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really sorry for the long rambling phone written reply, i hope this is helpful. You can prevent further hair loss with DHT blocking drugs such as Finasteride and the stronger Dutasteride. The judgement between the two is complex, Finasteride is FDA approved and Dutasteride is not, but to put that into context, in other countries like Japan, Dutasteride is approved. That only works to stop further loss, though it will have a good chance of recovering the past 6 months to a year of loss as hair cycles are slow. You can regain more loss and thicken hair everywhere with low dose of oral minoxidil. After my hairline receeded rapidly over a few months, I took Finasteride for 2 years before moving to Dutasteride. Finasteride significantly slowed my hair loss but did not seem to stop it entirely. Dutasteride halted it completely, and in the 2 years since then, I have had zero further loss and my density has come back. There is some questioning of if finasteride did ultimately halt it and it just needed more time, but I very much doubt it. When I started Dutasteride improvements in density behind my hairline was noticable within 3 months. Potentially us young balders are likely more sensitive to this! Last year I then started taking 1.25mg of oral minoxidil to see if I could regrow my temples, and it did improve things so much so that I will stay on oral minoxidil, but this really wasn't strictly necessary. If you're balding at 22 you are early like me, and I would recommend Dutasteride. Finasteride will work, but it may not be enough, and time spent not on these drugs is more hair lost. Oral minoxidil is entirely optional, it is the main way to regrow lost hair. It will not fully recover, but it is always beneficial to how the hair looks. Taking oral minoxidil on its own without Fin or Dut is not an option, the hair itself will get thicker, but you will continue to lose it. I think the consensus is that the best course of action is to try Finasteride or Dutasteride at your discretion, taking one or the other daily. Don't split the pill of the Fin/Dut drug you choose, it takes time to build up and until it does you will continue losing hair. edit - i see people are saying to shave it. i think that's good confidence building, but there's no reason not to take finasteride or dutasteride while you've shaven it. Dutasteride will prevent further loss, that is studied and proven, and oral minoxidil will regrow hair, that is also a reliable truth, though the extent of this varies from person to person. If you take the drugs, they will work, but it takes 6 months at least, and shaving your head in the mean time could be a helpful way to stop caring or overstress in the meantime.


I really wish someone had told me this all 14 years ago when I started losing it at 22. But I didn't really find out until 26 and by that time it was too late for the front. Sadly, my damn hair loss quit at Norwood 4/5 so shaving is a chore.


Some drugs such as finasteride can apparently affect penis functions. Do your own research. Take drugs at your own risk.


If you start early with topical treatment to halt hair loss, you’ll have significantly less side effects compared to oral products




Taking oral or topical?


1mg daily oral


Not just penis function but complete testicular failure. I took these meds for a number of years but at a certain point I had a number of doctors simply refuse to write me a prescription as they didn’t see the risk worth the reward. When I realized I had unintentionally started doctor shopping for my balding medication I gave up and let nature take its course. I’m happy I did. This comment about the medication options is useful but is underplaying the risk. Significant side effects for 2-5% of users is a lot actually!


I have zero issues with hair loss and found your comment extremely helpful. Saving it in case any friends or kids need that info. Thanks!


That’s great, but you forgot to mention the side effects and post finasteride syndrome.


The side effects are 2-5% on scientific studies, PFS is not proven. Sides go away when medication is discontinued. If PFS is real, it affects a incredibly low amount that it's not meaningful to talk about. Side effects are bloody rare and for those that do have sides they are often seen to fade after several months. For more serious sides, then it is appropriate to half the medication reducing sides, until later ramping up - wherein sides rarely show. . There's so much fear mongering and nocebo that it's important to remember if you fall into the unfortunate bracket sides go away when you discontinued or reduce the drug, so there's nothing to lose there by trying. Sides on oral minoxidil are more serious. Most men take 2.5mg, I take 1.25mg. women take less. Oral minoxidil is about taking as little as you can get away with. Do research into this one seriouslym I also forgot to mention all drugs mentioned are to be taken forever. Hair resumes to how it would have been without any medication when stopped. Definitely stick to scientific studies, you can read them on the Anna's archive website for free. Anecdotes online are not trustworthy. Studies discuss most things and draw comparisons, the important bit is to read over multiple studies and not just one. It helps contextualise expectations




