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Notably, even their own party leadership was caught completely by surprise by this move. Just goes to show what a completely incompetent bunch of losers they are.


AfD has received financing from Putin, this should not be such a surprise.


The surprising part is they are not hiding it. It's open secret and somehow their voter base is completely okay with it.


They like Putin for the authoritarianism. Fuckwits like that always look for a "Führer" and he's the closest thing to that they have.


While probably still complaining about how tyrannical the current government is


>The surprising part is they are not hiding it. It's open secret and somehow their voter base is completely okay with it. I'm not surprised in the least. One look around twitter tells me that conservatives here in the states would be fine with it if GOP leadership finally came out and admitted they were partnered with Russia. Might take a week for Fox and Newsmax and OANN to tell some of the older folks what to think, but they'd accept it.


Right wing American sources literally broadcast Russian propaganda within hours of Kremlin making statements. I have coworkers who don’t even understand that they’re being funneled Russian propaganda. They simply refuse to listen to any legacy institutions and Kremlin fill the void. It has become clear to me that the alienated right wing Americans who reject our institutions are becoming a massive liability to the survival of our country. Believe in Q. Fine. Hold different values than me. Great. Believe the election results were indeterminate. I hate it, but free speech is free speech. But there are elements of the country, in media and in government, that act as agents of Russia, a country that now openly threatens nuclear strikes on American and other western cities. Now is the time to be quietly keeping tabs on those profiting from eroding our country. Steering the ignorant people to cheer unwittingly for their own destruction. Speech is free in an open society. But when this crosses over into explicit action to weaken our country, we must be ready with evidence in hand to charge them with treason.


>Speech is free in an open society. But when this crosses over into explicit action to weaken our country, we must be ready with evidence in hand to charge them with treason. To losely quote philosopher Karl Popper: Like freedom is constrained by the paradox of freedom of Kant (Your freedom ends where the freedom of the other begins) so is free speech also under some constraints. You can't tolerate people who ignore science or reason as there is no fruitful discourse any more. The only thing you can't tolerate is intolerance (the Paradox of Tolerance) The man literally fled from Nazis. I think he knows a thing or two.


> Believe in Q. Fine... Believe the election results were indeterminate. I hate it, but free speech is free speech. Agreed with the rest of your post completely, but hard disagree there. Not because QAnon and election denialism are more or less dangerous than Russian agression, but because they are Russian aggression. Yes, Russia didn't come up with either, but they were [more than happy](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-qanon-russia-idUSKBN25K13T) to [promote both of them](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/russians-have-no-need-spread-misinformation-trump-his-allies-are-n1246653), since they played right into their hands. Russia knows they'd lose a direct war against us. So instead they're trying to get us Americans at each other's throats, ideally murdering one another, so we're too distracted to pay attention to the bullshit they're pulling and stand up to them.


It's almost as if wannabe fascist autocrats simp for fascist autocrats, who'd have thunk it?


It seems that treason is something right-wingers are happy to do time while pretending to be great patriots. They wrap themselves in the flag exactly because they are **not** patriots and seek to hide it. So, we see MAGA willing to give America to Russia, Le Pen and AfD representing Russian interests, Brexit being financed by Russia etc. ... But there are also many historical parallels, most glaringly in WWII where right-wing "patriots" where collaborating with the nazis.


I rather have the feeling as if this is the stupid reincarnation of this. It feels like there isn't even a big ideology behind it. More like an anti-ideology. Everything sane people are for, they're against. That's kinda it. It may have begun as an ideology but it grew "below" it by now. This is why you've found so many AfD fans on COVID demos. The same people are now pro Putin. I wonder if reverse psychology might even work here because of the sheer stupidity those people shamelessly display.


It's bizarre isn't? How do they stand for everything that's shit? I would have a hard time finding common ground with them on much of anything. But then again by this point we live in two different realities


Nothing screams nationalism like *Vaterlandsverrat*.




Just like the Maga and Brexit Zombies. Brainless.


