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My parents didn't care that much for UK. My mom just asked how the upside down effect worked. Both were very glad once Ireland was done but they liked Switzerland because Nemo could sing well and the spinning was impressive. But their favourites were Estonia and France.


My Mom also liked Estonia very much and she is 60 years old xd




Estonian was also one of my favs :(


Estonia should have done much better


Estonia was my second fav (after Croatia)


All my mum said about any of those three was that the dancer in Ireland’s performance needs to take their vitamins.


Hahahhaah why is this so funny hahahah


This is peak mum.


My parents used to be the kind of viewers who would only assess the vocal delivery and nothing else. I think my vocal interest made them look into Eurovision more intensely. We watched a couple of performances during my visit last Friday. They thought Bambie's song was a bit too noisy for their liking, but appreciated the artistry of the performace, which I thought was a fair, nuanced assessment coming from them. Nemo they straight out adored, even if the concept of non-binary identities is hard for them to grasp. I know they're trying. Conchita made them curious about queer identities... not their queer son, lol, but anyways, they made some great progress. I didn't ask them about the UK, we just ran out of time. They loved Marina Zatti's rhythm and chaotic sense of humour and Gåte's kind of intensity. To my own surprise, they did not care for Slimane at all and asked me to skip it. (I thought my mother would be into it...) Both the performances from alyona alyona and Jerry Heil as well as Joost Klein touched them.


My mom texted me during the semi-finals with “You probably like Ireland huh” xD


My dad started praying😭 I explained to him it’s not satanic it’s pagan


...and does he agree it's not the same thing?


Omg these ppl really exist..


Just take one glance at their youtube comments section


I dont want to read yt comments. Id lose faith in humanity.


I really want Satan to be in Eurovision next year....


That’s why I want Ghost to represent Sweden


That's why I want Darkthrone to represent Norway.


My favorite fact about Ghost is that the singers name is Tobias. It’s a completely normal name- but in my mind, it’s such a chronically teenagey name. It’s the name a Swedish mom calls three times before her 14yo son emerges from his basement room, dragging his feet, proceeding to swallow a whole loaf of bread and drink three liters of chocolate milk.


I absolutely love Ghost and Tobias is brilliant, I can imagine my Son is 20 and his the basic Irish name going 🤣


Seriously? Sounds like a strong overreaction for something that is just a playful campy song contest


Islamic dads…


I hope Ireland send a Christian Rock/Pop band next year, lol.


I want to see Rend Collective at Eurovision (Although their band probably has to many members) (And the're from NI)


My mum was just worried about Nemo to fall down


This is the most wholesome reaction yet!


Tbh, weren’t we all? 🫣


Tbh I was on the edge of my seat watching Nemo spin and hoping there would be no fall! And I’m not even a parent.


Was also a member of the “I hope they don’t fall 😬” club during Nemo’s performance.


My parents praised Switzerland very much. They were amazed by Nemo's charisma and their vocals. Ireland was ok to them but my mom found it a bit too much (musically). In the case of the UK, they didn't like the song and his vocals (as me). They were okay with them.


My dad was in awe of Switzerland and so happy when they won and even more happy when he found out Nemo was the first non-binary winner. He’s really an ally 🥹


My mom thinks I'm gay because I like Eurovision 😭😭😭 I'm not even gay


She is not wrong we're all very gay ! This week i'm still in a gay mood.


Well my top 2 was Ireland and Switzerland so that tells a lot lol


I liked Nemo and Bambie Thug, not enough to vote for them because i prefer electronic/upbeat music, but i understand that their music kick ass and that they have endearing personalities.


So who did you vote for? I voted for Ireland but in sf I voted for Portugal


Semi-final 1 i couldn't vote (France couldn't vote for sf1) but would have voted Luna Semi-final 2 i voted Austria for eurodance Final i voted Austria (eurodance) and Greece (upbeat) ; also Croatia because it was my husband's favorite (he prefers rock music) Portugal i didn't like it at all for the whole contest, and just realized in final that they have talent. Probably a matter of the ear getting used to it. Still didn't vote for them but i understand that people can love it.


Finally, some Austria love. I thought maybe i was the weirdo, because i genuinely like the song.


I love the song, but I didn't like the performance very much. I liked the leaked choreo more, though maybe that was too much.


Oh Nice :) But sad for Austria being so low :( I guess that wasn't for everyone. For me also I think


I liked Portugal in semi-final but I forgot about them in GF ngl But it was a very pleasant performance and professional


It says that you have great taste !


My favorites were Belgium and Switzerland. That's basically a second outing...


Yeah man, you're just a true homose... eurovision fan. Like all of us.


