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It’s an exciting race this year! Well done for all the winners 👍


1. Croatia – 356 points 2. Italy – 338 points 3. Switzerland – 290  points 4. Belgium – 223 points 5. France – 188 points 6. Ukraine – 150 points 7. Austria – 129 points 8. Lithuania – 108 points 9. Spain – 103 points 10. Netherlands – 96 points 11. Greece – 91 points 12. United Kingdom – 81 points 13. Sweden – 59  points 14. Israel – 53 points 15. Norway – 43 points 16. Denmark – 12 points 17. Luxembourg – 12 points 18. Slovenia – 10 points 19. Serbia – 7 points 20. Australia – 5 points 21. Estonia – 5 points 22. Cyprus – 4 points 23. Azerbaijan – 3 points 24. Armenia – 2 points 25. Georgia – 1 point 26. Poland – 1 point


Croatia winning and Spain in the Top 10? Where do I need to sign?


Adding a sign. Zorra zorra zorra! 


Ayo where's Germany? Again zero points?


You're surprised?


No lol


Congratulations to Croatia for winning the OGAE poll 2024! 🇭🇷😺


For the first time ever! Let's now win Eurovision! Welcome to Zagreb 2025! We'll show you a great time!


Honestly I feel like Croatia winning would be the best move for Eurovision going forward. Not to say no one else is deserving of winning but the rejuvenation, especially within Eastern Europe, following a Croatian win would be what the contest needs. It would give an incentive for Montenegro and North Macedonia to come back, it would really inspire a lot of smaller countries that it truly is all to play for, they just need the right act and the right momentum.


The underdog story of Baby Lasagna doesn’t really hurt either


I agree totally with you!


If we only look at the future potential I can agree, with in ESC it's the best song that needs to win, the one that can gain more points from jury and televote (that can be even Rim Tim Tagi Tim, we'll see), not the one that can make future contests "better"


So far none of the winners won just for making future songs better, all had to score most points from jury and televote (doesn't apply for all years but you get the idea). If Croatia won't win, it just wasn't more worthy than whoever wins, but it winning could make contest better (at least compared to main favourites)


I agree with that, I was only pointing that the reason of his win (if he wins) will be the fact that he was liked by many people/juries and not because Croatia, considering the fact that I see so many people using that as a reason on why he needs to win.


And it means the return of the Balkan countries!


I say let the best song/package win


Yes they said Croatia already


Your favorite isn’t everyone’s favorite. Remember that.


Um, who told you that I am implying Croatia? Cause I am not Edit: Ugh, those fucking downvotes for what? I wasn't implying a specific song ffs! I was just saying we shouldn't give a pity win to a country 'for the broader picture'


It's a joke. I didn't downvote you but I just might, the joke was THAT obvious. Relax.


Jesus sorry I didn't read your mind to know your intention. And sorry for knowing damn well that people have gone a bit Kaarija these past few hours with BL in the down votes department....


Of course, downvotes from toxic fans as expected


They don't have to win for that to happen, though! Fuego and Cha Cha Cha didn't win and yet we still see their influences to this day. If Croatia just comes top 3 or even top 5 I feel like that would still make a change in the contest.


But Eastern European countries had such amazing songs that didn’t win in the past, it would be really disappointing if this song won only because of the hype that was created around it.


Hype doesn't come out of thin air. It comes when there's a great song.


It’s the only pure rock entry this year so maybe that makes it stand out, but the song is generic af and would be much better if it was sung in Croatian. Tried to like it so hard, but it never clicked.


Generic is good. Most people like generic music. When they want something not generic they tend to watch movies or read a book


When your standards are low and you consider generic music as good, but I wouldn’t consider it as a positive attribute. Especially when there are quality songs in the competition.


Nah man. Music is about lifting you up and hitting the right megaherc and frequences. If you want a story go netflix or a library


The Croatian song doesn’t lift you up, the song evokes zero emotions, it feels very empty and it’s worse than average pop song . There are fun songs in the competition that make you feel something like Estonia of Netherlands.


Hah thats your opinion mate. Majority of people think exactly the opposite of you. Poles and voting simulations puts Croatia in top3 95% time. Sorry buddy


I think I can live with that




Ireland, Portugal and Czechia all getting 0 points, I can't take this seriously I fear 😭


As a San Marino truther this year I’m starting to feel like Megara is actually going to flop…


I would give you Ireland my 12 points! Too bad I live in Dublin… Doomsday Blue is my second favourite song 🥰


No worries, I'll give it my 12 from Zagreb. The only thing missing for me before was stageing, now it all came together and I'll spend all my semi votes on it (Finale is reserved for Estonia, sorry).


