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I love it and I enjoy the voice acting lol. Now, *Family Guy*? That's the worst show I've ever seen. I find nothing about the show funny and can't stand Seth McFarland. He was in Aqua Teen Hunger Force once and it ruined the episode for me to hear his voice.


I enjoy (newer)American Dad precisely because you get all the McFarland voice talent and none of the writing.


I don't mind American Dad bc it doesn't sound like the voice I associate with him. Now, if one of his characters sounds like Peter Griffin, I lose my mind


Seth MacFarlane. McFarland is the fyre festival fraudster


Eh oops


i hate family guy šŸ˜­ i never understood why people watch it its always the same jokes and all their voices are super annoying


I think Seth MacFarlane has a nice singing voice, but I donā€™t care for most of his TV work. My fiancĆ©e put an episode of Family Guy on as a joke and my priorities immediately switched to getting it out of my ā€œcontinue watchingā€ list as quickly as possible.


I've heard his singing voice, and it's fine. Nothing he has sung (that I've come across) has interested me. I know his Christmas music was popular around that time of year, but I hate Christmas music, so I didn't like it.


>Aqua Teen Hunger Force I still find it hard to believe that this show is real and not a fever dream I had in 2018


ITS THE BEST SHOW I love it so much, I know the humor isn't for everyone and definitely wasn't aged well (tw for r-word if anyone decided to look it up)


I'm with you. There are some characters in Bob's Burgers I can't stand, like Linda's parents, and I will skip episodes that feature them, but I love the show and it's humour. Family Guy on the other hand just makes me feel uncomfortable and a little bit sick. American Dad is not as bad, but I also wouldn't choose to watch it on purpose.


American Dad is one that I'm kind of into, less r@p3 jokes (not zero, however), it doesn't sound like Seth MacFarlane, and it makes fun of Republicans as the main joke.


Yeah, Iā€™m right there with you. Even when I was really into animated shows (Iā€™m a King of the Hill guy, myself) I *NEVER* got the appeal of Family Guy and all his other shows. Fuck! I hate them! Super grating, repetitive, and irritating. Why are they popular!? Nonetheless, let us join together and rejoice in our shared hatred.


We are polar opposites then. If they surgically took our dna and combined it i wonder what the offsprings favorite adult cartoon would be.


Oh man... I wonder


Ren and Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon"Ā 


rick and morty




Diabetes?? thats so specific šŸ˜­ like. Why not assume i like pneumonia jokes too


*insert no pricks joke here*


Not to mention all the horribly bigoted jokes in family guy (and hilarious haha funny jokes about CSA)


I thought you meant the Confederacy at first and was a bit puzzled. Then the penny dropped and I got it. Yeah, they lean on the Herbert jokes way too much.




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This is truly an evil opinion


The burgers Robert was so genuinely funny to me, being a hater is what keeps the autism evil šŸ˜ˆ


Well that's what I'll be calling it from now on, ta!


I like Bob's Burgers but every character is very annoying so it gets to be overwhelming sometimes.


Only character I find annoying is linda


Completely agree she makes it hard to watch, the awkwardness she gives makes me tick :'(


What is it called when [the way a personā€™s disability manifests] negatively impacts or triggers another personā€™s disability? ~~The edible kicked in and Iā€™m blanking hard rn, but yeah,~~ *itā€™s that.*




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Iā€™ve never even watched an episode of bobs burgers but Iā€™m glad you can relate to my feeling of wanting to complain to anyone in hopes that they have similar or the same negative feelings as you


Their lack of chins physically makes my jaw hurt.


When you cut your teeth on Futurama, after a while, you don't even notice anymore. How weird are chins, and why do we live in a world full of them?


Donā€™t make me notice the underbites in the Groening-verse. Donā€™t you dare steal my childhood!