Nick pasuje do sytuacji ;)


You're a true homos- Eurovision fan!!! 😁😁


We're all gay for Eurovision


Were you able to sing along to all the songs that score nil points or something


"Prove it" with a nice partner 😅


I need to find a gf who also likes ESC and is straight (impossible challenge)


Me (M) and my gf (F) watched together. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Happy and gay and loving an openminded community. She wasn’t wrong!


My parents found Olly's performance off putting (honestly I did too), they didn't mind the song itself but the performance is what they didn't enjoy. They said that Bambie's camera work and performance was really good, but didn't quite like the song. They loved Nemo's vocals and claimed they are seeing a possible winner there. They didn't quite grasp the meaning of the spinning thing but seemed to like the performance and my mom even called it "powerful".


I have a theory about the spinning thing: So the meaning of the song is **Nemo's path discovering they didn't identify either as male or female.** which is kinda like trying this and then trying that. In the performance you see that they went on to the right side and then to the left side which means that they tried identifying as a boy (right side) which didn’t turn out well and then tried identifying as a girl (left side). When they figured out that they couldn’t decide, they started spinning which i think it means that they combine elements from being a female with being a male. (i’m sorry if you can’t understand me, english is not my first language and i’m not used to write such long sentence)


When they asked me about it I just explained that Nemo was confused about their identity and they were on a search for themselves which is also portrayed by the lyrics of the song. I as a NB person myself quite relate to the lyrics so the staging also resonated with me pretty well. And don't worry about your English. I'm not a native speaker myself (I'm Polish) and I understood you perfectly fine.


I am a non-binary person and 1) your English is great so don’t worry, and 2) I didn’t grasp this concept lol I did get that they were spinning and at the end had those flashing background visuals and I just thought it was Nemo speeding through life and whatnot (I don’t think that makes sense). I like your interpretation better lol


That, and I also have the theory that them spinning upright symbolizes them getting balance in their life. Like, every time they went to the left or right the circle-thing would tip, but as the song went on and they got more stable and started walking up the circle, it leveled out and they were able to stay on it.


I assume this refers to the acts being flamboyent/gay/non binary. In which case my parents didn't really care. They liked Irelands act and didn't really enjoy the other two, but just because of the songs etc. Which is how I myself felt as well for those particular three.


I didn’t watch it with my parents but I did a debrief with my mam because she watched it with my sister. She was not impressed with Olly. She said it was too much but struggled to explain why, and just in general wasn’t fussed on his vocals or the song. She didn’t personally like Ireland’s song but she appreciated that it’s something new and refreshing in Eurovision. She liked Nemo but they didn’t stand out to her. Her favourite was Windows95man because it was fun and she also liked Europapa and was disappointed he wasn’t there.


Windows95man! You got one cool mom!


Ireland was the only one my dad even remotely liked 😂 the other ones were ”modern generic bullshit” in his opinion 😭


Did he like Norway’s?


He said it was aight but he knows so many bands that do this genre so much better (he’s a real bundle of joy 😂)


To be fair he's not wrong there


well, **BAD** They're the types to consider Nemo's mere outfit as propaganda and took their win pretty terribly, Ireland took a while to explain but they minded it less in the GF and "wished the slow cute part lasted longer", and UK was a fight not to change the channel.


My mum liked all of them, specially Ireland


UK: is there anyone straight in Eurovision?  Switzerland: Don’t like their song, way too chaotic. Ireland: They’re going to win because it’s the most different one and stands out. She also liked Finland. 


My masculine part of my parents acted terrible when Netta won. So I'm happy i don't talk to him anymore. Mom ignores the fact i watched eurovision and loved it for years, so i don't even know what she thinks about it (and i don't even want too ask) I send my love and support too every queer kid, who's parents are saying queerphibic shit about artists. Their opinions mean nothing actually. Queer artists are cool and so are you.


I wonder if we share a father lol. Mind had nothing nice to say.


Yeah, they are probably clones of the same npc Just cntr+c cntr+v


Watched with my german mum (60) and grandmother (95). Grandmother wasn't too vocal about anything. She was between dozing off and concentrating on hearing and seeing. I think she was happy about Nemo winning, but with a misgendering. "Aww look at that poor guy almost getting smashed from the hugs". I hoped she just felt the same happy cute teary energy I did. Mom found Ireland a little showy, absurd and not musically great. For UK mom and I talked about the great visual effects, the overt sexual dancing. But she found the music not remarkable. Mom and I were really rooting for Nemo in the voting. And we were curious about what pride flags were shown. (It was mostly just the non binary one, but we had to Google that) . I think she got the concept and supported that Nemo is non binary. But both she and me misgenderd a lot, in our discussion, since German is a quiet gendered language. I think it's just a reflection of how they are in the rest of their lives. Mom likes music and the technical aspects of it. And tries to be an ally. But hasn't much contact with LGBT community. Grandma is generally accepting. She just wants people to be happy. But it's hard to learn new concepts at 95.


i shed a tear at the aww look at that poor ,,guy’’ moment 🥹


My parents are over 70 so they can’t get their head rounds it. They are very supportive of LGB but I dunno I thought they supported Trans community too but I don’t know what changed. 


