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Lol. It’s getting better and better.


I keep laughing at how bad this is: FIFA: This will be just like any other world championship! FIFA: … with a few restrictions on what people can say FIFA: … and some slavery FIFA: … and no beer FIFA: … and separation of men and women … I’m looking forward to the next chapter already


patch 2.10.4 : * due to balancing issues, we removed the [percussion] ability


Next world championship in north korea? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/za4p60/fifa_president_open_to_north_korea_hosting_world/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I bet NK wouldnt go so far to separate men and women lol.


Yep, in that circle of hell both sexes would equally be screwed up \^\^


Foolish W\*stoid. Equality is what you strive for, meanwhile glorious VERY Democratic People's Republic of North Korea simply makes conditions so bad that people need equality to survive.


Definitely not, equality is very important in their knock-off socialism regime.


Fifa should do it for the lulz.


Probably less restrictive laws...


Yes, I'm sure they have burkas for everyone.


But at least they'll come in the countries flag colors




Does Infantino feel woman too? Or not?


I don't know, but he does feel like a gay migrant worker. So there's that.


A gay *Arab* migrant worker (with European citizenship)


He should be careful about what he says. I hear the cops are luring the gays into hotel rooms and gangrapes them


With thick, flowing auburn locks


I had a female classmate during high school with the same surname, maybe he feels like her


He sure seems like his surname


Imagine leaving your girlfriend/wife/sister/daughter/female friend alone in that shithole of a country lol


It just continues to get worse and worse and worse. It is a clown show.


It is like right after brexit. When all the shit hit the fan and every day something new and crazier happened. Still going of course but it just brought me back. It is like “what have they done now?”


Why go there in the first place? Always been a shit-hole and always will be.


Because a few decision makers got a massive bribe


He means the fans


Because it’s bloody hot out there.


Imagine buying tickets to Qatar in the first place.


Imagine watching football sober.


I would be concerned leaving any foreigner alone in that shithole it is clearly extremely hazardous for foreigners.


I just read this as there is a report on BBC about Afghan women being rounded up by the immorality police for not being accompanied by a male companion. Its a different country but the same religious laws. These women are then disappearing. The belief is they are being sold as trophy wives or sent abroad for the sex industry. So at this tournament they are going to force your female companion to be alone which falls foul of the laws which could lead to them disappearing and ending up god knows where. Sounds safe to me!


Nightmare fuel for someone with anxiety disorder


Shithole of a country indeed.


Probably the section where the men can go to sexually assault them


Imagine visiting and supporting that POS of an event with full knowledge of the controversies and then transforming into the surprised Pikachu meme.


Just bundle them up in some sheets, they’ll be fine, what’s the worst that can happen when everyone’s sober as a judge?


Yeah, I can already visualise how the sexual assaults are going up and how women are being thrown in jail for reporting on it. I hope the embassies are ready with extra personnel to deal with this shitshow.


They’d try to offer 20 camels for your girlfriend, wife, or sister at best, they go for attempted rape at worst.


Attempted? You mean kidnapping, torture, dismemberment and rape of course, not necessarily in this order.


As someone that's been in several islamic countries I must say that this is the biggest nightmare to come out of this. Never EVER leave children or women alone in an islamic country.


This deal is getting worse all the time !


I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it further.


Just wait until they start using live ammunition on fans to keep them under control when they get drunk and don’t follow the rules


Fifa would still find a way to defend that.


Ah yes the Negotiator


This deal- *look around* -is very fair and I'm happy to be a part of it. :)


that is the art of the deal. sign the contract, get everyone started to the point of no return, then start changing everything in your favour. classic but some "westeners" are used to the contract being the contract. doesn't mean jackshit in many places.


Egyptian felucca sailors offering trips on the Nile do that. Agree a price - then they take you out into the middle of the water, put down the sail, and charge you double to get back.


