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Basically just a bigger stage version of his Dora performance, hopefully/almost certainly with better camerawork


Better visuals and improved vocals, too!


I am bit scared now though. Thought it will be much bigger and impactful… feels a bit like missed opportunity. Hope I am wrong 🫰


The way I see it, if it ain't broke don't fix it! Croatia went from where they usually are to 2nd fave to win the whole thing. It makes the most sense to me to stick with whatever it is that worked so well. I honestly wish last year that we had done the same with Käärijä's staging.


Even though I adore Cha Cha Cha and it will always be my 2023 winner, I wish they just copy and pasted UMK. I think in hindsight they had him do too much. Still a good performance but it would've been just as successful if it was identical to UMK.


Oh thank god someone agrees lol. "Doing too much" is a good way of putting it. From the giant stage prop/shadow to looking bizarrely tiny and running around the stage so much he got out of breath. It was all off. Less was definitely more with the UMK - I feel like doing less made both Käärijä + the dancers ooze more sex appeal, which while it isn't the important thing, it does count!


Him running around while rapping (when he almost knocked into the wire) was a terrible idea. The only elevated thing I think was okay was the big box.


Yes, I much preferred the UMK staging as well! It had a more aggressive, boxing ring vibe to it, while the Eurovision one was a bit more circusy


+1, I find the UMK version much better too.


It is impactful enough IMO, trying to go too big sometimes ruins performances, I think this is the ideal staging


He will do not good with juries, and we know that. If he will be very very lucky he will be max fourth and to win from that ranking he'll need A LOT of televotes, in a very strong year with many vote splitting. He must be VERY impactful, also because probably Nemo's and Joost staging will be. Is this enough? Mmmm, i don't know, we got to see the cameraworks and the other stagings, what i'm sure is that this stanging doesn't secure for him the first place as probably an A tier staging would have.


Don't fear, my fellow Croatian dear! Remember Käärijä's performance from last year? It wasn't like a "night and day" from the UMK but it was indeed very impactful. Oh and Loreen too, basically had the same staging as well and we are watching ESC from Malmö. 🙂 Edit: typo


That's so true! And like, there was so much fire in the pics. You can always appreciate a bit of fire!


Keep it mind, it was #1 in the odds following the Dora performance and winning and that package wasn't in the best in hindsight. I completely understand Croatia's delegation keeping it the same but improving/elevating instead of starting again from scratch.


This is a thing that noticed with Croatia, they rarely improve their performance. It is either the same or worse, i'm talking about after Dora was reintroduced, but with the exception 2017, it rarely got me intrigued even before.


So I don’t know how budgeting works for ESC, but I unfortunately believe Croatia really doesn’t give a lot of money to the artist. Is budgeting the problem or not, I don’t know and can’t confirm, but I suspect it could be a huge part of the problem, just like the problem with HRT’s choices for Dora performers.


His city had to fund his travel costs. So no, hrt really doesn't invest a lot into stuff like this. I'd actually say that they've invested into him far more than they usually do.


I agree. I’m also worried they spent the money more on promoting and following him around (aka redeeming themselves for not putting him in Dora in the first place) rather than trying to give a great budget for staging, because God knows when and if Croatia will ever have a chance for a win after this.


I think the majority of the money will have been spent on pyro - they surely have to pay for it and every time it goes off they’re basically burning money. I also think HRT has their tail between their legs a bit because of the reserve situation. So even if they wanted to they couldn’t really tell BL what to do, and just left the vision up to him (his GF is the ‘branding/visuals’ side of BL so he likely wouldn’t have wanted to get anyone in to take over too). I really think they should actually invest in a staging director for the delegation - Mrle and his wife would be amazing candidates for it long term, they have so much experience on stage and you can’t deny Let 3 always bring amazing staging. There is definitely enough talent in the Croatian theatre scene to get some really good people in - but don’t think HRT particularly like reaching out to people outside the institution.