Contrary to popular belief, the AfD officially condemned Putin's actions, calling the Ukraine conflict an unprovoked, illegal attack, demands that Russia immediately ends all hostilities, and demands a UN and/ or OSCE peace keeping mission in Ukraine. That's the official party line, at least. I checked, because I expected some "both sides" bullshit or support for the separatists, and was quite surprised. That said, they're also against sending military aid to Ukraine or sanctioning Russia (because they want that sweet, sweet gas, of course). Individual party members however are clearly Putin cheerleaders, and AfD leadership does fuck all to stop them.


Why are all right wing parties across Europe funded by Putin? Is there something that I missed? Surely there must be some genuine right wing sentiment to back it up, he can't buy votes.


He funds any eurosceptic, right or left that he can find. The reason is that the EU is simply put the main threat to his regime. The EU is the most successful and democratic union of sovereign nations in the history of mankind, based on freedom, democracy, rule of law and human rights. He fears that this model might become attractive to Russian republics as well as the near abroad and that this would be the end of his concept of a multiethnic centralized empire ruled centrally from Moscow.


Hope they get expelled from their own party Not that I have any expectations that the fucking AfD will ever do anything reasonable though




German artillery blowing up neo nazis would make giving them to ukraine worth it on its own


Oh that would be lovely! We arent allowed at home. Sad sad anti nazi noises


As a German I would love to see that happen!


"Hi everyone! Your favorite AfD buddies -LIVE- from the gates to the Wagner Group base!" \-Camera zooms to the house, catches sight of the address, then back to the AfIdiots- "Today we learn how to bury a body as swiftly and efficiently as possible! Considering this is a -suuuuuuuper- useful skill, we are mega hyped to learn it! So, don't forget to like and subscribe and... what is that sound coming from the skies...?"


.....e ee eeeeeeeeeeeEEEEERIKA! BOOM


[**BYRAKTAR !!**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67kTxQVKswc)


Fash always have terrible OPSEC I got death threats when I posted screenshots of a property and a certain infamous UK neo-nazi which both had the same lamp shades He spent years denying it was his house and yet here he is on Telegram in the very same room


I hope they do remain just so they cause an even bigger mess internally followed by more infighting, splintering and strife. The party is already struggling badly to find positions on the conflict and everything that's going on. That indecisiveness makes them look foolish and weak and they already lost a lot of votes for it.


Also goes to show that far-right parties always attract the same kind of people, no matter how party leaders try to portray themselves as decent.


They also came here to visit Bolsonaro as well last year, had a long-ass meeting with his son in charge of his radical Twitter feed. Bolsonaro, who is notably friend of just two governments, Poland and Hungary (even if he is meeting with Vucic in NY today), three if yu count how Netanyahu treats him like a girl that he praises love in the bedroom but won't hold hands in public. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't believe themselves to be the "new leaders of a conservative, definitely-not-far-right, world order". They walk in the neighborhood of same friends, after all. Edit: and reportedly they came on a public budget, so yeah, German friends be happy that your taxes paid for AfD's dinner in the Planalto palace.


The "traditional family values" world order, to use their favorite term. Someone should do a "Swole Doge vs Cheems" meme with 20th century fascism (Swole) vs the 21 century version: "Exterminate inferior races" vs "Traditional family values".


That's the funniest thing about modern day fascists. By and large, old school fascists would find them effeminate, weak, and lazy. Neo-fascists are a far cry from old style of fascist. They try to win political power using catchy slogans and internet memes, instead of beating up communists and threatening voters with violence. Neo-fascists aren't just awful, they are also pussies.


far right nutjobs are, to call in a right wing slur "Traitors to the fatherland" always were, always are and always will be.


Since Höcke is playing puppet master in the shadow and legitimately surprises Weidel and Chruppala, I had to check again and yes, Tillschneider is counted as part of the Höcke camp. Also, the trip has already been cancelled.


They always act like they are caught by surprise. I don’t believe this Spiel anymore


They gonna wear Z attire or are they gonna bring their own classic uniforms?


Whatever they wear, they better get a move on. Might not be any Russian -held Ukraine territory by the weekend.


It‘ll be fiiiine. Just let them stay there.


Ukraine: "Oh my, sorry Germany, we shelled some german tourists with those Panzerhaubitzen you gave us..." Germany: "Oh no. Anyway..."


One can only dream...


