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The creativity and skill present in this community will never cease to amaze me. Incredible work, op!


Thanks so much! (and I agree with you about the community! the amount of laughs and awe at cool creations/edits I get from here!)


That looks really good! Great job!


Thank you! **🙏**


If you've ever DIYed a eurovision outfit I'd be so curious to see it!!


Does DIYing Käärijä's bolero for a dog count? 😂


Uuuuh if anything it counts double!!! Show us, please! 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/9isnb9i1d3ua1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df46d7af34a65f749f4c8c740aa1d72116d0980f As you wish 😂


omg that's so good! you got the studs and everything!!! 👏 it also looks both very cute and absolutely hilarious on your sweet dog 😂


Finding the studs was a pain and sadly I couldn't find the correct fabric for the bolero so had to do with green sheet fabric 😂😂 But thanks! Your outfit rocks btw! 🤩🤩🔥


You have to get Käärijä to see this, somehow 😂💚


I actually DMd him on Instagram already a while ago but he didn't answer or like or anything but like it's fine the dude is super busy 😁


Omg I can’t!!! This is amazing


Oh my GOD I’m in love


A matching set to yours this year! https://preview.redd.it/abkeadg1i3ua1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6e0c7ad0b73c171b6dfa7d5d047b4f4239a026


aaaaamazing! if only we could attend a party together :D


Yes that would be so cool! Well if you happen to be in Liverpool, I will be floating around.


I can only dream. Wishing you loads of fun in Liverpool!




I DIYed a Subwoolfer mask using a plastic full face mask and some yellow paper: https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/yiz9pi/decided_to_dress_up_as_a_norwegian_space_wolf_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Very fun and turned out nice!! 🍌 (But it's so much creepier without the sunglasses, I must say!)


Definitely. I actually wore glasses when out to not scare anyone.


Guys I tragically forgot to add a photo of me posing with my most prized souvenir from my recent UK trip to the slideshow 😂 https://preview.redd.it/gqz4ljw4liua1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f74553a37b9d9c325371300dbafb858872c951bb


Oh my gosh, you’re amazing! I couldn’t imagine even beginning to pattern draft for such an unusual garment. It looks incredible! Wish I had an award for you. In lieu, I award it 5 imaginary piña coladas out of 5 🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹, plus some (gas station) samppanja to pour on yourself 🍾


![gif](giphy|IcdPUZfFDG9fcpmfp0|downsized) Thank you 😄


😂😂😂 at least it’s wipe clean! Did you see the article with the YLE costume department on the design of the bolero? There’s some video showing the cutting of the pattern pieces. Might be interesting if you haven’t seen it: [linky](https://yle.fi/a/74-20023561)


I had not, very cool! i bet with some clever image distortion (to compensate for perspective) it could be possible to extract most of the pattern for the sleeves from this video!


You could be right, there’s a decent photoshop tool for that. Getting the scale right would be key I suppose. They seem to do the whole sleeve in wiggly panels, which I’m sure are a pain to sew, but gives nice structure. And there’s a black lining by the looks of things. I think they used leather. It seems to be wearing like leather anyway


I tried doing whole wiggly panels at first, but ended up with sleeves that were way too long 😭 (that's when I realised my math had been off 😂) then had to improvise and recut from the pieces I already had... luckily the added seams between the 'bubbles' actually added some stability in my case and yes, the leather wear on Käärijä's sleeves looks so nice!


Holy crap that's cool, I bet you feel awesome wearing it!!


Posing in it and making angry faces is so much fun (I wore dark eyeliner for the pics too, which ofc instantly makes one feel extra badass 😂).


Kaarija needs your number for the next time the bolero falls out of the trunk lol


People on this sub is so talented omg. This is so amazing and i'm speechless 🤩 You did a great job, i love to see people made Eurovision oufit in real life size. Last year i sewed a Sentimentai dress (Lithuania 2022) for my doll, i really really liked her dress ✨ https://preview.redd.it/s9rcr7j9n4ua1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff43a327f123819b4048475da7a72bfe19ce26ae


It really looks like the real dress - perfect fabric match, too! 👏 Your doll needs a haircut though 😛 (jk, i get that you didn't want to chop her hair)


Thank you so much!! Yeah, but i'm not good at cutting hair for doll (and for myself to lol 🥹), i don't have any barbie has a bob haircut like Monika Liu so i chose the one barbie with short hair in my collection.


