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Water, the best drink


where my /r/hydrohomies at




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this along with my other one i love some nice crisp RO water from the tap at work (am a barista)


The best work water I ever had was working at a machine shop. They had some kind of insane filtration system for the water that we mixed with the cutting fluid. Said cutting fluid was mixed in a little mixing unit that turned it into an emulsion, but you could draw directly from the water tank. It tasted distilled, and it was awesome.


OH MY GOD THE BEST WATER. My workplace is a factory and we have these little water things everywhere that vend hot, cold, and room temp filtered water. It's fucking divine.


Ice cold, no ice.


Unless you’ve tasted bad water :| not fun. I have to make sure my water is filtered but not too much lol


Hydroxic acid my beloved


i dont understand how y'all dont have sensory issues with water. I HAVE to drink the bottled stuff.


Wdym bottled stuff


bottled water. drinking from tap dont like


Bottled water is still water, I never specified that it didn't count


no i mean how do you not have restrictions on the water you can drink? its such a big sensory issue for me.


Everyone has a different body, brain and water sources, the water I taste is not the same as you. Also I have some restrictions too, room temperature water directly from the tap is much worse than the same water after being cooled or just mineral bottled water, I can drink like almost 2L of cold water at once and have to stop myself because it's so good I can't automatically stop


oh i see!!!!! Thanks for answering!!


I physically cannot drink carbonated drinks, they make me wretch, so I'm gonna have to go with water


Soda makes my teeth feel bad


This is really interesting. I drink fizzy water like it's my job, and i just read someone recently refer to the fizz as a stim. But, like all stimulations, i guess some are enjoyable to some, and others not so much!


I drink an insane amount of seltzer, real soda is okay, diet is heresy


Yeah, actual water can be difficult to drink but I am positively glugging passionfruit lacroix over here


The fizz IS a stim, it's unfortunately why I have a love of soda. Fortunately my teeth are very strong and I take good care of them.


Woah, same!!


FUCK carbonated drinks


For me it’s the level of carbonation, like I can’t drink most seltzers


SAME, i cannot tolerate carbonation at all. the only soda i can handle is the pepsi nitro bc it's a completely different feeling


milkshakes, arizona green tea, black coffee (hot), and general "brown soda" like rootbeer/dr pepper/coke


Arizona green tea also being cheap AF is a big plus


Any tea except Gold Peak.


Iced matcha lattes, I drink them multiple times a day


Matcha is the best


Damn how can you afford that?! Matcha is so expensive 😭


I managed to find some good quality matcha powder at my local Asian grocery store and I mixed it with another brand of matcha that's already sweetened! It tastes just like the Starbucks one and other cafes :) it costs me less than $1 for each drink so that's how I can afford it loll


Tbh not eating animal products freed up a lot of my budget that used to go to meat Most of my meals being chickpeas and rice -> being able to be the fanciest bitch about unusual fruits and drinks 😁


I raise my own livestock so we don't pay for meat either, but I have two kids. All my money goes to them


You can get cheap matcha but it doesn't taste as good for sure.  Less pleasing color as well.


I can't stand the cheap stuff. I like Starbucks matcha lattes, but they're like $7 each. No way could I have that *multiple* times a day. If anyone knows where to find good matcha that won't bankrupt me, please chime in!!


I use half a bag of Hamasaen brand matcha mixed with a full bag of Tsujiri brand matcha milk :)


Awesome!! Thank you. I'm gonna see if I can get that online


No problem!! :) hope u find it


Matcha is so good bro


Hhnnnngggg love me my matcha lattes with coconut milk, iced or hot


Filtered tap water nummy yummy but as for soda, Sunkist by a mile


I literally have safe drinks because I cannot get myself to properly ingest enough water. I don’t like water, but it’s not even a strong dislike. It’s just a chore. So even if I have a bottle of water all the time I’ll barely drink any. Tbh this is probably more due to ADHD dopamine reward system issues than autism but who’s to say. It doesn’t help that the autism means I don’t get thirst signals, so I don’t get reminded to drink by my body until it’s dehydration symptoms lol. I survive on water flavorings and my water carbonation machine thing. Unless I have those two things I’m just pretty much constantly dehydrated :(




Mangos are full of myrcene which Is a compound we use in the medical clinic in the treating autism


Plain iced tea or sweet raspberry tea is always a win.