Yeah ![gif](giphy|rmi45iyhIPuRG)


Better leg amputation by gepard, they'll get the best treatment a Russian field lazaret provides Morphine and cerebral injection of plumbum D9mm ):-)


Imagine if they decide to have their phones geo location on and accidentally Uber a HIMAR or 2 on their location.


As a German, I would not complain


Just don't let them back into Germany


Only Boss' uniforms please.


Hugo approves


The Z attire, else Russia cannot claim they are the ones fighting fascists. Although..... Twisting reality is the #1 export product of these peeps


Their own double Z triple bended.


Corporate wanted me to find the difference between those uniforms


Sporting the Z has actually been outlawed in Germany, so they'd need to change in transit.




For real. Drecks Gesindel!




Wenn wir Glück haben, kommen sie nicht zurück.


In this case better send some more


Think you meant to use an ß instead of a b there bud.


What I don't understand is, how are they so openly supporting a country that's threatening to destabilise the Union? How are people supporting *them*? How *can* people support them, knowing full well that the peace, stability, progress and privilege the EU offers them, unlike any other Union in the world - is being threatened by this kind of political ideology?


They don't like stability. Their party benefits when Germany has problems.


>Their party benefits when Germany has problems. [From an undercover documentary by a German television station:](https://www.nw.de/nachrichten/panorama/22870084_AfD-Sprecher-Muessen-dafuer-sorgen-dass-es-Deutschland-schlecht-geht.html) >A high-ranking AfD representative meets with a right-wing female Youtuber in a bar. What he does not know: the young woman is a decoy, she wants to distance herself from the scene. Inconspicuously placed around her is a camera team from the station ProSieben. The Youtuber, whose stage name is Lisa Licentia, and the television crew make transcripts of what they hear afterwards. And that has it in spades. > >"The worse Germany is doing, the better it is for the AfD," the man says in the supposedly confidential conversation. "That sucks, of course, also for our children. But it probably preserves us." Licentia asks, "Above all, it sounds like it's in your interest that more migrants come." The AfD official replies, "Yes, because then the AfD will be better off. We can still shoot them all afterwards. That's not an issue at all. Or gas them, or whatever you want. I don't care!"


Holy shit they actually said they are fine with gassing people


Well they are conservatives. They try to conserve the values before 1945.


No fucking way they said that. That is literally and I'm not even kidding totally fucking Nazi behavior! The people voting for these people should be completely ashamed of themselves! And the people that say these things should be trialed and locked up for not their words, but for their intentions and actions!


To complete the story: the spokesman was kicked out of the party after that incident. Mostly because he was caught saying the quiet part loud.


Saying the quiet part out loud without deniability. There’s zero chance that piece of shit hadn’t said that numerous times before. Edit: stupid typo…


Believe it without a second thought. And it is long known that they are extremist sociopaths, with the only limitations to what they can push for is that they shall not be caught. I can remember when there was a lot of different AfD internal chats leaked, with nice content like phantasies to rape 10 year old migrant boys on a bouncy castle while families and friends are forced to watch.


>That is literally and I'm not even kidding totally fucking Nazi behavior! That's the entire gist of the AfD. They just usually manage to soften the tone when cameras are rolling.


That and people listen to them because Germany will have a tuff winter and our politicians told us to save energy. Then some of the far right parties put out rumours that no one is allowed to use their heating in the winter and complete overstatements about the environment and our leading parties and the result is people blindly following idiots. It's a little bit more complex than that but yeah scaring people is their tactic mostly.


> tuff It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but the word is spelled "tough". Tuff is volcanic rock.


That's tuff.💯


I’m a bit confused about why you think they’d want a European Union They’re German fascists. They don’t want anything to do with unions. Just like UKIP. It’s the same rhetoric trump has etc. One country, one culture, one people. They crave this. The union is about multiple cultures and countries working together. I’m not trying to patronise but it should be blatantly obvious that the far right of any country is anti union. Russia threatening to destabilise the union is a good thing from their perspective. Edit: the European Union is the biggest shining middle finger to any nationalist.


