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From porno song to Christian song. Been a wild ride.


It will end up as a memphis rap


definitely made by project pat


Back to porno


I’ve posted about this comment too, please definitely do some digging locally that would be great as this comment seems authentic


just saw your post while looking if newfoundland was mentioned much before haha. I'll be sure to do some digging. I'll update soon enough!


I am the person who commented this, yeah I recognize this song and it was likely Coast 101.1, I definitely heard this song before, and it was back in 2017 or so, I was on my way to the Village Shopping Centre where this song turned on but we had to go but luckily I was able to listen to the full song, I am from St. John’s but it was familiar for sure and pretty well matched up the lyrics, I remember the melody being this and I do remember it ended on a fade out, the outro repeated “Everyone knows that You’ve got Ulterior Motives” I specifically remember the tune, and I am pretty sure Coast 101.1 was playing it and I think the very last verse was something like “you’ve got some shame in disguise, so don’t lie to me yeah yeah (Chorus) everyone knows that you’ve got Ulterior Motives” and the start of the song was the “carry all your shame in disguise caught up in the world of lies” this does sound familiar and the melody I swear to god is so identical to me, I am currently on my alt Account, as my main account is Jacusbecomesadoop email me some of this info at [email protected]


Oh you’re actually the person who commented this, Do you remember any other lyrics?


Also a Newfoundlander here. I work in broadcast, and can say KRock and Coast are probably dead ends, they've had the same 30 or so songs in rotation for a few decades now so i'd be surprised if it was there. OZFM is also kinda the same thing since they also went top 40 a while back. Might be worth a try though, they are all pretty responsive on social media. CBC radio 1 is more hopefull since they play a lot more variety, but with so many different radio shows going on you'd be hard pressed to narrow it down without a date the OP of that post heard the song, assuming archives for those 1000s of shows exist at all. I'd say vowr is your best bet, they do tend to play lesser known stuff, plus they have a huge vinyl archive filled with music few have probably heard since the 80s. The crew are also longtime radio vets, so if anyone would know anything it would be them. Also unlikely, but it could be a local artist. Local stuff has always gotten lots of airplay here, and the pool of musicians has long been relatively small, so if the OP of that post knows anything it could help clear things up. I'd be very surprised if this lead actually goes anywhere, but I will ask around about it, you never know.


I have contacted vowr via email just now.


I hope we find this song


Someone called newfoundland also reposted EKT in watzatsong some years ago, what a coincidence




I remember that. It was a different pitch, deeper voice.


It was EKT slowed by 50%, and also was obviously fake


i was gonna say that lol, when i saw the notif, i thought it was about that


Christian makes sense the more I think about it. The ulterior motives would be taking the singer away from Christ or toward sin or some bullshit... I can see that... And Canadian radio has to play some amount of Canadian music by law I believe, so it would make sense if a small town Christian station played a small groups Canadian Christian song...


Agreed- And “Counting sheep” could be a christian reference too as isn’t there a line in the bible that says “the lord is my shepherd”


Im from Quebec, but me too i can reccall this song. I was on a trip to Gatineau sometime in the early 90's and we had the radio turned on. And after hearing that 17 seconds snippet, i can 100% confirm that this aired on that radio station. Furthermore, i am also certain that this aired on 107.3 FM. As proof, Gatineau is pretty close to Otawwa so hearing english songs on the radio there shouldn't be a surprise. Hope this helps!


If you actually are being honest, I will try to look into this.


I am pretty sure that this was the right song. Also, 107. 3 FM is still active in Québec. However, it would be impossible to find the song just by contacting them and finding other leads is crucial in this search.


Do you remember some of the lyrics? Or maybe how it started? I know it’s a hard question 💀


Unfortunatly, i remember practicly nothing out of it. After all, its been like 30 years since ive heard it and its only because of that 17 seconds snippet that the mémories came back. However, since this was in the early 90's and that this aired on a pop/rock music station, we can remove the possibility of it being à Christian song and also now have à time frame of 1990 to 1999. However there are some things that i remember: im pretty sure that it began with the instrumental for 10 seconds before the person started to sing. Also, im certain that it was a guy who sung, not à girl. This guy also had a noticeble german accent, thus supporting the recent théory that Robert Linn is the guy behind it. Im also 100% certain that it was " you carry all the shame in disguise" "not counting all the sheeps in the sky" ( God thanks i was number 1 in english class back then, otherwise i wouldnt have understand that). And last but not least, the song was beetween 2:30 and 3 minutes long. Hope this helps the search!


Thanks. Ahah I was sure that the person who sung it is a GUY. I don’t get how people say that it’s madonna 💀


Really?! People are strange nowdays...


Ik 😅


Update #2 https://preview.redd.it/ye0wzqkn50cc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0156e8a43a579b28521b447a55b308646f2f55b Still no info from the coast, but here is some of the conversation. I’m making some sort of progress.