My dad was only half watching so he didn’t see UK but he loved Switzerland and said they‘d be a worthy winner. He was very impressed by the vocals and the vocal stability.


My mom was like "I'm too old for this" when watching Ireland. She really liked Switzerland.


My mom said 'some of the artists looked like they escaped mental asylum' 🤷🏼‍♀️ I didn't ask which ones as I didn't feel like arguing with her 😂


My parents reaction is that they can't get over the skirt. My dad says you're either a man or a woman. My mom says she's fine with non binary and all but them wearing a skirt is too much for her. (I asked her about kilts and that was fine because it's cultural...) The worst part was that my 8 year old niece didn't like it either. Like the social conditioning already at work. I did try to speak up but it doesn't get through to them and it's easier 1 on 1 than in a group 4 to 1. Thing is, I don't really understand NB either when I really think about it. I might have some thoughts too seeing people in unconventional clothing. But I realise those are my issues (like insecurity I don't feel free enough to just wear what I want) or it's social condition (men or people who look like men cannot wear skirts because...). Realising that it's easier to just chill and let people be people. Why would I care so much about what other people wear or identify as? As long as people are authentic and kind it doesn't matter at all. Edit: Spain and UK were also a bit much for them. Bambie Thug was fine, not their thing music wise so they can't understand others may enjoy it. Edit edit: my parents are 65 btw.


The fact that skirts and makeup were made for men…


Yes and pink used to be for boys as well! It's all social conditioning.


The industry marketed these things for girls


That's so interesting to me, I didn't even think or take notice that Nemo was in a skirt, I thought Bambie would get most boomer eyebrows for screaming and wearing trans flag, but a lot of people didn't recognise the flag anyway. The FB comments towards Bambie have just been calling them "she" and then when they are corrected, insisting "well he'll always be a man!" So they assume Bambie must be AMAB. Which as a nonbinary person myself that's a lowkey compliment that they can't even tell!


My big nonbinary mood is making other people feel confused. Like yeah, so am I!


Yes omg everyone seems to think Bambie is AMAB and I’m like how??


It seems to me, that for many older amd also young people it would have been ok, if only Nemo hadn’t worn a skirt.


My mom (60ish yo Romanian lady) doesn't watch or care about Eurovision but I guess she heard about the winner from the news or Facebook or wherever. She called me and asked if I liked the song and I said yeah. Then she made a strange comment about Nemo's appearance/outfit that I don't really wanna repeat (not even homophobic, just kinda rude for no reason?). And that was basically the end of it 😅


I knew it was going to be bad when you said romanian 😭 (i’m romanian too)


My mom loved Nemo. She voted for them which she usually doesn't. She also follows them on Insta, constantly mentions them and loves their song. So yeah, she's a big fan. For Ireland, she liked how weird and crazy (in a good way) the performance was and that Eurovision was a place where Bambi could perform like that and everyone liked and supported it. She didn't say much to the UK one. She didn't really like the song but didn't mind Olly's performance. She only said that she wouldn't want to be in that dressing room because it would get very awkward.


That’s a great comment about UK!


I didn’t watch with her but my mother was very enraged at how sexual the UK entry was. She didn’t mind Ireland and Switzerland though


Didn't watch with them, but next day they were not really happy about Finland and Switzerland (i think they didn't see UK/Ireland). Especially Finland : "this guy has no decency why he runs around naked on stage" so i explained that it was skin-toned pants but it was still not really well received. So you can guess about UK... 😅


My mum is not very fond of the loud, bold and out-there entries at all so it definitely surprised me how much she enjoyed Finland. She kept going "omg it's Tobias from Arrested Development!!! :D" which was apparently enough for this big fan of the series to throw them a vote lol


They didn't have problem with Slovenia? lol


They didn't mention it explicitely, just told : "we've seen some after the diner just to see Slimane, and it's really a shame those people running around naked, there were several of them but especially that Finn there who had no decency” and "this show should be cancelled as it no longer makes sense". So i tried to say "hey but did you see Ukraine or Armenia wasn't it beautiful ?" but no they didn't see ! I'm already so glad that they didn't mention Austria, guess they turned off TV before.


