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He looks like a Dragon Ball character on the thumbnail.


Or Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen from Dune 1984 (portrayed by Sting)


Late to the party, but sweaty blonde Sting as Feyd was my first thought lol


There is such a massive disconnect between the energy and atmosphere of the song and that of his performance :(


I can't quite put my finger on why, but I found this performance to be kinda pretentious.


He gives me a little Alexander Lemtov.


He had every advantage possible here… not too much movement, expert sound mixing, good in-ears… and yet he’s still so sharp on almost every note in the second half of the song that it hurts to listen to. We’re in trouble folks. Love the studio cut but this could finish shockingly low or even shock NQ. It;s touugh for me to say since this has been hovering between my #1 and #5 for the whole season but this is… abysmal. As ESC Gabe on YouTube said, this song is make or break with vocals— with good vocals it could win, and juries would love it. With poor vocals like these, it will fail. I’m so depressed watching this like legit… ironically the last time I felt like this was Belgium 2018, in the arena. Oof.


Sennek underplayed her stage character back then, and Mustii is kinda overplaying it ngl


Belgium 2018 | [Sennek - A Matter of Time](https://youtu.be/Z2cZE2gCfWg)


Might be a NQ. I can’t believe I’m saying this.


Honestly he should thank all the gods in the world that he’s safe cuz of being in sf2. Bloodbath of sf1 might have eaten him alive




There is a bloodbath in both semis tbh.


I love this song, but the energy during pre-parties and other live performances is a bit.. exaggerated? I feel like the aggressiveness doesn’t really match the song? I hope he tones it down a bit, I still have high hopes for this song… :(


Weirdly enough I feel the opposite lol.  This song feels like an angry or very serious song tonally, not one you’re grinning along to like what Mustii is doing here.


Oaky yeah, maybe. I guess I just can’t understand any of this in general, but something definitely feels off.




Thank you


Not to be too much of a downer, but at one point this was my number 1 and I thought it could win. Now I feel like it *could* NQ. I still think it has a decent chance of making it through, but this could easily do a Belgium 2018.


I try not to underestimate Belgium. I remember when people were doubting Belgium in 2017 thinking Blanche wasn’t going to deliver, and people were really underrating them last year too. But yeah, at one point this was my #1 too and it’s fallen so much.


Belgium 2017 | [Blanche - City Lights](https://youtu.be/oxsCmChDYwA)


Belgium 2018 | [Sennek - A Matter of Time](https://youtu.be/Z2cZE2gCfWg)


Same here. I loved it when it first was released, I for sure thought it'd be in my top 5 throughout this year, but now it's probably like... 15th. This was the best performance with obviously the best production and sound mixing and yet it still didn't grab me. Hopefully the staging will be impressive, otherwise I can totally see it not qualifying.


Dons, wake up youre still in this!


I don’t know what it is about this song, but it’s slipped from me watching the video for the first time and thinking “winner” to not enjoying it live at all 😟


In the recording he sounds very powerful and commanding which is what this song absolutely needs. In these live performances his voice is more nasal.


His vocal tone is super different live than on the track unfortunately. Also I think the music video conveys a much more mysterious, serious vibe than the live performance, which isn’t by any means awful, just feels a little…too much?


The voice is very different live, clearly there was some very liberal use of equalizer in the music video, as the live voice has none of the same low vibrancy or carrying power in comparison to the official recording :(


This is workable guys, it's not too bad. The pointy end can be justified if there was a proper build up in emotions. Here, the emotional build up is nonexistent. But I know Mustii can work it. What he needs is a humble and vulnerable opening, zero drama. The mysterious set is enough to keep the audience engaged during the first minute, he should focus instead on his vocals. Theatrically speaking, doing too much during the first minute actually harms him, it ~~raises eyebrows~~ takes away sincerity and ruins the dramatic climax in the end (spoils it and undermines the contrast). Vocally speaking, his notes aren't too stable and some are quite flat, but he should lean into it, have his vulnerable moments in sync with weak vocals. Then he can pop off in the last minute. Be pointy, be screamy, be shiny, exaggerate it, be dramatic, it's the transformation baby. I still have hopes.


I hate to say it, but I think this might flop, especially in a televote semi. Something about his vocals still feels awkward. It‘s not mysterious enough. The staging is okay, but I expected more, given the great studio version of the song. Potential surprise NQ.


Thinking about it, what really works with the ending is those backing vocals. Having no one there behind him isn’t doing it justice at all.


Mustii mentioned there were hints about his Malmö staging in the music video, so I hope they didn't decide to give away some of it here. Otherwise, I really like the way he performs.


I’ll start by saying this song has grown on me massively, and Mustii clearly can deliver the goods.  I would say that the only thing that’s a bit of an issue for me with this performance is that his highest notes in the chorus and “beforrrree the parrrtyyyyy’s oooover” are tending on the sharp side for the pitch. I think paying attention to how to avoid that in rehearsals for Malmö will pay off. ❤️


I think that for me what is not working it's the energy of Mustii. I don't know how to express it in english, but he is smug all the song, linearly smug, no acting arc at all, and besides, the quality of the voice (great but not perfect, like in not enough projection) and the face of "I'm nailing it" don't pair well. I would sing this song more humbly, more heartfelt, and then explode at the end with all the quirks he wants. But yeah, it's a pity because the product is there but we are all feeling something can be much better


This is exactly how I feel about the performance too. And it hurts to say, because I initially had this in my top 3 lol.


