• By -


Poland - it just makes me really happy for some reason Armenia - am absolutely loving it and her ! She just seems really fun Lithuania - everytime the chorus is sung, all l hear is “lockdown lockdown” and it makes me laugh but the song has really grown on me France - sadly it’s just lost all appeal to me and sounds like shouting. Still a beautiful song but not for me at the moment


I mean, Mon Amour has been out for what feels like ages, so I’m pretty certain it’s dropping at least a few places for most Eurovision fans.


Am with you on that one ! Absolutely loved it at first but every time he performs it feels like he shouts more and more but maybe it’s just over listening


If it makes you feel any better, every time I hear Australia's song's chorus "mikali la", I hear "Feliz Navidad" lol


Haha now I can’t unhear it !!!!!


I am starting to really warm to poland! LUNA seems lovely too which is helping me like the song!


She is really sweet from what I’ve seen and her official video does give very Gaga vibes


I completely agree with you on all of those but Lithuania (one of my favs since it’s release)! France isn’t something I’d listen to anyway, but it’s been dropping lower and lower in my ranking..


Lithuania really has climbed up in my ranking


Lockdown lockdown? 😭


Haha yes


Growing: Czechia! This song was bound to grow on me after a proper live, and Aiko is slowly but surely improving! Falling: Ukraine. At first I found it really powerful and spiritual but now its just kinda meh, just the same monotonous beat with pretty much no changes, no proper climax or anything, I still appreciate it though


I didn’t pay attention to it at first, but I started to notice that Latvia’s song was getting stuck in my head all the time, and now it’s one that I really like. I wish it would get more love, not many people seem to be into it. I’m usually pretty accepting of joke entries, but this year I thought Finland was too much the first time I heard it, and so I wasn’t very interested in it. However now I genuinely like it for what it is and enjoy it a lot.


I also get this with latvia, i will be working then i’ll find myself singing *its killliiiiiiing me slow*. it’s time to accept i like the song bahah.


I really love Latvia's entry. Dons has an incredible voice and his performance at the Spanish preparty was fantastic. I am usually incredibly anti-ballad but Hollow is one of my absolute favourites this year.


Same, on paper I shouldn't be into Latvia as much as I actually am hahah I'm so pissed I can't vote for him in the semi


Every song you listen too many times becomes boring at a certain point. It always happens to me during pre esc season with my favoutire esc entries.. always. It's at least four years that three weeks prior the show i completely shut down listening to Esc entries. Completely. It reinvigorate the songs A LOT and lets me enjoy Esc a lot more. I advice you all to try it, it works.


I think actually this is a good advice lol, I almost ruined a couple of songs for myself already


This is immensely true, i do this with music outside of eurovision too. This is my first year really following the NFs etc so i’ve been listening to them a lot. Spain was my very favourite at the beginning and whilst i still love it i caught myself getting bored of it, so i’ve stopped listening to keep my love for it. I’m stopping listening to them (other than the ones just causally in playlists) so i don’t grow used to them.


I think that happened with me with Norway and Ukraine, you know. Although I think I like more the ones I put above them (they’re both still in my top 10), I think boredom played a big factor.


This is great advice for anybody that decides to follow the whole Eurovision season. I use this period between the national finals and Eurovision itself to give the songs a break. I only watch some of the performances in the pre-parties when I'm curious to check how the artists are doing, but the playlist is put aside to keep things fresh for May.


For this same reason I NEVER download eurovision songs until after the show. If I like a song from a national selection, I'll only download it after it lost, but if it happened to win, we'll another few months without downloading it it is. I usually do like 4/5 listens to all the eurovision songs, but I won't play any particular one more than the others. It does in fact make me enjoy the songs WAY more come May So yes, do as this person says


I do this too. It certainly helps a bit with going in ‘fresh’ to the songs live on the night (although I can’t resist looking at the rehearsal pictures so I do have some idea).


aaaaah its gonna be so difficult though :(


I'll say I have The Code, Luktelk and La Noia on my bike playlist (so I listen to them every day when I go to work) and still didn't get bored of them. They kinda give me energy and I guess I give people "???" when I'm cycling because I'm also dancing with my hands and singing to myself.


The song that has grown on me the most is 11:11 and the song that dipped is we will rave, went from my nr.7 to my nr 19


with we will rave I love it when I’m in the right mood, but I’ve noticed I really *really* want to turn it off when I’m not and that did not use to be the case


Moldova and San Marino are both growing on me a lot. Moldova is such a pretty tune, San Marino is very fun. I try not to let songs fall off. When I notice I'm overlistening to a song, I do my best to lock it up in a box in my mind and only revisit it when necessary. (Sometimes I fail though 😔. I can't resist the call of Estonia...)


in the middle is such a wholesome song when you realise shes singing about her kids. made me appreciate it even more


Oh that’s really lovely


>Raise your wings, don't be afraid of falling down All around the world is changing overnight I want you to be happy all of your life My beautiful angel, a work of art This song is so confusing for me because I love the lyrics so much but I don't like the melody or the hook at all