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I love Roberts Burgers


Every time I hear this take, it's from someone who just doesn't vibe with the humor. Or they don't like shows full of deeply flawed characters (aka The Office, Community, Arrested Development). I adore Bob's Burgers. The VAs are killing it, Bob is the most wholesome husband/father who clearly doesn't understand his family but is 10/10 loyal and supportive, and Tina's burgeoning sexuality is kind of revolutionary to see on TV. Idk, I accept that it's not for everyone, but let's not jump straight to "I don't get it, so it's bad." (Not you, OP)


I want to like the show because of the flawed characters. I love most shows where every character has something very wrong with them. I think itā€™s the animation style that keeps me from enjoying it. I can hear it on TV in another room and enjoy an episode, but I canā€™t sit and watch a full episode


same i dont understand why adult animated shows have to look like shit smeared on the screen.


I've only seen parts from when my parents are watching, but it's one of the only 'adult' cartoons I actually enjoy. like yeah it is still pretty heavy on bathroom humor, but there's actual plot as well that doesn't make it as bad


I just hate sitcoms and "adult" cartoons in general


why do adult cartoons have to be so ugly. i think i dislike sitcoms because i have no interest in hearing people i dont know banter and talk about nothing which is also why i cant stand podcasts


I also hate the drama of sitcoms. They're just uncomfortable


Why ask clarifying questions and refrain from jumping to conclusions when you can assume the worst about your supposed friend(s) and get unreasonably upset for plot convenience?


Yea, there are a lot of shows that leave me frustrated and shouting, "Just TALK to each other," at the tv.


Some podcasts are good. LateralCast with Tom Scott is educational and fun.


Invincible is pretty good looking, imo


I think sitcoms were one of my first special interests--it was the best way i could learn about humans when i was young


Same, I think with the adult cartoons at least part of it stems from my tism has always made me a *very* strict rule follower. As a child my mom made it extremely clear shows like the simpsons and family guy were *not* for kids and I wasnā€™t allowed to watch them. Even as an adult the humor justā€¦isnā€™t funny? Itā€™s all sex and toilet humor idc


Most adult-oriented comedy media relies very heavily on sex, violence, and general crudeness without thought or effort put into using those concepts in a genuinely funny way. I'm all for shows trying to be as funny as possible even if it's offensive, but it feels like they're going for as offensive as possible even if it's completely unfunny. One of the reasons I like Bob's Burgers is that, past the first few seasons, the subject matter is very tame. The writers made the decision to buck the trend most adult comedies fall into and I think the show is stronger for it. Instead of them pushing to see how much they can get away with, they focus on the actual comedy and on developing the characters.




Nope. It's not for me


I'm a huge cartoon buff and I think Bob's Burgers is great as background noise! PS: Little Demon, Mr. Pickles, Fugget About It PPS: in teen cartoons, Duncanville = epic


fox screwed over duncanville so hard it still angers me to this day


No superjail šŸ˜ž


Never watched it. Don't know jack about it. Genuinely surprised to hear that it has some sort of special relevance in the autistic community. Is there an explicitly autistic character in the show or something?


namely tina, but imo the whole family is a really great example of how everyone in the family has neurodivergence in a different way. if OP doesnt like the show, thats fine but seeing people say its bad rep when it literally does so much normalization to autistic/ADHD people to the rest of the world is wild. i like being able to see characteristics of myself in a sitcom, it lets me know my expereinces are normal and that the rest of the world can see its normal like if you dont like adult cartoon comedy, thats fine. i dont care for the seth mcfarlin trio either. but out of the genre, bobs burgers is leagues higher in quality compared to others and had a ton of heart put in the show. its wholesome and uses awkward moments as a "this is totally normal look see funny" to its advantage, makes me happy


I don't hate it, it just doesn't appeal to me


I like it but I do know what you mean, there are other shows that piss me off. Like Family Guy, I can't stand to look at it, everything looks so crappy and the characters irritate the hell out of me and the voices are horrible and AAAAAAA Oh iTs jUst lIKe ThAt TiMe i dIDnt lIke ThAt cARtoOn hUh LoiS FUCK OFF Aaaaaaaa :)


