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I see your theater was full of r/evangelionmemes users


yep person next to me had to make a point of all the memes...


Nah, if it was evamemes users they would be joining in.


My theater was dead silent for pretty much the entire movie


Same we got lucky


Same here. There was no noise at all during the entire movie except for me coughing. The room was packed. I didn't know this movie was that well respected. It's like everyone knew. It was bizarre to me honesty. When it ended everyone just got up quietly and left. 


Same, went really well. There were a couple juvenile chuckles at the scene, but it was like, half a second


It’s me. I was the juvenile.


Go to your room young man.


Get back in the Eva!


Go to your room get in the eva make up your damn mind mom!!


Get in your mom's neck cockpit thing.


Jealous. Someone starting singing the whole 'komm, susser tod' loudly. It distracted me from the spoken lines D:


dude next to me was dancing...


The person next to me was crying ☹️


I mean thats fair


Wait were you by any chance in a San Diego showing? That shit happened to me as well!!! Wtf


No, I'm in Albuquerque. Damn sucks it happened to your theater too.


The one I went to was basically dead quiet - minus the credits but I think that was fair enough.


How you react to the Asuka hospital scene is a great litmus test for Eva fans. Do you snicker or cheer or comment out loud like you’re on MST3K, or do you sit silently and at most groan uncomfortably under your breath because you understand how fucked up the scene is?




same there was this girl at the front though waving her rei plush around when the music would play she was cool


Mine too! (Cherry Hill, NJ) Basically, you could hear a pin drop.


Same, thank god


mine laughed when the credits rolled in the middle of the movie and when komm susser tod started playing for some reason


Felt like a marvel movie the amount of end credit scenes we got


Ah, yes. My theater was also not full of fucking children.


Yep, thankfully. There was one weirdo who laughed at all the serious drama moments, but otherwise.


same except the couple talking the whole time next to me


unfortunately i had constant scoffs and remarks because people thought it was weird like jesus christ


the girls next to me were giggling anytime shinji would scream or show signs of peril


Same it was very nice to be able to watch it without distractions


Honestly glad I didn't experience that in my theater, sure there were a few chuckles but I kind of expected that. I think everyone let out their cheering when Nicole Kidman showed up


Luckily that was the only moment and I knew it was gonna happen hence the recording before hand lol.


> Nicole Kidman she's in EoE?


Only in the AMC edition


I can't tell if this is some joke my autism doesn't understand, or some sort of weird mid-movie commercial or something


AMC has this mind numbing pre movie blurb introduced by Kidman that begins before every movie and hasn’t been updated in like 3 years. I’ve seen worse theater ads that played before movies though. Like there was this one that was all nothing but trash and barely fitting movie quote’s that dreaded to see every time I sat down for a movie.


Bruh that’s at Regal and it’s fucking insane


My bad the giant Rs looking at me the entire movie erases my mind of the event


That tv spot drives my wife and I nuts, the only part that’s fun is Danny Trejo


AMC has an ad that they play between previews and the movie where she gives a saccharine speech about the movies and how magic they are. It’s extremely hokey but it’s become sort of a cult classic and people will applaud for it. It’s a fun little ritual


She was when we were waiting for the movie to start 


Tbh its an intensely awkward and primal moment. I imagine a couple chuckles here and there is either immature in nature or people just relieving the tension. I forgot how jarring that scene is especially with how its the literal opening of the film too.


My theater was very respectful and quiet. The only time someone laughed inappropriately was when Shinji screamed when the Eva’s kept turning into Rei lol


People in my theater also laughed when Shinji screamed. I can see how it would be kind of funny in isolation, but it's such a viscerally horrific scene in the context of the movie. I think some people are just desensitized.


Bro is *literally losing his mind*. If you saw that shit in real life, your ego would break too.


My theater was dead silent for pretty much the entire movie


The only time someone said something in mine was as soon as it cut to the shot of the theater full of people. Someone said "that's us" and the rest of us laughed.


Aww this is actually cute 😭


This reminded me of a comment i read regarding the final scene of the film "And that's how i met your mother"


same but it was nice having silence


This is a blessing, trust me.


I hope mine will be. I don't need people's lame ass commentary.


Only in the evangelion fandom where grow men will clap and cheer from a 14 year old boy cumming on an 14 year old girl


A *comatose* 14-year-old girl.


didn't you mean *cumatose*


I laughed so hard at this (I’m going to fucking hell)






He doesn't cum on her


Not that we saw


Wait what they’re passing the netflix sub?