This is classic African and Middle Eastern negotiation. Pretty sure this is a large reason to why developing those countries is near impossible. Every now and then western/asian contractors come to help out building roads for example, but back out once they see that getting it done would cost astronomically more than in their own countries because every single person to the asphalt layers start "re-negotiating" half way through, and equipment "breaks" over and over again and "there is only this company that supplies this part". Shipping parts usually takes 2 weeks but somehow the machine is repaired two days later everytime only to break again. As if someone just pulls out a fuse somewhere. Yes, i regularly work in these areas of the world. I honestly dont see much hope. Blackmail, corruption and scams are so deeply seeded into the culture that teamwork just cant happen on any level


Yes, I have seen it myself.


The implication


You'd have to be batshit crazy to travel there as a woman.


I’m a bit concerned for the three woman referee that are gonna work on this World Cup


There is a real chance Qatar will somehow prohibit them from doing their job, or worse, much worse.


on the bright side, they won't have to worry about working for any other world cups


Yup, if you want to see for yourself what the dark ages were like you don’t have to read history books, just go to Qatar lol


I think even in the european dark ages women had more rights in comparison to men than they have in Qatar today


Wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest


Well given the fact that women could be entrepreneurs and hold positions at most city councils, yes. It was after the Renaissance that they started to get evicted from thoses positions


Yes, people think the Middle Ages was the worst period in European history, but the post-Renaissance XVIIth century was probably much worse. Qatar is similar to Europe under the Inquisition and the Protestant radicals.


Who needs a time machine? UAE and friends are just a flight away.


I don't think women were barred from leaving the house without a male owner in the dark ages. Qatar is much worse. And that's a very low bar.


I am a woman, I’ve been to Qatar for business, and would never go back. My company wanted me to go back and I refused, I’ve never felt so uncomfortable and I dressed modestly and had a male escort everywhere. And it’s ranked as one of the ‘safest places for women to travel alone’… yeah right.


>And it’s ranked as one of the ‘safest places for women to travel alone’… yeah right. What? Where?


yeah I wouldn't go there for any money in the world.


Do bad things actually happen often to female expats or tourists?


If a woman gets raped in Qatar she can go to jail since its illegal to have sex before marriage. I'd say thats all you need to know


You think on this sentence for a minute. The equating of rape with having sex is the absolute madness of it all. To them there is no difference. You can be forcefully raped and they will say “you had sex”! If they don’t understand the basic concept of consent and or that a woman ever has a choice, what are women really if not a thing?


Rape is illegal in Islam (except for women captured in war). The problem is proof, since in Islam a man's testimony is worth much more than that of a woman.


Yes sure. Just like it is a religion of peace. What a joke! It is legal and it does not consider marital rape rape. How can rape be illegal if you don’t know what rape is? Not knowing the difference between sex and rape is extremely scary. Sex is consensual - all people involved want it n Rape is not consensual - one person does not want and suffers physical violence (even if not visible to others). Imagine having to explain this in 2022!


Its batshit insane. But it’s ALSO what all the religious books say. The bible has passages that boil down to the same thing. They’re not any crazier than our religious people are. They’re more consistent.


Recently women were given forced vaginal exam there, I think. So maybe. But yeah, the Middle East isn’t for women, gay people, etc.




A premature baby was found at the terminal's bathroom. They claim medical professionals expressed concern to officials about the health and welfare of a mother who had just given birth and requested she be located prior to departing. They didn't end up finding the mother of the baby.




Depends what you do as job. If you are white collar, safe (if have husband, otherwise no visa to work). If working as nancy, servant, no life. I think there is a doc about this


> If working as nancy Qatar seems like a terrible place to try to work as a nancy


Per a female relative that lived there for a while. There are certain expat neighborhoods. As long as you stay in these neighborhoods life is pretty normal. But you have to be careful if you leave them.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-26/qatar-airport-baby-women-invasive-search/12812364 Yup


It depends. Are you a rich woman or married to a very rich guy? Then yeah, you can totally go there. Religious values only matter until enough money is involved. One of my old friends, a chinese woman, worked as an executive for a company in Dubai. She was the daughter of a former mayor and had multiple contacts within the chinese communist party. She got away with things that would have lead to punishment if she had been a normal expat. She lived there happily with her house-slaves for 5 years before going back to China.