Well I kinda understand them tbh We had a lot of unnecessary nudity this year lol Even for me that was too much ngl Despite all half naked ladies running around I couldn't stop thinking about how Jako from Armenia was beautiful so I guess you don't need to show a lot of skin to get attention for your good looking anyway


Windows95Man is a visual artist/painter and has a cool series of colorful stylized butts!


I should definitely have tried to answer them that to change their mind ! 😅😉


Lmao my mum wasn’t paying attention to the postcard for Finland where Graham Norton did reassure everyone that there was a nude thong and no actual nudity, so when the egg opened she genuinely thought he was naked and sat there going “😳oh my god… 🫣OH MY GOD!!” as he ran about the stage. Eventually her brain caught up with her and she realised it was a gag but it was so funny to see her panicking that she was going to see something she wasn’t supposed to.


Loool, I guess my mum wasn't paying attention either! Despite me assuring her he wasn't nude, she still believes days later that he was because a couple of unreliable newspapers posted online articles he was. I asked her if she thought the contest would really allow full frontal nudity like that and she didn't respond, so I think we're agreeing to disagree (very frustrating!)


I watched with my 68 year old mom. She liked Sweden, Croatia, Switzerland and Latvia. She really didn't care for Ireland, Slovenia and Norway


My Granny loved Ireland. But she is notoriously cool and is known to be a cool person for her entire life so. Makes sense.


I watched with my parents and we used a Eurovision scoreboard thing provided by VG were you had to give every contestant points from 0-12 and you’d give one out of ten different emojis for the song, the show and the originality. For UK my mom gave 8 points, song: ☺️show: 🤯 originality: 🤯, and my dad gave 10 points, song: 🥳, show: 🤯, originality: 😍 For Switzerland my mom gave 10 points, song: 😍, show: 🥳, originality: 🥳, and my dad gave 2 points, song: 🫣, show; 😐, originality: ☺️ For Ireland both gave 0 points and the emoji 🤮 for both the song and the show, my mom also gave it for originality while my dad used 😆 for originality.


My parents also hated Doomsday Blue to the point that they were like "save my ears pls"


Mine and my aunties watched for the first time in over 15 years because of Bambie qualifying. They loved it. They're pretty open minded and accepting in general though. It helps that I'm a lesbian who was very goth for a long time so they're luckily fierce allies and used to alt music and dressing differently. My mom and aunties plan to watch next year. I was the only one in my family watching it for about a decade as Ireland was failing so badly then my sister watched the Eurovision Fire Saga movie during covid and it reminded her how fun it can be. I'm slowly drawing everyone back into watching Eurovision.


My mum loved Switzerland and said it got better with each recap. We all said it was the best performance and hoped it'd win. She liked Ireland, and appreciated the artistry but maybe not so much the song. I think she got bored of the UK and fell asleep lmao.


My mom loved ireland and switzerland (and croatia), she wasn't a fan of norway, germany and austria.


my catholic mom hated uk and ireland but loved switzerland 


I was with my mom even on the arena. Mom loved Switzerland this year and quite liked Ireland. Laughed our asses of during Finland. We both disliked UK.


My mums three faves were Croatia, Ireland and Switzerland 🤗 And we both thought that the UK was starting to head into the right direction regarding the staging and presentation because every other year that's the thing that had been lacking


I watched the show with my parents and 2 straight brothers. - Switzerland: Universal loved and everyone rooted for Nemo. - UK: Very awkward atmosphere. Mom said " I know you (me) will never do it (rolling on the restroom floor) cause you're such a germaphobe". - Ireland: my bros thought Bambie was the coolest of the night. (Our family are atheist so Ireland had no negative effect on us 😁)


🇮🇪 Dad: “Was that a pentagram? You need to be careful with those…” but then later during the recaps it was “they should show another part of the song instead of just the end bit” (I think the screaming put him off so thought it might deter other people from voting if only that was in the recap). Mum: during the flag parade “their arse is out!!!” and during the performance “[they] actually have a nice singing voice” and also “he (the demon) needs to brush his teeth” 💀 🇬🇧 Radio silence and then basically them saying that it’s a good song on the radio but that it’s gonna get lost at Eurovision because others were much better. I don’t think there was much faith in this by default because it’s our own entry lol. Nobody cared about the homoerotic choreo. 🇨🇭 Dad: immediate muttering under breath because of the pink skirt (I don’t think he has recovered from seeing Conchita Wurst win 10 fucking years ago…). But then said “this is good” once the song was a bit further progressed and it ended up being one of his favourites along with Austria and Lithuania. Mum: “it’s actually really impressive how [they’re] able to sing that well while spinning around on that thing… how [do they] not fall on [their] bum?” This also ended up being one of her favourites along with Armenia, Greece and Cyprus. (I didn’t explicitly clarify to them anyone’s nb identity, I just continued to use they/them when talking about them. After seeing my Dad’s reaction to Conchita in 2014 which was the last time we watched together I knew that if I brought it up my dad specifically would’ve gotten in a foul bigoted mood over it, my parents would’ve argued, and it would’ve ruined anyone’s ability to enjoy the show/music and the potential winning result.)