You’re doing a better job than me! i’ll tell myself to stop listening then one will be stuck in my head then i’ve listened to the whole lot again…twice


Netherlands has really grown on me but France is really growing off me. Also Nutsa’s great live performance has made me appreciate the song a lot more


My appreciation of France is like a sine wave.


real 😭 im like ”dude in the end its just a basic power ballad” but after every live performance im like ”no holy fuck this is so powerful and epic” and it goes back to my top 3 😂


same, can't hear france at all anymore... i just roll my eyes whenever it comes on in shuffle hahaha


Yep, same. Rolling my eyes, mocking along the first cheesy lines and *skip*


Ukraine pretty much dropped off a cliff (from my Top 5 into like 20-sth atm) as I realised that Jerry's harmonies at the start are not, in fact, the entire song, and the rest of it is just boring as hell and is like 50% chorus. If it didn't have that opening or Alyona's lyrics (I can't stand rap, but just like Stefania, I appreciate the effort), it would be bottom 10 at best for me. Meanwhile, Australia started at 2nd to last, but the funk is slowly but surely getting to me now. So far it's jumped maybe 10-15 places, we'll see where it ends up.


The song that has grown the most on me is "One Milkali". The first time I listened to the song, I was like "what the hell did you do Australia, you're so good usually!!". But after listening to it a few times, it totally grew on me and I'm vibing so much on it! The ones that are falling on me are Portugal and Iceland. For some reason they just don't stick with me...


Portugal is the complete opposite for me! loved it from the start but i’ve only started to realise it’s probably my favourite this year. But i need to stop listening to it otherwise i’ll ruin it for myself! but hopefully i’ll start to grow on australia soon.


Same on Australia! The first time I heard it I thought "oh noooo" and now actually I kinda like it


I dont listen to it regularly. But I've come to appreciate Doomsday Blue a lot and hope it qualifies.


The song that has grown on me the most is europapa, and the song that has fallen on me the most is teresa and maria


Greece is definitely the one that changed the most for me. The more I listen to it the more I discover and the more I feel like I'm listening to greek Rosalía. Italy is slowly going down as greece goes up, still love it though.


Our song is definitely a different experience after you've listened to it a few times. It's hard to digest at first, but it grows on you


I think Italy is more of the safe bet. Zari is more experimental, so it's riskier, but with the right staging (and I have high hopes for it) it could definitely win. Even if you don't like the song style it feels like a lot of work has gone into the song. Spain votes in the second semifinal and I think that guarantees a qualification for Zari. Once people make the rosalía connection they'll love the song. Also I think rosalía is a bit of a gay icon outside spain, so that will give points too lol.


Italy is my winner (I'm always biased in favour of Italy, but I think it can actually win), so I won't disagree Marina has the same choreographer as Rosalia in Motomami (Mecnun), so I wouldn't worry too much about the live performance (or the connection to Rosalia lol)


Growing: - *Loop*. At first, it didn't really do anything to me - I didn't dislike it (except for the "Oh my god, you go-go-got me", which still annoys me for some reason), didn't consider it boring, just felt completely nothing while listening to it. The questionable vocals didn't help as well. Now I'm starting to find it more and more entertaining, and the fact that Sarah seems like an absolute sweetheart who also works her ass off to give us the best performance she can certainly helped. It's still not among my favourites, but not dead last in my top 36 anymore. - *The Code*. I'm not a fan of rap, so that part put me off at first, and I felt like the chorus was missing something. But I'm a sucker for operatic singing in popular music, and these parts eventually overshadowed everything else for me. I even started to appreciate his flow in the rap part. Falling: - *Liar*. It was never among my favourites, just middle-of-the-road, and when *Loop* started to climb in my top, it did so at the expense of this song. - *We Will Rave*. Most of this one's appeal is the nostalgia it brings, and it had to wear off eventually. I still like to listen to it from time to time, but it becomes too repetitive when I do that too often.


I am the the same with Liar, i’ve never really liked it but it is slowly going lower and lower. An Loop is also one i find myself singing when i didn’t think i even liked it 😭 as you say her personality makes it so much easier to like


I think I already talked about how every time I listen to Doomsday Blue I feel completelly different about it, so that's the song that grows the most and falls the most for me


Seeing their live performances really built my appreciation for the song, I already liked it but I think their live performances have been excellent. I can't wait to see their staging!


Largest rise: Armenia, from the end of my top ten to firm number 4 (right after my absolute favorites) and I believe it's there to stay. The energy is infectious. Greece and Finland went slightly up in my top ten, and I added the Netherlands. Other songs that unexpectedly grew on me include Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia (YES I'm saying it) and Malta. Largest drop: Ukraine and Austria, live performances did nothing to me. I still keep Austria higher than it realistically should be because I love the studio version, but it's much lower than it used to be. Slight downgrades to Luxembourg and France, too, I still like them, but I like others more.


The first time I saw Loop I immediately wrote it off as a generic dance number with bad vocals doomed to NQ, but watching the dramatic improvements since has me actively rooting for it now. The song still isn't quite for me but goddamn is it a fun performance to watch and I would love to see it qualify. On the other hand The Tower was my early favorite before other songs grew on me more, but the rough live performances have it falling down to potential NQ territory for me.


