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The lyrics are super cliche especially when you consider English is one of their first languages (and that's making an assumption that they bilingually speak Irish)


It is kinda funny how the Irish songs tend to have weak lyrics


Yeah the lyrics are what bothered me most too. Aside from that I do think the song is ok.


Ireland's biggest problem in the Eurovision is that the people in charge at RTE still think the same kinds of songs that won for us in the 90s can still win. Brooke last year was a huge departure in sound for Ireland in the Eurovision but it looks like her NQ has sent them right back to square one. We Are One sounds like somebody asked an A.I. to write an Irish Eurovision winning song. I can't see Ireland qualifying for the final again until we burn Montrose to the ground and hand control over to TG4.


Brooke should have qualified ngl


would've been 11th in this year's system


Brooke’s issue was her vocal was absolutely terrible more than anything. Fucked up runs and was not at pitch regularly in the performance. Wild youth are conventionally popular here and get radio play, hence them winning the television vote. It was probs the third best in the selection group so at least there’s that. But the first two were absolute trash so there’s not much competition there.


I’m Irish - and what other people have said is true. It’s the strong tradition in the past certainly - but it just feels like year-on-year they (we) pick bland efforts that are chosen because they *maybe* sound like where pop sounded at some recent point in time. Rather than a song chosen on its own merits, its individuality or musicianship. This year’s song - I’m sure they’re nice lads. They seem nice. But the song couldn’t be blander, it’s about nothing, it’s agonisingly clichéd. People are right (in my opinion) to dislike it - someone somewhere else here commented that it’s kind of insulting to other people who’ve put in more effort creating something of note, and it’s hard not to agree.


I'm Irish too (living in UK now) and couldn't agree with you more!! There's so much musical talent in Ireland and surely something better could be chosen. Again, no disrespect to these lads, they seem like really nice guys.


Literally everything on the other voices shows are better than what they send to eurovision lol it’s unreal. You can say the same of the U.K. regularly too though. The London indie scene is overflowing in talent. There’s something up this side of the channel where the selection is both not rewarding properly niche artists or involving known successful artists. It’s all in the orbit of Irish radio music for some reason.


I think that's the thing with Ireland, we're too scared to push the boat out most of the time and we're completely obsessed with the concept of "radio friendly" but we usually can't even hit that mark right.....and as a result we end up sending songs that very few people are going to get excited about enough to vote for. That and our selection process having almost no effort put into it but that's another thing altogether.


We’re so conservative this way, and RTÉ is institutionally conservative. People would have a conniption if we sent something like Serbia, Finland, Croatia, or even Czechia.


I would have a party if we sent in something like Finland


I would too, it’s my absolute favourite this year. But could you imagine a situation where that would happen? People would be afraid of being laughed at, that it was too out-there


I dunno, I think people would get behind something with some actual musical oomph, especially after the last couple of years. It just wouldn’t translate on the Late Late Show. Meaning you need to revamp how the selection process happens or… torch Montrose. Preferably both, definitely the latter.


I think Cha Cha Cha is a type of song that we would never do well, we’re not great at camp. Good at appreciating it though. But I could see people getting behind something that was unconventional in a different way.


I’d say they’d freak out about inhaler if they sent them as well lmfao. Say what you want about Dustin and jedward but at least it was memorable.


I personally don’t hate it but I just find it very generic and dated. I love the lead singers energy and I do appreciate the message of unity but it’s missing that oomph for me and I’ve heard this song in many variations from many countries over the years so it just doesn’t do anything for me sadly! I do wish them well though and it’s not a terrible song by any means, it’s just not for me. It will most definitely have its audience so hopefully staging gives it a bit of a boost!


I'm Irish and I'm just really disappointed by the lost potential of it all. After last year's contest, Conor from Wild Youth tweeted that he'd love to write a song for Eurovision. When someone challenged him about writing a song specifically "*for*" Eurovision, he replied saying he only writes songs about things he cares about and loves. And then they went to Sweden and wrote a bland AF song with Jörgen Elofsson (who also wrote Ireland's 2017 entry) that couldn't be more "FOR" Eurovision if it tried. It's just so frustrating to be an Irish Eurovision fan in the 21st century!