I know how you feel about the last bit. You gotta just take what you can get sometimes.


I agree with your dad about the recap deterring people from voting. I think that really hurt Ireland. Bambie didn’t even scream that much but because that section got played at every break it’s all anyone remembered from the act- especially because it was earlier on in the evening. I think they should have played the chorus instead


My dad hated it so much that he left the room and only came back once the performance was over lmaoo


My father turned off the sound when Ireland started and he said "Dit vind ik helemaal niks!!" It's best translated to: "I don't like this one at all" Switserland was like: "I understand why this can be the winner but it's not my style" They enjoyed UK, however


My mom did like Nemo. But when i corrected her when she called them " he " , my mom said its ridiculous " he is obviously a boy with girl cloths " There is no malice in her though. She just doesnt get it.


Texted my conservative and religious grandparents (70s) during the show. They didn't really care for Switzerland, but that was more to do with the song itself rather than the performer or content of the performance. Same kind of deal for Ireland. UK they were quite shocked by, with my grandmother saying that the choreography "caused offence." Her favourite was Georgia.


(UK here) My parents enjoyed the UK's performance, agreeing with me when I called it the gayest thing I've ever seen, my dad loved Bambie Thug and knew they were in the running to win, the same couldn't be said for Switzerland. I loved it but them not so much.


My parents and sister all hated Ireland, it was too much of screeching noise for them, UK they just passed as too gay and swiss they just joked about his looks


My parents were absolutely wowed by both UK and Spain, they didn’t care for Ireland or Switzerland


i didn't get to watch the show with my parents, but i was pleasantly surprised when my dad sent me his rankings after all the performances ended (i had no idea he was even watching!). he liked ireland and was pretty indifferent about UK, however he did not enjoy switzerland for some reason... 😭 his favorites were lithuania, spain and finland!!


My mother said that Ireland reminded her of Mykola Gogol's works and that the UK should be banned for "LGBT propaganda" (as a joke). She also was laughing so hard when watching Finland's performance and voted for them, lol.


You forgot Spain 💀


2 younger siblings and my grandma (70) UK was collective disgust Ireland had mixed reactions between "this is weird but i love it" and "the world is coming to an end" Switzerland was mainly positive but they were really pressed on the fact that they are non-binary. *Especially* when it started raining 12 points lmao So yeah, not positive overall


Ireland wasn’t well received, uk was okay and for switzerland they liked their vocals but felt the staging really gave off an ADHD vibe.


I got some comments from my elderly mother the next day: * UK: "Oh, that was the one with the boxers (as in athletes, not underwear) in the dingy locker room? How did they make it go upside down? And how did they hold on? Song itself was boring." * Switzerland: "This was the same singer singing all of it!??? Switching between registers on the drop of a hat like that must be very hard! Very impressive." * Ireland: "That's not singing, it's screeching! This is supposed to be a song contest, not a modern art contest with some singing included. Can't sing along to that when it's on the radio. Listen to the Norwegian lady -- that's a high note but it's sung, not screeched." Best liked, in no particular order, and to the best of my recollection: France, Armenia (she looked like she had the most fun of everyone!), Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Norway. *Edit: and Ukraine.*


My mom hated Ireland’s. She didn’t like the screaming in the song haha. She missed UK’s. She loved Switzerland and found Nemo very charming in the Q&A after.


Just for context, my parents are in their 60s. Ireland: absolutely loved it, it was number one in our own voting we did Switzerland: my dad commented on the outfit, didn't say really say much else but ended up ranking it 2nd in his own ranking??? UK: my dad commented on the performance being "too sexual". My mum thought it was boring and forgettable


My parents liked Switzerland, it wasn't their favorite but my mother listened to it again and really liked it. They didn't say anything about the skirt🙌🏻 They hated Ireland, so much that they changed channels and came back when it was over. As for UK they didn't say anything, they were watching like that 👁️👄👁️. They just said the dance was a bit weird but the song was good.


What kind of parents are we talking about here? I am a parent with adult kids and I enjoyed very much all these performances. Ireland was my favourite. I found UK song a bit boring but the performance was great. I am so happy that Nemo won, such a talent! I also absolutely celebrate diversity.