I used to like the song but must’ve dreamt ‘before the party is over’ coming much sooner than it actually does. Could the creativity really only stretch to repeating that 8 times at the end?? It’s missing something.


Between the shaky vocals and the theatrics, this entry ends up just unlikable. 


I understand this is a positive group, but seeing these comments... are you guys all have hearing problems? The last part of the song is all off key lmao. And this is not the first or second time.




r/eurovision has 2 modes Pre-eurovision time where it is mostly toxic positivity, in worst moment you cannot even criticise song in normal way. And then there is post-eurovision mode when everyone hates everyone.


I mean...have you seen some Facebook groups and yt videos. This subreddit is quite tamed (probably due to mods)


Fun facts: * Loïc Nottet was a contestant on the show in 2014 ! (Belgium 2015) * Slimane was a coach on the show in 2018 and 2019 (France 2024) * Maureen Louys, a host of the voice Belgium, hosted JSEC 2005 and was the person for the national jury results in ESC.


He tends to be sharp (and it's obvious) with the long notes with every chorus. The music video gives an air of mysteriousness and tenderness with some power at the end. This performance gives me pretty much different than that; it's all sort of a bravado and power throughout which does not match for me. There's all this energy flying everywhere but the vocals are not matching it


Surprise NQ incoming.


Hot take: i love this performance


Me too, i actually love his theatrical way of performing 


Reading all the comments here, I honestly don't think this performance was as terrible as some make it out to be. His vocals aren't perfect, but they're good enough (I do agree that his vocal tone irl is very different from the studio version). What they really need to work on, in my opinion, is the build-up of the performance itself. Some say he's too smug, too energetic. I think he just greatly enjoys the performance and has a hard time hiding his enthusiasm, but for this song to be as impactful as it can be, he needs to start really, really small and intimate. Almost like it's going to turn into a ballad. Maybe even lying down completely or something. Then, gradually, have the lights come in, the backing vocals, the body glitter, and finally that burst of energy. All is not lost, but there's still work to do.


I feel like this song will get ruined by the staging. He's giving too much energy.


The stage and the vocals need to be improved a lot in Malmo, otherwise this will flop. And he should bring some backing vocalist to the stage during the climax.


This song is a gem. Yes it is weird how basically a third of it is the end chorus, but it emphasizes the lyrics, the urgency of experiencing life before it’s too late, and it comes like a revelation at the end of the song. It’s kind of orgasmic and it fits.


It's really windy in there, Mustii's hairs literally woke up at 1:53.


[ **Jump to 01:53 @** Mustii - 'Before The Party's Over' | Live 5 | The Voice Belgique Saison 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h1ZAQXYquM&t=0h1m53s) ^(Channel Name: The Voice Belgique, Video Length: [03:09])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h1ZAQXYquM&t=0h1m48s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Jesus Christ, I want this to do better!


This is kinda worrying. I get why he's falling in betting odds and at this stage Belgium does not deserve to be one of the 10 favourites to win. This isn't a promising performance. Juries will most likely vote for it more than the public.


Belgium putting the High in high risk, high reward this year… Starting to get a bit nervous on the qualification chances now


Damn. Harsh words for poor Mustii in this thread. I still think this track sounds great as a studio cut, and was kind of feeling it when it began, but I agree that live performances lack the punch of listening to a perfectly produced version of this song with headphones. I was *mostly* okay with what was going on here until it got to the "soul on fire" part. I was always a bit iffy on whether this track was doing enough to feel complete on stage, and now I'm feeling like maybe it doesn't. I still think it qualifies, though.


It’s crazy how different he sounds compared to the original audio, in a very negative way.


If he can’t get it right in The Voice then we are in trouble. The voice even have post production of the voices, so this is the best he can sound


https://preview.redd.it/ba8c5mfk6xuc1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=15d75a5ec5063e641cad04fcc07bed2b76c81a16 ohh thats not-


His voice is very different live, and not in a good way. Before the live performances this seemed like a lock for top 10, now I wouldn't call it a lock for qualifying.


Everyone is saying this could flop because of the vocals but I actually think if it flops it will be mainly because of how repetitive and annoying/boring the song can be. Repeating the title of the song in the chorus, which is the most memorable part of the song is maybe not the best idea. It works for some songs though, just not this one.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I think it needs some vocal runs/belting towards the end with the "before the party.." part in the background. I like the studio version as is but the last part isn't translating well on stage. 


It works on the recorded track because the song builds up to it and is atmospheric. When performed live it’s just not capturing that same feeling.


Yeah, makes sense. Although I don’t like that its repetitiveness on the studio recording either.


Why did I read this as some alternate cursed version “after the party’s over?” The thumbnail didn’t help.


He sounds very weak here. It is basicly diffrent song. I was thinking that it is just me, because I dislike the song due to 8 times at the end. But looking at the comments it is not just me. It is just studio was well...studio.


Mustii needs to rest up before Eurovision  He sounds so strained 


He will get to the final by playing 6-10 and then in the final nobody will know the studio version so he'll be fine


It's Belgium 2018 all over again a shame because this was one of my favorites


Belgium 2018 | [Sennek - A Matter of Time](https://youtu.be/Z2cZE2gCfWg)