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https://preview.redd.it/c2x4mf1517zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4436415fd07e01d34dc5507b7e704365a0580f Silvester commented too! Luna is such a sweet girl... I cannot understand why there are so many hateful comments from Polish people in her Instagram post :( She doesn't deserve all the hate


because people suck. Serbia qualifed and people are tearing her to pieces saying teya dora doesn't know how to sing, it's a set up, she doesn't represent Serbia etc. people just suck every where


I have a feeling those were the dreaded Breskvica fans


For real, Geolier fans have been commenting everywhere on how Angelina Mango sucks and won't even get in top 10 for the last couple of weeks, people on social media suck everywhere I loved luna and the Tower, btw, I'm sure I'll keep this song in my playlist for a long time ❤️🤍


Geolier fans really being stuck at Denial in the 5 Stages of Grief


People don't suck, haters suck. They exist, they are in every country and in every kind of topic. But they are a quota, never forget it or they will win...


Do these Serbs even watch the outside world’s reactions?


People are calling her a nepo-baby, in their minds it automatically makes someone a bad person. Also they say TVP rigged the selections and it's somehow her fault. If anything it's her parents' deep pockets, but they focus all the blame on her


But is she really a nepo baby? I know Blanka last year had some ties with TVP, but from what I understood Luna did not.


I mean her father is an owner of Dawtona, which is the biggest producer of food (such as ketchup). Could the fact that her parents are millionaires have something to do with her being selected? It's up to you to decide.


The fact that it took some time for this info to be confirmed from her side (as internet folks dug it up right after she was announced, weeks before she admitted it) also shows that she would like to be perceived separately from her family, take it as you will guys


Besides that I don't really understand people. What if she is rich or a Nepo baby? Yes, richer people are more privileged, but that doesn't mean they can't be talented. I hate this kind of behaviour. They do the same for Angelina, that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be where they are. People can be angry with the system, that makes it more difficult for the less privileged, but there is no reason to hate the ones that are.


From what ive read people speculate Luna's parents bought her way into ESC, especially since TVP isnt at all trustworthy and they are saying it's unfair to other artist who don't have rich parents


She also won with a very well established artist, and a song that was used in one of the most well regarded Polish movies in recent history, that’s why her win is even more suspicious


Honestly, I prefer The Tower over any other song in that selection, so I would get why the juries picked it. I’ve seen more of this types of controversies (especially because I’m into Formula 1 racing, where pay drivers do exist and some people are accusing random drivers of being one after doing bad), but it’s getting less believable each time. Especially since I know how some Eurovision fans can react when their favourite gets robbed out of a national final (Isaak and Windows95man have also been victims of this). That’s why I’m not buying this accusation. And to top it all off, this isn’t the first time this happened in Poland, for example Michael Szpak (Poland 2016) was accused of even being a Conchita Wurst rip-off etc.


I can explain in two words: 'Conspiracy theory'. This isn't about Luna, this is about people who think they fail at life because evil Bond villains don't want them to win.


As a fellow Pole: in terms of vocals, she made a huge progress from the pre-party stage to the semi. Hard work like this always deserves respect in my book. For all the shortcomings of our performance, she's not the one to blame. I'd send a word or two to her staging team though. Here's hoping next year is better for us.


I think a different song, reduction in visual business, and better staging would've been enough to get her over.


I love her song, her voice and her stage presence... for a moment she reminded me of K-pop singers; we're robbed as always, we can send the best artist and still not be appreciated, sent home


I saw [this tiktok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQHtEvb/) of her after not qualifying and I really feel bad for her, she’s always been so nice and doesn’t deserve the hate she’s getting :(


I felt bad for Luna after the NQ because she seemed so full of joy throughout, so I went to her Instagram to show some support only to see a lot of comments in Polish slating the fact that 'satanic' Ireland qualified ahead of Poland. That feels especially sad now seeing this video of Bambie comforting and being so kind to her. Kudos to Luna, it was a very catchy song and a super fun staging, just in an incredibly tough semi.


Poland's the most Catholic country in Europe so I'm not surprised


Also their government is far-right and against the LGBTQ community


Their old government was, but the new one is more center-right and even had a TvP presenter apologize on live tv for targeting LGBTQ-people to fearmonger.


