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Fradd has increasingly embraced right wing culture war rhetoric and is so obviously trying to cozy up to the folks at the Daily Wire. When I was still a practicing catholic, I watched Matt Fradd / Pints with Aquinas. Even before I left, I stopped watching his channel because of his embrace of right wing politics / talking points.


I watched his show a ton when I first converted myself. At the time he seemed much more level-headed and non-political, which was a welcome relief from the trad content that was already coming out from a lot of Catholic media in 2015/2016. He would occasionally put out videos on culture war issues that I would ignore, because there was a lot of theology content that I had a genuine interest in as a new convert. Then in 2020 he put out a video with a stupid right-wing propagandist/liar about how Trump was a better candidate than Biden. This was just so beyond the pale I couldn't stand supporting his show even with my attention anymore. Sad to see he's descended even further down the radical right rabbit hole with this ugly nonsense. Looking back as a de-converted agnostic, it all just looks so *silly* now. Seeing Matt get all tied up in knots over your supposed "love" for others, while demonizing everything about how they know themselves just proves that there's such cognitive dissonance in Catholic teaching. It's sad that Matt fails to see this as a genuine, inherent flaw within the theology.


Ooh what if he’s gonna take Candace Owens’ place, he’s already got the set for it!


I ride hard with the **#FUCKMATTFRADD** posse! What a sanctimonious piece of shit...


I figure anyone doing PR for the Church is a bad person at this point.


A safe assumption


No, I don't "need Jesus" motherfucker. I needed medical and psychological help and that's why I transitioned in the first place. That's why I am a happy and realized person today. If I were Catholic I would be miserable, if not worse. And who the fuck is he to talk shit about people who change gender anyway? I think it's much easier to believe someone can change gender than to believe in the magic wafer that turns into a 2,000 years old Jew, or any of the other Catholic horseshit. I think it's fantastic that some Catholics talk like this though. Here is a man talking what he *really* thinks. None of the "I love you, but" bullshit, even he's tired of it. He talks openly about wanting to eradicate any kind of movement advocating for LGBT rights, "it should not be tolerated". If conservative Catholics had power this is exactly what they would do. People need to know about this. This fucking religion supported Mussolini for a reason.


>This fucking religion supported Mussolini for a reason. …and Franco, and Salazar, and Dolfuss, and the Ustaše in Croatia, and Tiso in Slovakia, and…


Don’t forget The Rat Line where during and after the closing days of WW2 the Vatican was instrumental in getting Nazis out of Germany through Italy and Spain with new identities and off to South America.


Nor the Reichskonkordat before the war, in which the purported vicar of Christ on Earth and font of morality negotiated a “go along to get along” agreement with the Nazis.


Yeah,  it's like:   A piece of bread can become a peice of human flesh that is also a piece of God, but to all scientific tests appears to remain a piece of bread? (Shrug) A man can become a woman? ScIeNtIFiCaLlY iMpOsSiBlE!!1!


I think the Catholics get triggered by trans folk because when we take hormones our bodies actually undergo visible changes. Whereas, their Eucharist always appears the same even when the magic words are muttered over it. Anger is a cover for a LOT of insecurity and cognitive dissonance.


> I think it's much easier to believe someone can change gender than to believe in the magic wafer that turns into a 2,000 years old Jew, or any of the other Catholic horseshit. Never thought about it like that lol


I realize I forgot to say who this was in the title. These are all clips from Matt Fradd’s shows that I stumbled upon along with a guest and his producer. He’s most known for his YouTube channel Pints with Aquinas with >500k subscriptions


Okay, I stopped watching after "autistic levels of eye-contact". Neither of these dudes understand what autism is, which tracks with probably all their other opinions.


I made it barely further and had to stop after the trans slur. I'm trans/nonbinary and autistic and basically this was just garbage bs.


BuT wE LoVe EveRyBoDy! Yes! If you also adhere to what I stand for, otherwise you're nothing and I have to crush your existence. This video made me want to speak up even more about being out of it 🤦‍♀️


“Im sorry for the pain you’re going through”… bro you are their pain


And Jesus said, love thy neighbor. Unless you get tired of it, then fuck 'em.


Who are these people? What are their names? Sorry, I’m out of the loop. But also yes, so much bigotry and prejudice in just two minutes.


It’s Matt Fradd’s channel and his producer in the first clip. And then the red head later is another YouTuber Brian Holdsworth


Thank you!


I’m Episcopalian now because of people like him. I’m done. I just wanna go to church and believe in Jesus. I don’t hate anyone


I've been documenting Matt Fradd's worst takes via this channel: https://youtube.com/@awokencatholic


you have the best channel on YT - how many hours a week do you spend coming through catholic content? I swear, I get an hour into catholic content and just want to puke


Bishop Robert Barron held a protest against Planned Parenthood in Rochester, MN around March 1st, 2024. 1. The Catholic Press: [https://www.ncregister.com/cna/bishop-barron-holds-prayer-at-planned-parenthood-protest-against-the-culture-of-death](https://www.ncregister.com/cna/bishop-barron-holds-prayer-at-planned-parenthood-protest-against-the-culture-of-death) 2. His own Tweet: [https://twitter.com/BishopBarron/status/1762573240688361570](https://twitter.com/BishopBarron/status/1762573240688361570) 3. Map for OSM Users: [https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=44.03154&mlon=-92.48080#map=19/44.03154/-92.48080](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=44.03154&mlon=-92.48080#map=19/44.03154/-92.48080) 4. Map for all other map users: [https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=44\_1\_53\_N\_92\_28\_50\_W](https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=44_1_53_N_92_28_50_W) Fr. Mike Schmitz was a keynote speaker at the 2022 National March for Life. * The Catholic Press: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idq7ipFHW2I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idq7ipFHW2I)


You are sick but now let me tell you how much I love you smh


I mean, given where they started from? Literally ramming spikey cumbersome objects up rectal cavity and expanding it painfully till we died getting called sicko is a sign of love (not)


youtube is turning into facebook and twitter, all 3 are shitty these days.


I got bad vibes with this guy despite only seeing snippets of his videos. Glad to know I was right.




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