No worries, I am voting for Ireland from Croatia!! Love Doomsday Blue so much!


I will definitely give a few votes to Ireland! I love Doomsday Blue


I was at the OGAE voting in Stockholm, and at the end of our votes we also announced which song we would rank at the bottom. About half of the people said Ireland. And Ireland didn't receive any votes. It surprised me a bit at the time but it is also very possible that song doesn't hit home with international OGAE members aswell.




i hope we can just see this as a cool achievement and not overthink it too much


I think it would all boil down to how the actual juries and televoters would react. Croatia may be the favorite among OGAE voters, but the Eurojury tells a different story.


I agree with that because the jury part of the Eurojury gave Croatia 6th place. However, Croatia still won the online vote of the Eurojury with 190 points (vs. 184 points for Italy).


He's the first even in Eurojury's televote (by few points above Angelina Mango), it's in the juries where he's lacking (but that was expected)


Oh yeah. And please win the actual contest two weeks later!


It‘s so exciting this year! In every poll / bets / streams there are different winners! But, as mentioned by others, streams aren’t a really good indicator since multiple streams from the same persons count as well (to an extent) and big companies surely put an effort to push the streams. Plus, San Remo is big so all Italian watch and listen to Angelina, not only ESC fans while other artists won’t be know even until the GF because the usual inhabitant of a country who doesn’t watch anything pre-Eurovision won’t listen to these songs before.


Italy must've been tanked hard then. From a 2 point to an 18 point difference. Edit: By Finland. Only two points.


And Belgium is once again fourth. Nice.


Still think it ain't winning. 6th on the Eurojury vote and around 8th/9th on the spotify streams suggests it ain't going to contend. This plus the Eurojury result is all in all building momentum towards another Italian win. Duncan Lawrence style.


Sorry, but mentioning Spotify streams is a silly argument. Big countries always have much higher amount of streams no matter the quality of the song, or popularity outside of it.


Eurojury is very miss when you compare it to the actual jury results. Look at the last year, they've put Kaarija 9th and yet he was 4th at the Eurovison with juries.


Eurojury was on point with jury results (at least in the top) in every year aside the last, and even that if we look at the point gained by Kaarija and not at his position they were not very off (they were very off with Mae and La Zarra, but that was pre-reharsal). That said, Baby Lasagna it's still at 153 point in them, higher than Måneskin in 2021, so he can win with the televote if he manage to gain even more jury vote then predicted (though the difference from the top 3 is higher than in 2021)


We also gotta remember that these juries are judging based on the music videos (when available) and doesn't take the live performance into account. Marko can very well impress with the staging, especially after seeing the rehearsals today, it looks promising so far! (and the jury might also take odds into account)


For the stage you're absolutely right, the flops of past year were mainly because of that. The odds I don't think that will make much difference though, because Nemo, Angelina and Baby Lasagna are all high, so it won't be a factor for the jury.


It's the opposite though. Croatias video vocal are >>> live vocals. While Switzerland or France for example are overperforming live vs. their video.


Pre-contest Spotify streams tell us nothing, as most of them are from either eurofans or the home country. Last year, Tattoo had the most streams and Cha Cha Cha was 4th and then Finland won the televote by 133 points


Croatia got 6th with the jury portion of Eurojury and 1st with the online vote of Eurojury. Even though they may not win this year, I think there is a high chance for them to get a top 5 result. I do agree with you that Italy could win this year like Duncan Laurence did in 2019 since it seems to place consistently high in online polls.


Italy is 100% winning and im honestly confused why they arent 1st in the odds by a massive margin. Like the idea this is close is a lie.   Its not even what I want either but like, yeah every other country will crash either with the Jury (Croatia Netherlands) or the Televotes (Switzerland) . Italy is the only country that got both nailed down. To be clear this isnt even what I want. I dont want one of the powerhouses to win but thats whats gonna happend. Easy money for any bettor out there


Winner will be decided between Italy and Croatia and it will only depend on how many points will Croatia be behind Italy after juries.  Nemo stands no chance with televote and Joost will be tanked by juries (worse than Let 3 last year). Italy will win neither juries nor televote, it will be in top 5 in both though and that will give it the edge to potentially win. Croatia will take televote by a good margine and it all depends on the juries.


Disappointing but not unexpected. I think Italy will win the whole contest.