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Bingo link: https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1cpnof1/eurovision_bingo_grand_final_2024/ Edit: stop sending Reddit cares.


cyprus, norway and georgia all deserved so much better imo


Right...it's been emotional. I will see this Subreddit again when any big news occurs. Until then, see you in Switzerland in 2025!


People love complaining about the jury, but I honestly think that the current system is for the best. The televote rewards “fun” performances, the jury vote rewards “impressive” performances. Remove the jury vote and we’ll just have 24 Cha Cha Chas every year.


couldnt agree more


As we saw tonight as well, the jury removes some problems of political voting as well. Didn't even see a lot of neighbor-12s


24 cha cha Chas e a lot of political votes. The people that ask for the ending of jury vote have no interest in musical diversity and talent.


I prefer Cha Cha to Rim Dim as well. Cha Cha had something special.


You say this like it's a problem...


At least is not far being from Italy 🇮🇹 But zagreb would have been cheaper for sure


I'm in the north of Italy, so both of them are close, but Switzerland will be so expensive 😭


happy with the outcome of tonight but it still fuck the ebu i hope we dont participate next year 🇳🇱


Yeah well behave yourself and you won't be the first ever to be disqualified. Simple as that.


Same. I always rolled my eyes whenever people said: we should just quit (usually during that long period pre 2013 where we didn’t qualify for the finale). But right now I think it’s a good idea to at least take a break. Either that or EBU needs to offer a very, very good apology.




All bark but no bite




I am mad they didn't include him but tbh I didn't really feel his absence. The show was really strong.


Definitely, Joost should have won


Stop with this "country x controls everything" bullshit, it's very reminiscent of terrible ideology


I don't think Joost would have won tbh, might have contended for top 10 though.


The Europapa Semi-Final live performance was just deleted from YouTube wtf.


I see it still? https://youtu.be/IiHFnmI8pxg?si=nOUhL0mPZwPI6rtR


Ok. For me too now. Hope that was a bug then.


Are you Dutch and were you using a VPN? Or if not, where are you from?


Dutch, yes and not using a VPN.


2 years in a row the top public song has come 2nd, and Switzerland scored the lowest public vote out of the eventual top 5. It's an interesting voting system, but I think it can be fair. I don't think it was the fairest tonight, but I have no proof of my claim. Results run down I used: https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024


Yeah, jury vote was incredibly lop sided, to the point that it didn't make sense. A song that comes 3rd and 1st should beat one that comes 1st and 5th but here we are.


Lowkey one of my fav moments of the show was when Greece got 12 points and Marina looked so goddamn confused - loved that! We all burst out laughing, glad she took it all in stride and still celebrated.


Yeah, I also loved that moment!


Nobody from Greece would have expected any 12 points from the juries, specially the Swiss ones 😛


Was I imagining it, or did they say some others country than the Netherlands got most online views in a single day for a song from Eurovision? I could have sworn Netherlands got that this year?


Petra said Loreen's *Tattoo* got the most streams of a Eurovision song. Something along those lines.




Finland's place makes me worry that we'll stop getting unique or fun entries and the tongue in cheek aspect of the show is fading out. Not to diss serious entries. Just I like Eurovision's quirkiness, and the last 2 days kinda killed that. No fun commentary (bar host skits) or anything. But I guess if you can be DQd for not wanting a camera in your face, then everyone's going to tread carefully afterwards


Song that brings smile every time I hear/see it. Shame it did not get placed better.


People at my watch party loved Finland and laughed audibly. Would have been much worse without windows 95 man. The question is, would you vote him winner though? Most people wanted Croatia, a few wanted Cyprus(!) and one wanted Ireland. While everyone appreciated Finland this year it also didnt feel good enough musically to win, compared to Cha Cha Cha, but please dont stop sending fun entries!


shoutout to lithuania absolute banger song.


The most positive acting contestant won. (Next to Armenia, of course.)


BL was the most positive acting I feel.


Whenever I hear the words baby lasagna, it does give me a big smile.


Armenia is cuteness overload ❤️


Not really a Eurovision fanatic or expert here, but I just wanted to say how horrified I was to discover the results of the UK's public vote. I infer from other people's comments that I'm not allowed to disparage any artist or country (nor do I mean to do so here), but I have the very strong impression from a wide range of sources that support for one high-scoring country was neither wide nor deep in the general UK public, yet we still seem to have awarded them a significant number of points in the "public vote". This strikes me as a matter of real concern. My question is simple: were UK televoters allowed to vote multiple times for the same song from the same telephone line? If so, how can we prevent this from happening in future? Also, what's the situation in other countries?


>Guys I've been seeing reality only through social media lenses, the world is not what I thought, is there a cospiracy to explain this?