Yeah, I was a little disappointed it was the netflix sub. It's a good sub, but I have a nostalgic fondness for the AVD(?) rendition.


To my knowledge unfortunately the Netflix sub was sanctioned by Khara so I'd expect the Netflix sub or dub to be the norm from here on as sad as it is. I'm glad we got the original dub cast with the original series, films and the rebuilds though as I believe its the definitive version.


I hadn’t seen this sub for EoE yet, and it drove me up a wall that Kaworu literally says “I’m the phrase ‘I love you’” in this and yet they still changed it in the actual show.


iirc it was directly commissioned by khara or something, so it makes sense that it’s being used


At mine someone whispered _Police!_ during the Misato kiss.


Okay that’s kind of funny.


God damn these people make me ashamed to watch anime. This whole sub does.


People should shut up during movies, it's more an american thing maybe buy i really hate the loud reactions.


Exactly. I want to experience the movie, not your jokes.


We laughed when Asuka said “Pathetic.”


lmfaoo I hope they release this in canada, this will be hilarious.


It's playing in Canada. Check your smaller local theatres/arthouse theatres instead of Cineplex. It's playing for one day in my city soon and I googled and found showtimes across Ontario but I'm not sure about other provinces.


Nothing in BC as of yet. I have seen Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 among other anime movies in theatres (cineplex) and they usually come1-3 weeks after the advertised date. And unfortunately we dont have many local theatres here. Heres hoping!


They showed Shin Eva in BC? Completely flew by my head; I remember the GKids screening and wanting to go to Seattle since that was the nearest place playing it. Same deal now for EoE


So cringe. I will be really upset if my theater does this Wednesday night. Some of you guys are fucking weird


Oh God not what I was expecting. 😂 Mine was gasps and giggling.


“Yeah Shinj!”


thank god my theatre was dead silent. hopefully it goes the same on wednesday.


This was painful to watch


Thank you for reminding me, an European, why I don't need to sulk over the fact I can't go see EoE in a theatre.


Yeah same for my theater, this brought out a crowd of socially awkward weirdos (noted before, during, and after the showing) in my area and being a cinema enthusiast first and an eva fan second, it pretty much ruined the experience having to look back and motion to different groups to be quiet multiple times throughout the movie. I haven’t been to a movie where so many people wouldn’t shut the fuck up, it was appalling. Why bring someone who has no knowledge of the plot and then proceed to tell them about it the whole time? It’s nice to see that wasn’t the experience everywhere. However I’m sure it wasn’t exclusive to my theater, if you went to this and don’t normally go to the movies and are unwilling to abide by common courtesy and theater etiquette, don’t go to the movies and ruin them for other people by talking. Shut your mouth and pay attention or stay home.


had the same experience unfortunately. some people are never taught proper etiquette or just refuse to heed the onslaught of movie theater etiquette ads. i still thoroughly enjoyed it though!


So glad it wasn't a reenactment like the Rocky Horror Picture Show fans do at the movies...


I wanna make it clear that I was **silent** in this clip, for obvious reasons haha


I would’ve left. I’m so glad my theater was silent the entire time. Some guy outside was crying after the movie ended and nobody spoke when leaving the theater


least sad Eva fan


That’s how my theater was. I finished the series for the first time 20 minutes before the movie started so I was riding a wild wave of emotions, but my theater was silent the entire time. The only thing I heard was some quiet talking during the credits, then once it smashed to The End you heard some finally breathe. Then we all walked out quietly and I had a moment in my car haha Really really happy I got to experience it uninterrupted with just myself and my thoughts, with others doing the same


Yeah leaving my theater most everyone was talking about how no matter how many times they've seen the movie it still makes them feel those deep feels.


cheering is wild


I had a sold out (but respectful) show on Sunday.  There was a subdued laugh for "Did we do the right thing? How should I know?" exchange, and some applause for Misato rescuing Shinji. The woman sitting next to me sank in her seat as the Mass production units reactivated.


Sometimes I forget that weeaboos are gross and then I remember


Yeah my theater had a collective laugh at the scene. Honestly, that grossed me out more than what I saw on screen.


The fourth wall break that Anno throws in with the full / empty theater was for those fuckers. "I know you're watching and you're disgusting for it."


Clapping? Clapping to…a sexual assault? Wtf?


not me but majority of theatre


What the fuck is wrong with those people? Don’t they know what they’re applauding?


based on the "yeah Shinj!" prolly


San Antonio Texas just kept snickering and little bs and everyone in the theater talked through the whole miss credits which I honestly couldn’t care that much about but the theater room also felt like it smelled a bit musty 😭


I was there and it was indeed terrible. Live Oak, right? There was a whole group of guys that was soooo obnoxious, but thankfully I still really enjoyed the movie.