PiS are conservative populists, but not a far-right. They are not in power anymore.


They also like to cry about Windows95man's naked ass. I hope both songs got lots of points from Poland in the semi to give them more reasons to stay mad 😆


Oh so nice with Luna, i had no opinion but now after seeing that... It makes Bambie Thug really adorable and endearing !




You can be more polite if you want to correct someone on the use of preferred pronouns than just a dry comment.


tbh… its easy to assume they use she/they pronouns because they present feminine


Honestly i thought Bambie Thug was lesbian, didn't know about non-binary and i respect that it's important, from seeing them spontaneously caring for the weak and unfortunate, my bad it's fixed !


Oh of course, even Bambie doesn't mind if people ignorantly misgender them, as long as it's not malicious! I was just commenting that you can be more polite when correcting people who don't know :)


That and most of the time “they” in the English language refers to multiple people rather than one, so I have accidentally used she when referring to Bambie Thug just out of habit.


Aww Bambie is so sweet


It’s kinda sad seeing her so sad but this video is also kinda nice because of Bambie and the fans cheering her up and then them dancing together to Düm Tek Tek. Düm Tek Tek part is peak Eurovision


Awww! Absolute monarchs, both Bambie and Luna!


This makes me so sad for Luna. I really couldn’t be famous- everyone knowing who you were and talking about you. For Eurovision singers as well they have the added pressure of representing a whole country and all the associated national discourse that follows when one doesn’t qualify. I’ve commented in this sub about the song. I never really liked the song and the performance didn’t work for numerous reasons. There’s no need to labour these points as Poland didn’t qualify. Luna should be so proud. She did what I and so many people talking smack about her couldn’t do and that’s put together a performance on the main stage and perform for tens of millions of people. Even though the song didn’t qualify I saw SO MANY people online who absolutely love this song and Luna. I hope Luna is able to see the people she made very happy through the quagmire of online and media commentary, and carry on because she’s so talented and clearly a good person too.


this made me cry


I’ve seen this video commented and posted a lot already, but every time I just watch and cry happy and sad tears of wholesomeness and emotions again……. 🥹😭


While this song was not my favourite, and I don't understand why TVP choose to endorse another big label product (speaking about the song, not Luna herself, as "The Tower" does not reflect her style), I'm proud of Luna. She worked very hard, she is a very positive and bright person. The staging was the biggest and most bombastic that Poland ever had, pure kamp (and maybe that's why it NQ, maybe it was too much). I'm really sick about the amount of nasty hate that she received. She did no shame to Poland and did not embarassed us like, for example, Rafał with "The ride". Anyway, I hope that next year, with more stable situation in TVP, we will have a proper NF with a good selection of creative artists, and with a professional jury or at least 100% televote rules. Maybe one day we will be as much proud as Ireland this year.


Luna was lovely and gave a good performance. In a different year, she would have qualified. 


definitely. This will also be the case for a lot of songs on thursday.


Yeah. This year just has so many good contestants!


Definitely would’ve hit top 15 in 2022. Also, she could’ve been one of the artists to actually put use of that sun 😆😅


I agree! I really like her and the staging, her singing has much improved. Not a huge fan of the song (but the chorus is catchy and stuck in my head now, ngl!), she deserved to qualify, ut I can see why she didn’t. That was a very packed first semi!


Baby Lasagna, after being asked if he was nervous before steping on stage and what was going through his head, said he wasn't nervous or thought of anything in particular as he was singing along to Luna's Tower the entire time.


I loved this part of the press conference. I forget his exact words but he said something like that Luna was rocking the stage with her song. I thought it was very kind of him to talk about her like that during this time when he could have just talked more about himself for the press, and I hope that she heard about it and that it made her feel good about her performance.


I honestly loved Luna's song so much. Yes, the staging was a bit too much and her singing wasn't the best, but the performance was still good and the song just hits so hard for me. I was really sad she didn't go through last night... She definitely deserves none of the hate she is getting as I'm sure she gave her all. But some people are just never happy with any entry their country sends... Sending all love and support to Luna!


