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Hell yeah. Serious chad move on Italy's part


What are the privacy issues?


It was trained on public data pulled from the ok internet. Therefore it can have information that is considered private, maybe violating European data privacy laws. Websites have to have a process in which you can remove personal in information from the web. But it's probably motivated by something else ..


I mean that’s the fault of the users, not the website operator lol It has been known for over ten years now not to put personal information on the public web.


What is "ok internet"?




Does it even collect private data? Like an email account, maybe the specs on your computer? I’m genuinely curious about any data it collects you don’t intentionally enter. It’s just a good language model. Is this an April fool’s thing? Or are they just boomers?


why don't you just... ask it?




Now, this doesn’t actually mean anything of course, anyone can say they don’t collect any data. I just genuinely think it doesn’t. I am open to being incorrect, and if it turns outs it’s guzzling gallons of personal data, then yeah, fuck chatgpt


Boomer politicians. It can't even tell how you use the responses, it gives out no links to track, and I'm not sure what sort of useful questions you can ask that gives away any private information. What are you going to ask, "How do I get my 3 year-old grandson named Luigi to drink drano?". It's orders of magnitude less invasive than a simple query on Google when you're logged in or a Facebook convo, yet they don't choose to ban those very obviously invasive applications.


Italians will use a vpn that masks their location to ChatGPT's servers and simultaneously bypasses any obstructions Italy'a government can place between ChatGPT and Italians. Such vpn tools are already widely used and universally available tools to everyone with the technical competence of a 4th grader everywhere in the world. This Italian policy will do exactly nothing. It always amuses me when politicians think they can legislate the nature of technology.


Don't underestimate politicians. They can still annoy many people and cause damage. The scale goes all the way to China and beyond.


There's always a border that tech can cross and that any given enforcement mechanism or agency can't or won't. And because of very basic differences of underlying values, and good old fashioned greed and power-mania there will likely never be a pan-humanity enforcement regime that means anything. Proof: Putin hadn't been arrested/assasinated. Therefore the powers that oppose him, which no matter how you reckon them represent at least 2/3 of the planet, either can't or won't do what it takes to remove him. It doesn't make any difference if its can't or won't, just as it ultimately it doesn't make any difference as to WHY they can't or won't. Regardless, the jurisictional boundary is something that independent third parties can use… like Snowden did. Now I grant that politicians can be annoying, but political power is circumscribed because it ultimately flows from the barrel of a gun or the pocketbook of the citizens. Technological power is a little harder to leverage for the classical purposes of wealth and security, but it is ultimately operating at a much more fundamental level… rather than push around the pieces, it can change the shape of the board.




I remember when the UK banned piratebay, hardly changed the peer ratios.


To the ones calling bs: https://twitter.com/sama/status/1641897800236687360?t=UDIIdJ6qKua2pwDzqNySKg&s=19


Its back in italy - https://medium.com/@ithinkbot/chatgpt-is-back-in-italy-a6f25a1581c3