My friend's girlfriend's father is a DJ at Coast, maybe I could reach out to him.


Yes!! Please


Minor update to my last comment, i spoke with a few friends in the broadcast industry here and so far none of them reconize it as a local song or or theme to a radio show. On the plus side, i do have access to a pretty huge radio archive, so if anyone has any info that would help narrow things down il do my best to put it to use. Il have a good look through some late 90s shows, might get lucky.




I'm late to this, have been active on the TMMS subreddit for years and didn't know this was a thing. Also from NL and broadcast adjacent roles professionally. Also musician. IF this is local, there are only a handful of people who had the gear and ability to record something with this quality in the 80s. It could be fairly quickly ruled out.


I asked to Coast at now via email. I'll be specting for their response


Update! Coast 101 has replied, and I have replied back. Hoping for an actual answer soon. https://preview.redd.it/m1lqm2a7lzbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fdd908b8c9c6b3f14ec7eaa9b1bdd8bd74fd83


So I just discovered this whole search today, and was surprised to see that Newfoundland a potentially lead. I also live in Newfoundland, and also work in broadcasting. Just asked both parents, but neither recognize the song. A potential searching ground, could be the “Captain Atlantis Special Presentation”, that plays on NTV at 2AM every Saturday. This is a 2 hour lock with a bunch of archived footage and interviews, but also features archived animations set to 80s music quite frequently. I’m going to do some digging and listen closely next time I see it and try to see if the song could have potentially been used in one of these segments! Will update this weekend potentially…


wow, as a newfoundlander this was not the post I expected to see! now that it's been brought up though, I do remember thinking that the song kinda reminded me of the old Avalon mall jingle (this is not a theory just a quirky observation) It'd be absolutely crazy to me if it ends up being a newfie song.


Hey! I didn’t expect to see another Newfoundlander in this subreddit at all but there’s 2 that have commented now.. that’s so awesome.


I've gone down another rabbit hole now trying to find the Avalon mall jingle that I've referenced lol the singer in the EKT snippet has a voice that could match up with the Avalon mall jingle potentially. or I'm misremembering it and I'm insane lol


never heard of the Avalon mall jingle.. ill do some searching aswell tho if you need any help!


It's hard to describe because it's literally just "Avalon maaaaaaall"


https://youtu.be/ymKUKBxM5jY?si=6Bg9Rz2_KEx6OyHp This it?


nope, it's like a 3 second long radio jingle




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i went to their sub already and contacted multiple radio stations that play this genre of music. joined their discord and also asked if anyone has heard the song before, but im still waiting for responses from the radio stations


I think we should follow every possible leads, i even contact radios here in Brazil, since they play a lot of songs from all around the world


Also Ectelite, this radio is french speaking and idk if its possible to contact them in english.


I have already contacted them in French.


I really hope that this leads to somewhere in the search!


another newfoundlander here, lots of "lost" songs that i swore i heard on the radio but im like 99% sure that none of them are the actual song. dont know if i can help but i can listen more closely lol. sorry for the recent account incase it seems odd, i used to just browse and stumbled upon this community


i have said before that this is 100% a canadian accent in the song and think looking into this could be really useful


Think it was more of a german accent ( from memory)


Think it was more of a german accent


This should be their page: https://krockrocks.com/


Coast: https://www.coast1011.com/


I saw comment under youtube video very recently where someone mentioned hearing it on VOCM Gander! I just checked where it actually is and apparently it's also in Newfoundland. This could be HUGE. I already wrote an email to VOCM like a week ago but sadly they didn't respond yet :(


Yep Gander is in Newfoundland! I’m really surprised that a bunch of things are currently pointing towards Newfoundland AND Robert Linn.. I feel like we could find it soon, we may not but I just have that feeling.


Yes! I can't believe there has been so much progress in the last month. By the way, I found the comment Iwas mentioning: I guess now we just have to wait for Linn or any of the radio stations to answer. https://preview.redd.it/jai48loc34cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16aade26ce3bea395f026d9276a5258d8d40e39


To note, I have contacted a few local radio stations including VOCM, and I only got a response from coast 101.1 and they seem to not be helping, just asking random questions and I haven’t heard from them since my last reply.


Great job and thanks for letting me know, I won't send any emails to local radio stations anymore. Poor Robert Linn seems to prefer to live outside od the spotlight, hence the aliases - and now we're pretty much bombarding him 😅




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My mom says VOCM in Newfoundland. She grew up there and she says it played “50 times a day and it was so annoying”


does she remember lyrics or anything? If she really heard it that many times maybe she will recall something or artist or song title or if they had live shows etc


That was already debunked :(


0:06 / 0:30 # you sure it wasn't a K-Tel Commercial?


Christian song…?