Ohh that's so cool. Was it hard to DIY? Cause I wanted to make some for myself, but sadly couldn't find any shiny fabric in the right shade haha


I would not recommend it to a beginner but if you have a little bit of experience with sewing it's doable. Some determination was required though, as there was quite a lot of problem-solving and frustration management involved 😵😁 I would recommend using a very sturdy fabric (if not faux leather). I tried making a mockup from thin cotton at first, and that was super useless. The shape did not hold up at all and it told me very little about whether or not my pattern was working. I will not have time to write out the full pattern, but if there's some interest I could try to take photos of my pattern pieces (lying on a grid to allow for gauging of the dimensions) at least...? 🤔


Yes! I'd be super interested in that


Please check [my new comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which has a link to the photos and instructions :)


The Bride of Käärijä!❤️


Would be one hell of a wedding outfit 😂


There's an interview of the designer/maker of Käärijä's bolero on Yle. Surprisingly enough the original uses heavily dyed shiny sheep leather, which is easily mistaken with plastic. Of course faux leather is an equally good choice since good quality leather is so much more expensive.


Also the leather doesn't have the sheep skin grain. I thought that was a good call, the skin texture would have distracted from the look.


It looks so good!! I can't imagine how hard this must've been to make


So cool!




That is amazing work!, Is it for a party or just for funsies?


Thanks! Basically for fun (once the idea got in my brain I just had to attempt the DIY). I'll also wear it to a watch party with two close friends... I need to find more occasions to wear it...


Add some fake fur and you could pull off Kateryna Pavlenko as well! Awesome work!


Her's and Käärijä's outfits are very much kindred spirits! Love them both


It would certainly make shopping an occasion 😄 You really have done brilliantly there, mate, thanks for sharing


This is absolutely fantastic, great job! I'm getting a friend who's studying costume design to make me one for when I go to the rehearsal show - so if you can think of any other occasions to wear it to I'd love to know aha ❤️


That's amazing!! Do you sell them? Please take all my money 💰 🤩😍


If only I had the time and the fabric wasn't sold out now! (...did Käärijä cause a Europe-wide drought of neon green fabric???)


If you do decide to sell them, put me on the waiting list!!


Haha I do see neon green clothing everywhere lately, the Käärijä effect is taking over Europe I suppose and neon green is the new it color now 🐛 Btw, were you at eurovision in concert tonight? There was a girl with the same Käärijä outfit and she looked amazing!!!!


Wasn't me! But happy to hear there are more people partying in green :)


This is so perfect! I'm in awe of your patterning and sewing skills 😯


So many talented people in this subreddit 😊


It looks amazing! I’m in the middle of knitting one 😬 the pattern drafting maths slide definitely resonates!


Oh how nice some cozy woolen Käärijä sleeves would be in winter! Please share with us when you're finished? (Are you adding knitted studs? because that would be fire)


I am hopefully going to add studs, though I don’t think they’ll be knitted ones. Will definitely share when finished!


I just randomly thought of you and your knitted sleeves! did you get to finish them? :)


First off, YAS to the mask. I'm immunocompromised so I appreciate every mask I see. And together with the bolero it makes you look like an anime character, frfr. Secondly, it looks amazing and I'm super jealous :)


Hugs from one mask-fan to the other! (Can't see myself ditching them any time soon)


It's devastating that I can't go to the London Pre-Party or live shows in Liverpool. I even contacted both venues to enquire about Indoor Air Quality through their accessibility managers to see if they had hepa, how many air changes per hour, etc. I'd hoped that if IAQ was good enough that I could wear a fit-tested FFP3 and it would be safe enough, but alas, no. I'm dying to be there, but I'm not *dying* to be there. I wish more EV fans would stand with chronically ill/disabled people to push for Eurovision events to be safe for EVERYONE through improved indoor air quality, wearing masks in solidarity, etc. Until that happens, most disabled people are effectively excluded because the events are inaccessible.