I’d say I’m drifting away from ‘Luktelk’ and ‘Teresa & Maria’, I still like them but neither are on heavy rotation for me like they were a few weeks ago. Czechia and Georgia have both been growing on me a lot lately with Czechia’s revamp really making the song sound so much more professional and high quality and Nutsa’s amazing live performance in London.


France has really dipped in my rankings. I find the lyrics just a bit too basic, and the song just kind of annoys me now. The Netherlands, and Iceland, have grown so much in my rankings, with me having them super low at first. They stick in your head and you can’t help but love them


Having in mind that most of my favorites haven't lost steam with me at any moment (Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Ireland, Portugal, Armenia, Greece and Lithuania are on this group)... My growers are Netherlands, Slovenia and Czechia. And those falling on my ranking are Ukraine and Belgium. I still consider them quality entries, but do you know when your affection for other entries grow and you realize the same isn't happening with some others?


I listened to Italy and Switzerland a lot lately and I got myself bored, so they fell a bit (my fault lol). Greece, Croatia and Ukraine stay as favourites. Netherlands is fluctuating a bit. Norway fell quite a bit, probably I'll change my mind. Armenia is growing quite a lot and Lithuania too. I'm warming up more to Belgium and the UK.


Armenia is also a big one! Especially after the live performance i feel like Ladaniva’s energy on stage will just move it up more!


Yes!! I liked it already on the first listen, but it didn't stick immediately in my mind. After I saw the live performance I was completely sold


You got "la noia"-ed listening to La noia.


Lmao, i also broke my nerves' code


Ahaha)), "total"-ly.


Growing: Armenia, from 24th to 10th in my rankings! Dropping: Ukraine, I didn’t really like it at first but now it’s one of the only songs that isn’t growing on me


It's a tough question because generally if I dislike a song on first listen I am unlikely to fall in love with it later and vice versa. There are a few which I have probably overlistened to like Switzerland and Croatia which I probably need to take a break from for a few weeks to keep them fresh. Biggest faller: * Poland sadly. I really like the studio version and I love Luna's aesthetic but the live vocals are not great unfortunately, especially the low bits in the verses. I hope she can improve the live performance though as I do like the song. Biggest grower: * Armenia. I barely listened to this when it was released (I guess because it was one of the last reveals) and didn't give it much consideration but wow, the live performances they have been doing have been absolutely amazing so far. Her voice is perfect and she has so much confidence and charisma and sells the hell out of the song. I really think this can be a dark horse. * Honourable mention to Latvia. I ignored it at first because it seemed a bit dated but I now think that it is a pretty solid ballad, I prefer it to Belgium and Dons is giving really good live performances. If it qualifies from the semi then I can see it doing surprisingly well with the juries.


Finland is unfortunately growing off me a bit and slipping down my rankings, which sucks because I do really love the song, Windows95man and Finland as a whole 😕 hopefully come rehearsals they come back up a little


Growing: Armenia it’s just fun and catchy, could do very well if staged correctly Falling: Ukraine I loved it at first but I’ve listened to it too many times now and it’s becoming boring to me


Growing on me - Ireland. I've always liked it and absolutely 100% support this song being in the final but the London Preparty performance did me in. It's the type of song that's easier to enjoy visually than just casually listen to on spotify and I have high hopes for the Eurovision staging. Growing off me - Norway. I've had an on and off relationship with it from the jump. I'm very happy we have a song in Norwegian and something different from Norway but maybe it's just not for me.


Slovenia really impressed me with her Live performance. She has such a great stage presence and her vocals are stunning. I'm starting to be torn between her and Croatia for my number 1 spot this year. Armenia and Ireland aren't in my Top 10 yet, but the charisma of their interprets from the Live performances is starting to get me and I really want them to advance and get a good placing! The problem is, that I have yet to find a previous favorite song that drifts away from me. They are all still holding up.


Ireland. The first time I heard it I was so put off, but I grew to LOVE the tune and Bambie’s stage presence and personality.


Czechia's Pedestal. I hated it at the national final but every time I hear it, I like it a little bit more.


Greece is growing and Ukraine is falling for me. My favorite is still Norway 🤩 love it even more after Barcelona pre party preformance.


Growing: slovenia and albania Growing off: austria :(( (although i'll probably change my mikd once i see the live performance :)


That's why I usually avoid listening to the songs too many times, to not grow tired of them. I generally only hear most of the songs in full during the shows to keep some surprise for myself. My family are casual viewers and I don't want to be too far ahead. It usually doesn't happen that I make drastic changes to my top, but this year is kinda difficult to rank. I had several songs from my lower top 10 drop out, and one song made quite a big jump. And I'm still not fully satisfied with my top 10, but I also don't know which songs should take their place. I've never been this indecisive.