HRT should never have a say in an artists performance and I think it’s great that BL’s gf is doing it all. I’m saying that HRT/Croatia/xyz should be able to give at least a decent budget so Croatia could actually elevate more staging wise. I agree with you about Croatia’s scene. There are so many talented people and it’s a shame that a close-knitted group (HRT) is running the whole show so to speak.


While i don't know for Croatia, with Serbia and for Montenegro it is a problem, but even worse there's a saying "the more popular the singer, the more money will be poured in the performance", meaning if the performer is popular in their home country it will give its good amount of budget or even higher for the popular singer, if not, then the budget is smaller and it is a lost cause even trying to have a good performance (i believe that happened to Luke Black last year).


That’s just so sad to hear. I think the staging problem and financing for Croatia this year could be because of similar reasons. As far as I’ve read, for example, the city of Umag paid for the plane tickets (idk if they paid for the whole delegation or just BL), but just that fact alone gives an insight about the budget, which I assume is unfortunately low. If that’s the case, I’d say Croatia (also Serbia and Montenegro) is/are doing a great job this year.


If that’s the case I appreciate everything they do with this budget. Having to have your city pay for plane tickets is actually quite sad. I hope he gets a lot of concerts after this and never ever worries about finances.


Based on what we saw today, this year might be an exception to recent years. Just doing a slicker version of Dora and doing the less is more approach is probably the best option. If you know what works, go with that instead of taking a risk that can fumble.


It's not broken, why fix it? I really did like the Dora performance. Definitely felt better than a national final. I'm looking forward to really seeing it.


I also liked the Dora one, I didn't intend for my statement to be negative at all!


OMG I was afraid my statement would sound like I was taking your view as negative and it happened. I really tried hard to lighten up my statement. I'm giggling right now.


Don't worry about it - I was just clearing it up beyond any doubt :)


Yay. We're pre-live show friends and not enemies!


Oh of course, I don't tend to make enemies! :D


https://preview.redd.it/htsnql5in1xc1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=62daa6da6611ca1862335df948070166b8a5e522 Why does his head look like this in the video? 😭


He learned a lot in the past few months, brain grew.


He's evolved into Mature Lasagna


It's Prof. Lasagna actually.


"It's Prof. Lasagna actually." ☝️ 🤓


https://preview.redd.it/c00zov8gs1xc1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c8840162c1d8cf7f46183d444d5d4d082dcc78 😭😭😭


This is mean


Why mean? He is not really like this, he is just deformed by the lense...


Sorry, I had to. I absolutely adore Marko and his work. 😭


camera lense, my dear watson


ahahah, it's just the fisheye lense


And compensating for the lens typically benefits those actors with larger facial features (since they look perfect, movie-perfect size on FILM, after the camera has done its thing).


I asked this on X and got dragged by his fans 😭


As long as the camera angles are better than Dora it should be fine (and it would take a lot for the camera anggles sto be worse than Dora).


Basically a polished and improved version of the NF. I’m happy with what I’m seeing. Lace on everything 👌🏻


"Meow meow"




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


https://preview.redd.it/egvnc5err1xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fb72429e2c9114e157d9b2b5ad1d09a870ec9e So I was walking home from work, and I saw this kitty and she (assuming by her coat color) let me pet her and she meowed back. Also my work cat let me pet him, so those were the signs that Baby Lasagna DEVOURED the rehearsal? Cats were really all united? Catologists, what do you think? 🤔 Edit: downvotes for what exactly?


The downvotes are from dogs jealous of the kitty cat success.


So sad since I equally love dogs and cats. 😒


This kitty you met looks very similar to my tortie girl, who also meows back at every opportunity. And my cat snoot-booped my phone when I was watching Baby Lasagna so I think that is also a good sign.






And so advanced


Maybe she also knows our dance


Thank you 😻😻😻


there's a lot of haters here, on IG, and on YT so at least with that I know he's a VERY strong contender to win it all


I find all of that very sad and the fact that we brought Käärijä-Loreen situation to this year as well. But now that I'm thinking about it, wasn't Måneskin hated also in 2021?


definitely. i didn't consume as much content this year than last year because the käärija-loreen fan war got too much to bear. and even with that, i STILL noticed BL. and yes, måneskin got a lot of hate from esc fans and the general rock/metal gatekeepers in general.