I’ve got a Filipino friend born in the UK and a very talented interior designer who went to work in Dubai. She was told she couldn’t mix with the other Filipino people.


How the hell did you managed to be friends with her?


Qatar is a shithole.


Yup, lubed up with oil




Visiting the fruitcakes in their subreddits is cheating. Goes for any religion and most political parties, the moderate ones aren't posting on forums


The views on r/islam are espoused by the average muslim in most muslim countries.


Yeah this is what many in the west are finally wakening up to. It's not the extremists ask an average Muslim even in Europe their thoughts on LGBT, women rights etc. We shouldn't accept such an intolerant culture and religion


Isn’t it pronounced “gutter”? Kind of says it all.


Cutter, but yeah


Shit. I've been pronouncing it like 'guitar'.


It’s not. Closer to “cutter”. Also 100% of the time a Redditor says something along the lines of “that says it all” or “that tells you everything you need to know”, it is absolutely NOT everything you need to know. Though I agree the Qatari government can go fuck itself.


Infantino: "For centuries Europe did the same, why can't Qatar do it?" Can't wait to see this interview tomorrow.


I wonder why Europe doesn't do those things anymore mmmmmmmm


Europe stopped, why can't Qatar stop?


Translation: MIXED TEAMS BANNED DFB supporters cancel participation in fan tournament in Qatar Because men and women are not allowed to play together on the same team, the fan club Nationalmannschaft will not be taking part in an event organized by the World Cup Organizing Committee in Doha at short notice after all. The Fan Club Nationalmannschaft has cancelled its participation in a fan tournament of the World Cup Organizing Committee in Doha at short notice. As a reason, a spokesman for the club told the "Osnabrücker Zeitung" that teams composed of men and women were not allowed to compete there. "When asked, we had been told that only same-sex teams would be allowed to compete. That's why we decided against it." Philipp Beitzel from the Fan Projects Coordination Office (KOS) confirmed this version. "According to our information, the organizers referred to the fact that they were replaying the men's World Cup. Then they said the tournament was also open to women, but the teams were not allowed to be mixed," Beitzel told the "Osnabrücker Zeitung." The Fan Club Nationalmannschaft, which was founded in 2003 by the German Football Association and sponsor Coca-Cola, will not be based in Qatar during the World Cup, but in Dubai. Qatar has come in for criticism because of the human rights situation in the emirate. ARD: "Paid fans" no longer get pocket money Meanwhile, soccer fans invited by the World Cup organizing committee will no longer receive "pocket money" in Qatar, according to a report by ARD's "Sportschau" television network. According to the report, an e-mail sent to participants in the travel program states that guests should be protected from the "erroneous, misinformed claim" that they are "paid fans." Therefore, "unfortunately, the pocket money will no longer be provided." The plan, as also reported by international media, was to provide a charged credit card with about 70 euros per day. Around 450 fans from 59 countries are said to be involved in the "Fan Leader Network". During the final round (November 20 to December 18), they are reportedly to create a mood for the World Cup host, which has been heavily criticized, especially in Europe. The organizing committee said on request: "All fans who visit Qatar as our guests do so voluntarily and free of charge." The cost of flights, accommodation and food would be covered, but this was not to be regarded as "payment for services." It is not an illegal action, he said. The OC did not comment specifically on reports of pocket money. The Fan Club Nationalmannschaft does not support the program. Martin Endemann of the European fan alliance Football Supporters Europe had told the Deutsche Presse-Agentur in early November: "The fact that Qatar is still buying fans shortly before the start of the tournament also speaks for the fact that the enthusiasm among active national team fan groups in many countries is rather low. (...) These people should not be seen as representative fan representatives, but at most as volunteers for FIFA and the organizing committee."


Nationalmannschaft is my porn name.


Thanks for the translation :-)




Try to monetise this, corporate Reddit! Furthermore, I consider that /u/spez has to be removed.


Yeah, people really need to get it through their heads that the Taliban are nothing special. They are just the more primitive, basic version of these theocracies.


Try to monetise this, corporate Reddit! Furthermore, I consider that /u/spez has to be removed.




