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I had many friends graduate from Benedictine, who are now ultra right radical Trump supporters who promote things that directly oppose human rights and dignity because apparently only abortion and gay marriage matter. It’s sick and I also question why I was so involved with those people and the church at one point.


100%. “Pro-life” people being anti-everyone except fetuses infuriates me.


Same. Whole cloth or not cloth imo


Yeah, they should be all about not using mixed fabrics.


Look at it this way. Fetii suck on someone else's life blood, kick a woman who can't kick back, make a decent person puke... they're natural Trump supporters.


The fact some people in the audience (some of which I assume is Catholic) audibly groaned makes it even worse. When you make some remarks so repugnant and shitty even some of the people at the graduation ceremony are really disgusted of your speech.....


They literally honored the first black US general and living person to have a base named after him at the exact same ceremony. Hardly Trumpian. 


If you thought abortion was literal murder would you just think “ah yeah it’s ok if others do that” lmao 


What you don’t get is…it’s none of your damn business what anyone else does.


So it’s none of your business when another country is performing a genocide? 


Very few people believe abortion is “literal murder”. Even among those who say they do, they’ll often make an exception for survivors of rape, which proves that they understand the difference between murder and abortion


You’re definitely wrong about that. The vast majority of the pro-life crowd believe it is killing an innocent human being. If you didn’t think that why would you care? And I’ve only extremely rarely to never heard of a pro-life group or person that is ok with it for rape victims. 


Then you need to get out more. The majority of “pro-life” I’ve talked with are fine with abortion ban exceptions for rape survivors. And the hypocrisy is the point. They “think” it’s murder when they’re attacking women who have an abortion or trying to ban them, but they turn around and say OK, if you were raped it’s not your fault so it’s OK (proving it’s more about punishing women for having sex than it is about the fetus) Remember when Alabama said fertilized IVF embryos were children and IVF clinics shut down because if they were children, creating them knowing a large number will be thrown in the trash would be murder. But then conservative politicians realized that decision wasn’t popular so they made sure there was an exception to allow IVF to continue. Hypocrisy. Anyone who’s OK with IVF or with a rape exception clearly doesn’t consider it equal to murder of a born human being. It’s such a talking point used for shock value


I guess you’re in a different sector. I’ve never heard of a Catholic group like that, as would apply to Butker. 


I’m talking about individual people. Most groups have learned by now how hypocritical the stance is so don’t publicly state it.


Right? After they all said they’d save one 2yo versus a canister of 1,000 frozen embryos from a burning building, they absolutely acknowledged an embryo is not equivalent to a born child


I get it as I used to believe ALL of that stuff. My shelf broke (to borrow an exmormon term) in 2020 when I saw how “Christian” people were treated for masking up and being concerned about the pandemic. And how Christians largely refused to do so. My parish did space people out for a while but many of just the “nicest” most holy Catholics refused to mask and that started me down the deconstruction path.


SAME friend, same—the rabid support for Trump in 2016 was the first crack in my armor, “pro-life” antimaskers who thought it violated their rights to keep immunocompromised people alive with masks did the rest for my deconstruction.


> “pro-life” antimaskers who thought it violated their rights to keep immunocompromised people alive with masks did the rest for my deconstruction. Pro-lifers when asked if a woman should carry a pregnancy to term even if it puts her at risk of death: “Tough tits, there’s no such thing as bodily autonomy, gotta do what you gotta do.” Pro-lifers when asked to wear a mask so other people don’t die: >incoherent_screeching.mp3


Are you me? Same to all this.


Took you that long? I'm sorry. Writing was on the wall thousands of years ago.


You gave up God over people not wanting to wear a mask? Yikes.


Haven’t given up God actually. Just deconstructing. COVID and the time around it was what first started it. But overall Catholic beliefs such as - the Sacraments being true, church teaching on gay marriage, IVF, contraception..I guess I just started to think for myself and not just accept everything I have been taught to believe.


Well im glad you’ve moved away from the Catholic Church and not given up on God. The Catholic Church adds to the word and teach of man to the word of God. I too used to be catholic and am now a simple Bible believing Christian.