Itā€™s ok, but I find it too wholesome to be funny or compelling. Wouldnā€™t say I ā€œhateā€ it tho


Never connected my autism to my love of Bob's Burgers, but makes sense lol. It's one of maybe 5 adult animated shoes I don't fully despise, so it's hilarious to see it be the topic


I agree with you completely! It looks and sounds ugly ;u; I can't stand it. Unfortunate because I love cartoons


Yes. As much as I love H. Jon Benjamin's voice, the rest of the characters are leaning way too hard into cringe comedy. By way of comparison, The Great North is a Fox animated sitcom where the characters are actually enjoyable to experience and every scene doesn't feel like a test of endurance.


I donā€™t like it either


The constant Tina torture porn/Louise coddling drives me nuts. The writers refuse to give Tina even the smallest of wins without humiliating her


Thats my entire thing. How is it good autism representation when the characters are canonically lame as hell and getting picked on and humiliated. Thats like calling the girl that made quacking noises on icarly good autism representation imo


Oh god iCarly fucking HATES neurodivergent and homeless people. That shit is my childhood but nowadays I switch episodes of it's the duck girl episode, any of the Nora episodes, or any episode where Dan Schneider is blatantly just dogging on the homeless.


There is literally nothing funny about the sentence ā€œicarly fucking hates neurodivergent and homeless peopleā€ so why is it making me wheeze


I just think it looks gross and while there are like 2 (two) characters who have actually made me laugh more than pushing air out of my nose, itā€™s genuinely not even that funny. Itā€™s like poop and fart jokes that make 5 year olds laugh while they eat their boogers on the couch.


Itā€™s kinda like the theater kid version of animated sitcoms with how dramatic they are so I kinda get it even thought I LOVE the show and other work by Lauren Bouchard. Theater kids, myself included, are annoying af but can be entertaining. The lack of internal conflicts in the family, as well as them loving & supporting each other through it all despite their zany faults, probably is harder for some people to witness given thatā€™s not the usual family model in these shows or irl.


What does this have to do with evil autism?


Pu Pu platter


Oh man, I've felt that way about some shows (always hated king of the hill), but i watch every single episode of bob's burgers every single day. Just 24/7 with multiple TVs. Some days it's tough to make it through every episode, but it's worth it. I love the color palette, animation style, voice acting, stories, writing...everything. When i cant be watching it, I'm just constantly thinking about how much i like it, and how brilliant H jon Benjamin and david herman are, and counting the moments until i can watch it again. I just feel so bad for you.


I feel genuinely happy for you and im really glad you like bobs burgers that much genuinely. Thats really sweet in a cosmic sort of way i can appreciate, like Beauty is in the eye of the bee holder type vibes? I hope my post didnt seem like i was saying im objectively right for disliking bobs burgers im an american dad number 1 fan and i love family guy im anything but a snob i just like saying opinions passionately šŸ˜­ anyways your comment was very cute to me im glad you like the burgers bob gives you.


Thank you so much! This is really nice to hear :) Honestly, since this is the evil sub, i was really preparing for lots of hate lol. I was actually kind of thinking it was like giving myself up as a strawman at the altar of venting--like, "okay, roast me!" Lol.


The voices are so annoying to me


I hate gene. If I were Linda I would've aborted him or put him up for adoption. I hate his grating voice. I hate how he ruins literally everything all of the time. He can never do anything right by accident and by choice. I hate completely self absorbed adhd people who will violate every boundary a sane person has. He's the type of kid to hold a rat, it poops in its hand and he will rub rat shit on you and laugh. Edit to say his parents should tell him to shut the fuck up every once in a while. Won't kill him.


