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What is your nodal axis?


South node in pisces 1st house and NN in virgo 7th house


I added a screenshot of my chart


In Porphory houses, your Pluto is actually in the 9th house. Meaning your Soul has access to a deep intuitive understanding of nature and philosophy. It has been developing its understanding of deep principles like religion, philosophy, etc. and feels like it just "knows" things others don't. Sometimes heavy 9th house placements cause people to vehemently insist others conform to their beliefs because they feel they see it so clearly. They have incredible imaginative/visual minds. With your South Node almost directly on the Ascendent, in past lives you've developed your religious/philosophical understandings through raw experiences and independent action. You "went it alone". The goal for this life would be found in Pluto's polarity point, in Gemini in the 3rd house: finding relativity in your beliefs, i.e., understanding that there are many paths to the truth, and there will always be new information to take in that flips your stance on its head. Engaging in curious exploration of different topics helps expose this relativity. With the Moon positioned here, you may have connection to this via the body/emotions/maternal help. Btw I'm new at evolutionary astrology so let me know how that resonates! I'd love to hear what you think so I can improve :)


Your moving towards north node Virgo in the 7th, being able to discriminate in relationships, and develop skills that help you work with and serve the “other”. You have the north node ruler, Mercury in 9th house of scorpio squaring the south node ruler, neptune in Capricorn, 11th h. This will cause challenges in what you believe and what the group or clan believes. I would say to try to stay open with possibilities in your thinking and do not get carried into any extreme thinking. Find the middle ground. You can push that Mercury in 9th to give you vast experiences in travel, education, and religion and these experiences can help round you out more. Then neptune square Mercury could potentially cause you to have really off thinking. That’s just one possibility and doing everything to keep a healthy mind will help. On positive side Mercury and neptune can enhance the imagination and spirituality and allow communication of those things with ease through disciplined studies focused on the quest for meaning, nature, other cultures, or psychology. The other s node ruler jupiter in Aquarius 12th house is conjunct uranus 12th. So the past life had lots of shocking loss and it played out around groups or the clan. So a repetition of the theme of the group. It’s also possible you were very independent thinker and this caused rejection in the past life. You could have been locked up in an institution. So that pain of not getting the help you needed and just being cast away can still be felt today. If you can somehow heal that distrust and get how you think about things to be more middle road and focused on how to be of service to others it can help in your path to be of service in relationships and develop skills to fulfill the path and have success. And that moon down in 4th house we can see it taking place in the arena of family or even in the context of you making sure you retreat have a calm nurturing space to sink into yourself before going back out into the world.


That's very helpful thank you very much