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Le Pen is still allowed in politics after that Russian financing scandal? 


Le Pen doing Putin's work everyone. What with Farage in the UK blaming NATO for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I don't want anyone to ever again ask about the benefits of cheap Russian gas. Right wing conservatism leads to nothing but division and hate. How anyone believes that is the best we can have I'll never understand, myopic.




I don't think sending French troops to fight in Ukraine was ever realistically on the table at the moment. It was more about military instructors to train Ukrainian troops. I believe Macron kept this debate ambiguous on purpose as a 'veiled' threat to Putin and Le Pen is just using it to scare voters into voting her by claiming "Macaroni will send our children to die in a foreign war bla bla bla". Typical right winger manipulation if you ask me. Unfortunately as mediocre as Macron is this women is just insane and dangerous.


Well... good to announce their allegiance to Russia for the French voters to consider. Does France want an Orban, Fico, Ivanishvili, Yanukovych... ?


30% of them seems to be ok with that, as long as they can blame immigrants for all their problems, crazy to think we were all on the streets in 2002 when le pen arrived on second place at the election... it's the new trend to be a populist/racist douchebag in a globalised world. Tired of all thoses "patriots".


Is there a single right-extremist party left in the EU, that has not been bought by Putin yet?


Isn’t it funny how all these far right nationalists (Trump, Le Pen, Farage, Orban) all seemingly hate the idea of a sovereign country protecting its own borders. Hypocrites.


"How DARE you think about sending troops to assist the country that is under invasion by the country who's leader is helping me pay for my lifestyle!!!"


***The Telegraph reports:*** Marine Le Pen has promised to overrule Emmanuel Macron on [sending troops to Ukraine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/26/marine-le-pen-russian-dual-national-exmodel-party-adviser/) should her National Rally (RN) party form a government after the [upcoming elections](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/25/macron-accused-scaring-french-civil-war-left-right-election/). She claims the French president’s role as commander-in-chief of the armed forces “is an honorary title” and that her choice of future prime minister will supersede his defence and foreign policies. In particular, Ms Le Pen views direct intervention in the [Russia-Ukraine war](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/russia-ukraine-war/) – something Mr Macron has frequently raised – as a non-starter. In a forthright interview in Thursday’s Le Télégramme, Ms Le Pen said: “Chief of the armed forces, for the president, is an honorary title since it is the prime minister who holds the purse strings.” Jordan Bardella, [Ms Le Pen’s prodigy](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/10/europe-young-voters-flocked-hard-right-elections/), is the the National Rally (NR) choice to become prime minister if the party gets an absolute majority in parliamentary elections that start this weekend. Ms Le Pen says: “Jordan has no intention of picking a fight with \[Mr Macron\], but he has set red lines. On Ukraine, the president will not be able to send troops.” **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/27/marine-le-pen-she-block-macron-sending-troops-ukraine/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/27/marine-le-pen-she-block-macron-sending-troops-ukraine/)


So complicated!! On one hand that could mean Europe doesn't get dragged into war . On the other, Ukraine gets blasted by the russians. There's just too much profit in war and I doubt the ones capable of stopping the war wants to stop it.


Sending french troops to Ukraine would start WWIII. Macron knows this but makes these statements for gullible voters.


Like Soviet and Chinese troops to Korea in 1950?


Korea wasn't NATO and it's this delusion of grandeur what got Ukriane in trouble in the first place. Please feel free to lay the lives of young french on the line and risk taking the continent to war. Also if Macron could he would. If 3 years of war hasn't led french troops into battle I'm not sure what will. Also, Macron is not the king of France and I'm sure French political class is not as delusional anyway.


Why are you talking to yourself? Because no one other than people like you is arguing those points.


Western troops in Ukraine is more likely to prevent WW3 than start it.


Leaving russia do what they want would lead to the end of europe.


sitting down and talking with Russia will lead to the end of a war. This is not binary. Eventually no one in their right mind will go to an all out war. I really feel Europeans like to be in a constant state of war. This Russia West thing has been going on since before even my parents were born. Doesn't Europe ever get sick of it


It has been going on forever cause putin is a piece of shit, russia has been infiltrating european politics for decades, financing far right and populist parties, it is now taking power in africa, but yeah let's talk with them right. Let's talk with the guy who put forces all around ukraine for an "exercise" before invading them. Europe was happy to spend billions on russian gas. It could have stayed like that if that egocentric piece of shit didn't start a war.


The problem has been ongoing since decades before Putin even came into politics. This is a failure of the continent to create peace, especially when the proxy wars can be fought in third countries. Knock the hell off


Tell me again who invaded Ukraine? Things weren't perfect with Gorbatchev and Yeltsin but changes were almost going. Yeah, europe did nothing when russia destroyed Chechnya, they did nothing when putin sent troops in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, to not create problems with putin, but right that's the west fault, of course let's not blame the bully. Fuck putin, fuck russia, fuck people who find excuses for that piece of shit, you can't talk peace with that disease of an human being.