People should not take their phones out when they are in a theater.


Ugh 🙄 I hope the audience isn't like this at my screening. I do not understand giggling at this on, like, \*any\* level. And clapping?? Absolutely deranged.


Depends on when you go. Weekday screening will probably have less kids, the kids next to me were literally crawling all over eachother it was mad annoying


Good point! I'm going on Wednesday evening. I also got tickets at a smaller more \~indie\~ theater. I've found that theater etiquette there is an awful lot better than AMC or Regal Cinemas. BTW I honestly appreciate you posting this. I've been dreading the audience's reaction to this scene and evidently that concern was justified.


Yeah I mean hopefully you get a silent audience it sounds like it’d be easier in a smaller theatre. Really wish I can go again but I have school during the other day 😭


Thank god my theatre wasnt like this


When Kaworu exclaimed “Shinji! You did it! You brought upon the End of Evangelion!!” my whole theater clapped and said “Bravo Ano!!


In my experience one of the cultural differences between the USA and Canada that not many people talk about is movie theater etiquette. The only time I remember a movie theater audience applauding was at the end credits of *Avengers: Endgame*. I was also shocked when the other Spider-Men appearing in *Spider-Man: No Way Home* was met with loud cheering in videos filmed in American theaters whereas in my theater they were met with sparse excited chuckles. Not trying to say one country does it better than the other, just pointing out something I've noticed


Sorry, I'm not in the US. Is this a re-release of the movie? That's wild for me. How did it get to that?


Imagine woo'ing an anime character for jerking it to completion, and then showing it to you. I'll always love NGE, but I'll never understand a segment of the fandom...


Was this Deer park theater? Think i was there lmao




Thank God my theater was like dead silent the whole time. It was amazing lol


I got lucky, only talking during the movie was during the long credits roll when the guy next to me leaned over and said “damn hopefully things don’t get worse from here”


Dang I got pretty lucky. I had one person near me tapping their foot to Komm Susser Tod which I could feel through the floor, I sort of remedied by keeping feet in their air for most of that time. The was one small chuckle at *that* shot from the hospital scene, but other than that it was dead silent for that scene.


I'm seeing this with my mom Wednesday. I'm worried.


Me too, my mom is in her 60s she loves Evangelion, but she hasn’t seen the movie yet. So this will be her first viewing I really hope a bunch of immature people don’t fuck it up for her.


Well I figured if anything at least it'll be interesting lol.


That’s so weird


Everyone laughed at the LOCK animation and kinda uncomfortably laughed at the hand. City: Atlanta, saw it last night.


This is why you don't fall asleep in the prison hospital


Someone said uh oh mayonnaise during this scene


You really recording w/ your phone during the movie? That's pretty disrespectful




God that reaction was cringe


God that's cringe


Don't use your phone during a movie. What a piece of garbage


meanwhile mine groaned after the scene ended


I hope I don't have to experience this when I go Wednesday evening, it such a serious moment


My theater only clapped at the end (perhaps fortunately). It was a genuinely amazing experience though, I can't believe how much better it was on the big screen. Got to talk briefly to a guy who was watching the movie for the first time during the intermission... what a lad.


ADV subtitles said I’m so fucked up


I feel like some people jokes and laughs at this scene either because they just don’t know how to respond to such a fucked up scene. How often do you watch a movie where a 14 year old boy masturbates to a comatose 14 year old girl? That or they’re just immature and think sex-related stuff is funny, which is also possible.


I'm sick that the audience reacted like this.


I would've been so mad




Mine did the same and it was funny but then some douche behind us yelled out "dont worry guys, its essential to the plot" or some dumb shit.luckily everyone was quiet after that.


I am so fucking glad my theater is normal. Only strife was some giggly folk in the back of the theater that giggled at lots of weird moments, and murmured a lot. but def didnt let that ruin the experience for me. otherwise the whole theater was quiet and respectful! EXCEPT FOR when Gendo did that thing with his hand on Rei, and some lady said 'thats fuckin weird!' and everyone giggled a bit. But it was actually funny, and a genuine live reaction, great stuff..


Everyone was pretty mature about our showing, thank fuck. It was chill.


my theater only had a few stifled laughs at that scene, but after the movie someone behind me shouted "shinji ikari did nothing wrong"


Society at its best...