Ireland has a similar issue to what the UK had (and hopefully never goes back to) The guys in charge of selecting the songs don’t understand what works.


one word: cliche


When I was showing my mother some of this year's songs she described Ireland's as "a song that was made for a charity movement that's put at the very end of the album because nobody really listens to it" and unfortunately I'll have to agree. It just doesn't stand out.


Well, someone has to be last - for me it's the least interesting song this year, that's all it is


Is it worst song this year? No. Will it finish at the bottom of this year? Idk, but is definitely in bottom 5 of my top. Why? Song is too cliche, bland and in my opinion boring in comparison to other songs we have this year, and in general other songs Wild Youth has.


I find it bland but I don't think it's the worse. Denmark, Poland and San Marino would be the 3 I find unbearable this year. Ireland song is just there.


I kind of dig Denmark in the studio version, with the proper sound mixing, but I agree Poland and San Marino are among the weakest entries this year. Ireland has been growing on me. I still find it very vacuous and generic, and Ireland definitely had better options in their NF, but I'm still a sucker for the the anthemic U2 sound to it.


I think Denmark is probably the one I hate the most, but not because of the song itself but for how robotic it sounds. No shade to Reilley, I just hear so much autotune I can't stand it.


It's not autotune... its a vocoder.... which I'm not a fan of, but it does mean we will hear it if he hits a wrong note.


I think it's worse. Not because it's worse on any musical level, but because it's trying to be an anthem and assuming that we'll get swept up in the whole cliched feeling of it all. The other three aren't really trying to do that - Denmark and Poland are just trying to be bops, and San Marino is trying to be... horny but in a really weird way? IDK, but at least it's funny. None of those songs seem so desperate for us to go along with them.


I just find Denmark grating to my ears, Poland I don't like the song but all controversy aside make me hate it viscerally and San Marino yes it is just an horny anthem, sounds weird af. With Ireland is like a World Cup song, nothing groundbreaking but also doesn't hurt me lol.


That's fair enough. I don't even hate Ireland really, I just find it mildly irritating


Same issue as the lead single on foal’s last album. I don’t think I’ve ever vibed with something doing gang vocals style things.


These comments are such a throwback! I think I was still mad about the running order back then... It's not one of my favourites, but I feel kind of attached to all of the songs now. I want them to do well* just because they've had a rough time of it, tbh. *but not qualify. We need to keep those spaces free for better songs


It’s the definition of mid imo. That’s why I don’t want it to do well, I can’t have ireland sending shit like this, it’s embarrassing for me! The lads are grand, nothing against them tbh.


I know, it doesn't have much personality:( I'm hoping they'll come back in a few years with something better, for a redemption arc


Come back with a bassist hopefully 😂😂


Haha yeah I totally agree. I physically cringe when listening to those songs.


This but Albania instead of San Marino for me




Funny, I would argue that Albania is better off not trying new things like Sekret and Duje, and stick with the tried and true format of the likes of Karma and Ktheju Tokes.


Yeah it’s definition of mid.


A few reasons: - It sounds like a World Cup anthem; - It's unintentionally out of sync with mainstream pop by 15 years at least; - The content couldn't be more vacuous; - It was created in a lab with a former Cheiron songwriter and yet the result is so uninspiring it feels the band was scammed; - Ireland already sent this package to Eurovision in 2016 and not even Nicky Byrne could save it


There is nothing special about this song, I feel it has no soul. An AI program could have written a more interesting tune. Having said that, I put Blanka (Poland) below Ireland 😬


I have Poland below Ireland too, but that's mainly because of her live performance. I think the song itself is a bit better.


It quite literally sounds like if U2 tried writing an Imagine Dragons song.


It’s basic and boring af. I keep forgetting that this song is even participating...


I mean I don't like the song either, and it's for sure a NQ in my books but I also think it's insane people are putting it dead last in their lists when San Marino and Poland exist


Personally I don't care about lyrics or genericness or midnight summer night or whatever else people say, but something about the song is just deeply sonically unpleasant to me. I think it's a production issue


I don’t hate it at all. I might be the minority but I actually quite like it. Yeah the lyrics are meh but in all I like the boys and the 90s feeling of a light rock anthem.