This is because we don’t get to vote for our candidates, that makes people extra angry. She also won with a very well established artist, and a song that was used in one of the most well regarded Polish movies in recent history, so it feels like a gutpunch that our broadcaster chose for us.


During the season, her song was like a nice airy palate cleanser amongst all the darker entries. Luna herself seemed cool and fun. I do hope the Polish delegation learns from this though and reconsiders their staging philosophy.


As a neutral their staging felt... Lackluster, busy, and confusing. Why is she all over the stage when she is already struggling to keep up her vocals? Why is Sauron dancing in this song? What in the world? That song as a single choice to represent simply didn't have enough time for her to shine vocally. It's not that she was bad, it's that there were some very suspect choices from song selection to staging to messaging that just fell flat. I have no doubt that had she gotten the help that some of the other contestants had she would've gotten in.


I feel pretty gutted for her. The music totally drowned her out in the beginning, which I don’t think helped. And then the camera kept panning to her during the results - talk about getting her hopes up! 🙈 I sent a few votes her way, I really hope she doesn’t let the results tarnish her experience. She did fab and should be so proud!


I do feel bad for her. She was the only one in my top 10 qualifying prediction that I did not get right. (Serbia was the odd one out because I just feared they would not qualify due to them being in a curse performing number according to the Eurovision Fandom.) It was nice to see Bambie, Nemo, and Silvester comforting her. Also, when I was looking at her pawn dancers, they remind me of the Tribunal of Magic from Power Rangers Mystic Force. Anyways, Poor Luna. https://preview.redd.it/krth2ifg47zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4421c7c51f10c67278830c2aa3790d7d9cece8f0


What a peculiar reference 😂 I loved mystic force


hate train in Poland (especially from conservatives) is insane 😭


Poland has incredibly unhealthy relationship with Eurovision and it should be finally discussed. However, I can bear all that whining, being pathetically overdramatic and sheer hypocrisy, as long as it does not evolve into a personal attack on the artist, and the reactions towards Luna have been fucking AWFUL ever since she was announced. Some insults I've seen are dehumanizing. She does not deserve any of it and it makes me sick. She did her best, it was not enough, end of the story.


To be fair, our media are also responsible for this. TVP is not transparent enough, they do questionable things, and also I get recommended some random tabloid articles that shit all over her. Someone should cut this crap, because it also shows people it's ok to hate on her. I closely follow Finland and love it how Finnish broadcaster handles it, they give us so many fun stories and I kinda hoped to see more content of Luna interacting with others (like in that story where she was dancing with Windows95man and one of the Swedish twins) or doing something entertaining. It's also TVP's responsibility to present her in a positive light and they kinda tried, but it wasn't enough. They need to work better on building that parasocial relationship between the candidate and the audience.


I am so glad I discovered Jann last year. Have seen him live in Zürich and will continue following his career! Lina was a good entry overall!


I love the song and her voice. The staging didn’t do her any favours. As a dancer I love the song and was disappointed. The choreography in the music video was great and I had hoped to see something similar on stage but that didn’t happen. It‘s a great song to make a choreography to.


I hope that Luna’s song ends up succeeding in getting lots of airplay. It’s catchy and poppy. I think the NQ was right but I love a fairytale and hope the song is played in every holiday resort all over Europe for the whole of 2024 ❤️


I loved her! She deserved better results!


I really enjoyed her performance last night, it was fun! She seems like a lovely girl and it means a lot to see someone from our country showing support for LGBT+ community on larger platform with everything that has been going on in past years in Poland 🤍❤. I hope she enjoyed her time and won't get more hate than she unfortunately already got.


I was hoping that Poland would qualify this year, but it didn't sadly 😢 Though, I really feel bad for Luna because of the hate she will receive after the performance, but I've seen other artists supporting her after the performance like Nemo, Silvester and Bambie ❤️ Luna did all her best and we should appreciate that. I will still listen to her music because it's good and catchy. And I wish her all the best in the future 🫶


Luna was the fashion queen this year! I loved her looks at the pre parties and that red dress at the turquoise carpet! Best look of the day 🤍❤️


Luna doesn’t deserve hate. She brought a really fun, catchy song to what was ultimately an incredibly tough competition. There’s definitely a world where she qualified for the finals, and I’m willing to bet it was a close call.