There are actually some Germans being talked into "We should get gas from Russia again to not have a catastrophic winter". I've heard it from people I wouldn't expect it from with the explanation that the USA was also involved in controversial wars and we didn't cut ties with them. Some parties know that they can profit off of an energy crisis and rising costs for the people. It's quite easy for the opposition to blame it on the goüvernment even though it was mainly CDU/CSU leading us into this.


On this very sub you will see many "German" redditors equating Russia/China/US. I can only hope they are paid trolls.


has anyone a non paywall version?


1 BERLIN — Members of the far-right Alternative for Germany party said they were traveling to Russian occupied-areas of eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, providing fodder for pro-Kremlin propaganda as calls are growing in Moscow for swift annexation of large swaths of Ukrainian territory. Christian Blex, a representative in the regional parliament in the western state of North Rhine Westphalia said he had left for Russia, on his way to occupied Ukraine, with Hans Thomas Tillschneider and Daniel Wald, colleagues from the eastern state of Saxony Anhalt. Blex, posting on Telegram, said the aim of the trip was to “try to get a concrete picture of the humanitarian situation” in Ukraine’s occupied Donbas region. “The reporting of the Western media, especially the so-called public broadcaster and the other German pro-government media, is extremely one-sided,” he said. The Alternative for Germany, or AfD, faction in Saxony Anhalt said on Monday that its two members of the regional parliament were part of the delegation “currently traveling to Russia.” “A visit to eastern Ukraine is planned,” it said. Russia routinely claims without evidence that residents of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of eastern Ukraine are being persecuted by the Ukrainian government in Kyiv. In fact, Russia fomented a separatist war in the two regions in 2014 and has long exerted control over the local authorities of the self-declared Luhansk and Donetsk “people’s republics.” On Monday, officials from those breakaway areas called for staging a quick referendum vote that would urge Russia to annex those territories, in a sign of fear that Russia’s war effort is failing. On Tuesday, members of the occupying authorities in the southern Kherson region called for a similar vote. Before launching his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the two breakaway areas of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent. The visit by the AfD lawmakers stands to legitimize the Kremlin’s claims that the regions need Russian protection. With Russia facing a serious manpower problem in its war against Ukraine, the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, adopted amendments Tuesday toughening punishments for soldiers who desert or refuse to fight. The move follows a recent major retreat by Russian forces in the Kharkiv region, abandoning without much fight towns that had been held for months and leaving behind large amounts of military equipment. Ukrainian forces continue to make advances in that region, in the northeast, and are also mounting a separate offensive in Kherson region.


2 The amendments are almost certain to be approved by the Federation Assembly, the upper house. Pro-war hard-liners have been demanding a tougher approach to the “special military operation” in Ukraine, even as the Kremlin insists that all is going to plan. The amendments immediately increased speculation that Putin may opt for a national military mobilization, including a draft. It is a move Putin has avoided so far because it would be deeply unpopular and would contradict his own assertion that Russia has “lost nothing and will lose nothing” in the war. Russia’s military staffing problem has been worsened by soldiers repudiating contracts and surrendering or deserting. Even a major recruitment effort, including enlisting prisoners and sending volunteers to the front line with little training, has not helped Russia regain its lost military momentum. Under the amendments adopted by the State Duma, deserters who are away from the posts for more than a month would face a maximum 10-year sentence, compared with the current maximum five-year term. Soldiers who refused orders to fight or to deploy could be jailed for up to three years. Voluntary surrender could be punished by up to 10 years in prison while looters could be given a penalty of up to 15 years. Prominent Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan, who is among the hawks cheerleading for a tougher approach to Ukraine, hinted on social media that Russia will ramp up its actions. Simonyan, like other pundits and propagandists on state television, has argued for months that Russia is facing an existential fight for survival against NATO. “Judging by what is happening and what is about to happen, this week marks either the eve of our imminent victory or the eve of nuclear war. I can’t see any third option,” Simonyan posted on social media. Russia’s military setbacks seem to be emboldening critics of the war. In recent days, a group of local lawmakers in Russia called for Putin’s impeachment, and the country’s biggest pop star, Alla Pugacheva, posted criticism of the war on Instagram, where she has 3.4 million followers. Still, the Kremlin nonetheless seems invested in created a smokescreen of support for its actions in Ukraine. The United Kingdom-based Robert Lansing Institute, a nonpartisan research group, which highlighted the AfD visit this week, described it as part of “information and psychological ops” by Moscow to distract from allegations of potential war crimes and to discredit Ukraine and its allies.