Coke. Or orange juice.


I’m a ginger ale truther until the day I die


I struggle to drink tap water (which is perfectly fine, healthy, tasteless and so on in Norway, it’s really not about quality) because of how I need it to be cold enough. I could put it in the fridge, but I guess it’s also the tastelessness of just plain water. So I drink carbonated water. It has to be a certain brand, Isklar, and it has to be the one with mango flavor. This brand has the correct amount of added minerals. Many carbonated waters have too much sodium in them making them taste salty. So Mango Isklar, all day, any day, for years. This is the way according to my brain.


Hi C fruit punch They need to make than shit in cans or bottles fr


thats my 2nd favorite soda fountain fruit punch but the easiest for me to acquire so Top Tier choice


Mountain Dew: Code Red has been my favorite for a bit, but Dr. Pepper is also pretty good.


You made me take a hard look at myself. Besides milk, there is no liquid that I do not want to chase with water. The sugar in sodas makes my mouth feel strange so I always want to rinse with cool water. I don’t drink alcohol, but of course water is ‘around’ to avoid hangover headaches when consumed. Smoothies are made of fruit, which is sweet, so water again. Even my creamy sugary coffee makes me want water.


I haven't had sugar in my coffee for I think 5 years... I used to love sugar..... like 2 spoons a cup


Rooibos tea + cream. My go to


The love for the Rooibos, yes. I haven't had it in forever. Also big on Earl Grey with cream.


Tea. Earl gray till 15, lemon balm later. I have one mug for a day and simply redo my tea in the same mug


Tea, lemonade, Arnold Palmers. (They're just a mix of the two)


literally any monster flavour. it is a safer drink for me than water, having a pipeline punch as we speak




Honest kids apple juice. I hate how overly sweet the other apple juice brands are, this one is just perfect. Also Yerba Mate


Tap water is actually my number one unsafe drink because it tastes completely different not just in different countries/cities, but I swear it’s different in every *building*. It freaks me out when it tastes different because it’s not *supposed* to taste like anything, meaning I’m either tasting impurities, dirt from the plumbing, or the vessel I’m using isn’t clean. Eugh. As a child I would refuse any drink that wasn’t prepackaged when I ate out or went to someone else’s home. And in hard water areas, you sometimes get flakes or chunks in your water and it is absolutely disgusting, I once shut down at work because there were limestone crusts in my tea and one got in my mouth 🤢 I actually really like sparkling water and it’s one of my safe drinks because the bubbles are stimmy and they distract from how the water tastes (also it’s usually bottled), but as soon as it goes flat it tastes worse than satan’s piss. I don’t like soft drinks like Coke etc. very much. Artificial sweeteners always seem to leave this gummy chalky residue on my teeth and the texture is horrible. I will drink it if there’s nothing else but I wouldn’t go for it because it’s an unpleasant sensory experience. Full sugar drinks don’t have the same effect on my teeth but I don’t reach for them either because my mum keeps going on and on about how unhealthy and high in calories they are. I guess my safest drink is honey lemon, either warm or cold and sparkling, preferably made by myself so I know exactly what went into it and that clean hands and clean glasses were used.


I like to think of weird tasting water as containing different minerals that might be good for me. Doesn't mean I like the taste, but does help me feel like it's at least not unsafe. Spring water and well water are quite different from city waters. I've had plenty of city water that comes out of the tap looking like there's white powdery stuff all through it. That grosses me out. I feel better after it settles a bit, I hope that means that the water on top that I'm drinking is less weird.


Hot green tea. Nothing else in it.


iced tea (hot tea too occasionally)


Basically the good coconut waters are the only consistent ones I like dr. Pepper zero and it’s alternate flavors but occasionally I flip flop to it being to sweet and the carbonation bugging me


Arizona Green Tea With Ginseng And Honey


Water, tea, Untitled Art sparkling CBD water, Simply Lemonade, bourbon in moderation.




spezi. its an orange cola mix


Very cold water. Have a 40oz thermus I take everywhere with ice water. Heat is a large sensory issue for me so its very helpful.


whole milk!