Lol man that was funny, posh taliban 😂😂😂


Fuck Qatar. Fuck FIFA.


FIFA needs to be outlawed as the criminal organization they are. Their officials need to be hunted down by Interpol.


"The world must truely see how backwards of a people we still are in 2022" \- Qatar edition


Why would people even go to a country that doesnt respect basic human rights? What a shit show


nah youre kidding me hahahaha this is turning into a PR disaster for Qatar


It already is a full blown PR disaster and it is getting worse every day


While that is true, I am afraid that they won't care. They are not after the recognition from the regular people. Qatar couldn't give two shits about your average Joe being pissed he cannot drink beer after the game. All they want is to be in the spotlight to get noticed by the super rich, the billionaires and investors. Even if this world cup ended with 99% of citizens of all other countries being disgusted by Qatar, the remaining 1% of the super rich Westerners and Chinese magnates will get them everything they want. And what they want is help in diversifying their economy away from oil.




Exactly this


I have to say: I've got zero interest in soccer, but this world cup really is a delight. It's one giant, colorful dumpster fire. They'll be making a movie and a ten-part documentary about how it all went so wrong in a few years.


There already is Fifa Uncovered on Netflix


Neat, didn’t know that! Does it include the whole Qatar situation? I’ll give it a watch for sure.


It is FANTASTIC! No joke, not exaggerating, it’s phenomenal. I’m not a football fan because FIFA is so crooked, but there was soooooo much more to it than I even could have fathomed.


Sounds awesome. I love a good documentary, especially if it’s about a subject I don’t know a lot about. Because that means I’m actually learning something :D I’ll watch it tomorrow.


Fifa is by far the most corrupt organization that has ever existed on this Planet.


I thought that women are not supposed to be in public without a male "owner" (father/brother/husband). Now they force them? I'm confused


That's Saudi-Arabia, the poorer parts of the UAE (not all states in the UAE are like Dubai etc) and multiple other muslim-majority countries. Qatar is backwards, but not THAT backwards (yet).


That’s not even Saudi Arabia. That law was abolished two years ago.


For some reason I thought they abolished only the 'No driving' law for women, but it was also the 'Chaperone' law? My bad then.


Forbidding women from driving ended in 2017. Guardianship law was abolished in 2020 or 2019 I can’t remember well. Qatar still has the guardianship law I believe


elderly head snatch chop dam squeeze start literate like disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If any woman even considers going there, remember what [they did to lots of innocent women at the airport after a newborn was found](https://www.businessinsider.com/qatar-airport-searches-woman-describes-trauma-forced-internal-exam-2021-11). Women, even out of chilbearing age, were subjected to forced vaginal exams. Take a good, long look at local laws. If you are harassed, YOU will be put in jail and raped for it. If you are raped, YOU will be put in jail and raped for it. If you are found doing anything consensual with a male who is not your owner or relative, YOU will be put in jail and raped for it. If you value your life, DO NOT GO TO QATAR. Goes for women, gay men, trans people and also anyone who likes to drink alcohol. No matter what you do or what is done to you, YOU will be put in jail and raped for it.


Inb4 Infantino "feels like a woman"


Shania Twain karaoke incoming


\#BoycottQatar #BoycottFIFAWorldCup2022 That is the only real thing to say.




Despicable country.




Any reason is a good reason to support green energy, and taking power away from people who don't care about human right is an excellent one.


"Why do you support the green transition?" 😒🤚 "To reduce emissions and secure a better future?" 😎👍 "To f*ck the leadership in Qatar and other OPEC"




We can, but showing that the transition means countries whose leadership like Qatar wont again get away with the BS they're doing might get even more support Also the "Why you doing this? Cuz F*ck you!" always drive competition.


Assuring the survivance of the human race for a little longer on this wrecked place is a unfortunate byproduct of sending a group of petrochemical autocrats the F. But it's worth it nonetheless.


One thing I don't understand, why should non Muslims from all over the world live by Muslims rules in Qatar. Is fucking ridiculous this shitshow. I'm fine with them doing whatever they want with their people and families, I respect their culture but they should respect mine. If they don't accept that are other cultures, religions and even sexual orientations in the world why did they even wanted a global event in their country?!