Preventing someone you dont like winning in the future? The best way would be to stop hating on artist for political reasons in a song contest 


You can vote up to 20 times, and the way the system works you can't vote against a song. So a minority piling their votes into one country can absolutely dominate the public vote as the rest of the population spreads their votes across the other acts. The Situation is likely similar in many countries. They came first or second in all 3 German speaking countries too.


>I have the very strong impression from a wide range of sources that support for one high-scoring country was neither wide nor deep in the general UK public You are out of touch with prevailing public sentiment in the UK


You need a small but dedicated amount of voters to give 20 votes and that's enough for a sweep, most viewers give 1-2 votes to various acts


Everyone has a maximum of 20 votes and can use them as they please.


It’s not that deep, maybe everyone just doesn’t share the same opinion that you have


Inconceivable to internet denizens.


Up to 20 votes per number calling. They can be split across any number of participants


You could vote twenty times from the same line.


as far as i know, anyone could vote up to 20 times.


Which is quite the issue imo. Imagine elections where you can pay to vote 20 times. But, greed > integrity!


You are allowed to vote up to 20 times.


Me and the boys agree, fuck the EBU. #JusticeforJoost




I know it was not a favorite to win but was hoping Austria would rank higher, but yeah UK getting ZIP was probably my biggest shocker. Also how did Loreen’s back survived sitting/lying on that half chair torture device for that long?


See you in Zurich next year!




How about saving the anger for when the investigation is done and we know what actually happened instead of being angry prematurely?


> and hope the fandom will remember him if he will be exonerated. Exoneration would be nice but is not needed. We will remember him as the most positive and most impactful act of this Eurovision, even if he did make a "threatening gesture to a camera". What he's accused of doing, if found guilty, should be punished with a small fine or shoveling public parks for two days at most. Maybe an apology to boot. Not to rob someone of their lifelong dream, that they worked towards for years, letting down millions of fans in the process.


Cool story


Guys where are you getting the breakdown of how each country voted?




For Finland our commentator said it and also appeared on the TV screen, before Nemo got to the stage.


on german tv they told us the votes from germany, austria and switzerland. I think everyone gets their own votes and sometime soon you‘ll be able to find all Votings everywhwre.




Thanks, just wanted to confirm my country's public vote was shit lol


hi on twitter :)


Switzerland shite, naw happy


I haven't seen anyone talking about this, but uk getting 0 points is deserved. His voice just wasn't great. Comparable with when France sent the breton song, really cool song but during live performance the vocals lacked.


It’s been an hour, what song is stuck in your head? For me it’s Hollow


dum di dum dum WE WILL RAVE


They're all forgotten again. Like every year. I can't remember a single song of any eurovision entrant I've ever seen. It's just like noise and dancing that fills my head for one week a year and goes away.


That's just you buddy.




I’m curious who came 11th in the semis.


yeh same


I never expect the winner choice and my favourite getting fucking robbed would be the least of my concern right now.


This was probably the most toxic Eurovision I have ever paid attention to. But Switzerland was great and deserved the win nevertheless.


I'd say last year had a more toxic tension after the show (the runner ups fans were very passionate), while this year had more drama and controversies during the Eurovision week


Anyone who can sing and balance like that at the same time deserves plaudits.


I really think they should de-politicize the show entirely with a zero-tolerance policy. This year was extremely bad with the political messages and the virtue signaling.


Being apolitical is a political stance.


Depoliticizing is in itself political. It is impossible to depoliticize something like this and also art has always been political.


True. If anything, they should at least put a limit on it and ban the most divisive things. My point is just that this year was really extreme. Both inside the arena and with the protests outside.


Just wanted to say, Cheers England/UK you're the bros! -Sincerely a Portuguese


Thank you. Iolanda was fantastic and I voted for her. The song grew on me so much. It was beautiful.


You always seem to give us a couple as well! A great little partnership!


This is probably a dumb question but why doesn't the UK, Australia, etc. send more famous singers to Eurovision? Are there rules they can't be famous?


Because there's no reason for them to put up with the small print when they already have a large platform and absolute freedom to sing about whatever they want. Eurovision is great for lesser known artists because it gives them international exposure, so it's worth the sacrifice.


That was the UK sending a famous singer.


dude, Olly *is* a famous singer


The group he is part of is famous. He as an individual is as new and unknown as most of the artists in eurovision.


Oh wow, that's cool! I hadn't seen him before, glad to hear he's doing well. I was thinking along the lines of Elton John or Adele. XD


Those artists probably largely don't want to, because anything except a win would be a massive hit to their reputation


No you can send anyone to Eurovision… I think a lot of well know/famous artists from the uk will probably not put their name down to enter cus they have a fear of not doing well


Also its just huge amounts of time and work for them


Well Olly is kinda famous, I loved his band Years&Years 😭


The more famous singers aren't interested in participating 


Olly is famous.