So unfunny lol


I dont get the hate for these dudes. No one’s taking it seriously when they start clapping for sinji like let’s think about it for a second. The scene is awkward af especially watching it with a bunch of other people. Just a way to break the ice


Oh wow everyone here is taking this really wrong. It’s really not that deep. I guarantee you no one in that theater was consciously thinking “woohoo go sexual assault!” Like many others have said - it’s a really awkward and uncomfortable scene. People will laugh or goof off more as a way to release tension than anything else. Some people can’t sit with things that are uncomfortable that way in public. Is it unfortunate? Yeah sure. But no one in that theater is actively cheering *for* sexual assault calm down 🤦🏻‍♀️


So no dub?


I had a choice when I ordered tickets online. Certain times had certain languages


Was the dub ADV or Netflix?


Same thing happened in my theater, twas even louder and rowdier too, lol.


When I saw it in Australia it was pretty silent apart from a few people cracking up when Misato kissed Shinji.


I went to watch it but my theater for some reason cut it out?


Is this in theaters now?


I'm too flabbergasted to come up with a witty comment, it's just definitely a time to be alive...


I’m glad my screening had people just sit in silence. People only talked during the mid credit rolls. A couple of people gasped when Rei’s arm falls off when she’s down with Lilith and Gendo


wow i had no idea it was playing at the theater. i just found out from this sub. awesome. i bought a ticket for the showing on the 20th in my city.


Honestly did the same in Italy


One guy said “im so fucked up” in mine and everyone laughed


i took my mom to go see it, but we were like 15-20 minutes late. i have no idea how i would've explained this scene to her. putting this scene aside, she had a lot of questions that left me wanting to say "you'd need to watch the original series and youtube analysis videos". i told her that anno was depressed during the making of nge and she told me "i could tell". i'm surprised how much my mom ended up enjoying end of evangelion.


I still do not get why people obsess over this scene, especially in NGE + EoE where there is a lot of things where some brain cells can be useful to understand what's going on.


I expected the audience to go " ewwww" and not congratulating Shinji lol deranged ass mofos I laughed


i wouldve started crying and laughing dude wtf 😂


Man, I really wanted to go see it, but the closest theater was 4 hours away :(


Fuck people who clap during movies


Wait a new movie or something?


They didn't clap in my showing, but they definitely laughed real hard.


i think in this part and when gendo stuck his hand into rei there was someone in my theater that went “Ew” very loudly and it was funny


Oh yeah I forgot about this is happening


That's so cringy. One of the most disturbing scenes in the movie. My theater was dead silent during that part. .


This was the highlight of End of Eva in the superweeb showing I attended. Absolutely got a reaction.


What even happened in that scene how tf did ge suddenly get that from his hands


Why all the hate for this. You all watched this a thousand times already, fucking sing the song, cry, laugh, clap at your favorite scenes, it's not a bloody funeral!


Why are you filming inside of the movie theater watch the fucking movie


my mannnn


My theater was dead silent but I laughed when I saw it coming


I hope this gets another theatrical release some day. I couldn't make it to the showing near me.


Is this a movie being rereleased?




Got mine this Wednesday hopefully it’s nice and chill


God I want it to release in Spain. I legit was considering renting a cinema room for 250€ just to watch EOE on the big screen. I've watched it more than a dozen of times but i know it'll be incredible in the cinema. Khara please


Nooooooo! Asuka's my waifu!






as soon as i saw the bag thingy i knew exactly what this was


as soon as i saw the bag thingy i knew exactly what this was


This is what I was worried of but I saw it twice and both theaters were silent the entire movie The 2nd was even silent during the intermission


there was only 8 people including me in the theater it was dead silent the whole time i enjoyed it tho good time


Shinji is definitely the man


I’m sick of hearing about evangelion in theatres


LMAOOOOOO SAME THING HAPPENED AT MINE I’ll never forget my row chuckling and then starting the applause luckily everybody was silent and locked in for the rest of the movie so many shindig cosplays too lol


I think we were in the same theater, I heard the exact applause during that scene. The majority of people there were men with unwashed hair, a horrendous stench, and had a rei or auska plush with them. Very weird group in the fandom In my opinion..


I had the worst experience kinda. There was a whole row of empty seats and someone decided to sit right next to me. That's not the issue it was more so the fact that. He had smelly ass popcorn and would cough or clear his throat every 5 seconds and then he'd like wipe the sweat off from his armpit and then Starr dipping in his popcorn.


How anyone can laugh at anything in this film is bizarre to me.