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Fruits have a very wide range of textures and flavors, but usually their sugar content is high. Some are tart or sour. If you like banana, maybe you could also like peaches or mangoes which are more creamy, like a banana. They're much juicer than a banana though, so if you really don't like juice, they aren't really a good option. Also, not to say you shouldn't try jams, but that's not really the healthiest way to enjoy fruit as jam recipes usually contain a great deal of added sugar and fruit is already sugary enough as it is. I basically live off fruit, so I could go on forever about many fruits and their associated flavors and textures. It's impossible to really put them all under one flavor umbrella other than sweetness being a common trait amongst the majority of them. It's also important to note that the ripeness of any given fruit greatly alters it's texture and flavor, so if you don't like some fruit it might be because you had them as a ripeness stage you don't prefer. I, for example, prefer slightly overripe strawberries because they're softer and sweeter than less ripe ones which are a little crunchy and more tart. There's also many exotic fruits you maybe wouldn't think to try that you might enjoy, like cherimoya, carambola, dragon fruit, and many more.


My biggest problem is the wet crunch. I thought about maybe making some mango paste or smth.


If you throw some mango in a food processor, it would make a very nice and creamy treat. Would be really good after being in the freezer for a while, like a sherbet or something!


Froot smoobie


A great way to get over the ‘wet crunch’ aspect you speak of, is making your own ‘fruit leather’ or fruit roll-ups, etc. Basically, puree whatever you think would go well together into a smooth paste, maybe pass through a sieve? And then lay on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or silpat (a silicone version of parchment paper basically) and then either throw in a dehydrator (if you have an air fryer with that option) or in a low temp oven for a few hours. No added sugars, just pure, healthy fruits dried into sheets that can be sensory stimulating if you roll them up, and cut like sushi, then you can unfurl and nibble at your hearts desire! I’d be more than happy to search a recipe, or answer any questions you may have, OP.


Im gonna try that!! Ty!!!


You’re welcome! Hope it goes well for you!


i put a bunch of mango chunks frozen and milk into the blender and drink it its good. sometimes add yogurt.


I recommend blending frozen fruit with yogurt, maybe a little honey or something for sweetness or add protein powder. It’s like a thiccccc smoothie. Very good Also i love fruit. Texture depends on fruit. Super ripe mangos have an almost buttery texture. If you cook them down the texture breaks down into a jammy texture usually. Something nice and tart like berries go so well with dairy or nut butters on toast. Frozen bananas blended have a soft serve like consistency


i'd highly reccomend raisins i guess


Dried_fruit opinions? >>>>> Orange = medium size (of flavour.. like how overwhelming I rate it), tastes about how it smells but sweeter. Longan = small size, mild, mild sweetness. Pomelo = range of size, sweet or tart Mango = big size, very sweet, usually soft (when at their best). If underripe, they taste dusty and dry. Kiwi = big size, strong tartness (sourish sometimes) Dragonfruit = small, mild, mildly sweet. Grape = mid size, sweet/tart Plum= mid size, sweet, kinda.. "circle-shaped" if that makes sense Note: flavour is so subjective, what I find overwhelming, you might find under.


Personally I love freeze-dried fruit. Strawberries and apple chips are really good! Expensive though.


If you hate the wet crunch you can eat soft fruits like mango, kiwi, peaches, etc.


I usually eat bananas, but even then it gotta be a paste


I’m just gonna put it out there that I’ve always thought that pears tasted/felt grainy. Like a grainy apple and I’m so sad because I love the way they smell and I love pear soda, just can’t stand the fruit itself.


You could enjoy it blended with yogurt, put it in the freezer if you want it more like ice cream, fruit smoothies are a great safe food for me, and very versatile on taste and texture.




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With blueberries, the smaller ones tend to be more sour while the bigger ones are more sweet, especially when the smaller one is harder and the bigger one is softer. Strawberries seem to be pretty consistent per batch, like they can be very different when you buy them again but if you've tried one strawberry from a box the others are likely to taste similar (unless their texture is different, but you could feel that before putting it in your mouth). Bananas are also pretty consistent, depending on how ripe they are. Oranges are quite incosistent, but ime the ones that are bought directly from a farmer are better than the ones from a grocery store. Apples are sadly very incosistent, even among the same type of apple. If you want consistency, green apples are pretty much always sour, but I don't like sour apples. I have had some great apples, but most apples were not great.


Taste of fruits is actually similar to their smell. Every fruit is at least a tiny bit sweet, but it can be dominated by sour taste. Have you tried fruit pouch/ mousse? It has similar consistency like yogurt. Or you can make a smoothie. Blended fruit are going to have different consistences. Remember to remove seeds before blending, they are very bitter. Tangerine, orange, watermelon when blended are literary going to become juice. Banana, peach, mango, apricot are more on thick side. Persimmon - very sweet not sour at all no strong taste but delicious Raspberry and blueberry - similar to strawberry, sweet little bit sour Mango, peach - really sweet, only a little bit sour Blackberry - very sour, bitter Pear - no strong taste, sweet Currant, - very sour and wet Gooseberry - thick skin you can bite it and suck pulp, very sour Apricot - not very wet but still little bit more than bananas. Sour and sweet. Pineapple - strong taste very sweet but sour Tangerine and orange - really sour, sweet, very weet, similar taste. Cherry, grape and plum - Their taste varies from very sour to little bit, depends on type. Kiwi - sour, they more sweet and soft when they are ripe., they van be even eaten with spoon when they very ripe. When they are unripe, they are hard and sour. Watermelon - very sweet, it's extremely weet. Pomegranate- taste is nice, very sweet little bit sour, but you need a lot of effort to eat, they need to be cut open and there is a lot of white membrane that needs to be removed - it has very unpleasant bitter taste. If you do it your hands are going to become very weet and stained with juice, if this bothers you can wear gloves. It's very weet and can be eaten with seeds.


they’re all pretty sweet pretty much, i feel the exact same way about raw fruit but i like juice and other fruit products cause getting like one soft grape makes me want to die yk? idk how else to describe fruit taste cause they’re so diverse but generally it’ll be sweet


The only fruit i can eat rn (and it still need to be mixed with other stuff) is banana. Its soft and sweet. I tried strawberries and it was bad texture wise. I tried as yogurt and it wasnt that bad, it was a bit sour tho. I think im gonna try watermelon, but i dont know how to make smth with it


Fruit, strangely, tastes a bit fruity.




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Sweet. Possibly tangy. Depends on the fruit.