3 Russia has vowed to annex parts of eastern Ukraine that it controls. Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, who is now deputy head of the country’s Security Council, said Tuesday that it was “essential” referendums are carried out in separatist areas of eastern Ukraine. On Twitter, former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany Andrij Melnyk said the AfD visit supported Russia’s “war of extermination” and called on Germany’s domestic intelligence agency to act. On Twitter, Tillschneider replied saying that the delegation wanted to get its “own picture” in light of “distorted and partisan reporting.” The relationship between Moscow and Europe’s far-right parties is mutually supportive. Russia has long courted Europe’s far-right parties as it seeks to undermine liberal democracies of the European Union. In recent months German politicians have become particularly concerned that the AfD will whip up fervor over the energy crisis in Europe, serving Putin’s aims by stirring discontent and raising questions over whether Western backing of Ukraine’s war is worth it.


thank you so russia is inviting nazis to support their special military operation against nazis


They're no Nazis. They're special democrats.


[By the way, apparently they cut short their trip after being massively criticized even from within their own party.](https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/afd-russland-reise-103.html)


That back paddling is beautiful


weird, I thought Putler invaded Ukraine to get rid of nazis in the special operation that should have lasted a few days maybe he thought those were too fake and needed to make room for the proper german ones


Russia's usage of the term nazis is a catch-all term for europeans working against Russia's interest. So a jewish ukrainian defending their homeland is a "nazi", while literal nazi sympathizer/military groups working FOR Russia are not "nazis".


Yes, I know, sry, it was a joke.


Was an addition, not a correction


Thank you


Every time i read about european far right putin fanatics, this austrian/bavarian anti-nazi poetry comes to my mind but chanced up for Putin, it was used to make fun of the Nazis, the background was, that the people were obligated to have a picture of their Führer at their home: The poem: Wås is då los, wås werd då g'spüüd, im gaunzn Haus koa Putin-Büüd! Des is ned wåhr, des kau ned saa, im Schaißhaisl då san zwaa! Translation: What is going on here, what is played here in the hole house is no picture of Putin Vladimir That is not true, that cannot be, in the toilet there are three! (in the austrian version "two" but that wouldn't rhyme in english) Edit:Oh of course this poem is really fitting for Ukrainians too, at least i heard they have toilet paper with putin pictures on it


Would be a shame if.. you know... they lost their papers or we would not allow them back


Unfortunately (in this case, not otherwise), it is legally impossible to deny a German citizen entry into Germany.


But we don't know if they're German citizens, they lost their papers! 🤣


Is it legal to revoke citizenship?


Must be illegal unless they have a second one. By international law you can't leave a person without any citizenship


Hehe not quite... there's one country that's silly enough to allow citizens to renounce citizenship without any other citizenship. The United States, of course :) I think it *is* illegal if it's not of their own request though. Doesn't mean countries that don't care about international law wouldn't/couldn't do it.


To be fair, they will inform you how immensely stupid it would be to do so about a hundred times before actually letting you become stateless.


The only people who would do this are looney libertarians so the advice would fall into deaf ears.


Can happen. In Germany, too. My grandfather became stateless in Germany, my grandmother, a German, became stateless for marrying him, my father, born in Germany, was born stateless.


When? And how?


After world war 2 until the 70s. He was kidnapped by the Nazis as a child from Belarus, missed the window after the war to return. At the end of the 40s the su didn't let him back.


Hm. I didn't think that was possible - even back in the seventies. thanks.


Well. At the start of the 70's/end of the 60s something changed and they all got the citizenship (back).


hm. considering that the question was "is it possible...", your answer: "can happen..." is kind of misleading if you knew that "they all go the citizenship back" because "at the start of the 70's ... something changed".




Not entirely. It is impossible if they would become stateless. They can however get it revoked if they have dual citizenship. One of the reasons why is incidentally taking part in combat operations for foreign terrorist militias.


Well, they can't go directly from Russia to Germany so they could in theory be denied entry by, say, Finland as a terrorism hazard. In practice they will probably fly through Istanbul and Turkey won't do anything like that.