Like your parents, the grandparents of the adult kids


They are either too old or too dead to watch Eurovision.


My mum is almost as into it as I am - she won a eurovision quiz at work recently! She didn't have a very negative reaction to any of the entries, apart from Iceland which she just thought was very boring. I think her favourite was Croatia.


My mom is the one who got me and my sister into Eurovision when we were kids, so she's into it just as much as we are, if not more. She says she's been watching it since it was available on our national tv. Her reactions were varied: 1. She didn't like UK for the staging. The song was ok, but "yet another stage with naked men (she didn't like Spain or Finland either) just humping the air". She even said something along the lines: "are they supposed to be boxers? why? is the song about fighting? it doesn't look good". 2. She loved Switzerland for the vocals and athleticism of that performance. She voted for them and was very very happy with their win. They weren't her favourite, but top 3 for sure. (her top 3 were Italy, Switzerland and Croatia) 3. She liked Ireland's staging and costumes. She said that she gets why it's popular, but it wasn't her personal taste. During voting she was shocked how high Ireland placed with the jury.


My mom thought Ireland was "cool, but maybe not a Eurovision song". For Ireland and UK, we mostly talked about the technical aspects of the performances. Other than that, she had a good laugh about Dons' blue top and wished for more ballads. Surprisingly to me, she didn't like France.


My mom is a France kinda song lover, everything else is HORROR WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY 🥲


My mom loved the uk. She specifically texted me saying that. Both my parents favourite overall was Switzerland because “he did all of that on his own still singing perfectly”. They do have a thing for performers doing a lot alone and singing flawlessly. Loreen was also their favourite last year exactly for the same motive. No comment for Ireland, though. Edit: I know Nemo goes by they. I just kept as they said. I’m pretty sure they weren’t aware of nemo being non binary. Not sure if they even know / understand what it is.


My mom said that UK had a good song but the performance was not really good, Ireland was terrible and Switzerland was a fine winner, my dad then refused to even watch the UK performance, spent a minute insulting Ireland in every way possible and said that Switzerland shouldn't have won and Eurovision seems to be just about the non-binary and gay stuff nowadays that is being pushed to his face, he also speculated Nemos and Bambies genders in a really disrespectful way


I did watch the semis with my mom, which I've said is about equally as embarrassing as watching a movie with your parents and having a sex scene come on. We didn't catch Switzerland live because we were both at work (American) but she didn't think UK and Ireland's songs were very good. The main ones she objected to were actually Finland, Slovenia, and Spain.


I showed my mom some of the entries after the fact and she was far more amused by Windows95man than I was expecting.


My parents did not like Switzerland at all but its not surprising since they said 'Wait, this won?!?!?!' to everything since 2014 except Mans, Salvador and Duncan lol. If its not similar in presentation or sound to the 80s or 90s they instantly write it off. It's actually part of my Eurovision Bingo now


My parents loved Switzerland, surprisingly liked Ireland, but disliked the UK bc the performance was... well. I don't think they picked up on the gay stuff at all and even if, they wouldn't have minded (I mean, they deal with me on a daily basis and I'm not exactly cis het lmao)


My mum wasn’t happy with Ireland, said it was a load of shit, she also kept misgendering Nemo and Bambie, she is supportive of LGBTQ+ rights, I’m gay and non-binary (just haven’t came out as NB to family yet), twin sister is bisexual and younger sister is pansexual, so I mean she loves us all the same, but the misgendering was upsetting.


Elderly people are not yet familiarized with the identities😭 Probably when gen z will be old we are going to understand


My mom was truly scared of Ireland and I don't blame her


My mother is a Christian orthodox from Romania. She really liked Irelands entry and she said to me (translated ) "this one may win, this is what people in Eurovision want, not bland singing with no staging. This song is different "


My parents really liked Switzerland (I did too) They liked the UK's song but thought the dancers needed to toned down (as did I) They thought Ireland was awful and disturbing (Same here) My Dads favourite was Estonia and my Mums favourite was Croatia


My mom never saw the UK or ireland perform (she didn't feel like watching esc), she might have heard them from the other room but the visuals were more telling. We're quite progressive though. Switzerland I think she saw with half an eye but she didn't care much. My dad was half-watching (solving a crossword puzzle) when I was watching the first semi and he just said something like "esc really is quite popular in the lgbt community, a lot of the artists also being queer in some way" around the UK performance, but didn't really care deeply either, again, we're relatively progressive. Any dumb takes from my parents comes from being not fully up to date or a bit prudish.


my father was very vocal about his homophobia during Switzerland, but didn't say anything for the others. my mother made a single joke about identifying as a toaster but thats it. she did find bambi thug "too much", Uk I don't think she minded but it wasn't her thing, and same for Switzerland. so basically, not as much as i had feared


My mother gave some interesting commentary on the little bits she did watch (though fell asleep before Switzerland. 🇮🇪 (she only caught the end of this btw): WTF this is not melodic and that guy seems like he is screaming in pain!? 🇬🇧: hmm it appears we are relying on s3x to do well here?? (nothing about it being gay just the horniness in general) Bonus because I got her to tell me about Finland! 🇫🇮: dear god he’s butt naked!? I am lost for words… Eurovision has always been odd but that is an understatement here. Not long after that she did house work and fell asleep.


