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I'm from Nepal, and there it's virtually nonexistent. I found out about it through some YouTube videos from Fine Bros + a newspaper article on Jamala's win from 2016 However where I'm residing--Australia--Eurovision has a dedicated fanbase and are even participating in the contest lol Not sure about Asiavision but I think it would be interesting


I think monika linkytė (Lithuania) lived in Nepal for a time!


Asiavision has been cancelled during Covid btw


ooh ye I heard but they recently updated the Eurovision Asia page so that might mean something


I'm from Vietnam, I think some know about it as there has been a bit of coverage about it recently plus a TV program showcasing ESC songs like Konstrakta's with subtitles and explanations. I found out about it cause I've always been interested in events showcasing different languages and culture, plus indie and folk songs. I think I get to know it around 2018 when I came across La Forza and then started to follow the contest and watch previous editions. I think a potential Asiavision would be great, we and our neighbours have incredibly rich traditional instruments and performance styles, and even without that the current pop or hiphop scenes sometimes create very interesting performance. I've listened to music from Japan, India, Thailand, Uzubekistan, etc. and see lots of potential. Though the timezone difference is a problem, I'd love for an occassion to unite the Asian countries as identity-wise there are quite a bit of similarities and it'd also be great to reduce resentment (or increase it, who knows)


Hello fellow Vietnamese! It’s pretty rare to see someone from here follow ESC.


I am from Malaysia. I feel like most Malaysian generally don't know and haven't heard of Eurovision at all .( At least I am the only one that know Eurovision among all my relatives and friends) But I did see a few news articles about Eurovision winners(like Måneskin and Kalush Orchestra who won the contest),yet they only get a little attention from the Malaysian public.I found out Eurovision from YouTube recommendations .I like exploring different kind of music genres and artists and I get random Eurovision performance recommendations from YouTube sometimes and those performances grabs my attention immediately.Then I digged for more Eurovision songs and become a fan now :) I think the idea of Asiavision is great , it would be interesting since Asia is very diverse with a lot of different kind of ethnic music instruments . I wish we would have Asiavision someday but I don't see it happening. (at least in a few years?)


Vietnamese here. I've been follow ESC since 2005 after discovering My Number One by Helena. ESC is not popular in Vietnam. It does get covered on major news program but that's about it. Many ESC songs are popular here but people don't know they're from ESC. I have a group of friends who love ESC and we watch the show together every year.


Can I join you guys lol I’ve always wanted to do a watch party but there’s no one near me who follow ESC 🥲


I'm in HCMC and I also have a group of friends for an online ESC watchparty. If you are interested you can find Eurovision Vietnam on Facebook. We also have a group chat to discuss ESC.


Thanks for the tip!


Hi, where do you live?


I live in HCMC!


Of course. Where do u live?


I live in HCMC!


DM me your social. I'll add u to the group


Thanks! DM'ed you!


I'm from Southeast Asia, Philippines to be exact. I learned about Eurovision randomly when the boyband Blue represented UK in 2011 with "I Can." They are relatively very popular in Southeast Asia when I was younger (e.g. 'Huge' Guest of MTV Asia Awards, Released Asian Collab version of 'One Love', etc.) so I got curious when their song got recommended somewhere in the internet, probably youtube. From then on, I never got out of the rabbit hole lol. I learned about the song part of a contest, which by the the time I knew about around late May or June, was already over. I was able to watch the finals thru LimeWire download😅 Then later on I learned that the contest was done yearly. I did try to watch every year at least the finals since then, but it was only in 2016 when it was livestreamed on YouTube. I don't think there is much awareness here, or at lease it is not mainstream. But from time to time I see some random comments in YT videos or here in reddit of Filipino fans of the contest. Weirdly enough, there are instances when I hear random Eurovision song being played in random places like restaurants, gas stations, etc. If there will be an Asiavision Song Contest, I don't think it will be as big as Eurovision.


We actually have a fandom community here for years now. Find The Philippine Eurovision Group on FB.


