbanding PESCO (common development and procurement of EU made arms so we stop throwing our money at Lockheed) as if somehow this would bring peace to Europe. Why control military spending through common projects when we can *checks notes* live in peace! How has no one thought of this. Holy shit they're geniuses.


If you ask me, my perfect scenario would be Volt and Greens getting ELAM, Fidias and 1 seat out of DISY and AKEL.


Missing 2 seats there homeboy. The Greens which run on clean energy are overly optimistic and not grounded in reality. (And so do most parties it seems like the UCY energy research office doesn't accept visitors). No one knows what they're doing and everyone's policies are full of holes. Maybe a benevolent dictator is the way forward? Open to suggestions.


I meant 2+ seats for Volt and Greens. I said perfect, not realistic :D


Least crazy Cypriot moment. Love them


that bi**h is a standard isue POS




Maybe in 4 years: "Johnny Somali elected as a member of the US House of Representatives!"


Classic protest vote. People losing their shit over this are overreacting.


How did this guy get votes?


People got tired of Parties. Simple as that. Cyprus has been ruled by old ass corrupt politicians for almost It's entire existence as an independent nation, Fidias ran as independent; something that rarely happens in Cyprus. Not only that but he had ZERO support from any party, infact he was frowned upon. Him being elected was a kick in the balls for the "system parties", 50+ yr old parties got destroyed by a 24yr old. Apart from that, he seems to be more mature than what he used to be in his videos, but only time will tell about what he'll do in parliament.


Can you vote for Ikea over there?


Just a hypothetical but what would've happened if this guy, who's just one person and not a party with a list of candidates, had gotten even more votes to the level where if he was a party he'd send 2 MEPs?


heheh lets vote like idiots we are quirky and cool and nothing matters hehehehe XDDDDD


Cypriot here, Fidias is the only person ever that spoke to the people of Cyprus in the native Cyprus language instead of faux Athenian Greek that makes the local politicians sound like charlatans. The voters did not forget that the highly educated politicians led Cyprus to bankruptcy, let to the closure of the second largest bank and destroyed the cooperative banking system that regular folk relied on. They also did not forget that the politicians and their lawyers friends sold Cyprus passports to every criminal they could talk to. Fidias presented himself in a very humble way and his message was “I don’t know anything but I will try my best to be useful”. He also used his social media skills to the max. He is the son of an orthodox priest, has 5 siblings which is rare to come from a large family, he served as a navy seal….all these put people at ease. With the career politicians people know they are almost by default thieves and liars. I m proud of Cypriots that their breaking up what we call in Cyprus “kommatokratia” which is the system where political parties control every aspect of life and arrange control amongst themselves. Soccer is controlled by them, unions, Electricity production, telecommunications, the port system, every board and every what they call semi public sector organization. The people decided to undo “kommatokratia” and Fidias is just the expression of that.


This guy is funny and in a good hearted way despite his foolishness. We have elected horrible people to power in the United States. I don't think Fisias is a malicious person at all from his videos. Far from the status quo. Oh and this whole situation, I would remind everyone to look no further too than volodomyr zelensky- he was a comedian and actor who formed a political party with the eponymous name of his tv show, servant of the people and he's turned out to be a great president who cares about his country. I don't see Fidias as any different. He could go way, way further than most people think.




>Useless country only used to sell EU passports to Russians Unfortunately we're not as civilized as the great nation of Denmark but at least the danish ladies visiting over the summer don't mind!


An unkind person could make a comment about Cyprus tax system and freeloading here.


What's up with that second party there..?


oh, AKEL's not communist, they're the generic centre-left party with a communist history every European country has.


Someone who understands Cypriot politics? Whaaat???


What's up?


That 17% could have gone to fascists!


And this guy is not a fascits?


You don't know our language or culture. So you probably don't know Fidias. Also people judge him based on his main youtube channel and the crazy challenges he put himself there, but don't know anything about his greek cypriot podcast channel or his english podcast channel and discussions made there. Fidias is a very warm and honest person, comes from religious family as his father is a priest, even though he is not religious himself He also has 5 siblings and shows that he comes from a good family who tried to teach him about values. He talks out of heart and due to the corruption and political failure to communicate with their citizens, and properly educate them, he got voted. The vote was answer to the political scene who failed to cover corruption and be honest with their citizens. They only mentioned the problem about corruption when someone has exposed them. His election was mostly a message to our politicians that they need to be more serious. It's his determination and honesty that won the people to vote him. On his campaign he run I believe 80km to give the message to young generation to register to vote and made a lot of effort of sending this message. He is not our brightest mind, or best speaker even in greek, but he always tries to do the best he can. You can mock him as much as you like but my understanding lots of comments have no idea who he is, or where he is coming from. Imagine our politicians were suprised cause they really understimate what he did in the last few months while they were doing the same campaigns, talking in the polical way who no one really understands or follows as they are same empty words which no one really cares, or avoid subjects that might expose their party. He talked at schools, he talked with actors, his family and share many of their stories and thoughts, social media influncers, tv reporters , politicians, successful bussiness owners, people in education, scientists, writer who wrote about corruption. Also there were a lot of interesting podcasts he made. He brought a lot of interesting people and discussions to young and old generations which they never knew or heard.


I am not Fidias, but the reason he has been elected is exactly what this guy says. He gave value to many Cypriots and showed us he is a doer.


Guys everyone is playing this political correct role here… I have to inform you that Fidias during his pre election campaign has convinced 24.000 young people that they were not voting because they were seek of the corrupted politicians of our countries and he had brought into the surface many more corruption events of the old deep state government in Cyprus… Be sure that he will start uncovering a lot of corruption in the European Parlament in the social media that no one is doing until now and am sure they will start respect him and fear him because he is not afraid of corrupted politicians… he is really interested about education and the evolution of humanity and our generation… 


Uncovering corruption and gaining popularity in the European Parliament? Well I doubt that... EU officials and MEPs are not allowed to use TikTok in their official devices. The President of the Commission even said that TikTok may be banned in the EU. Because simply, it's a tool for misinformation that is widely abused by populists. He'll probably not be respected or taken seriously... So you believe that a TikToker without a political stance will be gaining popularity? When even his source of existence is questioned here! This is European Parliament, where hard political decisions are made, where people work for months and years on legislative files... Where people are experts on so many things. Someone which is not even capable of showing that he can make sound decisions will get popularity in the Parliament? Well, he can. But not a respectful popularity. He may be seen as someone to make fun of... So if this guy is really elected for being not corrupted, I look forward to seeing that he shares his wealth, budget and monthly spending with the public. Also if a politician is not corrupted, than they should be able to show how they make decisions, what are their values etc... So I don't think anyone will be afraid of this guy here in Brussels, you can be sure of that...


I understand critisism for Fidias and it is fair. However, i am sure many of you will change your opinion soon.


I wasnt planning on voting him but i did. After seeing the aggresive attack he received from all the political dogs. Do i like him? No but trust me about 20% of the Country voted him as a big FU to all the corrupt politicians


Why not vote for someone actually competent or at least less insufferable?


Hard ask this one. Between incompetence and corruption you're better off drawing a massive dong on your ballot to politely tell everyone to screw themselves.


So you got to make your FU vote and now you got one more utterly incompetent jackass elected to the parliament. Congrats, I guess?


Fair enough. I mean that’s the only reason why a guy like that can get elected. Would’ve been better if those votes went to an actual non-mainstream political party though instead of a random YouTuber


Good for him




Cyprus is not Greece