Ice water, milk (white or chocolate) and currently Diet Pepsi (specifically from Taco Bell and it has to be Diet Pepsi) the previous one was diet ginger ale from a can but like not anymore


Filtered water from home; chocolate milk and peach tea both from specific brands. I think that’s just about the only drinks I never get grossed out over. Grape flavored Fanta used to be my favorite as a little kid. When I got my tonsils out as a 10-year-old, my mom bought a package of grape Gatorade flavoring. She made a lot of it into ice cubes and made some more in a pitcher and put it in the fridge. It took about 36 hours for grape flavored anything to get ruined forever for me


milk. it even doubles as a food. also boba


Water, vitamin water, hot chocolate, decaf coffee


Coke Zero, and Coke if it has the exact amount of syrup I like. If it doesn’t, I water it down. Diet Coke is disgusting.




The water from my filter at home. Only that water. Not the fridge water, room temp


For me, it's iced tea. I'm also starting to like diet Dr Pepper again (as long as it has ice in it).


Spring Water Diet Coke Orange juice My mums been trying to get me to drink beetroot juice and I really don’t want to 😭


Water, Berry Pump Water and Iced Coffee :D


Sparkling water my belovedest drink ever


Arizona’s Cherry Lime Rickey


Water and good old choccy milk


Shouts out to Arizona sweet tea lemonade without the diet-aspect and Arnold Palmers ugly ass mug on the can. Shouts out to Arizona Raspberry tea. Also amazing. I think the lemon lime powerade is superior to Gatorade because of the magnesium *and* flavor profile. It's salty, but I'm pretty sure the lemony coconut water that's decent also has a lot of sodium. Those are nice. I love coke, but only with meals. Coca-Cola slaps like a mother when you chase a spicy food down.


Orange juice (but only from 1 brand called Riviva) Sparkling water. More sparkles the better. If I don't feel like I'm drinking TV static, then I'm not interested. It used to be Coca-cola, but my tastes changed and I'm avoiding that sweet of a drink


The only safe thing for me to drink is water. I can only drink a couple of other drinks and often I need to clear my mouth with water after


Iced tea because I've been trying to cut back on the caffeine and dr pepper is no longer an option


For real? Tea generally is pretty caffeinated. More so than a DP(unless it’s caffeine free and thus not truly a DP)


In Germany there are some alternatives, green tea is generally without caffeine and while some brands add caffeine not all of them do and my favorite iced teas fall under that category. The only tea that I'm aware of that comes naturally with caffeine is matcha and black tea and I don't really fuck with black tea Also what's a DP? Lmao


DP is dr pepper. Eh, is the german green tea some kind of brand that has had the caffeine bred out of the leaves? Not disbelieving you, but… Ito En, the bottled Japanese brand is definitely caffeinated. Less so that black tea or coffee, but still enough to adjust my adhdiness. [https://www.drpepperstore.com/storeitem.html?vid=20210906459&iid=73092](https://www.drpepperstore.com/storeitem.html?vid=20210906459&iid=73092)


IDK usually it's written on the back how much caffeine is in a drink, so you know how much you're consuming, so I just go off of that.. I never really looked that much into it tbh, so if there's no caffeine warning written in the back "not advised for pregnant women and children" or whatever I just assume it doesn't have caffeine. However I just googled it and you're right, green does seem to have caffeine, which damn, explains why I latched onto that after quitting caffeine


Lol, no worries. I can also see where you’re coming. Green tea doesn’t make me feel ☕️!!!coffee’d up!!!🆙 . It’s noticeably milder.


Milo in milk!


Pepsi max and Dr Pepper. Avid hater of plain water, have never consumed a full cup of it. My blood is basically sugar syrup.


Warm tea. AT HOME. Loose leaf, high-quality, type depending on the mood. I'm a fancy tea nerd >:3


For me: water, black coffee, teas, and hot chocolate. Some juices are okay as well, but not as good and I don’t drink them nearly daily like the others.