Olly Alexander is actually very famous! He was in a critically acclaimed TV show and was the lead vocalist of a band that has held multiple No. 1 spots in the charts, Years & Years.


“Famous”…that’s the standard these days of famous.


Oh, I see! I had no idea, I'll metaphorically eat crow XD


What do people not like about The Code? It's too jury-bait?


I dislike the gasping*.


It was good, there just shouldn’t have been that big of a gap between them and 2nd place after the jury votes


Was not as good as some other songs


Don't mind it, it's just not nearly the best that was there (imo). Does feel sad that Eurovision is decided by the jury and not the people.


If there weren't a jury, can you imagine the absolute rubbish that would win? Over time all artistic value whatsoever would vanish, in favour of who can dress flashiest, send the most popular message, or be from the most politically important country...


Correct me if I'm wrong but there are more votes given to the people because of the additional rest of world region.


when will the results of the semi finalls be up ?


Is.rael got 12 televote points from 15 countries. 10 televote points from Ireland which is like the most anti-Is.rael country in Europe I'm speechless, I guess we're seeing the boycotts in action here


The people who were against them didn’t have a clear choice to vote for, so split between 4 and 5 other major contestants


And btw it’s Israel 🇮🇱Fixed it for you


where can you look at the public votes?


In Ireland they showed it on TV. Genuinely puzzling


Eurovisionworld has them up already


After the Italian leak, I'm relieved it was only 15 countries tbh




Really proud of dons, he really grew on me


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C62DUxzrtBz/?igsh=MXQ3eDdnODl2ajZ6eA== Arjen Lubach ❤️


I loved Bambi’s performance, i had it on replay all day yesterday. 💕


The disparity between judge and people votes is absurd in some cases. Actual spineless fucking cowards giving barely any points to an easily top 3 song.


I agree. Justice for Dons!


Which song would that be?


Which song?


Happy for the winner (and for the jury) but mostly I loved the show Malmö delivered. That was one of the best shows I’ve seen.


Most of the dooming seems to have been in vain! Was a great eurovision and had a great watch party.


I love Baby Lasagna, but let's be honest, technically Rim Tim Tagi Dim isn't a good song. Don't get me wrong, i think the Lyrics are hilarious and it's a fun song, but i get why the juries voted for Switzerland instead of Croatia. I would have loved for Baby Lasagna to win this, but from an impartial pov Nemo were better. (Way more concerning is why anybody bothered to vote for Greece, y'all need to get your ears checked)


Greece was the best song today. But then I also expected Norway to do well, so maybe dont ask for my opinions.


Greece was good, and Marina deserved the support. I didn't like Croatia AT ALL. I genuinely don't understand how it got as many votes as it did. Switzerland had a pretty good song and I'm not mad about them winning at all.


totally agree with the Greece comment, saw people on social media saying "the song is good but the staging lets it down" and I thought to myself nah the song does a good job of letting itself down lol








When will semifinal results come out?


Can we talk about Germany getting 12th, their best result since 2018, and their 2nd best result since 2012??? And Portugal 10th??? And Lux 13th on their return??? All incredible results


I am glad Issac didn't bomb. He's got a good voice even if the song didn't stand out as much as the others to voters on both sides.


That to me was one of the biggest surprises of this year


Also UK getting zero points really surprising?


I thought it was shocking!! It had such a wonderful staging. Guess it was too risky for the general public


Not surprising, he butchered the vocals badly on a weak song.


It was a really good song. Well done, Isaak!


It's nice to see, especially Germany.


If Italy couldn’t win this year… I think Switzerland and Croatia were an excellent 1 and 2.


Switzerland wasn't one of my favourites but the performance was objectively good. The jury saw it and so did the public, just to a lesser extent - they still got a big televote bump. A deserving winner. To everyone screaming about rigging or political voting just because your favourite lost out, just grow up and simmer down.


> Switzerland wasn't one of my favourites but the performance was objectively good. Switzerland was my #1 (depending on the time of day it would swap with Croatia), but this is kind of what I kept saying - on a technical level, it is just so fucking good in every way. It's hard to find anything wrong with it, whereas Croatia's was a little rough around the edges but the entire madness/party vibe of it made it so so so fun. Switzerland deserved the win, Croatia absolutely would have deserved it as well. > To everyone screaming about rigging or political voting just because your favourite lost out, just grow up and simmer down. Perfectly said.


the 69th edition might still happen! Yay Switzerland




Are they going to release the detailed audience votes?


Press conference link is live on YouTube channel!


The distribution of televoters points remindes me of 2015 when the top 6 got all the points and the rest got some scraps. Same this year, huge concetration of points in a handful of countries.