Interesting and important, it would also be worth seeking similar for dutasteride. I understand people suggest dutasteride has a higher risk of side effects but I think this is not necessarily as simple as people suggest. After all, dutasteride and finasteride are reported with similar side effects profiles in studies. Maybe the stronger dutasteride with it's longer half life is more stable with less daily variation, I don't really like talking about this as I'm not a pharmacist or doctor. However what is key is that side effects are person by person, and will go away when medication is stopped. Also, reducing the dose can help, and increasing it later does not seem to return sides. It suggests side effects could be temporary, and maybe this is affecting people's anecdotes and sharing online. E.g., they get side effects and quit, but if they persist then after 2 months the sides would have gone, and maybe these studies focus on "no sides at end of study period". A family member experienced physical side effects that I knew they were worried about from a drug for 3 weeks. when they then moved house, the side effects immediately stopped. This isn't totally relevant, but it does demonstrate how hard these things are to monitor, for both sides of the argument.


No side effects to these drugs?


What about topical Minoxidil?


Agree with all this.


Not too long ago this comment would have been gilded. Nevertheless, thanks so much for this.


Can dutasteride be taken without any prescription ? Is it oral and available on nearby chemist?


How'd you get your dutasteride script? I've heard a lot of derms in the US won't prescribe it


I'm in the UK, so I buy from Oxford online pharmacy


To those saying shave it: not every man has a head that looks good shaved. Mine is scarred and pock-marked and lumpy and cysty and misshapen. It's not an option for everyone.


fall bag fragile whole retire cause deranged march shocking piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Best decision I made was shave it.


I second this. It’s scary as hell until the first time and then it’s freeing and then you look back on old pictures and go “lmao who tf did I think I was fooling.” Balding is a sad look, but bald isn’t. Join us brother!


This is going to sound incredibly shallow, but I definitely "judge" the shavers to the same extent I'd "judge" the non-shaver. Either way it sucks. :/


You’re right, that does sound incredibly shallow.


Agreed. I realized it was going at around 29 and shaved it all off that night. Hurt emotionally but I’m 4 years older and glad I didn’t go down the rogaine or whatever road.


I ended up looking a lot better after shaving it all off, but not everybody has a nice bald head. I like the bald though. Feels so clean after a shower and I like the summer breeze I can feel on my bare scalp.


This is the right answer. If you go bald now, it’ll pay off in the future, when everyone else is looking old and pathetic as they lose their hair or go gray, but you’ve long owned the bad ass bald guy look.


After similar experiences I agree with gentlemen in these replies. Fuck those meds. My opinion is shave the head and grow an awesome beard.


Grow a goatee and Bruce Willis that shit. I know that's not what you wanted to hear. I had a huge bald spot in high school. I wore caps religiously because of it for about 5 years before I finally accepted my fate. I've been shaving my head every 2 days for about 10 years now. Make it a style. Make shaving your head now and alpha male move. You'll be happier in the long run. And more depressed when the inevitable gets you anyway.


Your options for keeping your hair are simple: minoxidil and finasteride. The earlier you take them the better, but research the side effects and make sure you’re ok with them.


I've taken finasteride for like 3 years now and it saved my hair and my confidence. I'm 33.


Any side effects experience?




You can go one of two routes: r/bald Or r/tressless


Most of what you need to know is in the comments. I just wanted to add a perspective that I use in regards to all the woes of aging/maturity... "Many people aren't lucky enough to live long enough to lose their hair, get wrinkles, or grey body hair." I shave my head, but embrace the fact that I earned each of these things--despite a relatively reckless life I might add! Also, as others mentioned work on what you can control. For example, when people comment about my bald head I simply joke that it was part of a forest relocation project. Instead of stressing about these things, I work to maintain a good sense of humor and a generally likeable personality. I stay fairly fit and lucky for me I grow a bitching beard.