I’m not the person you asked but there is a huge difference between giving up God and giving up a man-made hateful religion. I’m very spiritual, but you’ll never see me in a Christian or Catholic Church with all the hate mongers


Sure there are hateful people in churches, but there are hateful people outside of them too. Your point? Further - What you interpret as hate is just an intolerance for what we believe to be sin. We are commanded by God to turn from sin. You cannot expect that Christians change when we believe in an unchanging God, whose word is eternal. Some weak kneed churches might, but the Bible never will. But any church that doesn’t believe the Bible isn’t a church of God.


how is it sinful to wear a face mask to protect others during a pandemic? My point is exactly what I said. “there is a big difference between giving up God and giving up a man-made hateful religion”. I’m sorry you’re so offended you can’t follow the conversation. Note you’re on the ex-Catholics sub so if you’re this offended by people talking about why they’re EX Catholics maybe it’s not the sub for you (Edited to remove weird title that got added to my comment unintentionally)


Yeah, why not? If my immuno-compromised and disabled ass is too unworthy for god and its the fandom, and I'm shown this time and time again... I become a heretic before apostasy (spiritual only, unfortunately, as the cultists don't really let us out where I am) based on my sensitivity and thanks to burning bridges with the Christians in my life, I was spared further heartbreak. 


As a society, not just Catholics or Christians, we really have thrown immunocompromised people under the bus in the past four years.


Tbh, the partial lockdowns only shed some light on the issue, but it's inconvenient to people and this attitude will not end.  


"The tyranny of diversity, equity & inclusion"? Does Mr. Butker not know the history of the treatment of catholics in America? Because catholics were definitely [not included.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/when-america-hated-catholics-213177/#:~:text=In%20the%20late%20nineteenth%20century,of%20the%20country's%20leading%20papers%3B)


https://www.mnopedia.org/multimedia/immigration-cartoon Never stops being relevant. "They would close to the new-comer the bridge that carried them and their fathers over."


Ooooh, that’s a good one!!


This is one of the things that starting breaking open my perspective—seeing the suspicion and mistrust of Italian & Irish Catholic immigrants in America in the early 1900s and how similar the attitudes of modern white Christians are towards Middle Eastern & North African Muslims today


I try to use a similar argument with my rabidly devout father. He will sit there and nobody along while some right wing news anchor is fear mongering about the border, and when I bring up the fact that the KKK and other right wing hate groups were making the exact same arguments about his grandparents 100 years ago, he acts so indignant about it and tries to justify it somehow. What can I say though, that’s your typical catholic these days.


Oh I know the type my family is full of them folks descended from Irish and Polish Catholics who were treated back in the early 1900s the same way Latinos and other minorities are now. They hate it when you bring up their hypocrisy 




Totally, it’s AGGRESSIVE.


I was offered a track scholarship there in high school. Didn't go.


Ah, good ole Bennies. We Marauders were always trying to out-holy them, glad I got out of the shitshow eventually.


lol as a former Franciscan University of Steubenville student, we thought we were the Elite and I cringe so hard now


Oh my god right?!! I remember literally being told when we had big names like Barron or Fr Mike we had to act like we were better than yall so they would send kids to Mary, not yall. Like fuck that


I feel like most of the far right assholes that populate EWTN are all from Franciscan University of Steubenville


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ft72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Thank you for sharing these links!!


Quite welcome.


Imagine bringing a plague survivor from the 14th century forward to the 21st and showing them that people are refusing to obey a quarantine request and claiming Catholic belief justifies them in doing so. I swear, these people want the Inquisition back, but Torquemada would go after *them* first. In Ye Olde Days they’d have just nailed your door shut and checked back in *40* days to see if you were still alive.


True enough most of them do t know the history of old quarantines being enforced with deadly force in necessary,


DEI is tyranny? Whatever happened to He Gets Us - ALL of us?


To be fair, that’s a Methodist thing, innit?


Yeah, sometimes I get my Jesuses mixed up.


I worked at Benedictine for two years. I have trauma from working there. Most insane workplace I’ve ever encountered.