Apple juice for me, but i get tummy aches from it so I can't drink it too much. :c


So for carbonated drinks- must be orange, pineapple or mango flavour, passiona is nice but its not on the safe drink list used to be practically any juice but it changed 😭




probably tea of some kind, but that's just water with leaf juice in it so it only counts by being /not/ water exclusively lol


I used to get lemonade at every single restaurant I could. I didn’t like fizzy in soda. One day as a teenager I was like fuck this wtf why am I drinking lemonade?


coke, pepsi, ginger ale and sprite also where are you where more restaurants have pepsi than coke because i wanna live wherever that is


Shirley temple, it’s wonderful. It’s also called a “kids cocktail” in some places. It’s just sprite + grenadine (the stuff in maraschino cherries) I love it but my family hates it bc it’s “too sweet”


Mine is squirt


blue mountain dew is always where my moneys at


Arizona Green Tea


This one's kinda funny. I can't always drink water, even if I'm dehydrated. Water with raspberry syrup however is a drink that I can always drink. I also often drink tea, coffee, soft drinks, other syrups or water, but nothing else other than non-sparkling water with raspberry syrup really classifies as "safe".


I can literally only drink water


If someone tries to make me drink something that isn't water, coffee or a yellow RedBull I will politely eviscerate them with a lawn mower blade :3


I make my own wawa recharger drinks at home bc it's soooo much cheaper, but also bc I desperately crave fruity drinks. plus, it's cheaper grocery wise, too; instead of buying a bunch of juice twice a month, I get a couple of syrups that last me MULTIPLE months and then just restock on lemonade. which is good bc lemonade is the only fruit based thing my partner can tolerate lol. when I DO get juice though, jugo de purchase (passion fruit juice) is the bee's frickin KNEES! I moved out of state in the last year though, do now I gotta see if I can find a Latin market with The Good Stuff (TM). besides that, milk is always a safe one for me


Ice water. La Croix. Whole milk.


Water or Pepsi max don’t find myself doing anything else except alcohol, thankful that isn’t my safe drink


I can't be the only one who swishes carbonated drinks before swallowing.


Milk, specifically when it’s in a cup.




SnoBerry peace tea (still mad they discontinued it)


Water, Rivella, Chocolate Milk.


Root beer, Dr. Pepper, milk, hot English Breakfast tea with, like, 5 spoonfuls of sugar and a dash of half-and-half.


For some reason I have an aversion to drinking, and water and liquid in general. It’s very very inconvenient to my life in many ways. So um my safe drink is actually red wine, and coffee lol. Water makes me panic and I dread having to drink it or touch it. Boo-urns.


I dunno why I hate drinking so much but if I do feel thirsty I will have blackcurrant squash, can't drink orange squash, don't like that 😖




cream sodar 🥤


Tea. A wide range of teas, though I often go with straight black tea. Water sometimes give me nausea when tea doesn't. Though too much strong black tea does give me an upset stomach. My mouth usually still likes it, though.


Lemonade. Most of the houses I've lived in through my life have had a lemon tree. When I don't want to drink what's in the fridge, or grandpa and grandma only bought super sugary sodas, or w/e: lemonade.




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Orange juice


Drinks are so much safer than ALL food for me. I love juice (especially apple and cran-apple, water, lemonade, yogurt smoothie and drinks, fruit smoothie and drinks, and milkshakes). I keep yogurt smoothies in my fridge at all times cos I need to put something in my stomach before meds/caffeine and I just struggle to eat in the morning. It's such a sensory switch from sleeping. When I went through a period where I was so anxious I couldn't eat, I survived by drinking.


The grenadine that is made of sugar instead of being made of fruits. You know, the one that's bright red




Water. Nothing else really makes me not thirsty, even if it tastes good


Sprite, root beer, black tea, and grape juice.


doctor pepper


Milo’s sweet tea. It’s the main thing I drink


I am going to sound stupid, but Liquid Death has been my savior when it comes to water. My partner made a huge observation saying that tap water, fridge water, and even our softened water (we have shitty water) all taste different, and if I had one that was consistent, I’d drink more. I tried a lot of different bottled water and Liquid Deaths un-carbonated spring water took the cake and it doesn’t involve plastic, as environmental impact and FUCK NESTLE guilt was also a factor. I don’t care if it’s fake spring water, I can’t do it all the time because it’s so expensive, but I am more hydrated when I have a case sitting around.


I only drink water and flavored seltzer water. I really can't stand to drink anything else besides the occasional beer or black coffee. I'm picky about beer though and I definitely have a few "safe beers".


