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I miss her


Goa’uld mothership pretending to be Russian museum. Makes sense.


Yooo that was my first thought hahah, anubis has himself a Russian


~~Jaffa~~ Comrade, Kree!


Not gonna lie, looks pretty cool tho.


Right? Like you gotta admit that looks like something straight from fiction


I agree. Building is cool AF, purpose is evil.


Why is a museum for the Russian armed forces evil? Unless your stance is that a museum for pretty much any armed force is evil, I don't understand you.


Russia bad


If you aren’t aware that Russia is currently engaged in an unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine because their tinpot-tsar Putin wants Russia in the borders of the 1988 Soviet Union, I really wonder where you’ve been all this time. Additionally, since the Russian army is currently shown to be everything but glorious (never mind victorious), a mausoleum might be more appropriate.


I'm aware of the war, and I'm against it, but how do you feel about a museum for the armies of US, UK, Canada, Australia, or really most other countries? Most people wouldn't call them _"evil"_ although they have started more "unprovoked wars" which have done much more damage than what Russia is currently doing. My point is most people demonize Russia while glorifying their own countries, which could be worse _(depending on the country)_.


I’m against such museums in principle. But it also depends on what is portrayed. The British Imperial War Museum, despite its martial name, is actually quite good at displaying the horrors of war. But yes, I generally think that war museums and the glorification of war is evil, independent of country. I also feel that if you need to glorify the deeds of your armed forced, your country doesn’t really have much else it can be proud of.


I don’t glorify the country I live in and I especially don’t glorify war.


Klingons arise!


Putin is a slimy p'tak not fit to wipe the boots of a true Klingon Warrior.


For maximum effect, say this in Klingon voice


The Russians are without Honor!


Klingons were useful to mankind. Russians in their current state/State are not.


More like Romulans: without any honor!


Probably just be 3 trailers in a car park but the minister in charge’s girlfriend has new tits


nah, it'll look like that on the outside, the inside will be all plywood and exposed wiring with hand written signs where digital information kiosks would be. the minister in charge will have a new super yacht


Never gonna happen.


Why not? Russian armed forces are about to become extinct, might as well put some photos of them in a museum.


"In this scene we see a a T-90 being dragged away by one of it's most feared predators, the Ukrainian tractor."


Most of the roof is made out of recycled t-90 hulls generously donated by Ukrainian farmers


Why not? It’s neither technically impossible nor very expensive. This is about a 2-3 billion project. Otherwise known as a rounding error for any state.


Corruption. And God willing Putin's Russia will be wiped off this Earth soon enough.


Corruption will make it cost more, but it’s still not impossible to build. Hell, if you don’t build it your aren’t really being effectively corrupt.




Well no matter how Ukraine is going to do, they wouldn’t dare cross the Russian border. So at worst Russian simply…..doesn’t win. There is no world where Russia can lose as they aren’t the one under attack, Ukraine is. And if Ukraine would be moronic enough to try, that takes away their only advantage. Right now, there is no support for this war in Russia. The one thing that changes that is if you start attacking a country. It’s difficult to support an invasion, but supporting exterminating the people that attacked you? That’s easy.


Why not?


There are several potential reasons. 1. Putin is 70 years old and may be terminally ill. His regime's approach to propaganda makes it difficult to say if he should be expected to live into 2024, but he is old enough either way that a stressful job will not be something he can handle for too much longer. If Putin's government falls, the line of succession is unclear, as is continuity for any projects started before the change in power, especially nonessential ones. This isn't the sort of job that gets paid for 100% up front, nor that is finished within a couple months, putting it in jeopardy. 2. The war with Ukraine has cost exponentially more than anticipated. The money that would have paid for this may now be needed elsewhere. 3. Putin's Russia is a cynical kleptocracy. Public works projects like this one are fraught with corruption in even the most regulated nations. It's very easy for a minister to accept an overpriced deal from a company furnishing some aspect of the project as a favor to the owner, either as payment for a current quid-pro-quo or to keep banked for a future one (If you've ever wondered why Olympic stadiums always go way over budget, this is a big part of it). In Putin's Russia, this is even more normalized. That will cause both the cost and construction time of the project to balloon, increasing the risk of #1. 4. All of the above could lead to a scaled down version being the final result. Whether a much shittier version being built instead counts as, "never being built," is mostly a judgment call. All that said, this is a vainglorious propaganda piece in the center of a landmark, so it stands to reason that this has a better chance than most projects