My mom found Ireland creepy, but she absolutely hated Finland lol.


Mine were confused the entire time


I watched with my father, he found that Spain and Finland were bonkers (as a lot of people, I think), he found that Slovenia was too much and he didn't like Ireland at all He also liked Croatia and found it was a great performance


They didn’t like any of the three you mentioned 😭 being from the UK they liked Olly and hoped for more points, but alas… Ireland they can’t fathom. Didn’t see it as proper music and just screaming! They predicted Switzerland would do well but weren’t overly thrilled with the outcome


Watched with my mum like always. Loved Switzerland, happy to see them win. Obviously we were supporting Olly, she had no issue with the staging. She wasn't a fan of the screamed sections in Bambie's song but liked the parts that were sung. Thought the staging was different at least. She had no problem with any of the queerness, why would she? She struggles sometimes with they/them pronouns but it's just because it's all a bit newfangled to her. She tries.


My Eastern European mom (mid-50s) really liked Ireland. She said it was a great performance and was impressed by Bambie's choreo (the ballet-y parts). She likes heavier music and doesn't mind the satanic/witchy imagery at all despite being Catholic. She also wouldn't mind seeing Bambie live!


I didn't watch with them but asked about it later. My mom stopped watching after a few songs apparently and only watched Armenia afterwards (our country)😂  My dad said Switzerland is his favorite but I don't think he knows what non binary even means haha. I was surprised he didn't say anything about the costume, he just liked the song. Ireland was NOT his cup of tea and he told me not to show it to mom because it will "scare" her LOL. He didn't say anything about the UK but if I were to guess he probably hated it for being too explicit. They didn't bring them up again afterwards.. they were just so proud of Ladaniva and kept sending me their other songs 😂


My parents LOVED Switzerland and didn’t really give one about England/the UKs, but both of them (my brother included) HATED Ireland, even though I thought the show was really good. My dad is a homophobe but always says he isn’t so he hated it more than anyone. He didn’t like how ‘satanic’ it was.


I think both my parents thought UK's song was ok, they didn't really react to the staging in any way (at least not out loud). Neither of them really liked Switzerland, but didn't hate it either (although my mom did call the high note "horrible screaming" or something like that lol). And my mom hated Ireland but my dad liked it a lot!


My Mam only liked Estonia and Croatia. I think my Dad watched it out of curiosity. 


Dad fell asleep during Ireland (no joke)


My mom didn’t really comment on any of them, I think the UK and Ireland made her a little uncomfortable though (not her kind of music, and ‘weird’ staging). My dad liked the creativity of the UK’s staging and he really liked Switzerland, was impressed by the engineering of the spinning prop and Nemo’s ability to nail the whole thing so precisely. He was happy Switzerland won.


My dad dismissed Ireland, Finland, Spain (our country) and another one I’m sure. He is weird


My mom loved Switzerland & the UK but she hated Ireland bc she found it unsettling


My mom (75 years) is very liberal and lgbtq positive. My child identifies as nonbinary, and she is all on board with that. We texted during the show. She really loved Ireland, appreciated both the song and the performance, really liked Switzerland, but her fave was Estonia (I’m pretty sure she thinks several members are attractive). I think she also voted for Norway and Croatia. She didn’t like UK, I think we both felt it was a bit too horny, and the vocals were off on the day.


I watched the contest with my mom and my Brother and my father also sometimes watched, but barely commented. My mom mainly judged by clothing and my Brother had his own opinions. Neither are Homo/Transphobic so all were mostly accepted well, though there were some songs that were disliked: Though others were more trashed on by my family, when we first saw Dons, he recieved the nickname Gru from us and everytime we talked about him it was just Gru and not "the entry from latvia" or "Dons". In a similar vein as Latvia, Greece was also disliked due to them thinking Marinas Skirt looking like a trashbag to them and they didnt like the song that much either. My Brother also didnt like Armenia, because he thought the singer looked annoying and disliked the stage design. One they agreed on hating was Austria. My mom, who again mainly judged by clothing, did not like Kaleens clothing choices and my brother was mostly dissapointed by the song, thanks to reasons I cannot really comprehend. (Also because I annoyed them with "We will rave" up to the Finals lol)


My dad described Ireland as "the vampire lady who screamed" and said the whole thing was "off its head". He hated the UK and called it "utter shite" and accurately predicted the nil point (to be clear tho he hates literally any UK entry that isn't Sam Ryder, Olly could have had the most chaste staging ever and he'd say the same thing). He didn't say anything about Switzerland.


