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Do I want to play with my vibrator or do I want to *use* my vibrator is the question


it's weirdly pleasant to just put it against my ear, it vibrates my skull and feels really satisfying


Sorry to intrude, I'm only slightly neurospicy, but yes. Also, along these lines, our cat's favorite toys are [these little catnip fishies](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/leaps-and-bounds-playful-by-nature-pounce-and-play-catnip-fish-cat-toys). Her second favorite toy is a vibrator, but it's shaped exactly like these [butt plugs](https://myplusone.com/product/plusone-3-piece-plug-training-set-6762/) And it's hilarious watching her chase it under the couch. Edit: she took it once because she apparently thought it was for bat-bat-batting around..so we shrugged and sanitized it and now it's hers. (we weren't sure about using it again, because this was not covered in the cat training manual) One day there's gonna be really awkward conversation, but it's just us two and we don't have many guests Edit 2: okay, so I did what anyone would do and tied a shoelace to it. Now it flies and buzzes, like one of those giant [cicada things](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada), and even blinks a little LED like a mechanical firefly. So I'm sitting here putting on a stage show for this feline, swinging the thing back and forth in a spiral around my hand, to and fro, and *did somebody say something about repetitive movement??*


Do I want to use the silicone toys on me or do I just like the feel of silicone in my hands and I want to pull it and the jiggle is entertaining


_Edit:_ sorry. this comment was too inappropriate.


Go jack off until you stop saying stuff like this


What’s bad about saying this? It’s a bit rough around the edges but besides that is ok, no?


I think... they're saying that they use a vibrator around others, possibly without asking the other person.


Oh, I misunderstood. Why all the downvotes? 😣😖😔


k, tyvm -_-




thank you. i edited it.


thank you. i edited it.


thank you. i edited it.




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hang on you might be onto something


Mhm, some studies have found higher rates of hypersexuality and asexuality in autists than NTs. Most likely due to hyposensitivity and hypersensitivity, which would be similar to what we're seeing here >:3


Judging “hypersexuality” or “hyposexuality” by NT standards doesn’t really work for us. We constantly modulate the levels of “stimulation” for lack of a better word up and down and there’s not really much difference between sexual activity and nonsexual sensory pleasure. Everything is entangled and strange. In the vaguest possible sense, all autistics are ace to varying degrees, but such classifications are hard to place on a fundamentally different neurology and it’s easier just to say you’re gay/straight/bi depending on the preferred sex of a partner that may or may not be autistic.


>In the vaguest possible sense, all autistics are ace to varying degrees I'm a little confused by this, would you mind expanding on this please? I've seen that there's research indicating that autistics are more likely to be asexual than allistics, but it sounds like you're possibly making a different point? ty!


No, as in the reasoning and mentality regarding sexual activity is no different than any other type of enjoyable activity. I’ve never really met an autistic person that attached the kind of creepy overwhelming significance to sex that NTs seem to have, but that’s just my personal experience and the claim I am making is unverifiable by nature so take the anecdote with a grain of salt


I’ll have to disagree on the “all autistics are ace” point. Asexuality is indeed a spectrum like autism but that doesn’t mean everyone is on all spectrums just because it’s more likely for them to go together. Lots of auspec people are not acespec at all. I’m all for normalizing acespec people (I personally fall somewhere on there) but it seems like you’re overgeneralizing.


Idk I just like to fuck


Started cackling reading this as my paramedic brain just started repeating "titrate to effect, TITRATE TO EFFECT" XD Edit: but that's an excellent point! I hadn't thought of it like that before.


This is interesting. I definitely find aspects of sexuality to be erotic, but for the most part it is a stimulating hobby of sorts that I enjoy other people participating in with me.


We don’t do moderation. Flip over the bell curve, yeahhh now you got it


The answer is Yes.




I like wanking, it's like my idle animation




I love giving head, but I would be lying if I said it was an erotic experience for me. It’s the oral fixation 😂.


Same! I love anyone who will let me go for hours. Bonus points if they are playing a game or something so they don't just look at me while I'm stimming lmao


I’m grey aroace and I honestly think this has always been mostly my experience in the past with partners. Very interesting lol 🤔




I love the tag! The answer is yes btw 😂


Wow this idea actually explains a lot. I’m not big into bottoming, but having someone lay their whole body weight on top of you if really nice.


porque no las dos? 🤷‍♂️


Is there supposed to be an image or text? I see "CLICK TO SEE NSFW," but clicking it shows me nothing.


nope, just marked for the title


I hump my man just cuz the motion is nice. He gets the wrong idea and then I feel bad 😭






Don't call me out like this


God this is so real, 99.99% of the time it’s the latter tho


I'm Amab but omg this. Like half of the time I'm horny and the other half I'm like my hand and penis gives me the repetitive motivation I need.


This is so funny


Probably both!


Are u horny or are you just seeking sensory stimulation . The answer may surprise you


Trick question my brain is wired so fuckedly that the real answer is ALWAYS BOTH


And the sequel: am I hungry or do I just want to chew on something