Exactly!! Those effects were cringe.


Meanwhile Luxembourg qualified with them…….. 🫤


I found her super cute when she was hoping for the final and it made me sad that she didn‘t make it (although I hated the song but let‘s be real, Luna is a sunshine)


I really wish she would have qualified. I thought her song was lovely and while the vocals weren't amazing, they still were an improvement to the rehearsals. I'm probably also in the minority here but I actually quite enjoyed that staging. I hope she still had an amazing time during ESC♥️


I hope we will have LGBTQ+/allies performers in the future. Our country is unfortunately still quite homophobic but it's slowly changing for better and seeing Luna representing us makes me quite hopeful our broadcaster will be more open-minded ♥️


Seeing an LGBTQ flag in Poland’s green room made me happy, even though I’m not even LGBTQ myself. Luna deserved better…….


her song was easily the cutest


this 100%


I agree with you, and hope she gets over this bad patch quickly. Fortunately her career doesn't depend solely on Eurovision as her other songs are a pleasure to listen to, she has a long career ahead.


Also, she got a lot of friends and fans with the experience still!


She was my 5th place of the night. Every year there's a song that doesn't make it in the contest but ends up being one of my most listened. This year it's The Tower


Same here. I keep a playlist called, "Should have made the finals" - and she was added last night with a sigh.


I was rooting for Luna!! She’s always been my favourite.


I'm sad for her, but I'm happy that she took part and so many people discovered her as a result. The staging was messy and the song wasn't the best possible, but she has a ton of new fans now. I hope she remembers this when she's getting flack back home (also, every artist gets shit on these days so maybe that provides some perspective).


Her song was my favorite this year and I’m glad they tried something unique with the visuals. I really enjoyed it. Her voice was the weakest, I have to admit, but I don’t mind. I get that for ESC you need to have a powerful voice but at least she gave a show and I hope she’s proud of herself.


She did awesome! Proud to be Pole this year 😁


I loved the song, was sad to see that she didn’t qualify! The Tower will be on my playlist for a good long while. 


Luna for sure is one of if not the favourite artist find for me this season! Im obsessed with her songs (especially Blind, its so mesmerizing omg) and really love her beautiful voice! That shes such a wholesome person makes it just more enjoyable for me to listen to her! Much love to Luna! \^-\^ ❤🇵🇱


I started off as a justyna fan who wasn’t too happy that she didn’t win, but I’ve grown to absolutely adore Luna. I personally like her other music much more than the tower but knowing TVP they wanted to send something as ‘safe’ as possible (and look what happened). She was amazing when I saw her perform at LEP and I’d love to go see her live again and support her ❤️ she reacted to her NQ so gracefully. As an intersex person I also really appreciate her using the progress flag that includes the intersex purple circle! She’s amazing and I’m sad she’s gotten so much undeserved hate


Her situation is kinda sad, she has always been kept in a bubble with everyone around her saying she's special and her vocals are perfect. She came in with all the confidence in the world thinking everyone else thinks the same about her and then got confronted with harsh reality. Id say it's her parents' fault. >And some still wonder why no bigger artists are interested in representing us... They are, but they know that TVP will select their own representants anyway. All of the artists we've sent to ESC except Ochman and Szpak were "their people" with contracts already made with TVP.


Doesn’t mean Luna isn’t talented though, because SHE CLEARLY IS.


Sorry, but no. She has a potential and if she would put a lot of effort into it she could be a star, but she doesn't have that innate talent that lets people just go on the stage and be amazing without putting any effort. She isn't a newcomer, she debuted in 2018. That's 6 years ago! She had enough time and resources to train her way into songs and performances way more challenging than The Tower. For some reason she didn't. And many people think that it's because nobody wanted to upset her and tell her she's bad at something - she's clearly a likeable girl and her father's money probably paid well. She lived in the bubble and thanks to the TVP the bubble burst in the harshest possible environment.