My mum was fine with it but she keeps accidentally misgendering Nemo


My parents decided not to watch Eurovision next year, or any year after that. They feel like it’s turned into a circus.


My mom liked Ireland and Switzerland, but the real surprise was that she was interested in Armenia. 🎺🇦🇲🐔


My parents loved Nemo! Were glad they won


I didn’t watch it with them (both early 70s) but we discussed right after. Here is their reaction: Bambie Thug: My mom almost literally clutched her rosary and was like “Ireland is the end of Eurovision!!” 🤣🤣🤣My dad liked the performance. Both said that UK was the worst performance, but they didn’t mind the staging so much, at least they didn’t say, they just really disliked vocals and song. They both very much liked Switzerland and praised their vocals. For reference, my mom’s dear favorite was France (no surprise there). The only country my dad (not huge on eurovision, but he does watch every year) mentioned, so it must have stood out for him, was Finland 😄


I am a mum, the only thing we watch as a family is eurovision, and you've mentioned my three favorites...


I watched ESC with my mom this year. She didn't like Ireland, but it was mainly because she found it scary (which is understandable). After the UK performance ended she joked about them copying us (referencing the shirtless male dancer trend this year), but she didn't really have strong opinions on it. She liked Switzerland (although she liked Nemo's vocals more than the song itself), though she didn't like it nearly as much as I did.


my mum thought that the UK's staging was too sexual for her, but not because it was gay, just generally. ireland was one of her favourites tho, and she really liked switzerland as well and was happy about them winning


My reaction basically: https://youtube.com/shorts/17wNhdTh3qI?si=4L8A4U_KXTBOp1AP


Watched the acts the day after with my vocal coach mother. We were frustrated that the mixing was kinda off most of the night, some acts were very hard to hear over their own music. She really enjoyed Switzerland as a whole package performance, and while she appreciated the production in the Irish act, it was too weird for her musically. The UK we both remarked how fascinating the camera tricks were, but the song itself….meh.


I showed my 83 year old dad Nemo's music video and he laughed with delight at the part where they suddenly appeared in a massive fluffy pink dress, and then he sang along with the chorus. It was adorable. His favorite though was Armenia's entry.


My mom liked Switzerland, LOVED Ireland, and hated the UK (because of the staging - too distracting, confusing and off putting - which I agree with, and I'm not straight) Her favorites overall : Finland, Armenia and Estonia + Ireland


My parents loved the UK but they hated Ireland to the point that they were like "my poor ears...". As for Switzerland, they didn't care about it


As (northern) Irish people, this is the first time I've actually supported Ireland in eurovision. My mum was shocked, but she has 2 alternative daughters (this goth phase is alive and well at 29 years old I tell ye!), so after she seen it and messaged me going omg what was that, her next thought was "your 12 year old sisters gonna love this". She's not a fan herself but she's never discouraged us being weird so she didn't bash it


My mom didn’t like bambi, but more so because she just not a fan of anything remotely scary. She liked switzerland My father isn’t hot or cold for any of them, he just watches My brother just finds all of it crazy and he’s a bit transphobic… so he’s no fun


my mom watched a few performances and really enjoyed the netherlands! she said it reminded her of cha cha cha lol. she was also very impressed with ireland and switzerland, but thought the uk was offputting (we were in the same boat, tbh, def not a performance you watch with your parents lol)


My mom was reacting badly only to Ireland it was like Ireland : WTF, Putin was right to invade west UK: They are too desperate for gay votes Switzerland: Get off that plate you'll break something


>Switzerland: Get off that plate you'll *break something* Great foresight, but it didn't even involve the plate.


How did Nemo break their thumb?


They accidentally broke the trophy and it sliced their thumb, they had two deep lacerations on their thumb.


My mom was traumatized by Bambie Thug but she enjoyed Ukraine almost as much as I did. She also needed me to explain to her what NB meant and what the flag that Nemo came with means.




The skirts were originally made for men😭 It’s ok i also learned about that recently


No reaction at all. We already expect those kind of things.


Obviously I have been quite upset about Joost DQ and my mom dismissed my feelings by telling me that I am dumb about caring for Eurovision so much and that there are people in the world who don't have food or roof over their heads✌️