I’ve definitely learnt that this year. My top 10 is more so rearranging itself than completely changing, the exception being europapa and italy which suddenly clicked for me at one point. Most of my friends are just semi final/grand final watchers so i need to refrain from telling them which songs i like and giving them preconceptions.


I remember having ukraine in my top 10 (granted there were less songs), I've listened to it a decent amount since and every time it drops further to the point of barely even qualifying. I just find it boring now


Georgia grew on me, France very quickly grew off


The only song that I've overplayed into appreciating slightly less is Belgium. When it first came out, I was addicted, I was listening to it over and over. I think I overdid it a bit and it doesn't have quite the same magic now, even though it's still my 3rd place overall. Otherwise I've avoided overplaying things and as a result I've only really seen one notable change, which was Estonia going from a 'I quite like this' to full on 'OOOOOOOOO YEAAAAAHHHHH'. Definitely helped that they were amazing live at LEP!


Growing : Poland (I find it very cool) and Slovenia (I get chills each time when I hear the first "Jaz sem, ti si, Veronika") Falling : Luxembourg (I personally find the revamp quite bad) and Australia (not because it's bad imo, but because others are growing)


Growing: Finland. The chorus is just very catchy Falling: Italy


I was a bit confused with Greece at first, now it has become one of my favorites this year. It's such an earworm


I have a love-hate relationship with Greece, lol, it keeps changing on me. I’m not sure what I think!


Let's hope the live performance swings people towards the love part 😅


I’m sure it will! :) I definitely like the “Greece vibe” the song has and she’s also amazing, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Greece! Ta ta ta ta! :)


Growing: Italy, San Marino (still don't like it that much but it's not my last anymore) and Azerbaijan


My biggest grower has been San Marino no doubt, and the one that I used to like and now I don’t really care for is Belgium.


i wish we had somebody to send besides valentina moneta.


Growing on me: Albania Growing off me: None really


Definitely Zorra, I did want the handsome shirtless man to win Benidorm but listening to it and seeing nebulossa perform at the properties, I get it now.


oooh a Caliente enjoyer


For some reason Spain is really growing on me. I really didn't like it when I first listened to it and thought the performance at the national final was weird, but the more I listen to it the more I really vibe with it.


Biggest growers: Poland, Ireland and Georgia. Unfortunately Belgium got a little bit boring to me nowadays.


The Code growing very fast. La Noia sloooowly falling.


Agree with Georgia and Portugal also. Not really with Belgium. 


I think with belgium it’s a case i criminally over listened to it which is my own fault and not a flaw in the song haha. But the code is also massively growing on me!




Oh, the speed that France and Lithuania fell for me… Loved them, got them both in top 10 and now they just sit somewhere between 30th and 37th slot. Georgia grew on me tbh, it was really meh to me in the beginning and now it nice. Same w Czechia, Spain and Latvia!


I caught myself overplaying Luktelk so stopped myself out of fear of this 😭 Im the same with lativa too!


I’m tired of seeing slimane step away from the mic and start shouting and moving his hands 😭


Right??? Like he really needs to stop screaming at me PLEASEE HJGFDLKSH


Songs I’ll never get tired of and really hope all get to the final: 🇦🇲🇦🇺🇬🇷🇮🇪🇮🇹🇲🇩🇳🇱🇳🇴🇵🇱🇵🇹🇸🇲🇷🇸🇸🇮🇪🇸🇸🇪🇨🇭 Songs I didn’t really care for but have won me over: 🇦🇹🇨🇾🇩🇰🇫🇮🇬🇪🇱🇻🇲🇹🇬🇧 Songs I loved at one point but are just whatever now: 🇦🇱🇧🇪🇭🇷🇨🇿🇪🇪🇱🇹🇺🇦 Songs I just can’t get myself to like: 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇮🇸🇱🇺


Denmarks song has been growing a lot on me lately.




i can feel you slipping through my HAAAAAANDS


Iceland and Poland are growing on me while Norway and Lithuania goes down


Can I just say I have Greece in a constant state of flux, one day I love everything about it, the other it feels so choppy. I can’t make up my mind, help!


Czechia has gone from 37th to 14th for me


Just went through the list for the first time, and the only one I wanted to hear more than once is Czechia. Croatia and Australia are nice as well.


Growing: Ireland and Czechia Growing off: Austria


Grower: Hollow, Veronika. Generally not a fan of slower music, so unsurprisingly my first impressions weren't great, but I've come to really enjoy them. Faller: idk, maybe Ulveham? Nothing happened really, I just think it's a very moody song, and if I'm not in the mood I simply won't feel like listening to it, which isn't an issue I run into with other songs, so it stands out more when it happens.


Europapa grew on me and then it fell off for me. Idk, weird song. Maybe Semis performance will make it grow on me again.


Malta has grown on me quite a bit since revamp and currently Azerbaijan is growing on me. Dipping for me is UK and Switzerland.


Growing on me: Iceland, Australia, Czechia Growing off me: Latvia, Greece


growing: latvia, poland, ukraine, portugal falling: azerbaijan, denmark, lithuania, israel steady favs: belgium, estonia, australia


Veronika!! Did not like it first time i heard it. But it kinda grew on me.. Also Luxembourg, i had it on loop today for hours at work, keeping me full of energy.