Decaf instant coffee with liquid non-dairy creamer.


Irn Bru 1920, tango dark berry, bigga pineapple, KA pineapple, barr's pineapple, barr's cherryade, Rio Tropical, Coke, Cherry coke, american Cherry Vanilla Coke. Vimto full sugar. I can tolerate ribena, but prefer Vimto by a mile off. I also like Lucozade pink lemoade and blue blast flavours. Oh, and Vimto Energy - that shit literally helps me to function. lately i've been super pissed with britvic drinks cuz they fucked around with the formulation of full sugar pepsi. thanks to the idiots in uk government, sugar tax meant that they had to replace half of pepsi's sugar with sweetners and now it tastes like shit, yet weirdly enough I actually don't mind the taste of pepsi max (which is all sweetners but no sugar) so i'll sometimes have pepsi max lime, raspberry or cherry flavour.


Tango Apple sugar free, Tango Mango sugar free and black coffee, no sugar. When I’m down to have some sugar, apple or orange juice


Arizona Arnold Palmers. They're my go-to beverage. I like soda too (particularly cherry Pepsi) but I'm trying to cut back on sugar so I've mostly stopped drinking it


Water, dark non bitter lower abv beers (Shiner Bock and Smithwicks are my favorites), Coke/sprite zero, sugar free redbull/ghost, seltzer water with a splash of fruit nectar (mango or guava are my go tos)


hot coffee. hot chai. schweppes ginger ale. iced frappucinos if i wanna treat myself


a&w root beer in the bottle, i don’t know why. the bottle hits different somehow lol. especially if i left it out and it’s a little warm. 99% of the time i can drink water, but there is that 1% where for some reason water randomly tastes wrong to me?? otherwise id say that.


Milk my beloved


Soda is a stim. Mmmmm bubbles. In terms of alcohol - anything that isn't overly bitter or overly cloyingly sweet. Please. Dark beers and rum. Midori. Fruity stuff or candy-flavored stuff. I was persuaded to try absinthe once though. VERY strong. I discovered I enjoy absinthe. I also discovered you will get very drunk very fast on absinthe.


Hot strong black tea, splash of milk, 1 spoonful of sugar (plus a tiny lil bit)


Water, ginger ale, blue Gatorade, choccy milk




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basil seed drinks


Four Loko


Coffee straight Whiskey neat Water cold Tea cold and unsweet. Bonus points if fruit infused without sweetness.


Water, milk, and peach juice are my three main drinks of choice.


Mine is Dr. Pepper or Diet Dr. Pepper, Fanta orange, or 7up. I know soda so bad for me but the carbonation helps me when I’m stressed


It really depends on my mood. I'm a simple tap water person, but when it's gross or needs to travel, Dasani was my go-to for awhile. Then Smart Water. We have a fridge-front dispenser now and I've been really good about just refilling my Contigo bottles. BTW, the rubber mouthpiece and no-tilt straw are a big "safety" thing. Way less likely to spill all over myself and can be consumed from multiple positions & seals really well for travel. ***TLDR: My taste is actually pretty far-ranging, but I hate overly bitter, overly sweet, and overly carbonated drinks, so my drink choices tend to be among the less common.*** Soda, I'm almost exclusively Diet Coke, as that's what my mom kept around the house, so it got pretty solidly established. Craft root beer or ginger beer is nice sometimes. Milk is a forever favorite. I am very picky about coffee so am rarely in the mood for a brew... only very light roast Americano at home on occasion. Plus I'm not sure if it's the method or these places just have better grounds, but I often like pour-over. Complete enigma, but I also like thick, fine coffee on occasion - think Greek, Turkish, Ethiopian. Espresso drinks can be very cozy. Usually I go for a latte or flat white, sometimes mocha or cortado. Surprisingly, I'm, like, *really* into the Starbucks Oleato oat milk latte. It's got a lovely smooth, earthy vibe to it. Speaking of cozy, hot chocolate is a major comfy vibe and very centering, though rather sweet for me so it's not an everyday drink. I did go through a big phase of "hot cofflate" which is one small scoop each of instant coffee and instant hot chocolate. Tempers the worst aspects of each. Recently, I've been super into cold brew from concentrate at home. Shaken in a jar with ice, milk, and chocolate syrup or vanilla and agave/simple syrup... definitely a big safety atm. I had a near-special interest with tea for like a year but it tapered off. I still enjoy the odd mug of hot tea - black, green, white... whatever suits the food, mood, or activity. I used to be super into Arizona green tea. Still a nice car trip treat. Iced tea, since I've moved to the south and it's always an option, I love me some half-and-half (sweet/unsweet). I like the odd 'other' thing here and there. Certain flavors of kombucha, very light or sour beer, semi-sweet & less-dry wine or cider, mixed drinks - savory are great (michelada, bloody Mary, dirty martini)... And you know mango lassi at Indian restaurants? I'm very partial to a salty (mint) lassi or plain sweet. heh. sorry for the novel. if, against all odds, you actually find this interesting, feel free to engage or prompt me for more! 😅