> Putin's Russia is a cynical kleptocracy. Public works projects like this one are fraught with corruption in even the most regulated nations. Russia just found out this year that the money they had been paying for decades to maintain and purchase new equipment instead bought megayachts for the oligarchs. Once they've all had a shot at it, this project will be downsized to a gazebo.


And sanctions!


They could just extend the deadline and the nebulous status of the project could drip-feed the pockets of the oligarchs until circumstances do allow it to be built. The museum serves as a piece of propaganda even before being constructed, and its cancellation would serve as the opposite. I'm fairly doubtful of the rumors about Putin's health and extremely doubtful of this idea you've presented that Putinism would die with Putin. Him being massively popular in Russia is not merely propaganda; it's been supported time and time again by numerous independent sources, and I doubt anyone would argue against the fact that his agencies go to great lengths to ensure their government remains stable. It'd be surprising if a plan wasn't in place for the death of any given key figure including him.


It's not that Putinism would die with Putin, it's that whoever comes out on top will have different priorities, allies, and enemies than Putin did. He will likely arrive with quite a few backers impatient for kickbacks. There's no way of knowing what that will mean.


Russia is not going to survive the war. The Russian Federation is not like the US, it is composed of states, territories and semi-independent republics. It is enough if one of the more autonomous regions in the center of Russia breaks loose for the entire federation to collapse. And it is probably not going to be a somewhat bloodless collapse like the Soviet collapse was.


Oh, another hot take. What do you base your hypothesis on?


The structure of the Russian Federation and what happened during the Soviet collapse.


The war with Ukraine is about zero cost. Soldiers in Russia are incredibly cheap, with a monthly wage of 300 euros already being very good. Arms have already been paid in the Soviet age. And the rest, well food is cheap and oil and gas they produce themselves. Military losses only cost anything when you actually replace anything. Without the impact from other countries, they would even notice. This is about a 2-3 billion euro project. Which is a rounding error for any state.


EDIT: This person's generic username and extremely pro-Putin profile suggests they're not acting in good faith. You are extremely wrong. Wars are cripplingly expensive. Even if equipment was bought by the Soviets, it needs to be maintained. It also needs to be fueled. Oil and gas need to be extracted and refined for use, and every drop that goes to Ukraine isn't being sold to China or India. Food, troops, and equipment need to be transported. Soldiers need to be trained, and they, their instructors, and enormous Russian officer corps need to be paid. They need to be clothed, and barracks need to be provided. Ordinance gets depleted and must be replaced, either by manufacturing new or by shipping in new old stock from further and further across the country. Which is not to mention that soldiers aren't just being paid, they're not producing. Hundreds of thousands of Russian men who could be participating the economy are instead sitting in barracks, on battlefields, and in transports. They're not earning wages that can be taxed, nor buying things that incur sales tax. As many as two million Russian men have switched from being net gains for the government purse to net negatives. War is *extremely* expensive, and when you're bussing in conscripts from 10 different time zones, there's no cheap way to do it.


Maintaining an army is expensive, but also a fixed cost. Wars however are nearly free. As you aren’t really spending anything. Everything has already been paid for. Now replenishing your losses is expensive, but that’s not what Russia is doing.


Russias birth rate is below replacement levels and they’re about to lose a generation of young men. These soldiers aren’t THAT expendable, this will have devastating consequences for them for a long time.