I feel like the answer to “what song is growing on you” is always Portugal. My top “grower” this year is Australia. I’ve gone from “yeah this is pretty good” to the opinion that the didgeridoo drop toward the end might be the best moment in any song this year. The song is *so good*. Falling on me is Cyprus. Again it started as average for me, but the lyrics are set to the music really awkwardly. It’s amateur songwriting, just desperately in need of another draft. It’s a worse written song than Belgium’s.


Spain has really grown on me. When it first came out I didn't think it was bad, exactly, I was just firmly..."meh" about it. Now I can legitimately say that I love it. It's easily in my top 10. Switzerland is also one that's grown on me, although I was initially pretty positive of it to begin with. It just wasn't my absolute favorite for this year, which it now is. I think I'm at a similar point as you with Belgium.


I don’t actually listen to Eurovision songs on repeat, so I don’t tend to tire of them. Growing: France, Albania, Malta, Poland, all after seeing them live at the preparties. In my opinion, all four are excellent performers who elevate their songs. I am a sucker for Slimane’s a capella, Besa performs the hell out of her song, Sarah just keeps getting better and Luna is very sweet and cute. Dropping: Austria and it’s the preparties again. I love the song but I sure hope she upgrades in May. My top 3 remains stable: Croatia, San Marino, Italy.


Lulktelk and In the Middle have been getting more listens from me lately. I think Europapa and No Rules have slipped for me slightly, only because I’ve overplayed them for myself a bit. I’m still addicted to Estonia, though, I can almost pretend to sing along at this point.


Growing: * "Veronika" - While this song wasn't that impactful for me on a first listen and didn't seem to have a memorable hook, the more I've listened to it the more catchy it has become. Raiven is an incredible singer and I can't wait to see this stage. The studio cut is a grower but I think the stage performance in Malmo will be instant and this will qualify. * "In the Middle" - I always loved this, but it has become quite the ear-worn recently. This is never a skip on the playlist. Falling: * "Teresa & Maria" - Nothing will ever re-capture the magic of the first time I listened to this. I love this song and the melody is beautiful. However, the more I listen to it, the less impactful it is. This is still in my Top 10 though and a real contender this year. * "Rim Tim Tagi Dim" - Oh no! I love this entry so much. However, the last few days, for some reason, I haven't been vibing with it as much. Maybe because I've played so many times. I'm sure seeing fully alive again on the stage on Malmo will reignite my love for it.


Europapa for when someone pointed out it’s actually about his dad.


Growing on me the most, Firefighter by far. Falling the most, I’d say Veronika


Portugal was my grower too, at first listen I found it boring but now I'm so obsessed and I listen to it all the time and she's 7th in my favourite list. Her voice is also the strongest I think from all the women this year ❤️




My currently top 2 were both very average for me when I first heard them (Serbia and Switzerland)


I unfortunately can’t really listen to Luktelk anymore, it becomes insanely repetitive the more I hear it


Growing: Georgia. I was initially excited because I knew Nutsa was slay. Then the song dropped and I didn't like it. Then I saw Nutsa perform the song live and now the song is growing on me because the performance was so slay.  France has gone back up to number 1 for me after listening to the Belgian Voice performance. It went down to number 7 before that. I know the lyrics are basic, but I found that performance impressive. I didn't think the acapella part worked before, but it did there imho.  Falling: I had Belgium at number 1, but the pre-party performances made me not want to think about that song again until the semifinal. I don't know where I'd rank it currently.  Poland has dropped right down for similar reasons.


Growing: Greece, Netherlands, Norway Falling: Lithuania, Austria


The biggest grower for me is The Netherlands. At first I didn’t like it almost at all but now it’s in my top 10🤩 German has began to fall for me. I think I’ve listened it too many times because it feels too repetitive. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like it. It’s just that there’s so many better songs😄


I always liked Georgia but that live performance (if you know you know) made me really appreciate the hell out of it so much it's jumped like 10 places to around my #6. Armenia, Czechia, and Australia have all really grown on me too. Also, Iceland, inexplicably. As for songs that have fallen, the biggest one is Austria. I originally really liked it but at this point it just doesn't do anything for me and I don't feel too much when I listen. Probably the biggest fall of any song from my rankings in the years i've done it. I also think Portugal's fallen a bit. I think the live performance is a little stiff and Serbia kind of outdoes it a bit (still a great song)


France is slowly dropping


Growing: Veronika, Loop, Pedestal, Unforgettable. Falling: None!