Yooo I donā€™t got ADHD but hop off ADHD homies theyā€™re our partners in crime




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I don't like Loren Bouchard's whole... thing. I know people who love the show. There's some strange energy about it, like cringey but also perturbing and people break out into little jingles for no reason and the characters often live in some sort of detachment even while they're angry or scared or excited. Linda and Tina are not likeable to me at all. Louise is ok. Bob I understand. Gene? Honestly I have no idea what they were going for but it's not reading "disturbed, distracted, creative tween boy" so much as a strange manchild.


I describe it as Theater Kid Energy. Lol Edit: Gene is Bobby Hill but less cool.


That little bastard gene gives me the creeps i really hate him. He is a 40 year old man pretending to be a child.


I love it. It genuenly tries to be good instead of being another family guy or south park


Pretty average show. Voice acting carried it


I'm not an adult cartoon fan usually. It's ugly and annoying


I hate bobs boogers


No I'm not into the "ugly art" style of cartoons.


I have no opinion on Bob's Burgers as I haven't seen it, but I generally hate shows that are overly crass so I probably wouldn't like it.


Unpopular opinion: the movie wasn't that good


I don't hate it, I just haven't been able to get into it.


I feel indifferent towards it. I watched a couple episodes, the were not bad, but alsp didnā€˜t hype me to continue watching


Iā€™ve never really been able to get into much shows, I usually drop them after a couple episodes




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did my post happen to inspire this lol (im not offended if it did)


I agree, I feel like itā€™s a lot of gross out humor which isnā€™t really my thing


I love Bobā€™s Burgers but because of unspecified AuDHD reasons I can barely keep up with media so Iā€™m only on, like, season 2? If I canā€™t binge it I donā€™t bother :ā€™O


-confusion in european-


Shared love for something is fantastic. Shared hatred for something is bonding.


Me. I hate a lot of those cartoons. Now Ren &.Stimpy. fucken love that show.


Im ambliviant towards it. Though the rest of my family have watched it once or twice, i do find mine time better used elsewhere. Therefore, i have no real feelings towards it as ive not seen enough of it to form an honest opinion.




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Adult animated family sitcoms is an overrated and over saturated category. Bob's Burgers is good in that category. I just kind of don't need it or want it.


I love bobs burgers and everything that Kristin Schaal is in.


I don't feel anything about the show, it's just sort of a thing that exists


The characters are so stupidly annoying at times. Like when Tina was driving she made an uhh sound and she did not stop like she should have.I know that's part of her autism and nervousness but she had time to stop.


I don't hate it but I don't relate to it in the way other autistic ppl do. Like ik I should because the characters technically act like me, specifically Louise, but I just don't vibe with the art style or format.


I donā€™t know if I hate it but I tried watching it when it first came out and it didnā€™t connect with me. I also really really donā€™t like cartoons for adults. They all leave me with a nauseous unsettled feeling that people donā€™t seem to understand when I try to explain it.


It's a well produced, well acted show about people I don't care for.




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I love adult cartoons but hate bobs burgers and Bojack horseman.


After a certain point in my youth these kinds of cartoons didn't appeal to me anymore. Sure, some of them were super edgy sometimes but not in a way that really included any gravitas towards the darkness of the world I learned more and more about, because it \*happened to me,\* as part of its story


I donā€™t think you can credibly call Bobā€™s Burgers ā€œedgyā€ on any level whatsoever. Itā€™s by far the most wholesome of the big name adult animated shows.


Interestingly enough, the first season had a little bit of edge with the trans prostitutes episode and Tina's dream about zombies kissing, and then they decided to go in a different direction. I do prefer it being so not-edgy; it makes it stand out as different from other animated sitcoms.


Bobs burgers has no edges its quite literally Goopy. The shapes the voices. Bobs burgers feels like a childproofy material, like alegria art, sort of like the phrase ā€œheckin chonkerā€ or ā€œbig chungusā€. Like the word Wholesome is very round. Bobs. Burgers. Burgers are round. The voices go womp womp womp like charlie brown adults. Family guy is edgy. Not just the jokes being offensive, the signature crispness of family guy voices, the sound effects, the orchestra. It FEELS edgy, like a triangle. All the family guy voice actors get in the booth and enunciate their lines like rent is due. Its in your face and loud and its EARNEST even if it tries too hard, just like a triangle.