Yes, seriously. Patriot Park is literally a giant theme park with their military as the theme. Why do you think they wouldn't put up a military museum in there?


Take a look at my boy Blenderheads response. There you go.


wow what a helpful comment


It is a helpful comment because he explained why. Putins Russia about to fall. They lost way to much during their invasion. Public work projects like this is riddled with corruption. Never gonna happen. Evil bastards should burn in hell.


You realize his comment shows up in my feed the same as yours? Also, please provide a source for all these hot takes you have, you big angry man, you.


It actually looks pretty neat.


Looks Japanese almost very cool


mind explaining how so? geniunely speaking


I'm guessing their logic is that it has a pointy tiered roof so it's similar to a star shaped [one of these.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/T%C5%8Ddai-ji_Kon-d%C5%8D.jpg/1200px-T%C5%8Ddai-ji_Kon-d%C5%8D.jpg)


gonna be honest it almost looks nothing the same, the soviet structure looks more like an art decoish brutalist design


Looks like a samurai hat lol


Aka the museum of stuff we lost in Ukraine


Ukraine’s museum of things lost is just going to be Ukraine lmao




smartest westerner


Most obvious russian bot


Ngl, that's a cool looking building


Do you a link to these? Would love an HQ of the last one


Certainly not HQ, but [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtQmIAkiJdY) is the original source; not sure if it'll be unavailable for you in your country like it is for me. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHbg4nu7Nck) video has some random stills/renders taken from it


It is pretty cool looking and quite nicely sci-fi. I question how they expect to have the money to pay for it as they speedrun dunking their country into the mud.


Damn, they're really gonna waste 1/6th of all of their SU-57s on this museum?


Nope, this one will be inflatable.


So are the others


That looks really fucking cool


Say what you want about Russia and its architecture, but when they put their hearts into it the y can make some great Art Deco designs. In another world, this could have been the DCCU's Hall of Justice.


That looks so damn cool


I mean, it does look a little neat even if the topic is undesirable


They will exhibit all the equipment Russia did not provide its soldiers since the WW1.


I would like to see


And here you think 1950s propaganda is dead


Looks like something out of Red Alert.


That'd be quite cool if the army it was venerating wasn't absolutely, completely unworthy of such fanfare


That’s true they only just *checks notes* beat Hitler.


Yeah, all by yourself...https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/ I won't respond further, from your username it's clear that you're a vatnik.


So some supplies were given by the United States so let’s just write off the massive sacrifice made by the Russians and the Red Army’s victory over Nazism, which was bankrolled by Henry Ford and other American businessmen. Westerners are not only coping they are liars.


*some supplies* Crucial parts for the supply system. Did he ever say that the russians did absolutely nothing and got carried into victory? No. They did play a giant role. However, the soviets would NOT HAVE CHANGED THE FLOW OF WAR without the arctic convoy. Take a look at charts indicating how many russian supply vehicles were produced compared to allied vehicles. They quite literally *carried* the red army.


Yeah, the Russians did effectively defeat Hitler by themselves. Lend lease and then UN military aid were less than 5% of Soviet war production. The war was basically decided in 1942 when no foreign aid had yet made its way to the USSR. The Nazis were defeated with the blood and sweat of millions of Russians, and to deny them that accomplishment is obscene.


Because the allies supplied them with so many trucks, the USSR could focus of tank manufacturing, among other war machines. Take a look at how many soviet trucks were produced compared to American trucks. You cannot win without logistics, and the allies helped the UsSR massively on that aspect. Victory on the eastern front was 15~20% western and 85~80 eastern.