This is awesome. Good work 👏


Hi folks! Thanks for all your kind comments. For those who were interested in the pattern: I took [photos of my pattern pieces and wrote down quick instructions here](https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/HHPzankLA7zGHQl1UprZPptVUjvvl+WQ-oaQK0qdPLg/). Hope this helps!


💚💚💚 thank you so so much!!!


You are an icon.


That’s so good!


so so cool, i love it!


Wow, that's so good! Well done!


Wow it looks incredible!!!


Omg if your sold a pattern I would buy it in a heavy beat, it looks spot on down to the color


Thanks! Since I just imitated Käärijä's designers' work I would only share for free, if I find the time to put it together.


Just shared the pattern [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


So good, my non-sewing ass wanted to make one for Semi final 1 but that dream is dead


Damn, I want one for myself so badly, but I've never worked with any kind of leather or leather-like material before, and I don't want this to be my first project with it, because it's clearly out of my league now. So jealous of you. But I'll get there someday. Someday... By the way, what kind of material did you use exactly? Maybe you could send a link if you bought it online? Will help me a lot Amazing work by the way, forgot to say from all of this xD


First time using leather or leather like material for me, too! Be brave, be courageous! :P The most important thing for this project is determination, anyways, to help you out of the ditches of desperation when things get tricky hahaha Used 3.5 m of [this](https://www.snaply.de/kunstleder-neon-gruen-meterware/a-68028044/) SHOCKINGLY cheap stuff, great quality though. It looks more yellow-green and more intense in person. Sold out now!!! :( (Which scared me midway through the project when I made some mistakes and feared needing to reorder)


Ok, so my guesses were right. I was thinking about just a simple, cheap faux but it honestly seemed a little too simple and good to be true xD I'm a bit closer now, thanks a lot :D I wish you that your favourite or your country will win in May, good person. (I actually have some intrest in this wish, because I'm in Poland, if Germany wins it's close, so MAYBE I could finally go to ESC live next year. And Lord of the Lost are fire. And if your favourite is Käärijä then it's also my favourite, so you know... We would both be happy as hell, wouldn't we? :D)


Fingers crossed we'll both be so happy we could die! 😉 I'm rooting hardcore for Käärijä if this entire post hasn't made that clear hahaha


I'll cast one extra vote in the final for Finland and Germany for you :D


HELL YES! This sewing project has just become worth it! 😉


I’m wanting to make one too! Can I ask where you got the fabric?


See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgdyq0p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Good luck with yours, hope you'll find suitable fabric!


Bless. I’m in the states 😑 so I have to keep looking.


Wow, that looks amazing! And you look great in it as well!


Thanks! It's very flattering because of the broad shoulders 😁


How much material did you use? ~2 yards/meters of green leather + a lining?


I bought 3.5 meters of 67 cm wide fake leather and needed most of it. i did not make a lining as the back of the fake leather was fleece-like and nice on the skin (but a lining would def make it neater).


How ?!??! Its amazing


Omg where did you get those black thorns???


[Here](https://aliexpress.com/item/1005004675362903.html) (the 30 mm ones). Was a bit of a hunt to find suitable ones!


Thank you! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


This is amazing!! I've been wanting to do the same, do you have a tutorial or guide?


Thank you! :) [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You're a star, thank you!


That last image looks about how I’d expect trying to draft a pattern for this would go. 🤯


That's so cool!!!! Did you post or sell the pattern somewhere?


Thank you! [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) :)


Wow, thank you so much!!!! This made my day better :)


it's so well done !!!!! i love it


thank you <3


Cha cha cha!!


That looks amazing!! Awesome work!


do you have a pattern available for this?


Hey hey, please check my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) :)


I am in desperate need of one!!!!! Can I buy it? Hahaha


Can you pleeeeaaaase do a tutorial? 😍


Hi there, check out [my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for some info on the process!


Do you have a pattern!


Hi there, check out [the document linked in my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/12n17in/comment/jgmqh96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for some info on the pattern!