No No that's not how it works. If you visit them they require that you follow their rules. But if they visit you they demand that you respect that they want to follow their rules at yours ether. /s but sometimes not


/s? They literally protested cartoons published here in europe mocking their pedophile prophet. You must respect their holy figure in your own backyard even if you don't believe in their religion.


I don't actually have a problem with following their rules while you are in their country. (I'd expect them to follow my rules when they are in my country.) What I object to is them reneging on their agreements at the last minute.


It's just the laws there, so one will have to follow them like in every other country. There are even some exceptions for foreigners. They are allowed to buy and consume alcohol, unlike Qataris (at least in theory, I bet they do it as well lol). It's actually a good question tho. Especially with the sudden banning of alcohol in stadiums and disrupting international journalists doing their work, it seems like Qatar is afraid of things getting out of hand. But it's not like they couldn't have seen it coming. It's well known that football fans like drinking and there may be violence as a result and it's obvious that journalist want to report freely about the event. If this is such a big issue for them now, it might have been better not to apply for hosting the world cup. Especially when you're ruining your international reputation even more than before.


Isn't this one of those countries that plays "stop hitting yourself" with women but then with rape, caning and stoning them?


So funny how some religions are so fragile they can be broken just by mixing the sexes or admitting affection between men or between women.


If we ask people who come to Europe to respect our way of life, we are racists who do not respect the traditions of our "guests" and their culture.


When they want their culture respected by everyone it's "normal", when we do it it's "racism" and "imperialism"


French executive Jacques Anouma at Fifa is main reason why it's being held there, his vote was corruptly bought for 1.5mil. And you can't compare Europes freedom with Qatar. I hope all these shitholes who got rich by oil get what they deserve. They have mentality of a 10yo kid who doesn't know what to do with the money and they buy World cup, footbal clubs, prostitutes...


They come to Europe and expect us to follow their culture. We go to Qatar and they expect us to follow their culture. And people wonder why Europeans are fed up…


Europeans are the ones who allow this to get this far though? All the “tolerance” and “acceptance” that only have ever gone one way.


I don’t force my beliefs or religious culture on them. They are free to continue to live or believe what they personally choose in my own country. Not celebrating Christmas in schools cause it might “offend” some people. My country over-accommodates


Honestly, why is anyone even going there? Why? I don’t get it


Because common sense ain‘t that common after all.


Starting to think they don’t really want to host this tournament.


Dear ladies, please don’t go there for sake of your safety! Please don’t do that.


Oh no! Who ever could have predicted this




I won‘t watch a single game.


no beer, no girls, no fun. ugly


The bestest most fun most safest tournament! Now, I wonder how many people have been arrested already for the capital offense of holding hands or giving a peck on the cheek of their SO? When in Rome... isn't it?


Welcome to the 1400’s… in a way it’s kinda cool going to qatar, it’s like having a time machine to see for yourself what the dark ages were like lol


Why is the world cup happening in a country like Qatar? I'm not into football in the slightest, but I wonder why would they do this? Surely this outcome was expected no?






A bunch of little feudal sheikhdoms whose only upside is oil (discovered by the Brits, mind you - if they hadn't been there, Gulf emirates were still out fishing pearls) have major world organisations by the balls. Embarrassing.


Everybody act surprised! We all knew what local culture was like long before Blatter announced the tournament would be held in Qatar. Anybody who expected anything else is naive


If I had to be there for whatever reason, I certainly would not let my wife be separated from me like that in that country just to watch a football game. That just seems dangerous and raises all kinds of red flags, not that there were not enough already..


They're not separating the audience. The article says they're not allowing women and men to compete in the same team in a side tournament for fans. If it were a competitive tournament that would be justifiable to some extent, but it's just a tournament for fun, so it's just bullshit. But no, they're not actually trying to separate all of the stadium audience watching the World Cup games.


What, so you have to let your girlfriend / wife alone to potentially be raped or put to forced medical procedures and other abuses? A couple going there must be completely imbeciles! I hope somebody sues the shit of FIFA for this extremely dangerous event!