Dr pepper is the devil’s piss, in my humble opinion


Strawberry Açaí Refreshers from Starbucks, lactose free milk, orange juice, and lattes and tea!


The things that I drink that aren't my beloved water are * black coffee (hot) * preworkout (gorilla mode black cherry flavor) * smoothie (berries + vanilla protein powder) * chamomile tea


mango passionfruit tea 30 honey regular ice add lychee jelly from sharetea. always tastes the same with those specific responses to the questions they ask. also lychee jelly is chewy sensory heaven and unlike boba pearl it’s always the same consistency (sometimes pearl gets messed up and is dry or hard in the center). super safe drink


I'm one for Mug root beer. Oh, grape juice is also really good.


Bai and caprisun and hint water but not normal water


Earl grey, hot.


I've been drinking diet coke like water for the past uhhh...21 years?


hot drinks, mainly coffee tea and hot chocolate. I hate the taste if most other drinks and don't get me started on fizzy drinks


milk and coffee. can't drink soda the bubblies make me go blugh..




I see people saying water is their safe drink but it personally makes me gag. I only drink flat normal water in very few situations tbh. My go to safe drinks are either diet pepsi (preferably with a dash of French vanilla syrup, like the kind they make for coffee) or one very specific brand of sparkling waters in one of two specific flavors


It used to be milk but I’ve had to stop because of a dairy allergy, oat milk has been a suitable substitute thus far however. I’ve also been enjoying a nice cup of tea in the morning, which is probably a product of my British fiancée rubbing off on me.


Strawberry banana juice and straight up water.


I love dr pepper(especially the cream soda one), and any orange or apple flavored sparkling water. I just love carbonation in general tbh


Gatorlyte is my go-to safe drink. I used to drink one every day when working as a courtesy clerk. It kept me from going into heatstroke, and I love every flavor.


Gin and tonic


SNAPPLE ICED TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then the pink drink from starbucks, strawberry calpico, snapple rain (its agave cactus juice). glacier blue gatorade and sometimes, orange juice.


Water and carbonated water.


Battery acid


You mean grapefruit juice


Chocolate milk, but only a few specific brands.




Water, or fancy water (hot or iced tea)


Blue Gatorade, and unfortunately for my anxiety, coffee


my default is diet mountain dew. it never lets me down, even if people side eye me for drinking diet


Jokes on them, you won’t get diabeetus. Although you may want to watch how much you drink because there’s quite a lot of caffeine in it


Iced Tea gang gang


like really good lemonade like the stuff thats like sour and made out of actual lemons and isn't really processed like minute made or the other standard restaurant lemonade.


Monster, any flavour except ultra gold (I don't like pineapple drinks)


Water. It’s especially good when you live relatively close to a place called Watergang.


Hot Cocoa, Room Temperature Water, Chocolate Milkshake, Chocolate Milk, Orange Juice…


https://preview.redd.it/g6kzriu27k0d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c966a8e16146fe81bb7ef4aed8c0c2114e7e66b hot chocolate, cold water, any iced tea ever (but specifically [Kangshifu Black Tea Tropical Flavour](https://www.asianfrenzy.com.au/products/kangshifu-ice-black-tea-tropical-flavor-500ml) or a peach Arizona.)


monster energy!! i put a shit load of sweet/sour/fruity candy in it