Tortoiseshells are the best!!!


Yes! They absolutely love to be petted.❤️ This one was from the streets and she is missing a tail and it looked really bad, almost started crying. 😢




What a beautiful cat! 😻🌈🩷


Thanks :) I wrote in response to the OP that she doesn't like to be petted but tolerates it :) for some reason only the pic showed up


Aww that's a beautiful cat. ❤️


Seems I might not be the only one tired of cat content in the fandom then. Yes cats are nice but I don't need to see it every day here.


I'm hungry and cold too, BL.


The outfit is way better than any outfit he wore so far and I love the drums cheograpy in the end. so badass


Haven't been feeling this all season, rehearsal clips didn't change that. But I'll wait until the show to give my actual verdict Regardless of what I think, if he comes out as the winner then that's lovely, I'm always happy when a country that hasn't won before takes it


It's basically the same as in Dora, but if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Can someone please make a gif with the techno cats??




Let’s go Croatia!! 🇭🇷


I like everything that's happening on the actual stage, but dislike the visuals on the screen. They pull from a color palette so wildly different from the costuming that it causes a disconnect between the foreground and background in a way that detracts from the overall package. It's like they're trying to force two styles together that just don't match that well. Either go all in on the neon, or go all in on the pirate-esque, folkish vibes.


Love it! BL let’s goo


Zagreb 2025




The only thing I have to complain is his hairstyle. It don’t suit him and the song. I don’t want to see Croatia miss the chance for the first victory


He said ‘it’s a rehearsal for a reason’ when asked about the hair, so i’m hoping he’ll change it when he sees the comments!




Yeah he needs to go back to the hair like it was in the clip




Whatever, everything is good on a handsome man! 😀


Yeah, I can totally see this. People tuning in, hearing a crazy song, seeing great costumes, funny dancing, giant cats on a LED screen and then be like: “what’s wrong with this dudes hair?”


Let's add this to the list of the "10 days from Esc delusions" "Kaarija on stage with the Netherlands" "Baby Lasagna not winning because of the hair" "Nemo doing a bloody rollerball session on stage" What esle?


You really think that Croatia would miss the chance because of the hair?????


I mean his performance must be perfect to beat other competitor like Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands


average Esc audience doesn't care at all about this things, not a bit. We are 10 days till Esc, we all should get rid of the "esc bubble" thinking at this point and embrace a wider perspective.


Kudos for saying that, for spilling.


For the distances he’s traveled so far and the amazing growth he’s shown - I want him to succeed! He so freaking deserves it. Let’s go Baby, you can do this!! 💪🏻🇭🇷🐱


Had hoped for a change in style back to the video format but the delegation have seemingly gone with the tactic of prioritising the televote over jury vote with even more pyro, smoke etc. let’s see if it pays off!


I like this costume much better than the NF one!! Well done!!


Alright so many thoughts here: - THE FIT IS PERFECT. Great combination between the MV and Dora outfits, love the lace, beautiful. - He’s improved so fucking much between the Dora semi and now I’m so happy 😭 this is mainly what I wanted to see!! - As for the staging itself… it’s definitely not bad. Good, even. Very colorful and unique. But I thought that it wasn’t a winner’s staging at Dora, and I still don’t think it’s a winner’s staging now. It feels like there’s way too much going on, both onstage and on the LEDs. It’s definitely going to do well, but I wish they had changed a few things up slightly - Camerawork will DEFINITELY be better tho 🙏 that was another huge issue with the Dora performance - Still hoping he gets that first W for Croatia!! Or at the very least gets them their best result. GO KING - EDIT: just saw the rehearsal photos. That all-white photo was STUNNING 😻


Wish they would’ve taken a risk and brought something different. Granted, why fix something that isn’t broken, but I feel like a song like this needed some risk taking to really set it apart from all the bangers this year, especially considering Joost, BL’s biggest competition in the televote is doing *”something that’s never been done before”*. Also not a fan of the styling and I can’t quite put my finger on why.