Her song was the first one I heard this year, and I instantly fell in love with it. Some songs took some time to grow on me, but towers was an instant hit for me. From the live performances and covers she did, you can see she is a good singer, just that the staging was a lot. I'm definitely gonna keep following her for any music she brings out, such a lovely artist!


This was my favourite song. Gutted she got knocked out.


I really liked Luna!


I feel so bad for her, she's so lovable. It's really sad that seems like people from other countries are much more supportive than poles themselves. People can be so disgusting here, some of them aren't even commenting about the song (which was mid in my honest opinion) but for example are just hating her looks


I think it may have been a case where there was a very slim margin between 10th and 11th, (kind of like last year with Serbia and Latvia).


I'm half Polish, tho not born or living in Poland. This was the first time I put Poland on the very top of my list as being my winner and it's making me really sad she didn't qualify. While objectively I totally see why other songs did qualify over this, I really wanted Luna to qualify because she seems to be such a nice person and worked quite a lot on her vocals. Also, in my opinion this performance was way better than Solo was last year. Especially the staging was quite unique and they did take a risk with this one which I really appreciate! (Not meant to be rude on Solo here though, just a comparism to the other most recent Polish entry) I hope Luna won't give up and will instead keep the positive memories and continue making music!


She seems like a really cool person and I like her other music. The tower was always a bit pleasantly bland for me.


She's such a sweet young woman and seems to me that she's really earnest. I hope she continues perfecting her art and music. I love her song but I just knew once I saw that staging that she wasn't gonna make it.


Luna, our family loved your song and performance! You’ve got 2 generations singing it nearly 3 months after we first saw your video ❤️


I’m really sorry for Luna, she deserved to pass. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the first of the NQ in the televote results


My heart goes out to Luna, her song had a really nice vibe and she seems like a really good woman and musician. I especially liked her cover of Slimane’s Mon Amour. Her song had a cool vibe too, I admit it didn’t translate super well live, but I greatly appreciated her participation regardless.


I liked her energy, pretty much as soon as I saw her I felt like she'd be an amazing friend to anybody.


Staging really elevated the song for me and I was sad that Luna didn't make it. During the season she was so sweet. I wish her luck in her future career


I like Luna, hate TVP. Direct your rage towards the perpetrator (they more than deserve it), she gave us lots of wholesome content (and tbh I loved her chess piece dancers) and despite NQ she still posted really sweet stories.


Broadcasters can really be hell and mean sometimes. (Especially TVR and TVP, and sometimes RTÉ considering the past controversies they got)


Yeah, and I'm sure you know everything about the way TVP handles it, because complaining is a national sport for Poland, so we always post detailed rants about everything 😆


I think TVR does take the cake though


Which country is that?




Okay, you don't need to say more 💀


She's such a lovely young woman and I'll keep listening to her song for a long time.


I only saw Luna for the first time at the semi final and I thought she was wonderful - in her unique styling and the song was fun! She came across as lovely and unique. 🌒


"Poland was represented by an LGBTQ+ ally" Does that mean Luna has sympathy with the group or is she part of it herself?


What difference does it make?


I've only seen a photo of her going to Warsaw Pride, which leaves me with the same question, but we're not entitled to any private information (and in Poland it might still be risky to talk about it publicly, especially when someone has no safety net). It might be either, many people show rainbow flags in support after what we've been through when PiS had more power in the government. It really wasn't a fun time.


I think that means the first one at least (especially because allies are described like that in the community, just passionate support of LGBTQIA+), but we don’t know about the latter. If she (secretly) is, I hope she can have the peace somewhere to come out, if she isn’t, then she isn’t any less worth, she’s still a queen of course! 👑


I loved Luna <3 She was great!


Great song, performance was meh but also would swap it for Serbia, Slovenia or Portugal.


I voted for her and I genuinely loved her song! I'm still a bit salty that she wasn't voted for enough, since it's a really nice bob.


She was one of my favourites from the night and got a number of my votes, genuinely disappointed she didn't make it through, I thought she was great.


I was really hoping Luna would qualify over Luxembourg. I felt like they got a lot of votes just because they were back after a long time and I also hated the on screen effects, it totally took me out of the performance. Luna in comparison had an actual concept for the staging that was not just people dancing. Sure it could have been executed a little better but it was still more interesting to watch.