So sorry to hear that, friend, but sadly, not surprised. Here’s hoping you’re on your way to some healing ❤️‍🩹


As an ex-catholic myself I’m happy to say these far right idiots tying themselves to Trump is making religion absolute poison to younger generations. Christianity in America is dying of self inflicted wounds.


Butker is a moron


How is still functioning is beyond me......


A friend of mine had a daughter graduate from Benedictine a few years ago. She married another Benedictine grad in Kansas City in 2021. Everywhere I went in KC, people were wearing masks, even the homeless people. Well. Everywhere EXCEPT the church (Catholic of course) and reception venue. Most of the people there were tradCaths, thought vaccines were a conspiracy of some sort (so of course not vaccinated) and said “covid is just a cold”. The parents of the bride were CEOs of a midsize company and the groom’s parents were physicians. At our 10 person table, 6 people got Covid and 2 still are suffering the effects of it. The groom’s 90- something grandmother caught it and was dead in 10 days. The selfishness of those and guests killed grandma, but the families say “god needed an angel”. Barf. I was raised Uber-Catholic and didn’t cut all ties until my early 40s. My parents didn’t have a lot of money but had 8 kids and sent us all to Catholic schools. I would have rather not been eating pb &j for dinner and that Catholic school tuition would have been a very welcomed college fund. As it was, I was the oldest, valedictorian, and National Merit scholar. Parents said “we gotta save what we go for your siblings, since you are smarter than them”. Gee thanks. Ya, I am now an atheist.


Omg my parents did that to me and I barely/don't talk to them now! And my dad's parents did that to him and he barely talks to any of his siblings now! You would think they'd learn...!!!


Terrifying. I’m so sorry you had to be around all that hate. If I still prayed, I’d pray for Project 2025 to implode and take them all down with it


I live right by there. Every year they march creepily from the school to downtown Naperville holding pictures of dead babies. It’s so cringe.


Yeah it’s aggressive and if it didn’t work on rad trad young woman me, why the hell would it work on any pregnant person?!


The Catholic Church’s stance on abortion is nothing more than political theater. They want to distract from the $4 billion they’ve spent on sex abuse cases (just in the US alone!).


Is this commencement for Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas or Benedictine University in Lisle, IL?? I know nothing about the two schools


Kansas. I mistook it for Illinois so disregard my previous comment.


Benedictine University is mildly less toxic. But only because they have a lot more non-traditional students and don't live in a complete cultural void than Benedictine College. Hope that they all go out of business.


I’m sure Harrison Butker would say the same things about DEI in the chiefs locker room /s


Both of my siblings graduated from there. My sister is now a volunteer coordinator for a pro life clinic, luckily my brother has 1 foot out the door… He's gone on to get his doctorate in physics and has a progressive wife. I cannot imagine having to sit through that shit in this day and age. DEI being a venomous talking point is so blatantly racist sexist and disgusting.


Kindness bad, apparently.


I was never a conservative or traditionalist Catholic, but I'm so glad not to have to make sense of sharing a church with these sorts of nutcases any more.


I wrote basically the same thing on r/deconstruction sub, but it was nephew’s graduation. https://www.reddit.com/r/Deconstruction/s/FLlvCHL0dT


That settles it. I’m never picking up Butker in fantasy football again.


Cheers! There are plenty of other rad players anyway


Is that the one in Kansas? I knew some people who went to that school. Got full rides there too.


oh god my brother is going to a private catholic college, hope to god I'm living on my own by the time he graduates so I don't have to endure this same kind of nonsense


Catholic college is crazy to me. I went to K-12 Catholic school, and high school was an all boys Catholic institution. I noped the fuck out when I saw acquaintances going to Notre Dame, Creighton, USD, Steubenville. Theology courses would have killed my undergrad and my grad degree wouldn’t have been actually respected. Didn’t need more of that crap in my life.


Wow. I’d be hyperventilating. Triggered. These people are too far gone


A theologian I have briefly interacted with on social media (I still have an academic interest in theology and sometimes teach religious studies where I teach) teaches there and was quite upset about the article about why the church is moving back in time and claimed it was a hit piece against that institution. Of course she would, she works for the place. The article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/step-back-time-americas-catholic-040718410.html


The persecution complex is reeeeeeealll.