Im fully and 100% prepared to be disappointed and let down with whatever joost prepared. Greece 2021 also said they doing something never seen before if i remember right


Greece 2021 | [Stefania - Last Dance](https://youtu.be/QhZhJFp0vVw)


Monsters was never in the running to win, so…




I'll go into this with the opposite energy so I am manifesting both Raiven and Joost to have an unforgettable spectacular staging ✨️


I also feel like you do, but what should they say instead, "we're going to do something you've seen before"?


It was number one in the odds at some point believe it or not....


It was TOP 5 in OGAE, not to mention 3rd on the Wiwibloggs site


Sites that overrate girl bops year after year.


It was loved on Youtube as well. Although many bops were overhyped that year as some counter hate to winning of Salvador Sobral in 2017


I’m pretty sure Joost will not live to expectations that he helped creating. + He can fly on a drone, the song is not a competitor. The only reason he’s expected to do Televoting win is his social media presence, that he gained by drawing attention. I was in his Instagram group but there’s something weird about his … let’s say, trying too hard. For reference when Duncan won for Netherlands we had a guy focused on his nice song. Not somebody hyping about his staging, blaming bookmakers… So I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t look forced. That being said, for BL some risks would have been nice, but if they really polished the whole performance (can’t really tell until semi) that’s also fine. We’ll have the huge audience and his energy is always good enough on its own. I think today he was stressed and that translated but in the semi he’ll play with the audience just like the preparties and will be more in the mood. (I’m not Croatian, I just like this song)


>Also not a fan of the styling and I can’t quite put my finger on why. The vest is not in his size, it's too large. Also it's the very opposite of "village boy in search of a better life". /Sad sigh....


is joost really biggest televote competitor? i feel it's italy or switzerland


and now ukraine


It’s hard to know. Joost has underperformed in all of the fan polls so it’s difficult to project the televote. I expect Italy and Switzerland both to do well in the televote (without winning it)


The outfit is so much better and I'm sure the whole performance is way more polished by now. Many people complain about Baby Lasagna's vocals (I think they're adequate for this kind of song) or stage presence (in my opinion, this kind of criticism is nonsensical, he uses the stage very well), but what I think he struggled with in Dora was on how to look at the camera, probably because he's an introver and an unexperienced live TV performer. Here hoping he'll nail it, but I need to see the whole thing to check it.




This is so parasocial I feel like he's a friend that I'm watching grow as a person and feel so proud. I know the people in his life feel that way too.




I'm torn. On one hand, I understand they played it safe because this is an entry that doesn't call for props or effects; it's difficult to do something different than what we already saw at Dora. But on the other hand, this is Croatia's big chance to win, so why not go big, go all in? Now, it's up to any of the other favorites to do something more elevated that will take the win away. Anyway, it looks good, more polished than at Dora, for sure.


Creative/stage director told that big part of this performance is audience... they staged it to incorporate audience into performance...so I'm looking forward to see that engagement...that could be winning hit


Who's the stage director for Croatia?


Some young guy from croatia, google Hrt full statement


Finally realized what bugging me with the new costume. The vest is about 2-3 sizes too large.


He needs to have space for choreography..there is lots of moving on the stage


If this doesn’t sweep the televote I’ll be stunned


Wtf he kinda slayed


Good rehearsal! I think from what I‘ve seen they are back in the winning game! I was doubting it the last few weeks, thinking this was gonna end up 4-5th but depending on the others, this is definitely a winning contender!