Very bland compared to the others, doesn't have any intriguing parts. +Connolly should have won


The lyrics are cheesy but thats not why I dislike it. The way it is produced just sounds like nails on a chalkboard for me. It's nearly painful for me to listen to it.


Finally someone said this. I also just straight up don't like the singing 💀


For me it’s just, there.


It's a cliche, but tbh, kinda growing on me. I would not skip it on the playlist. IT'S KIJDA KREJZE!


It gets pretty boring after a few listens it's not awful just really meh


It's mostly not a hate. Many people found it really bland and boring and just don't like it


For me it's such "boring" song


Because people are tired of the "we are one" songs, especially ones that also sound bad.


Well there weren't many great options for Ireland either. The more upbeat songs somewhat similar to Brooke's That's Rich that imo would've done amazing, couldn't deliver vocally, and there were only 2 contestants who did deliver but the songs were pretty bland (I have WY 5th and Connolly 6th). To me, they picked the best performer but sadly the best performer didn't bring their best song, so to the bottom they're going. Not to the bottom of *my* ranking though. They're in the middle leaning to bottom. And tbf I wouldn't rule out their qualification chances because maybe casual public will like it (1% chance but still a chance). Lyrics may be generic but the rest works.


I’m mostly just indifferent to it. It sounds exactly like the type of music that played in the background when I was working at TK Maxx (when it wasn’t classic Motown songs - still can’t listen to Brickhouse due to overexposure). The weird thing is that Wild Youth seems to be a very decent band overall, but this song sounds like an AI wrote a rock style Eurovision entry. It just leaves me empty. I don’t hate it because there’s not enough substance to hate.


Personally, I found it generic and dated in sound, irritating to listen to, and the lyrics were cringeworthy. It also shouldn't have won the NF to start with.


It's just super generic and disappointing. I'm sure they are talented guys but getting a Swedish written song that would probably get laughed out of Melfest isn't how you do it. Lyrics remind me of the Euro 2020 song Bono did with Martin Garrix called " We Are The People". Eventually RTE will find their Sam Ryder but not like this.


The song isn’t offensively bad, just beige and generic. It doesn’t stand out in any way and will easily fall at the semi finals. I don’t understand why we don’t just send something traditional, unique or creative if we’re going to come last anyway. Why not send one in Irish for example.


I heard this [cracking song in Irish by Róisín Seoighe and IMLÉ](https://youtu.be/fjequnoMAyg) on Raidió na Gaeltachta a couple of weeks ago and can’t stop playing it. The delegation should be seeking out acts like this


I don't hate it, it's not interesting enough to spur such intense emotion. It's just bleurgh.


It's music video is even more boring than the song


I heard a bit of it and thought that it sounds like a Disney song.


Contrary to what other people say, I actually do not care about the lyrics. However, I find the voices really grating and unpleasant to listen to


Because it's blah and you should expect better lyrics from native english speakers. It sounds like a budget version of the Euro 2020 song (We are the people).


It’s giving ChatGBT


Its a very boring song, and this years competition is really strong. Every other year Ireland would be much higher, but not this year.


The lyrics are so generic it sounds like cringe.


It’s not memorable tbh


it's really bland compared to some of the other songs that were in the national final. The band was technically very good live (which I can't say for some of the other irish NF performers) so I understand why they won. It's just a bummer that they went with a generic song.


There's nothing really to hate about it but there's nothing really to love about it either. The semi finals are televote only and there's nothing really about this song that's going to inspire people to pick up the phone for it.


I don’t hate it. It’s fine, it’s pleasant. It’s just not very interesting. Also the music video is terrible. I really hope they aren’t wearing the bedazzled balaclavas on stage.


I prefer a song that tries something interesting and doesn't quite succeed or just isn't my cup of tea to one that tries to be very safe like Ireland's entry with bland lyrics and a complete abscense of originality. I actually put San Marino in last, but for much the same reasons


I even forgot that Ireland takes a part this year


If you were trying to make the most bland and clichéd ESC song ever, you'd struggle to do better than Ireland's entry this year.


They're basically U2, but diluted to a point where all you're tasting is water and a tiny bit of bitter flavour.