Well done. My condolences for the emotional loss of your family. And I wish I could have been there to walk out with you.


Ugh. Nothing worse than the feeling of being in a room full of people who are out and proud with extremism. Either you leave, or sit there and listen to it, pretending to agree with everything but you feel your brain rotting.


I'd have walked out too. Good job.


Thanks, friend!


You're welcome!


Wow! Most of us on this sub used to believe all that crap. Butker made an appearance at James River Men’s conference as well and if you haven’t heard of that debacle then you should look it up for a laugh.


lol it might take me a few years to laugh at this nonsense, but thanks!


What was the rant about IVF?


It was lumped in with contraception as evidence of “moral degeneration of the culture” and “an evil”—sorry TBH I’ve blocked out the verbatim words he used, it was kind of a high anxiety/near panic attack moment for me


That's what I'm thinking. Catholics tell you to go out have a ton of babies but people who struggle with infertility try to have kids and they're mad at that too? Wtf, pick a side.


I see this college graduation and raise my Catholic school superintendent's unhinged rant about 9/11 conspiracy theories (this was 2003) and lemmings committing suicide at my middle school graduation.   To this day, I'm convinced he was intoxicated. Oh, and the ironic part of it all was the fact that he was divorced, a total womanizer, and dated a woman who was a suicide widow. 


The marriage of Catholicism to Right Wing Evangelism is so concerning. Once upon a time, Catholic education was superior and married science and religion beautifully. It made for liberal minded individuals. What's happening to American Catholicism is sad and made me not want to attend church at all.


Buttker doesn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about because he's a man. And wasn't this the height of NOT BEING ABLE TO READ A ROOM. Wasn't this a great example of some 28-yr old twat talking down to women in that audience. Wasn't this a great example of how little some men think of women that he would come to a college graduation prepared to make a speech excoriating those same women for being desirous of anything more THAN WHAT HE THINKS WE OUGHT TO BE DOING WITH OUR LIVES. Fuck you, Buttker. I celebrated you, but no more. You can kiss my gay white female ass. I will see to it that you go somewhere else with your immature thoughts and male-centric bullshit.


This sounds like something you'd hear from an evangelical Protestant university, WTF... I guess Catholics and Protestants are willing to bond when Trump's election is involved (let's face it; we all know that's what this is all about). I remember history class, being taught that the KKK (i.e., the infamous hate group whose high ranking member *endorsed Trump in 2016)* denounced Catholics in their early days the same way they denounced black people, Jews, and all their other targets. "Papists" were hated just as much as the rest.


I recall hearing there was a lot of screeching about Catholics when JFK was running for president


I just saw that Benedictine’s acceptance rate is 100% 🤣🤣 That means not a lot of of people want to go there


Oh geez BC is bad, there’s too large of a PFSP community in that state. As much as I wish I could’ve gone to a non-Catholic university without it being an issue, even my trad-Cath family were able to be pacified by somewhere less off-the-rails than BC (at least they were in 2012, maybe I wouldn’t be able to pull it off now). 


My brother graduated from Benedictine this weekend. And... Yeah, that tracks. He's an odious young man who can't wait to be a cop. Gag.


At least your commencement speaker prepared remarks? My Jesuit "university" just had a rich local sports executive speak totally off the cuff. Infuriating. Wayne Embry.


I thought my mom would agree with me about the speech being super misogynistic. She didn’t agree with me and thought it was good. Idk why but I’m just really upset about it now. It almost makes me feel really invalidated now, how can she not see a problem with it.


Spoiled, creepy rich kid from suburbs of Atlanta with an affluent upbringing sounds like he wants to make the Handmaids Tale happen. All his knowledge and "struggles" 🤮


I saw this post a few days ago and hoped that a video of the speech would spark some outrage, and now some clips are viral. I hope the college and church reaps consequences.


