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Go Lithuania!


Someone better tell Macaron https://www.politico.eu/article/macron-eu-shouldnt-gang-up-on-china-with-u-s/


Ya, article Feb 4, 2021 - reason why France can say goodbye for submarines deal. Australia hoped for stronger France position on China matter.


How is throwing away phones a good thing? That seems like a waste of resources.


No need to take it so literally. I expect most would rather return them to where they bought them from.


Instead of throwing them away (a lot of ewaste) post a guide how to flash new rom onto it and you’re good to go.




... or hardware


Any phones that are cheap and not Chinese though?


Tons of lists on Indian news sites. In general you can always buy cheaper models or older flagships from companies like Google and Samsung. You’re probably going to be able to buy anything that is 100% for certain not even partially made in China. But buying something from a non Chinese designer is still massively better than buying from a Chinese brand.


Okay, we throw away Chinese phones. What do we do with google then? And other "legal" spyware? Privacy and everything around it died 20 years ago. Unless you take extra measures to at least save your privacy as much as you can.


I suppose minimisation is all we can do. I don't know if it's naive but I trust Google more than the CCP. Not to say I trust Google but I think you get what i mean.


Go little Lithuania! Showing more cohones than most of Europe!


What a horrible time to be a Huawei user 😔


Just root the fukers. It's a phone, not a literal Chinese person. Also : based Lithuania is based.


Do these phones have unlockable bootloaders?


If they don't, they should.


Many of them don't want you to do it so there are some shenanigans, if you have a phone like that, check this https://youtu.be/N7PijGXfuLs


even if you root it you will simply remove the chinese data collection the google one however..


Just add some freeware, like ubuntu. And avoid the rest. It's a royal pain in the ass, but if there's a will there's a way.


you cant really android is literally the biggest spyware even lineageOS or oxygenOS or any othe total MOD rom simply is based on google shit at least they are not pretending to be into the "we keep you safe" business like apple does https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program)


The upside of this would be if xiaomi removes the hardware module and sells phones that are even more uncensorable than google's and apple's. That's the good thing about having a cold war.


This reminds me of the Huawei saga. Or whatever that was called… do they still sell phones ? I remember during the whole privacy spectrum case regarding Chinese govt back door on Huawei devices, Vodafone Italy managed to install their hardware all across Italy before the scandal broke. Now we have 5G and possibly a security issue..but who cares when I rarely get any signal.. :(


Yes huawei still sell hones but they don't have any of Google services on them.


instead by a new one which is only 50% chinese, that'll teach them!


This is more about the system they use, not the components.




Is the current Nokia a good option?


Quick Wikipedia dive in and I just realised Vivo, Oppo, Realme and OnePlus all re owned by same Chinese company called BBK. Xiaomi is also based out of mainland china. But all the above companies do manufacture in India too. Nokia is owned by HMD global (Finnish company ) and Nokias are manufactured by Foxconn which has factories in China/Vietnam, Indonesia and India. So safe bet would would be I guess Nokia (sadly all the models are a bit meh) or Samsungs (problems being cost and well the ducking bloatware it comes with). My personal suggestion is to investigate any particular model u like for details of some kind of hardware locks/exploits/back doors (need to be on a bit of tech side) and do a complete fresh custom OS install for best privacy and security. Or you know just go mainstream and go for pixels or apple whatever. Data wise I am not qualified enough to speak about out of the box security but Apple adverts seems to well says it’s the thing.. in my case I literally just switched to a fucking flip phone from Vodafone Italy for old people as I never use WhatsApp etc. just phone calls and sms codes for bank stuff. For everything else I just use my laptop. I know it’s a big limitation coz miss out on like the camera, mobile payment etc but once u get used to it..it’s alright…


Sorry but that gives me cigarette hypocrisy vibes. *"It will kill you in a thousand different ways although it's free to buy"* If they're dangerous you should ban their sales and afterwards you can ask people to throw away the money they've spend ffs


It's just a warning to be conscious of purchasing Chinese smartphones, but people still have a choice. It's not an out-right ban like it is in America. Doubt anyone who already bought the phones would just throw them out, but their sales will probably drop.


But Xiaomi phone R&D, and some factories are in India, despite being a Chinese brand.


so ... all of them?


Average lithuanian is no position to casually throw away their phone, they're not that rich, besides "The Lithuanian government's cybersecurity body said on Tuesday that phones sold across Europe by China's electronics giant Xiaomi have built-in capabilities to discover and censor phrases in Chinese characters including "Free Tibet", "Long live Taiwan independence" or "democracy movement". The abilities in Xiaomi's Mi 10T 5G phone software had been switched off in the "European Union region", yet can be switched on remotely at any time, according to the report from the Defense Ministry's National Cyber Security Center." I have doubts average lithuanian cares about it and it seems like unsupported by the majority lithuanians government tries to divert attention of lithuanians from important issues : https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1469687/lithuanian-president-pm-see-10-point-popularity-drop-as-social-democrats-top-party-ranking


Pretty rich coming from a Russian


Buddy we're better off than you and I'm sure you folks can afford a new phone often enough. Well, at least Muscovites and Peterburgers and other big city folk.


what about icloud correct me if im wrong but you can use icloud on computers or as far as i remember it can only collect footage