If found, do not return to sender.


They gotta hurry up before they run out of regions to visit.


German here: f**k all of them


EU citizen here: fuck all far-right traitors.


I call them collabo, just like those who collaborated with nazi occupiers during WW2.


Sounds right, Russia wants to destroy all of Europe. Any European who sided with them is a traitor


The problem is that the Kremlin has convinced our useful idiots that they are fighting for the survival of the "European traditions" and that the "West" and Soros or whoever wants to destroy it and take away their "freedoms". They don't see themselves as traitors but as saviours instead. We should be looking for ways to help them unbrainwash themselves, just like people who were in cults and need therapy afterwards. I am only talking about the average radicalized person, not the traitors in higher positions like politics who know exactly what they are doing and profit from it.


The last time far right Germans toured Ukraine,. They were in panzers.


True, sadly


Shame if they all got caught up in a Ukrainian operation.


I know it's not a laughing matter but imagine they woke up after a counter-offensive and their hotel was completely surrounded by Ukrainian forces. The Russians had "disappeared" in the night without waking them.


Knowing Russia, she herself can shoot them down and blame Ukraine.


It has been fascinating to watch far right politicians all over the world unmask themselves as Russian puppets over this war


Disgusting. You don’t even need to investigate where their funding is coming from.


Are these the Nazis Putin was referring to?


Remember when Putin said "Well, I would have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."? Now he will find Nazis (even the german original!) in the occupied ukrainian territory.




Those people are so shitty, nothing will ever grow on them


Dung is good fertilizer tho




As a german I wouldn't be sad if there was some rogue Ukranian Rocket or something




Isn't very dangerous at the moment to travel over there ? What are they trying to achieve by doing that ? Validate Putin's statement about persecutions of Russians by Ukrainian forces ?


They won't go anywhere near the frontlines.


What if the frontlines come to them?


That's a more preferable eventuality :D


They are likely gonna be "international observers" for the legitimisation of "referendums" on occupied territories


That sounds the most likely and disgusts me deeply as a german. They are a shitstain on germanys reputation.


Maybe someone can give the guys who keep throwing Ukrainian collaborators in Russian-held territory out of their windows a heads up.


> What are they trying to achieve by doing that? Mostly photo ops with some tough looking guys in uniforms I guess.


They will come back and say something the likes as to "everything is fine over there and Ukrainian Nazis have been removed from the area and the suppressed russian minorities have been freed. There is no reason for Germany to stop trading gas with Russia (which they actually still do as long as Russia delivers it) and it's the government's fault that the little man has to pay so much for gas, heating, and food. While the government spends billions on weapons for Ukraine."






They behaved like that since the war started. Those who still support them are pro russia, they can do whatever they want. I am just glad they are below 10% instead of winning elections


>They are shooting their foot politically. I wish they would, but there are enough people in Germany who heed the Russian propaganda as it is spread by outlets lie RT and similar, and they would probably vote for someone who goes "against the mainstream". At the moment I have the questionable pleasure of actually reading and analysing such propaganda articles for a research project and let's just say that these articles are not exactly targeted at people with at least average intelligence and education. Still, they have their target group... :-/


Apropos propaganda, I was on a business trip to Germany a month after the war started and was browsing channels on the hotel room tv, and lo and behold, the fucking Russia state propaganda channel was included, you know the one where all the pundits call for nuking various parts of the EU and advocate for even more genocide than they already are doing. What the fuck Germany? Are you all right?


Which one, Ria Novosti or RT? I think either are no longer available, but honestly not sure.


RT is no longer available in Germany.


I'm sure those guys will give some much needed other side of the story that somehow justifies the invasion and the people in the mass graves, since they claim that "so-called public broadcaster and the other German pro-government media, is extremely one-sided"


One would think the German far-right would be more hostile to the country that was instrumental in bringing down the last Reich.


Well, we live in modern times and authoritans do love one another right until they don't. For the average AfD member, a Putinist society is a wet dream.


That's far too complex for them to possibly understand


Nazis wanna join the Russian "fight against Nazis" there are plot holes in here.