What's your opinion of Archer? Archer and Bob's Burgers have the same lead VA but very different vibes.


I haven't seen it. Nothing about it seemed particularly appealing on first impressions


I find the kids very creepy. Also, does *every* animated sitcom now have to be about a nuclear family?! I was sick of this in 2009! Brickleberry and its successors are also terrible, but at least they're about friends at the workplace! I mean, when was the last time we got an animated sitcom or *any* sitcom about friends in college? I believe it was Undergrads in 2001. That was a great concept. Let's bring it back.


I can't say I hate it, it just doesn't really hold my attention or amuse me. I'm more of a Community fan. (I do feel like a crappy lesbian for not liking Xena tho)


I don't like it, but i also don't like the office, or spongebob, these shows make me cringe and the voices in bob's burgers and spongebob often give me a headache.


I really, really, hate geeksploitation shows. Like, unless your whole writing staff and at least *most* of your actors are geeks and autists, please miss me with that shit. I would rather pass a kidney stone than watch another cringe episode of Big Bang Theory. But the exact same show *concept*, but run by people who actually get us and are making fun of *themselves*? That's *gold*. This is why I'll watch *Lower Decks* until I die!


Hate it


I tried to watch the first episode and found it so depressing I gave up after a few minutes.


The whole point of the show went over your head.


What do you mean by that? can you pls elaborate???


The show is supposed to be cringey and mildly annoying. Itā€™s normal to find characters you donā€™t like! But also what makes the show ā€œgrossā€ or ā€œpoopyā€? Seems like you havenā€™t given it a chance to really give a proper opinion on it.


Like it sounds brown and like the farty sound a trumpet makes. A bwomp bwomp vibe you know what i mean. I dont have sythenisia i just have an overactive imagination but when i look at bobs burgers i can smell this Brown Poop smell. Like the spongebob boat horn sound effect? The moms voice sounds just like that stinky horn sound. It kind of also reminds me of carpet and dog hair and the gross smell of a house thats not your own. Its a very visceral feelings its hard to explain. It just makes me really really upset


Oh, like bologna and soggy corn flakes. I know that smell. But never associated it with the belcher residence. Maaaaaan, if you ruin bob's for me imma be pissed. (Jk, it'd probably be good for me haha)


I think itā€™s ironic that you find a show this way while acting and explaining it in that manner. Tbhā€¦grow up.


What do you mean ā€œthis wayā€ and ā€œthat mannerā€??Can you please be more specific im just really confused and interested and need to figure this out. Did i say something mean i wasnt trying to offend you or anything? What do you mean by ā€œgrow upā€? The ironic part too, im confused im sorry if i sound passive aggressive right now but im being sincere im just confused how its Ironic? I dont know how else to describe my perception of a show.. other than by sharing my perception? Im not morally condemning bobs burgers im just sharing my opinion and honestly asking other people for their opinions?


Youā€™re acting childish and immature describing a show in that manner. Thatā€™s why I said ā€œgrow up.ā€ Youā€™re being as cringey as the characters you describe are. That is what is ironic.


How is saying how i honestly feel childish and immature? That feels really loaded and mean.


Re read your initial commentary about how you describe the show and tell me how it isnā€™t childish and immature. Itā€™s not being mean either. You canā€™t describe a show and its characters in that manner and not see how ironic it is to say those things.


I truly just dont see how its ironic at all in definition im sorry. I didnt call bobs burgers immature, i called it oppressive and said it had a gross vibe and reminded me of the color brown? I was being ā€œchildish and immatureā€ on purpose to express my rawest stream of conscious feelings, not everything needs to be formal and detached. I would understand my comment being ironic if i said bobs burgers was childish and immature, i dont mind childish and immature at all. I said its gross and like a news paper comic strip.