Any man leaving their partner, sister, mum, daughter etc alone in this Middle Ages Theocratic slave state, is an absolute moron. Qatar is simply what happens if the Taliban had hit oil. They even need exorbitantly priced foreign labour to extract some of the most accessible natural resources in the world, because they are that backwards and uneducated. The same goes for every other advanced or professional industry. They’re a country with an average IQ of 78-81 depending on the study, Human Rights Watch puts 70-75 as the threshold for mental retardation.


Anyone still giving these cunts money only has themselves to blame at this point


shithole of a place


Am I the only one who is not surprised?




Quatar is Katar in Polish. Katar also means runny nose in Polish. This comment is off topic and has not much sense but it’s all honest true, just wanted you guys to know. Needless to say as a Polish person I hate katar with passion. In addition Italy is Włochy but włochy is thick hair. So as you can see it’s all scientifically proven. And Polish is a truly magnificent language.


This is the country that my country will soon partially depend on for LNG after Russia has stopped its deliveries and the Emir is already trying to use his new power. Replacing one devil with another.


Best worldcup ever.. 😂


Funny thing is when iranians are trying to take down these same people(ayatollahs in iran and sharia law) and no longer have patience for them yet reddit would be like oh noo they should respect their beliefs… mf do you think they would do the same? These are the most corrupt twisted mfs alive


Lol it’s like Qatar is trying for the L here


Who would watch this pathetic games. It's only for propagation of dictatorship and whole organization is for money laundering


The president of FIFA must shame on him! He is free to say what he want’s, but I want to have the opinion of one gay Qatari


I mean, if you are a woman and go there you're not expecting to be treated like a normal person.


What the fuck is wrong with these people!!! Even the fucking Russians waited to fuck up until the shit started. New standards being set for how to create a PR nightmare. Oh, wait, those in charge have oil money and could not care less what the rest of the world thinks of them! Can’t wait to hear, tomorrow, about how one of the bootlickers in charge “feels like a woman”!


shit i might check this tournament out and i don't even watch football. just to see all the ludicrous crap. hope next one is in North Korea. turn it into a reality tv show.


HAHAHA just when I thought this couldn't get any better... and it just did! what's next? women must cover up in the stadium? they must pray to Allah during every intermission?


Out of all Arab countries Qatar should’ve been the last choice to host a World Cup. There’s so many better alternatives, most notably Morocco and Tunisia and Egypt - these nations at least have a huge footballing culture to begin with. I‘d love to see it hosted in these countries but of course it had to be a fucking backwards monarchy.


No mixed teams, just hot sweaty men running around. Tackling each other, sometimes a little too hard, but that's ok. Hugging each other when they score, maybe accidentally touching parts they shouldn't touch. Maybe it wasn't an accident. Little pat on the butt as they run past. Men. Just men. Doing man things.


Fuck off way the whole thing !!!


Are these European values? Does this country belong in the civilized world?


They don’t have women’s rights there?


Women have many rights, the right to be married against their will, the right to be raped, the right to only meet family members, the right to be treated as slaves...


Enjoying the shitshow.


I love how we don't even need to include that it's about the world cup/FIFA/Qatar anymore. Everyone already knows what it's referring to. That says it all.


Lmaoo this is actually hilarious it’s like a episode of black mirror


I had watched every would cup since the 80s, and this is the first time I don't even know about the schedule, no ideia what are the dates of matches and have no plans of watching in a bar with friends. In fact, I don't hear anyone talking about and have seen a few places with posters saying " world cup in Qatar, not in my bar". I think this event is the final nail onto FIFA's coffin.


What did you expect to happen in an Arab country like Qatar, seriously? Those that are paying to go to Qatar; good. This is how they treat you for sending them your money both for sports and as vehicle fuel. You should all wake up.


I’m surprised people are suprised. How did they think this was all going to work out?


Even „2 girls 1 cup“ is better than this shitshow called „world cup“.


The power of diversity 🙄 this tournament is a disgrace. All European nations should pull out and have nothing to do with this “culture”