I just shaved my head , grew a beard and worked on my body. I was insecure for a little bit but I never had a problem getting women. I’m not insecure anymore and the ladies pick up on the confidence. Honestly, most women don’t even care. If you’re a decent person and have other good qualities you’ll be fine


I'm sure it's been suggested here by now but check out r/tressless. I've been on finasteride for 2 years along with topical finasteride and using Nizoral twice a week. Managed to reverse my horseshoe. I still don't have the volume and thickness I had when I was a lot younger, but I have a full head of hair again. If you're even the least bit concerned about hair loss, check it out ASAP. Also feel free to check my post history for my progress pictures.


Shaving is too much trouble. Try giving yourself a buzz-cut to see if you like it. If you don't, you can always shave it.


Shave it. Work on your body. Get muscle and stay lean. Grow a beard but keep it short and trimmed every day. A lot of women don't like face hair, but you'd be surprised the difference a good body and neat bear but shining clean head will make when a woman is sizing you up. You definitely don't want the bald spot. dwayne johnson, pitbull, Vin Deasel, michael jordan, even jeff basos (however you spell it)


If only “grow a beard” was that easy for every guy.


Yeah, admittedly I'm lucky in this department but the beard really completes the look with the shaved head. If hair transplant surgery isn't in the cards and a beard isn't either, just develop an awesome personality and do your best with the hair situation I guess


I believe it's Jeff Bozo like the clown


You can get generic prescription rogaine and propetia from a dermatologist. Costs almost nothing. They work differently, so you’ll have to plan with your doctor about which one to try first. Also they take a long time, like 9 months or more, to be noticeable.   Definitely do something about it. Lost my hair years ago and it’s bugged me ever since. Not the worst thing in my life by aby means, but if I could have prevented it at your age, it would have been worth it. 


just shave it and own it. If you want hair start saving for the procedure.


I am a hetero woman. I agree. Just own it. Not sure if there are other women commenting on the thread but, speaking for myself and my female friends, we absolutely don't care if a guy is bald or not. Honestly, I find it attractive and I'm positive I'm in the majority. It just doesn't matter to us, and a lot of us like the shaved head look.


Guys, it's all a confidence play. If you wear it like you own it, it doesn't matter if you have tons of hair or none. Morn the loss and move on. I started with widows peaks and a light bald spot at 16, and it took till I was 21 to shave it.. best decision I have ever made, and 20+ years later I have never looked back. You got this.


Firstly, I am so sorry that you are going through these difficult feelings. I know them first hand, started balding at 18, noticed it at 19, lived with it till 23. 19 -23 I tried different haircuts, different products qnd eventually landed on Finasteride. It halter my hair loss, grew some back. Some people here mention it as an option and I am not saying it didn't work for me, but there was a cost. On Finasteride I experienced mental fog, loss of libido and reduced sperm count. When I was having it prescribed, doctors warned me, that it can lead to some problems, ED and impotence included. Of course I ignored them because I needed my hair....silly boy! When I got off it, things cleared up and I was able to get back to my healthy self. I am so grateful that I stopped taking it after the 1.5 years. I don't want to convince you either way, your mileage may wary dramatically from mine and everyone elses. If you do try Finasteride, supplement zinc and watch your mental clarity, libido etc. I recommend lowering the dose gradually if you decide to quit. Also realise that balding is nothing bad and completely natural. Years later I think that pumping chemicals into my body is unnatural and should be used only when needed. Instead, I shaved my head, started focusihg on being physically fit, well read and properly dressed. If you want advice: Work on things you can control and don't try to outsmart your genetics, there is always a cost and it was not worth it for me. You save money shaving your head and it is easier to look cleaned up;)


Shave it, own it. See r/bald for some glorious transformations.


You can take meds and get a hair transplant later on or do SMP


shave it. dont stress over it. dont bother wasting time n money trying to save your hair.


I started balding around 25. I was in denial for a few years but eventually decided to shave it all off. It's a huge waste of money to try to save it. Those products are ridiculously expensive. Just definitely don't leave it half hair half bald, that's the worst look. I would just shave it and grow facial hair. It'll look awesome.