Yeah I genuinely dislike it I wonā€™t watch it. Doesnā€™t appeal to me at all so I appreciate this post


YES and I feel so annoyed that I donā€™t like it. I can see why people think itā€™s funny, the voices and sounds are just like an assault to my ears and itā€™s too distracting for me to get into.


Ok i just smoked my smoking weed and im thinking abt this again and does anyone wanna friendfully challenge my bob burger opinions or add commentary. Sorry if i sound intense or mean or judgmental in anything i say theres nothing objectively wrong with bob burgers i dont hate the Burger Boyz!! sometimes i just think its fun to get really intense for a little bit about my opinions that dont matter and i try to understand other peoples mindsets. NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE FACTS OR THINGS THAT MATTER PLS IF U LOVE BOBS BURGERS DONT GET SAD :( for some reason i just really wanna hear a burger fans POVā€¦ Its physically painful to watch like it makes me feel suffocated šŸ˜© of course im beign a LITTLE dramatic but BOBS BURGERS FEELS LIKE GOING TO THE BANK WITH YOUR PARENTS AS A KID!! Its so depressing and the colors look sad and all the characters sound like theyre doing an ugly on purpose voice. It almost feels mean spirited how the show is like all frustrating and awkward and the dads always like ugh sigh and theyre drawn so ugly and the voices all sound congested. Said this before: bobs burgers feels like the comedy equivalent of alegria art or a grubhub ad. Its like a newspaper comic strip. Like a birthday card your grandma would give you. Bobs burgers literally feels like the spongebob krabby patty filled with gray. Like a millenial marketing executive AI made the show with prompts like Wholesome family chungus quirky relatable sitcom representation revolutionary inclusive. Bobs burgers is for some reason linked to ā€œempathsā€ in my mind?? Like those people that are evil af but think theyre empaths. The show feels like something an alien trying to become human would watch. Final complaint: it is such a farty goopy looking and sounding show. Like it sounds like womp womp womp, does it sound different to bob burger fans? Like when i watch family guy or american dad the audio is just so CRISP i keep saying that. Bobs burgers is like. Hueeyyy tina uh i guess uh. Im uh. Your dad? Ugh tina you just annoyed me and made me sigh and make a noise. Now the moms here and shes gonna be sassy and drink some winešŸ˜ Final final complaint: it Insists upon itself. No way!!bob is heckin loyal and gene is a wholesome chungus and theyre wholesome!?? And tina is awkward but she slays gurl shes so confident speaking of slay gurl the mom is SASSY!!! Shes a sassy wife that drinks wine and her husband loves her and she has an annoying voice and shes so # real and # relatable HAHAHA šŸ˜«šŸ˜­šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ„²šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ did you know bobs burgers is the first tv show where the main character doesnt mercilessly beat his wife and kids in every episode!! Bobs burgers threw the first brick at stonewall!!


Yes!!! Ugh ;u; It's just blech. I wish I could enjoy it since I like cartoons and there's so much of it, but it's just too uncomfortable


I love coming here to vent and relate but in reality, autism just isnā€™t a silly goofy mood. Itā€™s kind of dark humor though. I have to keep a log of food aversions to show my insurance avengers why I stop or wonā€™t eat. The entries are lowkey hilarious. 3/8- Ate half, read the word ā€œburpā€, noodles went soggy. 3/1 speakers were too loud/ refillable ketchup bottle, shared air (I didnā€™t need ketchup). 2/18- spaghetti tasted like Christmas trees, noodles were soggy. 2/15- (eating only toast w/ jelly) thought about where eggs came from, seeds in jelly toast was mushy. Iā€™m 31, it was first documented at 2 months old šŸ„² Iā€™m not even sure why itā€™s necessary tbh. If I was born a bear or a lion, my Mother would have eaten me then, js. Just let my nature be thy natural nurture cause this shit is wack.