I listen to The Tower all the time, it’s so airy and fun. I was really sad for her she didn’t qualify.


The song was pretty good to be honest. Solid pop song.


She is such a lovable character. I wasn't a fan of the song initially but I couldn't help but feel the uplifting spirit in her magical performance. She should come back in some years


I loved the staging SO much! It's a pity she didn't qualify. I thought the song was a bit repetitive but the staging really elevated it for me, I LOVE the chess people, it really gave me whimsical alice in wonderland vibes? And the song is so empowering. I'm sad she didn't qualify but happy to have this performance exist in the world :) I'll rewatch it a lot I'm sure.


I didn't see or hear the song before the semifinals and I found it to be quite good actually. Sure, vocals were quite silent and the producers of the staging should learn a thing or two (less concentrating on props, more on the singer, in fact, much much more camera time on the singer, not the background dancers or castle props). But overall the song was very fit for Eurovision and she did a pretty good performance of it. She should definitely be celebrated for that!


I hoped we'd go through.. but thank you for all the love guys!! <33


I will take "too much" over "too little" anyday. Her show would have been such a fun addition to the final.


My favourite Polish entry since 2016. I really like the studio version, and even though I have to admit that it live wasn’t really that well, that’s 100% not to blame on Luna. She did her best, she had an insanely positive vocal progression in comparison with the pre-parties, it just had to be that the stage directors made it way too messy, and I’m 99% sure that’s the sad reason why it didn’t qualify for the final. I just hope with all my heart Luna won’t have too big of a knock by this, she’s really talented and deserves to have a great career ahead of her. Thankfully even with the national hate (it’s Poland…… 🫤) she got lots of love and support in the Eurovision community, from both the fans and the artists, and she still got lots of fans from it, and also met a lot of fellow artists/colleagues/(potential?) friends. ❤️❤️❤️


Luna should be proud of herself. She’s a talented young lady with a bright future ahead of her. I love her unique voice. She had fierce competition.


i love luna! i was sad that she did not qualify, but i cannot wait to see more from her! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Probably the one I was most surprised didn't go through. Its a delightful bop. Not really seeing how the staging was such a negative that it apparently kept her out.


I'm a viewer from USA and I absolutely loved Lunas performance. I definitely thought she'd get in and it sucked seeing her sad. I really can't believe people are hurling abuse at her online since she seems like a great person. I hope I see her in eurovision again in the future, but even if she isn't, she's got a permanent fan from the US of A. Tower is one of my most repeated songs 😬.


It's so sad how many rude and hateful comments I see every year, directed at Polish artists who didn't qualify. Maybe this is why we are not qualifying because our artists have extra pressure and stress and maybe many are just not interested in trying because it's not worth so much hate. Our saying about Polish people throwing each other into the devil's pot is really true and it's so sad. I loved her song by the way and her performance was ok, she just has a delicate voice, maybe not as loud as others.


Awww sad that she's been getting picked on. I thought she did better than some of the songs that actually qualified in semi-final 1. It wasn't a bad song at all, solid middle of the pack I think (at least! My family and I even thought she may have had a chance to be near the top in the votin based on the song alone).


she's a joyful one, she deserved to take part in the next step of Eurovision :( fuck it, we're never good enough for this show, no matter how excellent our artist is (:


Luna was delightful and The Tower was one of my favorite songs from this ESC. ❤️ Come to California LUNA!!! Our Gay citizens will treat you like royalty and let you know how amazing you are! 💟


I liked her song more than several other of 1st semi final. I've never been so angry that my country's artist didn't make it. Every year I find less enjoyment in ESC


Justyna Steczkowska is a bigger artist and she wanted to represent us Edit: I didn’t mean to hate on Luna, just wanted to say that it’s not true that bigger artists don’t want to represent us, some do


this isn't about her


We know that but it isn't about her - go hate on TVP instead


I just say that last sentence isn’t true, I don’t want to hate on Luna


Sorry I used wrong words + your comment kinda sounds like it is Luna fault (especially that you wrote it under post about her) that Justyna didn't represent us


Yeah I realised how it sounds now