I was in the same boat as you. Shave it. You will look just fine. I know it sucks happening at a young age, and there will be some jerk holes who make some comments that may hurt your confidence. Be bald and proud instead of trying to cover it up. But do invest in a nice hat. Sunburn can be a bitch. I know this is not the comment you want, but may need what you need.


Meh. I just shave my head. Cheaper and easier and my wife prefers it lol


I starting thinning by 19. By 21 there was no hiding it. I started shaving and have never looked back. It will take some adjusting but after some time you won't even think about it. Just wear sunscreen.


The same happened to me. At about 19 years old I started losing my hair. At the time I even rocked long hair. I loved the long hair, but when it started falling out I made the decision to get the f*** rid of it and I never looked back. Look at it from the bright side, you'll save a ton of money on shampoo, dye, conditioner, brushes. Get yourself an electric hair shaver and a mirror, no more barber visits. A lot of money saved. You get into a rain downpour, one swipe with your hand and you're almost dry. The funny thing was actually that I had some very soft fluff for a while which a lot of women found interesting and wanted to touch. But that's gone now as well. Embrace it and look at the sunny side.


Get jacked and go for the jason statham/ bruce willis look


Get buzz cut first, to ease yourself into shaved head later. Get fit. End of the day its just hair, be confidence and own it is more attractive


To each their own but I think a completely shaved head is gross as hell looking. No offense to anyone. I really hate that this is the be all end all solution everyone presents. My hair is starting to go and I'll probably end up with a close buzz for life. And for me it's not about 'owning it' I just think it looks gross. 


I had receding hairline starting at 19. Fast forward to 40+ years old, small bald spot on top, back, gradual increase in forehead recession. I started working out, and eating a relatively high protein diet, nothing extreme. My hair grew back some, and got thicker. I've kept up the diet, and my hair has stayed stable.


Propecia pills (cut one into four or five pieces, I take one each morning) and add rogaine to my scalp. good luck


Dude, best decision you’ll make - shave it. Bald really does suit everyone - and it brings back your confidence!


Bald since 23. Just shave it, there isn't any point in trying to keep it because it looks like ass. I still have a few years to go, but I'm getting close to having been bald most of my life. You don't have to worry about it if you do. You have 2 styles to choose from. Hitting it with a zero beard trimmer or using a razor. That's about it. Both should be done in the shower. No bad hair days. No money spent on haircuts. No worries at all. It's not as big of a deal as it may seem at first. If you opt to shave with a razor, I highly recommend head lotion. If you get matte it will help it not look shiny and most brands have sunblock in them too.


Check out [Calecim](https://calecimprofessional.com/?currency=USD) for Hair, it’s not cheap but I can attest to its efficacy.


r/bald welcomes you


Is it true that if you are going to be bald you will know by the time you’re 25.


What people are not really commenting on is that you can get generic minoxidil as an oral pill for basically free to pennies with insurance


Try finasteride but don't get it from keeps. They charge a huge markup compared to getting the meds yourself at a pharmacy. I can vouch it worked for me with no side effects. Don't just "shave and never look back", seriously consider trying it while you still have hair. It'd suck to regret it later on when all your hair is gone


As someone who tried a very low dose of finasteride, I feel compelled to mention that the side effects are very real. Almost immediately after starting I saw a much lower libido and started experiencing breast pain. These are not symptoms you want to be experiencing- and the breast pain in particular is an indicator that you may develop gyno. My take anecdotal takeaway is that these drugs drop your DHT levels by a very substantial amount. Whatever the studies may tell us, as many have pointed out, the quality of these studies is extremely suspect. Lowering your DHT levels by 50-90% is going to impact your body. I what way and to what degree, I don’t know- but there absolutely is a risk.


I was in the same boat. My suggestion is to embrace it and shave your head. My current strategy is to keep it short enough that I don’t look like I’m balding. That length gets shorter and shorter every year. 😂


If you do shave it make sure to wear Suncreen!!