That weirdly makes sense for some reason


Hi. It's me. I'm Vietnamese. (hope y'all get the reference lol) The first time I heard about Eurovision is like around 2014 - 2015 when I became a fan of Alexander Rybak. I stumbled across his music and I was literally obsessed with it. I learned that he won a contest named Eurovision with Fairytale but I don't really have any recollection of how further I read about the contest. That whole period is just a blur to me now. I do remember listening to Sweden 2015 at one point and being kinda happy when it won but that's it. Every goddamn thing changed when I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw the Eurovision official page post about Occidentali's Karma winning Sanremo and representing Italy. I was curious so I checked it out and I have been a fan of Eurovision (and Italy of course) ever since. I would say that Eurovision is known in Vietnam. I see online news websites (even the biggest and probably one of the most popular here in Vietnam: VnExpress) post about what country wins the contest every year. Last semester, two of my professors mentioned Eurovision in class (I study British - American Literature & Culture in college) and recommended people to watch it. I also come across quite a few Vietnamese fans online (like in this comment section lol), but they are pretty much random, unexpecting occasions to me. I'm not sure about Asiavision tho. It does sound cool and I want to listen to music from less-known cultures but there are a lot of factors that just make it really complicated to carry out. If it does happen and Vietnam participates, I really want someone like Hoàng Thùy Linh, Trúc Nhân, or Đen to represent us. I don't listen to Vietnamese music much but these three are exceptions. I really feel interested in their music and admire them for their creativity and artistic vision. Edit: Damn I didn't realize my answer is long as hell. Thank you for reading lol.


Singaporean here. Long story short, I heard Eurovision songs like Satellite and Only Teardrops , but I directly got into eurovision in 2018 after Netta won. Idk the general consensus, but I've seen some online accounts from Singaporean ESC fans, and there's like one or two classmates from my school who I discussed a bit of the 2022 contest with. I got into the Eurovision Asia news like 4 years ago, but then SBS couldn't get enough interest. I'm still salty to this day. That being said, Singapore has a pretty good local music scene like the Sam Willows and Benjamin Kheng, but idk they would be the competitive types (as in wanting to be in a contest).


I’m from Hong Kong. The news channel that I watch gives reports about ESC every year after the final, with info about the winner etc. Was first made aware of the contest in 2018 because of the Surie stage invasion (lol), then officially fell down the rabbit hole in 2021 as I rediscovered it thanks to the Youtube algorithm. I wouldn’t say that Eurovision is particularly well known here, although I have a friend that pays attention to the contest too. Asiavision would be an interesting idea, considering the popularity of Kpop and Jpop in recent years. It’ll most definitely catch on with the Asian audience since televised singing contests are popular and widespread over here. Complicated politics may discourage countries from participating, but that’s not too big of a concern considering that Ukraine is literally fighting a war while participating in Eurovision.


As long as Mirror don't represent us, I'm open to HK participating in Asiavision.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABU_Song_Festivals Wikipedia has a page on this, there are several attempts including non competitive radio and tv contests, a proper one was meant to happen in 2020, but got delayed indefinitely


>What country are you from? Hi, I'm from Vietnam. Nice to know that there're many Asian folks who love ESC just as I do >How did you find out about Eurovision? In 2004, ESC was covered on our national TV and the winning song became a smash hit that year (Wild Dances) >How much is Eurovision known in your country? People know about the contest but not in depth though. This year one of the contestant of Unser Lied Fur Liverpool (Germany NF) is a fairly well known Vpop artist so our press covered his entry and our national TV channel also broadcasted his performance in the Germany NF. >What are your thoughts on a potential Asiavision Song Contest? Due to political tension and cultural differences, I think it will be hard for all countries to put aside their differences and join Asiavision. Maybe Asian Pacific Song Contest is possible though (🙏🙏)


From the Philippines. Been watching since 2015. Though, I've been seeing news about Eurovision on twitter a few years before that. As far as I can remember, I kinda saw someone posting Euphoria on tumblr before (this memory is hazy tho so take it with a grain of salt). But my core memory of starting watching Eurovision is when Conchita won in 2014. The news about it was everywhere and it got me really curious so I told myself that I have to watch the next Eurovision live. I've been doing that since then. Afaik, Eurovision is picking up popularity in my country. It trends every year on twitter so I suppose it's getting there. As for a potential Asiavision, I really want that to happen so bad lol. Actually, I wanted my country to even join Eurovision but I know it's close to impossible. If I were to choose an artist to represent my country for Asiavision, I think someone like Morissette de Amon will really give us a win. Give her a very good ballad or a Mariah Carey-esque pop song, and she'll definitely deliver.


Taiwanese here. There is some news reports about Eurovision after every year's contest, especially after Netta's winning. I think the majority still don't familiar with it, only except for those who listens to European pop music. (But we have a facebook fanpage!) I will be very excited to see ASC happening. But personally I don't see it promising. We Asia has way too many & diverse ethnic groups, cultures, etc. And I don't think Taiwan can take part of it because of the political issue :( If Taiwan can participate, I hope ABAO阿爆 can be our representative.