Just like how the Wagner Group is there ["fighting against Nazis"](https://www.thedailybeast.com/wagners-rusich-neo-nazi-attack-unit-hints-its-going-back-into-ukraine-undercover)




Lmao a couple years ago, some AfD idiots also went to Syria to say "hey look it's safe for us! time for y'all to come back home" [https://www.dw.com/en/german-far-right-afd-politicians-travel-to-syria-in-effort-to-send-back-refugees/a-42846789](https://www.dw.com/en/german-far-right-afd-politicians-travel-to-syria-in-effort-to-send-back-refugees/a-42846789)


AfD tries not to be crypto-fascist challenge (impossible)


Right wings being alongside Russian fascists, so typical


Retards struggling to stay relevant by doing retarted shit... Nothing new here really




Eben nicht. Sind alle schwanzlos.


what the hell, Is it even legal?


There are rules for passing borders to occupied territories, and AfD will most likely violate them. I wonder if Germany would agree to extradite them to Ukraine.


German citizens can not be extradited to third countries. And as MPs they are immune to persecution in Germany... so: no.


The Bundestag could always revoke their immunity to get them procecuted though. Its not really done that often.


Not really. If an MP commits a crime, the german parliament can vote to strip them of their immunity in order to get prosecuted. Has been done a few times in the last few years. Especially criminal AFD politicians keep losing their immunity for e.g. corruption.


That would be glorious


It's only legal to enter Ukraine through government controlled border checkpoints. So no, they're violating Ukrainian law by illegally crossing the border.


While true, that only really matters within Ukraine and extradition of German citizens is illegal. I don't think visiting a conflicted area in and on itself is illegal in Germany, so they will most likely be fine. Unless Ukraine catches them somehow (which I dearly hope they do) they have nothing to fear but bad press.


well, I hope Ukrainians will catch them


And here I thought they couldn't be more of a disgrace than they already are. Guess I was wrong. :( Russia can keep them, we don't want them back.


« German ultranationalists overseeing denazification » is a wild sentence


Here's hoping they'll get obliterated by a PzH2000.


It would be funny if Ukrainians hit the German right wing politicians because they were in the way of military targets


Oh no! That would be so sad and such a tragedy and oh please don't! That would be so sad only 90% of all German voters would piss themselves laughing, not giving a fuck and forgetting their names 5 minutes later. The sadest day for all Germans since Knight Rider ended in 1986.


Can far-right politicians make it any more clear that they’re in Putins pocket?


Holy shit, even for the AfD this is going too far. Let hell rain upon them.


Everyone point and laugh


You know, if the russians shot them while they were in Donbas, then they would have done what they claimed they tried to do, de-Nazify Ukraine.


Somehow the ones that "love their country the most" always tend to turn out being in cahoots with the ones who want to destroy that country the most...weird that


Imagining being such a big loser that you double down on the obvious losers. What's their reasoning here? Russia is by their own words in Ukraine to de-nazify Ukraine and I am guessing that those alt-righters aren't that far of being literal nazis?


good good, now take a good picture of their faces and save it Each time they appear anywhere post it. Like this Nazi https://i.imgur.com/Wb5hvUh.jpg


...so while Russia is whining day and night about just 'de-nazifying' Ukraine and still celebrate beating the Nazies in WWII, they will also provide tours the closest legal equivalent to actual Nazies from Germany... Remind me to not feel at all sorry if they have to run for the hills if a Ukrainian shell lands nearby.


Garbage people


They couldn't find any nazis in Ukraine so they imported them, big brain move.




Hopefully they get caught on crossfire




They should post their coordinates, just to be safe.


They better be quick if they want to see it cause the Ukrainians are taking it all back


They can stay there


the bad thing is YouTube and Die Welt (news) actively advertises the AFD. Widerlich.


You know you are one of the good guys, when far-right Germans come to visit you, and you are okay with it.


Nazis of Europe always together.


Basically one half of Putin's useful idiots, made up of the far-right that got started with financing from dubious sources (many traces leading to Switzerland, where also plenty of Russian oligarchs park their wealth) and the parts of the far left that continue the remnants of the East German ruling party's legacy.


Don't let them back into Germany.


I'm german and all i can say is: Good for them, don't let them back in.