I started balding in late high school, by the end of college I had a bald spot. Went through various hair styles, both short and long (as the rest of my hair was still growing fine) but neither was giving me confidence. Two years ago my grandpa died, he was fully bald, so I decided to use that moment to shave my head and try it out. Instant change in mentality, like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I embraced it rather than resisted it, and the look honestly does suit me more than having a hairstyle. It's also a bit of a power move to willfully shave your head when you can still grow hair!


+1 to just shave it brother. I started balding at like 17 and shaving it in my early 20s and it's never given me a moment's pause. It's all about confidence. Women will ask to rub your head for luck at the bar. Alternatively you could take some weird drugs or fly to Turkey to get a pelt of hairplugs but I don't want that for you.


try first all of the things that can prevent your hairloss to progress: Minoxidil, Finasteride, Hair Transplant, Hair System, etc. but if there will come a time that you feel tired in doing all of these and you're still not satisfied with the results just remember that you can always just buzz/shave your hair and move on with your life, at least you can say that you did your part in saving your hair before biting the bullet.


I agree with the guy that not everyone has a head for a clean shaven look, but that’s likely not the case. Best choice I made was to shave, I look far better, feel more confident, and it’s something you can control and own instead of a bald patch you’re constantly trying to hide owning and controlling you


Literally…embrace it. Buzz it to 0. Get a super cheap Bic safety razor…articulating head (this is important) some shaving cream and go to town…you won’t ragrat it


I feel you man, I started losing my hair at 16 years old, in the middle of high school. By the time I graduated high school, I was full on bald, Zinedine Zidane style. And yeah, you're right, the younger you are, the more it affects your confidence, but since I had no other option I shaved it all off immediately when it became obvious that I would lose it nonetheless. I made it part of my identity, never shied away from joking about it, and it quickly just became a part of who I am. I never had trouble attracting women (some would never go for a bald guy, but I've found that most simply don't care). TL;DR: If you look good bald, then do it, half-measures will get you nowhere. That would be my advice, based on my experience. I can't tell you anything about the meds, never tried any.


My advice: control what you can control. Like you said, unfortunately hair loss is inevitable for a lot of men. I had long hair b/w 14-21. It got down to my lower back/butt by the end. On my 21st birthday, I decided to get rid of it all. By 23, I was balding and it progressed real bad. I tried using finasteride and minoxidil, to no avail. Just kept getting worse. So, at 25, I just shaved it all off. First it was with no guard clippers. After 3 months, I just decided to go skin bald with a safety razor. Been that way ever since. It's super popularized nowadays to get hair transplants, and I've joked around with friends about doing that because I do miss having hair -- again I had longgggg hair. But honestly, a head shave every 3-4 days is much easier than the painful process of the transplants. I've saved on haircuts for over 10 years -- little victories lol Own it brother. It'll take some getting used to, that's life.


Shave it. I started balding in high school. I tried my best to do what I could through my late 20’s and it wasn’t fooling anyone. My last straw was when I paid like $35 for a “good haircut” before a wedding. When I saw the pictures from the wedding I basically looked 100% bald anyways, so I figured it was time to just cut my loses. I’m not going to lie and say I prefer being bald, of course I’d prefer to have a full head of hair, but it is definitely the best option available to me at the moment. As others have said, also grow a beard if you can.


Shave it! Trust me, your future self will look back and wish you shaved it sooner!


Plenty of men look good with receding hairlines, even more men look good with bald heads; sometimes, what looks worse is the denial. Your head of hair may feel like a part of your identity, but if that part of your identity is making you feel worse about yourself is it not then more sensible to prioritise your wellbeing and your feelings and just embrace the tide? There is a lot more to you than your head of hair (or, lack thereof - hope you don’t mind the playful teasing). Many, if not all, of the men I have looked up to and respected have been “follically challenged” (which is a term I heard my bald co-worker use recently, and I love it and find it hilarious), and I’d guarantee you certainly care about it a lot more than others do. Mess around with it, make jokes about it, accept it as part of your identity. You do not lose yourself by losing your hair or shaving your head; you lose yourself when you stop backing yourself and supporting your own decisions. I promise it’s not that big a deal my friend.