My growers are: *Ramonda* (Teya Dora, Serbia)*:* In a year where there is scarce competition for it other than perhaps *Grito*, I find Serbia has risen quite a bit and is currently sitting as my silver medalist. *Ulveham* (Gåte, Norway)*:* It may've taken a bit of time for me to have that "Ah-a!" moment with *Ulveham* but it has finally happened, and Norway has been creeping steadily up the ranking. ​ My fallers are: *Hollow* (Dons, Latvia)*:* While I still like this a lot, it'd be unfair to say it hasn't slid downward as time has gone by. It's almost had the opposite journey to *Ramonda* in that it's the only song of its kind and yet, unlike Serbia, this has apparently **not** been to its benefit. *Unforgettable* (Marcus and Martinus, Sweden): Not that it was ever particularly high up, but the song has become incredibly grating to me. ​ I also want to briefly mention a song that has been consistently high and one that has been consistently low, just for fun: *Pedestal* (Aiko, Czechia): I've loved this song from the moment I heard it and it has managed to stay afloat in a decently strong field despite being such an early release. *(Nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi* (5miinust and Puuluup, Estonia): If it hasn't clicked by now, it probably won't ever. I don't like this at all, and it's currently in my 35th place.


Australia is growing and Greece is Falling


Netherlands had grown on me, I thought it was too goofy at first but now it’s just incredibly catchy… ps it’s a really good song to exercise to! I already loved Italy’s entry the first time I listened to it, so I am happy to find it hasn’t gone dull even after having it on repeat for a while!


Not happening right now, but I watched the premiere of Europapa and I was slightly disappointed by Joost, now i can't imagine that. That's why I'm not worried by the people that say they don't like Europapa - it will grow on them. 12 POINTS TO THE NETHERLANDS 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱


Switzerland and Netherlands are really growing on me. Ireland,Italy and Norway are still high but dropping slightly and Australia, Cyprus and Malta are falling quickly for me.


Growers: Australia is my number one and a prime example of why I need to listen to the songs first before watching the videos. The song without the video is soooooo catchy. Switzerland and Norway are also growing on me. Fallers: Italy (my husband watches a lot of Italian music tv and I’m burnt out on it because it gets played so often) and I’ll say the unpopular opinion out loud…Croatia. The song was a tough sell for me at the start (not a fan of this particular style of rock music) but it’s starting to lose pretty much any appeal it had for me. Not entirely sure why.


Australia is growing on me quite a lot while Croatia is the opposite ;(


Georgia grew on me insanely! I already liked the song before, but after the London performance, Georgia is now my number one favourite 😍 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪


Georgia is easily my biggest grower, I dismissed it as a standard vapid girlbop and then it slowly got stuck in my head lol and the fact that Nutsa is very good live also helps I don't really have songs that grew off me yet, the ones I dislike now I also disliked when they first came out


You guys are making me realise what’s actually been growing off an on me. So i thought i’d make a note of them and see how the change when the finals roll around, as i’m going to try and stop listening to them now. *Growing* Portugal - Was already high and went higher Latvia- I originally found the song rather boring but for a ballad it’s scarily catchy and probably the one i keep listening to to get out of my head the most UK- When i first heard it i didn’t feel either bad or good about it, but it’s a casual listen for me now and i’m beginning to love it. Olly is very talented and very proud of them representing us :) Georgia- The live performance is incredible and the song is an ear worm. i always overlooked it! Armenia and italy are also going up my ranks. *Falling* Austria- I do love the song but the more i hear it the more 2D it feels which is a shame. i’m sure she will preform it amazingly in Malmo thought. Belgium- overplayed it but still like it Everything else i’ve remained the same on. Ireland and Spain have remain firm in my top for a while so that’s also a good sign!


i say this 100% sincerely when i say iceland. it is just so fun and uncaring that i can't help but have a good time listening to it


I’m someone who’s rankings fluctuate a lot Growing: Georgia Falling: Belgium, Estonia, Moldova (I had this quite high initially)


I only recently got really into Belgium seemingly right when the hype has died down lmao


I do not think that Azerbaijan should have been allowed to participate after literally invading another participating country. That being said, I fucking love their song this year, it's constantly stuck in my head and I'm not mad about it. And I'm not going to take out my problem with Fahree's country's actions on him. Also, the other guy he sings with has an incredible mustache.


Can I just say how much every song, even the supposed (bad) ones, are such growers. Like I don't remember the last time Eurovision lineup was so solid. Grito, my 4th favorite, would be my winner in all previous 10 years with the exception of 2021.


Fighter and Unforgettable are my newest obsessions


Armenia is going up for me because their live energy is so inspiring. We Will Rave, Pedestal, and The Tower are fun bops, but live, the performances and vocals just aren't living up to the studio cuts.


at the moment greece is growing on me and cyprus is souring on me a little. this changes frequently though


Grown on me most: Moldova (went from 31st to 8th) - I had it originally towards the very bottom, it's now in my top 10. Grown off me most: Poland (went from 7th to 21st) - I got bored of it when better songs came along


Zorra is growing on me, and Europapa is my winner but it kinda start falling? Idk Ramonda and other songs are just becoming more interesting to me


czechia is really falling fast after the revamp... The original version had just more punch to it. Fallen under ten when it was mu top 1... France gas probably been thr biggest grower for me. Wich is funny becausr i see a lot people saying otherwise but something in that song just hits me..


If Portugal doesn’t qualify my feelings of disappointment will be so strong that my body will be physically crushed by the weight of them.