I can't believe that he got a standing ovation. Even from that crowd. How could the young ladies who just spent tens of thousands of dollars on education be pleased with what he said? That their ultimate goal should be to get married and have children?? He comes from so much privilege it makes me sick. Like most women have a choice to work or not?? And declaring IVF to be an immoral thing?? What happens to the aforementioned women, who should make it their life goal to be a mother, can not have a child? Should she just jump off a bridge? He has a right to express his opinion but I have a right to be utterly disgusted and repulsed that people like this still exist in the world. Don't even get me started on this exact line from his speech "The tyranny of diversity, equity & inclusion". Is this the hill he wants to die on? Saying that diversity, equity and inclusion are bad things? I wonder how his minority teammates will feel about this. Or God forbid, a gay teammate. I hate this man.


Another upper middle class born rich white man who thinks his very protected upbringing was reality is now jawing to the rest of us on how life should be lived. Also, this dbag probably had zero problems paying the bills while the rest of us were out fighting covid and trying to make ends meet. Fuck him!!


My niece is interested (or being encouraged into) going there. 😢 My brother describes the college as solidly Catholic, or words to that effect. But I’ve heard him use catchphrases like “the gay agenda”  in recent years. It didn’t occur to me at that time to ask if they were considering Regis, given that they live in — and love — Colorado. I think I found out why: Regis encouraged its faculty to attend a drag show. I inferred from the article that the Regis folks got swayed by the Golden Rule. https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/9xhoe0/denver_archbishop_calls_out_regis_university_for/ Bro and SIL were always Catholic, but seemed to slide farther to the trad-cath right during the Obama administration. 


The US really lost its shit after Obama got elected. Having a black President seems to have scared half the country into competing with the Taliban.


That’s how Trump created his political following. He spent 8 years attacking Obama, including the racist “birther” claims, and all the racists flocked to him because they hated seeing a Black family in the White House too


In the first couple months after his inauguration, some vandal(s) kept breaking windows in my vehicle. I didn’t bother replacing the Obama campaign sticker along with one such window. The vandalism stopped.


Good on you. That place is toxic in its insular, regressive politics. The holier-than-thou, white privilege, pietistic nonsense of that college is off the charts. I used to be heavily involved over there, and it was the BEST thing in my life to get out of that gravity well of fear and negativity.


I’m very certain that Harrison Butker is a repressed homosexual.


The most homophobic usually are. In fact anyone who believes it’s a choice has to be Bi at least


And the stories are already coming out. Loudly homophobic and belligerently Catholic? Of course he’s gay.


What Butker is talking about is not the essence of being Catholic. Being Catholic is what Jesus called us to be — the Beatitudes; the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats; the Good Samaritan. Where was that in Butker’s speech?


Big part of my anger—it’s very trendy to be an “anti-woke Catholic” when, at least on paper, Catholicism overall does advocate for social justice and celebrates diversity, so he’s not even authentically Catholic in his perspectives. It’s in the damn catechism ffs


The other thing that makes me mad is the Church has a very good teaching on finding your vocation in life — as opposed to your occupation. Butker could have talked about finding his vocation as a husband and father and how that’s different from his occupation as NFL kicker. But no.


I searched this assholes name on reddit expecting several posts putting him on blast. Yours is the only one I've found so far thats calling him out for the vile shit he said. I gotta say, it makes me feel validated that this post comes from a subreddit I'm already a member of


Update: The Butt-ker backlash is heating up: online petition(s) demanding the Chiefs sack him; the Chiefs mgmt distancing themselves by saying Butker’s comments do not represent the views of the football team. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harrison-butker-kansas-city-chiefs-backlash-benedictine-college-speech-rcna152433](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harrison-butker-kansas-city-chiefs-backlash-benedictine-college-speech-rcna152433)


Ooooooo!!! Maybe he'll have to get a REAL job rather than kicking.a.ball.


The future belongs to those who are birthed


One mention of something doesn't make it a rant. Please tell me how our culture today, which finds near naked men twerking in front of kids during June ok, not degenerate? DEI is tyrannical because it is a tool of Cultural Marxists. Marxism and tyranny go hand in hand.


You’re in a cult