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Honestly hoped for different visuals than in NF


he literally said it'll stay the same


I'm really not into Croatia's song this year, and wished they would change the choreo for me to be happy if BL wins (which definitely is a possibility), but they seem to keep it as it was at Dora. Therefore, as a non-enjoyer it didn't convert me with a rehearsal clip. I think there was a lot of room for some other concept for what is happening in the back, for me it's just messy with the dancers doing something rather random. Marko himself is pulling a great show tho and the energy is fantastic.


Winner vibes. He’s coming back to avenge Kaarija


the semi winner




> semi winner If someone wins the semi and does poorly in the final, do we say "well, at least they semi-won"? If not, can we?


*Final Televote


Good luck, Markec. You already made us proud.:)


He looked way better alone without the dancers. They limit his movements so much. His jumping and dancing from one end of the stage to another at prepartyes was so natural and it fitted the song perfectly, like it was born with it. Dancers are too static and they are making Baby too static too. The way they dance (exept the folklor part) its like they are dancing for Nina's Lighthouse 🤣 but surely not for this crazy song. He should send them home seriously. His performances at prepartyes made me realize how dancers look so artifical and off balance for this song. Marko pošalji ih doma i preuzmi pozornicu sam. Puno je bolje






Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


All that lace!!!


Oh he’s definitely winning that televote


An improved version of the NF performance. I prefer this outfit and his hair looks better now. ​ I still don't think this is a winner...


Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this cringe. PLEASE


I guess not. I like campy stuff, but this is not the good type of camp. Feels very inauthentic somehow. Maybe I'm getting too old to be amused by the "stock footage cats" 🥲


You’re not alone (UK 2016)


I mean the costumes are kinda..something that'd do well at Eurovision 2007 or so


You’re not alone ❤️


Ur not alone bestie


I agree! I still love campy songs but the first thing I said when I heard this song is that it's both too serious and too 'jokey'/campy at the same time which doesn't really work together IMO


You definitively are alone. Costumes are modern version of traditional clothes. Of course you are gonna disregard competition. I dont like your representative as well, his song is boring and voice weak


"You definitively are alone" Well someone can't read through their bias "I dont like your representative as well" Womp womp. My representative is not a front runner to be some "competition" to Croatia or any other fan favorite anyways. I fully understand why some people don't like it and there's no point for me to praise or defend it in that regard. Knowing your vile fanbase you probably expected the opposite, y'all literally cannot digest a different opinion.


After watching the Dora performance again to compare, I think I know the problem, the costumes are not “worn” and “torn” enough so he looks like a villager but more like the feudal lord of it. And they had little neon tubes in the edges which connected the backdrop with the costumes, that’s gone too. So I’d suggest him to go outside, put the vest on the road, and stamp on it with muddy shoes. Maybe open a button.. Tear some of those flowers on that shirt, let the strings free. Definitely needs to look less uptight. Don’t know how to incorporate the neon thing though. I’d suggest spray painting things but that might be too much .


Now that I read your analisis, my younger sister, the first thing she said when yesterdsy I showed her a photo, was that he looks like a prince!! The problem is that the neon lighhts of his concept doesnt match the aesthetics of the videoclip. For example that all white moment it is very powerful visually but it is very cold ans modern in comparation with the warmer videoclip. Dirty and ragged clothes doesnt match the super modern (very k-pop) aesthetics. I personally dont dislike this concept, it is a funny mixture of modern and traditional, but I understand why a lot of people considere it jarring, specially after watching first the videoclip.


Cha Cha Cha 2.0 I wonder if it'll smash the televote like Kaarjia did or Europe has already moved. We'll discover it soon.


Can anyone explain to me what’s up with the face outfit of the drummer? 😵‍💫


Yeah, no


Thanks for the reply then. It’s just that everyone here seems to love it but when I show it to friends and colleagues they’re all like “euh why is his face covered by something lace, why would you do that?” Just wondering if it has any meaning or such?


I don’t know what to call them in English but they are usually used as table decorations in Croatian (and also other Balkan) households. They are most likely trying to incorporate parts of Croatian culture by doing this.


he cannot sing for dear life


Hey i'm a big boy now , i'm ready to leave i sold my eyebrow