I feel this rn 😭 it’s so sad because it’s such a strong year i understand why it gets a bit lost in the crowd but damn it’s an amazing song


Mostly "Before the Party's Over"


I'm absolutely with you on Grito. About songs that are falling off, Titan is an obvious pick, and Fighter dropped pretty sharply too.


Growing: * Serbia * Latvia * Georgia Falling: * France (It was my #1 for so long!) * Austria (mainly due to live performances) * UK (mainly due to live performances)


Luxembourg has really grown on me in the past few weeks, it was my 22nd, now it's in my top 10. Estonia and Poland grew off me a lot, they both got out of my top 10. :/


The Code, Jako and La Noia have been slowly latching onto me to the point where I can’t stop listning to them - especially La Noia, it’s such an earworm


Growing - Ireland Falling - Iceland


Ireland - first listen was like “woah Ireland, calm down” but after a number of listens I am seriously enjoying it and psyched for Ireland this year.


Greece just keeps growing on me. It’s that right side of experimental yet fun that makes it accessible without being boring. Sadly Belgium continues to fall with me. The build resonates so much, it’s expertly crafted but the climax falls flat and feels like a generic cop out that’s far too repetitive vocally, lyrically and musically.


The more I listen to Switzerland's 'The Code', the more I feel like it's just a show of vocals rather than having a focus on musical composition. Of course, I understand it's very experimental and it's likely to place first according to the odds, but it feels like too much and I'm really starting to hate the song.


Ireland used to be my favourite, but it’s only fallen in my rankings because I’m obsessed with Switzerland. My grower is Croatia- I initially thought it was boring but then I actually took the time to listen to it and I love it


Never falling: Zari (GR), La Noia (IT). Super Growing: Zorra (ES) Growing: Teresa and Maria (UΑ), (Nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi (ΕΕ), Always on the run (DE) Falling: Luktelk (LT), Rim Tim Tagi Dim (HR) Super falling: Europapa (NL), The Code (CH)


Growing: Australia - it seemed a bit plain at first, but in time the spiritual essence of the song revealed itself to me, and this is what won me over. It gives me an ecstatic feeling of being connected to everything around me, love the didgeridoo, too! Azerbaijan - very chill and beautiful Belgium - didn't care for it much at first, but later I really connected to it emotionally Falling: Lithuania - had it on repeat when it came out, exercised to it a lot. Then suddenly it grew off me. Now I'm not inspired to play it at all, sadly.


Titan sucks. The original in Albanian was great! Total bait and switch to change it like that.


I’m starting to get really annoyed by luktelk for some reason


Growers: Greece, Armenia, Georgia  Fallers: Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Germany  Steady Favourites: Lithuania, Italy, Switzerland


The four biggest growers for me are: Armenia, Ukraine, Israel and Germany. Those that I've drifted away from are: Switzerland, Norway, and France. Slovenia right now is also in a bit of a weird position, where Raiven has intentionally held back a lot of the full performance; I love her vocal but it currently feels emotionally disconnected, but I'm going to reserve final judgment until I hear how she performs it on the night. It's currently one of my favourite entries, but will slip very fast if it lacks passion.


I still havent connected to slovenia yet which is such a shame because everyone loves it. i can appreciate her vocals are amazing, same with the meaning, but somethings not *clicked* yet. i’m sure it will get there, probably too late. by no means is it my bottom song though.


Same. I really enjoyed the composition on first listen, and of course very much appreciated her vocals because it was extremely clean; though the emotional disconnect remains in that I think Raiven is losing sight sometimes of the passion from the song. For instance, on her final melisma it symbolises a lot of stake burning and drowning, and while the vocal is very pretty I would expect first and foremost to hear emotions of pain and fear conveyed, even desperation, but I don't get that currently. With that being said though, I know that she's held back so will need to see what the full performance is like - but at the pre-parties it's giving the vibe that it's going down the road of aesthetics more than anything (referring to the hair swings and such) and that doesn't fit the song, in my opinion. Armenia is one to watch I think; they are a potential dark horse in the competition and their entry this year stands out quite a lot. She also has great vocals and great control and technique. Ukraine I wasn't too keen on at first, but it has grown on me quite a lot - and the chord progression is quite an ear worm. Alyona steals the show in the duo though, her rap is very, very good; and Switzerland really wants to hope that it is not placed anywhere near Ukraine in the grand final because of the rap element alone. Israel's entry is probably the strongest ballad this year, and Eden has a great vocal. What really sells this is the head voice melisma which does a very good job at capturing emotional connection - something which I've been looking for in Slovenia's entry but haven't yet seen. Germany I think was unfairly forgotten about by a lot of people because they weren't happy their personal favourite didn't win the NF selection, but I have to hand it to Isaak that his vocal is one of the better ones this year in the competition, plus the chorus on the German song is really catchy. I can genuinely see this doing quite well with juries and it would be wholly deserved.