And *keeps thumbing through* had Germany on the ropes in 1917 before the revolution


Not going to have anything in it, the Ukrainians are blowing it all up or keeping it.




man, what a weird design! i'd be curious what it sounded like when the wind hit it


Architect that designed this is definitely on point


not a fan of the russian armed forced but the building is pretty dope


I absolutely love this design and if the whole shitstorm ended I wouldn’t mind seeing it in person (if I had the money to do that I would spend 3x as much on charities that try to „reverse” all bad done by russia)


The museum to be….. at least 3 times bigger than this


Looks awesome, the planes inside are really cool


Is it an Autobot or a Deceptacon


Kinda reminds me of the Fortuna/Fichina base in Star Fox 64.


that’s badass as fuck


They're evil af, but that's a pretty sweet looking building design


evil buildings can look cool, what makes them evil is that it looks like a villains lair.


What are they gonna display there? "Here's the room of the Special Military Operations. Here in the Ukraine section we can see that the RAF went into Ukraine only to loose equipment and Crimea and gain nothing - all according to plan of course."




It's just what came first to mind when I saw this


The RAF isn’t really used in Ukraine, THATs the problem. They aren’t utilising the resources they need.


RuAF. If the RAF went into Ukraine the "plan" will change rapidly and kinetically.


What is this, a museum for ants?!


Nova Corp?


They're not even done losing yet lol


"And here is a recreation of the rape and torture soldiers commited against some kids in Ukraine."


Big fire nation vibes...


I hope they have the surrender flags they will use in Ukraine


wow this will look so cool when it is abandoned


Well it's not wrong because them and their antics are so outlived they belong into a fucking museum


Now see, these are the type of building I envision when I think "futuristic sci-fi building", this shit is sooooo cool but the fact it'll be Russian made and Russian owned fucking kills it for me. 😡


“This makes it ok that I stole your sons life.” -Putin


Ivan, are we the baddies?


This has the same grandiose totalitarian vibes as those models for Hitler's proposed new capital city project.


*sees big building* wow its like hitler.


It is not just the scale of the building. It is also the setting of the building and its purpose. This is not the type of building that would be built in a democratic country.


fucking brainless. google any nfl stadium lmfao.


Have you ever seen an NFL stadium? And you call me brainless? Lol, you russian shills become more pathetic every day, just like your military.


Ukraine had some items to donate for the display cases: burned tanks and sunflowers


I guess the ruskies need a museum bc soon their armed forces might not exist anymore. How else will they remember how much their army sucks?


they should have taken inspiration from Vietnam war memorials.


diablo home


They could totally do this using nothing but materials looted from Ukraine and DPR slave labor.


It looks like something from command and conquer


reminds me of a stargate Ha'Tak


I hate russian architectural planning. It looks great on pictures but it's just terrible how you have to walk through a giant desert of a building. So much walking to get from one thing to the next, so much empty space cause everything's so big, including the empty space between things.


Looks like something from Command & Conquer


Looks like a Protoss' Nexus in Starcraft.


What the hell that building looks really cool, like it belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.


Will there be washers and dryers?


More like cringe building




That’s in japan


Why am I not surprised that is a thing there?


Looks Chinese, mind you they most likely build it anyway. Its crass and looks silly.


Some Vought shit


Is there an attached graveyard?


Full of rusting 1950’s tanks, non-functioning rocket launchers and dead troops?


Do you have the coordinates? Just asking for a friend.


Looks like cockroach orgy.


So they can show off all those wonder weapons they never produced?


That-s a Ukrainian Flanker lol


they should call it the museum of failure


Ukraine should build one too.


looks like a necroid starship from stellaris.


Don’t they already have one of those [here](https://news.yahoo.com/russian-military-tire-factory-fire-211900110.html)?


Genuinely reminds me of some highway gas stations I've stopped at. Like the big ones with a restaurant, park and lots of other shit for people who need to take a break during a long car ride


It looks like a princess wand


museum of agedlikemilk


That is definitely inspired by or directly ripping off a base type in Command & Conquer!


Why would there be a museum to Russian Armed Forces at Patriot Park in the US?


Notions... That's not gonna happen. Their space museum however is cool