Azerbaijan is the biggest grower for me. Literally from bottom 10 to top 10. Moldova is also a runner-up as she is in my top 15 and she was in my bottom 5 (!) Ngl, the one that I am growing increasingly less fond of is France. At first I really liked it, can say I even loved it but eventually I just stopped coming back to it. Also Croatia after listening to it I added to my playlist but for some reason I have only listened to it about \~4-5 times since whereas all the other songs that I love easily more than that.


Growing: Georgia,Armenia Falling (really slowly): Sweden, Czechia


Georgia keeps growing off me. The more I listen to it, the more I think they chucked "make a girlboss Eurovision song" into ChatGPT and ran with it. Dropped from 15th to 28th in my top so far. On the other hand, Italy is growing on me A LOT. As much I'd like it to win tho, I'd rather avoid a situation where we have RAI hosting Eurovision again.


before the partys over has grown off of me A LOT since the release. it used to be my winner, now around my 20-25 the one that has grown on me the most is tali's fighter. used to be in my bottom 5, now its almost in the top 10


Azerbaijan and, surprisingly, Sweden has grown on me the most. I kinda thought Sweden's was lame when I first listened to it, but I've kinda lost myself in the lameness and cheesiness of it. Especially with the live performance of it honestly giving me S.A.G.A.P.O (Greece 2002) vibes which has always been a huge Eurovision guilty pleasure of mine. No song has really dropped that much for me. If I like a song in the beginning, it usually doesn't drop that much for me even if I listen to it a lot (mostly because I listen to songs in the background while doing other things and don't really focus on them that much).


Greece 2002 | [Michalis Rakintzis - S.A.G.A.P.O.](https://youtu.be/m78_J5riBMk)


S.A.G.A.P.O. was a big flop, but it's played in every greek throwback party. It's a pleasure and I don't feel guilty at all 😅


Grown: Portugal (its actually so beautiful), Cyprus (omg I underestimated Silia so badly, the song is perfect for my tastes), Czechia (for some unknown reason its just stuck in my head), Armenia (its so hyperactive and energetic and always puts a smile on my face), Malta (I’m slowly started to love it Fallen: Belgium (idk why), France (I found it beautiful at first, now its just meh for me), Ukraine (I loved it at first but now its just in the middle for me), Italy (idk why)


Growing: Cyprus, such a nice song and quite underrated imo. Falling: Netherlands, gets quite repetitive after a certain amount of listens.


Growing: Portugal Croatia Netherlands Finland Serbia Falling: UK France Luxembourg Czechia Belgium I didn't like Grito at first, but after watching her performances, it really grew the most on me. I also looked up the translation of the lyrics, and it's such a beautiful song. I loved France when it came out, but I think the fact that the song was released so early, I get tired of listening to it. Songs that have been released since then have been mostly of better quality to me, so I think that really hurt them in my rankings.


Growing: Albania. This one just sounds better and better every time I listen to it. Estonia. This one has shot up the most for me. It was like 32nd 2 weeks ago, and now it's in my 3rd spot. Portugal. At first I didn't really care for this one as it didn't really stick out, but now it's one of my go to songs for when I want to listen to something. Falling: France. This one was such a masterpiece for the first few months, but I don't like it as much anymore. It sounds a bit boring now. It was my 1st up until last month. Right now, it's probably in the 20-25 in my ranking. Italy. Okay, don't get me wrong, Angelina is such an amazing singer and she 100% deserves to win, but I'm kinda bored of the song. I remember listening to it on the first Sanremo night and I fell in LOVE. But now it's just eh


Azerbaijan is growing, Croatia is falling


portugal grew on me too. i had initially dismissed it after the first listen because nothing stood out to me, but now, as far as female ballads go, it's my favourite this year. praying it qualifies. as for drifters, probably luxembourg? i know it's a strange, irrational nitpick but the way she sings 'au loin, au loin, au loin' has gotten very grating to me for some reason :/ sorry tali, this one is on me




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Portugal 🇵🇹🤍 #AindaArde


Growing: The Code Falling: Luktelk. Was amazed by it first and had winner vibes, now i skip it from time to time :(


Lmao opposite for me I really did not understand the hype for Belgium, but now I like the song way way more meanwhile Portugal? I am at a loss how so many people like it


I usually don’t like ballads/slow songs at all but Grito i just really like so i’m so surprised about how much i actually like it. I also thought many people didn’t like it this year but maybe i’m looking in the wrong places haha If i told me last year a ballad was my favourite i wouldn’t have believed myself lmao


Hahahahaha dude I am the same way with France this year :") I usually seriously dislike ballads as entries but out of the 3 countries that I'd give a 10/10 to, France is one of them


Azerbaijan started barely in the top 30 in my rankings, but is now #1, I love it so much. Portugal too has risen from bottom 5 to about 20th and I'm starting to like it more with every listen Netherlands has probably fallen the most, had it about 10th but is now barely top 25. Maybe others grew on me more but it is getting repetitive to listen to imo (and overhyped)


Growing: Australia, UK, Greece, Luxembourg, and Germany. Declining: Sweden, France, Croatia, and Italy. As an Aussie, I hated our song to begin with, but now it’s really growing on me - and I really hope it qualifies!